Eyelash extension training at home. Lessons on eyelash extensions at home: video. What are Eyelash Extension Patterns? Circuit examples

From this article you will learn:

  • What eyelash extension technologies exist?
  • How to choose the curve of future eyelashes
  • The most common extension effects and how to do them
  • How to properly mark for eyelash extensions

The eyelash extension procedure allows you to truly transform your appearance: add length, curvature and volume to your eyelashes, as well as correct the shape of your eyes. The result of proper extensions is a spectacular look that you can’t tear yourself away from. At the same time, it is extremely important that the changes look natural and do not make the appearance too doll-like. To achieve this, the master must follow a number of rules, in particular, be able to select an eyelash extension scheme, taking into account their initial characteristics. There are quite a few options here, and we will try to talk about each of them in this article.

Basic eyelash extension technologies

There is a wide variety of types and styles of extensions, the effects that are observed as a result, as well as three main technologies.

A few words about them:

  • Japanese technology. This is a beam extension method where an artificial eyelash is added to each natural eyelash. Eyelashes made from natural materials are used: silk, sable, mink.
  • American technology- This is eyelash extension. Rubber artificial eyelashes are chosen for it.
  • Indonesian technology also involves individually attaching eyelashes. Its distinctive feature is the use of natural glue, to which various vitamins are added. This composition allows you not only to fix artificial eyelashes, but also to strengthen and improve your own.

By choosing one of these technologies, a lash maker can create the desired style and effect.

The classic eyelash extension scheme is based on individual attachment: one additional eyelash is glued to each eyelash. This style is chosen more often because the result is as natural as possible.

If you need to achieve voluminous eyelashes, the classic method is also suitable, you just need to stick several hairs on each eyelash at once. Lash extension allows you to create full and partial volume, as well as get the so-called Hollywood effect.

  1. Incomplete volume is created when artificial eyelash extensions are not carried out along the entire eyelid line, but only closer to the outer edge.
  2. Partial extensions give a less noticeable effect than full ones, but the look becomes more expressive. A natural appearance is achieved through what is called “shading” - the eyelash row is modeled so that the length of the hairs increases gradually, without a sharp transition. Also, this type of extension is more profitable from a financial point of view, since the cost of the procedure is one of the lowest.
  3. In turn, full volume involves extensions along the entire lash line. This method is worth choosing if the client’s eyelashes are naturally sparse in order to give them the desired thickness and volume.
  4. Hollywood eyelash extensions are a scheme in which for each natural eyelash you add from 2 to 4 artificial eyelashes, and sometimes even more. It is clear that with such a number of additional hairs, the effect is noticeable to the naked eye. Eyelashes become as voluminous and fluffy as possible.
  5. The techniques can be combined with each other, that is, when modeling eyelashes, both individual and volumetric extension techniques can be used. This method, called one-and-a-half extensions, has become increasingly popular in recent years.

Eyelash extensions according to a certain pattern allow you to create the image that the client would like to see. Below we will dwell in more detail on what extension effect is suitable for girls with one or another eye and face shape.

Curls of eyelashes for extensions

Artificial eyelashes can have different degrees of curl. The most suitable type is determined taking into account what shape of eyelashes the client has and what result she wants to see.

The following types of eyelashes are distinguished depending on the curve:

j– a barely noticeable bend, allowing you to create the most natural effect. Used for partial extensions;

b– a slightly more noticeable, but also natural-shaped curl;

With– medium degree of bending, makes the look more open;

l– straight hair with a curved tip;

d– the most curved version, used to create a Hollywood effect.

Having decided to get eyelash extensions for the first time, girls usually get lost in the variety of schemes and don’t know which effect will suit them best. To avoid mistakes, consult an experienced professional. It will help you determine the most suitable option based on characteristics such as the shape of your eyes, the condition of your eyelashes, their shape, etc. It is also worth contacting professional lash makers because in their work they use only high-quality and proven materials.

Effects of eyelash extensions and schemes for their creation

Depending on the length, thickness and curvature of the artificial eyelashes the master chooses, different eyelash extension effects are obtained. Schemes for obtaining natural, feline and other extension effects allow you to achieve the exact result that the client expects and which will help emphasize her beauty.

Next, we will talk about the basic eyelash extension schemes and the effects that girls like most. Knowing about the principles of constructing each scheme and what they are used for, it will be easier for you to navigate the existing variety and choose something close to you.

  • Natural effect.

To make eyelash extensions indistinguishable from natural ones, artificial hairs of different lengths are used. These hairs can range in size from 6 to 10 mm. They are attached from the outer corner of the eye to the inner corner with a smooth change in length. When using a natural eyelash extension scheme, the master tries to replicate all the growth characteristics of the client’s eyelashes.

Experts will confirm that in most cases girls prefer the natural effect of eyelash extensions. The scheme used in this case allows you to make the look more attractive and emphasize the beauty of the eyes. The natural effect gives the impression of light makeup, so with these eyelashes you can forget about the need to apply makeup every day.

If you have regular facial features and do not want to visually correct the shape of your eyes, this type of eye extension is for you.

  • Fox effect.

The “fox” pattern for eyelash extensions is also quite popular. The result of its use is not just fluffier and longer eyelashes, but an attractive, intriguing look.

To create the effect of fox eyes, the lashmaker uses three or four types of eyelashes, the smallest of which have a length of 6 to 8 mm, and the largest - up to 15. The closer the eyelashes are to the corner of the eye, the larger they will be. But unlike the previous scheme, this assumes not a smooth, but a sharp transition from short to long eyelashes. This allows you to shift the focus to the outer side of the eyes, making them visually more elongated.

The “fox” pattern is often used precisely to visually change the appearance. It is suitable for girls with round eyes, as well as with a small distance between them.

  • Puppet effect.

A girl with eyelashes like a doll will undoubtedly arouse increased interest. She will become the center of attention anywhere with her look. However, salon visitors rarely choose doll eyelash extensions, perhaps because such eyelashes look unnatural.

The scheme for the doll effect when eyelash extensions assumes that all eyelashes will be equally long. Volumetric artificial eyelashes, approximately 12-15 mm in length, are attached to the entire eyelid, from the outer to the inner corner. As a rule, when choosing this type of procedure, eyelashes of the maximum possible length are used, which will suit a particular girl.

What corrective effect can doll extensions have? It will help visually enlarge elongated eyes and thereby make the face more harmonious.

Of course, with eyelashes like these you can completely forget about mascara. But when applying makeup, you should pay more attention to the eyes, because they are already the main focus on the face. If you add red lipstick and heavy contouring, it will be too much.

  • Squirrel effect.

The “squirrel” scheme is somewhat similar to the “fox” scheme described earlier. Eyelash extensions also occur from the inner corner to the outer with smooth changes in length. The lashes on the inner corners will be shorter, and on the outer corners they will be longer. The peculiarity of this method is the way hairs of different lengths are arranged. The extension begins with the shortest ones, gradually the length increases, but after reaching a certain point (approximately in the middle of the eyelid) it decreases again. This is how the squirrel effect of eyelash extensions is achieved.

The scheme we are talking about is usually recommended for ladies with almond-shaped or round eyes. Wide-set eyes are a kind of contraindication to such extensions: with such a feature of the face, it is undesirable to focus on the outer corners of the eyes.

  • Sparse effect (“rays”).

The “beams” eyelash extension scheme is notable for the fact that without the weight and feeling of false eyelashes, it allows you to add volume to your eyelashes and “open up” your eyes.

The sparse eyelash extension scheme differs from all previous ones in that additional hairs are not attached to each natural eyelash, but at some interval. At the same time, the master alternates eyelashes of different sizes.

If your eyelashes themselves are quite thick, this method will be optimal to emphasize the natural volume and slightly embellish the appearance.

Accordingly, if your main goal is to compensate for the lack of volume, this scheme is not entirely suitable.

