What do you need for a manicure at home? A set of tools, descriptions and recommendations from professionals. Tools for home manicure Manicure tools: what for what

To ensure that your hands always remain well-groomed, it is enough to devote half an hour a week to a manicure. However, even the best specialist finds it quite difficult to perform a manicure procedure using poor tools. How to choose tools for manicure?

You can purchase a ready-made manicure set. As a rule, it already contains everything you need for a good manicure.


The right choice of scissors is the key to a beautiful manicure. After all, the impression of your nails depends on the cuticle and the shape of the nail.

Nail scissors can be divided into 2 types:

  • Scissors designed to cut the free edge of the nail;
  • Scissors designed for cutting cuticles.

Scissors come in different sizes, however, what they have in common is that they are very different from ordinary office scissors.


When going to the store for a new tool, you should study the rules for purchasing manicure scissors:

  • The cutting base of the scissors should be very thin. It is also of particular importance that when closed there were no gaps or cracks between their halves;
  • Scissors should be made only from honey. alloy By choosing models with plastic handles, you yourself shorten the service life of the scissors;
  • An important factor when choosing scissors is the sharpness of the blade. In addition, the instrument should be comfortable to hold;
  • Focus on the company. On the Internet, users usually share their impressions of a particular company. Look and compare the advantages.

By following simple rules, you can choose exactly the scissors you need.


Files come in different shapes and they can even be made of different materials, however, they are all needed for filing nails.


Metal files should be avoided because... they contribute to brittle nails.

When choosing a file, rely on the condition of your nails. If they are very sensitive, then feel free to buy a crystal file. A glass file is suitable for both artificial and natural nails. In addition, it is also important to consider:

  • Abrasiveness. Particular attention should be paid to the numbers indicated on the files. For example, a file with an abrasiveness of 900-1200 grit is suitable for natural nails, and with 140-180 grit for extended nails;
  • According to the shape of the nail plate. If your nails are long, then it is better to choose an oval file. For other forms, any nail file will do.


This tool has sharp edges so care must be taken.

A trimmer is a manicure tool that is necessary for removing cuticles and hangnails. The working part of the device looks more like the letter “V”.


Under no circumstances buy a cheap tool, because... it will become dull very quickly and begin to tear the skin!

  • Quality. Expensive models, as a rule, are made only from high-quality materials;
  • Plastic, on the other hand, can crack under strong pressure and then you will have to get rid of such a tool.

By purchasing a high-quality trimmer, you save yourself from going to the store again 1-2 weeks later.


In order to make the right choice of scraper, you first need to understand why it is needed? So, the scraper is intended:

  • To push back the cuticle;
  • To remove ptegirium, this is a procedure that reduces the appearance of hangnails.


If you decide to do a manicure at home, then you should remember the rules for choosing a tool such as a scraper.

  • The choice of scraper should be based on the shape of the nail;
  • It is important to pay attention to the quality of the tool itself. The handle should be even and smooth. The cutting part should not leave marks on the nail;
  • Before buying a device, you should lightly walk the working surface over the brush. If the tool does not leave scratches on the skin, then it is of high quality and can be purchased.

Wire cutters

Nail clippers are not suitable for pedicures.

Nippers are needed to process the cuticle. Selection rules:

  • Quality. They must be made from honey. alloy;
  • The tool should not diverge poorly or freely;
  • Sharpening quality. The tool must be sharp.

Buying quality tools is half the battle; it is also important to properly care for them.

In order to perform a high-quality manicure at home, you need to purchase a number of tools.

Your nails will always remain in perfect condition if you have only high-quality tools in your arsenal.

Often, the modest successes of fashionistas in performing manicures at home are generated by the lack of necessary equipment and tools.

Not all people know for sure, and ready-made sets are usually far from complete.

If you decide to do your own manicure, you will have to get the necessary equipment for yourself.

But it is often easier to turn to a specialist, since high-quality tools are not cheap, and the use of low-quality ones is fraught with unpleasant consequences.

On our website it is not difficult to find a master or salon where they have a complete list of high-quality tools needed for manicure and will perform any type of nail work to the highest standard. Availability of specialist profiles and reviews of their work will help you make the right choice.

