Scenario March 8 for elementary school children. Scenario for the holiday in elementary school “March 8 – Women’s Day!” Students get into an argument

Scenario for the Eighth of March in elementary school

March 8. Scenario for 2nd grade

Teacher. Dear mothers! Today we invited you to a holiday dedicated to you. The first word a person utters is the word “mother”. It is addressed to the one who gave him life. Mother! The most nice word in the world. It sounds equally gentle in all languages ​​of the world. Mom, mommy... How much warmth is hidden in this magic word, which is used to call the most dear, loved one. Mom has the most tender and gentle hands, Mom has the kindest and most sensitive heart, which does not remain indifferent to anything. Mother's love warms us until old age. And no matter how old a person is - five or fifty - he always needs a mother.

Student 1.

Why at school today

Vanity and noise and din?

Because we are today

Congratulations to our mothers.

Student 2.

Congratulations on the bright sunshine,

With the song of a bird and a stream.

Congratulations on the best,

The most feminine day in the world.

Student 1.

We wish our mothers

Never lose heart.

Be more and more beautiful every year

And scold us less.

Student 2.

We wish you, dear ones,

Always be healthy.

May you live for a long, long time,

Never grew old.

May adversity and sorrow

They will bypass you.

Student 1.

So that every day of the week

It was like a day off for you.

We want it for no reason

They would give you flowers.

Men would smile

Everything comes from your beauty.

Student 2.

Let the sun shine for you,

Lilacs bloom only for you.

And long may it last

All. The most women's day in the world!

Student 3.

Spring day, not frosty,

The day is cheerful and mimosa.

Student 4.

Cloudless day, not snowy,

The day is excited and tender.

All. It's mom's day!

Student 5.

The day is spacious, not capricious,

A gift day, a surprise.

All. It's mom's day!

(Children sing the song “We composed a song...” (music and lyrics by E. Aseeva).)

Student 1.

It smelled like March and spring,

But winter holds fast.

The number eight is not a simple number,

The holiday is coming to our homes.

Student 2.

Spring is knocking on the windows,

Sings in every way.

Glass burns in the sun

And puddles of water.

Student 3.

I'm a little white snowdrop

I'll bring it for mom,

It smells tenderly, tenderly,

Like melting snow in the forest.

Student 4.

The prankish stream is noisy,

Woke up from sleep.

Came to my mother's party

Beauty Spring.

Student 5.

We wish you happiness without sadness,

Don't worry for no reason.

Always have a great view

And you won’t know for a century what hurts where.

Student 1.

So let the sun shine brighter,

May your winter dreams melt away.

Let the heart celebrate with love

Wonderful this spring day!

Student 2.

In this joyful, desired,

Long-awaited spring day,

To our mothers and sisters

From the heart, not out of habit,

We will bring you and I congratulations and flowers.

(Children give flowers to their mothers and grandmothers.)

Student 3.

Whose birthday is it today?

Who is the cake baked for?

For whom did spring bloom?

First March flower?

For whom? For whom?

Figure it out for yourself.

And pie and flowers

We'll give it to mom.

Student 4.

Whose portrait is in a beautiful frame

Dad puts it on the buffet?

Who are the gifts for?

A bouquet with a scarlet ribbon?

For whom? For whom?

Figure it out for yourself.

And pie and flowers

We'll give it to mom.

Student 5.

Mom's birthday is in May,

And today it’s March.

For whom is the telegram

Does the post office deliver to us?

For whom? For whom?

Figure it out for yourself.

On this day, on this day

Glorious mother's holiday.

Student 1.

The sunset became brighter and blusher,

And the sunrise turns the trees golden.

Today is a holiday, and as a gift to mom

The spring sun is shining.

Student 2.

Tender mimosas turn yellow

In a crystal vase on the table.

And Santa Claus draws roses

As a gift for mom on glass.

(Children sing a song about their mother.)

Student 3.

What a gift for mom

Shall we give as a gift on Women's Day?

There is a lot for this

Fantastic ideas.

Student 4.

After all, prepare a surprise for mom -

It is very interesting.

We'll knead the dough in the bathtub

Or we’ll wash the chair.

Student 5.

Well, I'm a gift to my mother

I'll paint the closet with flowers.

It would be nice if the ceiling...

It's a shame he's not tall.

Student 1.

I take care of my mother’s work,

I help as much as I can.

Mom's out for lunch today

I made cutlets

And she said: “Listen!

Help me out! Eat!”

I ate a little.

Isn't it help?

Student 2.

I'll get up early in the morning,

I'll clean everything in the house.

I'll sweep the floors, wash the dishes,

And I won’t forget to bring water.

Student 3.

I'll add sugar to the dough

I'll put the pies in the oven.

I'll have time to do everything,

I can do anything!

Student 4.

I got up early today.

Why? There are a hundred reasons.

First of all, I am the oldest

After the daddy of men!

I washed my face, combed my hair,

He made his own bed.

It took me three minutes to get dressed

And he went, but not for a walk!

Went to the store to buy bread

And also for milk.

Played with three-year-old Gleb,

Knocked out the rug with his fist.

I ate all the porridge at breakfast,

For myself and for Natasha.

Nata said to me quietly:

“I love a brother like that!”

And then dad and I deftly

We baked a pie in the oven.

But first at the neighbor's

The conversation continued until lunch.

How much milk do you need?

Where's the vanilla? And where is the flour?

And what kind of jam should I get?

What's in the pie? What's in the cookies?

My dad and uncle Pavel

Learned a lot of rules

Everyone was leafing through the manual

Under the title "Housekeeping".

(The boys sing ditties.)

The holiday has arrived!

We are overjoyed.

Let's sing to our mothers

We are our own ditties.

The soup and porridge were burnt,

Salt is poured into the compote.

When mom came home from work,

She had a lot to worry about.

Clean it once a year

I decided to frying pan.

And then four days

They couldn't wash me off.

I found a broom in the kitchen

I swept the whole apartment.