  • “Multicolor” effect (colored eyelashes).

Of particular interest is the scheme for colored eyelash extensions: you rarely see such extensions, and they look very bright and impressive. Usually girls don't think about colored eyelashes, because in everyday life it can look too much. But to create a festive look or for an unusual photo shoot, color extensions can come in handy.

To decide on the colors and their quantity, you should definitely consult a professional lash maker. Images with different combinations of shades can differ radically from each other. There are also options in terms of the location of colored eyelashes: they can be glued along the entire length, at intervals, or only in the corners.

The main condition when choosing this method is courage and determination to attract increased attention.

  • Cat effect.

This effect is called exactly that, because thanks to the raised outer corners of the eyes, the look resembles a cat and acquires an incomparable charm.

To create this look, additional eyelashes are attached to the entire upper eyelid. First, use the average length of hairs, from the inner corner to approximately the middle of the lash line. Then the length of the eyelashes gradually increases, reaching a maximum at the outer corner of the eye. This is how the “cat” effect, beloved by many girls, is achieved.

The “cat” extension scheme is an excellent tool for correcting the round shape of the eyes. A smooth change in length allows you to make your eyes appear longer, while the thickness and fluffiness of your eyelashes creates an expressive and attractive look.

  • The Kim Kardashian effect.

A couple of years ago, people around the world first saw what is now called the “Kim Kardashian effect.” The popular actress and model decided to surprise her fans with an original, even shocking extension. Its peculiarity was the combination of a sparse effect with the effect of sticky eyelashes.

Kim Kardashian's eyelash extension scheme involves the use of hairs of different lengths, different volumes and with different curl shapes. There are quite large gaps between the eyelashes, and the differences in length can be quite sharp. As a result, when using the Kardashian eyelash extension scheme, the effect of separately grown bristles appears.

Eyelash modeling: patterns, advantages and effects

The technology of eyelash modeling appeared relatively recently and has already gained great popularity. The result of this procedure is similar to coloring or extensions: eyelashes become thicker, longer and fluffier. Among the advantages, first of all, it is worth mentioning eye safety. Eyelash modeling occurs in stages: several drugs are used one after another, which, when interacting, give a more noticeable effect.

Advantages and Disadvantages

A seductive look is something that all women would like to have. It’s not for nothing that beauty salons offer so many services related to eyelash styling: traditional eyelash extensions, lamination, Botox, and even false eyelashes. Among all these procedures, eyelash modeling is the youngest, and not every girl knows what it is.


  • the balance of natural eyelashes is maintained;
  • if the eyelashes are naturally light, they can be made several shades darker, thereby eliminating the need to constantly use mascara;
  • hairs become more curved for up to two months;
  • you can visually correct drooping eyelids and bulging eyes;
  • elasticity increases;
  • eyelashes become longer and more voluminous.


  • mandatory regular correction every 1.5-2 months. Without regular visits to the specialist, eyelashes may begin to fall out and break.

Methods for modeling eyelash extensions

Every year, newer and more unusual eyelash design techniques appear, such as tiered and complex modeling.

  • Longline.

This is how eyelashes are extended for photo shoots, fashion shows or festive events. It is not worth wearing tiered extensions all the time: it involves building up a large number of additional bristles, as a result of which the natural eyelashes experience pressure and can be damaged.

To properly carry out tiered extensions, the lash maker must undergo special training.
The eyelash extension scheme is as follows:

  1. The first row of hairs is formed.
  2. On top of each artificial eyelash, at a distance of 1/3 from the base, another one is attached.
  3. The curve of the eyelashes should be hollow so that they do not touch the eyebrows.
  4. Both black and multi-colored eyelashes are used.
  • Complex.

Here, not only artificial hairs are used to decorate eyelashes, but also various decorations: rhinestones, feathers, bouillons, etc.

The build-up occurs according to the following scheme:

  1. First, eyelash extensions themselves.
  2. Then apply a second layer of colored and shiny bristles.
  3. And finally, gluing the decor.

A prerequisite for complex extensions is healthy and strong natural eyelashes, since they must withstand a lot of weight.

Types of modeling taking into account eye shapes

Based on cosmetology practice, schemes have been created that allow you to correct one or another eye shape. The correct eyelash extension scheme will help in each specific case to mask imperfections and highlight the client’s advantages. Ultimately, the artist’s efforts will be aimed at creating a harmonious almond-shaped cut.

  • Deep-set eyes.

With this feature, the eyebrows hang over the eyelids. If you use eyelashes with a large curve, they will touch the skin, thereby focusing attention on the problem. When working with deep-set eyes, the artist must wisely combine different degrees of curl and curl only the ends of the eyelashes to achieve an open look.

  • Closely spaced eyes.

Particular attention should be paid to the distribution of the volumetric fixative: it should be located on the outer edge and gradually disappear closer to the outer corner. The silicone pad bends the eyelashes at the temple more strongly.

  • Small eyes.

It seems that eyelash lengthening will help correct this feature, but this is not the case. Typically, specialists use curl types d and c, as well as maximum coloring.

  • Wide-set eyes.

Here, a uniform curve of all eyelashes is required, but the coloring will be more distinct at the inner edge and partial at the outer edge.

  • Drooping eyelid.

In this case, it’s the other way around: the eyelashes on the outer corner of the eye are completely painted over, and closer to the bridge of the nose and in the center - partially.

  • Correct form.

The depth of the bend increases as you move towards the outer corner.

  • Round shape.

To make round eyes more elongated, you need to focus on the outer edge of the eyelid, where longer eyelashes are extended.

Contraindications: A serious contraindication to this procedure is an allergy to the drugs used, in particular to keratin. Otherwise, provided the master follows all the rules, modeling is absolutely safe.

You should not resort to the procedure if you have inflammatory processes or any eye diseases. It is better to contact a specialist at least a couple of weeks after all the symptoms of the disease have disappeared.

Eyelash care

If the lash maker used high-quality products in his work, then the eyelashes will not require special care.

The main thing is not to wet your eyes for at least 12 hours after visiting the salon.

The safety of the procedure, confirmed by the experience of specialists, is one of the many reasons why girls turn to eyelash modeling. Externally, the effect of it is the same as with extensions or curling. However, the compositions that the masters use are absolutely non-toxic and will not damage your natural eyelashes. The procedure has no serious restrictions or contraindications.

However, modeling eyelashes is not at all easy, and in each case this procedure requires an individual approach.

Anna Klyuchko's network of eyelash extension studios is the largest in Russia.

Our experts already have 301 cups, including 74 victories in international eyelash extension tournaments. Such achievements cannot be called an accident or explained by simple luck, because:

  • We are the largest eyelash extension chain in Russia. We have performed more than 50 thousand procedures.
  • The main asset of the company is our craftsmen. Specialists are allowed to work only after passing a complex multi-stage exam.
  • The extension is carried out taking into account the individual characteristics of each client.
  • We use only the best materials from South Korea, proven by many years of experience.
  • We want as many women and girls as possible to be able to create an attractive look using eyelash extensions. Therefore, it is important for us to provide a professional level procedure at affordable prices.

Girls often wonder how to learn how to do eyelash extensions on their own? Indeed, in this case, the procedure will not require extra costs, but will cost much less than in a beauty salon.

As a result of simple manipulations, every girl can become the owner of an expressive look, which every passerby pays attention to.

How to learn eyelash extensions? You don't have to take courses for this. It's very easy to do the procedure yourself.

Moreover, the result will have to be adjusted every 2 weeks.

What is required for eyelash extensions

First, you should buy eyelashes.

They come in two types:

  • Individual eyelashes
  • Whole bunches

This is either a synthetic option or a natural material. The latter is definitely better.

After all, it does not cause allergies, and such eyelashes look more attractive.

You also need a special glue, which is used to create beautiful eyelashes. It can be either completely transparent or black, which allows you to achieve additional volume.

