Gorilla tattoo meaning. What does a gorilla grin tattoo mean? Winged crucifix on McGregor's neck

A tattoo is a body design that carries a certain meaning for its owner. This symbol is obtained by mixing different colors and applying them under the skin with a special needle.

Meaning of gorilla tattoo

The famous traveler and pioneer James Cook is considered to be the inventor of the term. He transferred this art from the wild tribes he met during his voyages. The spread of this technology subsequently reached the European continent.

Tattoo technology

The key procedure is the introduction of ink under the skin. The pattern appears to be created by scratching the skin with a needle. In salons, tattoo artists use special machines. They also use quality paints and a set of needles that are constantly changed for different clients. It is very important that complete sterilization and compliance with all known sanitary standards are guaranteed. Such designs must be applied safely for human health. Special painkillers are also used to relieve pain.

Gorilla tattoo

One of the types of images is a gorilla. Gorilla tattoo meaning has many interpretations. In some cultures, the image had a negative character, it was a symbol of intemperance, strong character, sin and laziness. Also, the main characteristics include devotion and incredible courage. Current explanations are related to the style of the drawing itself. The important elements are location, emotion and posture of the animal. Also meaning of gorilla tattoo includes three main characters:

  • strength;
  • character;
  • aggressiveness.

This is due to the parallel with the animal itself. And in the wild world it is exactly like that. Where to get a gorilla tattoo? The answer is simple. This pattern is suitable for any place on the body.

The image of this primate on the body evokes various associations: aggression in case of danger, evil, dark forces, hatred towards others, cunning, greed, lies, loss of self-control, unbalanced character, significant physical strength, extraordinary intelligence, centuries-old wisdom, kindness, good sense of humor, power over others, desire to be a leader.

Gorilla tattoo meaning

A gorilla tattoo is usually placed on the shoulder, chest or back. This image needs a lot of space. The choice of a specific sketch is very important. The meaning that the author puts into this talisman depends on it. When choosing such a tattoo, it is important to understand that everyone perceives gorillas differently.

It is necessary to choose only a master experienced in creating animal drawings. Often this image has a lot of detail. Therefore, the closer to a photographic copy, the better. This is a rather complex type of tattoo. Any distortion here is unacceptable.

A gorilla with an open mouth, showing fangs, symbolizes an aggressive attitude towards others. Such a totem, imprinted on the body, warns that the owner will not be lenient towards negativity, but will begin to actively fight it.

If the animal is in a defensive position or beats its chest with its fists, the tattoo communicates that the person is ready to stand up for himself. He will go against the system and generally accepted opinion when he considers it beneficial for himself. This image symbolizes rebellion, unwillingness to be like everyone else.

A sketch of a gorilla sitting in a calm pose on the grass and looking straight ahead suggests that the owner of the tattoo likes to make informed decisions, he is ready to listen to the opinion of his opponent and accept it if it does not contradict common sense. Such a drawing characterizes a person as wise and balanced.

A primate with a surprised expression on its face or a flirting gaze speaks of curiosity, a desire to explore the world around it and attract attention. If a gorilla is depicted with a pursed lower lip, this may be a sign of resentment towards a specific person or the injustice of life circumstances.

A yawning monkey symbolizes calmness, equanimity, or even laziness. A person with such an image on the body is perceived as a peace-loving person who loves to take a break from the hustle and bustle closer to nature, and does not want to burden himself with worries or hard work, including mental work. He knows how to properly spend time to benefit himself.

A gorilla peacefully sniffing a flower or playing with some object speaks of an easy attitude to life and a good sense of humor in the owner of the tattoo. He loves nature, treats others well and strives to understand the world around him. He is an interesting and attentive interlocutor. He is well read and gives wise advice.

A gorilla with a baby symbolizes love for one’s family and offspring, loyalty, readiness to stand up for one’s children and protect them from any adversity. It is also a sign that the person takes his family responsibilities seriously. He will not betray loved ones for the sake of fleeting hobbies.

Images of animals were among the very first tattoos. In ancient times, people drew inspiration from the world around them. They noticed the character traits of a particular animal, admired them and wanted to acquire similar qualities. In many ways, this can explain the transfer of the animal’s image onto the body. The gorilla is one of the smartest representatives of the primate family. If you compare this animal with other representatives of the fauna, you will immediately notice its high level of intelligence, as well as its colossal strength. It is not surprising that the tattoo of this monkey is one of the most ancient examples of body art. Many of her qualities appeal to human nature.

