Stingy - the psychology of male greed. Such different stingy men: classification of greedy men Greedy lover what to do

Tanya and Maxim were a wonderful couple that all their friends looked up to. Tanya is smart and beautiful; she defended her dissertation last year. Maxim is a jack of all trades, hardworking and economical. Tanya's girlfriends always set Maxim as an example to their men. Like, you don’t know how to do anything, but Maxim himself assembled the kitchen, connected the washing machine, and went to Poland to buy a lawn mower for his dacha. But one evening, when the girlfriends got together, this ideal was shattered. Tanya seemed to burst that evening...

“Girls,” she began to sigh, “how hard it is with him!” He's not just tight-fisted, he's a real stingy guy. Over the past three years, Maxim has not only never bought me flowers, he “nags” me for every ruble I have earned. He goes to a “distant” store only because it is 2 rubles cheaper. And in the market... If only you knew what was going on in the market! First, he will go around all the tents and find out all the prices. Then he chooses the tent where the goods are cheapest and begins to bargain. Personally, I just feel ashamed. The seller sees that in front of him is a decently dressed, one might even say, well-groomed man, but he behaves like a beggar...

What is the problem?
And the problem is that an adult, fully formed person does not even assume that he is a stingy person, that he behaves, to put it mildly, uncivilized and consumerist.
“I don’t consider myself a miser,” says Dima. – I'm just a rational person. - And he begins to tell what a bitch his ex-girlfriend Ira was:
“Imagine,” he complained. – For $150 extra pay, Irka took on a part-time job. She came home angry, tired and attacked me because of the unwashed dishes. And I told her:
- Ira, why do you need a second job if you return home “nothing”? It would be better if you worked at one, but the kind and fluffy one came and washed the dishes herself. I make good money.
“Dima, I haven’t even seen your money,” Ira snapped. “I don’t even know how much you earn.” But I need money to pay for my studies and help my mother. I also want to go there in the summer.
How this statement infuriated Dima! He just lost his temper:
- Why do you care about my money? Do you live and do not need anything? What, you have nothing to eat? Or do you walk barefoot down the street?..
A few months later, Ira and Dima broke up. Since then, Dima has done nothing but tell his friends about the bitchiness and greed of his ex-girlfriend. But he doesn’t notice the log in his own eye...

Stinginess test

Present. When dating a cheapskate, don’t count on gifts. Those rare occasions when he decides to give you something will definitely be your birthday or New Year. But the value of these gifts will be entirely emotional, and not real, just like in the KVN game:
- I thought for a long time what to give: - banal, a cassette with good videos - expensive... So I decided to give a postcard.
In addition to the postcard, you can count on a modest bouquet, a box of chocolates or a completely useless figurine or vase.

Flowers. If your lover is a cheapskate, you can be sure that he considers it “a waste of money.” The most you can hope for is three carnations on March 8 or wildflowers (“I was driving a car and picked them up by the road...”)

Dates. Dating with a cheapskate is monotonous. They all come down to walking around the city because it's incredibly cheap. You sadly look at the neon windows of coffee shops passing by and inhale the aroma of freshly baked buns, which, alas, a cheapskate will never “splurge” on.

Transport. Taxi is a “taboo” for a cheapskate. If you, worried about your own safety, decide to call a taxi to get from your boyfriend’s house to your own, you will see a disapproving look and an offer to stay “at his place.” And no one cares that you have nothing to change into, that you don’t have a toothbrush, hair dryer and cosmetics. Of course, you can leave by taxi, but you will have to pay for it yourself. It’s not even a fact that a trip on public transport will be paid for by your friend, especially if it’s a minibus. Often the girl who is a cheapskate has to pay herself.

Spiritual values ​​are above all. The stingy guy constantly emphasizes that he values ​​kindness and selflessness in girls. At the same time, he tells how his ex-girlfriend “milked” him mercilessly, and resolutely declares that he will not allow this to happen again. You understand that these words apply to you and that signs of attention cannot be expected.

Vacation. Don’t even hope that a stingy man will pay for your trip together. He may unexpectedly leave for you alone, saying that “by chance he was offered to take two weeks of vacation” and he instantly flew away on a “last minute trip”. But if, after all, you are traveling together, then the question of “sharing” in expenses will arise in any case. There are two possible scenarios here. The man will tell you about this directly, or in the middle of the vacation he will “suddenly” run out of money, and you will have to pay for everything alone.

