How to dye blue jeans black. How to dye jeans at home? Fast and easy! Three additional ways

Have your jeans lost their color, or are you just tired? No problem, we’ll show you how to dye jeans at home and give them a second life.

More than 60 years have passed since jeans appeared in our country, and they still have not lost their popularity. On the contrary, this type of clothing is becoming more and more in demand.

Jeans have found their niche and occupied it so tightly that it seems they will remain with us forever. Once upon a time they were considered work clothes, then they moved into the casual category, a little more time passed and they began to be worn for almost all occasions.

We love our jeans, and sometimes we may not take them off all day, which causes them to gradually wear out and lose their original color. Of course, you can buy new jeans, but models from well-known companies are not cheap, and therefore not everyone can afford to change jeans once a month. But jeans, unlike simple trousers There is one difference - they can be updated! What can you paint with? denim? Read about how to dye jeans and save your money.

So, we’re thinking: how to dye jeans? If you decide to make your favorite but old jeans new, then this can be done in several ways, and many different dyes are sold for these purposes.

When buying bags of paint, look at the instructions on how this paint can be used and whether this method will be available to you.

Don't try to come up with something of your own because you might ruin your jeans. Be sure to wash and dry your jeans before dyeing, and then you can experiment.

How to dye jeans blue to get the desired shade? There are two main ways to dye blue and faded jeans, we will look at both methods in detail. For such dyeing, you must purchase powder paint for fabric (cotton, linen and viscose fabrics). Methods of dyeing: using a washing machine (preferably an automatic one), and simply in a bucket on a gas stove.

Method one - washing machine:

  1. How to dye jeans washing machine? In order for the jeans to be streak-free and the fabric to be colored evenly, the paint must first be dissolved. Take half a liter of warm water and pour a bag of paint into it, then stir thoroughly. Strain the resulting solution through a sieve, because not all of the powder may dissolve immediately. Do not allow undissolved pieces of paint to get on your jeans.
  2. Pour this solution into the drum of the machine (not to be confused with the cuvette for powder and conditioner), and if necessary, add soda or salt (see instructions on the paint label).
  3. Throw on your jeans, set the cotton mode, and set maximum temperature indicated on the jeans tag. We warn you right away: if you haven’t washed your jeans before at this temperature, high temperature, be prepared for the fabric to shrink.
  4. The washing time for complete dyeing of the fabric should be at least 30 minutes.
  5. While the machine is running, prepare a bowl of cold water. Add vinegar to the water in a ratio of 1 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water.
  6. Remove the jeans from the machine and soak them in a basin for 15 minutes.
  7. After this, they must be washed in the machine again, but with the addition of washing powder, and at a water temperature of up to 40°C.

Method two - a bucket for gas:

  1. Dissolve the paint in a small amount of hot water, add salt or soda if necessary, strain so that there are no lumps.
  2. Pour the dye into a bucket and add enough water to completely submerge the jeans.
  3. Place the bucket on the gas, bring to a boil, reduce the flame to low, and leave for 1 hour, and be sure to stir with a wooden stick so that the color is even.
  4. At the end of one hour, take it out and rinse the jeans in cold water.
  5. Just like in the first method, the jeans need to be soaked for about 20 minutes in water and vinegar.
  6. Wash in warm water with washing powder, and rinse again in plain water.

Before you dye your jeans black, you need jeans dye. The dye "Tekhnokhim" has proven itself well, the composition is Jeans, it is sold in hypermarkets or in handicraft stores.

Jeans dye is a blue-gray powder. Before dyeing black jeans, or jeans blue color, put on rubber gloves, pour dye powder, 200 grams of salt, and jeans soaked in water into the drum of the washing machine.

Select the cotton program 60 or 95 degrees. The longer the washing time, the more saturated the color will be. We are waiting for the process to finish. Next, after finishing the washing cycle, you need to fix the black color. To fix the color, pour 5 tablespoons of vinegar into the dish of the washing machine and turn on the “rinse” mode. Do not turn on the spin mode! Otherwise, the dyed jeans will end up with streaks.

Two more simple ways to resuscitate jeans

In the distant, distant times of the USSR, there were no special dyes to restore the color of jeans, but there were jeans themselves, and, just like today, they quickly wore out. It was then that simple but effective ways to dye jeans were invented.

Making "varenki"

In the 80s of the 20th century, the so-called “varenki” were especially popular. They were terribly expensive, and it was almost impossible to buy them. But folk craftsmen found a way out - how to make super fashionable dumplings in a bucket in the kitchen of a Soviet apartment. Everything turns out to be very simple, and you can repeat this experiment with old jeans. Manufacturing stages:

  • You twist your jeans in different directions as tightly as possible, then we twist them into one lump and tie them with ropes.
  • Pour water into a bucket, add 200 grams of white, and drop the rolled jeans into it.
  • Bring to a boil and cook for 15 minutes.
  • We try to constantly keep the jeans under water.
  • We take it out, untie it, rinse it, dry it.

How to turn jeans blue? In some cases, when jeans are not yet completely dead, blueing can be used to give them a fresher look. How it's done:

  • Pour warm water into a basin or bucket and add a little blue; you need to select the amount of powder yourself.
  • Soak the jeans in the solution for 2 hours.
  • Remove, squeeze, and rinse in cold water and vinegar.

It’s simple, but this method doesn’t last long; usually, after the third wash, the jeans return to their previous state.

Fast and easy! Three additional ways

How to dye jeans? If you like to experiment and you like clothes that others don't have, then you should try one or all three of the methods described below:

  1. You can dye your jeans any color using hair dye. The paint dissolves in water, the jeans are soaked for 1.5-2 hours. But it’s true that this color won’t last long; after several washes, all the paint will come off.
  2. Jeans can be painted acrylic paints, any drawing is applied, whatever your imagination gives you. You can secure the design by ironing it and placing paper under it. But again, after each wash, the pattern will become paler until it disappears completely.
  3. And the last method, and probably the fastest, is spray painting. You don't need anything other than spray paint. Your imagination is not limited by anything, if you are an artist at heart, you can create a real masterpiece on your jeans!

