Makeup to make your eyes big. How to make your eyes bigger without makeup and surgery: interesting tips for girls. Close-set eyes

This trick was invented by Koreans. To by nature narrow eyes appeared larger, they wear lenses with enlarged irises.

Lenses with an iris of 14–15 mm (with or without diopters) will make your eyes look like a doll, like those of anime characters. For comparison, the iris typically measures about 11–13 mm in diameter.

The effect of magnifying lenses is instant and very bright. But before using them, it is better to consult an ophthalmologist. For some people, even wearing lenses for a short time causes irritation.

2. Highlight the corners of the eyes and the area under the eyebrows

According to the laws of color, dark shades visually reduce everything, and light shades increase everything. To make your eyes look bigger, be sure to highlight the inner corners of your eyelids and the areas under your browbones.

Use light matte shadows or highlighter for this. You can apply products with light shimmer to the corners of your eyes. Also, a little mother-of-pearl won’t hurt in the center of the eyelid. It will add volume to your makeup and make your eyes more noticeable.

3. Line your eyes and draw arrows correctly

One of them is to enclose the eyes in a black frame. When the eyeliner moves from the moving eyelid to the fixed eyelid and captures the water line, the eyes turn into small black slits. Looks terrible!

To enlarge your eyes, use the pencil technique. Draw the eyelash edge of the upper eyelid with a pencil: the closer to the inner corner, the thinner the line should be. Then line the lower eyelid, but only between the eyelashes and only to the middle of the eye. Blend the eyeliner thoroughly and apply eye shadow.

If you decide to add arrows, be sure to extend them beyond the outer corners of the eyes towards the tips of the eyebrows.

4. Apply light kajal to the waterline

A soft eyeliner pencil of pale pink or cream color, applied to the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid, will not only visually enlarge the eyes, but also hide signs of fatigue.

5. Try a blue, purple or turquoise liner

These cool, rich colors will make your makeup brighter and your eyes more expressive.

Try lining your eyes with a blue or purple pencil instead of black, and you will see how your eyes widen.

6. Draw the crease of the eyelid just above the natural line

If you highlight the crease of your eyelid with shadows several shades darker than the main shade in your makeup, your look will become more expressive. And if you shift the drawing line 1-2 mm from the natural fold, the eyes will become visually larger.

7. Add volume to your eyelashes

The thicker and longer the eyelashes, the larger the eyes. If nature has not rewarded you luxurious eyelashes, use mascara to increase volume.

Curl your upper eyelashes with special curlers, and then apply the first layer of mascara. Paint your eyelashes not towards your temples, but straight up. Lightly dust your eyelashes with loose powder and apply a second layer or use false eyelashes.

Apply one coat of mascara to your lower lashes or leave them bare.

You can see these and other tricks in action in the following video:

Every girl dreams of big things, beautiful eyes, but unfortunately not every one of them is so lucky. Therefore, almost everyone uses cosmetic tricks to enlarge their eyes. But there are alternative methods that don’t require a ton of makeup. So let's talk now about how to make your eyes bigger without using makeup and other artificial products that spoil the skin.

Several ways to enlarge your eyes

Although the most common way to enlarge the eyes is with makeup, there are many other options that can help widen the shape of the eyes without makeup. One such option is surgery. This is an effective solution to the problem, but not every girl decides to take such a step.

The next, less radical method is the use of lenses. If you choose deeper, richer tones, your eyes will appear larger. New to this industry are special lenses that enlarge the eyes. This depends on the diameter of the lens itself - the larger it is, the stronger the magnification effect.

But how this method affects vision has not yet been proven.

But there are also methods that are quite accessible to everyone, and they can be used at home.

Firstly, This is the health of the eyes and skin of the face.

Secondly– a set of daily exercises specifically for eye enlargement. We will talk about these methods further.