Modern popularization

However, the fashion for such tattoos is explained not only by these reasons. Recently, monkeys, including gorillas, have become an important component of the film and music industries. What is the film “King Kong” worth alone? The tattoo of this primate climbing the Empire State Building, shooting down biplanes and beating his chest with his fists is considered a real hit. This image looks very cool. Especially if it is made in detail, in a realistic style and occupies a large area, for example, the entire back. Yes, the cost of such a masterpiece will be quite high, since it will require 2, 3 or even 4 sessions with a master, but the result will be amazing! The masters of the Syndicate Tattoo salon will gladly take on such a large-scale task.

There are other examples of the imposing image of the gorilla in cinema. For example, the Planet of the Apes trilogy. In the first part, it was the gorilla who was the strongest representative of the pack, led by the chimpanzee Caesar. She was his main protector and embodied all the power of primates. There are many cartoons in which the gorilla often appears as a good-natured, sweet and funny character. It is not at all necessary to expect only rage and aggression from her; some gorillas are real sweethearts.

The music industry also contributes to the popularization of the image. A good example is the group “Gorillaz”: the cartoon images of the participants are far from monkeys, but the name definitely hints at them. Many fans decide to use the image of this animal as an expression of love for the musicians; in some cases, the sketch is made in the style of the group.

Finally, Conor McGregor, an Irish mixed martial arts fighter who competes in the UFC, also contributes to the spread of the gorilla image. McGregor became a real spark in the world of MMA, for the first time he achieved a championship title in two divisions. On his chest, Conor once decided to stuff the head of a gorilla, furiously eating his heart. Many of his fans come to salons with exactly the same sketch, bring a photo of the fighter, wanting to achieve a resemblance to their idol or emphasize personal qualities.

Tattoo meanings in different cultures

If you delve deeper into Western European culture, you will see that the meaning of this symbol is very negative. This is due to the fact that the church, which categorically denied the theory of evolution, had a huge influence. In her eyes, man was always the crown of creation and had exclusively divine origin; any connection with primates was denied. It is not surprising that the gorilla personified exclusively base qualities, such as stupidity, laziness and lust. Of course, this is irrelevant now. The states of Europe have become secular, and therefore the interpretation of the symbol has changed. It is interesting that the inhabitants of the East immediately perceived the gorilla as something positive; it personified positive qualities:

  • Intelligence.These members of the primate world are incredibly intelligent, on par with chimpanzees. They know how to draw cause-and-effect relationships, they are familiar with the concept of tools, and they have developed intuition.
  • Physical strength.The gorilla weighs 250 kilograms and grows up to two meters. Just imagine how much power it has. For men who want to emphasize their strength, this is an excellent sketch.
  • Good nature.There is a widespread belief that these monkeys can be unreasonably aggressive and prone to fits of unjustified rage. This is a misconception. By their nature they are very kind, not even predators, but herbivores, and they need fangs exclusively for protection and fight against representatives of their own species. They only get angry if they are in real danger. In this case, they are ready to fight to the end.
  • Leadership.The chest-thumping gorilla is a good option for guys who want to highlight their leadership qualities.

Common Sketches

The final meaning of the sketch depends on the animal's posture and expression:

  • An open mouth, display of fangs - all this speaks of aggression towards others, a willingness to defend one’s opinion, as well as an unwillingness to put up with negativity towards oneself.
  • A monkey in a defensive pose, beating its chest with its fists. Such a tattoo suggests that its owner is a kind person, but if necessary, he is ready to give a fierce rebuff, go against the general opinion and defend his own beliefs.
  • If a gorilla sits on the grass in a relaxed position and calmly looks into the distance, then the owner wants to emphasize his ability to make thoughtful decisions. Symbolizes wisdom and balance, willingness to listen to the arguments of opponents in disputes and discussions.
  • A gorilla engaged in play or inhaling the scent of a flower indicates a person who is humorous, creative, peaceful and calm. This is a good sketch for both men and women, demonstrating a love for the world around them, a desire to learn and discover something new.
  • For girls, the image of a gorilla with cubs is good. Such a drawing symbolizes care for the offspring, a developed maternal instinct. Of course, it can also be recommended to men for whom taking care of their family comes first.
  • Calmness, serenity, equanimity, a relaxed attitude towards life - all this can be expressed by depicting a yawning gorilla on your body.

Optimal styles

It’s difficult to give any recommendations here; it’s better to focus on your own preferences. What is more important to you - beauty, meaning, realism? Images in the genre of realism look very cool, their price is high, but the finished work is also distinguished by photographic accuracy. Here the shadows are perfectly worked out, the volume is felt, the colors are natural and completely copy the original. Realism looks best on large areas, so it’s worth covering the entire surface of the shoulder, chest or back with a pattern. On such vast “canvases” the masters of the Syndicate Tattoo salon will be able to create real works of art!