And what's left of him

Three straws in total.

Vova polished the floor to a shine,

Prepared a vinaigrette.

Mom is looking for what to do:

There is no work.

Our dear mothers,

Your complexion is not the same!

This is what it means to join us

Chew on science all year long!

We stop singing ditties

And today we promise:

Always listen to you in everything

Morning, evening and afternoon.

(The boys sing the song “We are cheerful guys.”)

We are funny guys

Congratulations, girls,

WITH women's holiday spring,

Youth and beauty.

We read and count

We even get two marks.

We only wish you “high five”

Receive in lessons.

We are all accustomed to order,

In the morning we do exercises.

To grow strong

If necessary, save you.

(Children perform ditties.)


We sit in class

And we look at the girls.

Both beautiful and smart

It's simply not better to find.


Our class is all boys

They love to distinguish themselves.

Who draws, who sings,

Someone's having fun.


We sang ditties for you,

Is it good or bad?

And now we ask you,

So that you clap for us.

Student 1.

Without mom, the apartment is sad and empty,

Without mom, the apartment is both boring and sad.

And mom will come, as if you are greeting the sun!

But you won’t notice how you offend.

Student 2.

If the sun woke up -

The morning began to shine.

If mom smiled -

It became so gratifying.

If the sun disappeared into the clouds -

The birds fell silent.

If mom is upset -

Where should we have fun?

So let it, always sparkling,

The sun is shining for people

Never you, dear,

We won't upset you!

Student 3.

Very much my grandmother,

I love my mother.

She has a lot of wrinkles

And on the forehead there is a gray strand.

I just want to touch it,

And then kiss.

Student 4.

Goes to school meetings

Grandma is making broth.

She gets it every month

The postman carries the money.

If grandma said:

“Don’t touch it, don’t you dare,”

We must listen because

Our house rests on it.

Student 5.

From the bottom of my heart, in simple words

Let's talk about mom, friends.

We love her like a reliable friend,

Because she and I have everything together,

Because when things get tough for us,

We can cry at our own shoulder.

Student 1.

We love her because sometimes

Eye wrinkles become more severe.

But it’s worth confessing your head,

The wrinkles will disappear, the storm will pass away.

Student 2.

For always being straightforward and straightforward

We can open our hearts to her.

And simply because she is our mother,

We love her deeply and tenderly.

(Children sing the song “My Dear Mommy.”)

Student 3.

I love you, mom

For what, I don’t know.

Probably because

That I breathe and dream.

Student 4.

And I rejoice in the sun and bright day.

This is why I love you, my dear.

Student 5.

For the sky, for the wind,

For the air around...

I love you, mom!

You are my best friend.


Who loves you dearly, children?

Who loves you so tenderly?

Without closing my eyes at night,

Who cares about you?

All. Mom dear!


Who rocks the cradle for you?

Who amuses you with a song?

Or is he telling a fairy tale?

Who gives you toys?

All. Mom is golden!


If you kids are lazy,

Naughty, playful,

As happens sometimes,

Who is shedding tears then?

All. All of her, dear!

Student 1.

Without knowing any fatigue,

No peace every hour -

Day and night dear mother

Everything takes care of us.

Student 2.

She lulled us, fed us,

She sang to us at the crib.

Student 3.

She taught us first

Kind, affectionate words.

Student 4.

How many nights did she not sleep?

If suddenly we were sick.

How much did she cry?

In a room in the dark.

Student 5.

Who spins when we

Are you sad at times?

Student 6.

How much joy does mom have?

If someone praises us!

Student 7.

How much torment she had with us,

And she doesn’t need adversity.

Mom dreams of one thing -

All. About the love of your children!

(The song “Sunny Circle” plays (music by A. Ostrovsky, lyrics by L. Oshanin).)

Competition program for March 8 for primary classes “Holiday for Mothers”

The hall is decorated with balloons, drawings and children's handicrafts. Mothers and grandmothers are sitting in the hall. Children enter the hall to the music. The girls sit down and the boys stand in a semicircle.

The progress of the holiday

Leading. Hello dear guests! Mother! The most understandable word on earth. It sounds equally gentle in all languages. Mom has the most gentle hands, they know how to do everything. Mom has the kindest and most sensitive heart. And today we have a holiday! The children were looking forward to this day to congratulate their beloved mothers, grandmothers, and sisters.

Boys' performance.

Invited to visit us

We are both grandmothers and mothers,

We promise, we promise:

You won't be bored here.

Everything is ready for the holiday -

So what are we waiting for?

We are a cheerful song

Let's start our holiday.

Song "Spring Song".

We are funny guys

Congratulations, girls,

Happy spring holiday,

Tenderness and beauty.

We dressed up today

The shoes are on fire,

They gathered as if for a parade.

The sun peeked through the school windows,

A slanting shadow lay from the table,

New and cheerful on the threshold

It's a nice, bright day in March.

Day of joy and beauty!

And on this day men to women

Flowers also give smiles.

And today we are on a solemn day

Here, on women's name day,

We want the first congratulations

It came to you on behalf of men.

We are starting our performance,

Dear girls, congratulations to you,

We would write poems for everyone,

It’s just that we write poetry, it doesn’t matter.

How we offended you, I'm sorry

And please accept our congratulations.

Long live the girls

With or without braids!

May the sun smile on you

From blue skies.

Long live the skinny ones,

Long live the fatties

Everyone with earrings

And there are freckles on my nose.

And you get A's in school!

And praise you at home!

So that all film actors

We fell in love on the spot.

We wish our girls

Never be discouraged

Every year to be more and more beautiful,

And we are less likely to be offended!

We wish you, dear ones,

Always be healthy

So that you study well,

We were never beaten.

We wish you only happiness,

And we'll tell you a secret:

Our girls are more beautiful

There is simply no such thing in the entire school.

Why are we all dancing here?

Why are we singing here?

Because we are girls

Happy Women's Day!