Eye health is the key to success

Most girls wear makeup to make their eyes pop, and this helps a lot. But, unfortunately, cosmetics have a negative impact on facial skin and eye health. As a result, it is necessary to resort to surgery to restore vision. And healthy eyes look bigger and more beautiful. So what do you need for eye health?

Just follow a few simple rules every day:

  1. Stop using any cosmetics - foundations, shadows, mascara and other decorative tricks of our time for the face and eyes.
  2. Take more care of the skin around your eyes - moisturize it, make nourishing compresses and masks.
  3. Massage the skin around your eyes. You can watch the video at the end of the article for more details.
  4. Wear sunglasses in bright sunshine.
  5. Get more rest. Bruises and bags under the eyes appear due to fatigue and lack of sleep. Because of this, the eyes appear smaller.
  6. Healthy eating will help you enrich your body necessary vitamins, which will make the skin smooth and tightened. And the eyes, accordingly, will widen.
  7. Drink less fluids before bed, as this can lead to swelling. Puffy eyes look smaller.
  8. Find the right shape for your eyebrows to suit your face shape.
  9. You can curl your eyelashes with special tweezers, which also significantly increases the size of your eyes.
  10. Be sure to do exercises to enlarge and keep your eyes healthy.

Exercises to enlarge your eyes

Such exercises are effective, but the results will not come soon. You just need to be patient and do a set of exercises every day.

So, let's begin.

Exercise No. 1

Place your index and middle fingers on the corners of your eyes (as shown in the photo), press them lightly and try to close your lower eyelid by squinting it. Hold for a few seconds, then release. Repeat this action 10 to 20 times.

Exercise No. 2

Keep your fingers in the same position as in the first exercise, but now try to close your eyes completely. Hold them like this for 20 seconds, then immediately relax. Repeat the action several times.

It was gymnastics for the eyelids. The following set of exercises is aimed at increasing blood circulation in the eye area and reducing tension.

It is good to do when your eyes are tired at the end of the day:

  • move your pupils left and right;
  • make several circular rotations with your pupils, first to the right, then to the left;
  • look at a nearby object, then look at a distant object;
  • Close your eyes for a few seconds, then relax them.

So, let's summarize. To enlarge your eyes, you need to monitor the health of the skin around them and try to put less strain on your eyes. You need to relieve fatigue and increase blood circulation with the help of certain gymnastics and facial massage.

All this will not give you a quick effect, and you will not get a dramatic increase in the shape of your eyes either. But this is the most The best way make your eyes appear larger at home without resorting to makeup, surgery or other radical methods.

Video on how to make your eyes bigger without makeup

Few people know all the subtleties and details of how to do makeup at home, which can not only decorate the face, but also correct defects: the shape of the eyes, their size, and even hide squint.

Properly selected makeup can significantly improve your appearance. But you need to know when to stop, because in pursuit of classic parameters, you can lose your individuality.

In this article:

For those with wide-set eyes

4 steps to make your look more attractive.

Makeup for bulging eyes

Protruding eyes may seem problematic only at first glance. There is no need to despair if you are the owner of eyes of this particular shape. This has its advantages: they always radiate sophistication and artistry, you just have to emphasize the advantages of their appearance and try to hide the shortcomings.

The main rule in makeup for large eyes is minimalism.

This applies to both eye shadow, mascara, and pencil and eyeliner.

As you can see, correcting the shape of the eyes using makeup is not fraught with anything complicated. The main thing is to try and experiment.

The main rules for applying makeup for round, bulging eyes are to achieve the effect of lengthening them.

The following steps will help to lengthen and narrow your eyes:

    We do not use pearlescent shine in eye cosmetics.. It makes them even more convex.

    Our task is to make the eyes narrow with the help of makeup. To do this, extend the line beyond the outer corner.

    Mascara is applied only to the upper eyelashes, paying special attention to the outer corner. Applying voluminous black mascara will also help visually lengthen the eye. But you can’t use curling irons, as this can achieve the opposite effect.

