Expensive underwear. Why expensive underwear is better than regular underwear How much and what kind of underwear any girl should have

Today you can find underwear on sale in a wide range of price categories. Sometimes the sets look practically no different from each other. Therefore, customers sometimes do not understand why similar models differ significantly in price. It’s not difficult to understand why this happens and why expensive underwear is better than ordinary ones. The best way to feel the difference between expensive and ordinary sets is to pick them up and compare them with each other.


Expensive underwear will differ favorably from ordinary ones in terms of tailoring features. In regular underwear, the seams often overlap each other, which leads to abrasions where they come into contact with the skin. Expensive underwear has more neat seams; some models don’t have them at all.

If the model has openwork details, then in ordinary underwear they are simply sewn on with wrong side, and in expensive ones - they are inserted and covered with stitched seams, which do not unravel with constant wearing and frequent washing. This allows you to wear underwear for a long time and comfortably without noticeable changes in it. appearance, which means saving money on purchasing an additional kit.

Expensive underwear differs from cheap underwear in color and texture of the materials used. In most cases, expensive underwear is made from natural materials that allow air and moisture to pass through well. Regular underwear is made from synthetic materials, which causes the body to sweat, which is especially uncomfortable in the summer heat.

Expensive underwear made from elastic fabrics retains its shape well and does not deform when worn. The lace used for the production of expensive lingerie is thin and durable, while for ordinary lace it is coarser and more unreliable.


Models of expensive lingerie are more refined and elegant, they correspond to world trends and meet the taste of the most demanding fashionistas. In addition, branded underwear is made in accordance with strict requirements for the tailoring of such products. This means that it is sewn according to carefully calculated patterns. In addition, the assortment always includes underwear that corresponds to non-standard measurements, intermediate sizes or designed for disproportionate figures. When sewing ordinary underwear, average indicators are taken as the basis for designing patterns, and the model itself, as a rule, is a copy of expensive and sophisticated underwear.

As for color, ordinary linen, due to cheap dyes, can quickly fade and fade; the palette itself does not have a variety of shades. In expensive linen, on the contrary, the colors do not fade over time; several color shades can be advantageously combined in one product. In addition, it is more pleasant for any woman to know that she is wearing expensive and comfortable underwear with high quality and an attractive appearance.

Choosing women's underwear is not an easy task. Materials used for manufacturing must be good quality. But can inexpensive material be good? Everyone knows that you have to pay for quality, which means that only expensive underwear can be good.

How much and what kind of underwear should any girl have?

Underwear is an intimate item of clothing, which means its choice depends solely on the preferences of its owner. There is a main rule regarding the amount of underwear that any girl should have. It says: your underwear should last for two weeks without washing, which means at least seven bras and fourteen panties.

You need to choose expensive underwear based on your wardrobe, or rather, the presence of open, tight-fitting and see-through clothing in it. The more linen available, the easier it is to choose the right one for any outfit. Every woman should have luxury underwear, in this you feel like a queen, an irresistible conqueror men's hearts, an insidious seductress. It is a mistake to think that such underwear is only suitable for special occasions By wearing them more often, you will feel confident and comfortable.

A woman’s arsenal should include expensive underwear for any occasion, and these include sports models, delicate feminine, erotic ones, all kinds of stockings, corsets and the like.

How to properly care for your underwear

Today it is not difficult to buy a ready-made kit. Any consultant at a decent store can easily select the appropriate size of underwear you like. But luxury lingerie includes only panties, but you want at least a couple to go with your favorite bra. What are the expiration dates for laundry and do they exist?

So, a high-quality bra can serve its owner from two to five years. It depends on the frequency of wear and proper care. As for panties, we wear them more often, which means they wear out much faster. You will have to review your stock of panties every three months.

Panties must be washed daily, since we change them every day, and depending on the situation, several times a day. The bra gets dirty less often, it is more difficult to wash them, and therefore you can change it every two days.

Elite lace lingerie gets dirty less often than cotton lingerie. If you are prone to sweating, then you will have to change your bra daily, regardless of the material.

Critical days are not a reason not to wear expensive underwear, because a woman should feel cozy and comfortable, regardless of the circumstances. These days, a woman already feels depressed and uncomfortable, and also, if the underwear is uncomfortable and terrible, then her mood will drop below zero. Love yourself, pamper yourself and wear exclusively luxury lingerie.

Is it worth spending money on expensive underwear?