You should buy all eyelash extension products exclusively in specialized stores. There is no need to save on consumables, because eye health depends on it.

As a result, for extension you will need:

  • Cilia
  • Makeup remover.
  • The main thing is that it is not oily
  • Tweezers (convenient)
  • A separating stick or special tweezers.

Building process

  • First you need to pour a little glue onto the cardboard. A small amount of artificial eyelashes is poured onto a piece of paper.
  • You need to take only one eyelash with tweezers, and then smear it along its entire length, almost to the very tip.
  • Your own eyelashes should be separated one at a time and an artificial eyelash should be glued to each one in turn.

Depending on your wishes, you will need one or another number of eyelashes. If you want to achieve the effect of super-volume and incredible length, you will have to stick on a large number of bunches or eyelashes.

A more natural result can be achieved if you glue the eyelashes one after another.

A few important rules

Once the procedure is over, the eyelashes do not need to be touched or washed for a couple of hours or even more. Caring for eyelash extensions is quite simple. The main thing is to touch them as little as possible so as not to damage them.

To avoid dissolving the glue, do not use oil-based products. It’s better to eliminate the need to use mascara altogether.

Eyelash extensions last approximately 2-3 weeks. After this, adjustments will be required.

And if necessary, you can also remove them completely and permanently. For this you will need regular vegetable oil.

When learning how to learn eyelash extensions, you need to clarify how they should be removed. Eyelashes are lubricated with vegetable oil, which remains on them for a couple of hours.

Afterwards, carefully remove the artificial eyelashes with a cotton swab.

Any girl who shows desire and patience can learn how to extension eyelashes. The procedure is in demand, the short training period, and the availability of consumables attract more and more people who want to become a professional lash maker.

Fashionistas should learn eyelash extensions for several reasons:

  1. This skill allows you to put yourself in order yourself before an important event: a date, a wedding, a photo shoot, and saves time for daily make-up.
  2. The opportunity to perform the procedure for ladies from the environment: mother, friend, sister. There is a benefit for both parties: it helps the novice master to gain experience, recommendations, the client - to save money, carry out the procedure at a convenient time, in pleasant company, in a familiar environment.
  3. Professional self-realization, no bosses, free schedule, creative approach. You can perform the procedure by getting a job in a salon, creating your own cosmetology office, at the client’s home.

This skill helps you earn money. The cost of the procedure is about 2000 rubles. One client per day will bring in earnings of about 40,000 rubles per month.

The advantages of a useful skill will be:

  • free schedule;
  • stable income;
  • the possibility of self-realization;
  • comfortable working conditions;
  • There is a constant flow of clients; once a month, eyelash extensions need correction.

To achieve certain heights in their work, craftsmen regularly improve their professional level, monitor the quality of materials, and the sterility of instruments.

Where should you start training and how long does it last?

If you decide to master the craft of eyelash extensions, the question arises of choosing a proven school/training courses. Self-study is cheaper and more convenient, but professionals know many nuances about work and life hacks that are worth learning in person:

  • learn the basics of sanitation;
  • master safety rules;
  • at school you can ask all your questions;
  • get competent advice on choosing sets and extension schemes;
  • find out professional secrets.

It would be useful to ask about the number of people in the class: the fewer students, the more time the teacher will devote to each student. Works - examples of the teacher themselves will tell about the level of his skill and experience. Extension of lush eyelashes in stages for beginners should begin with learning the basics, the basic level. You should not attempt complex techniques; it is better to go from simple to complex.

A training course in working with eyelashes for a beginner lasts on average from 2 weeks, which includes theoretical and practical parts. You should not expect that in 1-2 lessons you can become a specialist; such courses are suitable for your own needs. This is not enough to work with clients. If the extension is unsuccessful, the client will leave and give negative feedback. It’s difficult for a girl to learn how to do eyelash extensions at home; you can make a lot of mistakes.

Is it possible to learn how to do eyelash extensions yourself?

The 21st century has opened up many new opportunities for people. Today, information flows are open, including for self-education at home. It is quite possible to learn how to extend eyelashes from videos on the Internet, manuals and books from famous artists; the main thing is to find models who are willing to allow a novice artist to train and practice the technique on themselves.

Unlike specialized training centers, which provide models and guarantee the results of students’ work, correcting defects, a self-taught person who does not have sufficient experience can leave the model without eyelashes. It is unlikely that anyone will trust an inexperienced specialist.

Few clients - little experience - little money, one follows from the other.

How to train without a model

To become a professional, you need to use high-quality materials, get better at it, and gain experience. In the first stages after training, you should not try different methods of eyelash extensions. It’s good if one of your friends/relatives agrees to be a model; if there are no volunteers, there is nothing else to do but practice on yourself.

Working with one eye when the other one serves as a model is more difficult, but this approach allows you to train until you get the desired result.

Training on your own hairs allows you to practice using all possible eyelash extension techniques: beam, classic eyelash (2D, 3D). The best work should be photographed to form a portfolio.

Training on yourself requires more dexterity than on a quietly lying client. To develop fine motor skills and finger mobility, you can not glue the hairs, but try to deftly separate them with tweezers, which will increase the speed of work over time. The main available resource in working on yourself is time, which allows you to train patience and endurance in painstaking work.

Eyelash extensions for beginners are a matter of persistence and practice, and not an impossible task. The main thing you shouldn’t save on is consumables; without them, you won’t be able to do quality work and achieve the desired effect. Poor-quality consumables, improper storage of glue, negligence, and unsanitary conditions will play a bad joke on a novice master: infection in the eyes, chemical burns of the mucous membrane. Restoring your own reputation and your client’s vision will take a long time.

Extension instructions

Step-by-step instructions for eyelash extensions for a novice lash maker consists of rules for preparing for the procedure, manipulations that must be performed.

  1. Prepare a workplace: a sheet on the couch, a cap for the client’s hair.
  2. Select an extension technique that suits the shape, size, and condition of the client’s moving eyelid.
  3. Select hairs that match the client’s initial data in terms of curve, volume, length, thickness, structure, according to the goal she is pursuing - enlargement, classic, cat, fox, squirrel look.
  4. 2 hours before the main extension, test for an allergic reaction: a pair of eyelashes are extended to the outer corner of the eye.
  5. Degrease the natural eyelash line and tools.
  6. Attach the lower eyelashes to the lower eyelid.
  7. Comb and separate natural hairs from each other.
  8. Move the natural eyelashes apart from the one on which the hair is being extended.
  9. Take the artificial hair with tweezers, dip the base in glue, remove excess glue, apply to the eyelash, retreating 0.5 mm from its growth line.
  10. Rub the glue a couple of millimeters along the length of the natural eyelash to which the artificial eyelash is being extended.
  11. Fix the glued hair along the entire length of the applied glue with light pressure.
  12. Give the client time to rest to allow the glue to dry.
  13. Explain the rules for caring for new eyelashes (you can’t rub your eyes, sleep on your stomach, use oily cosmetics, go to the sauna/bathhouse, use mascara).

Correction of the achieved result is required on average after a month, depending on the client’s skin type. Some experts believe that it is more natural and hygienic not to correct old results, but to perform the procedure again so that the look remains bright and the eyelashes remain well-groomed.

Therefore, when the eyelash extension technique was created, which is done step by step in any cosmetology salon, fashionistas perked up and decided to quickly make themselves such “Hollywood” eyelashes.

The extension technology itself consists of gluing several single or bunches of artificial eyelashes to the base of a woman's own eyelashes. Previously, it was believed that in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, it was better to carry out such a procedure with the help of a professional master exclusively in a beauty salon.

One of the types of eyelash extensions is beam

But due to the high cost of such a procedure, many women have learned to do extensions themselves at home.

The technique includes a preparatory stage and a main stage. The step-by-step process of extension is simple and if you approach it with maximum attention and responsibility, you can grow eyelashes even at home.

Let's first consider the classification of types and methods of extension.