Hard times. Even if you are not a fan of complaining about financial difficulties, there are times in every woman’s life when there is no money. A stingy person will ignore your complaints about your difficult financial situation. But even if he notices, he will limit himself to simple sympathy. The “broadest” gesture that a stingy person is capable of is to offer to give you money - his own or borrowed from relatives. Both options will assume that you must repay the debt. If (God forbid!), you do not return this money (and even if he is tactful enough not to demand it from you), he will never offer his help again.

How to deal with a stingy boyfriend?

It would be naive to assume that the miser will improve. But you can try to correct his behavior. The main thing is to act gradually and patiently.
1. 50/50. If you find yourself shopping for groceries, paying rent, and buying DVDs for your evenings alone, you need to stop and think. It is necessary to divide the costs at least in half. To do this, you can write down all expenses, and put the list of expenses in a prominent place - so that “everyone” can see it. In the end, you can even openly offer to pay half for everything.
2. Pity. You can put pressure on pity by saying that you have absolutely no money. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to lie. Everyone experiences financial difficulties from time to time. But you don’t need to be silent about them out of “pride” and “self-esteem” and ask for money from your retired parents, making them upset because of your unsettled life. Tell your man about your problems - perhaps he will want to help.
3. Trick. You can go for cunning, bordering on spontaneity. For example, how to tell your man, as if nothing had happened, what gift Vadik gave her to Irochka the other day, what Sashik gave her to Katya...
4. Outrage. In the end, you may even be indignant and express your dissatisfaction with the fact that “after everything” you are not even honored with a box of your favorite chocolates or a few gerberas.
5. Organization. If you do not rely on the generosity of your gentleman, take care of your gift yourself. When your loved one asks what you want to receive as a gift, don’t be modest and say “choose it yourself.” Name the gift you really want. If the gentleman doesn't bother to ask about it, give a hint. As a last resort, you can entrust the mission of “notifying” about the desired gift to your girlfriend or your mutual friend.
6. Jealousy. You can try to make a man jealous by telling you that the manager Anatoly brings you candy almost every day, and the caretaker Anatoly Nikolaevich only gives you the right to choose the most beautiful folders, diaries and other stationery for your department.

Of course, there is little hope for correcting the stingy. Therefore, you must immediately decide for yourself: either reconcile or separate. True, when you disagree, a situation may arise, as in that joke:
Girl: You're such a cheapskate! I will never marry you

Male greed is a fairly common phenomenon that affects a large number of women. As a rule, it is impossible to fight this character trait, so it is quite reasonable, at the first suspicion of the stingy tendencies of your chosen one, to quickly retreat from among his entourage. But there are also male representatives who, despite pathological greed, are still able to pamper their lady love with gifts.

Signs of a greedy man

He does not spare money for himself and spends it with pleasure, provided that the purchase will be personally useful to him. Therefore, you should not be guided by “clothes”, since a cheapskate can look quite presentable. Such a subject does not save on himself, but when the situation forces him to fork out for gifts and things that do not bring him joy, then all the signs of his greedy nature appear.

Under no circumstances will he give a gift without a reason, even the most inexpensive and insignificant one. This type will not miss the opportunity, albeit in a joking manner, to comment on the high prices in the restaurant where you went to meet friends. He also often talks about money, but not in terms of ways to increase his earnings, but by discussing where and how much he had to pay.

He is inclined to give only those gifts that will be useful to him. For example, instead of flowers and a cute plush toy, he presents his beloved with wine and sweets, which he himself can enjoy.

Loves to get everything for free. He spends a lot of time searching for discounts, free entertainment and the like. He also prefers to constantly calculate, estimate and strives to win even in small things. If he is lucky enough to buy a loaf of bread in one of the stores for a ruble cheaper than anywhere else, he will be incredibly happy about this fact, constantly remembering this “extraordinary luck.”

Reluctant to change large bills. For example, in transport, in a cafe, in a store, in a nightclub, he may ask if you have small money, because, you see, he “doesn’t want to change a hundred.”

He gives gifts, but then remembers these moments for a long time, emphasizing his rare “generosity.”

He would never tip a waiter in a cafe or restaurant.

Experienced psychologists say that a greedy man is fundamentally different from a stingy man. What's the difference? In some cases, male stinginess manifests itself as a reluctance to part with money to purchase things that are useless and unnecessary, in his opinion. For example, he does not agree to buy a dress that you liked in the store. But meanwhile, he fills your refrigerator to capacity with delicacies or makes expensive repairs in your apartment. If a man is greedy in this particular sense, then this is not the worst way to show stinginess.

