Six rules, the observance of which allows you to please people. How to interest a man: surefire ways How to interest a man in communication

G They say that a woman should not take the initiative. This is partly true, because every man is a hunter by nature. But on the other hand, this does not mean at all that you need to humbly sit and wait for attention to be paid to you. A wise woman always knows how to interest a man. Today these secrets will be revealed to you too.

How to attract attention?

Contrary to popular belief, it is the woman who chooses the man. However, she does this unobtrusively and imperceptibly. Serving nonverbal cues, she thereby attracts attention and makes herself stand out from the crowd.

Very rarely does the stronger sex take the initiative themselves. It is important for a man to understand that he will not be denied acquaintance or communication. Yes, yes, embarrassment and timidity are not limited to women.

So, what do you need to do to get a man to pay attention to you:

1) Make eye contact. Look at the desired object, holding your gaze for 2-7 seconds. As soon as he notices you, smile. Then turn away and repeat the trick again (after about 10 minutes). It is very important that the eyes express warmth and goodwill. A cold, contemptuous look will only push a man away.

2) Smile, or better yet, laugh. Cheerful people always attract attention. It’s much easier to get to know them and it’s easy to start a conversation. And vice versa, you don’t want to communicate with a sad, withdrawn person. An important point is that the smile should not be feigned or forced, as in American films. Make jokes, laugh heartily, this is one of a woman’s main weapons in the art of seduction.

3) There are other ways to attract a man's attention. For example, you can, as if by accident, drop your scarf, handkerchief or other unbreakable object in front of him. Surely he will help pick up the fallen thing. Thank him, noting how attentive and gallant he is. You can also ask for help, such as opening a water bottle. Yes, just ask the time or find out how to get to a famous cafe or theater.

Advice. If a man doesn't show his interest in any way, don't be upset. Perhaps he is very busy right now or simply lost in his thoughts. However, just in case, try to find out if he is married. If his heart is already occupied, any attempts to get closer will be in vain.

The art of seduction

So, your chosen one has already noticed you, but is still in no hurry to take the initiative. It happens. Sometimes a man doubts whether he needs to make a new acquaintance at all.

If you want to finally conquer him, it is important not to sit idly by. You can interest him even more with your appearance, conversation, and various “feminine things.”

First things first.


Many women, having become interested in a man, rush from one extreme to another. Either she is too fat or thin, and her whole body needs to be carefully hidden, or her figure is the height of perfection, which, of course, needs to be exposed to the maximum. No, no, no, you can't do that. In the first case, the man most likely will not pay attention to you at all, but in the second he will take you for a vulgar, accessible woman. It is necessary to observe the golden mean:

Dress femininely, avoid men's clothes in your wardrobe.

Emphasize only one of your advantages - gorgeous breasts, long legs, elastic hips.

Give preference to light, flowing fabrics in light or bright colors.

Choose shoes with small, comfortable heels.

Apply light makeup, leave your hair loose or collect it not too tightly.

Play sports. Toned body Absolutely everyone likes it.

Advice. Forget about your complexes. A man would rather sense your insecurities than notice any flaws. Besides, well-groomed woman always beautiful, so everything is in your hands. Choose the right clothes, experiment with makeup and hairstyles, and that's it, half the success is in your pocket.


You need to be able to talk to a man. Conversing with the opposite sex and communicating with women are completely different things, at least at first.

To interest your chosen one, it is important to pay Special attention intonation, voice timbre, and of course, choosing the right topic for conversation.

Just stick with it following rules:

- speak slowly and clearly;

- do not resort to squealing or screaming;

— touch only on positive topics;

- don’t complain, gossip or tell sob stories;

— communicate about art, share experiences, ideas, feelings;

- joke;

- ask a lot of questions;

- listen carefully;

- periodically demonstrate your interest (“Are you serious?” “Is this really true?” “Wow, I didn’t know!”);

- read more - well-read people find it easier to carry on a conversation;

— try not to use slang when communicating with a man.

Language of the body

Man is a rational being, this is indisputable. However, animal habits and instincts are not alien to him. As in the animal world, there are specific postures of dominance or submission among humans.

A woman who wants to interest a man must show vulnerability with her body.

How to do it:

1) Show off your neck. You can tilt your head to your shoulder or throw it up. And if you keep eye contact at the same time, this will be perceived on an unconscious level as a call.

