I am the happiest mother! “I am the happiest mother in the world!”: a touching story of one adoption Status: how good it is to be a mother

My baby - he is the cutest, the smartest and the most beautiful, the most dear person, my dear son!

The last word should always remain with the man... and it should be: “Of course, Beloved!”

Perhaps this is happiness - when in your life there is a big and a small...

You can only give birth to the ideal man yourself.

You live in every beat of my heart...

Smile - and he will smile back...

Just imagine you have a little bundle in your arms that needs nothing but love and warmth... and he loves you more than his life...


Oh, take care of the mothers of your daughters - my son is growing!!!)))))))

Most the best man listed in the Red Book - in my passport))

For me, gold is not what glitters, but what crawls, laughs and turns everything upside down...

I got the best man in the world! He calls me "Mom"!

Only when you approach the crib where yours sleeps little baby, you truly understand what happiness is...

I will tell you who is the best of men. And who in the world is more valuable than all others... He is my most beloved... He is MY SON. And there couldn’t be anyone dearer!

Children are worries, difficulties, screaming, noise, chaos. But when you approach them sleeping, straighten the blanket, kiss their nose, cheeks, and you understand that this is the greatest happiness in life!!!

Nothing can complement freshly hung wallpaper in a room more effectively than children's drawing felt-tip pen!

How unimportant everything around you becomes - money, career, envy, clothes, cars... when a little treasure is quietly snoring next to you!

Even the pangs of pregnancy, childbirth and other things cannot overshadow those moments of happiness when you look at this little creature and realize that this is your child!

The most pleasant thing in life is to see your little copy crawling on the carpet smiling and understand how much you love him!

Happiness is when you have it small miracle with your eyes!

There is someone in whose hands my heart is. Whose laughter brightens my whole day. Whose smile shines brighter than the sun for me. Whose happiness makes me happy. This is my son.

All the joy of life fits in the smile of a child!

I will kiss your soft little hand, I will barely touch your nose with my lips... My heart skips a beat with love for my son... What a blessing it is that I have you!

What a blessing it is that I have a son, beautiful eyes and chubby cheeks, a cheerful smile and sonorous children's laughter and this little man is more precious than anyone else in the world!!!

A girl will be truly happy when she has two happinesses: one will say “Beloved”, and the second will say “Mom”

The only person worth running after is the one who will shout to you: “Catch up, Mom!”

A child’s smile can disperse the gloomiest clouds, stop heavy rains, drive away melancholy...

Nothing sounds more threatening to a cat than words. small child"SOUSTER"

If there are toys scattered around the house, the wallpaper is torn, you do laundry every day, all small items are above your height... it means HAPPINESS LIVES in the house!

The best thing that can happen in the morning is the invigorating smile of the most beloved person in the world!

The most valuable thing a woman can give a man is a child.

Nothing could be better than holding a piece of yourself in your arms...

A girl's happiness lies in becoming beautiful Bride, beloved Wife and happy Mother...

My greatest happiness is my little son!

I AM A MOTHER! And this is the most important status in my life!

How magical and wonderful it is to simply be a MOTHER! These legs, these hands... how can you not love them!

Being the mother of a son is a reward! And you don’t need more happiness in life! Heir, protector and father - a joy! I am the mother of a son and I am happy about it!

My son is my joy! My strength, my weakness! Nice bright light, I love you son!

With the birth of a child, a woman develops superhuman abilities... to see in the dark... to hear through sleep... to walk silently and not sleep for days...

Happiness is the patter of little feet on the floor, it's kisses and hugs, it's toys scattered throughout the house, eaten sweets and cookies, it's the smile of the most precious person in the world!

There is one little person in my life who always cheers me up and for whom I want to live - this is my child)) This is happiness

My morning always starts with the smile of the dearest person in the world! Because I am a mother!

Any woman deserves to be happy, not to know betrayal, betrayal, insults! To be a queen, not a slave, And graciously allow yourself to be loved...

Mothers of boys know for sure that not all men are assholes...

Diapers and porridge are inevitable; And you can’t avoid other troubles. But the main thing is that kindred tenderness that the baby gave you. You will endure any trials, Now nothing can scare you, Above all titles is only one title, One irreplaceable title - mother! Now you won’t be bored anymore, Now all your sorrows will go to zero - When the baby stretches out his hands to you And says: “Mommy! I love you so much!"