Women's underwear can excite the minds of men. There are many myths regarding this intimate item. women's wardrobe. The acute question is whether only expensive underwear is always of high quality. The answer here is definitely yes. High quality luxury lingerie can only be expensive and made from good expensive materials. Therefore, dear ladies, cast aside all doubts about this and buy only goods that are worthy of you, and a chic lady deserves only the most expensive.

It is better to buy luxury lingerie only from trusted and proven manufacturers with a good reputation. So, you will receive a high-quality product that is sewn conscientiously and will not come apart at the seams, wear out or tear. Popular manufacturers who have already earned a good name for themselves will offer customers properly tailored, beautiful underwear of the highest quality. Creating such underwear requires considerable effort, the expenditure of high-quality materials and the labor of experienced workers, so only expensive elite lingerie can be good.

How to choose underwear

Properly selected underwear can decorate a girl and highlight her strengths, while hiding her flaws. Underwear is selected according to criteria such as color, style, style, size and material. It should be such that the owner is comfortable, does not press on anything, does not cut into the skin, or restricts movement.

You need to choose only elite lingerie, exactly in size, no smaller and no more. An incorrectly selected size not only looks unsightly, but is also very uncomfortable to wear. Good underwear It should breathe, fit well, be beautiful and comfortable.

It is not recommended to wear lace underwear under a smooth and tight blouse; it will not look very aesthetically pleasing or beautiful. Keep in mind that the thinner the material of the underwear, the more comfortable it is. Give your choice to natural materials containing a small amount of synthetics. For the cold season, purchase linen from thick fabric. For daily use, you can buy seamless underwear; it is comfortable and you can hardly feel its presence.

Choosing the right style and color will not be difficult. Models with a push-up effect are suitable for small breasts. Today, stores are oversaturated with a wide variety of models to suit any, even the most sophisticated taste. Experienced consultants will select, at the client’s request, any model for any occasion. Be beautiful, dear ladies, love yourself and wear high-quality, fashionable and expensive underwear.

One of my friends started a discussion on a social network on the topic of women's underwear: why buy expensive panties if those around you do not appreciate the cost or even the appearance of this outfit? And if the happy owner of a piquant wardrobe item does not have a sexual partner, then the meaning of the acquisition seems to be completely lost.

Isn't it easier to buy simple cotton inexpensive underwear that can aesthetically compete with some of the samples that are not widely available?

The topic caused a tremendous resonance. A completely logical point of view was expressed: a higher price is most often a guarantee of higher quality and material of the product, and sewing material, and the level of tailoring, it lasts longer, does not fade and is comfortable for delicate parts of the body.

From an economic point of view, everything is clear: it is more profitable to buy one high-quality panties, and not a dozen “disposable” ones. However, the mystery remains unsolved: why does a single woman need exquisite lace panties, the price of which can only be justified by some magical properties? Maybe the lovers of these beauties are women, to put it mildly, not distinguished by high intelligence, and all their development is aimed at compensation small mind external attributes? Maybe a spiritual personality doesn’t need this nonsense, and she, this personality, will be very happy to buy a beautifully published book for the same money - for her home collection of literary masterpieces?

I admit, the discussion caused a strong response in my soul, but since my comments usually suffer from an excess of letters, I decided to speak out publicly - in my information space.

To be honest, I also love expensive lingerie! To understand the nature of my addiction, it is important to answer the question: why do we generally make purchases of things that are not essential items, not related to the satisfaction of vital needs? Surely each of you, my dear readers, there is at least one item in the house whose spiritual value may seem dubious! For example, why do we buy souvenirs in the cities where we vacation? Why do we hang pictures on the walls if the house won’t collapse without them? Why do we need beautiful dishes if the calorie content and nutritional properties of food are stored in the most primitive metal bowl?

In my opinion, all these nice little things are decoration. But decorating not the walls of the house, not the ritual of food, but life in general. So to speak, these are accessories for our emotional state, elements that stimulate our sensory sphere.

From the point of view of ancient Chinese science, emotions accompany the movement of energy. And the better a person experiences different emotions, the more active the movement in energy meridians. But if there is an internal or external ban on emotional freedom, the energy is blocked and the functioning of the organ corresponding to the meridian malfunctions.

People shop for joy. Some people like to buy a cute trinket in order to share the joy of giving. Someone gives emotions in the form of a purchase to themselves. And if the need for an act of acquisition arises, it should not be suppressed. In accordance with the ancient Chinese philosophical system Wu Xing, which substantiated the connection between energetic, that is, emotional health, and physical health, the emotion of joy is associated with the heart meridian. It turns out that if you systematically deny yourself the experience of joy received as a result of performing the usual and most accessible shopping ritual, then non-metaphorical heart problems may arise.