Congratulations girls

And please don't be angry:

Not everyone succeeds

To be born boys.

You, dear girls,

Happy Women's Day,

Clap your hands louder

We'll sing ditties.


There is a magazine on the table,

Well, it has A's,

Because in our class

Smart girls.

You're lucky, girls.

You are already happy.

Because you have us

Most beautiful.

I want to tell Dasha,

Moving his shoulder towards her,

About the weather, about football,

And you never know about anything.

I admit, I won't lie,

I'm telling you the whole truth.

As soon as I see Lena -

In my heart, I feel it, I’m burning.

Olga is there - the soul will perk up,

Olga is not there - she looks sad.

I'm so drawn to Olga

An impressive magnet of feelings.

As soon as I see Katya,

I don't care about others

Both in fact and in fact

You couldn't find Katya better.

I look at everything as if it were an icon.

I can't take my eyes off the lovers.

Ah, Alyonochka, Alena,

How I love you!

Am I a gentleman or what?

He helped Svetka take off her coat.

The briefcase was brought to her desk,

Let's stand together in a circle,

Let's shake hands with each other.

And for all women now

We will perform a waltz dance.

A waltz sounds, boys invite girls, mothers, grandmothers. After the waltz, the boys each escort their lady to their place and return to the stage.

Come on, admire how light it is all around,

Winter icicles are melting outside the window.

March goes by, stubbornly pushing apart the ice,

And he brings the sun as a gift to mothers.

Do we love our mother? Do we love or not?

All. We love you.

We all said in unison,

What help she needs!

What a gift for mom

Will we give on this day?

There is a lot for this

Fantastic ideas.

After all, prepare a surprise for mom

It is very interesting.

We'll knead the dough in the bathtub

Or we’ll wash the chair.

Well, I'm a gift to my mother

I'll paint the closet with flowers,

It would be nice if the ceiling

It's a pity I'm not tall.

Our dear mothers!

We ourselves admit

Which of course we are not always

We behave well.

We often upset you

What we sometimes don’t notice.

We love you very, very much.

Let's grow up kind.

And we will always try

To behave!

May adversity and sorrow

They will bypass you.

So that every day of the week

It was like a day off for you!

We want it for no reason

Everyone gave you flowers,

Make men smile

Everything from your beauty!

Let the sun shine for you,

Lilacs bloom only for you,

And long may it last

The best women's day!

You are such mothers!

We are always proud of you

Smart, calm,

We will be worthy of you!

Mother! The word is dear,

There is warmth and light in that word,

Our (all) HELLO to our mothers!

Children sing the song “Mom’s Drops.”

Leading. Now let's find out which of you has the biggest sweet tooth.

Here's a crispy cookie

And milk chocolate.

If you don't even want jam,

Only he will make you happy.

Mysterious like Mr. X

Well of course it's... ("Twix")

But what is this thing?

Focus is a subtle science.

He won't drown in milk

Gentle - it will touch your soul.

Printed it out - chew it quickly,

Our favorite... (“Milky Way”).

It has everything that is possible,

It's impossible to pass by.

Named after one planet,

And we love with all the white light.

He is a support - just great!

Everyone knows what it is... (“Mars”).

I smile like a mother

I frown just as stubbornly,

I have the same nose

And the same hair color

I'm shorter, but still

Eyebrows and eyes are similar!

Mom and I walk in step,

So similar, they say.

Only mom looks straight

I am left and right

And I still look back.

I don't want to argue with you

Believe me anyway

My mom is the best

The best in the world.

Mom fries pies

Mom glues masks

And tells me

Fairy tales every evening.

I also know

Song "Bayu-bayu"

Mom will just start singing -

I immediately fall asleep.

If only I could become a tit.

I would sing with the sun all day long,

And in the evening, to my mother’s palms

It would fly in and peck at the crumbs.

If I could suddenly become the breeze,

I would whistle all day without stopping,

And in the evening it’s quiet and tired

She fell asleep in her mother's arms.

If I could become a star,

Day and night would shine over the earth.

But how can I part with my mother?

No really, better daughter I'll stay.

Everyone sings the song “Sunny Drops”.

Leading. Now let's see which of our girls is the real mistress.


1. Make a vinaigrette.

For three participants, cards with the names of products are laid out on the table: beets, radishes, cabbage, tomatoes, garlic, onions, carrots, eggplant, peppers, meat, herbs, vegetable oil.

The girls, on command, select cards with vinaigrette ingredients. The girl who chose the right cards correctly and fastest won.

2. “Cinderella” competition.

The same amount of mixed cereals (rice, buckwheat, peas) is poured into three plates. The girls share the cereal as a team. The one who completes the task faster wins.

3. Competition "Cleanliness".

2 girls participate in the competition. 5 inflated balloons for each of them are laid out on the floor. Girls, using brooms, must sweep all their balls over the line. Whoever sweeps away all the balls the fastest is the winner.

4. Competition "Who is faster."

The girls are divided into 2 teams and line up one after another. The first participants are given a tablespoon and a potato. On command, girls must put a potato in a spoon, run, holding the spoon in an outstretched hand, to a chair, return and pass the spoon to the next participant. The team that runs the fastest without dropping the potato wins.

Leading. But March 8 is a holiday not only for our girls and their mothers, but also mom's moms, that is, grandmothers.

The children again stand in a semicircle on stage.

On this day, grandmothers are especially honored,

On Women's Day, mom bakes a cake for grandma,

Well, we’ll sing a song for grandma,

You will let this song into your house as a guest.

Children sing "Song about Grandma."

Mom has work, dad has work,

They still have Saturday for me,

And grandma will never leave me,

She, my grandmother, is always at home.

He will sit you down and feed you:

Don't rush!

Well, what's wrong with you?


I speak, but grandma doesn’t interrupt,

He sits sorting out grains of buckwheat,

We feel good together like this,

What would a house be without a grandmother?