How to test a man for greed while in the first stage of a romantic relationship

It is not only possible, but also very necessary to recognize male stinginess in a timely manner. Start checking small. Do not miss the opportunity in front of your chosen one to admire some not too expensive trinket that you saw in a store window while walking with him. When passing by a flower shop, let them know, as if by chance, what flowers you are partial to. It is quite possible that he will not react instantly and will not buy everything that you liked - you should not make hasty conclusions about him, since it is possible that he simply did not have enough money with him today. But if a man is generous and attentive, then a pleasant surprise awaits you a little later and, perhaps, more than one.

Rely on your own intuition in matters of male greed, and it will not let you down! Demand from your man only what he is able to give you and, based on this, decide whether this type of relationship is right for you. It is unreasonable to demand diamonds from a person who lives on a modest salary as an office worker. But it’s completely stupid to tolerate someone with a heavy wallet who comes on a date without bothering to buy even a modest bouquet of flowers or any other nice little thing.

Why do men become greedy?

The main reason for male greed is strict upbringing in childhood or the example of a father who was not particularly generous towards his mother.

Selfishness and pronounced selfishness. In this case, the man does not skimp on spending money on himself, but his woman is unlikely to receive expensive and frequent gifts.

Poverty or lack of funds in the past. Perhaps a man is overly frugal for the reason that the family in which he grew up was constantly in need of something, so now he seeks to save as much money as possible “for a rainy day” so that his current or future family does not need anything .

A man lives in the future, forgetting about the present. Sometimes heads of families are so absorbed in the process of saving money for a car, an apartment or something else that they neglect the needs of their loved ones for the sake of their goal.

Uncertainty in relationships. If a man is not sure that your relationship with him will last long, then he can reason like this: “I don’t know her well, perhaps nothing serious will work out between us, so I won’t spend money on her for now.” This approach seems reasonable, but somehow too unpleasant. It’s a pity that for some reason men don’t realize that such a scenario of behavior today is unlikely to lead to a happy future together tomorrow.

Fears and complexes. Men, to justify their greed, like to say: “I want you to appreciate and love me for who I am.” And, as a rule, such things are voiced by those who do not have a penny to their name. Men who have managed to achieve something in this life do not suffer from such complexes. But it is inherent in nature that from time immemorial women have fallen in love with the achievements and results of men’s activities.

Misunderstanding of women's hints. Perhaps you are wrong to consider your man greedy. After all, the problem can only lie in the fact that he simply does not realize that you need gifts, flowers, surprises, and your hints are so veiled that for a man they seem like a real rebus. Just tell him directly about your needs and desires, and after his reaction to what was said, draw conclusions.

Are there effective methods to combat male stinginess?

If you have come to the conclusion that the man who is now next to you is a real greedy person, then you can correct his behavior, but for this you need to have a large supply of patience and the desire to take the situation into your own hands.

Firstly, at the stage of acquaintance and first meetings, women themselves sometimes extinguish men’s desire to be generous suitors, for inexplicable reasons refusing luxurious gifts, visits to expensive restaurants, and thereby accustoming the gentleman to the idea that you can do without all this. So, dear representatives of the fair sex, away with excessive modesty!

Secondly, tell your greedy friend that he is your most generous, understanding, and caring person. If he truly loves and values ​​you, he will not want to fall from the pedestal on which you have so confidently placed him. Praise is a thing that really works! Praise a man, and he will try with all his might to live up to the characteristics that you assigned to him.

Third, let the man feel the difference between your wonderful mood and the grief that you may feel due to the lack of proper attention on his part. It is important that your good mood brings him special joy. Make sure that he is careful not to deny you your wishes, because this will affect your mood and, naturally, your relationship with him.

Always be grateful for gifts from him, do not skimp on kind words, but measure your gratitude to the man for the attention he has given him. You shouldn’t be equally happy about a soft toy and a mink coat, otherwise... from now on you will only receive teddy bears.

Convinced stingy people are difficult to re-educate, especially if you started the educational process after such a man became your legal husband. Of course, feelings are not measured in crisp bills, but a miserly husband is unlikely to be a joy to you. Happiness to you and men who are generous with gifts and attention!