A sleepy smile, a look from your beloved eyes... “Mom, I woke up!” - that's the whole story. Gray Monday blossomed into colors. Little legs... “Mom, I’ve come!” There’s porridge on the wallpaper, there’s a mess in the room, there’s a cat in plasticine - that means it needs to be like this - It’s just morning, it’s always like this with us. Mom's lipstick - where was it? So that the flowers bloom on the walls of the room, So that everyone smiles from beauty, So that later you can wash off lipstick with a rag, You need to get this thing off the shelf! Tomorrow will be Tuesday, morning will be again. Little hands will bring love. And even the rain outside the window doesn’t matter, No matter what happens, we are always together. And even if in this world there is either war or snow, the main thing in the world is children's laughter. So that the fondant flower on the wall blooms, So that you hear in the morning: “Mom, I’ve come”!!!

A family is where the husband is revered, the wife is loved, the children are carefree and happy...

The cure for stress, and for any other illness, is children's hugs, kisses, walks and chants!

For every moment, for every breath, for the fact that God gave me a SON, for the pain, for the happiness, for the success, for the fact that I laugh and cry. For what I still love. For everything I THANK life!!!

The kitten will grow up to be a cat, the mouse will turn into a mouse,
And only for the mother dear Child- forever baby...

My son is the most important, the smartest, the most glorious, the most gentle, the most... He is the BEST with his mother!

Only mothers know that there is nothing more pleasant than a child’s touch, nothing sweeter than a child’s smile, nothing more tender than a child’s cheek and nothing more important than a dear baby!

If you are frozen at night, instead of pulling the blanket over yourself, you go and check if your miracle is frozen... YOU-MOM))))

Happiness comes to the life of every woman sooner or later... It is very easy to recognize him: he has the most delicious cheeks, the most tender smile, and the most sincere eyes!

The quieter the child sits in the room, the scarier it is to enter there)))

Children mean worries, difficulties, screaming, noise, chaos. But when you approach them sleeping, straighten the blanket, kiss their nose, cheeks, and you understand that this is the greatest happiness in life!!!

The most precious treasure is my son!!!

My happiness: big bright eyes, long lush eyelashes, and a ringing laugh =)

My son is just a great guy! My favorite little man!

A woman loves her child more than life itself... and is devoted to the one who loves them both

Close to the heart, there should only be children, everything else is nonsense!

A child's smile is the most Thanks a lot for Mom!

Happiness is when you wake up and realize that you are not alone, that you have that very little man for whom you are ready to do anything, because you are his mother!

A woman in a family is like a translator, only she understands both drunken nonsense and baby babble

If you are a Mom, then you are already doing well, because next to you is your main achievement in life - your child.

There is no greater happiness in this world than being a mother...

Sometimes you snuggle up to this little peacefully sniffling creature, hear the heartbeat and feel this sweet smell... And at that moment you understand, this is the greatest happiness that God has given!

Here it is, Happiness - it ran, jumped, laughed and slept!

When a child arrives, life turns from a zebra to a rainbow.


Girls, if you know any others, write!

She loves her child very much, she takes care of the family and works on relationships, she takes care of everyday life and even works. But still the most happy mom does not forget about himself and his personal space. She has several habits that allow her to feel the joy of life, be filled with energy, recover and bring love and harmony to the family.

So, what habits make mom feel happier?

Habit of the happiest mother No. 1

The happiest mother is not afraid to turn to relatives and friends for help. She goes to the cinema with her husband instead of making a martyr’s sacrifice and always, even when he is sleeping, remains close to the child. A happy mother simply uses the word “please.”

Habit of the happiest mother No. 2

A happy mother must go for a walk with her child at least once a day. And it doesn’t even have to be for a walk—grandmother and even grandfather can push the stroller. Mom just goes outside and looks around, she sees the beauty of nature, notices happy and smiling people around, she herself begins to smile back at them.

Habit of the happiest mother No. 3

The happiest mother is resting. The modern pace of life requires a constant state of emergency :) But sometimes it is very useful to forget about the alarm clock, deadlines and household chores and be transported to sunsets, sand castles and favorite books. Even one or two days of such a reboot give a feeling of joy and satisfaction with life.