So I sat and out of boredom

It seems he even took a nap

But in grandma's hands

I accidentally looked here.

She doesn't have ten of them,

And just two hands.

They sew, they wash, they knead the dough,

Pies are fried with meat.

Give it to me, grandma, for you

“You’ll see, I can do it.”

So she beamed

No surprises,

And I watched furtively

How hard I tried.

My dear grandmother,

I wish you happiness!

Go around the whole wide world

There is no better person than you, no!

Boys come out in sundresses and scarves.


We are funny nesting dolls,

Okay, okay,

We have boots on our feet,

Okay, okay.

And we have earrings in our ears,

Okay, okay,

And we have handkerchiefs in our hands,

Okay, okay.

In our colorful sundresses,

Okay, okay,

We look alike, like sisters

Okay, okay.

Okay, okay.

We wish you happiness and joy,

Okay, okay.

We sing a song to mothers,

Okay, okay.

And hello huge helmet,

Okay, okay.

Leading. Our holiday has come to an end. We congratulate you once again:

With the first drop

With the last snowstorm,

Happy early spring holiday!

We congratulate you, we sincerely wish you

Joy! Happiness! Hello! Love!

"THE HOLIDAY OF GIRLS AND MOMS" by March 8 at primary school.

Target: creating a festive atmosphere
Tasks: to form love for mother, family, to show the connection between generations;
- to cultivate a sense of pride in family and friends, a caring attitude towards your mothers, grandmothers, sisters, classmates;
-instill a sense of mutual assistance, friendly relations between participants;
- build community in the team.
Equipment: portraits of mothers and grandmothers, presentation, laptop, interactive whiteboard, audio recording, wall newspapers, gifts for mothers and grandmothers, fruit.



1st student: Spring is walking through the yards,

In the rays of warmth and light,

Today is the holiday of our mothers,

And we are pleased with this.

2nd: From the heart,

In simple words,

Come on, friends,

Let's talk about mom.

3rd: We love e

How good friend,

For what we have with her

Everything is together.

4th: For what, when

It's hard for us

We can cry

At the native shoulder.

5th: We love her because

What sometimes

They're getting stricter

In the wrinkles of the eyes,

6th: But he confesses

Come with your head -

Wrinkles will disappear

The storm will pass away.

7th: For always

Without hiding and directly

We can trust

She has her own heart.

8th: And just because

She is our mother

We are strong and gentle

We love her.

Children sing the song “The Best”


Teacher: On such a day, we cannot help but remember our wonderful grandmothers who take care of their grandchildren and love them very much. And the guys also love their grandmothers very much.

Our grandmother

1st: Our grandmother

Very kind

Our grandmother

Got old

Lots of wrinkles

At our grandmother's -

She's with them

Even better and more beautiful.

2nd: If your favorite doll is sick,

Heals the doll

Immediately she.

3rd: If on the forehead

A lump appears

There is no button

The coat will tear

Or another

What a problem -

Grandma to us

Always helps.

4th: Grandma is warm

He will tie the mittens,

Grandma in the evening

He will tell a fairy tale.

Listen to her

We're ready for hours!

What will he forget?

We'll tell her ourselves.

Teacher: But once upon a time, in general, not so long ago, our grandmothers were young..., but... their youth had a hard lot - war.


Teacher: Dear grandmothers, we want this song to remind you of your youth.

Candles are lit. The light goes out. Boys and dads invite grandmothers to a waltz!

"Random Waltz" sounds. After the dance ends, the boys accompany the grandmothers to their seats.


WITH spring holiday,

With the first flowers

In this bright hour,

All: Our dear mothers,


Children give gifts to mothers and grandmothers.

Teacher: Before moving on to the next part of our holiday and seeing another surprise from our men, you, dear mothers and grandmothers, need to know your portrait.

(On the board hang portraits of mothers and grandmothers made by children. After the portrait is recognized, the mother receives it as a gift)

After that, we go to the classroom, where dads prepared tea and treats baked with their own hands)

Teacher: Did you like the surprise? You see what grown-up children and independent men you have in the house.

We conducted a survey and found out that the majority of mothers in our class have the most favorite musical program “Guess the Melody”, so now we will conduct a mini “Guessing Game” and see who knows the songs better: mothers or children.

The soundtracks of 10-12 melodies are played alternately.

Teacher: Well, well done, you know the songs, and I think you should sing well.

2nd competition: A ring of songs that contain female names(team: mother - children)

3rd competition: There is a vase on a magnetic board; with your eyes closed, you need to put 3 flowers cut out of colored paper into it. Children and fathers participate (3 people)

Teacher: Children and fathers, everyone is preparing for the holiday, but what would Women's Day be without flowers?

Can you place the bouquet in the vase correctly?

The bouquet has been delivered.

It's time to think about the holiday table. Which one then festive table no fruit? You all love and know these fruits. (Fruits are shown whole: orange, apple, banana, kiwi).

4th competition: Can you recognize them by their smell?

2 mothers and 2 children participate, they are blindfolded, and the fruit is cut in half. Participants must determine by smell which fruit is in front of them.

The table is set.

Now we need to dress up to sit down at the table and once again congratulate mothers and grandmothers. But many guys have younger brothers and sisters, they need to help them dress festively.

5th competition: 2 girls and 2 boys participate.

Girls dress boys up as “little sister.”

Everyone is ready and waiting for mom to congratulate her.

6th competition. We write poems for mothers, we say the best about mothers and grandmothers.

In conclusion, everyone sings the song “My Darling” by Yu. Vizbor.

Goal: to instill in children a sense of love, respect for women, and to cultivate a caring attitude towards their mothers, grandmothers, sisters, and classmates.

Equipment: items for performance, gifts for mothers and grandmothers; phonograms, computer, screen.