    The area under the eyebrows is highlighted; the arches themselves should remain wide, tapering towards the temples.

Step-by-step makeup.

    Eyebrows are colored with a brown pencil.

    Shadows are applied up to the brow bone. Dark shades should be applied to the middle of the eyelid, this will visually make the eyes deeper.

    Applying mascara Special attention Give the outer part to the eyelashes.

Cat eye makeup.

This type of makeup is very popular today and one of the fashionable ones. It consists of actively using black eyeliner, but exclusively on the upper eyelid. And if you skillfully use this type of cosmetics, you can safely try makeup on yourself.

Step-by-step makeup.

    Applying shadows. The colors used are black and dark blue.

    Contour the eyes. The line should extend as far as possible above the eyelashes, and it is also worth drawing the line beyond the outer corner. After this, apply volume-increasing mascara.

Drooping corners of the eyes: turning disadvantages into advantages

It happens that even in high spirits appearance girls may indicate the opposite. This happens when a representative of the fair sex has drooping eyes.

But you shouldn't resort to surgical intervention, since it is quite possible to lift the corners with the help of makeup, thus turning your shortcomings into advantages.

The main emphasis should be on color scheme, because otherwise the opposite effect can be achieved.

Step-by-step make-up on how to lift the corners of your eyes with makeup.

    makeup shouldn't be flashy. The shadows used are light and barely noticeable. The main rule is that the corner should be treated with shadows of a darker tone so that the problem becomes less noticeable. Also, darker shadows are applied to the eye crease; it must be lifted and shaded;

    It’s good to use eyeliner in this case. The line must be extended beyond the eye, lifting it upward. The contour can be shaded. It wouldn’t hurt to draw a line along the lower eyelid, but it should be thicker at first, narrowing closer to the outer eyelid;

    When tinting eyelashes, focus on the middle part of the eyelid. Eyebrows should be moderately thick, not too thin, with a soft arch.

But in eyes of this shape you can also find positive things. The owner of them looks weak, and men like to find such traits in their companion, because it raises their self-esteem and makes them want to be a support. Therefore, we must not forget to look not only beautiful, but also attractive internally.

Drooping eyelid and how to deal with it

A drooping eyelid is a problem that often occurs in women after 35. But often, in the case of weakened muscle tone, such changes occur in the fair sex at a very young age.

Unfortunately, drooping eyelids are far from uncommon, and they are not attractive at all. Drawing arrows will not change anything, because they will not be visible behind the hood. You shouldn’t think that stars don’t have such problems, but this doesn’t stop them from looking great with the art of proper makeup. And plastic surgery is not a panacea.

Step-by-step algorithm.

    First of all, you need to correct the eyebrow line. They should be of medium thickness, without creases.

    Apply the base tone from the eyelid to the eyebrows.

    The main tone is matte, calm, it must be without shine.

    Draw the lower edge of the overhanging eyelid. Shade the borders with an upward motion. Apply light-colored shadows to the middle part of the hood, shade them, and shade the outer edge. The area around the upper eyelid needs to be highlighted.

    We draw an arrow along the upper eyelid from its middle to the outer edge, where we draw it upward, thickening it at the same time. You can repeat the movement on the lower eyelid, after applying shadow.

    focus on eyebrows and lips;

    you should forget about eyeliner and pencil;

    You should not overuse makeup, as the problem will become even more noticeable.

    These tips will not cure strabismus, but it will be much less noticeable.

    All that has been said are tips that I hope will be useful. But we are all individual and to achieve the ideal, we need to try and experiment. Be beautiful!

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    The article talks about some tricks that allow you to visually enlarge your eyes using cosmetics.