A dry cleaner will most likely paint it more professionally, but they will also charge a lot of money. If you have old, but still intact jeans, you can make something out of them with your own hands that your friends will ask about - where did you buy such beautiful jeans.

In the video: dyeing jeans black at home.

Just a few years ago, fashionistas knew how to dye jeans at home to update their shade or give the product a completely new look. the new kind. Over the years, new coloring options have joined traditional treatment methods. They are distinguished by their simplicity of approach, long-lasting results and are absolutely safe for products. But if previously it was only possible to restore the blue color of things or boil them to a light state, today options for processing trousers of any color with the most unimaginable transitions are available.

Denim dyeing products: features, advantages and disadvantages

Today, in order to quickly and efficiently dye jeans in the desired color, the following preparations are used:

  1. Blue. The most affordable ingredient. The advantages include the ease of use, the disadvantages are the low degree of color fastness. It starts to wash out immediately and requires regular updating.
  2. Potassium permanganate. Not the easiest coloring method, requiring some skill. But as a result, you can get “boiled” jeans that never go out of fashion.
  3. Aniline dyes. Easy to use, the main thing is to strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions. You can mix several product colors to create unique shades.
  4. Acrylic paints. They are distinguished by increased durability compared to aniline. After the first drying, they stop reacting to external influences, including washing with powder and boiling.
  5. Powder dyes. Can be used while running items in the washing machine. They cause the least amount of hassle, but are not pleasing with the variety of shades.

In addition to specialized products, denim fabric can be treated at home with hair dye or preparations to change the color of ordinary fabrics.

How to dye jeans using blue?

You can return traditional blue jeans to their rich color with the help of affordable and cheap bluing. It is sold in most hardware stores in liquid or powder form.

To dye jeans blue, you need to perform the following manipulations:

  • The product is diluted in warm water, its temperature should not exceed 30ºС. We adjust the color saturation independently by assessing the color intensity of the liquid.

Tip: The shade will be more durable if you add a couple of tablespoons of table salt to the fabric treatment composition.

  • Soak the trousers in the prepared mixture for several hours, periodically turning the product over.
  • Then rinse the item in cool water. You can fix the resulting color using a weak vinegar solution.

It is worth considering that the resulting color will quickly wash out, especially if you subsequently run the product in the washing machine. To avoid unnecessary hassle, you should think about using permanent modern dyes.

How to quickly and efficiently dye jeans black?

Redying your favorite trousers in a rich and uniform black tone will not cause any trouble if you follow the technical recommendations for the process. Before you dye your jeans black, you need to wash them again to make sure there is no greasy stains and divorces. It is forbidden to add rinse conditioner during the washing process; it can affect the quality of the final result.

The easiest way to dye is using a powder composition for high-density fabrics and a washing machine. You just need to strictly follow the instructions. If she is on incomprehensible language, then most often the procedure comes down to sequentially performing the following manipulations:

  • We check the trouser pockets for items, turn the jeans inside out wrong side. We place them in the drum, and pour the dye into it.
  • We set the optimal washing temperature for a given fabric (check it on the label) and start the standard cycle. No powders or rinses are used.
  • If the powder does not contain components intended to fix the color, then after washing the product, rinse the product again in water and vinegar.
  • After all the steps, the trousers need to be washed again, this time in the most usual way, with the addition of powder or gel. Dry your jeans naturally.

This type of processing will not harm the machine in any way, so don’t worry about it. Only the rubber inserts may become slightly stained, but the deposit can be easily removed with a damp sponge.

What and how to dye black jeans to update their color?

To restore the faded color of black jeans, it is not necessary to use a profile dye; you can limit yourself to hair dye. For trousers of standard sizes, at least two packages of the product are required, but it is better to purchase the composition with a reserve. We simply dilute the active component in warm water in a basin, immerse the jeans in the composition for at least an hour, and take it out.

The product must be rinsed thoroughly in plain water, then soaked in a mixture of water, vinegar and table salt for a couple of minutes, this will fix the color. All that remains is to dry the product and evaluate the result of the work.

If you use fabric dye to restore the color of jeans, then you cannot do without boiling. The process is simple: dilute the mixture, soak the trousers, put the container on the fire and boil the product, stirring constantly, for an hour and a half.

It is important to understand that if technical recommendations are neglected, there is a risk of obtaining the most unexpected and not always pleasant result.

Don't rush to throw away your jeans if you're tired of them. If you figure out how to dye jeans at home, you can breathe into them new life. You can paint using either improvised means or fabric paints.

How to dye jeans at home

Various means allow you to dye jeans in almost any color. The dyeing process is as simple as possible; even someone who has never dyed fabric can handle it.

How to paint jeans with powder paint or other means

Choose a product depending on what color you want to get.

  • Blue. Almost all housewives have it in their arsenal. Updates the blue color of jeans. Not very durable, you will have to periodically dye your jeans again.
  • Potassium permanganate. You need to work with it carefully, otherwise you risk severely staining your hands, your pelvis, and your bathtub. However, potassium permanganate will help you create stylish “washed” jeans that are always in fashion.
  • Aniline dyes. The easiest option to use. They are not very durable.
  • Powder paints. Also very easy to use, and also very durable. The downside is the small selection of colors.
  • Acrylic paints. They are a little more difficult to use, but there are a lot of color options. Acrylic is absolutely not afraid of washing; jeans can fade only if you decide to boil them.

The described paints can be purchased at fabric stores. They're relatively inexpensive, so you can update your favorite jeans at minimal cost.