Habit of the happiest mother No. 4

Happy mother smiles. Sometimes she does it forcibly. But only in the initial stages. Then it becomes a habit, and the wife greets her husband from work, smiling. She creates a warm glow at home where her husband wants to return.

Habit of the happiest mother No. 5

Happy mother gets enough sleep. At least sometimes. We have already written several tips.

Habit of the happiest mother No. 6

A little physical activity gives good mood. Yes, mothers are busy and busy all day long, but sports are different. This is work on yourself, and when you take a step towards your perfect self, there can be no room for sadness. Place the stroller near the stadium and run one circle around it or do a few squats and bends - that’s better, right?

Habit of the happiest mother No. 7

A happy mother thinks about others. She is caring and gives a lot. She can bake a pie for a retired neighbor or offer to take the child of a mother she knows from the playground to kindergarten. Such actions fill up and become deposits in the bank of karma.

Habit of the happiest mother No. 8

Happy mothers do not compare or compete with each other. They are simply happy with their children, their house, their husband, their car.

Habit of the happiest mother No. 9

Happy mothers love to do pleasant surprises loved ones They put a sweet note in their husband's lunch box and organize unplanned holidays for their children.

Habit of the happiest mother No. 10

A happy mother sometimes breaks the rules. She can even allow the child to take a bath with the dachshund or go to fast food and eat unhealthy, but delicious food. Mom knows when it's okay to get a little rowdy.

Habit of the happiest mother No. 11

A happy mother sometimes has one-on-one time with each of her children. At this time, she pays attention to only one child. And it belongs to him undividedly. You can take your daughter to the ballet while your son and dad are making a birdhouse. And another time, go with your son to the vintage car museum, while the grandmother and granddaughter learn to knit.

Habit of the happiest mother No. 12

A happy mother understands that a child’s crying, colic, and teething are temporary. She's just being patient. Everything passes, and this too will pass.

Habit of the happiest mother No. 13

The happiest mother forgives quickly. She doesn't sulk at her children, she talks to them. She is not angry with her loved ones - she conveys to them her inner state.

Habit of the happiest mother No. 14

A happy mother often hugs. She hugs her children and hugs her husband, she hugs her parents. And she even hugs words with emoticons - :)

Habit of the happiest mother No. 15

A happy mother goes out into public and comes, for example, to, where she is inspired by new ideas and meets new interesting people and rests.

Moms, be happy!!!

Manyusik is moving
In mom's belly
Now with legs, now with arms,
Pushing in the water.

Then he sleeps quietly,
Then he swims, laughing,
Then he finds his finger,
He sucks, squinting his eyes.

Our little prankster
Dear little one,
Grows inside mom,
It's all over the place!

Beautiful creation
Our baby and child,
We are waiting for you, manyusik,
Grow, my love!


getting pregnant is one thing... realizing that you are pregnant... bearing this miracle... and giving birth... God it hurts... but tears of happiness in my eyes... the happiest... with a baby in her arms... he sleeps sweetly... little angel...

They talk so much about women's happiness...
But for me everything is simple and familiar.
I'm happy when everyone is home.
It's even happier when they're all asleep.

I want a kid from you,
Maybe a son, and even a daughter.
I want to change their diapers
Worrying, staying up all night.

I want to use it to treat my knees
After every football game.
I want to wean off laziness
And also - to share their pain.

Don't get tired of bows, braids,
And that tulle is (ah!) a veil.
Tell them that the fire is caused by matches,
And the kids come from the belly.

I want to reassure: deuce -
It's a little bit of bad luck.
And when they cry bitterly,
Smile and say: “Don’t cry.”

I don’t want to lie, what’s wrong with dad?
They and I were very lucky.
And read, sitting next to you on the floor,
Pushkin's fairy tales before bed.

And in cocoa they remove the film,
And tie a scarf in a snowstorm.

I want a kid from you,
This is more than rumpling the bed.

They say I am my mother's tail, I am nowhere without my mother! Well, tell me, is it possible to live without me for half a day? If suddenly I start playing, and my mother is not around, I, of course, will get scared and run faster to her! I’m next to my mom in the kitchen, We go about business together, And together we watch a cartoon, We divide the pear in half! I am my mother’s favorite tail, Mom too can’t live without me for a minute, Without her beloved tail!