There are two main types of extensions:

  • eyelash treatment - with this method, eyelashes look natural and last longer;
  • bunch (a bunch of artificial ones are attached to one of your eyelashes) - the look becomes more expressive, but the bunches won’t last long.

Eyelash extensions vary:

  • by length: short, medium and long;
  • by color: the most commonly used are black and brown, there are also other colors;
  • by material: natural or artificial.

There are also various extension methods:

  • partial extension - when synthetic eyelashes are glued only in the corners or at a certain interval (usually they are longer than their own);
  • complete - when the eyelashes are glued along the entire line, with each artificial one attached to its own;
  • 3D extension - 2 synthetic ones are glued to each of them, creating a three-dimensional effect;
  • creative extensions (eyelashes of different colors with sparkles or rhinestones).

The duration of wearing artificial eyelash extensions is usually 2 weeks., after which they will gradually begin to fall out. This process is usually invisible to others.

When choosing eyelashes for extensions, you need to take into account their length, thickness, hair stiffness and curl.

When choosing eyelash extensions, you need to take into account the length, thickness, stiffness of the hairs and their bend when purchasing. Most often this is indicated on the packaging. You can master the technique of the process yourself step by step, following the recommendations in this article.

When applying individual eyelash extensions, you must first select the right type of eyelashes.

There are 4 types of eyelashes based on material type:

  • silk eyelashes - quite voluminous, slightly shiny, they will sufficiently lengthen and add volume to your eyelashes (evening option, but not everyday);
  • mink eyelashes are light and thin, suitable for everyday wear, but have a drawback (they can cause an allergic reaction);
  • sable eyelashes are heavier, so they do not stick to your very thin eyelashes, although they look very impressive;
  • artificial eyelashes - they are glued very simply (15 minutes), but last 1-2 evenings.

The thickness of the hairs that will stick to the eyelashes should be no more than 0.15 mm, because thicker ones (from 0.2 mm) give a “doll-like” effect and are used for very catchy evening makeup.

It is better to select the length of the hairs in the range of 10-18 mm. When purchasing, it is optimal to choose a set with hairs of different lengths, then longer ones are suitable for the outer corners of the eyes, shorter hairs for the inner corners.

Effects for creating an image

There are also various effects used to create a specific eye look:

  1. Natural- the look gains expressiveness without the use of cosmetics.
  2. Fox effect- eyelashes of different lengths are used (usually 3), while the outer corner of the eye is visually lengthened.
  3. Squirrel- synthetic eyelashes are glued to different lengths, short - closer to the inside, long - to the outside of the eye, creating a mysterious effect.
  4. Puppet- eyelashes 12-15 mm long are selected, giving the look a doll-like and coquetry look.

The classic method of eyelash extensions is the basis of the lash industry. This extension technique is popular because... eyelashes are lengthened gradually in a natural way by gluing artificial eyelashes or thickening your own eyelashes.

This type of extension is widespread in Europe and supports the idea of ​​“naturalness” in makeup, when the eyes look impressive without signs of excessive makeup.

The main rule for classic eyelash extensions is gluing one artificial eyelash to one of your own.

The main rule for classic extensions is gluing one artificial eyelash to one of your own.

There are several basic recommendations for this procedure:

  1. The distance from the base of your eyelash to the beginning of the artificial one is 0.5-1 mm.
  2. The artificial eyelash should stick to its own in the direction from the base to the middle, and it is at the base that the eyelash is glued more tightly.
  3. The autonomy of each individual eyelash must be respected. If they stick together, then later, when there is a difference in the growth of different eyelashes, the woman will feel discomfort.
  4. When gluing the entire row of eyelashes, it is necessary to set them in one direction so that there is no “disheveled effect.”

For step-by-step home eyelash extensions, you need to prepare a set of special tools, without which it is impossible to do it correctly and painlessly. The entire technique and the process itself occur directly in contact with the eyes, so getting an infection into the eyes is completely unacceptable.

Tools and materials for eyelash extensions

List of required tools:

  • high-quality hypoallergenic glue (usually black);
  • several toothpicks;
  • packaging of cotton pads;
  • small tweezers, preferably two;
  • container for glue (preferably made of plastic) or glass;
  • spray degreaser for eyelashes;

To prepare for the extension procedure you need:

  • Prepare your hands(wash thoroughly with soap) and face (remove makeup).
  • Glue your lower eyelashes to the skin. For this purpose, special silicone pads or simply paper tape are usually used. You need to stick it on, starting from the corner, so that all the lower eyelashes are covered and do not interfere with work.

Carefully! When gluing, you need to make sure that the eye is closed. It is important that the glue and its fumes do not get on the mucous membrane of the eye, otherwise there will be a chemical burn and “tears will flow.”

  • Degreasing the eyelashes that will receive extensions using a degreaser spray. Spray a little liquid from the spray onto a cotton swab and carefully run it along all the upper eyelashes, first in one direction, then in the opposite direction.

The preparatory process is completed. Now, in order to master the technique of eyelash extensions, we will consider step by step how this is done.

After all the tools have been prepared and a set of eyelashes has been purchased, we will begin the extension process.

Pay attention! If you are doing extensions for the first time in your life, then it is best to invite a friend or a more experienced person to help you so that they can objectively evaluate the result when gluing each individual eyelash.

The most popular classic method of extension involves gluing one artificial hair onto one eyelash.

During eyelash extensions, each eyelash is taken with tweezers.

For eyelash extensions, you need 80-120 artificial eyelashes for each eye:

  1. The glue is squeezed onto the glass.
  2. Each eyelash is taken with tweezers and the blunt tip is lowered into the glue to the middle.
  3. Then the eyelash is glued, retreating 0.5-1 mm from the eyelid, to each eyelash separately. In this case, short eyelashes are glued to the inner corners of the eye, and the longest ones are glued to the outer corners. This creates a “cat's eye” effect.
  4. Professional experts advise doing several gluing procedures on each eye - 25-30 pieces for the first approach, then move on to the other eye. And so on one by one.
  5. During the last approach, the empty spaces are closed, and then both eyes are visually aligned by the number of cilia.

The bun look is also called the “Hollywood” look because it is considered a formal style. The bundles last for a maximum of 2-3 weeks.

Bundles with eyelashes come in knotless and knotted types. A nodule is a ball at the point where several artificial eyelashes meet. If there is a knot, the bundle is easier to apply, but it will be visible on the eyelashes after the procedure is completed.

Usually 15-20 bundles are glued to each eye

Knotless bundles (without balls) have a flat attachment and are glued to the skin of the eyelids.

Bunches also vary in length and density. Often in beauty salons they also add rhinestones for originality.

Usually 15-20 bunches are glued to each eye.

Stages of beam growth

Step-by-step gluing of beams:

  • drop glue onto the prepared glass;
  • a bunch of eyelashes is taken with long tweezers, the tip should be lightly dipped in glue;
  • your own eyelashes are moved apart in the right place using another tweezers, then the bundle is glued in this gap between the eyelashes either to the base of your own eyelash or to the eyelid itself;
  • the direction of gluing is from the outer corner of the eye to the inner, the beams must be distributed evenly along the eyelid to avoid gaps.

The most popular and effective technique today is the Japanese technology of eyelash extensions separately for each eyelash. With the help of step-by-step instructions for this technique, any woman can do this at home.

Japanese technique (step-by-step implementation):

  1. Pour the hairs onto white paper or a towel and select the ones you need, sorting them according to length or other parameters.
  2. Prepare the glue - pour it into a small container.
  3. Degrease tweezers using a special solution.
  4. Using a degreaser, treat the area around the eyes and your eyelashes; place damp cotton pads (halves) under the lower eyelids to protect the skin from glue.
  5. Your own eyelashes need to be combed and separated with a brush.
  6. Each artificial eyelash is taken by the tip with tweezers, the base is briefly dipped into the glue, and then applied to its own eyelash near the base. To avoid disturbing the rest of your eyelashes, you need to push them away with a toothpick. For high-quality attachment of the artificial hair, it needs to be lightly pressed onto the eyelash.
  7. The direction of gluing is from the outer to the inner edge of the eye.
  8. All eyelashes should be laid in the same direction.
  9. After finishing the procedure, you need to lie down and wait with your eyes closed for a few minutes for the hairs to stick properly.