    Every woman, without exception, should master the art of makeup. Why is this art? Because with the help of a variety of modern cosmetics you can “paint” a completely different face on your face. If you are not satisfied with the shape of your lips and would like to give them more seductive plumpness and volume, then this can be done with the right lip makeup. If you would like to have more defined and sunken cheekbones, then you can create this with the help of cosmetics. In this article we will talk about eyes. The eyes play one of the main roles in makeup; they always attract attention and take on the accent. But what to do if you are unhappy with the shape, size and location of the eyes on your face? Cosmetics and a whole arsenal of feminine tricks to correct these shortcomings will again come to your aid. All world-famous makeup artists know about such tricks and techniques and actively use them. To successfully “Photoshop” your face using cosmetics, you need to clearly know the type and shape of your face and eyes. Perhaps your eyes just seem too small to you, but in fact, enlarging them further will be of no use. Try to objectively assess the type and shape of all parts of the face, look at yourself as if from the outside. Let's get started with some clever tricks. visual increase eyes using cosmetics.

    How to enlarge your eyes with makeup - the main tricks

    Shaping your eyebrows will help make your eyes look bigger

    Eyebrows play not just a big role in the holistic perception of the face, but a huge one. If you have small eyes, then you should never neglect the design of your eyebrows and give them a secondary role. Of course, we cannot say that if your eyes are beautiful, regular, almond-shaped, then you don’t need to shape your eyebrows. This must be done in any case. And every woman who takes care of her appearance is simply obliged to remember about her eyebrows, correct them in time and give them the desired shape. Simply, if you want to make your eyes visually larger, then eyebrows will help you do this.

    • For this purpose, you need to remove as much hair as possible from the underside of each eyebrow. But under no circumstances turn your eyebrows into strings! This is bad taste and has long been out of fashion.
    • The shape of your eyebrows should perfectly suit your overall face. The more hairs you remove from the underside of your eyebrows, the more open and wide your eyes will appear.
    • If you are having difficulty determining correct form eyebrows for your face, it is better to turn to specialists. Sometimes an outsider, and even more so a professional, with an outside glance will better assess all the shortcomings and flaws in your eyebrow line.

    Thus, makeup that visually enlarges the eyes must also affect the eyebrows. They should be smooth, without protruding hairs, properly trimmed and plucked, revealing as much of the space above the upper eyelid as possible. Buy special eyebrow styling products - gels, waxes, pomades or mascaras that firmly fix the hairs in the desired direction throughout the day.

    Concealers and concealers will make your eyes look bigger

    In the technique of make-up that enlarges the eyes, highlighting certain parts of the eyelid is a decisive moment. And you can’t do without concealers, correctors, and concealers.

    • Small eyes must be visually distanced from each other. You can achieve this effect by highlighting the inner corner of your eye.
    • If you have dark circles under your eyes, red capillaries or visible veins, you should definitely hide them. Using special color correctors pink, yellow, green flowers you can hide all these flaws.
    • The smoother, lighter and more uniform the color of the skin in the corner of the eyes, the more open and open your gaze will become. In addition, your eyes will not appear tired.

    The role of shadows in the visual enlargement of the eyes

    To create the effect of big eyes, you will need a standard set of eye shadows, consisting of dark and light shades that will be combined with each other.

    • Light shadows are the base that will be applied to the entire moving eyelid and under the eyebrow. Light beige and peach tones are suitable for this purpose.
    • Pearlescent shadows can be used, but very carefully. If you have wrinkles, then such shadows will only emphasize them.
    • Darker shadows are applied to the outer corner of the eyelid and into the crease under the eyebrow. When applying a dark color, try to extend the color a little towards the temple, slightly lengthening the eye and making it look cat-like. So, you will achieve the effect of wide-set and open eyes.
    • Apply the lightest, almost white color pointwise to the inner corner of the eye. White eyeshadow is a must-have for every woman's makeup bag. They can be applied under the eyebrow, visually lifting the eyelid. You can even apply it with a thin brush to the lower mucous membrane of the eye, and thus make the look more open and clean.
    • The main and mandatory condition for applying shadows is careful shading. For this purpose, you will need a special soft “barrel” brush.