Whatever one may say, every lady would prefer to have a wealthy chosen one, no one would like a greedy lover. In any case, don’t rush to conclusions, why the Jew right away? In fact, some men are very smart and enterprising; they immediately see who is trying to use them. Nobody is interested in throwing away their savings.

A woman enjoys surprises and expensive gifts, but when she doesn’t get everything she wants, she begins to tell herself that he’s greedy, doesn’t love her, and then a bunch of complaints appear, but the demands are definitely not too high? If a lover does not waste money on all sides, on the contrary, this is a very positive quality, he knows its value, knows how to manage it, has prudence and common sense. Stinginess is a negative quality, but saving is a completely different matter!

Of course, if this is not a boy squandering his parents’ capital, but an independent adult, then he is unlikely to waste money on stupid things, and yes, this deserves respect. You shouldn’t throw around words: “you feel sorry,” “it’s inexpensive,” “buy it for me,” and the like, they really don’t like that. Attract with self-sufficiency, pride, independence, and appreciate the work of others.

Naturally, you can name an exorbitant price and say that it’s inexpensive, you shouldn’t skimp for your beloved young lady, however, this is tremendous egoism, which forms an opinion of you as a mercantile bitch. Gifts should come from the heart, and not be a kind of favor or handout given out of the first hysteria. Before you do anything, think, because a whim can be fulfilled, but a lover can be lost once and for all.

People with a generous soul always attract... as long as there is enough money, and as soon as they run out, another gentleman, wealthier, comes to replace them. You can’t love for your wallet; maybe a suitor, refusing certain requests, tests your feelings and monitors your reaction. What if the lady of the heart has love not for him at all, but for well-being?

Yes, of course, when they save money on you, limit you in everything - a humiliating, disgusting feeling, know when to stop, be prudent with your wishes. There are pros and cons to everything, the main thing is to see and adequately assess the situation.

Destructive stinginess

The girl’s reluctance to put up with greed is not a craving for carefree luxury, even the desire to live on everything ready has nothing to do with it. The point is that at all times, guys are considered to be breadwinners, it is much more pleasant to know: there will be no need, they will support you, help you with purchases, bills, and will not simply push all your worries onto fragile shoulders. What is important is support, a willingness to help, to care, to understand, acumen, and the ability to position oneself correctly in society.

It’s not a fact that if a person is wealthy, they will immediately start asking him for expensive things; it’s just that he’s too attracted to successful, promising gentlemen. Ladies are divided into two categories: the one who will pull out every last thread, and the one who is ready to help increase capital, support, direct in the right direction, or at least will not interfere or pester.

Signs of a lover’s greed can be based on a variety of factors: lack of money, living from paycheck to paycheck; education, acceptance of all girls as bounty hunters; constant fear of a crisis, a bad period in life, the need for continuous accumulation.

Of course, when a lover has borrowed a certain amount with a guarantee of return, you want to run away from him forever, because you understand that you won’t get any help, no love, no money, what kind of commitment can we talk about... he treats him like a stranger . After such a situation, there will definitely be a slight shock, surprise, which against the will, at the subconscious level, will have a repulsive effect. Some guys prefer to divide the amounts in half; the appropriateness in some situations can still be debated, but on a psychological level, the young lady will probably be offended by such a course of action at a minimum - it will leave an unpleasant aftertaste.

How to fight?

Feel free to ask for what you want, but in moderation! Don’t ask for every trinket, it’s better to rarely, but accurately, choose things that are more significant, for example, something that you yourself are not able to pay for. You should not apply often because patience may run out and at one fine moment the gentleman will refuse due to unreasonable management of funds. It would be nice not only to gladly accept gifts, but also to give them, show attention, care, do pleasant things that will definitely not go unanswered.

Teach, show, change by example, give the attitude you want towards yourself. Sincerely rejoice at everything you receive, do not forget to thank, talk about how lucky you are to have such a wonderful, sensual person. He will have an incentive to do more significant things, come up with original approaches, try to surprise, because he knows: even if he does something wrong, he will bring joy to his beloved, and not make her angry and hear what a useless idiot he is, once again not pleased.


A lady will never be able to feel comfort next to her lover, who is always grumbling, dissatisfied with life, and skimping on everyone and everything. The clinging to every incorrectly calculated and given out penny is simply driving you crazy, there’s not even a question of tips, and a decent salary is never used for rest, travel, relaxation, but simply saved up for unknown purposes.