Typically eyelash extensions last about 3-4 weeks. As a rule, corrections need to be made once a month. For oily skin, correction is done more often.

If a woman used additional tinting of mascara on her eyelash extensions, then she will have to completely redo the whole job: remove the eyelashes, because the mascara gets stuck in the roots of the eyelashes and it is impossible to remove it from there. In this case, gluing the eyelashes is done again.

There are several rules for caring for eyelash extensions:

  • You can wet your eyelashes only 2-3 hours after the extension procedure so that the glue has time to set well;
  • You can’t sleep with your face in the pillow;
  • do not rub your eyes;
  • The washing process is carried out very carefully, because getting wet reduces the lifespan of eyelashes;
  • It is better to refrain from visiting the sauna due to the possibility of straightening artificial eyelashes at high temperatures (approx. 100º);
  • you should not cry, it is also better to refrain from sea swimming (salt water does not have a very positive effect on glued eyelashes);
  • to remove makeup, it is optimal to use a tonic rather than a greasy cream (fat helps dissolve eyelash glue); also, you should not use cosmetics with alcohol, this can greatly dry out the skin on the eyelids;
  • To remove makeup, it is best to use a cotton swab and do this without touching your eyelashes.

It is better to refrain from visiting the sauna for the time being.

To remove artificial eyelashes, a special product is used - cream-paste for removing eyelash extensions. The paste should be rubbed into the base of the roots of the eyelashes and left for 15 minutes. Then the artificial eyelashes are carefully removed, the remaining excess cream is removed, everything is washed with warm soapy water.

Important to know! When you take off the artificial eyelashes, yours will seem terrible - sparse and short. Don't be scared! This is not because your own ones fell out, but because you are visually accustomed to synthetic, thick and beautiful ones.

Contraindications to the extension procedure:

  • cold or ARVI;
  • tendency to conjunctivitis or blepharitis;
  • allergy to glue or synthetic eyelashes;
  • very oily skin of the face or eyelids;
  • very weak and thin natural eyelashes cannot support the weight of artificial ones;
  • high eye sensitivity and tearfulness.
  1. Sterilization of instruments is the main rule that cannot be avoided.
  2. When using eyelash extensions, which is a more complex procedure, you need to ensure that the glued eyelashes “look in one direction.”
  3. The lifespan of natural eyelashes is about a month, so when applying extensions, it is better to choose shorter eyelashes that will grow longer.
  4. It is very important to prevent eyelashes from sticking together during the extension process.

Common mistakes made by newbies:

  • incorrect gluing of artificial eyelashes along the entire length - it is best to fix the eyelash from the base to the middle of your own eyelash;
  • incorrect interval between the eyelid and the glued eyelash (should be 0.5-1 mm) - when the eyelash is glued to the skin of the eyelid, the woman experiences a feeling of tight skin and discomfort when wearing;
  • if the eyelash is glued far from the base, then an extra free edge is formed, the eyelash “dangles”, which reduces the wearing time of such eyelashes;
  • Sticking several eyelashes together prevents them from growing normally, which accelerates the loss of your eyelashes.

After reading this article, a woman who wants to have “Hollywood” eyelashes will understand that the main thing is enthusiasm and experience. The correct technique for eyelash extensions described in this article will help you follow all the steps step by step, gain experience and get an impressive result - beautiful thick eyelashes.

A master class on eyelash extensions is taught by E. Lange:

See how eyelash extensions are performed here:

The beam extension technique is shown in detail here:

Nowadays it is very difficult to find a beauty salon where specialists do not offer to use their eyelash extension services. In a short time, they will help you give the much-desired volume and fluffiness to your eyelashes and give you the opportunity to confidently go to conquer the hearts of men. If going to a specialist is too much for your budget, information on how to grow eyelashes at home will be especially useful.

What is the easiest way to grow eyelashes at home?

Carrying out extensions at home

Doing eyelash extensions on your own is not as complicated a process as it might seem at first glance. Any girl who wants to add expressiveness and glamorous chic to her image can handle it.

The main thing is to remember a few simple rules.

  1. A kit for eyelash extensions at home is best purchased in specialized stores. The success of the procedure directly depends on the quality of the material. You don’t want to regret a failed experiment in the future, do you?

A special kit will simplify the extension process

The beam extension method will require less time.

Step-by-step description of the process

Before you apply eyelash extensions yourself at home, prepare your future workplace. Clear it of foreign objects, let nothing bother you.

A work station for eyelash extensions at home should contain:

  • Makeup remover.

Low-fat milk or tonic will prepare your eyes for the procedure

Important to know!
Choose only oil-free substances, as others are a poor base for glue.

  • Purchased special glue. It can be transparent or black. The second one will visually add volume, which is why many fashionistas choose it.
  • Tweezers. This is your main tool in the extension process.
  • Set of eyelashes. Before you learn how to extension eyelashes at home, you should decide exactly what result you want to achieve and, based on this, select the shape and length of false eyelashes.

You can easily change your look by choosing new eyelash shapes

Go to procedure

  1. Degrease your face and eyelid skin using a special product.
  2. Place a little glue on a small piece of plastic or cardboard.
  3. Eyelash extensions yourself at home are carried out using tweezers, with the help of which the selected artificial eyelash is picked up.

Proceed gradually and carefully attach artificial eyelashes

  1. Carefully dip the edge of the eyelash into glue and apply it to the eyelid in the place where it should be located.
  1. Bring the tweezers with the eyelash to your eye and gently press it against your natural eyelashes with the finger of your free hand. Hold your finger in this position for several seconds, then feel free to proceed to attach other eyelashes.
  2. Repeat the procedure on the second eye.

As you may have noticed, there is nothing particularly complicated about how to properly extend eyelashes at home. The main thing is to take your time and carefully hone every movement.

The result is impressive, isn't it?

Popular mistakes during extensions

To successfully carry out the procedure, it is not enough just to know how to properly extend eyelashes at home; it is also important to familiarize yourself with the recommendations that will become useful in the process of implementing the planned event.

  1. You should not stick eyelashes of the same length all over the eyelid. To get more naturalness, create something like a cascade. Otherwise, you will look like a doll, and this is clearly not what you are striving for.
  2. If you are the owner of weakened and thin eyelashes, do not choose artificial eyelashes that are too long. This will create additional stress and may break the eyelash.

Long fiber extensions, as in the photo, will not adhere to weakened natural eyelashes

These instructions will increase your chances of a successful outcome of the procedure and help you avoid common mistakes that inexperienced girls make.

Actions should be carried out with the eyelid closed.

Restoring the condition of eyelashes

After artificial eyelash extensions, our natural ones may weaken, become more brittle and begin to fall out.

Therefore, it is very important to know how eyelashes are treated after eyelash extensions at home.

With the help of vegetable oils you can restore the hair structure

A brush from an empty mascara is a convenient device for applying oils

Herbal infusions help restore hair

Using these simple and affordable ingredients, you can create wonderful eyelash and eyelid skin care products with your own hands.

No one can resist the look from under thick, lush eyelashes

Now you know how to extension eyelashes at home. Pay enough attention to this process, carefully read the instructions and approach the session with full responsibility. Only in this way can you achieve the desired result without negative consequences.

By following these recommendations, you can achieve an amazing result that will make your look truly unforgettable. To learn about all the intricacies of extensions, we recommend that you additionally familiarize yourself with the video in this article.