By hand or machine

When deciding what tools are needed for a manicure, first of all you should choose: there will be a hardware or manual procedure. The situation directly depends on this. If you decide to perform a hardware manicure, you will have to buy a device and a set of cutters for it (they need to be updated periodically). Manual manicure requires completely different tools.

For working with your hands

Actually compose a complete list of what tools are needed for manicure, not too simple. Much depends on what nail care techniques a particular fashionista prefers. It is also very important whether the nail design will be done with regular varnish or shellac, as well as whether extensions will be done. Natural and artificial nails are processed differently, and gel polishes require a UV lamp to dry.

But there is also a general “gentleman’s kit”, without which it will not be possible to perform a high-quality hygienic manicure. It includes

  • files for shaping nails (with a larger abrasive - for artificial nails, with a fine one - for natural nails);
  • nail clippers and scissors;
  • polishing files for smoothing the surface of the nail;
  • sanding buffs;
  • sticks or spatulas for processing cuticles.

All instruments must be made of high-quality materials (natural wood, ceramics, medical steel, suede). Cheap tools can lead to injury and infection, as well as worsen the condition of your nails.

Within the group of quality instruments there is room for choice. So, some prefer to push back the cuticle with a steel spatula, while others prefer to push back the cuticle with a wooden orange or bamboo stick. You can use a ceramic file, or you can use a diamond-coated file. This is a matter of taste and the manicure techniques used.

In any case, it would be a good idea to “learn a lesson” by visiting a nail salon several times. This will make it easier to compile a complete list of tools needed for manicure and master the techniques for using them.

A home manicure kit can vary greatly depending on the method of nail treatment. Each professional has a special case in which he selects tools that are convenient for himself and his clients. Accordingly, at home, the sets may vary. Let's see below what tools are needed for manicure in various cases.

European manicure

Which is quite enough for well-groomed hands with fair skin and thin cuticles. In this case, the cuticle grows slowly and looks neat even without trimming. Moreover, circumcision may even be contraindicated in these cases, since cutting the skin close to the capillaries forces the epithelium to activate protective reserves and, therefore, grow faster. So, what is needed for a European manicure:

Trim manicure

What do you need for this type of manicure? The set is almost the same; you will need everything the same as in the list above, only additionally:

Hardware manicure

It is not necessary to follow the list above and, according to it, select everything you need for a manicure. Tools can be replaced with one device. For hardware you will need:

  • Apparatus for nail treatment. This device is rarely seen at home, but there are affordable devices that are easy to use.
  • Antiseptic. Treatment of nails and cuticles with the device is carried out only on dry skin, so for preliminary preparation of nails it is better to use a quickly evaporating alcohol-based product.

For the home, choose a device with a speed of up to 15 thousand per second, lightweight, compact and affordable. The attachments can then be purchased separately. The following models are suitable: Vital System from Zepter, SPA VT-2209 from Vitek, MP-7010 F0 from Rowenta, machines from Victory, Strong.

Coating with regular varnish

The cuticle is processed, the nails are ready for applying a decorative coating. In order for regular polish to stick well and for a manicure not to take too much time, you should approach the issue wisely. You will need:

  • Base.
  • Decorative varnish.
  • Top dry.

What you need for a gel polish manicure - read below.

The sequence of performing a manicure with regular varnish

Manicure with regular varnish is performed as follows:

Manicure with gel polish

What do you need for a gel polish manicure? The list below:

  • A set of coatings (more about it below).
  • Ultraviolet lamp 36 W (4 bulbs each 8 W).
  • Files or buffs.
  • Liquid for removing the sticky layer (cleanser).
  • Lint-free wipes.
  • Gel polish remover.
  • Foil.

To treat the cuticle, you can use any of the products listed above, that is, the list is compiled individually.

Gel polish manicure set

Gel polish manicure set

  • Rev.
  • Bond.
  • Base.
  • Gel polish.

This is perhaps the most important thing you need for a home gel manicure, besides a lamp. You should be especially careful when choosing such a varnish (everything else is chosen from products of the same brand to avoid conflicting products).

Brief overview of gel polishes

Professional varnishes are expensive (the price of a 15 ml bottle is from 700 to 1500 rubles), putting together an impressive palette at home will be expensive, but you should keep in mind that the difference between gel varnishes of different price categories can be huge. This will be noticeable in durability, obedience, safety for nails, even brightness and color saturation.