The phonogram sounds

Leading. : Dear mothers, grandmothers, girls! Today we have gathered in this hall to celebrate the holiday of spring, joy and beauty - International Women's Day on March 8th. The most beautiful and touching word in the world - mother. This is the first word that the baby says, and it sounds equally gentle in all languages. Children are the most precious thing for a mother. Mom has the kindest and most faithful heart, the most affectionate and gentle hands that can do everything. And in a mother’s faithful and sensitive heart her love for children never fades. Our dear women, allow me to sincerely congratulate you on this holiday and wish you on this solemn day good health, family well-being and harmony, perseverance and patience, peace and longevity, and always a good mood!

How are you doing, dear mothers?
It’s not easy, because there’s so much trouble,
But we're used to keeping our backs straight
Love doesn't let you get discouraged.
That love that is called family
That love that is in children's eyes
We are the only star that shines
And it will warm you like a shawl on your shoulders!
Have a joyful and tender spring,
Happy days and pink dreams,
May March give you even a snowy one
Your smiles and flowers.
What is love without hugs?
And what is love without love?
Smile at us, dear mothers
After all, all the flowers bloomed for you


For mom's holiday
It's time for spring
And congratulates the women
The whole world and the whole country.
And the happiest
These minutes will become
After all, mothers will now be congratulated
Their loving children.

In March the sun sparkled on the snow,
Spring has come to us along with the sun.
Children run to their mothers with congratulations.
Mom's holiday The whole country celebrates.

Spring is sweeping across the country
Today the sky is clear.
And the sun smiled at me
Good, radiant.

I know it's no accident,
I already guessed it myself
Because they know:
Today is our mothers' holiday.

And every class is happy to congratulate
All mothers on the whole planet.
They say “thank you” to mothers
Both adults and children.

The song “If I’m with Mom” to the music of V. Shainsky for the song “If you’re kind”

March brings us the warmth of spring,
Turning snow into puddles.
If I’m with my mother, then it’s light around,
Then the blizzard and cold are not scary.

If I hear a song in the morning,
Our house will be filled with sounds.
If I'm with my mother, I'll help her,
Hands will do the work together.

Let the holiday bring laughter to every home,
Now we'll sing to mom.
Let there be enough joy and flowers for everyone,
Mom will feel good with us.

A boy and a girl come out.

Girl. Happy Women's Day!

Boy. Warm greetings to you!

Girl. For you, dear mothers,

Boy. Dear ones, for you!

Girl. The concert is fun, joyful...

Boy. We'll arrange it now!

Girl. Our concert is dedicated to you, dear mothers!

Boy. The spring sun smiles on you, dear mothers!

Girl. The birds composed a sonorous song just for you.

Together. We wish mothers to live happily!

I'm standing in front of you
I'm worried, mommy!

I'll put my hand on my cheek
Calm down, mommy!

Let everyone see that you
I admire it, mommy!

And I won’t hide my love
I'll kiss mommy!

Leading. Everyone is looking forward to March 8, but not because they are waiting expensive gifts, but because this is a day of surprises. Our children also prepared a surprise program.

Every year at the beginning of March
They talk about miracles.
We can’t sit at our desks,
And snowdrops - in the forests.

All store displays
Decorated in spring
Men are running everywhere -
Looking forward to a special day off!

The planet will celebrate
Best holiday on the ground.
I am waiting for an answer from you, friends -
Help me remember!
Waiting for its start today
Ladies' holiday...

All participants of the holiday (in chorus ). March 8!!!

The kids are having fun:
Today is mom's holiday.
Made a gift for mom
Her son is a prankster.
My daughter was embroidering at home
Mommy's handkerchief.
And now he looks from his handkerchief
The Scarlet Flower.
He will bring joy to his mother,
Mom will smile:
“Oh, yes, daughter, and son -
A sight for sore eyes!”
The sun will peek through the window.
The snow is still sparkling
But it will melt with joy.
Birds will fly to us.
Let them sing to you
Dear mom.
After all, of all the mothers in the world
You are the only one!

Four girls take the stage. They have sewing, knitting, and dishes in their hands.

The girls are talking among themselves.

1. Mom cooks, mom sews,
And he drives a car,
And mom pours coins -
Not at home - at the factory!
Women need to be able to
Do everything in the world
How can they keep up with everything?
Tell me, children!
2. Maybe, like in the series,
We should hire housekeepers
So that they wash the clothes,
Make the bed
3. The house was cleaned
And we went to the store
We played with the children all day...

All together 1 and 2 (surprised). And for mom?

3. And for mom - a limousine!
Let my dear one rest,
Travels everywhere with dad...

Girls 1 and 2 (in chorus).

Well, enough talking!
One can only dream about this.

Our mothers shouldn't
Live like in these TV series.
Life for mothers, although not honey,
But things are moving forward!

They give us warmth and affection,
Their smiles are bright.
Our mothers are just a fairy tale!
Warmth warms their souls.

They get up without an alarm clock,
They read the book
They'll sing a lullaby,
They caress you gently.

The song “Baby Mammoth” is performed

Class performance about mom.

Leading. And now it’s time to talk about those who take care of the house and raise children in the absence of their mother. Who is this? Of course, grandma!

Parents have work.
The sun draws a circle in the sky.
Only grandma cares
Our reliable, loyal friend.
Both mom and dad
There are mothers too -
This is grandma's concern,
And she is here today.

1. I love my mother very much,
I send her warm greetings,
But not only to her alone,
But also dear grandmother.
2. With grandma we are letters
We'll figure it out in the book,
We play with dolls with her,
Let's go for a walk in the park.
Important secrets
I whisper in her ear,
Because grandma
Best friend.
3. Who scolds us the least?
Who bakes pies for us?
Who accompanies us to school?
And then he waits from school?
Well, of course, this is the most
The best person.
Let the little head be gray
You, grandma, are the most beautiful.
She always has time
To tell a fairy tale
And with the grandchildren and everyone
Have fun, play.
Who's going to fry cutlets for us?
And fill our leisure time?
This is my dear grandmother,
The most faithful friend in the world.
4.Who is in the kitchen with a ladle?
Always standing by the stove,
Who darns our clothes?
Who's humming with a vacuum cleaner?
5.Who is the tastiest person in the world?
Always bakes pies
Even dads who are more important
And who is honored in the family?
6.Who will sing us a song at night,
So that we can fall asleep sweetly?
Who is the kindest and most wonderful?
Well, of course - grannies!