You can hear stomping behind the wall,
Someone creaked the door.
Papatoot came home
Live well!

You can smell his nose from the kitchen
Mom's cutlets.
He was suffering from severe hunger
Straight to this kitchen.

And then he grabbed me
Sleepy from the crib,
And how he smacked his mouth
Right on the nose and on the heel.

Kissed me like that for five minutes
Then he shouted loudly:
“Hey baby, daddy is here!
Wave your little hand."

Papatoota mamatam
She called me for dinner.
I'll go eat by myself
There are a lot of those cutlets.

In the morning, miracle of miracles
Papatut disappeared again.


Our happiness is in children! Their smile
first knowledge, first tooth,
first step, playing together,
the joy of victory in them... Baby,
running with arms open,
like a chick, he hugs you by the neck!
This little lump is OUR ENTIRE LIFE!


You asked... AM I WORKING? Yes, I WORK 24 hours a day. I AM A MOTHER! I am an alarm clock, a cook, a janitor, a teacher, a nanny, a doctor, a builder, a security guard, a photographer, a coach, a comforter. I can't take sick leave. I work day and night. My salary is kisses and hugs...

I can't come home empty-handed.
A LITTLE CHOKUPILA is waiting for me there...)))

How nice it is - early Saturday morning - to give a child a rattling toy, and with the words “show dad”, direct him towards the bedroom...)))

Whatever one may say, 1+1=3

Only our woman can with one hand
cook borscht, wipe the dust with another, with one
keep an eye on the children, another on the TV series,
wash your feet and also support
shoulder the phone and talk
to a friend: “No, I’m not busy at all...

shhh... don't cry, otherwise you'll wake up mom!

Do you know what children smell like? Almond milk, dew at dawn... Hands in caramels, milk chocolate. Chamomiles in the garden. Fragrant grapes... Inhaling the smell of childhood, the only one in the world, I can say for sure that children smell of HAPPINESS!!!


I turn to You in my prayer...
I don’t need anything... save my children...
God, be merciful, don’t let them fall...
In this difficult life, don’t let them fall into ruin...
Show them the way, loving and keeping...
Caress them a little, warm them by the fire...
Let them not know sorrows and troubles...
Save them, oh God, give them wise advice...
The Mother’s heart asks... I’m on my knees...
I love these little bloods more than life itself...
Give Hope and Faith to my Soul...
God, be merciful... save my children...

Today I want to confess
To the person who is with me,
That I will always try
To be more than just his wife...

I loved him for years
Not for anything, but just like that...
This means that God is above us,
And hearts will beat to the beat...

My wings have been burned so many times
And the earth turned black from troubles...
And love was covered in dust
From habit for many years...

Children grow up imperceptibly...
I'm afraid I won't have time to say
What is stronger than anything in the world?
I love them and am afraid to lose them...

Every breath, every look is priceless...
You need to cherish love tenderly,
To be the universe for him
Or in short - to be...

Even if you are angry about something,
Even if I'm angry about something,
He's afraid to upset me
I'm afraid of offending him...

We're wasting moments
To the problems that life gives...
But happiness is not in the salary...
Happiness lies in those who are sewn to the soul...

Be happy today
Anyone who wants to be...
And there are hundreds of examples for happiness -
Trust, help, love...

And when it's early at dawn
I see him and the children nearby,
I am happy without deception...
I live for my family...

And any weather is a miracle...
I can endure storms, blizzards, and rain...
I won't love you for anything,
I live because I love...


I still can’t believe it, honey,
That you and I have a daughter,
Little by little the little one is gaining strength,
Looks almost big already.
He sticks out his lips so funny,
His nose wrinkles, his left eye squints,
It seems sometimes that she
He's in a hurry to look at us.

Every minute, every hour
I want to kiss her cheeks,
You, my baby, are so beautiful
What words simply cannot say!

A small and warm lump
Smells like mother's milk
He grunts and sighs and mutters,
This sound is already so familiar to me.

Every time I hear it with excitement,
His heart melts sweetly.
I listen to our daughter breathe
And I don’t notice anything around.