Many craftsmen consider Shellace from CND to be the best, although there are also negative reviews: the varnish does not adhere very well and flies off unsightly. However, in most cases it is praised: thick, rich color, even, thin but dense application, resistance to chips and scratches, durability on nails. A 7.3 ml bottle is enough for 15-20 manicures.

In’Garden So naturally is a controversial option. The gel polish of this brand has excellent bright colors, durability, and caring properties, but it is not easy to remove - a mechanical option is preferable, but not every hand will be able to remove gel polish without damaging the nail plate. In addition, there are reviews about yellowing of nails after this product.

Color Couture is an interesting, although not very common gel polish. Pros: very good consistency, huge palette (140 shades), longevity (three weeks of flawless appearance), carefully designed brush and convenient bottle. This varnish allows you to create a high-quality manicure very quickly.

Sherilyn is rare and mainly among professionals; there are few reviews about it from ordinary customers, but this brand with true German quality is worthy of attention. Plastic and durable, it is perfectly fixed on the nail plate and maintains a fresh and neat appearance throughout the entire process of wearing.

Ways to save

It is not necessary to buy everything you need for a gel polish manicure in professional stores. There are opportunities to replace these materials and therefore save:

  • You may come across a recommendation to use it exclusively, as if it prevents small debris from getting on your nails, but with the same success you can use ordinary paper napkins; anyway, when moistened with liquid, any lint will be crushed. You can use regular cotton handkerchiefs.
  • Regular food foil is suitable; a roll is inexpensive and will last a long time.
  • If the gel polish is single-phase, base and top are not needed.
  • Also, a teacher is not always needed. It is intended for degreasing the nail plate and is a fairly strong product.
  • Instead of a special remover, you can use regular nail polish remover.
  • The liquid to remove the sticky layer can be replaced with alcohol.

How to perform a manicure with gel polish

We've looked at what you need for a gel polish manicure, but how to use all these products?

  1. Treat the cuticle using one of the methods above.
  2. Grinding the surface of the plate. This ensures better adhesion of the coating to the nail. Do this with very light movements, the plate should only become rough, and not thinner.
  3. Apply the prep with light, very fast movements. One brush is enough to treat all nails.
  4. A bonding bond is a kind of glue that will allow the coating to adhere better to the nail. It is usually applied to the ends. But you can also treat the area near the cuticle if the polishes on your nails generally do not stick well.
  5. Applying the base - drying in a lamp for 2 minutes.
  6. First layer of gel polish - dry for 2 minutes. The number of layers depends solely on the varnish itself; in some cases, one will be enough. Gel polish has a slightly different consistency than regular polish, so if you don’t have enough experience, it’s better to apply thin layers. A thick layer can easily creep unsightly.
  7. Apply the following layers, drying each one.
  8. Apply top coat - dry for 2 minutes.
  9. Removing the sticky layer.

It is better to treat your hands one at a time: while one hand is in the lamp, varnish is applied to the other. But even if you have everything you need for a manicure at home, step-by-step processing is rarely possible, so be prepared for the fact that gel polish will take longer than in the salon.

They say that a woman’s age is “given away” by her hands, but this is only if you don’t take care of them. A modern, self-respecting woman simply must get a manicure once a week. Someone makes an appointment with a master at a beauty salon, and some, knowing what is needed for a manicure, successfully perform it at home. There is nothing complicated about this, all you need is desire and patience.

The result of any work depends on the correctly chosen means at hand, and manicure is no exception. Using high-quality nail treatment tools, it will be easier for you to do your own manicure at home.

Special manicure scissors. They will be needed to change the length of the nails, so they must be well sharpened.

Nailfile. The choice of this instrument should be approached seriously; their diversity dazzles the eye. A file is one of the most important tools needed for a manicure. When choosing it, read the recommendations.

  • There are files designed for processing artificial nails; they are more rigid. They cannot be used for natural nails; a soft file will be required. The hardness indicator is abrasiveness, and the higher the value of this indicator, the softer the file. The softest files are used for polishing nail plates.
  • Depending on the material, nail files can be metal, glass, ceramic, or emery. The most popular and durable ones are those made of glass. Glass chips do not damage the nail, which cannot be said about metal chips. Metal files are harmful to nails.
  • The choice of file shape (they come in the form of an oval, rectangle, or crescent) depends on the operation that needs to be performed on the nails.
  • It is difficult to say which nail file is the best, but it is better to choose one that gently and gently cares for your nails. Only through trial and error will you find the right manicure tool that is ideal for you personally.

