Interview with Roman Copper. Stylist Roman Copper Fashion tips from Roman Copper

18 September 2015, 15:25

needs no introduction. At least that's what she thinks.

She calls herself a secular reporter and considers herself a social and political figure, but she has already gone down in history as a mouthpiece for everyday prostitution. Finding herself in front of the closed doors of Moscow for the first time, she did not pretend to be hard to touch, cherish her ambitions, or take things with force, but immediately headed for the back door. She chose a buffet table profession and made friends with, as she herself calls them, nymphs. Lips, a fur coat, fishnet stockings - the uniform of aspiring conquerors of the capital.

One can argue endlessly about which woman is a prostitute and which one simply lives for her own pleasure. For me, the line here is more or less clear: a prostitute is a woman who has had tens of times more ugly men than handsome ones. Ulyana Tseytlina, Bozena Rynska, etc. can talk for years about how wonderful they are, how they have achieved everything themselves and get the best from life, but once you look at who you sleep with, it becomes clear that they are clearly not getting the best.

We will not analyze Bozhena’s personal life. Now she is seriously getting ready to get married, although her husband, according to rumors, has not yet divorced her previous one, but Bozhena is already cohabiting with all her might and posting reports on her blog. The situation had been familiar to her for a long time; she was no stranger to sailors. But that's none of our business. Our business is style!

At the very beginning of her career, Bozena had a chic image.

Such a Jewish fanatical revolutionary. If I were her, I would still stick to it. I would go to social events in a red scarf, ask the bourgeoisie if lobster fits into their mouths when the masses are oppressed, and then write smart columns on the topic “There is no limit to the vegetation of the upper classes.”

Humor is more ennobling than a Chanel 2.55 bag. But, most importantly, within humor there is always the opportunity to develop and change. How did Sobchak go from a glitter-sprinkled shack to one of the smartest women of our time? All thanks to humor and irony. Bozena is not capable of this - as soon as Birkin became a reality, everything else lost its meaning for her.

And the race began expensive dresses. At the same time, Bozhena has a rare talent - to choose everything that is as ill-fitting, wrinkled and sticking out as possible.

The tenacity with which she flattens her already not rich breasts is amazing... Okay then long dress, there’s no special need to compose the bow here. But when it comes to combinations, our revolutionary’s taste is revealed in full force!

In a nightmare, I could not imagine this combination, but Bozhena embodied it and wears it with her chin raised high. Or here are a couple more randomizers.

It seems as if a light bulb in the wardrobe has simply burned out and a socialite is getting dressed in complete darkness. Although when she showed her wardrobe to other journalists, there seemed to be light there.

If you read Bozhena’s LJ, you’ll be amazed at how persistently she takes care of her closet. She constantly talks about what she altered and how, where to restore cashmere, and to which second-hand store you can then sell it all for weight. It's amazing that persistence doesn't affect the results.

She loves to talk about her hair care in her LJ, but at the same time she always looks as if her bald head was smeared with glue and hair cut from different heads was thrown on it.

Speaking of furs. Another feature of Bozhena is the complete absence of the “appropriate-inappropriate” division. I have a distant relative, as a result of a birth trauma, his development went along an alternative branch and he cannot determine whether his behavior is appropriate or not. For example, he can quite calmly talk about masturbation at the table. In general, he could raise this topic in another context and there this conversation would be acceptable, but not at a family dinner. Bozhena shows signs of the same deviation. For example, in a restaurant she considers it appropriate to poke another visitor with a stun gun, or, for example, no, no, and she will ask on LiveJournal where you can go in fur in the summer. And in this photo she is on a plane wearing a necklace over a turtleneck.

What if the plane crashes, how will they know that she is a VIP? Or, for example, appear on the red carpet in country peignure. What if there are terrorists - who will believe her that she has a dacha near London if she doesn’t have a dacha peignoir?!

At the same time, as you can see, Bozhena has the gift of posing. Here in this photo she noticed someone and looks at him like he’s shit.