Class performance about grandmother.

I have one game called "He - She".

He is an elephant - she elephant.
He is a moose - she is...a moose.
He is a cat - she...
Well, of course she's a cat!
Well, you were a little mistaken.
So let's play again
I want to beat you!
He is a walrus - she is...a walrus,
He is a hare - she is... a hare,
He is a bull - she is...
Is everyone familiar with this word?
Yes! Yes! She's a cow!

Leading. On this day we congratulate mothers, grandmothers, and sisters. Did you forget to congratulate anyone? Of course, we must congratulate our beautiful girls!

(Participants in the performance “Knights from the Class” appear on the stage - five boys with briefcases. After class, they gathered in the school yard and decided to discuss how best to congratulate the girls from their class on March 8th)
VOVA. So, guys, tomorrow is March 8th and we need to discuss how best to congratulate our girls on the holiday. What proposals will there be?
VITYA. What is there to think about for so long! You, Vovka, will go up to the blackboard before class and say that we... that on such a day... well, in general, you will congratulate them and be done with it.
VOVA. It's easy to say - congratulations. What will I tell them?
SASHA. Vovka is right, we need to come up with a good congratulation. And preferably in verse. They congratulated us on February 23rd! Why should we lose face in the dirt?!
KOLYA. What if we got them in verse too! Slavik knows how, let him write!
SLAVIC. It's easy to say - he will write. What if it doesn't work out?
VOVA. What do you mean it won't work! It should work! In short, we decided. Slavik will write a congratulation before tomorrow, and I will read it. And that's all. And now we can play football.

VITYA. What about the gift?
VOVA. Which present?
VITYA. Like which one? Did you receive a gift on February 23rd? Received.
SASHA. That's right, the braids did their best! What should we do?
KOLYA. I have a suggestion. Let's buy 20 packs of ice cream, 20 cakes, 10 bottles of lemonade, 2 kilograms of sweets, and also buns, shortcakes, donuts and...
SLAVIC. And we'll eat it all.
KOLYA. Well, Slavik, give it to me! Let's eat! Let's eat... Shall we eat? What an interesting thought. Maybe it's true?
VOVA. What are you both doing? (Twists his finger at his temple.)
KOLYA and SLAVIC (together). What-o-o?
VOVA. What will you eat?
SASHA. Vova is right! Why will we buy all this so that we can eat it with a clear conscience? We don't have that much money!
(The boys fell silent and thought.)
VOVA. So what can we do?
SASHA. All that remains is to refer to objective difficulties and limit ourselves to verbal congratulations. In prose.
VOVA. Any other opinions?
(Everyone is silent.)
VOVA. There are no other opinions. Then go home.

The boys come out and read poetry.

Boy 1.

Long live girls, with and without pigtails!
May the sun smile on you from the blue skies!

Boy 2.

Long live skinny people!
Long live fatties!
Anyone with earrings and freckles on their nose!

Boy 3.

And you get an A in the class!
And at home - praise to you!
May all film actors fall in love!

Boy 4.

Well, in general, congratulations!
And please don't be angry:
Not everyone succeeds
To be born boys.

A song is performed to the tune of “I won’t brag, dear” (music by B. Mokrousov).

Boy 1.

I confess - I won't lie,
I tell you the whole truth:
As soon as I see Lera,
In my heart, I feel it, I’m burning!

Boy 2.

I want to tell Lida,
Moving his shoulder towards her,
About the weather, about football,
And you never know what!

Boy 3.

Olga is there - the soul will perk up,
Olga is gone - she looks sad!
I'm so drawn to Olga
An impressive magnet of feelings.

Boy 4.

But as soon as I see Katya,
I don't care about others.
Both in fact and in fact
You couldn't find Katya better!

Boy 5.

I look at everything as if it were an icon,
I can't take my eyes off the lovers...
Oh, you Sonya, our Sonya,
How I love you!

Boy 6.

But when Alena passes,
Taking a glance at my outfit,
I feel my heart
Everything stings and hurts!

Boy 7.

We also have Lisa
I'm telling you the truth.
Oh, you are our Lisa, our Lisa,
I send my warm regards!

Performance of classes for girls.

1. Today we are like dandies,
In front of you at the blackboard,
But more beautiful than our girls
We still didn’t!
2. You are as beautiful as stars.
And the eyes sparkle with fire.
And your smiles are sweet
Outshine the sun during the day!
3. You are so nice here!
You girls are simply awesome!!!
That's why we all want it so much
Be like you!
4. We wish you only happiness,
And we'll tell you a secret:
Our girls are more beautiful
There is simply no one in the whole school!

Boys give girls gifts

Congratulations on the bright sunshine,
With the song of a bird and with a stream.
Congratulations on the best,
The most women's day in the world!

We wish our mothers
Never be discouraged
Be more and more beautiful every year
And scold us less.

We wish you, dear ones,
Always be healthy
May you live for a long, long time,
Never getting old!

May adversity and sorrow
They'll pass you by
So that every day of the week
It was like a day off for you!

We want it for no reason
They would give you flowers.
Men would smile
Everything comes from your beauty.

Let the sun shine for you,
Lilacs bloom only for you,
And long may it last
The most women's day in the world!

Today we wish you all
Health and vigor for many years to come.
And you are so kind
Stay forever.

Presentation of gifts.

For listening to us carefully!

And they helped us diligently!

Thank you all for your attention. The concert is over.

Goal: to instill in children a sense of love, respect for women, and to cultivate a caring attitude towards their mothers, grandmothers, sisters, and classmates.

Equipment: items for performance, gifts for mothers and grandmothers; phonograms, computer, screen.