Tool for cutting cuticles. The fold of skin, the cuticle, provides protection to the matrix, the most vulnerable part of the nail. Do I need to completely remove the cuticle when doing a manicure? Opinions vary, and everyone makes their own decision. It is best to get rid of only part of it and remove the pterygilium. It is this that prevents your nails from looking neat and well-groomed.

  • special scissors with curved edges;
  • a plastic stick that has a sharpened fork on one side that allows you to trim the cuticle, and on the other there is a metal spatula for pushing back the cuticle;
  • a stick made from orange wood to push back cuticles.

Metal tongs. Will be needed to perform trim manicure and remove burrs. It is important that they are made from high quality steel, in which case they will not need to be sharpened often.

Cotton swabs, discs, balls. Needed for removal from nails.

Liquid for removing varnish layers. The best composition that allows you to carefully remove nail polish is one that does not contain toluene or acetone. The presence of these components harms the health of the nails, taking away moisture from them and making them brittle.

Cuticle oil. Apply to the cuticle immediately before removing it using scissors.

Composition for removing cuticles. The use of special compounds allows you to remove the cuticle without using scissors. After the product is applied, you need to wait a certain time, and then remove the remaining cuticle with an orange stick.

A cream designed specifically to nourish nails.

Cream that cares for the skin of the hands.

Nail polish.

Basic base for varnish. If you use a base before applying polish, it will stay on your nails longer and “lay down” neatly and evenly.

Bath. Before performing a manicure, you need to steam your hands by placing them in any convenient container. For additional hand care, add sea salt, olive oil, and various essential oils to the water.

Towel. These are the basic tools and improvised means, what you need for a manicure, performed independently.

Manicure at home - do it step by step

First stage: preparing nails for applying varnish.

  • Wash your hands thoroughly.
  • Remove old nail polish.
  • Using scissors, give your nails the desired shape and length. Don't get carried away with long nails, they are easier to break.
  • File your nails, this will help remove burrs and make your nails smooth. The movements of the file are from the edges to the center of the nail.
  • The length of all nails should be the same. Only in this case will your hands look well-groomed and beautiful.
  • Classics of the genre - medium-length oval-shaped nails.

Over time, every woman can master the art of performing a manicure so that it cannot be distinguished from a “salon” one.


Having everything you need for a manicure and having learned how to master the tools, do not forget about the procedures for caring for your own hands and nails. Pamper them with baths, moisturize them with creams, and protect them from the cold.

Beautiful nails and well-groomed hands are in your hands. Good luck

A manicure set is a welcome gift for every woman. Our mothers and grandmothers, having received one, took care of it, were proud of it, and passed it on to inheritance. But sometimes used only a few tools because they did not know the purpose of the others. Today we have more opportunities to familiarize ourselves in detail with all the necessary tools for manicure.

Complete list of manicure tools

Today there are many machines and other devices for professional manicure. But the classic edged manicure is not going to give up its position. Next, we will analyze in detail what professional tools are needed for, we will compile a complete list of the basic set, which no woman can do without.

First, let's list necessary tools for manicure(description with photo):

  • Short straight scissors with a wide cutting part for cutting the nail.

  • Knipser, or manicure tweezers, for trimming nails. Compact and convenient.

  • Thin scissors rounded for cutting cuticles.

  • Nail clippers for cleaning the periungual fold.

  • Scraper (hatchet, spatula)– a double-sided tool for moving and cleaning cuticles.

  • Pusher– a spatula with a silicone tip for more gentle pushing back of the cuticle.

  • Files to give shape to nails.

  • Polishing blocks (buffs) to give the nail plate a glossy shine.

How to use manicure tools at home

A home manicure technique differs in that we do it ourselves. It is impossible to grab a nail and do a manicure. But there is general techniques and rules for using tools at home:

  • keep the tools at a certain angle to the nail at each stage of the manicure;
  • high-quality should not be deep, but smooth, without inflammation.

Sequence of carrying out and rules of work:

Nail formation

Using scissors or a clipper, mark the length. Trim your nail carefully hold the scissors perpendicular to the surface, this way you prevent delamination. The nail clippers are initially positioned at the correct angle, so it is very convenient to trim the nails of small children.