How to powder coat jeans

Let's take a closer look at the process of dyeing denim pants with powder dye.

  • Dissolve the paint in water. This is necessary so that there are no streaks on the jeans and their color is uniform. Whisk the mixture until all lumps have dissolved.
  • Pour paint into the drum of the machine. Read the instructions carefully. Sometimes the manufacturer requires additional addition to the machine baking soda or table salt.
  • Place the jeans and select a wash cycle with a temperature of about 95°C.
  • Dilute vinegar in a basin at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water. Place jeans in the solution for 15 minutes.
  • Wash the jeans in the machine again on the shortest cycle at a temperature of about 40°C.

To clean the washing machine from dye and not stain things with it in the future, make it run empty once. Add a little bleach as you work. It neutralizes the paint.

Have your favorite jeans lost their color?

Jeans are comfortable, practical and appropriate for almost any event. But over time, they change color, stains may appear on them, but not everyone decides to throw away their favorite thing. The way out of this situation is coloring. In this article I will explain how and with what you can dye black jeans at home.

Jeans - universal clothing

Before painting

There are a few things to consider before painting things:

  • Analyze all the pros and cons of the procedure. This is a risky business, and the result may not live up to expectations.
  • Consider the composition of the fabric. It is easy to change the color of natural fabrics. But if synthetic threads are present, the color may turn out to be paler.
  • The density and composition of the material affect the final result

  • Consider the original color of the clothing. If White color repaint it black, the result will be gray or dark gray. But not black! It is better to choose tones that are close in combination.
  • Be sure to carry out the work wearing gloves.
  • Rubber gloves will protect the skin of your hands

  • Follow the recommendations indicated on the dye. The instructions will explain the necessary proportions and procedure.
  • Preparation

    Before changing or updating the color, a denim item must be prepared:

  • Wash. Check for grease stains. When washing, do not use rinse aids, they can complicate the painting process.
  • Cut off all labels. In most cases, labels on jeans also become stained and therefore deteriorate. After the process they can be re-sewn.
  • Cut the label

  • If necessary, bleach. If you don't have jeans of blue color, then you will have to use bleach.
  • Preparing the place to work. We clear the surface, cover it with newspapers so that the dyes do not get on objects nearby.
  • Proper preparation is 75% success!


    To improve the dyeing result, it is better to bleach a denim product. For this:

  • Dilute water and bleach in a 1:1 ratio. It is best to use a deep container, such as a bucket or basin. If the jeans are light, then a weaker solution is made.
  • Whiteness is an excellent bleach

  • Place the denim product in a container and leave for 1-2 hours. Every 20 minutes it is necessary to change the position of the thing, that is, stir.
  • After bleaching You need to rinse your clothes again.
  • The jeans should not be pure white, they will most likely have a yellowish tint. Don't worry, the black pigment will cover everything!

    How and how to dye denim black?

    Now many will ask the question, why complicate everything if it’s easier to go and buy new trousers of any color and size? However, it is not a fact that they will fit perfectly and become your favorite.

    But small flaws can be hidden under paint. By changing their color, you can revive your jeans and make them look like new.

    Give new life to old jeans

    How to dye jeans black? I have identified 3 main ways to change the color. Let's look at each case separately.

    Method 1. Special paints

    You can purchase special powder paints online or at a hardware store. With their help you can dye an item in the washing machine. All you need to do is follow the instructions on the package.

    This is what a bag of paint looks like

    If you purchased a foreign-made composition, then proceed as follows:

  • We prepare the jeans, turn them inside out, and check the optimal washing temperature on the label.
  • Then we put them in the washing machine and pour the powder on top.
  • Start the selected washing mode.
  • Instead of washing powder, add dye

  • After this, rinse them in warm water with the addition of vinegar, it will help fix the color.
  • Then wash it in the usual way with powder.
  • There are paints that do not pour into the drum, but are placed directly with the packaging in the washing machine. Read the instructions carefully!

    Read the instructions on the package before use

    Method 2. Hair dye

    How to dye black jeans at home if you can’t buy special dye? For such purposes, regular hair dye is useful.

    Be careful with shades! What if jeans big size, then buy 2 packs of paint.

    You can dye your jeans with hair dye

  • We dilute the paint in warm water so that the trousers are completely covered with the solution.
  • Leave everything for 1 hour.
  • We take them out and rinse them first in plain water, and then add salt and vinegar.
  • This work is best done with gloves.

    Method 3. Fabric paint

    My favorite method remains! Now I will tell you how to dye black jeans at home using fabric paints. This method differs from the previous ones in that you have to tinker a little.

    The photo shows fabric paint

    If you purchased this paint, do the following:

    • dilute in water (proportions in the instructions for the composition), it is better to use a bucket or deep container;
    • place our jeans into the prepared mixture;
    • put it all on the fire and boil for 1-1.5 hours;
    • constantly stir the pants so that they are colored evenly and without streaks;
    • After this, rinse in salt or vinegar water to fix the pigment.

    Rinse your jeans well to ensure there are no streaks left.

    other methods

    I’ll tell you about rare and interesting ways to change or update the black color on clothes. To update the color, you can soak the item in coffee, tobacco or black ink.

  • Coffee or tobacco. Prepare the solution yourself:
    • dilute 50 grams of ground coffee or 15 grams of tobacco in 1 liter of water;
    • soak black trousers for half an hour, the water should be cool.

    Coffee is a natural colorant

  • Markers. Of course, we will not directly decorate our jeans with them! We take the felt-tip pen, break it and put it in water so that it changes color. And the paint is ready!
  • Blue, black, light blue - choose any one for yourself!

    What to look for when choosing coloring products:

    • for instructions, they must be indicated on the packaging;
    • what material is it intended for;
    • If you don't know what your pants are made of, use universal dye.