The need for a certain item turns into a circus: either it is constantly postponed, or ingenuity is shown in order, in the end, to do without it, and if the number does not work out, then this procedure is carried out with obvious mournful regret.

It’s worth leaving when there are constant conversations about prices, price increases, despite the fact that absolutely nothing is spent on you specifically. When there is no understanding, principles diverge, then it’s time to say goodbye. The worst thing is not greed or poverty, but the reluctance to strive for better, the position of sitting and whining is completely satisfactory, but if this is not the case, then help suitors become better, more confident, inspire, give new ideas, push them on the true path.

Why is that?

There is greed, not supported by absolutely any facts, life circumstances, this is inherent in the character of an individual by nature itself, events turn out well, but you are used to pampering only yourself.

It is extremely difficult for these types of individuals to find support and understanding, even true love will not save them, the wife will have to adapt to him, go to holidays with the cheapest gifts, not share with anyone, everything is only in the house, for the well-being of the family. Although, why be surprised, there are cadres who even regret everything for themselves, live poorly, do not settle down in any way, arguing that bad times will come and they will have to survive somehow.

Sometimes, such behavior can be explained by a difficult life, when you have to provide for many family members. Sometimes the strangeness of society is surprising, as it turns out that some people consider it normal to bring your own food or drinks to a date because it’s cheaper. Keep in mind that not all people are as bad as they seem at first glance; this may be a routine check.

A person can stubbornly pursue his goal without temporarily wasting money, and perhaps one of the worst options is spending on personal needs, saving not only his own savings, but also yours, and in such a way that every penny is accounted for. Take a closer look, choose, draw conclusions.

There is no woman who would like to have a miser as her lover. Male generosity has always been and will be a very attractive quality. Each woman assesses the degree of stinginess of her chosen one in her own way. Some ladies see a diamond in a ring as small, and its giver receives the label “greedy lover.” And for some, even a package of groceries from the nearest store seems to be a manifestation of unprecedented spiritual breadth.

Greedy, smart or poor

A man’s reluctance to waste money and show off too much does not always characterize him as a tight-fisted suitor. Wealthy representatives of the stronger sex with high status know the value of money. They may pay a large amount of money for luxury quality, but they will not spend money in a casino. And this is a reasonable approach.

Thrift and greed are not identical qualities.

A thrifty man can invest money in arranging a shared home, learning something useful, his health and the health of his woman. Only a weak or not very smart person will agree to satisfy the unreasonable whims of the chosen one.

Men with low incomes cannot be considered greedy lovers. You can’t expect luxurious gifts from them, but their love relationships are not with “stars,” but with “the same feather.” Men who do not have a high status find women to match them: with low demands, who realize that it is useless to extract money from a poor lover. He simply doesn't have the funds.

It happens that a girl, accustomed to luxury, falls in love with a man who is not an oligarch, but has other attractive qualities. The romance of such a couple is called a misalliance. These are relationships between people from different social classes. In this case, the girl should not expect her lover to give her an auction fur coat on the first date. Gifts and expressions of care will be simple and inexpensive. And this will not at all mean that the gentleman is greedy.

There is a category of women whose demands are prohibitively high. They consider themselves such a valuable prize for a man that they think: everything is owed and owed to them a priori. Such women are always hungry for gifts and attention. It is difficult to determine what this attitude towards oneself and men is based on.

To such women, even the most generous man may seem greedy, just because he did not get the moon from the sky.

Before blaming your lover for greed, it would be a good idea to take a closer look at yourself: are your requests to your chosen one adequate? Is it not only material security that attracts a man? If you can honestly answer “yes” to one of these questions, then it is not the lover who is greedy.

Relationship status

First you need to decide what kind of man is meant by the word lover.

It is derived from the words “love”, “to love”, so it would be reasonable to consider all types of lovers and men in love who are connected with a woman through sensual relationships.

What are the manifestations of greed in men who are in the status of a young man, cohabitant, lover and husband? How to behave with such characters? Every woman should know about this.

Greedy young man or friend

At the stage when relationships are just beginning, men usually clearly demonstrate their positive qualities and smooth out the negative ones. To win the sympathy of the girl he is courting, the young man shows her the best version of himself. If a woman is truly attractive to a man, during this period he will be generous not only with emotional manifestations of feelings, but also with their material embodiment - gifts.