The phonogram sounds

Leading. : Dear mothers, grandmothers, girls! Today we have gathered in this hall to celebrate the holiday of spring, joy and beauty - International Women's Day on March 8th. The most beautiful and touching word in the world is mother. This is the first word that the baby says, and it sounds equally gentle in all languages. Children are the most precious thing for a mother. Mom has the kindest and most faithful heart, the most affectionate and gentle hands that can do everything. And in a mother’s faithful and sensitive heart her love for children never fades. Our dear women, allow me to sincerely congratulate you on this holiday and wish you on this solemn day good health, family well-being and harmony, perseverance and patience, peace and longevity, and always a good mood!

How are you doing, dear mothers?
It’s not easy, because there’s so much trouble,
But we're used to keeping our backs straight
Love doesn't let you get discouraged.
That love that is called family
That love that is in children's eyes
We are the only star that shines
And it will warm you like a shawl on your shoulders!
Have a joyful and tender spring,
Happy days and pink dreams,
May March give you even a snowy one
Your smiles and flowers.
What is love without hugs?
And what is love without love?
Smile at us, dear mothers
After all, all the flowers bloomed for you


For mom's holiday
It's time for spring
And congratulates the women
The whole world and the whole country.
And the happiest
These minutes will become
After all, mothers will now be congratulated
Their loving children.

In March the sun sparkled on the snow,
Spring has come to us along with the sun.
Children run to their mothers with congratulations.
The whole country celebrates Mother's Day.

Spring is sweeping across the country
Today the sky is clear.
And the sun smiled at me
Good, radiant.

I know it's no accident,
I already guessed it myself
Because they know:
Today is our mothers' holiday.

And every class is happy to congratulate
All mothers on the whole planet.
They say “thank you” to mothers
Both adults and children.

The song “If I’m with Mom” to the music of V. Shainsky for the song “If you’re kind”

March brings us the warmth of spring,
Turning snow into puddles.
If I’m with my mother, then it’s light around,
Then the blizzard and cold are not scary.

If I hear a song in the morning,
Our house will be filled with sounds.
If I'm with my mother, I'll help her,
Hands will do the work together.

Let the holiday bring laughter to every home,
Now we'll sing to mom.
Let there be enough joy and flowers for everyone,
Mom will feel good with us.

A boy and a girl come out.

Girl. Happy Women's Day!

Boy. Warm greetings to you!

Girl. For you, dear mothers,

Boy. Dear ones, for you!

Girl. The concert is fun, joyful...

Boy. We'll arrange it now!

Girl. Our concert is dedicated to you, dear mothers!

Boy. The spring sun smiles on you, dear mothers!

Girl. The birds composed a sonorous song just for you.

Together. We wish mothers to live happily!

I'm standing in front of you
I'm worried, mommy!

I'll put my hand on my cheek
Calm down, mommy!

Let everyone see that you
I admire it, mommy!

And I won’t hide my love
I'll kiss mommy!

Leading. Everyone is looking forward to March 8, but not because they are expecting expensive gifts, but because it is a day of surprises. Our children also prepared a surprise program.

Every year at the beginning of March
They talk about miracles.
We can’t sit at our desks,
And snowdrops - in the forests.

All store displays
Decorated in spring
Men are running everywhere -
Looking forward to a special day off!

The planet will celebrate
The best holiday on Earth.
I am waiting for an answer from you, friends -
Help me remember!
Waiting for its start today
Ladies' holiday...

All participants of the holiday (in chorus ). March 8!!!

The kids are having fun:
Today is mom's holiday.
Made a gift for mom
Her son is a prankster.
My daughter was embroidering at home
Mommy's handkerchief.
And now he looks from his handkerchief
The Scarlet Flower.
He will bring joy to his mother,
Mom will smile:
“Oh, yes, daughter, and son -
A sight for sore eyes!”
The sun will peek through the window.
The snow is still sparkling
But it will melt with joy.
Birds will fly to us.
Let them sing to you
Dear mom.
After all, of all the mothers in the world
You are the only one!

Four girls take the stage. They have sewing, knitting, and dishes in their hands.

The girls are talking among themselves.

1. Mom cooks, mom sews,
And he drives a car,
And mom pours coins -
Not at home - at the factory!
Women need to be able to
Do everything in the world
How can they keep up with everything?
Tell me, children!
2. Maybe, like in the series,
We should hire housekeepers
So that they wash the clothes,
Make the bed
3. The house was cleaned
And we went to the store
We played with the children all day...

All together 1 and 2 (surprised). And for mom?

3. And for mom - a limousine!
Let my dear one rest,
Travels everywhere with dad...

Girls 1 and 2 (in chorus).

Well, enough talking!
One can only dream about this.

Our mothers shouldn't
Live like in these TV series.
Life for mothers, although not honey,
But things are moving forward!

They give us warmth and affection,
Their smiles are bright.
Our mothers are just a fairy tale!
Warmth warms their souls.

They get up without an alarm clock,
They read the book
They'll sing a lullaby,
They caress you gently.

The song “Baby Mammoth” is performed

Class performance about mom.

Leading. And now it’s time to talk about those who take care of the house and raise children in the absence of their mother. Who is this? Of course, grandma!

Parents have work.
The sun draws a circle in the sky.
Only grandma cares
Our reliable, loyal friend.
Both mom and dad
There are mothers too -
This is grandma's concern,
And she is here today.