    It is best to choose universal paint

    If the jeans contain lavsan or nitron, the dyes may not penetrate the fabric. The result is that the item will not be colored.

    Specialty powder coatings can be expensive and often hard to find. Ordering online will take some time, but you can actually buy it.

    Black jeans are practical and comfortable clothes

    Care after coloring

    Dyed clothing must be carefully monitored and cared for. Improper washing or drying can change the resulting shade, the item may fade and will have to be thrown away.

    After dyeing, you need to properly care for black things

    I will share with you some simple tips:

  • Dry clothes where they are not exposed to direct Sun rays, So it won't burn out.
  • Wash separately from other items for the first 2-3 washes to prevent the new paint from fading.
  • Add vinegar during subsequent rinses, it serves as a color fixer.
  • Vinegar will help the color last much longer.

  • When washing, use only powder for colored fabrics. White laundry powder contains bleach.
  • Black jeans go with any outfit


    Above we looked at the most effective ways dyeing jeans black. Choose the most suitable one for yourself and don’t be afraid to change your style and wardrobe.

    Watch the video in this article for more information on this topic. If you know other methods for dyeing denim, share them in the comments! I would appreciate that!

    By using simple tips You can return or give a new color to your jeans

    Have your favorite jeans lost their color?

    Jeans - universal clothing

    Before painting

    1. Consider the composition of the fabric

    1. Follow the recommendations indicated on the dye. The instructions will explain the necessary proportions and procedure.


    1. Wash.
    2. Cut off all labels

    Cut the label

    1. If necessary, bleach


    1. After bleaching

    Method 1. Special paints

    1. We prepare the jeans, turn them inside out, and check the optimal washing temperature on the label.
    2. Then we put them in the washing machine and pour the powder on top.
    3. Start the selected washing mode.
    1. After this, rinse them in warm water with the addition of vinegar, it will help fix the color.
    2. Then wash it in the usual way with powder.

    Method 2. Hair dye

    1. We dilute the paint in warm water so that the trousers are completely covered with the solution.
    2. Leave everything for 1 hour.
    3. We take them out and rinse them first in plain water, and then add salt and vinegar.

    Method 3. Fabric paint

    other methods

    1. Coffee or tobacco

    Coffee is a natural colorant

    1. Markers

    Care after coloring

    1. Dry your clothes where they are not exposed to direct sunlight to prevent them from fading.
    2. Wash separately from other items for the first 2-3 washes to prevent the new paint from fading.
    3. Add vinegar during subsequent rinses, it serves as a color fixer.


    Jeans have long been items basic wardrobe all fashionistas and fashionistas, it is difficult to imagine an everyday look without them. Pairing them with sophisticated shoes, a classic jacket and jewelry, you can create an image for a date, an exhibition or any celebration. But in this material we want to talk about how to dye jeans black. Some time ago, fashionistas and women of fashion knew all the subtleties of dyeing such fabric, today traditional methods More modern ones have also joined, accompanied by minimal labor costs. These are the ones we will talk about.

    What you need to know

    Anyone can dye jeans black at home modern housewife, this does not require special skills. But before you start work, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory measures:

    • Analysis - the decision to dye denim should be balanced: analyze all the pros and cons of the procedure, prepare for a negative outcome. It should be understood that coloring at home is a risk, a roulette, the result can be both positive and negative.
    • Fabric composition - natural fabrics, such as cotton, are the most susceptible to dyeing. If your jeans are represented mainly synthetic fabrics, the coloring result may not live up to your hopes; you will have to repeat the procedure many times to obtain a rich, bright shade.
    • The original color should definitely be taken into account. If you decide to dye your white jeans black, you will end up with jeans with a grayish tint. That is why, to obtain an expressive color, it is better to choose tones that are close in combination.
    • Protective equipment - when working with dyes, arm yourself with rubber gloves, which can be purchased at any hardware store.
    • Compliance with recommendations - the manufacturer leaves recommendations on the packaging with the dye and useful tips, so here's to getting maximum results they must be strictly observed.

    Preparatory activities

    Many people wonder whether it is possible to dye jeans black or renew a shade that has lost its richness. Of course, it is possible, but you need to approach the work more responsibly. To obtain the desired dyeing result, the item must be prepared.


    How to dye jeans black so that the shade is even and rich? To do this, first of all, it is necessary to remove all dirt from the product - wash it with modern means. And here’s what’s important: under no circumstances use rinse aids and conditioners for washing, which, due to their density, can complicate the further dyeing process.


    Paint blue jeans black means painting the entire product, including the label, which contains basic information about the product and the intricacies of caring for it. That is why it is better to cut off the label before washing: if necessary, it can be re-sewn after the dyeing procedure.


    Blue is a classic denim shade, but if you're dealing with other colors like terracotta, blueberry or green, you'll need to use bleach. Give preference to an effective but gentle bleach that will not affect the structure of the denim fibers. Can't choose? Contact the consultants in the store for help - they will help you choose the best option from all the variety presented.


    The surface where the painting will be done must be covered with old newspapers, you can use pieces of wallpaper, ordinary plastic film, which can be purchased at any hardware and hardware store.

    Remember that correctly carried out preparatory measures are 75% of the success of subsequent staining.


    How to dye jeans black if we are dealing with red, green or orange shades? This is a very common question. So, we have already mentioned that it is better to pre-bleach the product. To do this, you need to dissolve the selected bleach in water in a 1:1 ratio. For these purposes, it is better to arm yourself with a deep container: a bucket, a basin. You should not use a bathtub container, as bleach is not the most in the best possible way may affect the surface.

    Then we place the product in the prepared solution (if you use white jeans as a base, the concentration of the solution can be reduced). The whitening procedure lasts 1.5-2 hours, and every 20 minutes it is necessary to change the position of the product for uniform treatment. After bleaching, rinse your jeans several times: don’t worry if they turn yellowish rather than snow-white, the dye will color it all out.