If the chosen one does not give presents at the beginning of the relationship, then you should not immediately suspect the man of stinginess. He can show his feelings differently: offer to pay for coffee, a taxi, buy the girl’s favorite cornflowers from a street flower girl and show other pleasant signs of attention. Not everyone, even the wealthiest men, wants to give their girlfriend something sky-high during this period. This is just a stage of getting to know each other; people are assessing the prospects for further creation of a couple.

Nice surprises, pleasant time together, little joys without rich gifts are normal for the initial period of a relationship. It is not for nothing that it is called “candy-bouquet”, and if the gift is made, the giver should be sincerely thanked.

You can suspect greed in your chosen one if:

  • he does not want to spend a penny even on small things;
  • he buys something reluctantly because it’s necessary, and all the trepidation from parting with a certain amount is reflected on his face;
  • if a friend offers to go to an event with a paid entrance, and the man frowns sadly, anticipating the waste of money: he can openly show
  • indignation at the “shameless rip-off”, and suggest taking a walk in the park, because there is no need to spend money there;
  • declares that the companion should pay for the entertainment, since it was she who wanted to go;
  • utters a similar phrase: “All girls are materialistic, I suffered a lot from them, so I won’t buy you ice cream.”

What to do with him

If signs of stinginess are obvious already in the initial period of a relationship, you need to know that generosity will not appear further. It is clear that the stingy boyfriend does not want to invest in winning the heart of his beloved. This behavior may mean that her value for the unfortunate gentleman is low, he is not in love.

Is it worth spending your time on such an individual? What guides a man in this case? Why does he invite a girl on dates and fool her? It's simple: a cunning greedy guy has signed up a lady as a friend and is simply spending time with her because he has nothing to do, so he doesn't want to give his money for it. In addition, when communicating with a girl, a macho man fuels his sense of self-worth, especially if he sees that he is attractive to his companion.

It happens that it is not a matter of a woman’s low importance for a suitor, but simply of greed and stinginess. This is his character: he is used to living, saving every penny. Although sometimes a lover is able to enrich the object of his passion during the courtship stage.

A woman should think carefully about what will happen next if the relationship develops, and whether she needs it.


The word cohabitant a couple of decades ago had a somewhat derogatory connotation. This was the name given to a man who had an extramarital sexual relationship with a woman. Nowadays, the phrase common-law husband has become widespread, meaning a man (young man, lover) with whom a woman lives under the same roof, lives together, but is not his wife. A woman performs all the duties and functions of a wife without being one. There is a caring, loving spouse, but there are no officially recorded obligations to her.

Some common-law husbands equate cohabitation with personal freedom.

All this greatly encourages the once ardent lover to become tight-fisted and greedy. Why spend money on a woman if she is already with him, accepts him on any terms and does not demand anything.

There are women who, being in a civil marriage, begin to adapt, bend, and show excessive concern for the man. By doing this, they hope that he will understand and appreciate what a treasure she is, and will soon propose marriage. As practice shows, this may not happen. There is a much higher chance that a man will relax and may turn into a house cat, lazy and greedy. But not all cohabitants are like this, and not all women living in a civil marriage strive to get a stamp in their passport as quickly as possible.

Signs of a greedy lover-cohabitant:

  • does not work (and does not intend to), lives on the salary of his common-law wife;
  • works, but his money belongs only to him, and his wife’s income is shared;
  • having a good income, he prefers not to spend money on attention or gifts for his woman, or gives once a year what is cheaper;
  • does not do men's housework and does not pay for the services of specialists who can do these things for him.

What to do with it

The situation should not have been brought to such an end. If this is the case, then you can get out of this situation. A woman needs to have a serious conversation with her chosen one on the topic of his stinginess, in which she directly outlines the problem, in a calm tone, without pathos. Example: “I love you very much, but I’m not happy that you haven’t found a decent job for two years. I'm tired of working for two." Then the common-law wife needs to leave. For real, that is, move out of the apartment if it is rented. If the territory of residence is the property of a woman, then collect the things of her loved one. Then you need to wait for action from your tight-fisted roommate. However, it is important to be prepared to lose him forever.

This technique is designed to identify love on the part of a greedy roommate. Such an act by a woman should activate her chosen one and encourage him to take actions to improve the situation in the relationship.

If no serious actions followed (getting a good job, proposing marriage, taking on household expenses), one should conclude that the importance of the woman in this couple was low. The prospect was the possibility of immersing yourself in work headlong and becoming abandoned by a greedy lover or dragging him on yourself all your life, without being able to rely on the so-called. husband in an emergency.