Eyelash extensions are not only beautiful, but also incredibly convenient. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to do them. If one or two procedures are not affordable, then constant wearing will result in a decent amount. The way out is to learn how to build it yourself. Now it is possible to buy everything you need for this, as well as get all the information you need for free.

  • Which eyelashes to choose
  • Required materials
  • Step-by-step technique
  • How to extend eyelashes with bunches yourself
  • Eyelash care after extensions
  • Common Mistakes

Making eyelashes yourself at home is not difficult if you choose and find everything you need correctly. Particular attention is paid to the hairs themselves. When choosing, you can find different types: mink (close to natural hairs), sable (lush and thick), silk (something in between). In fact, they have nothing to do with the materials used. In all cases, safe and hypoallergenic synthetics are used. Popular manufacturers of professional eyelashes are Dolce Vita, Vivienne, MACY. But very often materials are purchased from unknown brands; many products come from China, and they are often not inferior in quality to expensive analogues.

There are two types of extensions:

  1. Poresnichnoe. We work with individual hairs.
  2. Beam. Bundles are glued.

Naturally, each type requires its own materials. You can’t put your hair in bunches or tear anything off. But you can combine the eyelash technique with buns. As for the length, it is usually from 8 mm; over 12 mm is rarely used for everyday wear. To obtain a natural effect, it is advisable to take three lengths; the maximum size is glued in the central part or closer to the outer corners, depending on the desired effect. If you use the same hairs, then nothing beautiful will come out; the work will look prim and vulgar.

The main material is eyelashes. But you will have to spend money not only on them. Auxiliary materials are not cheap, but they will last a long time. You can buy everything in cosmetic or professional stores.

What else is needed for extension:

  1. Glue. It should be transparent or black, but intended specifically for extensions.
  2. Tweezers. Ideally, it is advisable to take a long professional tool with a curved tip and one straight one, but if you don’t have one, you can take ordinary short tweezers.
  3. Foil. It is needed for glue. Any type of food foil will do, the thickness does not matter, the main thing is cleanliness.
  4. Special solvent for glue (remover). You need to buy it in advance. If suddenly something goes wrong and it doesn’t work out the first time, you will need to remove the hairs. Without a remover, you won’t be able to safely and quickly remove artificial hairs.
  5. Brush. Necessary for combing eyelashes before and immediately after the procedure. If you can’t buy a special brush, you can take it from under your mascara, wash it well and dry it.
  6. Gel substrates (silicone tapes). They are optional, but recommended. With their help, it is easy to remove the lower eyelashes; they will not interfere with the procedure.
  7. Primer. Degreases eyelashes, removes remnants of cosmetics, dust, and dirt. It is usually used before painting, but even before extensions the product will not harm and will provide good adhesion.

Important! Don't be confused and buy regular glue for false eyelashes. It will not be durable, has a completely different composition, and adheres well to the skin, but not to the hairs. That is, it is completely unsuitable for extensions.

Before applying eyelash extensions, you need to clean the eye area of ​​makeup and do it well. You can use micellar water. Particular attention is paid to the root zone of the eyelashes, where soldering, that is, gluing, will be carried out. After cleansing, it takes a few minutes to dry completely. You can just hide your lower eyelashes under the gel pads so that they do not interfere with your work.

How to grow eyelashes at home:

  1. Treat eyelashes with primer. Usually it is applied to a brush or cotton swab and wiped from the eyelid to the ends.
  2. Comb the eyelashes with a brush to even and separate.
  3. Drop a little glue onto a piece of foil.
  4. Using even tweezers, select the eyelash that will receive extensions, pushing all the excess to the sides.
  5. Using curved tweezers, take an artificial eyelash, dip it into the adhesive up to half its length, and wipe off the excess glue on the foil.
  6. Place the artificial eyelash on the prepared natural hair and glue it.
  7. Continue the extension further along the eyelid, changing the length.
  8. Dry your eyelashes. In salons this is done with a hand pump; at home you can wave or blow something, but do not blow too much air.
  9. Comb your eyelashes with a clean and dry brush. It should pass through the hairs easily.

Important! You should not build up from the inner corner of the eyelid to the outer edge in order. In this case, neighboring eyelashes will stick together. It is recommended to work alternately in different areas.

Eyelash extensions are difficult to do on your own, as it involves gluing 100 or more hairs onto each eyelid. The process is not only lengthy, but also very painstaking. It is more convenient and faster to use bundles. They can also be bought in stores or ordered online. A large selection of materials can be found on Chinese websites. It is very important that the bundles have a good cluster. That is, at the base of the beam there should be an extended tip for fastening.

Advantages of beam extension:

  • saving time and effort;
  • cheapness;
  • the opportunity to do it yourself.

The bundles also come in different lengths, starting from 8mm. Bunches can create natural and theatrical effects. The extension technique is no different, except for a significant reduction in units. Eyelashes are also glued using two tweezers.

You can also grow perfect eyelashes at home that will last 3-4 weeks. But sometimes they begin to fall out after just a few days, and the reason is not at all in the technology and materials. It is very important to properly care for the area around the eyes, especially in the first days after the procedure.

What not to do:

  1. Wash your face the first day. That is, do not touch the eyelashes themselves. But you can wipe your eyelids with a damp disc.
  2. Rub your eyes. Fresh eyelash extensions react negatively to any mechanical influences.
  3. Use fatty creams, oils and other products that may get on the adhesives to dissolve the composition.
  4. Sunbathe, visit the sauna, bathhouse for the first 48 hours. High temperatures can also affect durability.
  5. Sleep with your face in the pillow. This habit is harmful not only to eyelashes, but also to the skin of the face, leading to swelling and bags around the eyes, it is advisable to eradicate it.

By the way! You can and even need to dye your eyelashes if your natural hairs are light in color and stand out unattractively against the general background. But it is important to choose a mascara remover that will not dissolve the adhesive.

One of the most common and dangerous mistakes in extensions is gluing. That is, artificial and natural hairs are connected to each other. This is not only unsightly, but also very harmful to natural eyelashes. There are different types of gluing: longitudinal, basal, crossed, fluff. But they can all be corrected. It is important to immediately move the hairs apart before the composition hardens.

It happens that the problem occurs because of the glue. During extension, you need to regularly update the drop on the substrate. If an error is noticed in time, it must be corrected immediately. When gluing, you can use removers, carefully removing the cilia in defective areas. If not removed in time, the risk of damage to natural hairs increases.

Other common mistakes:

  1. Gluing artificial hair close to the eyelid. As a result, as natural eyelashes grow, itching and irritation will appear, the service life will be shortened, and after 5-7 days you can notice the first losses.
  2. Small contact area (point build-up). Eyelashes must match at least 50%. Otherwise, they will begin to fall off very quickly.
  3. Direction. On the eyelids, the eyelashes are arranged in even rows, but only at the base. The ends point in different directions. It is important that the artificial hairs follow their direction.

Also, do not forget about timely correction and proper removal of artificial eyelashes. You should not tear off, try to pluck or pull out hairs, this can lead to dire consequences.

Home » Eyelashes

How to extend eyelashes at home? In fact, this is not such a complicated process, so you can carry out the beauty salon procedure yourself. However, this will require not only a lot of time, but also a lot of patience.

In fact, all the different types of extensions can be divided into 2 groups.

  • Bundle - artificial hairs are pre-assembled into ready-made bundles, which are glued to the eyelash edge. The shape, length and thickness of eyelashes can be selected according to your wishes. Beam technology is much simpler and faster: in a salon such a procedure takes no more than an hour. Beginners are recommended to start by attaching the beams.

The advantage of the solution is the speed of transformation and the variety of options. Minus - correction will be required after 2 weeks: the bundles are heavier than individual hairs and do not hold as firmly. But if one eyelash disappears from view, no one will notice its loss, but the disappearance of an entire bunch requires immediate action.