Oh no! She's the one looking at us like that!

But hopefully all this is in the past. Now Bozena is posing with all her might in the pose of an ass-headed mollusk against the backdrop of the family estate. I would like to believe that she will have the strength and perseverance to cleanse herself of all the dirt that she spread around herself and on which, as it seemed to her, she could make a career.

I stole some of the photos from Gossip Magazine, some from the heroine’s LJ, for which I thank her.

Updated 18/09/15 15:37:

Bozena is a beauty

From my last post)

Straightforward and honest - these are the words that come to mind first when you study the blog of the famous stylist and columnist Roman Medny. Roman dresses famous women of Russia and Ukraine, and also runs a daring blog,, where he examines the sociology of fashion in a manner unique to him.

Today Roman Medny tells about women's fashion, the work of a stylist and what mistakes should be avoided in creating an image.

Roman, why do you think your blog, among a wide variety of blogs, has become so popular? Did the so-called provocative materials, in which you evaluate the wardrobe of celebrities from young to old, play a role?

On the one hand, yes, it attracted and continues to attract attention, but on the other hand, not only I do this, but for some reason it is my blog that attracts thousands of readers every day. In addition to laughing, people also want to learn something useful, and here I am probably the most humane of fashion bloggers, because I try to write about what is applicable to real life, and not just about fashionable must-haves for the mild European climate. In fact, this combination of humor and practical use is the secret of my popularity. I now use this approach, tested on the blog, on television and in my video courses.

- How do you cultivate taste? Do you often experiment with style?

Taste is the experience of aesthetic experiences. Moreover, these experiences should concern not only clothes - this is a special way of thinking. Aesthetics is in everything - in the art you perceive, in the books you read, even in what you eat. I hone my taste in art - it is the most striking illustration of the spirit of the times. Fashion follows art, and everything here is quite predictable. Art teaches you not to think in stereotypes: “a pencil skirt goes with both jackets and cardigans,” but to see shape, color, and boldly handle them, without being attached to clichés.

Regarding experiments with my own style, I have periods here. Sometimes I’m a fan of clothes and just buy everything I see, and sometimes I’m just imbued with a slight antipathy towards the object and can go for several months in the same sneakers. I never suck anything out of my fingers, I don’t force myself to look for it - somehow it’s all there on its own. There are just things and people that inspire, and again you can’t help yourself - you open the closet and think about combining the incongruous.

How do you assess the development of fashion in the territory of the former USSR? Why do we continue to cultivate all kinds of clichés, while in 90% of cases you can always recognize our citizens in a crowd abroad?

We started dressing quite recently and haven’t “gone full” yet. At the same time, we do not have an aesthetic tradition - all of us had parents who dressed moderately poorly, even if it seemed good at the time. And now we must go through certain stages. To eliminate total illiteracy - to show men that a suit can be worn not only for weddings and funerals, but because it is beautiful and comfortable, for women to learn that a down jacket is clothing for very extreme conditions and the cold is not a reason to look bad. Then we will gradually begin to look more adequately at ourselves, at our strengths and weaknesses, and emphasize one while hiding the other. Now they don’t emphasize it, but stick it out all at once. Over time, we will become saturated with brands and realize that if it doesn’t suit you, no matter how branded it is, it will not add beauty. All this takes time and effort, because nothing happens on its own. But the effort that women are willing to put into looking good suggests that it won't take us that long.

Some people believe that going to a stylist means you have no personal taste - how can you comment on this? Why, by the way, can’t your beloved friend cope with this role?