If the partner does not return the chosen one, or does not show himself and does nothing, then this means that there is room in life for a more worthy man. Just in the future you don’t need to take on other people’s responsibilities and provide for a healthy, independent person.

Miser Lover

A lover is usually called a person who is in a relationship with a married woman or is himself married, but has an affair on the side.

If a woman enters into such a relationship, she can count on the generosity of her chosen one, provided that he is willing to show it. However, in a number of cases, male lovers believe that they already generously shower their loved ones with caresses, and they do not need to invest financially in the relationship. If a woman is married, her lover has every right to believe that her chosen one should be provided by her husband.

Not all lovers are like this; there are also generous examples who take a lover for the soul and pamper her with gifts and attentions. A man must remain a man, and exorbitant stinginess does not appeal to a woman, even one in the position of a mistress.

Signs of a greedy lover:

  • skimps even on a bouquet;
  • comes to his mistress with everything ready: eats, drinks, sleeps, believing that this is how it should be;
  • does not offer to pay even such minor expenses as a taxi or cafe bill.

How to behave

The simplest advice is not to enter into such a relationship. Of course, most women want to be the first and only for their lover. And the mistress is forced to hide and always remain in the shadows. The likelihood of things changing is doubtful.

If a lady is satisfied with the status of a mistress (and there are also many such women), but her lover turns out to be stingy, it is worth deciding what she needs from this relationship. If we put on one side of the scale the sensual pleasure that a lover gives, and on the other his excessive tightness, which will be more significant? Is it possible to put up with the greed of a lover for the sake of illusory pleasure? The woman always has to decide.


After living in a legal marriage for several years, some wives notice with surprise that the husband (once passionate, energetic and hardworking) has somehow given up. He has completely relaxed, does nothing in everyday life, does not please with gifts, and has become greedy. This transformation is facilitated by excessive guardianship on the part of the wife, as well as his natural laziness, cooling of feelings for his wife, or all the reasons combined.

The situation is in many ways similar to the description of a greedy roommate. There is one significant difference: by marrying a woman, a man officially agrees to obligations towards her. He makes a promise to participate in the life of the family, make a material contribution to it, and take care of his spouse and children. If a greedy partner can still say that he doesn’t owe anyone anything, then this is extremely dishonest on the part of the legal husband. He is the head of the family, the breadwinner, the leader, and he cannot refuse his responsibilities.

Signs of a greedy husband:

  • does not work and does not intend to, lives at the expense of his wife;
  • having a good income, he counts every penny allocated to his wife, demands an account and scolds her for the extra product she bought;
  • does not give gifts, does not take people to the movies, restaurants, cafes, museums, i.e., places where you need to pay for yourself and your spouse;
  • stingy towards his children;
  • if you need to donate money for a school excursion or renovation of a classroom, this results in a scandal;
  • does not like to receive guests due to unwanted costs for food;
  • constantly saves for something, puts aside his own money, without hesitation to use his wife’s income;
  • spends his money only on himself, leaving all other family expenses to be paid by his wife.

This is an impressive list of qualities of a greedy husband. Living with such a person is not easy.

Patterns of behavior with such a person

If it so happens that a woman has linked her fate with a greedy man, and it has become unrealistic to live further, there are two possible courses of action.

If the husband is simply excessively stingy, and the couple does not yet have children, you can use the technique described in the situation with the greedy roommate. It is necessary to identify the problem and provide competent care without shouting and quarrels. Before you do this, you need to be prepared that the greedy person may not rush after you to hold you back. It is important to think carefully about what will happen if the husband does not return his wife? Is it possible to put up with greed in order to maintain a relationship with your husband? One must keep in mind that if children appear in the future, the spouse's stinginess may extend to them.

If you can still get along with your husband’s greed, and the decision to save the family has been made, the plan of action will be different. You need to try to convey to your spouse that there is such a problem on his part. He may take note of this and try to behave differently.

A greedy man is an interesting topic, worthy of talking about it in detail and considering the “greedy” from all angles. Of course, women really don’t like greedy men, but in fairness I would like to note that by the definition of “greedy man”, each woman understands exclusively her own. The author of the portal Elena Gordina classified stingy people.

1. Greedy acquaintance

A type of relationship that is usually characterized as “dating” is when a man and a woman spend time together and then each go home. By and large, no one owes anyone anything in these relationships, but, as psychologists say, it is in these relationships that men are the most generous. And why? Right!