    Arrows - a universal technique for enlarging the eyes

    Arrows are loved by many women and are often used not only in the evening, but also in daytime makeup. And, of course, this is a wonderful means of correcting the shape and shape of the eyes. The main thing is to know the basic tricks of drawing arrows for small eyes:

    • For small eyes, you cannot draw an arrow starting from the inner corner of the eye. This will make the eye even smaller. Start drawing a thin line from the middle of the eyelid, approximately opposite the edge of the iris. Make the transition as smooth and unnoticeable as possible;
    • the “tail” of the arrow may extend slightly beyond the eyelid, or may simply be short and slightly thickened towards the edge;
    • don't let down your lower eyelid. This will make your eyes appear smaller. As a last resort, you can draw the outer corner of the eye below the eyelash growth line. Careful shading in this case is required;
    • Not only eyeliner is suitable for drawing arrows. You can line your eyes with shadows using a slightly damp thin brush;
    • remember that the length, thickness and direction of the arrow greatly influences visual perception eyes, don't overdo it.

    Trick for enlarging eyes with a “water line”

    The inner lining of the lower eyelid is often called the “aqueous line.” Many women often undeservedly forget about this part of the eye when doing makeup. And this is very in vain. By adding just one minor touch, you will achieve a real visual enlargement of the eyes.

    • To do this, you need to highlight the “water line” with a white pencil or white shadows. Of course, it is more convenient to do this with a pencil. So if you have small eyes and you still don't have white cosmetic pencil in your beauty arsenal, then be sure to purchase it. All makeup artists use this tricky technique. In addition to enlarging the eyes, a whitened “water line” refreshes the look, making it radiant, open and open.

    Technique with the inner corner of the eyelid to enlarge the eyes

    For small eyes, the inner corner of the eyelid also plays an important role in eye makeup. Under no circumstances should it be darkened. By doing this, you will visually bring your eyes closer to each other, and they will appear even smaller.

    • Do the exact opposite - highlight the inner corner of your eye. This can be done with a white pencil, very light or even slightly pearlescent shadows. You will be surprised by the resulting wide-eyed effect. The eyes will visually become further from the bridge of the nose and, therefore, from each other.

    The role of eyelashes in visual enlargement of the eyes

    Eyelashes also receive great attention in eye makeup. You shouldn’t forget about them if you want to visually enlarge your eyes. You cannot do without a special device for curling eyelashes.

    You can curl both unpainted and painted eyelashes. Long and beautifully curled eyelashes will complete the make-up that enlarges the eyes. When tinting your eyelashes, remember the following tricks:

    • if your volumizing mascara does not perform its functions well enough, you can add volume to your eyelashes without it. Before applying mascara, lightly dust your eyelashes with powder. So, the mascara will form a thicker layer;
    • Before applying the second layer of mascara, be sure to wait until the first layer has completely dried. Otherwise, the mascara will lie unevenly, in lumps;
    • Don't be afraid to use false eyelashes. If you really have trouble with your eyelashes, then false eyelashes and bunches should definitely take up residence in your makeup bag. They are very easy to use, the main thing is just to try them once. First, apply mascara to your eyelashes. Next, carefully apply a thin layer of special glue to the false eyelashes or tuft and apply to the eyelid, as close to the natural lash line as possible. And apply light pressure (for example, with a pencil or brush handle) to adhere. Your eyes will immediately become expressive and more beautiful.

    Contour pencil and eyeliner - makeup assistants for enlarging eyes

    Contour pencil and eyeliner have a similar function in eye makeup - change the shape and size of the eyes, add expressiveness and sexiness to the look. They differ only in their shape, although if desired they can easily be interchanged with each other and complemented. The contour pencil is wonderfully shaded and allows you to create the “shaded” eyeliner that many women love.

