A shirt made of money. A simple origami model made from money: a shirt. Master Class. What do we need

This tutorial will show you how to make a cute origami shirt and tie out of a dollar bill. Agree, this is very original way give a man money for his birthday, or for some other occasion. Of course, you can take a banknote in any currency and any denomination.

What we need:

  • just one bill of any denomination. The newer it is, the easier it will be to use.

Step 1: Watch this video

It explains in detail every step of creating a craft.

Step 2: Start folding the bill

First, fold the bill in half and then unfold it again. Next, fold it so that both edges meet at the center fold.

Step 3: Paper Airplane

Unfold the bill completely again. Fold one end in the same way as when making paper airplane: Take one corner and fold it into a triangle shape. Repeat the same with the adjacent corner.

Step 4: Wrap

Fold this end of the bill at a sharp angle towards the president's face so that the tip rests on the central fold.

Step 5: Fold the Tie

There may be some minor difficulties here, but don't be discouraged if you don't succeed the first time. In the figure, the necessary folds are marked in red. First, unfold the folds made in the previous stage. Then make two folds from the edges of the small white triangle at the tip, diagonally back so that they meet at the fold made in the previous step. The second and third pictures show what the bill should look like after you've done everything.

Step 6: Finish the Tie

Turn the bill over so that the folds you make are viewed from the reverse side. Fold the sides of this large triangle so they lie flat under the tie. Then fold again along the crease made in step 4. The tie is ready!

Step 7: Repeat the fold from step 2

Fold both edges towards the center as in step 2. But this time tuck them under the tie.

Step 8: Start making the collar

Make a fold along the white stripe on the bottom of the bill.

Step 9: Finish the Collar

Turn the bill over. Fold the corners toward the center to create diagonal folds. The exact length of these folds is not that important. The main thing is that they are relatively similar to each other, and both corners almost touch at the center.

Step 10: We're getting close!

Fold the bill so that the collar is directly under the tie.

Step 11: Fold the Sleeves

A shirt with an origami tie made of dollars can become like an original gift, and one of the options, .

In any case, you will surprise those around you with such a paper dollar craft.

The American dollar has dimensions of 155.956 mm x 66.294 mm, to begin with you can experiment and fold a piece of paper that has these dimensions or proportional dimensions.

By the way, from plain paper you can fold this shirt as a card for dad on February 23 or his birthday.

If you are already familiar with the origami technique, then making a shirt out of a dollar will not be difficult for you, but if not, you will have to work hard.

Step 1:

Fold the bill in half, then unfold it.

Step 2:

Fold the top two corners towards the center as if you were making a paper airplane. Then fold the resulting triangle.

Step 3:

Use a pencil and ruler to sketch out the tie onto the triangle. You can make the tie as wide or as narrow as you like, as long as the lines you draw meet at a point on the top edge of the paper.

Step 4:

Expand the triangle as in the photo on the left. Then make folds along each of the pencil lines you drew in step 3.

Step 5:

Fold the triangle back as in the photo on the left. Now fold the tie in half (top photo on the right). This will cause the top left edge of the paper to lift up (see middle photo on the right) to fold the top left edge again, making a new fold (see photo). bottom photo on right).

Step 6:

Open the tie again by folding along the crease shown below.

Step 7:

Repeat steps 5 and 6 on the other side. The origami should now look like this. You can already see the tie!

Step 8:

Fold the left and right sides along the center line.

Step 9:

On the left side, straighten the fold you made in step 8. Then repeat the fold along the other line.

Here's another photo:

Step 10:

Repeat step 9 on the right side. Then fold the bottom edge about 0.5 cm from the bottom, like this.

Step 11:

Turn the paper over. Now we will make the collar of the shirt. Fold the bottom two corners at an angle to match the center line.

Step 12:

Flip the paper over so the tie is on top again. Fold the bottom so that the collar almost reaches the tie (about 3mm apart)

Step 13:

Now we will make the sleeves of the shirt. Unfold the fold from step 12. Then repeat it, but this time pull the two flaps out. Look how they stick out to the side? These will be the sleeves of the shirt.

Step 14:

Turn the paper over. Fold in half so that the corners marked * meet each other.

Step 15:

Fold the collar so that it just hangs over the top of the tank.

We're done!

Attach the collar to the front of the shirt and it should look like this:

If something in the master class of a dollar shirt with a photo seemed incomprehensible to you, watch this moment or the entire process in the video:

Each of us loves money in our own way, but there are people for whom it is not just pieces of paper and coins as a way to acquire everything they want, but a whole source of inspiration and material for creativity. It was these people who created the art of money origami, like the creation of various figures from banknotes of different denominations and affiliations - Moneygami. A shirt made from a real banknote with a decorative tie can be made quickly with your own hands; all you have to do is read our instructions!

As it is said about this art online: “The value of an origami figure is determined by the denomination of the banknote from which it is assembled.”

  • Traditionally, money is made from paper. Initially, such an idea was born in the minds of the Chinese, and they nicknamed them “flying coins.” And the famous traveler Marco Polo, when he came to China, wrote about this discovery like this: “In the city of Kambul there are coins of the Great Khan, about whom we can say that he knows the secret of alchemists, because he knows how to make money from paper. When the paper is ready, it cut into pieces of different sizes and, depending on the size of the piece of paper, determine the denomination of the bill." Here is a parable about the appearance of the first banknotes. As a result, the Chinese idea to create banknotes from paper led us to the fashionable direction of rolling up money. Some works are amazing in their execution.
  • The technique of folding origami models from money has long attracted people around the world. Entire communities are being formed that collect amazing models only from this paper format and even organize competitions.
  • We invite you to keep up, join in a little with those who like to put together various kinds of crafts and try to assemble a craft in the formshirts made from banknotes.
  • Unusual and stylish shirt made from banknotes origami will be an original gift for your friends and acquaintances. It will also look quite funny as a tip left.

