Braiding with rubber bands. How to weave French braid bauble bracelets from elastic bands? How to make a French braid bracelet from elastic bands

05/28/2015 at 09:15

How to weave a French braid from elastic bands: on your fingers, on a slingshot, on a machine and forks? Let's look at all these bracelets in detail and start analyzing the weaving, as it turns out there are many options!

The reason is that by the French braid, some understand the classic version, while others understand the reverse French braid.

A French braid in a bracelet made of rubber bands has 2 weaving options, but by increasing the number of rubber bands and weaving them in different ways, we will get dissimilar bracelets. So that you can weave the desired pattern, let's figure out how to weave them using examples with photos and video format.

This is the weaving of the first option and the second, but as you can see, they are very different. Let's figure out how to weave each of the options on different devices?

Without a machine on the fingers

You will need for the bracelet: elastic bands, fingers, clasp.

The first version of weaving a French braid from elastic bands using fingers without a machine is done like this:

  1. Prepare the elastic bands that you will use in weaving. The color doesn’t matter, it all depends on your personal taste and the vision of the bracelet in the end. To get the bracelet with the desired pattern, lay out the rubber bands in a strict order.
  2. One elastic band is put on two fingers so that it creates the appearance of a figure eight. You need to put the elastic on your middle and index fingers, this will be most convenient.
  3. Then put another elastic band (it will be better if they contrast in color so that the pattern is bright and stands out well against the background) on top of the figure eight, but without twisting it, but leaving it as is (in the shape of a ring).
  4. By putting on rubber bands one after another and performing similar operations, you will get a bracelet made using the French braiding technique
  5. A variation of this weaving; This is adding not 1, but 2 or 3 elastic bands, then the bracelet will be more voluminous and wide.

Video tutorials to help you weave a bracelet without a machine using your fingers or pencils.

Weaving bracelets using the fishtail technique on a slingshot

Some rubber bands on bracelets also include special devices for weaving - slingshots. With their help, weaving becomes easier and more understandable, even if you are doing it for the first time.

To weave a French braid we will need to take:

  • 25 pieces of elastic bands in two contrasting colors (the number of elastic bands depends on the length of your wrist);
  • slingshot;
  • hook for removing rubber bands;
  • clasp or esochka.

We do it in the following sequence:

  1. We put one elastic band on the slingshot in a figure eight.
  2. The second is a contrasting color ring.
  3. Having put on several pieces, carefully lift the lowest elastic band and grab all the others with it.
  4. We repeat the operations, except for 1, when we put on the rubber band in a figure eight.
  5. This way we will get the desired length of the future bracelet and at the end we will connect the bracelet with a clip or clasp, this will allow you to wear it comfortably and not have to worry about keeping it on your hand.

On a slingshot

It is braided in the same way as on the fingers. It’s true that it’s more convenient to use a slingshot, since you only need to hold the slingshot itself and always, if you interrupt at any moment, we put the bracelet aside along with the slingshot itself. It's easy to go back to weaving again without having to remove the already braided part from the slingshot.

Prepare for weaving:

  • slingshot;
  • elastic bands 22 pcs, 2 colors;
  • esochka - clasp.

Pay attention to the video - the lesson, step-by-step explanations will help you avoid mistakes and easily weave a French braid on a slingshot.

On the forks

To weave a French braid bracelet with forks, you will need the same number of rubber bands of 2 colors. For an adult's wrist, about 45 pcs.

Prepare for weaving:

  • fork;
  • elastic bands 22 pcs, 2 colors;
  • esochka - clasp.

The only difference between a fork and finger braiding is that the rubber bands are put on the teeth, and the position of the rubber bands themselves and their removal are similar.

Making a bracelet from rubber bands on a machine

A weaving machine is a special device for weaving from rubber bands, which is most often made of plastic and has sticks (posts) extended upward, on which the elastic bands are actually put on.
It is very easy and quick to perform all the steps when making a bracelet, and such a machine is inexpensive (from 50 UAH = $3 to 120), and will appeal to both little girls and adult girls who want to have unique jewelry.

We’ll talk about the right choice of machine, hook and elastic bands in a separate article.

  1. The machine must be unpacked and installed on a flat, immovable surface. To do this, follow the instructions included in the delivery kit and follow the direction of the design arrows, which should be directed in the direction opposite to your placement.
  2. It is better to start weaving from the first peg (column) in the first row. Place the elastic diagonally to the left.
  3. Then put the second elastic band on top so that it is also located diagonally, but in the other direction, as if continuing the end of the first. Repeat with other rubber bands, placing them further and further on the pegs.
  4. Now turn the weaving machine over so that the arrows are pointing towards you.
    Remove the rubber bands using your fingers, but it is better to use a hook. Take the second elastic band from you and change one of its ends to the middle row so that it is on top of another elastic band of the same color. This way, the elastic will look like it has been bent in half.
  5. Repeat this step with each elastic band, the direction will depend on how you wove it first. Then simply remove the bracelet and stretch it. You will get mugs that will become an original decoration for any outfit or just a talisman for good luck.