    What to use for coloring

    Of course, it’s much easier to go and buy jeans in the right shade, but no one guarantees that you will find a model that will fit your figure perfectly. This is why dyeing old favorites is so popular these days. By updating the shade, giving it depth and expressiveness, you will get a product that will look like new. So how can you dye your jeans black? We would like to bring to your attention several proven methods.

    Special paints

    You've probably seen special powder paints for denim in hardware stores more than once. Few people know that they can be used to dye a product in a washing machine. How to paint jeans black at home? You only need to strictly follow the established instructions indicated on the packaging. Most often, the sequence of actions looks like this:

    • turn the jeans inside out, check the optimal washing temperature indicated on the label;
    • put it in the washing machine, adding coloring powder on top;
    • set the required washing mode and start the machine;
    • after completing the dyeing process, you should rinse the product in water with the addition of vinegar - it will help fix the shade and protect it from subsequent washing;
    • repeat machine wash, but using ordinary washing powder.

    Are you looking for an answer to the question of how to dye jeans black at home? It is important first of all to follow the instructions indicated on the packaging of the powder. There are dyes that can be placed directly in the packaging into the drum washing machine- Read the instructions carefully again before using the dye.

    Hair dye

    Yes, you can update the shade of your jeans with hair dye. If it is difficult to find a special dye for denim in your city, go to the nearest supermarket or cosmetic store - here you will find a variety of shades. How to dye jeans black with hair dye? Everything is extremely simple:

    • pour warm water into a basin and dilute hair dye in it;
    • immerse the jeans in the solution so that it completely covers them, and leave in this state for 1 hour;
    • After the specified time has passed, first rinse the jeans in running water, and then in a solution with the addition of salt and vinegar.

    Fabric dye

    Before the painting process, you need to dilute the paint in a container with water, it is better to choose a basin or bucket, then place the jeans in the solution and put them on the fire in this form - boil for 1.5-2 hours. And here you need to be extremely careful: constantly stir the jeans in order to get an even shade. After completing the dyeing process, rinse the jeans well and fix the result with salt or vinegar water.

    Let's sum it up

    As you can see, it is quite possible to update the shade or completely change or transform your jeans at home: for this you do not have to resort to the expensive help of professionals. We strongly recommend that you carefully choose a bleach to prepare the product for dyeing, as well as the choice of the pigment, dye, on which the result of the work done largely depends.

    And, of course, strictly adhere to the instructions indicated on the package; you should not experiment, because otherwise you will not only not get the expected result, but will also completely ruin your favorite jeans.

    Have your favorite jeans lost their color?

    Jeans are comfortable, practical and appropriate for almost any event. But over time, they change color, stains may appear on them, but not everyone decides to throw away their favorite thing. The way out of this situation is coloring. In this article I will explain how and with what you can dye black jeans at home.

    Jeans - universal clothing

    Before painting

    There are a few things to consider before painting things:

    Analyze all the pros and cons of the procedure. This is a risky business, and the result may not live up to expectations. Consider the composition of the fabric. It is easy to change the color of natural fabrics. But if synthetic threads are present, the color may turn out to be paler.

    The density and composition of the material affect the final result

    Consider the original color of the clothing. If white is dyed black, the result will be gray or dark gray. But not black! It is better to choose tones that are close in combination. Be sure to carry out the work wearing gloves.

    Rubber gloves will protect the skin of your hands


    Before changing or updating the color, a denim item must be prepared:

    Wash. Check for grease stains. When washing, do not use rinse aids, they can complicate the painting process. Cut off all labels. In most cases, labels on jeans also become stained and therefore deteriorate. After the process they can be re-sewn.

    Cut the label

    If necessary, bleach. If your jeans are not blue, you will have to use bleach. Preparing the place to work. We clear the surface, cover it with newspapers so that the dyes do not get on objects nearby.

    Proper preparation is 75% success!


    To improve the dyeing result, it is better to bleach a denim product. For this:

    Dilute water and bleach in a 1:1 ratio. It is best to use a deep container, such as a bucket or basin. If the jeans are light, then a weaker solution is made.

    Whiteness is an excellent bleach

    Place the denim product in a container and leave for 1-2 hours. Every 20 minutes it is necessary to change the position of the thing, that is, stir. After bleaching You need to rinse your clothes again.

    The jeans should not be pure white, they will most likely have a yellowish tint. Don't worry, the black pigment will cover everything!

    How and how to dye denim black?

    Now many will ask the question, why complicate everything if it’s easier to go and buy new trousers of any color and size? However, it is not a fact that they will fit perfectly and become your favorite.

    But small flaws can be hidden under paint. By changing their color, you can revive your jeans and make them look like new.

    Give new life to old jeans

    How to dye jeans black? I have identified 3 main ways to change the color. Let's look at each case separately.

    Method 1. Special paints

    You can purchase special powder paints online or at a hardware store. With their help you can dye an item in the washing machine. All you need to do is follow the instructions on the package.

    This is what a bag of paint looks like

    If you purchased a foreign-made composition, then proceed as follows:

    We prepare the jeans, turn them inside out, and check the optimal washing temperature on the label. Then we put them in the washing machine and pour the powder on top. Start the selected washing mode.

    Instead of washing powder, add dye

    After this, rinse them in warm water with the addition of vinegar, it will help fix the color. Then wash it in the usual way with powder.

    There are paints that do not pour into the drum, but are placed directly with the packaging in the washing machine. Read the instructions carefully!

    Read the instructions on the package before use

    Method 2. Hair dye

    How to dye black jeans at home if you can’t buy special dye? For such purposes, regular hair dye is useful.

    Be careful with shades! And if the jeans are large, then buy 2 packs of paint.