In our country people go to the dentist with acute pain, they go to the surgeon when they can no longer bear it, to the hairdresser when they are completely overgrown. And for some reason it is believed that you need to go to a stylist if everything is really bad. But that's not true. A stylist is a person who can impartially look at you from the outside and give objective advice. He is not afraid to offend you, and does not think about how you will look together, he does not feel hidden envy towards you, which often guides a friend’s advice, because, as we all remember, a woman’s happiness is a bald friend. A stylist's advice is needed not only for those who realized that they haven't dressed for 30 years and just hung some rags on themselves. Women with good taste and established style regularly come to me in order to get a charge of new ideas, some fashion solutions, which can make this style more interesting. Some people are willing to spend several hours every day collecting and analyzing this information, while for others it’s easier to set aside a couple of hours every six months to meet with a stylist who has already collected and analyzed everything. This means going to the dentist every six months to check the condition of your teeth, and, if necessary, carry out gentle procedures in order to please everyone with your smile for six months.

There is an opinion that several very recognizable and trendy things in one set make a look boring, do you agree? Do you think it’s worth getting rid of the habit of “I’ll wear all the best at once” or is it still a special style?

There are three main methods of working as a stylist - harmonic, iconic and silhouette. A trendy item is definitely iconic. This method involves creating a neutral background for a bright accent. Moreover, this emphasis is not placed at the last moment, when the image seems grayish, but the entire image should “grow” out of this emphasis. If you think with this logic, then there is no way to insert a second celine bag, because there must be one center. Trying to cover up a lack of taste with fashionable mastekhevs is like pouring mayonnaise on a failed dish.

- What to do with obvious logos?

There is no more effective way to sign the lack of personal taste than to dress in a branded total look. I consider any attempt by a brand to promote itself at the expense of the buyer as unacceptable impudence. And I will never understand who buys Chanel terry slippers with a logo for 500 bucks. Even if you cover them all with logos, they still look like free hotel slippers!

Have you, as a stylist, ever reconsidered your view of this or that thing that was previously considered unacceptable?

I generally have very few things that I consider unacceptable. You can find a context for almost everything, even rhinestone boots. The exception is the outright trash described above.

Recently, the topic of eliminating the use of fur in clothing has been especially actively discussed, what is your position? Do you accept fur in accessories - on bags (like Fendi this winter, for example)?

I am extremely calm about this topic. I understand the position of vegetarians on this matter, but when meat-eaters begin to speak on the same topic, it smacks of hypocrisy. So, you can’t gas hamsters, but you can gas cows? It only hurts when I see the mediocre use of fur and realize that 300 chipmunks died in vain. The cemetery must be worn with dignity.

Is it worth looking for decent options from local designers or is it preferable to have more global “names” in your wardrobe?

The main problem of domestic designers is inadequacy of pricing. Yes, we do not have a developed infrastructure, but designers are not trying to develop it in any way, quite calmly setting a price tag comparable to the price tag of European fashion houses with a history. At the same time, without fundamentally offering excellent quality. And then these same designers cry about how they are not understood. Our designers lack technological thinking - it is simply impossible to collaborate with them. They either offer you an item that has been worn out from shows and filming, or it is stupidly custom made. Attempts to order something from a lookbook end with the item being performed in a completely different material and everyone pretending that this is how it should be. I don’t collaborate with domestic designers; it’s easier for me to go to Europe for a couple of days than to waste my nerves trying to achieve the desired result.

- Your wishes to the readers.

If you're reading this, it means you're already concerned about your appearance. But don’t forget that style is not just clothes, it’s a way of life. Therefore, I wish you more pleasant travels, interesting books and delicious food.

When I first saw Alexander Vasiliev live, it seemed to me that now, like Faina Ranevskaya in the famous film, he would begin to take off all these scarves and vests and offer them for sale! Talking about how wonderful the works of French tailors are and what kind of irreplaceable thing Every lady has a scarf in her wardrobe.

And later, when I met Vasiliev at various events, I could not get rid of the allusion to the accessories rack in the clothing store. And this despite the fact that San Sanych promotes a sense of proportion and ridicules the love of excess in Russian taste. If this is not an excess in his understanding, then I can’t imagine what kind of provincial beauties he talks about in numerous interviews!