2) Play with your feet. Rock your foot or shoe slightly. If the dress is short enough, bring your legs together and sit half-sided towards the man, showing off their entire length. Another technique is throwing one leg over the other. In this case, it is important that the skirt or dress is not too short, otherwise the man will consider you frivolous.

3) When talking to a man, lean your body slightly forward. This way you will demonstrate your most vulnerable places - your chest and neck.

4) Part your lips. You can occasionally bite or lick them. A too tense, pinched mouth indicates nervousness, impatience and even aggression. Open lips show readiness for dialogue.

5) Touch yourself with your hands. As if by chance, touch your lips, neck, shoulders. Movements should be smooth and easy. There is no need to stroke yourself, it will look provocative. You can put your hands behind your head or stretch. This will make your figure look even more flattering.

6) Straighten your hair. Playing with hair is the most ancient secret of seduction. It’s especially good if they are well-groomed and long. You can throw your curls to one side, straighten them by throwing your head back, or simply let them loose at a certain moment.

Advice from the author. To interest a man, you just need to be yourself. It is important to be able to show your individuality and uniqueness. If you are a wonderful housewife, then you should not pretend to be a businesswoman or socialite. Perhaps most people like this, but sooner or later the mask will have to be removed. It’s better to be open and direct, then the right men will be attracted. And the wrong ones...why do you need them?

So, how can you interest a man? First of all, you should not be afraid to show interest. This does not mean that you need to throw yourself on your chosen one’s neck with the words “I am all yours.” Just a warm look, an inviting smile, an interesting conversation. And then it’s up to him.

There is a widespread belief that the first step must be on the part of the guy. That's true, but modern world Girls quite often have to take the initiative into their own hands. And everyone knows the famous words from the song, where for every ten girls there are only nine guys. So it turns out that if you wait for the first step from a guy, you can grow old alone. But now it’s not about sad things.

In order not to miss out on her happiness, every girl should be able to attract the attention of representatives of the opposite sex. This is the first step towards acquaintance, which in the future may turn out to be fateful. But what can you do to get a guy interested?

What and how to interest a guy.

Firstly In order for any girl to first of all look stunning. Even if the young lady uses the most incredible psychological methods of attracting attention, but turns out to be a gray mouse, consider that she has no chance.

Therefore, first of all - pleasant, but unobtrusive appearance: neat manicure, light makeup, elegant hairstyle, stylish clothes, decent figure and other feminine charms. Believe me, appearance is business card any woman.

Secondly, no less important qualitygrammatically correct speech. The Greek philosopher Socrates once said: “Speak so that I can see you.” This aphorism also holds true in the modern world. After all, behind a beautiful wrapper (appearance) there must be a deep soul, a sensual nature, an educated personality. And nothing else characterizes a person more than his speech.

If a woman has a pleasant timbre of voice and a moderate rate of speech, then communicating with her will be pleasant and calm. In addition, she must correctly formulate sentences, use literary vocabulary, and in no case swear. This will help complement your pleasant appearance with an equally pleasant manner of speech, which, you see, is very good in achieving your goal.

Third, is a trait characteristic of strong, strong-willed and purposeful women. Men like such candidates. After all, today not every guy is ready to support his beloved girl. Representatives of the fairer sex have achieved equality!

Therefore, in order to be popular with men, every girl from her youth must cultivate a very important trait - self-confidence.

Of course, you will have a question: how can you interest a guy more? More on this later. It all depends on the situation in which the girl and her potential “victim” find themselves.

Eye contact.

It has long been no secret to the female audience that you can interest a man with just one glance. But it must be correct and clearly thought out. And here many girls have problems, as they say, they don’t know how to make eyes. In this case, a simple psychological trick will help, which over time will come from the subconscious of every woman.

If a guy looks at a young lady, then she should answer him with a short look straight into the eyes, then smile and look away in the other direction, or better yet, turn away altogether.

If the guy doesn’t notice the girl, then she needs to look at him until he pays attention to her. After an awkward meeting of the eyes, the girl should look down in embarrassment. Thanks to this behavior, the guy will see that the girl is embarrassed because she was taken by surprise. And that’s all the lady needs! But with such a demonstration, the main thing is not to overdo it. After all, while Mademoiselle is “embarrassed,” the guy may be taken away by another “hunter.” Therefore, after 2-3 seconds, the young lady should look up again and look the man in the eyes, then smile, become embarrassed again, and once again look away. Such a play of the eyes will not leave any man indifferent. Of course, if he doesn’t have a lover yet!