You grow up, daughter, strong, strong,
Bringing joy to mom and dad,
Be healthy and happy, our baby,
Dear, beautiful child!

Sweet moments cannot be expressed in words,
when mom has time to breathe out...
Manyunya is sniffling and she is happy...
The child is sleeping!!! Which means the mother is calm!


A family is a small country in which PAPA is the president, MOTHER is the minister of finance, the minister of health, the minister of culture and emergency situations in the family. And a CHILD is a people who constantly demands something, is indignant and goes on strike!)))))))))


Your eyes are a treasure for your mother,
Your children's laughter is a reward, an incentive to live,
I collected happiness in crumbs and grams,
After all, now I can’t exist without you.

You pull your arms, hug tenderly, tenderly,
Your smile is like the light of the sun,
I'm not afraid to fall, get up and go as before,
After all, I have you - that’s my only secret.

Your soul is pure, like the tears of a May rose,
You were born under a bright star
You captivate with your glance, fleeting childish caress,
I love it so much when you are next to me.

My sensitive boy, my happiness and joy,
Star of the Universe and a bright light in the tunnel,
You are here with me - I don’t need anything else,
And let this moment last for many long years.

You sleep sweetly in your crib,
And I ask God for one thing -
So as not to stand still, but to run through life without looking back
And, waking up, hear the beat of your heart.


Nature is very wise - it gives a woman nine whole months to prepare for the miracle of having a child, but only at the moment when you see the face of your baby, you are completely reborn - you become a completely different person, a different woman. Mother.


MOTHER'S HAPPINESS in little hands,
in cheeks and lips, scarlet as a poppy,
mother's happiness in the first words,
and in the little one’s first steps,
mother's happiness in a teddy bear,
in a porridge plate, fairy tales, poems,
mother's happiness is in the first pranks,
and at the crib on sleepless nights!


He lies on the crib, lifts up his legs,
He sniffles quietly, opens his eyes...
I love this boy more than my life,
My good, my dear little son!

Saturday, morning, warm bed, sweet dream..., suddenly hit on the head with the remote control - “MOM, turn on the cartoons”!!!


Oh, I was thinking and wondering which births to tell about, but I still couldn’t decide... And I decided to write about how three moss babies were born.

I got pregnant at the age of 20, I was full of happiness! And yet, from the age of 14 I already dreamed of children, I always thought that I would have a big family. I didn’t think about my future profession like my classmates; I was more worried about the question of when I would get married and have children. And so, when I got married and learned about my most interesting situation, I was very proud and incredibly happy! It was very difficult for me to walk, I didn’t get out of bed for 3 months from toxicosis, and then from weakness, because I didn’t eat anything, and if I managed to swallow something, it didn’t stay there for more than 5 minutes. I spent the whole day at home alone. Somehow I fell asleep, and I dreamed of my late father, he was standing in a white suit and stretching out his hands, but I didn’t come up - I was afraid. Here he says quietly: “Go!” Where do you “go”? Why "go"? I never asked, but I woke up covered in cold sweat. I was overcome with such fear, a terrible horror, I ran out of bed and ran into the street, I don’t know where the strength came from. I jumped out and closed my eyes - it was summer, so warm, beautiful... I raised my head - the sky was so beautiful, soft blue, the sun was bright. I feel like I’m feeling bad, I made it to the bench, I’m sitting, enjoying myself, there are some sweet yellow apples at hand, in general, I’ve had a blast on apples for three months. Then I couldn’t get up, so I sat there until the evening, until my husband came.

We lived in Kazakhstan at that time, but I registered in Russia, from us to the city it’s an hour’s ride by train. Everyone predicted a boy for me, they say, your stomach is sharp, and you eat meat, but I really only ate bananas, instant noodles and meat, I couldn’t look at everything else. I didn’t care who was born, as long as it was healthy! They couldn't see it on the ultrasound. I seemed to agree with everyone, but in my heart I felt the opposite. The doctors predicted a “caesarean section” for me, because... my pelvis was very narrow, for some reason I was afraid of surgery. Every day I convinced myself that I would give birth myself. Since I became pregnant, it means that I need to endure everything that is given to a woman from above.