For some fashion figures, taste sometimes betrays them. All living people. In the case of Vasiliev, I tried to find his young photographs, where they were still in good taste, but the most adequate ones concern the infancy period.

Already from adolescence, absolute hell begins.

In principle, one can understand - the young man escaped from Soviet grayness to brilliant Paris. At the same time, he was freed from parental care. I, too, when I broke out into glamorous Moscow, suffered through such garbage that now it’s not only shameful to remember, it’s just funny. But with time it had to pass. The case with Vasiliev is complex - it only got worse. Except that a Louis Vuittone handbag was added.

And if Vasiliev had some kind of relationship with Good Taste, then it’s more like fictitious marriage. They certainly never slept in the same room!

One can argue for a long time about the fact that he is a public figure and creates a recognizable image, but such reasoning would be appropriate if we were not talking about banal minor screw-ups like wrinkled pants and incorrectly chosen shoes.

I like to say, “When a look fails, the stylist adds a scarf.” Try removing the scarf from the next look and pay attention to warm socks combined with velvet shoes and jeans.

All this together takes Alexander Vasiliev far beyond the limits of good taste. He cannot even be considered a trendsetter, because only crazy old women and Tatyana Mikhalkova can copy this.

If we consider Vasiliev’s style, then only in the context of the style of Alexander Peskov and Sergei Penkin. They also consider themselves irresistible, elevating bad taste and vulgarity to the rank of extravagance. Well, what good taste is there in a little fat man wearing a lady's hat?!

There are, of course, glimpses of Vasiliev, but these are those cases when other people dressed him. At the same time, tracing the image of Alber Elbaz. Compare.

The initial data is similar, but Elbaz, unlike Vasiliev, has absolute taste. He feels beauty regardless. His collections are beautiful, and he himself does not allow any mistakes in his costume.

But Vasiliev, when he begins to add something of his own to this image, turns into a flowerbed on legs.

To summarize. Where delusions of grandeur come, good taste does not live. Vasiliev’s first books were wonderful, then he worked hard, later, when fame came, he began churning out books about fashion one after another, and the editing was so bad that fragments were repeated even within the same book. Anyone who has read one book by modern Alexander Vasiliev has read them all. And Vasiliev is lying when he says that he is the only such researcher of Russian fashion. Among recent examples, there is at least the enormous work of Christine Ruane, “The New Dress of the Empire,” published in Russia last year. Unlike Vasiliev, who simply lists 20 names in a row, she gives interesting and detailed explanations, making reading fascinating. Vasilva’s “Beauty in Exile” is watched more than read. And Vasiliev talks more than he appears.

And to still be true to the genre, a couple of epic fails.

“I’m husking seeds with Plisetskaya.” If the photo were modern, it would have a place in the School of Freaks for its senseless and merciless photoshop. Some mold themselves to Putin, others to Plisetskaya. Everyone has their own Putin.

“Making utu”

And once Vasiliev and Slava Zaitsev came to an event wearing the same costume jewelry from Prague duty free. There was a scandal all over Moscow!

Alexander Vasiliev with his students in 1990. Judging by the photo, he taught me poorly.

Nothing human is alien to him, and Alexander Vasiliev can put on rapper pants. True, when everyone had already taken them, well, how could it be otherwise if you dress in a Parisian second-hand store! But even if he is wearing jeans, his hand reaches out to decorate himself with at least something. Without a brooch I feel just naked!

The dog is clearly scared. She remembers that before this house there lived a monitor lizard at Alexander’s house...

Let's wish the bulldog good luck and not turn into another maestro's boa!

P.S. You can say that Roma has completely lost his sense of smell, but I’ll admit to a terrible thing. I wanted to write about Vasiliev in the first issue, but I wasn’t sure that it would be adequately perceived. Now, when I see how popular this column has become, I can hope that you will be able to look at Vasiliev with fresh eyes and the column, which now seems not very funny to you, will make you smile more than once :)

The future stylist was born on January 25, 1986 in Kyiv. He received a diploma of higher education from Donetsk National University, where he studied at the Faculty of Philology.