If the emphasis is on meaning, it is better to prefer traditional styles, like tribal or traditional. They also look great. Let's remember Conor McGregor again, the gorilla head on his chest is not realistic, but it looks amazing! Girls can be advised to use cartoon styles, schematic and simple images. Due to their simplicity, they are inexpensive, but they look very cute and add attractiveness and tenderness to the image of their owner. Girls can also be advised to use patterns in a watercolor style, soft, natural, without clear contours, as if applied to the skin with brush strokes.

Syndicate Tattoo Studio is ready to help you realize your wildest creative ideas! We guarantee not only high-quality work, regardless of complexity, but also complete safety of the process - thorough antiseptic treatment and absolute sterility, which promotes rapid healing.

Centuries-old traditions of worshiping various animals have not bypassed the gorilla, the most intelligent of primates. Compared to other representatives of the fauna, the beast has highly developed intellectual abilities and strength.

Proponents of Darwinian theory include monkeys in the evolutionary ladder. In its character, skills and behavior, the gorilla is very similar to humans.

But why do people get monkey tattoos? What is the meaning of a gorilla tattoo? First of all, people pay tribute to their ancestors, who used this symbol as a totem. Secondly, the monkey has many qualities that modern man should learn, which, of course, requires respect.

By the way, monkeys, and gorillas in particular, have repeatedly become the main characters of films such as: “King Kong”, “Planet of the Apes”, “Mighty Joe Young”, “Gorillas in the Mist”. Based on such a huge amount of attention to primates, it is not at all surprising that they have appeared in the tattoo industry.

Meaning for men and women

Different cultures and peoples interpret the meaning of this symbol in their own way. Let's find out what gorilla means in the west and east.

In Western culture

  • Cunning
  • Deception
  • Greed
  • Imbalance

Europeans believe that the monkey is a pathetic parody of man, and its desire to compare with him is in vain.

In the east, the attitude towards primacy is completely opposite. The gorilla is the embodiment of the following qualities:

    • Intelligence. These monkeys are extremely smart. They know how to think, feel, and have developed intuition. They are the most mentally developed, second only to humans.
    • Physical strength. Yes, this would be expected from a 250-kilogram animal, 2 meters tall. With such physical parameters, few people are eager to equal the strength of this beast.
    • Kindness. In modern society, there is a stereotype that gorillas are aggressive and furious. This may be true, but only if they feel they are in danger. In fact, these primates have no enemies. The fact is that they are herbivores, which means that they do not initiate conflicts with others. But if attacked, the gorilla will fight back and fight to the end.

  • Humor. Analyzing the behavior of these animals, one gets the impression that they have a well-developed sense of humor.
  • Leadership. Hooting, screaming, hitting the chest - it looks very intimidating, but this is how the gorilla shows its strength and power to other members of the group, while relieving nervous tension.

Whatever the opinion of adherents of Western and Eastern cultures, only the bearer of a tattoo can put meaning into it. By the way, UFC fighter Conor McGregor even said that he got a gorilla tattoo on his chest only because he liked the way it looked.

What style to get a tattoo?

The meaning of this design will directly correspond to its stylization. When choosing a sketch, attention is focused on the primate’s gaze, his posture, and emotions. For example, it is obvious that a gorilla grin tattoo means rage and readiness to fight. And the image of a smiling monkey will carry the opposite meaning.

Traditionally, gorilla tattoos come in two types: and fantasy. The first includes various kinds of images of primates in calm and movement, scenes from films, etc. Often, the main style for such works is realism.

The second type includes drawings that depict a monkey in various unusual situations, leaving room for the imagination of the tattoo wearer and the artist. An example is the aforementioned McGregor gorilla tattoo, a sketch of which is below. On his chest is a gorilla with a crown eating a heart. Such drawings look great in traditional style and graphics.

Tattoos with the image of a gorilla can be divided into three conditional groups: reality tattoos, stylized tattoos with the image and fantasy tattoos. What unites them is the following meaning of a gorilla tattoo - strength, potential aggressiveness, intelligence.

Gorillas are extremely strong, intelligent and, when threatened, aggressive animals. By getting a hyperrealistic tattoo of this primate, a person pays tribute to the strength and intelligence of this animal. Very often, when making an image, they focus on the gorilla’s gaze - it is meaningful and insightful.

Stylized tattoos very often depict gorillas, which became known to the world thanks to cinema - these are King Kong and characters from the film “Planet of the Apes”. Fantasy tattoos with a gorilla are an image of a primate in unusual situations: with a weapon in his hands, behind a drum kit, on a paraglider, etc.

A gorilla tattoo sketch can be either color or monochrome. A single-color image succinctly conveys the meaning. The color image of the gorilla is made quite large-scale, due to which it looks advantageous.