  • Eyelash - a separate artificial hair is glued to each eyelash. This kind of work is much more difficult to do: it requires pinpoint precision when fixing the hair, because it must not only take the correct position, but also the correct direction. However, eyelash extensions provide a much more stable and much longer-lasting result.

In addition, it is not necessary to actually extend all the eyelashes. By placing longer or steeply curved artificial hairs in the corners of the eyes, alternating with short ones, you can get interesting solutions: to create the effect of doll eyelashes, a fox look, or a squirrel look.

This procedure takes at least 2 hours and requires accuracy and extreme care. Impatient young ladies cannot cope with this.

  • Volumetric extensions are essentially a type of eyelash extension, but with variations: 2, 3, or even more are attached to one natural hair - Hollywood volume. The length and thickness of the eyelashes changes very significantly, so this option is more suitable for special occasions or special occasions - a stage premiere, filming.

This procedure takes 3–5 hours in the salon. It is very difficult to do at home: the work requires precise finger movements and constant tension. But when doing it on your own, you have to hold your hands suspended, which makes the work much more difficult.

This procedure includes both a significant transformation of volume and the attachment of individual hairs - decorative, for example. You can handle the latter yourself even if you lack experience and patience.

  • Attaching individual eyelashes - we are talking about a decorative type of decoration: hairs of unnatural length, color, decorated with rhinestones or sparkles. To create an interesting look, a few pieces in the corners of the eyes or along the lash line are quite enough. This option allows you to quickly change the look of 1 party.
  • Fox eyes - long hairs or tufts are attached only in the corners. This visually changes the shape of the eyes: they become elongated and seem slightly raised towards the temples. A more complex option involves attaching hairs along the entire eyelash edge - long at the outer corner, and short at the inner corner.
  • Squirrel effect - bunches of long eyelashes are fixed, slightly retreating from the outer corner, the bunch forms a kind of “squirrel tail”.
  • The puppet effect is a complex technology that is not recommended for beginners: it is difficult to perform correctly. Firstly, only eyelash extensions are intended, and secondly, only long hairs are used, including when attached to the inner corner.
  • Sparse eyelashes - this refers to the alternation of short and long eyelashes from the inner to the outer corner. The technology is no less complex and requires taking into account the shape of the eye: if long eyelashes are placed incorrectly, you can visually emphasize a disadvantage instead of an advantage.
  • Natural ones are also a very difficult technique. Eyelash extensions are performed in compliance with the natural length: short ones near the inner corner, long ones near the outer corner.

There are many types of artificial eyelashes. Some allow you to increase the volume of eyelashes, others increase the length, and others allow you to achieve an unexpected decorative effect. When choosing, you will have to pay attention to a lot of nuances.

This parameter determines not only, and not so much the thickness of future eyelashes, but its capabilities.

  • Silk is the thinnest and most delicate hair, with a diameter of 0.05 mm. Ideal for volumetric extensions, but due to their thinness, they require jewelry work with tweezers.
  • Colonels are thicker, with a diameter of 0.10 to 0.15 mm. The speaker holds its shape better, so if you need curved tips, this option is preferable.
  • Mink – up to 0.20 mm in diameter, suitable for many experiments with length and shape. It’s easier to secure them, so if you have a little experience in doing extensions yourself, it’s better to start with a mink.
  • Sable – the thickest and strongest hairs – up to 0.25 mm, lasts up to 3 months. Most often used to create natural makeup and partial extensions. 3D, and especially Hollywood volume cannot be increased with their help: they create too much weight for natural eyelashes.

Tips to help you grow your own eyelashes at home:

The length of the hairs varies from 4 mm to 25 mm. If fixation is expected only in the corner, then choose longer eyelashes. If extensions are performed throughout the entire volume, you will need products of different lengths - with the exception of the doll effect.

When choosing, you need to keep in mind the purpose of the extension. Very long eyelashes look unnatural and are only suitable for special occasions.

Curl of the hair - gracefully curved ends visually make eyelashes longer and eyes larger. The degree of bending can be very different. The photo shows the bend options.

  • B – minimum bend. This is an option for those with straight eyelashes, since too much difference between natural and extension hairs is unacceptable.
  • C – the bend is greater, creating the effect of a curling mascara.
  • D – this is what eyelashes look like on women who like to use curlers. In addition, with a long hair length, the bend should also be greater.
  • CC – extremely strong bend, necessary for volumetric extensions.
  • U is an option for a doll-like look.
  • L – relatively straight hair with a strongly bent tip. This model is suitable for those who constantly wear glasses.

What do you need for eyelash extensions, besides the material? Of course, special fixing compounds and tools. A novice home craftsman can purchase a ready-made kit, which includes everything necessary. The more experienced, as a rule, prefers to search for material on their own.

Required tools:

  • tweezers, or rather, 2 tweezers: one with straight tips, the other with curved tips. When choosing a tool, you need to pay attention to the jaws: they must close tightly to a width of at least 3 mm, otherwise they will not be able to hold either the hair or the tuft;
  • degreaser - special compounds that do not irritate the eyes, remove remnants of decorative cosmetics, most importantly, natural grease;
  • glue for artificial eyelashes - again, this must be a special composition that does not irritate the mucous membranes. Beginners are advised to choose slow-fixing glue so that they can adjust the position of the hairs;
  • If desired, the extension kit can be supplemented with a retainer - this tool enhances the strength of the fastening.

The step-by-step instructions for eyelash extensions that are used in salons are not entirely suitable. It is much more convenient for the master to act, since he sees the “front of work” from above and holds his hands in a more correct position: the hands are below the elbows. Yes, he has a better overview.

When working independently, it is difficult to evaluate the intermediate result, and when working, your hands are constantly in an awkward position. Accordingly, the home master has to resort to various tricks.

Eyelashes are placed on a palette - if we are talking about a special set, or on a strip of foam rubber. In this case, the order of gluing is observed. Otherwise, you will have to constantly look for hairs. It is very important to provide good lighting.

  • Removes makeup from eyelids and skin around the eyes. Then the eyelashes are treated with a special degreaser.
  • The bottom row is fixed with a backing.
  • A drop of special glue is placed on a strip of glass or cardboard.
  • Using tweezers, remove a hair from the palette and dip the blunt tip into the glue - approximately to the middle. Excess glue, if any, is removed with a swab.
  • Then, with one tweezer, the cilia are moved away from the main one, and the artificial hair is brought in with the second. They pass it along the natural eyelash to lubricate it with glue, and apply it without trying to press it.
  • It is very important to maintain the correct gap between the edge of the eyelid and the glued hair - 0.5–1 mm. If the distance is too small - 0.3 mm, the glue will tighten the skin of the eyelid and create discomfort. The hair should be attached from the beginning of the eyelash to the middle.
  • Then all operations are repeated step by step on the other eyelash.
  • If necessary, the result is secured with a fixative.

Whether it is possible to get the same spectacular volume and length at home as in a salon depends not so much on the material as on skill and patience. Everything is important: how accurately the artificial hair is placed, whether it coincides in direction with the natural one, whether it has twisted during the fixation process, and, most importantly, whether the hairs have stuck together due to excess glue or poor positioning.

But even the most excellent result does not exclude some care recommendations:

  • you can wet your eyes with water or simply wash your face only after 12 hours: during this time the glue will completely polymerize;
  • visiting the sauna, bathhouse or swimming pool is not allowed for the next 24 hours;
  • do not resort to steam baths, masks and lotions for 2-3 days;
  • It is advisable to paint eyelash extensions with only one layer of mascara and in no case resort to special formulations - voluminous or waterproof mascara.

How to grow your own eyelashes at home? Essentially, the same technologies are used as in the salon, but taking into account the specifics: worse visibility, inconvenience during operation and, as a rule, minimal experience. For beginners, it’s better to start by attaching bunches or long individual eyelashes; more experienced ones can try full volume.

Thick and long eyelashes are the dream of every woman. They make the look expressive, deep and alluring. Not all girls have such eyelashes. In the case of sparse and short eyelashes, eyelash extensions will help.