    You can dye your jeans with hair dye

    We dilute the paint in warm water so that the trousers are completely covered with the solution. Leave everything for 1 hour. We take them out and rinse them first in plain water, and then add salt and vinegar.

    This work is best done with gloves.

    Method 3. Fabric paint

    My favorite method remains! Now I will tell you how to dye black jeans at home using fabric paints. This method differs from the previous ones in that you have to tinker a little.

    The photo shows fabric paint

    If you purchased this paint, do the following:

    • dilute in water (proportions in the instructions for the composition), it is better to use a bucket or deep container;
    • place our jeans into the prepared mixture;
    • put it all on the fire and boil for 1-1.5 hours;
    • constantly stir the pants so that they are colored evenly and without streaks;
    • After this, rinse in salt or vinegar water to fix the pigment.

    Rinse your jeans well to ensure there are no streaks left.

    other methods

    I’ll tell you about rare and interesting ways to change or update the black color on clothes. To update the color, you can soak the item in coffee, tobacco or black ink.

    Coffee or tobacco. Prepare the solution yourself:

    • dilute 50 grams of ground coffee or 15 grams of tobacco in 1 liter of water;
    • soak black trousers for half an hour, the water should be cool.

    Coffee is a natural colorant

    Markers. Of course, we will not directly decorate our jeans with them! We take the felt-tip pen, break it and put it in water so that it changes color. And the paint is ready!

    Blue, black, light blue - choose any one for yourself!

    What to look for when choosing coloring products:

    • for instructions, they must be indicated on the packaging;
    • what material is it intended for;
    • If you don't know what your pants are made of, use universal dye.

    It is best to choose universal paint

    If the jeans contain lavsan or nitron, the dyes may not penetrate the fabric. The result is that the item will not be colored.

    Specialty powder coatings can be expensive and often hard to find. Ordering online will take some time, but you can actually buy it.

    Black jeans are practical and comfortable clothes

    Care after coloring

    Dyed clothing must be carefully monitored and cared for. Improper washing or drying can change the resulting shade, the item may fade and will have to be thrown away.

    After dyeing, you need to properly care for black things

    I will share with you some simple tips:

    Dry your clothes where they are not exposed to direct sunlight to prevent them from fading. Wash separately from other items for the first 2-3 washes to prevent the new paint from fading. Add vinegar during subsequent rinses, it serves as a color fixer.

    Vinegar will help the color last much longer.

    When washing, use only powder for colored fabrics. White laundry powder contains bleach.

    Black jeans go with any outfit


    Above we looked at the most effective ways to dye jeans black. Choose the most suitable one for yourself and don’t be afraid to change your style and wardrobe.

    Watch the video in this article for more information on this topic. If you know other methods for dyeing denim, share them in the comments! I would appreciate that!

    With the help of simple tips you can return or give a new color to your jeans


    There are many ways to restore color. You should not expect that painting will return the product to its store-bought appearance. But the pants will definitely “sparkle” in a new way. And if you have hidden talent as a designer, then it’s time to show it to the fullest.

    How to dye jeans yourself

    Initially, determine what result you expect. If you want to brighten the color or eliminate scuffs, then the paint should be selected to match the product. And if stains that are difficult to remove appear on your jeans, it is better to dye them a darker shade.

    Select “color”

    There are now plenty of options for how to dye your jeans. About 20 years ago, to restore the shade of denim, they resorted to bluing. It was an indispensable paint that could quickly restore scuffs and give the product good view. But only until the first rain or before washing. The range of modern products that help dye denim has expanded significantly: the types can be studied in the table below.

    Table - Dyes for jeans, their advantages and disadvantages

    Blue - Availability of funds;
    - ease of use;
    - uniform distribution throughout the fabric
    - Unstable coloring;
    - the need to repeat the procedure with each wash
    Potassium permangantsovka - Durability of the result;
    - obtaining a fashionable “varenka” effect
    - Complexity of the method;
    - focusing on small details
    Powder dye - No hassle;
    - possibility of dyeing during washing in an automatic machine
    - Small range of colors and shades
    Aniline dye - Ease of use;
    - durability of the result;
    - ease of mixing with other paints;
    - the possibility of obtaining new shades
    - High price
    Acrylic paint - Durability of the product;
    - ease of use;
    - color retention even after boiling
    - High price

    If you decide to restore old jeans, initially analyze the disadvantages and advantages of the event. Painting yourself is a very risky procedure. After all, there is no guarantee that the result will fully meet your hopes. Therefore, if you value an item, it is better to take it to the dry cleaner and, together with the specialist, determine the method of the most successful resuscitation. Once you decide to dye your jeans with dye yourself, consider these five tips to reduce the risk of failure.

    1. Study of composition. Not only natural fibers can be used to produce jeans. Sometimes they are supplemented with synthetic ones. Most paints are designed to work with natural fabrics. Therefore, if your jeans contain synthetics, be prepared for the fact that they may take on a rather uneven shade.
    2. Color selection. When dyeing a product, try to choose a color similar to the original. Or choose a tone that can dominate the previous one. So, you can easily dye blue jeans blue. But if you decide to make a brown product red, you will not get the desired result. Don't overdo it with dominance. If you decide to make a white product black, get any of the shades of gray.
    3. Removing stripes. All surfaces in contact with the solution are painted. Take a close look at your jeans. Are you ready for brand logos and all badges to also take on a different shade? It's better to carefully rip them off. After all, after dyeing, they will look as if the thing has seriously faded. And after the procedure, it won’t take long to sew on all the bright logos again.
    4. Product preparation. Before the dyeing procedure, jeans must be washed thoroughly. Be sure to inspect the surface. There should be no greasy stains left on the product. They will not allow the dye to color the fibers evenly. Do not use fabric softener after washing. This product can significantly complicate the fabric dyeing procedure.
    5. Uniform coloring. At home it is difficult to achieve uniform shade. After all, jeans fade only in certain areas. To correct this situation, experts recommend resorting to the following trick. Initially, bleach the product: the new paint will adhere better to the fabric.

