Fashionable men's haircuts and hairstyles. Red hair and everything about it Hairstyle for red hair for men

Natural red hair color This happens if a special pigment, pheomelanin, predominates in the hair. Red hair color, and specifically the gene responsible for its appearance, is recessive, so red hair can appear in a child, even if none of the parents in the family had this hair color. Due to the fact that natural pure red hair color is quite a rare phenomenon, it is possible to make a meeting of all red-haired people in the world in one place. In 2009, a meeting of four thousand red-haired people from 36 countries took place in the city of Breda (Netherlands).

Since they are very rare, red-haired people are often objects of envy and prejudice. Most often, witches are associated with red-haired women. Girls with fiery red hair, even today, create the impression of a personality with extravagant character traits, mysterious and mystical.
In Russian-speaking countries, children with red hair were often teased: “The red-haired, red-haired, freckled one killed his grandfather with a shovel!” And the expression “Am I the reddest!?” - means refusal to some request that a person does not want to fulfill.

There are also stereotypes that all people in Ireland and Scotland are red-haired. Red-haired men are most often ugly, while bright red-haired girls are considered beauties. In addition, it is believed that people with natural red hair often have very pale hair. White skin, freckles, blue, green or gray eyes, curly, curly hair, but they have bright character traits and a unique personality.

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Girls with bright curls always seem more passionate and confident; red hair is an eye-catcher

Girls with bright curls always seem more passionate and confident. That is why owners of light or dark curls often dream of seeing red hair on themselves. Today we will talk about the main shades of this amazing color and the rules that should be followed when painting. So, let's go.

Shades of red hair 2017

Energetic and daring, red color certainly continues to be on trend. However, in 2017 it becomes more rich and natural. Therefore, after dyeing, your hair should look as if it had not even been touched by a master’s hand, and this color is your natural color.

This year's color scheme is so diverse that you can easily choose the right tone to suit your own type of appearance. Red color can have the following shades:

  • light golden;
  • muted carrot;
  • honey;
  • amber;
  • cinnamon;
  • mahogany;
  • Ronze: a mixture of bronze and red;
  • red-brown;
  • wine;
  • cognac;

Advice! Since even the brightest and most saturated red quickly fades, especially in the sun, after dyeing you will have to regularly visit the salon and update the color. Only after several colorings will the red tone be firmly “engrained” into the strands.

Who would suit red curls?

The selection of shade directly depends on skin color and eye shade:

  • For white-skinned, blue-eyed girls, golden or light carrot red is ideal;
  • against the background of olive skin, red hair (photo) with a hint of chestnut will look excellent;
  • for platinum-toned skin and gray eyes you can dye your hair red with a hint of nut tones;
  • For dark-skinned women with brown eyes, dark red hair with caramel, copper or mahogany tones will help them become brighter.

Red hair with a hint of chestnut will look great against olive skin.

Please note that with age, not only the structure of the skin can change, but also its color. Therefore, if carrot or copper once suited you, after forty it is better to choose more muted caramel, wine or chocolate shades redhead.

Advice!In order for red hair to look as natural as possible (after all, naturalness is in trend today), the new shade of hair should differ from the natural one by only 2-3 tones.

Highlighting and coloring of fiery curls

Now in your makeup you should forget about dark purple tones - they absolutely do not fit with any shades of red. Using pink flowers the face will only look flushed and not too neat. Intense black is also prohibited - against the backdrop of bright sunny locks it will look too rough. The ideal option is all shades of brown and gold.

Even everyday makeup should be quite bright so that the face does not get lost against the background of red curls and does not look too pale. But there is no need for excess cosmetics here. For a natural red color, you should choose only natural tones, close to natural ones.

Special attention allocated to tonal means. They should not change your own skin tone, but only even out the natural tone and veil its imperfections.

Advice! Grey hair very poorly painted in bright and rich colors. Even if there are only a few gray strands, if the color changes dramatically, it is better to contact an experienced hairdresser.