As a lover of pleasing my buttocks with delicate lace, the desire to buy an expensive trinket is very understandable to me. I can come to my favorite boutique, where competent assistants will greet me with a smile, and this will already bring me joy, which means it will fill the channel of my heart. I can spend half an hour in the fitting room admiring the samples of lingerie on my body - and that’s also five cents of joy in my piggy bank. These investments make up my capital Have a good mood, and therefore health. Moreover, underwear purchased with special emotions will record this energy-information, and the corresponding state will be reproduced every time I choose it in my wardrobe.

It remains to consider one more aspect of this problem. What happens if for some reason I can’t buy lingerie in an expensive boutique? For me, the answer is obvious: nothing will happen at all. As someone who can draw emotion from any source, I will continue to be filled with joy. Countless sources of emotions fill my energy-informational space or my field as an individual, as psychologists would say. It is much more difficult for those for whom buying panties is on the list of main ways to achieve joy. Such limitations and emotional underdevelopment are an alarming symptom. And if the need to buy expensive linen becomes acute and takes on characteristic features emotional dependence, and even more alarming.

However, let's not panic. I have not yet met women who heal mental wounds by purchasing lace panties. Just don't forget that gifts to yourself are one millionth of all the possibilities available in your arsenal. At the same time, the lion's share of the means of finding heartfelt joy does not cost a penny and can be given to you by the space of possibilities - free of charge!

So does a smart woman need expensive underpants? What do you think?

P.S. Thanks to Elena Weisz for the luxurious theme!

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I received many interesting letters and questions. Thank you.

I want to dedicate this issue to answering a question from one such letter:

Hello, Pavel! Mushroom Alla writes to you, Kazakhstan, Rudny. Thank you for your “young fighter” course. Very interesting. I absolutely agree with the scientific approach to business. Twenty years ago, we figured everything out with our own minds. And, I must note, all your advice works great, tested by many years of experience. My problem is that I don’t know how to sell expensive goods, i.e. underwear class is slightly above average. Maybe this is due to the problems of a small provincial town? Or are there some methods that I don't know? Please teach me. Thank you!

Thank you, Allah, for good review And interest Ask. You truly root for your cause because you recognize possible problems. Honest and open people usually think this way.

A very familiar situation for many, I think, when you have to figure everything out with your own mind, when it is difficult to find the necessary information, especially of a narrow and practical profile.

So, we have three questions on the agenda:

1. Could the situation of poor sales of expensive linen be related to the fact that the city is small and provincial?

2. What methods are there to sell more expensive underwear? Preferably at a price that suits you.

I’ll add a third question on my own, it is especially related to the sales of expensive lingerie. This will be my bonus to you.

3. How to deal with the “expensive” objection when selling underwear.

I will give you specific methods, speech templates, and I think that you will find the answers you need and will be able to implement them in your own life.

Let's begin.

Provincial cities are very different. Purchasing power depends on the population and the main source of income of citizens. More important point, this is where your store is located and what segments of the population go to it. This is important even for large cities, i.e. Your store location must generate the right human traffic because that is the traffic of potential buyers that you are buying with your rent.

City of Rudny. Wikipedia says: The city's population is 128,190 (as of January 1, 2014). It arose in 1957 in connection with the development of an iron ore deposit and the construction of the Sokolovsko-Sarbaisky mining and processing plant.

Most likely, Rudny is a city that is heavily dependent on the mining and processing plant. I think that with the current problems in metallurgy, the incomes of the population in your city have really decreased. The population is not that small. I know examples of cities with approximately the same population, where fairly expensive underwear sells well, albeit in Russia. Your store is located in a central department store. How do I understand this the best shop cities. You have almost all residents, with different purchasing power, including the wealthy. This is good.

Should you sell more expensive lingerie? You decide. I think it's worth a try. In any case, there are people in your city who can buy such underwear. It may take some time for customers to get used to coming to you for more expensive lingerie.

Let’s now look at how to do this correctly using specific examples.

The principle of contrast.

Take three buckets of water and place them in the following order: hot water on the left, room temperature in the middle, cold water on the right. Place your left hand in hot water and your right hand in cold water, and then move both hands into the water with room temperature. You will be surprised because your hands will get different sensations from the same water temperature. The water on your left hand will become colder, and on your right hand it will become hotter. This is the principle of contrast.