On the machine

A bracelet made using the French braid technique will look elegant and appropriate for any outfit, because it contrasts brightly against the background of clothes of any color, emphasizing your individuality.
This bracelet is easy to make using your fingers, on a fork, on a machine, and even on a slingshot.

Let's consider the type of weaving a French braid on a machine, but in the absence of a special device, you can weave on anything, the result will not suffer.
Execution is the same with any colors and using any means.

  1. Install two rather than three rows of the machine and arrange them so that the posts “look” at you with pits.
  2. Choose two-tone elastic bands in contrasting colors, wearing one in a figure eight and the other in a simple circle.
  3. Put on the third elastic band in the same way as the second one, and then twist it, as if folding it in half, so that it is folded on top of the second elastic band. We recommend choosing the first and third elastic bands in the same color so that the bracelet looks elegant and not overly provocative.
  4. Next, we put on the fourth elastic band, and fold the second one in the same way. Remove the bottom elastic band from one side so that it covers all the top ones.
  5. Then the real confusion begins: remove the center elastic where the contrasting side is located, and the bottom elastic where the color is similar. Thus, the pattern is ready.

Look at the photo lesson, you will notice a pattern: on the right - remove the red rubber band, i.e. the middle one, on the left - the last white and blue. On the middle elastic band there should be 2 different colors.

By putting on more and more elastic bands of different colors (preferably two), we get a wonderful bracelet, at the end of which you need to fasten with a clip so that it keeps its shape well and does not get lost.

Bracelets of this type have always been considered very elegant and interesting; similar bracelets were made of fabric, but the guys prefer using elastic bands; they are more comfortable to wear due to their ductility and keeping their shape.
The French braid bracelet is very easy to make, but any fashionista or fashionista would agree to wear it without taking it off, because it looks quite original.

From Sergey in a video lesson

Sergey suggests weaving a bracelet on a machine, which will free up your hands and weave the bracelet much faster. Pay attention to the video, it shows in detail the weaving instructions and step-by-step explanations. This will allow you to master a new pattern much faster.

In a shell

For lovers of extravagant and non-classical bracelet options who want to weave a braided French braid. We recommend weaving a French braid in the first option, then it makes sense to weave a braid. French braid 2 options, will be more voluminous and does not need braiding.

How to weave the braid itself is described above, on your fingers, and the braid itself is worth watching in the video tutorial.

Triple French braid bracelet with forks

For special fashionistas who are open to creativity, we suggest combining 3 French braids into 1 bracelet.

Scheme for creating a bracelet from rubber bands:

  1. Using any of the options described in this article, weave 3 French braids from elastic bands of different colors or one. Place hair clips on each braid separately to prevent it from unraveling.
  2. Weave the finished braids into a braid, slightly loose and straightening the links.
  3. Then, remove the hooks and collect all the rubber bands on the ends of the bracelet onto the hook. Pass a separate elastic band through all 6 ends of the bracelets and put the esochka on it.
  4. Straighten the bracelet links to make it look more flattering.
    Watch the detailed video tutorial to understand step by step how to create a bracelet from French braids.

What mistakes can happen when weaving a French braid?

It is not possible to foresee all errors at once, but we suggest paying attention to the most common error. It is this that leads to the fact that the needlewoman gets lost and has to start over.

The most common mistake is the lack of correct alternation of colors.

If you made such a mistake at the very beginning of weaving a bracelet, then very soon you will understand this, since you will not have alternating rubber bands in color.

Pay attention to the photo, the most important things are listed separately.

There is a mistake, after the pink and black elastic bands twisted in a figure eight there are 2 transparent ones, but there should be 1. Fold the elastic bands for the bracelet in strict alternation, if a mistake is made, it is better to undo the bracelet, otherwise the French braid will not work or you will get some new version of the bracelet.

We hope that now for you any version of a French braid woven from rubber bands does not present any difficulties. We wish you good luck in weaving any figures, bracelets or toys from rubber bands!

Rubber band bracelet French braid named for its resemblance to the hairstyle of the same name. This bracelet is very soft, delicate and beautiful. A bracelet made of contrasting rubber bands looks especially chic.

At the end of the article you can watch a video tutorial on weaving a French braid bracelet.