Until recently, monthly visits to hairdressing salons were considered a woman’s prerogative. A real man would drop in there for fifteen minutes, remove the excess and leave this establishment as discreetly as possible. And, of course, you would never hear: “Oh, you have new hairstyle!” in a real man's conversation.

Fortunately, the metrosexual movement, and simply the culture of taking care of oneself, are becoming increasingly popular among the stronger half of humanity. The complexity of styling for the most stylish and desperate fashionistas sometimes exceeds the complexity of women's hairstyles.

And yet, the most popular haircuts are those that will look most impressive with minimal effort.

Fashionable hairstyles for men

Most of the most trending modern hairstyles Designed for short hair. Extremely short, and sometimes completely shaved, temples and the back of the head have become especially popular. At the same time, the hair on the top of the head and bangs can have a very impressive length.

Side parting

Let's start our review with an unchanging classic. This hairstyle has been popular for the last two hundred years, probably. It is invariably associated with style, intelligence and intelligence. This is the hairstyle of a true gentleman.


This is one of the most common men's haircuts. Half-boxing is a very democratic option that is suitable for both employees of companies with a strict dress code and men who are not limited by any regulations. This haircut makes a smooth transition from more long strands on the top of the head to shorter ones - on the temples and back of the head.


It is also a “mushroom”, very similar to a half-box, but is less formal. It also does not have a “high nape” like a half-box, that is, the head looks more rounded. Fade styling is simple and unpretentious; it does not require skills in handling a hairdryer or a comb-brush.


Chic hairstyle, the choice of a real dude. A prominent representative and “promoter” is the king of rock and roll, Elvis Presley. The pompadour connotes the style, rebellion and coolness of the 'rebels without a cause' of the 50s. Those who have seen the good old films “Crybaby” with Johnny Depp and “Grease” with John Travolta can imagine the chicness of this hairstyle.

The pompadour is also similar to a pompadour, but has an elongated top section that is pulled back into an updo. Previously, this was done with grease, but now, to our great relief, there are much more pleasant means for fixing the hairstyle.


Undercut or under is a very bold haircut, as it implies shaved temples and the back of the head (less often, very short haircut). Essentially, the hair remains only on the forehead and crown, thus creating a wide mohawk. As in the pompadour, the bangs are lifted and combed back.

Knot at the top

An extended version of the previous haircut (cut), in which the hair is gathered into a small ponytail. This hairstyle came to us from the formidable samurai and really carries a special masculinity and mystery.

Man bun

This is a truly shocking hairstyle, as it challenges the stereotype that only girls can wear a bun. Hair collected in this way, and even in combination with a neat but thick beard, greatly increases the level of sexuality of a man.

Such different short haircuts

Men who are inexperienced in style and fashion may have the feeling that a short haircut is something boring and always the same. But we have already demonstrated six such haircuts, and this is far from the limit. Thanks to the variety of styling and hairstyles for short hair, every man, regardless of hair structure and color, as well as face shape, can choose short haircut, which will emphasize its advantages.

However, you can familiarize yourself with some of the features of short haircuts to decide which option is best for you:

  • Holders fine hair It’s better to mill the strands to add volume.
  • At the same time, when soft hair, focus on their naturalness.
  • And with “liquid” hair, it’s better to pay attention to asymmetrical haircuts, but avoid too long strands.
  • At wavy hair It’s better to have a cascade haircut.
  • Men with wide faces are also better off with layered haircuts.
  • But the owner of thin long faces You can experiment with a little carelessness.

Men's braid

One of the trends of 2016 is the men's braid. Who would have thought that a braid could make a man look brutal? Of course, to dare to wear such a hairstyle, you must have immense self-confidence.

As you can see, men's fashion also does not stand still, and now it is much easier for men, and most importantly, there is no shame in looking well-groomed and even a little shocking.

Of course, when choosing a short haircut, you need to take into account your age and type of appearance, as well as your lifestyle, work habits and hobbies. The hairstyle, like the entire image, should reveal individuality, but if caring for it, and even “wearing it” itself, causes inconvenience, go to the salon, the hairdresser will solve this problem.