As a 19-year-old guy, he moved to St. Petersburg, where he worked as editor of the Hotel and Restaurant Business magazine. Then he began collaborating with other magazines and websites. A year later, Roman Medny decides to move to the capital - Moscow. There he also works with several magazines.

The author's active training and practice begins:

  • Since 2008, he begins consulting people on issues of fashion and style, and tries out shopping support.
  • By 2009 he attended the Marangoni “Fashion Styling” training.
  • Two years later, he completed the Make-Up Atelier course and interned at the Make Up For Ever Parisian center.

By that time, Roman had already learned all aspects of such a new phenomenon for the CIS countries as the “fashion industry.” Then he starts coaching. Stylist master classes are held in many large cities in Russia and Ukraine. The entrepreneur is famous for his comprehensive approach to each client.

The author believes that usual advice by style: basic wardrobe, hairstyle, makeup cannot fully reflect a person’s personality. Character, behavior, interests, body language and much more play a role.. In general, the stylist tries to create for the client all the conditions that would make him work in his own way. We are talking about changing a person’s entire lifestyle, not just their appearance.

In the middle of 2011, together with his students, he visits Venice, where he conducts a course “ Modern Art and fashion." The demand for training is growing, so the program will soon begin to be repeated. Russian Forbes ranks Roman among the most the best experts shopping support. Soon he begins to appear on Ukrainian television.

Immediately after 2012, he participated in the preparation of training for fashion houses from Italy. 2013 becomes the year of the beginning of cooperation with Ukrainian Forbes. Later he releases a capsule collection of accessories together with AGE.

Women's and men's style

Today Roman is an extremely sought-after specialist, working, among other things, for premium clients. This demand for his services is explained by the fact that now it is kind of “fashionable”. If the population of European countries is not very keen on public opinion, then in Russia or Ukraine the question of “how to become stylish” worries the majority of girls and women.

The stronger sex is not far behind in such experiences. Men's style clothing is also a popular topic of discussion.

Detailed information about Roman Medny. Biography, education, coaching activities of a stylist.

Roman Medny He has been involved in fashion and style for 10 years, despite his fairly young age, he has established himself as a true professional in his field. But initially, the guy, of course, did not think that he would associate himself with fashion industry, although this topic was always interesting to him. In order to learn more about this author and his talent, you need to know some points of his biography.

Stylist Roman Medny born on January 25, 1986 in Kyiv. He received his higher education at the Donetsk National University at the Faculty of Philology (Russian language and literature). In 2005, Roma moved to St. Petersburg, began working as a chief editor at the Hotel and Restaurant Business magazine, while simultaneously collaborating with the Restaurant Vedomosti magazine, as well as TimeOut.Petersburg and, for which he wrote about fashion and style.

Roman Medny decides to move to Moscow in 2007. There, as an author, he collaborates with the magazines “Afisha” and “L`Officiel”. Since 2008, he began to practice individual consulting and shopping support, and in 2009 he took Marangoni courses in the specialty “Fashion Styling”. In 2011, the aspiring stylist studied makeup at the Make-Up Atelier courses and later completed an internship in Paris at the Make Up For Ever training center.

So, in 2011, Roman began active coaching. The stylist conducts trainings in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kyiv, Novosibirsk, Tyumen, Vladivostok, Kaliningrad and others. Roman Medny's master class at the InterCharm exhibition attracts about a hundred participants. Main feature his master classes and trainings are complex work with the client, going beyond just his own area (hairstyle, makeup, clothing), a comprehensive impact on the client through the formation of a certain aesthetic environment that would push the client to actively work on his image.

In 2011 style icon Roman Medny with a group of his clients went to Venice at the Biennale of Contemporary Art to conduct an experimental course “Contemporary Art and Fashion”. This practice began to be repeated regularly. Working on the client’s image, Roma creates a lifestyle in which the client feels as comfortable as possible and is ready for changes.