But when establishing eye contact, you need to be extremely careful, because a meaningless and downcast gaze, as well as an excessive number of insincere smiles, will only repel the potential “victim”.

Phone conversation.

There are situations when appearance and looks will not help to interest a guy. This includes, for example, a telephone conversation. It would seem that a playful smile, a warm gaze and others women things If they don’t give you a ride, that means it’s a lost cause. But it was not there!

To know how to interest a guy during a telephone conversation, you need to follow simple but very useful tips:

  • a girl should adapt to the guy’s manner of speaking, copy his timbre and intonation as far as possible;
  • do not chatter into the phone, do not speak quickly, so as not to put the man in an awkward position due to the fact that you will have to ask again;
  • a woman needs to choose interesting ones, be attentive to details, and show sincere interest.

Get a man interested in a personal conversation.

To begin with, as in any conversation, be it telephone, correspondence or personal conversation, you must show sincere, incorruptible interest. In any case, sincerity will put the girl in a much better light than the trap of lies, when the young lady tries to seem different from what she really is and lies, being interested in something that in real life does not bother her at all.

Regarding what question to interest a guy, everything is individual and largely depends on the topic being discussed. The only thing that can be advised is to listen carefully to your interlocutor and ask him about some details of this or that matter. Attention to detail will once again confirm that the young lady is really interested in the topic, and will present it favorably in the eyes of the guy.

Electronic correspondence.

Correspondence is even more difficult than any other type of communication. Here you won’t be surprised by your appearance, as in a personal conversation, or by your voice, as in a telephone conversation. The only tool is writing.

To interest a man, a woman should follow some tips during correspondence:

  • the first is sincerity. In any type of communication, this trait can show the girl in the right light;
  • the second is literacy. A perfectly literate written language is an indicator of a young lady’s education;
  • third - originality. Under no circumstances should a girl use standard phrases or signs. You need to seem to the guy not like an ordinary average young lady, but...

Finally, we need to add a few more tips that will help beautiful ladies achieve the desired result:

  • a woman must forever forget about two extremes: being obsessive and being afraid to be so;
  • Every girl should strive to agree with herself. If some psychological trick for a lady seems wrong, then it is better not to use it;
  • If a guy has a beloved, then it’s better not to count on him, so as not to disappoint him later in life and in these pieces of advice.

To truly intrigue a guy, you need to make him think you're charming and make him want more. You can't tell him everything at once, or make him recognize you in the first five minutes, or not want to get to know you better at all - or think about you while you're somewhere far away. So how can you create the perfect combination of mystery and excitement that will intrigue a guy? Start with Step 1.


Part 1

Intriguing Behavior

    Show a little interest. If a guy doesn't have something to work for, you won't get anything in return. You won't interest him if you treat him indifferently, and he will feel like he's not interested in you at all. So smile at him, wave and start a light conversation with him. Flirt a little to make him think he might like you, but don't let him know you want him. Just give him enough to make him think about you and want to meet you again.

    Show him that you are having a great time. If you want to intrigue a guy, then you need to make him want to be with you. If you're on his radar, make sure you're having a great time with your friends, laughing, chatting happily, or even dancing. If you are in public, let her think: “How interesting, cheerful girl. It would be nice to get to know her better. "If he constantly sees you moping or looking bored or sad, will he really want to be with you? Sure, you should pretend to be having fun just to get his attention, but be the kind of girl who has a great time. time.

    • He should be glad he came your way - not that you're looking for a guy to make you happy.
  1. Don't always be there. If you've gotten to know a guy a little and he wants to spend time together, you should be happy about it, but don't act like your schedule is always free. Keep him guessing. Maybe you have a whole list of other interesting dates. Maybe you have some fun plans for the weekend with your girlfriends. Maybe you like to spend Friday evenings alone translating Latvian poetry into English. He doesn't have to know what you do, but the fact that you're not always available means he should value his time with you and that you're a dynamic person with many activities.

    Don't give up on backup options. If you start going on dates or just talking to him a lot, you shouldn't immediately show him how much you like him. He has to feel special to want to meet you, but don't tell him that he's the only guy in your life and you want to be his girlfriend as soon as possible. He needs to understand that he should ask you to date (if that's what you want), and not that he is the only one. This doesn't mean you have to be deceitful - you just have to be open to all options.