I went through the seventh month with a “two fingers” opening, and at the end of the seventh month contractions began. Apparently, my body could not withstand such torture. At 12 at night I wake up my husband and say: “Let’s not sleep together.” He looked at me, of course, with eyes that weren’t very understanding, but he stood up. My beloved cat Vanka also woke up. If I lay down and sat on top of my stomach, I just knew that it hurt me a lot. I couldn't wait until 6 o'clock because... We couldn’t find a car to go and had to wait for the train. Closer to 6, we hobbled over to my mother, before we even got to the gate, she opened the door and said: “I woke up at night and couldn’t sleep, I immediately thought about you.” Here it is, a mother’s instinct, it works even in sleep.

She went with me, and I was so crushed on the train, everyone saw and understood, but that didn’t make me feel any better! The contractions are becoming more and more regular. What’s strange is that at the moment of peak, if a man passed by, I was ready to tear him to pieces. When I let go, I whispered to my mother: “Why the hell are they walking here!” The taxi took us to the hospital in about five minutes, I told my mother: “I won’t go until I eat.” I had such an appetite, I was ready to eat an elephant, my mother took me into the hospital cafeteria, I stuffed pies into my mouth, and said: “It’s time!”

They took me to the prenatal room, there was a girl lying on a drip, I periodically read such horror on her face that I forgot about my pain. I suffered for another hour, during which time I managed to unstick the washbasin from the tiles, I don’t understand how it happened, and rearranged the beds. And so I heard the first “kind” words of the midwife... But I didn’t pay attention to her, and didn’t see anyone at all... I was afraid to touch, slightly supporting my little daughter... She was lying on my stomach and so I gently sucked my mother’s milk... It’s such a feeling of euphoria, it’s impossible to put into words! I think all mommies will agree with me! I named my daughter Elvira. Now my joy is already great, and sometimes I get scared that a little more time will pass and she will become independent, go off to build her own life, become a mother herself... So sad and at the same time happy, but nothing can be done, this is life!

When my daughter turned 3 years old, I found out that I would become a mother again. This is a very great joy, this happiness when you are expecting a desired child... But this happiness can be taken away by soulless, callous people who, probably, are not given the opportunity to experience real motherhood!

The whole world around me suddenly changed on the day when I realized that the little man was not born from someone else! And I have! I am very happy!

Happy because I sing a lullaby, because little hands tangle my hair, because the meaning of life falls asleep in my arms, because I kiss my chubby cheek every evening... Happy... because - mother!

If you have ever seen the eyes of a happy pregnant woman, then you will agree with me that no diamonds can compare with the beautiful sparkle of these eyes.

Happinnes exists! I know him! I know the color of his eyes, his laugh... And it calls me Mom!

Soon the happiness we have been waiting for will appear... So small... with tiny arms, legs... And with your eyes...

Happiness is when you wake up and realize that you are not alone, that you have that very little man for whom you are ready to do anything, because you are his mother!

Happiness is when you come home and your child runs to you, hugs you, kisses you, and holds you tightly so that she doesn’t go anywhere.

Someday we will miss crumbs on the sofa, painted wallpaper and loud at 7 am: “Mommy, wake up!” The happiest time is now, while our children are with us, at arm's length, at a distance of a quiet “Where are you, baby?”, at a glance.

Words that can heal any mental wounds and restore faith in the best - “Mommy! I love you very, very much!” when your tiny treasure says them and hugs you tightly... there’s just a lump in my throat... Lord, thank you for giving me this happiness.

I really wanted you. I loved you even before you were born. I'm ready to die for you. I love being a mom.

The happiest girl is the one who has two names - Mom and Beloved.

My daughter and my son are everything to me: they are my life, my heart, my soul and the most important reason why I breathe! I can't imagine life without them. I love my kids!

The greatest happiness is when tiny palms touch your cheeks, button eyes look at you with love, and the word “Mom!” sounds from small lips.

Happiness is when you wake up, and it’s not you who wakes up your beloved half with a kiss, but your children, who fly into your room shouting: “Stop sleeping!”, and begin to kiss and hug their beloved dad and mom.

There is someone in whose hands my heart is, whose smile brightens my whole day, whose laughter shines brighter than the sun for me, whose happiness makes me happy. This is my daughter.