    • If you have small and close-set eyes, then do not forget about the basic rule of applying contour pencil and eyeliner - do not outline the entire eyelid, but only the outer corner, reaching a point parallel to the edge of the iris.
    • Try to draw a line slightly above the height of the eyelashes, lengthening the eye a little and making it “cat-like”.
    • With small eyes, it is generally better not to touch the lower eyelid with either eyeliner or pencil. But if you still decide to do this, then draw again only the outer corner and carefully shade it. The line should again be slightly below the natural lash line to visually enlarge the eye.
    • Don't forget that eyeliners and pencils come in different colors, and not just black. Don't be afraid to experiment. Perhaps it will suit you much better Brown color contour or any other.

    How to make your eyes look bigger with makeup - step by step example

    • Before applying eye makeup, of course, you need to properly prepare your skin. After all, your makeup should be perceived holistically and organically. Carry out all your usual facial procedures: cleansing, toning, moisturizing. To achieve the effect of doll-like and glossy skin, you cannot do without a primer that will hide enlarged pores and make the skin glow, and foundation, which will create the final finish on the face.
    • Shape your eyebrows. We comb them with a brush, fill in the missing hairs with a pencil, and style them with gel or eyebrow shadows.
    • Apply the eyeshadow base to the entire eyelid. This way, the shadows will stay on throughout the day and won’t crease. If there is no base, then just powder your eyelid well.
    • If you have dark circles under your eyes, use concealer yellow color. Apply it pointwise, only in the darkened area. Use a flesh-colored corrector to hide redness and protruding veins.
    • To create the simplest, basic makeup that will visually enlarge your eyes, you will need at least two shades of eyeshadow: very light and dark. This could be a special palette that is designed to create smoky makeup. The shadows in such palettes combine perfectly with each other, and you don’t have to think about which pair of shadows to match the light shade or vice versa.
    • Apply the lightest shadows to the entire moving eyelid. For this you will need a wide and flat brush.
    • Next we start applying dark color. We carefully begin to darken the outer corner of the eye, slightly going beyond the boundaries of the eye, as if extending it to the temple. The main thing is not to overdo it. We do everything in moderation.
    • To eliminate the visibility of the looming eyelid, and in order to make the eye more voluminous, use the same dark shadows to slightly darken the fold above the upper eyelid.
    • Next, blend very carefully. A fluffy “barrel” brush is suitable for this. Blend the shadows only along the edges, do not smear it all over the eye. Make the transition carefully dark shadows to light ones as smooth and soft as possible. The brush should barely touch the eyelid, do not press on it.
    • To enhance the expressiveness of the look, add black eyeliner. Take a black pencil and draw a very thin line parallel to the edge of the iris and to the outer corner of the eye. Towards the end the line should widen slightly. You can use and liquid eyeliner, but if you are new to drawing arrows, then it is better to use a hard pencil. In addition, it blends better, and you can easily erase mistakes during application.

    • We draw the lower eyelid in the same way as the upper - from the beginning of the iris to the outer corner of the eye. Using the dark color shadow you used on the eyelid, blend this line to make it as soft and natural as possible. The line should be just below the lash line, this will make your look more open.
    • Don't forget about the "water line". Using a white pencil, carefully paint over the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid. This technique will give purity and clarity to the look.
    • Use light shadows to highlight the inner corner of the eye. Thus, we will “move” the eyes away from each other and make them visually wider.
    • Now let's start applying mascara. Use only volumetric. First, gently powder your eyelashes to give them extra larger volume. Then apply the first layer of mascara using gentle “combing” movements on all eyelashes. Direct the brush so that the eyelashes “look” towards the temple. This will give your look an even more “cat-like” shape.
    • After the first layer has completely dried, apply the second layer in the same way. If your eyelashes are straight, use a special eyelash curler before applying mascara.
    • We design the space under the eyebrow - apply highlighter or light shadows there and shade it well. You can also draw a line under the eyebrow with a white pencil. So, you will raise your eyebrows even more and make your eyes wider.

    You definitely need to know the flaws and imperfections of your face in order to skillfully correct them with makeup. Beauty is a terrible force. Be beautiful!