We shape it with a diamond-coated nail file. Laser file with sealing effect – a godsend for problematic peeling nails. The file has two sides with different patterns for different nail thicknesses. When working, the file must be held perpendicular to the end of the nail. At a certain point, the file simply stops cutting, which means the end of the nail is already perfectly smooth. Next, your hands should be softened in the bath.

Removal of cuticle and periungual ridges

The most delicate and traumatic moment.

Creating the perfect nail hole line

Pusher with silicone tip - item not essential, but comfortable. After all the manipulations with the cuticle, gently move it again. The elastic tip does not cause discomfort in newly trimmed areas.

Nail polishing

Polishing provides shine even without special coating. Buffs, as a rule, have several surfaces with different abrasiveness. First, work with the harder side, removing all irregularities from the nail plate. Then gradually move to the shallowest side. This way you seal the surface of the nail, making it perfectly smooth. Use the polishing buff without applying excessive pressure. smoothly moving over the entire surface from the cuticle to the edge of the nail. And remember that nail polishing, especially with the help of special means, can be done no more than once a month.

How to disinfect and sterilize manicure instruments

Many people believe that instruments for individual use do not need to be sterilized. But in vain, because skin particles can remain on them and bacteria can multiply. In addition, without regular cleaning, tools will quickly become dull and fail.

For beauty salons there are strict instructions on how to sterilize manicure tools. The general process includes not only sterilization of the instruments themselves, but also disinfection of the room, the master’s clothing, and work surfaces. For sterilization, a special unit is used - a sterilizer for manicure instruments (sterilization is the process of destroying fungal and bacterial spores).

Let's consider how to properly handle manicure tools, take care of them at home after use.

Processing manicure tools is carried out in several stages:

We also disinfect the files– spray disinfectant spray. After this, the file should dry completely.

Sharpening a manicure tool

Sharpening a tool is a real jewelry job. Craftsmen who sharpen tools with high quality (especially professional ones) study for a long time and are highly respected.

Sharpening There are manual and mechanical. Mechanical is faster. But manual sharpening provides an individual approach to each tool. The master examines the tool, takes into account the width of the blades and the direction of travel of the cutting part. He often carries out instrument restoration. The cost of manual sharpening is significantly higher, but you shouldn’t skimp on this procedure. A well-sharpened tool lasts a long time and reliably.

To ensure that tools last longer, they should be proper care - place with the sharp part facing up. Even a fall on the floor can ruin the movement of the cutting part.

How to choose the right manicure tool

1. You can’t skimp on manicure tools. The rule for them is: the more expensive, the better.

2. The choice of tools is purely individual., depends also on the size of the master’s hands. All instruments must be made of high-quality medical steel. Convenient and easy to use. With all the variety of choices in online stores, craftsmen prefer to get acquainted with the instrument individually.

3. Tools can be purchased in a set, or individually. The manicure set is convenient on the go. It should close well and securely hold tools. Please inspect the case before purchasing. If it is not stitched carefully, then the contents will not be of the highest quality. All cutting parts must be in individual cases. If you buy individually, the total cost is less, so you can buy higher quality tools.

4. What to look for when choosing:

  • Visual inspection. Manicure tools must have an absolutely smooth surface. Visible chips, nicks and roughness are not allowed.
  • Tool operation. Silent, easy movement will ensure convenient and high-quality work.
    Cutting part. When closed, the cutting strips of the scissors or tweezers should meet perfectly. Hold the instrument up to the light - when closed, the sharp tips should meet perfectly at one point and not overlap each other. Try cutting thin paper - if it tears or is chewed, it is better to discard such a tool.
  • The scraper is also selected according to the size of your nails. The width of the shoulder blade should not be larger than the nail on the little finger. Also, the handle of the tool should be rough and not slip when working.
  • Files are selected according to the condition of your nails. They come in different shapes and different abrasiveness. There is a special marking for files - abrasiveness is measured in grit. The highest value (1200 grit) is for gentle polishing buffs. Also, if you have problem nails, you should avoid using iron files. It is better to use glass or ceramic coated ones.

What tools do you use for manicure? How do you check their quality and care for them? Perhaps you have your own preferences and honored manicure workers? Share your opinion with us. We are grateful.