    Don't push too hard. Playing hard to get can help you intrigue a guy. Even if you think he's the one, you shouldn't throw yourself at him, tell him how sexy he is, or constantly compliment him. Most guys like to give it their all; if you want him to think you're worth it, show him that the hunt never ends. Plus, many happily married couples say the key to their love is that the hunt never stops; If you want to intrigue a guy, you shouldn't put everything out there in the first five minutes.

    Don't tell him everything about yourself. If you want to intrigue a guy, you can't let him think he knows everything about you after the first conversation. Show him your creative side by talking to him about your poems, and then show him your knowledge of sports by giving him your opinion on who will win the World Cup the next time you meet. Don't tell him your background; let him know that you spent six months in India or were born in Alaska over time, not because you shared every detail of your life with him.

    Leave him to languish in anticipation. If you want to intrigue a guy, then you should leave as soon as things get better. Don't let a great conversation devolve into a discussion about your grandmother's skin fungus; when you feel like everything is going well, tell him it was nice chatting and that you need to leave. Don't be harsh if it doesn't make sense in context or might seem rude; but if you're in the hallway, for example, don't talk to him until the bell rings and you'll be late for class. Exchange a few phrases to make him want to continue the conversation, and wave him goodbye.

    Part 2

    Intriguing qualities
    1. Be independent. Men are intrigued by women who know what they want and do their own thing. If a guy thinks that you are the type of girl who will cling to him and want to do everything together, he may become overwhelmed with emotions and become afraid. Instead, show him that you have your own interests, friends, and goals and that you want to do your favorite activities with or without him.

      Be playful. Don't be too serious from the start. Remember, if a guy likes you, chances are he's already imagined going out with you, so you need to be fun, easy-going, and able to have a dynamic, engaging conversation when you're together. Don't nag him or start long, meaningless conversations or show him your bad mood. Be fun, don't take yourself too seriously, and tease the guy a little if he likes it. He will be intrigued by your ability to enjoy life and have a great time.

      Be happy. Men are intrigued by strong, confident women who are comfortable in their own skin. There is no need to make him think that you are insecure and want to fill the void in your life by dating him, otherwise he will feel a lot of pressure to be around you. Instead, show him that you like the way you look, that you love what you do, and that you enjoy the people around you in your life. If you are already happy, then he will most likely be happy with you too.

      Be unpredictable. If you don't want a guy to think he can read you like an open book. Surprise him. Go on an unplanned trip. Make a wheel. Show off your perfect French in the middle of a conversation about Paris. Show him that he can expect anything from you, and you will always be able to interest him. Change your outfits and hairstyles, and don’t let him get used to your image.

      Be impressive. Show him that you are an accomplished, amazing woman. Stand out for something, your achievements in sports or success in your career. Help at a homeless shelter. Make decorations. Do something unique and impressive because you enjoy it and show him what you can do. We're not saying you should do something just to impress the guy you're putting on the show for. Show him that you're talented, hardworking, and amazing, and you'll intrigue him even more.

    • Don't be superficial or moody. Guys are annoyed, even angry, by girls like this. Always smile and be friendly. This will make you even more mysterious.
    • Is there a special event coming up in your life? Is it a birthday, a hike, a movie you've been waiting for coming out, or your favorite restaurant opening near your home? Mention it casually before the event, but don't tell him it's coming. Then, invite him the day before the holiday! He will be pleased that you invited him.
    • Don't overdo it, ignore him or push him away. To get someone to be truly interested in you, you need to give them half the information and make them beg you to tell you the rest.


    • However, don't be too mysterious. He might think you're emo, weird, or hiding something. Be interesting, not mysterious.
    • Don't hesitate to give him your number. 9 times out of 10, he'll think he's not interested in you or get upset when he finds out you're playing with him. If a guy is so "intrigued" by you that he asks for your number, please him. So HE will have to call YOU to ask you out.
    • Be careful when trying to avoid going into too much detail. If a guy asks you what kind of music you like and you say, “I like rock...” and about food, “I like Italian food...” and then, “I like ballet shoes... I like ice cream... I love animals...” , you may seem extremely boring. Change it. Mention that you like chocolate ice cream or that dolphins are your favorite animal. Don't make him think you don't have an opinion of your own.
    • Mystery may or may not help you get a guy. It all depends on his character. Get to know him a little before you try this to decide if these techniques will work for him.