    To prevent painting of faded jeans from ending in complete fiasco, be sure to read the instructions included with the paint. Strictly follow all recommendations, observe the indicated dosages.

    Ways to change color

    In the old days, fabric dyeing was done by boiling. It was quite an honorable city craft. Today the process has been greatly simplified. The dyeing of the jeans was entrusted to the shoulders of an assistant - a washing machine. But the old, proven method of digestion also remains relevant.

    In the washing machine

    Dyeing jeans in the washing machine is recommended if you need to refresh the color, add brightness to the product, or restore a washed-out shade. A smart assistant can easily cope with all these tasks. Special attention pay attention to the choice of colors. Use high-quality products that will not harm the equipment. The staining procedure consists of six stages.

    1. Preparation of dye. Read the instructions and dilute the powdered substance or liquid concentrate, adhering to the indicated dosages. Take a piece of gauze and strain the solution. Remove lumps and clots mercilessly if you want to achieve uniform coloring. If they remain, they will, according to reviews, cause stains in some places, sometimes of a rather irregular and ugly shape.
    2. Additional components. Sometimes the instructions contain a recommendation: add soda or salt to the dye. Don't ignore this advice. Such components will allow you to fix the paint on the product. It is recommended to avoid washing powders if they are not specified in the instructions. And under no circumstances should you add conditioner. It will completely ruin the coloring procedure.
    3. Filling into the drum. Dilute the dye in hot water (0.5 l is enough), pour directly into the drum. Do not use the powder compartment. Pour the ingredients (salt or soda) into the drum too. To properly dye old jeans, it is important to immediately immerse them in the prepared solution. Before storing the product, be sure to turn it inside out, and do not forget to remove everything from the pockets.
    4. Mode selection. To dye your jeans evenly and get a rich color, select the “Cotton and Linen” mode. In this case, it is necessary to bring the washing conditions as close as possible to the digestion procedure. To do this, set the temperature to 90-95 ºС.
    5. Fixing the color. When the wash comes to an end, prepare a fixative for the dyed product. To do this, take 9% vinegar, dilute it in cool water, following the proportion: per liter of water - a tablespoon of vinegar. Soak the jeans in this solution for about 30 minutes.
    6. Regular wash. Wring out the product well and return it to the drum. Place it in the compartment washing powder, wash your jeans on a gentle cycle. The temperature should not exceed 40ºС.

    Dyed jeans should only be dried naturally. However, you should not expose them to sunlight or hang them next to heating devices.


    If you do not want to expose your household appliances to dyes, you can go the old proven way. It involves boiling the product. To dye light or faded jeans at home, you will need a large enamel pan. The dyeing process is carried out in six stages.

    1. Dye preparation. Dilute the selected drug with water according to the instructions. Be sure to strain through cheesecloth to remove any clots.
    2. Preparation of the solution. Pour water into a saucepan (preferably an old, unnecessary container) - from five to eight liters. Put it on fire. Add the dye and stir the solution thoroughly.
    3. Pawning jeans. Dip the product into the warm solution. Using a wooden stick or special tongs, completely immerse the jeans in the solution. They should not float to the surface.
    4. Digestion process. If you want to give your jeans a bright, rich color, cook the product for 40 minutes.
    5. Fixing the color. Rinse your jeans initially in warm water, then rinse them in cold water. Wring out the product thoroughly. Be sure to soak it in a vinegar fixative (a tablespoon of vinegar per liter of water). Let the jeans sit for about 30 minutes.
    6. Control wash. Fill a basin with water, add washing powder, and wash the product with your hands. Rinse and hang to dry naturally.

    Using this method you can dye corduroy jeans. And if they are made of 100% cotton, then you will be pleasantly pleased with the result.

    Alternative techniques

    Depending on what dye you decide to dye your jeans with, the procedure may vary slightly. Therefore, if you use improvised or home remedies, study some of the features of coloring.


    Peculiarities. Any bleach can be used to lighten fabric. Even regular white or Persol will do.

    Progress of the procedure

    1. Pour bleach into a bowl of water, observing the proportions: for 5 liters of liquid - one glass of bleach.
    2. Dip the product into the prepared solution and leave for one to two hours, while moving the jeans every 15-20 minutes so that they lighten evenly.
    3. After the procedure, be sure to rinse the item in cool water.

    Don't expect the fabric to turn completely white. Most likely, it will take on a yellowish tint. But don't worry, the new paint will completely cover this tone.

    Good old blue

    Peculiarities. With the help of blue, you can add brightness and richness to the product. But change color scheme will not work. Blue is used only for those things that were originally blue.

    Progress of the procedure

    1. Fill a bucket or basin with warm water.
    2. Pour blue into the liquid (the concentration depends on your preference).
    3. Add three tablespoons of regular table salt to achieve a fixing effect.
    4. Immerse the product in the solution for two hours, remembering to turn it over periodically.

    This simple method, despite the fixing saline solution, is still short-lived. The bluing will wash off after about two or three washes.

    Potassium permangantsovka

    Peculiarities. Using potassium permanganate, you can get boiled jeans, which burst into life in the 80s and have not left fashion catwalks since then. Despite the specific name, dumplings are colored without boiling.

    Progress of the procedure

    1. Prepare the paint by mixing 270 ml of table vinegar (9%) with 160 g of potassium permanganate, 60 ml of hydrogen peroxide.
    2. Dilute this mixture with water in a ratio of 1:2.
    3. Twist the jeans into a tight rope and secure with white elastic bands.
    4. Immerse the product in the dye solution for 20 minutes.
    5. Periodically “sink” your jeans so that they do not float to the surface.
    6. Rinse the dyed item thoroughly (you can use a washing machine).