About eyelash extensions

Polyester hairs are used in eyelash extensions. They are made from 4 to 21 mm in length and from 0.05 to 0.3 mm in thickness. Also, eyelashes have different curves. The size of the hairs determines where they stick. Manufacturers offer craftsmen both single hairs and connected in bundles.

Eyelash extensions are performed in several stages:

  • Removing eye makeup and degreasing hair with a special product.
  • In accordance with the chosen effect, the master selects artificial hairs.
  • A special patch is placed between the upper and lower eyelids to separate the eyelashes.
  • The selected eyelashes are lowered into the glue with their base and pressed against the eyelashes on the eyelid.
  • Allow the glue to dry completely before removing the eyelid separation patch.

Important! Before gluing the next hair, you need to let the glue on the previous eyelash set.

Where to learn eyelash extensions

The services of a lash maker are in demand and are well paid. Many people are interested in how to properly extend eyelashes. A beginner can learn this skill in three ways:

  • Take a few lessons from a familiar master and study the technique yourself. This option is suitable for those who want to earn money from home after their main job. This is the most unsuitable option for a potential client.
  • Take express courses. Such training makes it possible to fully work at home or organize a beauty salon.
  • Full school education. It takes from 4 months, provides the most complete information on the procedure and practical skills. This option is best used by everyone: those who want to learn a skill from scratch, and those who are already experienced specialists.

Important! Having chosen a quick learning method, you need to be prepared for possible problems at work.

Where to start learning

Learning should begin with defining a goal. If a girl wants to learn this craft in order to correct the image of her friends, then short courses will be enough for her. To do eyelash extensions at home, you can do without in-depth knowledge of the procedure. Following the basic rules will help determine whether a given profession is suitable for a person or not.

If the goal is to earn money, then you need to undergo training at a good school.

When choosing a school of study, you should pay attention to the following questions:

  • Duration of training. The craft of eyelash extensions cannot be learned in a day or a week.
  • Does the training include practicing skills on models? Not all aspects of a job can be shown on mannequins.
  • Amount of practice. It is better if the knowledge gained is practiced on different models at the leshmaker school.
  • Teachers' experience. When applying for training, you need to look at the portfolio of the masters. Photos must be with the school logo and in large quantities.
  • Students' works. In a good school, they photograph the work of those who studied there. You need to watch them too.
  • Upon completion of training, a person must be issued a document confirming the acquired specialty. It's better if it's a diploma.

Eyelash extension technique step by step

The essence of eyelash extensions is to glue an artificial hair or a bundle of 3-5 pieces to natural eyelashes.

Regardless of which method is chosen, beam or Japanese (1 eyelash is glued), During work you need to follow the following step-by-step plan:

  1. Wash your hands and wipe them with a pad soaked in alcohol. Remove makeup from the client's eyes.
  2. Place special pads on the lower eyelashes or glue them to the skin with paper tape.

Important! The client's eyes must be closed during the procedure.

  1. Using a special product, remove natural oil from the upper eyelashes. They should be processed first in one direction, then in the other.
  2. Glue for extensions must be poured onto the glass for ease of use.
  3. Using tweezers, take one of the prepared eyelashes and lower it into the glue with the blunt end up to half its length.
  4. Using another tweezers, separate the eyelash to which the artificial hair will stick, and press the eyelash with glue onto it. The distance from the eyelid to the beginning of the artificial hair should be no more than 1 mm. This eyelash method is classic and looks natural.
  5. After completing the procedure, let the glue dry completely and remove the retainer for the lower eyelashes.

Following the instructions, as well as the extension schemes, will help create a natural, charming look.


The workplace should be comfortable for both the client and the technician. If the massage table does not have height adjustment, then a chair must be taken with this function. For your convenience, it is better to opt for an adjustable chair. The work process doesn't have to be difficult.

The comfort of the client largely depends on the pillow. It should be of medium softness and prevent neck numbness.

Light plays a big role in the work of a master. It should be white and not flicker. The tool stand also creates comfort in work. It is more convenient to work when everything you need is close to the client.

How to hold tweezers correctly

Many novice craftsmen hold tweezers like a spoon. This hand position is incorrect. For a more comfortable hold of the instrument, it is recommended to take it at the bottom and pinch it with your thumb and ring fingers.

Eyelash gluing direction

Eyelash extensions are used not only to add thickness to eyelid hairs, but also to change the direction of their growth. Simply by gluing artificial eyelashes in parallel, you cannot achieve a butterfly effect when the eyelashes are directed in one direction.

To set the correct direction for the eyelashes, you need to glue them on, following a certain pattern.

There are 6 eyelash extension schemes in the world. Their names are based on the effect they produce:

  • Natural (classic).
  • Fox.
  • Puppet room.
  • Belichya.
  • Rays.
  • Feline.

The difference between these schemes is the location of long eyelashes: at the inner or outer corner. The increased volume when using the scheme will look neat.

How to maintain rows

Eyelashes grow on the eyelids in several rows. There can be from 3 to 5. The secret of a smooth transition when building up is to follow the rows. Often, a beginner in work glues hairs of one length to the middle of the eyelid and another - further to the end of the eyelash edge. This leads to the formation of a step. To avoid this effect, you need to gradually attach the hairs to the eyelashes, according to their growth in the rows. For convenience, you can make markings on the patch.

Something to remember! In the top row you need to glue the shortest eyelashes. If the client's eyelash edge consists of only 3 rows, then in the second row in the quarter located closer to the outer corner, longer eyelashes are glued. In the bottom - the length varies from the middle.

Due to this step-by-step gluing, the eyelashes look even and thick.

Indentation for eyelash extensions

When working with eyelashes, it is important to maintain the distance from the skin of the eyelid to the rounded end of the hair. It should not exceed 1 mm. There is no point in gluing lint onto the skin.

Eyelash extension schemes for beginners

The classic extension scheme is very popular. When performing this procedure, artificial hair is attached to the eyelash, repeating its direction. In this case, the length changes slightly. For this scheme, the size of the cilia is selected in the range from 6 to 10 mm. They need to be glued from the outer corner of the eye to the inner one.

The fox-eye effect is created by a sharp transition from one length to another. The direction of work is from the inner zone of the eye to the outer. Teaching how to implement this scheme is a complex process. More often, the execution error lies in the incorrect placement of long fibers.

The ray pattern is popular among beginners. According to the description of the technology, hairs of different lengths are taken to perform it. They are attached to the eyelids in groups, forming rays.

Mistakes when doing eyelash extensions

Extension experts note the following mistakes not only of beginners, but also of experienced specialists:

  • Artificial hairs are glued along the entire length of the eyelash.
  • Eyelashes are attached either far from the root of their hairs, or on the skin of the eyelid.
  • A large amount of adhesive glues several eyelashes together.
  • Practicing skills and being attentive will protect a novice specialist from these mistakes.

Advanced training in eyelash extensions

Further professional development can be done either independently or through courses. When choosing such courses, you should pay attention to who they are intended for. It is better to choose a practicing teacher who has been teaching training for a long time.

Secrets of eyelash extensions from experienced cosmetologists

When learning the eyelash extension procedure, you need to take on board the advice of experienced professionals.

At the beginning of your career, it is better to use white glue. After drying, it becomes transparent, it is invisible to the eyes. When working, the gluing boundary will be better visible.

If the client has light eyelashes, then they need to be dyed before work. After completing the procedure, it is not recommended to use mascara.

Having learned to accurately determine the type of appearance of the client, you can more accurately choose the method of eyelash extensions. The client himself is not always able to choose the right extension scheme. The specialist should simplify the difficult choice and suggest the right option, in accordance with the type of face and characteristics of the eyes.

Unnatural fibers should be glued on one side of the natural hair.

You can properly extend eyelashes both in the salon and at home. With the right training and persistence, the desire to look like a star can lead to good money.