How to weave a French braid bracelet

To weave this bracelet, prepare the rubber bands of the iris. A bracelet made from rubber bands of 2 contrasting colors looks especially beautiful, but you can weave from 3 different colors.

A French braid bracelet can be woven using a slingshot or a loom. If you weave this bracelet on a loom, then remove one row of teeth, and the weaving will be located on the 2 outer teeth of the loom. If you don’t have a machine or a slingshot, you can make a simple slingshot from two pencils.

You will also need a special clasp for the bracelet and a hook (you can use a crochet hook No. 4).

Bracelet weaving technique

In the photographs for this master class I will show how to weave a bracelet on a machine. So, we remove one row of teeth from the machine, and position the machine with the open part of the teeth towards us. I wove this bracelet from green and blue rubber bands, and you can choose your favorite colors.

We put a green rubber band on the two outer cloves in a figure eight.

We put a blue rubber band on the teeth without twisting.

We put on the third rubber band, again green.

We drop the very last green rubber band from both teeth to the center.

We put a blue rubber band on two prongs. We pick up the lowest blue rubber band from the right tooth and throw it into the center.

From the left prong we hook the second (central) green rubber band and drop it into the center. We had two rubber bands on our teeth - on the left - 2 blue, on the right - green and blue.

We put a green rubber band on the teeth. Remember, we alternate the colors of the rubber bands.

Now you need to put a blue rubber band on the teeth. Drop the bottom green rubber band from the right tooth, and the middle green rubber band from the left. So we continue to weave the bracelet to the desired length.

The peculiarity of this bracelet is that you will never get confused about which rubber band you need to remove, even if you are distracted from braiding. You should always remove the bottom rubber band from the tooth on which the two bottom rubber bands are the same color.

Once the weave fits you (try the bracelet on your wrist), hook the bottom elastic bands to the center. We transfer one rubber band to another - now we have two rubber bands on one clove. And we attach a clasp to them. Now we remove the weaving from the machine.

We find the initial elastic band at the other end of the bracelet and attach the clasp to it.

Our French braid bracelet is ready! Wear it with pleasure.

Video tutorial bracelet made from rubber bands French braid

Bracelets - baubles made of rubber bands have long become one of the ways to decorate yourself and make your appearance more vibrant and memorable.

It’s easy to buy a lot of bracelets in almost any store or market, but girls are very possessive and will never wear the same thing that her friend has.

Of course, the likelihood that two friends will buy the same bracelets is very small, but do not forget that this is mass production, so this option is in principle possible.

There are many types, patterns and methods of weaving bracelets. Different weaving methods provide an original pattern, and you can choose the colors to your liking.

Now we will tell you how to weave bracelets - baubles from rubber bands in the French braid style in different ways - on a machine, a slingshot, forks and on your fingers.

How to weave bracelets - baubles from elastic bands, French braid on a machine?

Place the first circle on two adjacent columns of the machine, wrapping it in the shape of a figure eight.

Remember that you only need to turn the figure eight over the first row on the machine.

Using a hook, fold the bottom loop from both sides into the center (in our example it is pink). Then you put on the next pink iris.

On the right side, remove the middle yellow layer and transfer it to the middle. On the left side, remove the bottom blue layer and also move it to the center.

Continue weaving, putting on a blue circle. Remove the middle layer from the left column of the machine, and the bottom layer from the right, thus constantly alternating them.

Put on the yellow ring and now, on the contrary, remove the bottom row on the left, and the middle row on the right.

Continue weaving in this way until the craft reaches the length you need.

You finish weaving. To do this, remove the top layers in the middle, and put the two loops that remain on one side of the lock. With the other side you hook the opposite two central loops of the craft.

That's all!

How to weave bracelets - baubles from rubber bands, French braid on a slingshot without a machine?

Place the first layer on the slingshot posts, twisting it in the shape of a figure eight.

Throw on two more strips of the same color without turning them over.

Hook the bottom right loop, pull it with a hook and move it to the middle.

Do the same with the bottom left row.

Put on another layer and also move the bottom rows to the center.

Similarly, continue to weave the craft from rubber bands until it reaches the desired length.

Throw the top two elastic bands into the center, and put the remaining two on one end of the lock. You hook its second end to a couple of rubber bands on the other side of the craft.

For more details, watch the video at the beginning of this method.

If you don’t have a loom or slingshot, you can easily weave such a bracelet on forks or even on your fingers.

This weaving is so simple to perform that only two bases are needed for successful work.

If the braid is braided on two forks, they must first be connected together using tape. And if you use one fork, then do not forget to first bend or break off the middle teeth.

If you wish, you can even use two pencils attached parallel to each other or any other two bases that can easily be found in the household.