First steps to interest a girl

It's no secret that many guys are in no hurry to take the initiative and meet girls first. The reason for this is that they are afraid of rejection, are not confident in their strength (beauty, courage - choose what you need), and have no experience in communication. And some people think that getting a girl interested is an impossible task, comparable to annual report or conquering mountain peaks.

And girls are unpredictable creatures, capricious and incomprehensible to male logic. Either they show interest when meeting you, or they openly ignore you and don’t look at your side. And it is impossible to predict whether you will be able to make a lasting impression on the beauty, whether you will achieve her favor.

So how can you attract the attention of an unfamiliar girl? How to build a dialogue correctly in order to achieve success and invite the girl you like to the cinema? To do this realistically, the main thing is to understand the psychology of the female soul and remember a few simple rules of behavior for a real man and seducer.

Important points in human psychology

Many people know the phrase that we are not a hundred-dollar piece of paper to please everyone. And they perceive her as normal until the conversation turns specifically to you and your unsuccessful attempts to make acquaintances and interest a girl. But still, this judgment needs to be carefully thought through and accepted so as not to experience a feeling of shame or grief from the fact that all your attempts to meet a young woman were in vain.

And further important point— you don’t have to like a stranger to interest her. You need to make her think about you, intrigue her, hook her - this is what you can do to earn sympathy in the future and build a good relationship.

How can you interest a girl when meeting her?

It is impossible to give one clear answer to such a question, because all young girls are different, they have different perceptions of the world, principles and desires.

However, we can highlight several main criteria that arouse the interest of an unfamiliar woman:

  • no matter how trivial it may be, our psychology is such that we pay attention to the appearance of the opposite sex. Clothes, hairstyle, body structure, shocking details and accessories, snow-white teeth, beautiful and well-groomed hands or hair can arouse interest;
  • intelligence, erudition, ability to behave in company, knowledge of how to properly care for a girl. Many young women consider intelligence to be the sexiest thing in a man;
  • communication skills. Another truth comes into play here: the fair sex loves with its ears. If you know how to tell stories beautifully and emotionally, have a good voice, and construct sentences competently and correctly, then getting a girl interested will not be a problem for you;
  • social status. There are strangers for whom your social status and social circle, opportunities and place of work are important;
  • money is not the final touch to a portrait successful man. And often important nuance is the ability to independently earn and invest them, and not their quantity;
  • competition among women. If a crowd of enthusiastic admirers and beautiful admirers is following you, then female interest is triggered, what is there in this stranger that attracts girls, the need to independently check all the enthusiastic reviews heard and form your own opinion;
  • the power with which you are endowed is another important point that can arouse interest and allow you to get acquainted with many lovely creatures;
  • the presence of some secret or intrigue that must be revealed and understood.

As you can see, there are many ways to attract the attention of a stranger, some of them are quite simple and accessible. The main thing is to choose the right partner for acquaintance and communication and to advantageously present your advantages.

How to interest a girl by correspondence?

Online dating and communication are gaining popularity because they are very accessible and easy. Without leaving home, you can find many friends and comrades, fellow interests, start a romantic relationship, or, which happens quite often, find a soul mate and start a family.

That is why more and more guys are looking for answers to the questions of what to write to a girl in order to please her or interest her, what is the psychology of women during virtual dating, how can you win the heart of a stranger on the Internet?

Indeed, all this is possible, and if you remember a few simple and useful rules, then everything will turn out quite simple:

  • Before you think about how you can surprise a stranger, you should check your page on social networks or your profile on a dating site and remove all unnecessary information, candid photos or other information that may make you blush. 99% of women, having received a message from a guy, will go to his account and look at photos and videos, read comments and immediately make a first impression;
  • to understand how to interest a girl by correspondence, visit her page, find out about her hobbies and passions, look at the photo to find out how to write a message to get an answer;
  • think about what your greeting and first phrase will be. Don’t write trivial questions, be original and unpredictable, confident and bold;
  • do not immediately express your sympathy, show restrained interest, keep a distance between messages in order to tickle your nerves and prolong the pleasure of communication;
  • do not use profanity or insults, watch for mistakes and correct sentence structure so that each phrase pleases the eye of the beauty you like.

What question to interest a girl?

In order for the correspondence not to end on the very first phrase, you need to know what question to ask the girl in order to interest her, and even better, intrigue her, what questions can be used to gain her favor.