The craft is put together quite simply and quickly. A dollar shirt looks the most interesting, but first it’s better to practice on paper or a small denomination banknote.

To make it clearer what we are talking about, we offer you a photo of such a craft:

We make a shirt from a banknote with a tie with our own hands with diagrams and descriptions

So, you will learn how to make a stylish souvenir in step-by-step instructions.

Let's mentally divide the bill into left and right parts. Let's start with the left.

1 - The bill is folded in half along the long edge,

2 - The two left edges are folded towards the center according to the principle of a paper airplane,

3 - The resulting triangle is bent towards the middle of the bill,

4, 5 - A tie is formed: for convenience, you can take a ruler or visually draw two lines symmetrically from the center in both directions, bend the triangle along them so that the inner part moves forward in the shape of a tie (see diagram),

6, 7 - The bill is folded on both sides towards the center,

8 - The corners of the tie are pulled out,

9 - This is what the left side of the bill looks like.

Now let's look at how to fold the bottom (right) part of the shirt:

10 - The right side of the folded bill is bent 1 cm towards the cent,

11, 12 - The banknote is turned over, the right side of it is visually divided into four segments A, the two outermost ones bend towards the center,

13 - The bill is placed front side up,

14, 15, 16 - The bill is folded in half, face inward, then straightened to make sleeves,

17 - The right side rotates to its original position up to step 11.

18, 19 - The central part of the right side is unbent between the resulting bends, and again bends towards the center at the site of the former bend,

20 - The former fold turns back,

21 - The bill is folded in half from the center,

22, 23 - Collars 1, 2 are pulled out. The shirt is finished.

Video lesson on the topic of the article

In conclusion, if you still have questions about the diagram and description, we suggest you watch the video on folding a shirt with a tie from a banknote to secure the technique:

I would like to tell you about how to make a shirt from a banknote. You can use a dollar bill as shown in the instructions or be more patriotic and take a good old ten ruble bill. If you are ready, then click “next” quickly!

A few months ago we posted it for you. Judging by the number of views, this model was very in demand and popular. Now let's see how you rate a simplified version (but no less beautiful) of a money shirt without a tie.

Stacking from money or “ MoneyGami” The good thing is that you can do it wherever and whenever you want. Moreover, crafts made from banknotes cause wild delight among people who are not familiar with this art at all. Useful skill 😉

Origami shirt made from banknotes diagram:

Follow the simple video instructions and you won't have any questions. Just in case, after the video there is regular instructions in pictures, for those who cannot play the video.

I am sure that everything worked out for you and you are holding this shirt of money in your hands. You can put the finished model in your wallet. Try folding this pattern 2 or 3 more times to memorize it.

Origami from banknotes is a very popular type of needlework today. First of all, this is a fun way to give money. Usually we put banknotes in an envelope and write some wishes on it. Or we simply give a certain amount into their hands, without thinking of any other gift at all. But you can also model a figurine and give it as a gift. The recipient can keep a souvenir as a souvenir or unroll the craft and iron the bill with a warm iron so that it becomes smooth again.
This lesson shows the process of modeling a shirt from a banknote. A 50 ruble banknote was used to complete this craft, but you can make a gift that is even more expensive. Since the shirt is for men, it will be intended for a man. The occasion could be a birthday or February 23rd. Now let's look at the steps of modeling origami crafts.
To make the origami shirt I used:

  • 1 bill;
  • own fingers.

How to make origami out of money

1. Smooth out the banknote prepared for use. Place it vertically in front of you. Forget for a while that this is money in front of you, consider the workpiece as an ordinary rectangular paper part. It will just be in color, which complicates the work somewhat.

2. Lift the lower part of the rectangle up and make a bend. But the bend should not be located in the center, but lower, about 1 cm.

3. Turn the other side of the paper towards you.

4. Make a vertical fold, leaving the paper in this position. The line should run clearly in the center. Press the fold with your finger.

5. Unfold the paper, leaving the blank side facing you. Now you will see a vertical line along which you recently folded the workpiece in half. First fold the right side into a rectangle, then the left, without unfolding the previous fold. Smooth out the part with your fingers - it will turn out narrow and double.

6. Open the corners at the bottom, like curtains. Curl them at an angle symmetrically, pointing the ends straight through. But make the top points of the curtains a few millimeters lower than the line where the double layer of paper begins.

7. Turn the part back towards you. At the bottom you will see protruding corners from the previous folding. Make a horizontal fold at the top, 1 cm from the top.

8. Again turn the other side towards you, where the curtains are visible. Bend two corners at an angle at the top to create an imitation of a shirt collar.

9. Now lift the lower part up and place it under the collar. At the bottom, smooth out the paper and iron it.

The origami shirt made from money is ready. You can already give it to someone. For example, you can fold several bills into an envelope, and make the top one in the form of an origami craft. Or there is another way to glue an unusual shirt using double-sided tape to the envelope itself to decorate it. This is perhaps the most popular origami craft. It will definitely find a worthy use.