1. I love my mother very much,
I send her warm greetings,
But not only to her alone,
But also dear grandmother.
2. With grandma we are letters
We'll figure it out in the book,
We play with dolls with her,
Let's go for a walk in the park.
Important secrets
I whisper in her ear,
Because grandma
Best friend.
3. Who scolds us the least?
Who bakes pies for us?
Who accompanies us to school?
And then he waits from school?
Well, of course, this is the most
The best person.
Let the little head be gray
You, grandma, are the most beautiful.
She always has time
To tell a fairy tale
And with the grandchildren and everyone
Have fun, play.
Who's going to fry cutlets for us?
And fill our leisure time?
This is my dear grandmother,
The most faithful friend in the world.
4.Who is in the kitchen with a ladle?
Always standing by the stove,
Who darns our clothes?
Who's humming with a vacuum cleaner?
5.Who is the tastiest person in the world?
Always bakes pies
Even dads who are more important
And who is honored in the family?
6.Who will sing us a song at night,
So that we can fall asleep sweetly?
Who is the kindest and most wonderful?
Well, of course - grannies!

Class performance about grandmother.

I have one game called "He - She".

He is an elephant - she elephant.
He is a moose - she is...a moose.
He is a cat - she...
Well, of course she's a cat!
Well, you were a little mistaken.
So let's play again
I want to beat you!
He is a walrus - she is...a walrus,
He is a hare - she is... a hare,
He is a bull - she is...
Is everyone familiar with this word?
Yes! Yes! She's a cow!

Leading. On this day we congratulate mothers, grandmothers, and sisters. Did you forget to congratulate anyone? Of course, we must congratulate our beautiful girls!

(Participants in the performance “Knights from the Class” appear on the stage - five boys with briefcases. After class, they gathered in the school yard and decided to discuss how best to congratulate the girls from their class on March 8th)
VOVA. So, guys, tomorrow is March 8th and we need to discuss how best to congratulate our girls on the holiday. What proposals will there be?
VITYA. What is there to think about for so long! You, Vovka, will go up to the blackboard before class and say that we... that on such a day... well, in general, you will congratulate them and be done with it.
VOVA. It's easy to say - congratulations. What will I tell them?
SASHA. Vovka is right, we need to come up with a good congratulation. And preferably in verse. They congratulated us on February 23rd! Why should we lose face in the dirt?!
KOLYA. What if we got them in verse too! Slavik knows how, let him write!
SLAVIC. It's easy to say - he will write. What if it doesn't work out?
VOVA. What do you mean it won't work! It should work! In short, we decided. Slavik will write a congratulation before tomorrow, and I will read it. And that's all. And now we can play football.

VITYA. What about the gift?
VOVA. Which present?
VITYA. Like which one? Did you receive a gift on February 23rd? Received.
SASHA. That's right, the braids did their best! What should we do?
KOLYA. I have a suggestion. Let's buy 20 packs of ice cream, 20 cakes, 10 bottles of lemonade, 2 kilograms of sweets, and also buns, shortcakes, donuts and...
SLAVIC. And we'll eat it all.
KOLYA. Well, Slavik, give it to me! Let's eat! Let's eat... Shall we eat? What an interesting thought. Maybe it's true?
VOVA. What are you both doing? (Twists his finger at his temple.)
KOLYA and SLAVIC (together). What-o-o?
VOVA. What will you eat?
SASHA. Vova is right! Why will we buy all this so that we can eat it with a clear conscience? We don't have that much money!
(The boys fell silent and thought.)
VOVA. So what can we do?
SASHA. All that remains is to refer to objective difficulties and limit ourselves to verbal congratulations. In prose.
VOVA. Any other opinions?
(Everyone is silent.)
VOVA. There are no other opinions. Then go home.

The boys come out and read poetry.

Boy 1.

Long live girls, with and without pigtails!
May the sun smile on you from the blue skies!

Boy 2.

Long live skinny people!
Long live fatties!
Anyone with earrings and freckles on their nose!

Boy 3.

And you get an A in the class!
And at home - praise to you!
May all film actors fall in love!

Boy 4.

Well, in general, congratulations!
And please don't be angry:
Not everyone succeeds
To be born boys.

A song is performed to the tune of “I won’t brag, dear” (music by B. Mokrousov).

Boy 1.

I confess - I won't lie,
I tell you the whole truth:
As soon as I see Lera,
In my heart, I feel it, I’m burning!

Boy 2.

I want to tell Lida,
Moving his shoulder towards her,
About the weather, about football,
And you never know what!

Boy 3.

Olga is there - the soul will perk up,
Olga is gone - she looks sad!
I'm so drawn to Olga
An impressive magnet of feelings.

Boy 4.

But as soon as I see Katya,
I don't care about others.
Both in fact and in fact
You couldn't find Katya better!

Boy 5.

I look at everything as if it were an icon,
I can't take my eyes off the lovers...
Oh, you Sonya, our Sonya,
How I love you!

Boy 6.

But when Alena passes,
Taking a glance at my outfit,
I feel my heart
Everything stings and hurts!

Boy 7.

We also have Lisa
I'm telling you the truth.
Oh, you are our Lisa, our Lisa,
I send my warm regards!

Performance of classes for girls.

1. Today we are like dandies,
In front of you at the blackboard,
But more beautiful than our girls
We still didn’t!
2. You are as beautiful as stars.
And the eyes sparkle with fire.
And your smiles are sweet
Outshine the sun during the day!
3. You are so nice here!
You girls are simply awesome!!!
That's why we all want it so much
Be like you!
4. We wish you only happiness,
And we'll tell you a secret:
Our girls are more beautiful
There is simply no one in the whole school!

Boys give girls gifts

Congratulations on the bright sunshine,
With the song of a bird and with a stream.
Congratulations on the best,
The most women's day in the world!

We wish our mothers
Never be discouraged
Be more and more beautiful every year
And scold us less.

We wish you, dear ones,
Always be healthy
May you live for a long, long time,
Never getting old!

May adversity and sorrow
They'll pass you by
So that every day of the week
It was like a day off for you!

We want it for no reason
They would give you flowers.
Men would smile
Everything comes from your beauty.

Let the sun shine for you,
Lilacs bloom only for you,
And long may it last
The most women's day in the world!

Today we wish you all
Health and vigor for many years to come.
And you are so kind
Stay forever.

Presentation of gifts.

For listening to us carefully!

And they helped us diligently!

Thank you all for your attention. The concert is over.