The stylist became a real expert in Life Style Management, he wrote on the pages of such publications as: “Russian Reporter”, “Gazeta.Ru”, “Expert”, etc. Forbes.Russia magazine named Roman one of the best specialists for shopping support. Since 2012, Roman began hosting a TV program on the Ukrainian TV channel STB, in which he teaches viewers the basics of good taste. In its time segment, the program became the most popular on Ukrainian television.

In January 2013, the guy took part in compiling a training for the management of Italian fashion houses commissioned by the Italian Fashion Chamber, and since the same year he has been collaborating with Forbes.Ukraine. In 2014, Roma released a capsule collection of accessories together with AGE.

As you can see, answering the question "Who is Roman Medny" we can say that stylist Roman Medny didn't appear from anywhere. This style and fashion specialist is now in great demand, but he has worked hard and continues to work to ensure that his many readers and readers, viewers and spectators look the best. in the best possible way. He knows everything about body types, contrast, color combinations, features of men's and women's wardrobes, and knows what to do with all this.

How to get training from Roman Medny?

In addition to the fact that the stylist conducts live master classes and trainings in different cities, he decided to conduct style training online and remotely. So, now anyone who cannot attend live trainings can take courses by Roman Medny at any time and in any place convenient for you. Not every person has the opportunity to come to Moscow, Kyiv or another city for personal training or consultation with a stylist. And anyone can learn style, fashion and how to dress correctly! Remotely, from the comfort of your own home!

At the stylist's a large number of books and courses in video format, which are very popular, not only among women, but also among men. Men also want to look and dress beautifully and stylishly, and Roman helps them a lot with this! For example, video course "Festive" women's wardrobe", video course "Festive men's wardrobe", video training "Men's style from A to Z", video course "Hairstyle in character", video course "Rules of women's tights" and many others. There are separate courses on seasonal wardrobes and style trends. There is also material on the topic of how to become a stylist - video course "How to become a stylist and make money doing what you love."

These and many other courses and materials can be found , as well as on the blog and YouTube channel of this stylist. Him great amount useful videos, articles on the basics of style, on the newest trends, on current new products of the season, on “smart style”, etc. In addition, there are freely available books by Roman Medny: book "Women's basic wardrobe" And book "5 steps to the image of a successful man." The books are free and can be downloaded from the author’s website.

Why is the stylist so popular? What do his clients say? Any reviews?

Roman Medny assures his clients that individual style and good taste is not some abstract concept that only a select few can comprehend. Clothing is a reflection of a person’s lifestyle and way of thinking, and taste manifests itself when all this is in harmony. From his experience, the stylist realized that there are no people without taste, there are those who simply have not learned to express themselves in clothes, there are lazy people.

Most stylists look primarily at appearance, perceiving the client as a mannequin that needs to be dressed up. And Roman thinks specifically about the person, trying to find what will make him strive for perfection, and gives the knowledge that is necessary to follow this path. It is this approach that makes the stylist Medny so popular and famous. His clients are delighted with him and his work. This is why there are so many online positive reviews about Roman Medny and words of gratitude addressed to him.

If you want to get acquainted with the work and approach of this stylist, then you can always use his free materials to get started. Download the books we talked about above. And also study video seminar " Fashion trends season spring-summer 2018", video seminar "The Art of Restyling", video seminar "Types and basic methods of composing images", favorites of the online program "Logic of Style". These materials can also be downloaded and studied for free on the stylist’s website. In general, the official website of Roman Medny has everything you need for a transformation!

So, if you have a desire to look fashionable and stylish, without losing yourself and your image, then Roman Medny will teach you to express your thoughts and lifestyle not only with the help of your wardrobe, but also with the help of accessories, hairstyles, makeup, etc. d. The stylist will tell you in his videos, courses and trainings how not only to dress beautifully, but also to find harmony between your inner state and appearance, to please people and be the subject of their admiration.