First of all, questions should be detailed and should not anticipate a “yes” or “no” answer. They should force you to write an answer and ask your questions, awakening them to dialogue and further communication. It immediately becomes clear that the phrase “Hello. How are you?" will not evoke pleasant emotions, and its author may be ignored.

There are two options for questions that may interest you:

  • questions about the girl herself, her interests, what has to do with her. Be that as it may, everyone is pleased when they are paid attention to, asked about important things and events;
  • the second option is to ask for help or offer to take part in some event, giveaway or competition in the real or virtual world. Even if the stranger refuses, she will somehow react to the proposal and ask questions about the conditions, place and time of its holding, which will contribute to the development of closer relationships.

In addition, experienced seducers have a stock of non-standard questions that provoke young and beautiful women for dialogue, arouse interest and a desire to communicate further. For example: “How will you spend a million dollars?”, “What will happen if all the flowers on earth disappear?”, “What would you change in the structure of the world if you had such an opportunity?” - such messages can provoke a dialogue even among the most closed and silent princesses, to whom it is very difficult to find the key.

How to interest a girl in a conversation?

The first stage has been completed, the girl responded to your message or supported the dialogue on the street, but now the question arises - how to interest a girl in a conversation and prevent her from running away after a few minutes?

Here are some tips for all occasions:

  • be open, smile more and act at ease in dialogue;
  • if you don’t know what conversations to interest, then talk about your hobbies, trips and travels, share your plans for the future;
  • use simple and understandable words;
  • be confident in yourself and your attractiveness, let your interlocutor feel it;
  • joke, tell me funny stories and give good mood, this will certainly interest the stranger you like.

1. Be genuinely interested in other people.

If we try to impress people and interest them in us, we will never have many real, sincere friends. Friends, true friends are not made this way.

You can make more friends in two months by being interested in other people than you could in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.

The man who is not interested in his fellow men experiences the greatest difficulties in life and causes the greatest harm to those around him. It is among such people that losers appear.

If we want to win friends, let's try our best to do something for others - something that requires time, energy, selflessness and caring.

2.A simple way to make a good impression.


You must experience joy in communicating with people if you want people to experience joy in communicating with you. Instead of judging, express approval and praise.

Before entering someone's office, always stop for a moment and think about those few things for which you should be grateful to fate, and a wide, genuine smile will appear on your face, and when you enter the room, your face still retains traces of this smile .

Mentally draw in front of you a portrait of the gifted, serious, successful person you would like to be, and hour by hour your thoughts will turn you into such a person.

3. Remember that a person's name is the sweetest and most important sound for him in any language.

The average person is more interested in his own name than any other names in the entire world combined. By remembering this name and using it casually, you are giving such a person a subtle and very effective compliment. But if you forget his name or spell it wrong, you put yourself at a serious disadvantage.

4.Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves.

Great people say that they prefer good listeners to good speakers, but the ability to listen is much rarer than almost any other skill. good quality. Often a person just needs a friendly, sympathetic listener to whom he can pour out his soul.

An ardent brawler and even the harshest critic will often soften in the presence of a patient, sympathetic listener, a listener who will remain silent while the angry accuser swells like a king cobra and spews out the poison accumulated in the soul.

To be interesting, you need to be interested. Ask questions that the other person will enjoy answering. Encourage him to talk about himself and his achievements.

Remember that the person you are talking to is a hundred times more interested in himself, his needs and his problems than you and your problems. His toothache is more important to him than the famine in China, from which a million people die.

5.How to interest people?

Whenever Roosevelt expected a visitor, he would sit late into the night the night before, reading materials on a subject that he knew would particularly interest the guest. For he knew that the surest way to a person’s heart is to talk with him about what he values ​​above all else, what arouses his enthusiasm.

Talk about what interests the person you are talking to. This puts people at ease from the very beginning of the conversation.

6.How to immediately win people's favor?

There is one most important law of human behavior. By obeying this law, we almost never get into trouble. In fact, this law, if followed, brings us countless friends and lasting happiness. This law is this: always instill in your interlocutor an awareness of his significance.

You want approval from those you interact with. You want recognition of genuine merit. You want to realize that you are important in your little world.

We all want this.

Therefore, we need to follow the golden rule and give others what we would like to receive from them. Anytime and anywhere.

The truth is that almost every person you meet considers himself superior to you in some way, and you will find the right way to his heart if you subtly let him know that you recognize the important role he plays in his little world, and acknowledge it sincerely.