Another example. McDonald's sells three glasses of cola: large, medium, small. They almost always buy a medium glass - this is their goal. Once we conducted an experiment: we removed a small glass and added a super large one. The result is that people began to buy a large glass more often than others, and they began to buy a medium glass rarely, although previously it was the most popular.

The principle of contrast also works in lingerie sales.

Place very expensive underwear next to expensive underwear. You may not be able to sell something very expensive. But sales of expensive lingerie are likely to increase. You don't need a lot of very expensive lingerie, just have it. You may simply be overpricing some of the underwear you already own. Show what you want to sell in contrast. Offer the most expensive, and then what you want to sell. There will also be the cheapest one, which is now your main product. Come up with a rationale for all price levels and create appropriate value for customers. As a result, the price will no longer seem so high.

Tell the client different prices for similar products, let him compare, but between your prices.

If we want to sell at a higher price, then the order is as follows: the most expensive, the most expensive (what needs to be sold), the cheapest (alternate airfield). Believe me, very few clients know exactly how much they will spend on buying lingerie in advance. There is always a certain range of possibilities for the client.

Your psychological factor.

Alla, I could be wrong, but it seems to me that you yourself perceive “underwear of a slightly above average class” as expensive, as something inaccessible to your buyer. This is the first thing you need to work with. You won't start selling well as long as you think it's too expensive. This also applies to your salespeople. Your attitude is read subconsciously by the buyer. Even if you use correct techniques sales, but at the same time you will feel insecure; this may cause rejection among the buyer, and what is even worse - distrust. Think of the price as fair or even low for a particular lingerie. Sell ​​this price to yourself first.

For a price, a person always receives a set of values. The higher the price, the greater the value should be to the buyer. Create a set of values ​​that you can operate with. Compare with the value set of cheaper lingerie. More expensive linen should have more values; you must clearly understand what they may be. It could be higher quality, more interesting design, more comfortable fit, more prestigious brand, etc.

Your arguments can be (read should be) both logical and emotional.

For example: “Imagine how easy and comfortable you will be in this underwear” or “This is something more than just underwear, just for such a prominent lady like you (we assume prestige).”

The “value increase” technique.

Another technique is as follows. Let's say the client chose the underwear himself and wants to try it on. We must find out the client's core values. We ask an open question: why did you choose this particular model of underwear?

The client answers us. Based on its core values, we must quickly select a product that is 10-30% more expensive. There is no need to tell the client the price. After that, we can offer him to try on this product at the same time, at the same time we describe it as more convenient, more functional, of higher quality, which is what the client needs. After trying it on, we say that both options are good, but the one we want to sell is better, and only costs so much money more. We do not report the price, but the price difference. That's the point. Even if the buyer refuses a more expensive one, he will perceive the price of the product he has chosen as lower.

How to deal with the “Expensive” objection.

During the sale, situations often arise when the buyer may object:

If you don’t work with this objection right away, right away, or say something like: no, it’s not expensive at all, but what did you want, this is... etc., then you will either have to give a big discount, or You will be left without a sale.

You simply lose clients, one by one. You lose your profit and think: What do you all need? How can I please everyone?... This is very sad. Do you know this feeling?...

We can, of course, offer a cheaper option, but if it is more profitable for us to sell expensive underwear or there is simply no cheaper option, then we need good speech preparations that remove this objection.

So, examples of speech preparations.

It's too expensive for me.

Yes, that's the price. Tell me, have you probably had cases when you bought an expensive item, and then many times were glad that you bought it and wore it with pleasure?

Yes/no (the answer is not important).

Great, because this is exactly the case...

-This is expensive for such linen.

Yes, it's possible. However, many of our customers, realizing that the price is high, still buy this particular brand of underwear. Why do you think?...

Somehow expensive.

That is why I offer you this kit. I think that some friends will even envy you when you tell them what a cool thing you bought. Surely you like to be the best?...

Probably expensive.

Maybe. But, you must admit that sometimes you can pamper yourself. It’s so nice to know that your underwear fits you perfectly and you look great in it. What do you say?...

We can come up with many such examples.

I won’t tell you now where everything comes from, why this is so, what is the nature of this objection and how to use a person’s logic and emotions at the same time; an entire chapter in the book could be devoted to this.

Basically, if you want to seriously increase your efficiency and profits, you need to write sales scripts, speech templates and use conversation scripts with customers. Many retail leaders are already doing this, including in lingerie.