It should be added that we do not recommend using your fingers, because, according to Murphy’s law, as soon as you put another layer on your fingers, something will definitely distract you, and your fingers will have to be released.

See you again, dear readers!

Good luck to everyone and success in your creativity!

Other weaving methods

Hi all! In this tutorial, I'll show you how to make a French braid bracelet using elastic bands. I don’t know why it’s called that, but it doesn’t matter, because the bracelet will turn out to be original and will look great. You can weave it on a loom or use a simple slingshot. I recommend that you make a bracelet from rubber bands of two colors, then it will turn out the most beautiful. Well, let's get started.

What you will need:

  1. Rainbow loom machine (or slingshot)
  2. Hook for weaving elastic bands.
  3. Rubber bands in two different colors.
  4. Clasp (C or S-shaped clip).

French braiding

First, prepare your Rainbow loom machine. Remove the left row of posts so that it does not interfere with you, since you only need two posts to make a French braid.

For example, we will weave a bracelet from elastic bands of two colors (in my opinion, the most beautiful version of the bracelet) - orange and green.

Throw the first elastic band (orange) over the first two columns, twisting it in a figure eight. Then pull an elastic band of a different color (in my case green) onto the same posts in the usual way, without any figure eights (in the future, we will put all the elastic bands on the same posts in the usual way). Again take an elastic band of the same color as the first one (orange) and throw it over the posts.

Now on the left column, hook the first elastic band (stretched in a figure eight) and throw it from the outside of the column to the middle. Then remove this elastic band from the right column in the same way. In the end it should look like this:

Throw a green elastic band over the posts.

To weave it into a bracelet, remove the center elastic from the right post, and then the first (lowest) elastic from the left post.

French Braid Pattern

Next is the orange elastic band - pull it over the posts. Now on the right column there are two elastic bands of the same color (green) at the bottom, this means that we need to remove the bottom elastic band from the right column.

On the left column, the colors of the elastic bands alternate, so we will remove the central elastic band from it (it is the same color as the one removed from the right column, that is, green).

Last time we added orange elastic, so add green elastic over the posts. Now on the left column there are two elastic bands of the same color, which means, following the instructions from the previous paragraph, we need to remove the bottom elastic band from it.

In turn, on the right column the colors of the rubber bands alternate, so we remove the central one from it.

Alternating colors, add elastic bands to the posts. Weave them together following the pattern described above. Let's fix it:

  1. two elastic bands of the same color on a post - remove the bottom elastic band from it;
  2. The colors of the elastic bands on the column alternate - remove the central elastic band from it.

Continue French braiding in this way until the bracelet is the length you need. It will look like this:

Finishing the bracelet weaving

It's time to remove the rubber bands from the machine. There are two rubber bands left on each of the posts. First, remove the bottom elastic from both posts.

Then remove the last elastic from one post and place it on the other. Place a clip on the resulting loops.

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We invite you to learn how to weave together an original double-sided bracelet from bright colored French braid rubber bands. At first glance, it may seem that this is not at all easy to do, but in fact, even a child can cope with this weaving; you just need to carefully review and remember all the steps.

So, for work we need:

  • rubber bands of two different colors;
  • slingshot for weaving;
  • hook;
  • plastic S-shaped lock.

Weaving stages

1. First, we need to take the first rubber band, in our master class it is pink, cross it with a figure eight and put it on the slingshot.

2. Then we put a second elastic band of a different color on the slingshot, ours is yellow, please note that, unlike the first, we do not cross this one.

3. After the yellow one, we put on the pink elastic band again, without twisting it.

4. Next, using a hook, remove the lowest pink elastic band from the right half of the slingshot and leave it in the middle of the top two.

5. After this, remove the middle yellow elastic band from the left half of the slingshot.

6. We put another rubber band on the slingshot; according to the alternation of colors, it should be yellow.

7. Now, using a crochet hook, remove the middle pink elastic band from the right side of the slingshot to the center.

8. Then, on the left side of the slingshot, remove the bottom pink elastic band in the center and put another elastic band on top of the slingshot, it should be pink.

9. Now remove the lower yellow elastic band on the center on the right side, and the middle yellow elastic band on the left. As you may have noticed, correctly observing the alternation of the colors of the elastic bands, we need to remove the bottom elastic band from the right side, then from the left side, and in this case the next one should be the same color, one hundred and the bottom one, and on the opposite side the middle elastic band of the same color .

10. Thus, we weave a product of the length we need; already in the process of work, you can notice that on one side our bracelet is obtained with front yellow turns.

And on the opposite side, with pink facial curls.

11. To finish weaving, we no longer put rubber bands on top of the slingshot, but only remove the lower ones from both sides to the center of the upper ones.