    Peculiarities. If you want to dye your jeans green color, use regular brilliant green. By the way, if you combine the drug with strong tea leaves, the product will acquire a beautiful emerald hue. And if you want to get a blue-black tone, add the same amount of fucorcin to the brilliant green.

    Progress of the procedure

    1. Pour brilliant green into warm water, following the proportion: 5 liters of water - 10 ml of the drug.
    2. Dip the product into the dye solution.
    3. Let the jeans sit for 20 minutes to two hours, depending on the desired shade.
    4. Be sure to rinse the product in cool water.
    5. Then dip the item in a fixing vinegar solution (100 ml of table vinegar per 3 liters of water).
    6. Wash with powder as usual.

    Hair dye

    Peculiarities. To dye fabric black, you can resort to a rather unconventional solution. Hair dye will provide quick coloring, and the procedure will not cause difficulties. However, just like blueing, paint will not provide a lasting result.

    Progress of the procedure

    1. Dilute the paint in warm water. To ensure uniform and high-quality coloring, take two packages of coloring tonic per 5 liters of water.
    2. Soak the product in the solution for approximately one hour.
    3. Take out the jeans and rinse them in cool water.
    4. Then fix the black color with a vinegar solution.

    If you want to achieve a more durable coloring, then use natural paint, for example basma, henna.

    Natural foods and herbs

    To dye jeans you can use natural ingredients. They are easy to prepare paint to achieve a wide variety of colors. To select the correct component, use the table.

    Table - Products that serve as the basis for making paint

    Red and pink color - Beet;
    - elderberries;
    - blueberry;
    - oregano
    Beige, cream - Strong instant coffee;
    - rich tea brew
    Orange - Sea buckthorn (berries)
    Green - Stem of marsh horsetail;
    - juniper berries
    Brown color - Dry buckthorn bark;
    - horse sorrel roots:
    - saturated solution of onion peel;
    - cinnamon
    Mustard, honey, yellow - Onion peel;
    - orange and lemon zest;
    - wormwood;
    - turmeric;
    - birch leaves
    Violet - Blueberry;
    - red cabbage
    Light blue, blue color - Blackberry;
    - meadow sage grass

    Description of the procedure

    Peculiarities. If you are planning to carry out a design game with color spots, resort to using several solutions. To partially dye jeans by hand, you can apply paint to certain areas or dip the product in pieces in different solutions.

    Progress of the procedure

    1. Cut or chop the selected component and add water in a 1:2 ratio.
    2. Place the pan on the fire and bring to a boil.
    3. Remove from heat and let the solution sit for two hours. If you want to get a more saturated color, then leave the mixture for eight to ten hours (overnight).
    4. Strain the resulting solution thoroughly.
    5. If you prepared paint from vegetables, then prepare a fixing solution based on vinegar, using the ratio: one part vinegar to four parts water.
    6. To fix the berry paint, you will need a saline solution: half a glass of salt for eight glasses of water.
    7. Initially, dip the jeans in the fixing solution and boil them over low heat for one hour.
    8. Then rinse the product in cold water and dip it in the dye solution.
    9. Move the jeans periodically to ensure they are dyed evenly.
    10. The longer you keep the item in the paint, the richer the new color will become.
    11. After the procedure, rinse your jeans and let them dry on their own.

    The question of whether you can dye your jeans yourself is no longer worth it. But keep in mind one more recommendation. All surfaces that come into contact with the paint will also acquire a permanent tint. Therefore, if you do not want to walk around with green or blue hands, work with gloves.

    Reviews: “It’s better to take it to the dry cleaner”

    When washing denim, I always add blue to the last rinse. The color and appearance are decent for a very long time. Try it in the machine - the last rinse, just more now, but be prepared that when it rains or when you sweat, the body may or may not be stained, depending on how much blue you pour. It’s better to do it on a typewriter; for some reason, by hand, the color is different... I don’t really like it.

    It's better to take it to the dry cleaner. All my “experiments” in painting ended sadly. It is very difficult to dye jeans evenly. Especially worn ones. Because they have varying degrees“greasy” and wear in different places of the product. And more often than not, there is no wide flat container in the house that can be “killed” for paint. It is almost impossible to remove the paint from what you cook in. I get out of these situations in a different way. I bleach them. White or “Asom” mixed with powder. A terribly thermonuclear mixture (the first time it happened by accident). It only acts where it drops. You can etch an interesting pattern onto the fabric. You can decorate your jeans with different gadgets or cut holes in them. Buy batik paints and paint something. Do the embroidery, after all. But I would not recommend painting entirely at home.

    I did this in two ways:

    1. Using powder dye (it is found in almost any household goods, and different colors). It is diluted in a certain amount of water, and then the thing you want to paint is boiled in this solution. How to dilute is indicated on the packaging. But, firstly, you need to constantly stir this *brew* for uniform dyeing, and secondly, after such an update, jeans leave blue marks on the body until the next wash.
    2. With the help of blue. You need to wet the jeans well, then add a small amount of water to the bath room temperature, pour the entire bottle into it and mix thoroughly. The jeans should be laid out evenly in the bath and the solution should completely cover them. 1.5 - 2 hours is enough. Then rinse *until clean water*.

    With this type of painting, no traces are left when worn, and the color turns out more saturated, and there is less fuss.

    I don’t know about denim, but I dyed openwork guipure a beautiful beet color. I took a bag of henna, poured it into boiling water and cooked over low heat, stirring for about 30 minutes, then rinsed it in a vinegar solution. I have from Brown The fabric was dyed a burgundy beet color, very cool! I think that you can also paint basma black, although I haven’t tried it. I also dyed it with hair dye, which was also fine, I spread it evenly over the fabric with a brush and after 30 minutes I washed it with warm water, it colored normally.