Because the process of winning prey is underway, the “candy-bouquet” stage is called that, because at this time it is customary to give the girl candies and bouquets. According to psychologists, already at this stage you can identify a “greedy man” if a man does not give flowers at all, does not pamper you with sweets, you buy movie tickets for yourself and split the bill at the cafe equally.

Some call this a modern model of relationships, others believe that an independent woman buys everything for herself, but psychologists are sure that if during this period there are no flowers or gingerbread from a fan, then in the future greed will bloom even more magnificently.

Attention! At this stage, a male acquaintance is not obliged to buy you expensive gifts, fulfill all your “wants” and take you to resorts. He doesn't have to, but he can if he wants. In general, it seems to be the norm, if there is even a concept of “norm” in such a matter, during the period of courtship it is to look after the girl, as has been customary from time immemorial, i.e. show care and give cute and touching trinkets.

Life story (a sign of obvious “greed” or simply disinterest in this girl):

During an evening romantic walk along the embankment, a guy (25 years old) and a girl (21 years old) passed by a flower girl, who loudly invited the guy to buy a bouquet for the girl. The guy asked the girl: “Do you want it?”, the girl nodded and smiled in response. Then the guy approached the merchant and chose the cheapest bouquet, then began to haggle (in front of the girl), lowering the price even more. It all ended with the girl not being able to stand the humiliation and leaving.

2. Greedy roommate

A roommate differs from an acquaintance only in that he no longer needs to look after the girl, he already got everything he wanted, but is not going to get married. Therefore, as a rule, in so-called “civil” marriages, male greed blossoms in its most magnificent color.

A cohabitant, it seems, is not a wife, in whom it is somehow customary to invest emotionally and financially, and it is no longer a friend, whose interest and attention (as well as sex) must be won. A cohabitant is, a priori, a woman ready for anything, which is why greedy men adore “civil” marriages.

Life story:

A man (41 years old), a woman (32 years old) and her child (2 years old) decided to live together. As is customary, they rented an apartment, paid half the rent, while the woman bought all the food and soap with her own money, and she fed, watered and clothed her child with her savings. A man could afford to buy whatever he wanted with “his own” money, but he had no intention of asking his partner for advice.

A clear sign of greed is when the cohabitant does not work yet or works from time to time and spends all his money exclusively on himself.

3. Greedy husband

When normal men get married (of course, if they are not gigolos) they understand perfectly well that a wife is at least for a long time, and at maximum, for life. And that is why saving on your wife is stupid. You won’t believe it, but some men marry for true love, and saving money on your loved one is a priori impossible. That is why in normal (there is that word again, in “normal”, how can one determine the normality of greed?) families usually have a common budget and common purchases. What to buy today—boots for mom or a suit for dad, or maybe a bicycle for my son—is also decided together.

Life story:

The family is like an average family, dad works, mom stays at home with three children. The family has a separate budget, which means that dad provides for himself and the children, pays rent, buys food for the house, and mom dresses exclusively with her own money. With the same money that he manages to earn through odd jobs or with the help of his parents. And, by the way, everyone in this family is happy with this state of affairs.

A clear sign of a greedy husband is when the wife reports for every onion bought in the store, walks around in sewn tights, and the husband drives around in a brand new Lexus and yells at the children for torn backpacks.

4. Greedy Lover

Lover and gifts are always nearby. A normal woman will never agree to a relationship with a married man, but those who want to give a good shake to the “fat cat” do. As a rule, normal lovers ("normal" again sounds completely abnormal, but, nevertheless) understand perfectly well that they cannot give human relationships to their mistress, that they humiliate her, a priori placing her below his wife, and therefore compensate for emotional experiences with good and expensive gifts. As if a greedy lover, this is a completely wrong lover, and people call such people not a lover, but an interceptor flyer.

Life story:

The deeply married Kolya (45 years old) comes to visit the long-divorced Olya (42 years old), “the gift itself” comes, drinks Olya’s coffee and has sex with Olya on Olya’s sofa. And then he leaves in a foreign car to his home in a well-furnished large apartment with his wife and dog, with a good pedigree (both his wife and his dog).

Afterword: of course, women themselves are still confused about definitions, some consider the man who took them on vacation to Crimea instead of Paris to be greedy, while others are sure that if the “beloved” took the money for the processed cheese he bought for dinner, then this okay, “we are modern people.”