Basic shoe wardrobe. How many pairs of shoes should each girl have? A funky pair of high-heeled shoes or sandals

Probably, many of us are familiar with the feeling when, having entered a shoe store, it is difficult to resist buying a brand new pair of shoes. And as a result, a whole warehouse of shoes, sandals or boots accumulates in the wardrobe.

Shoes are the weakness of almost any fashionista. It can create a woman’s mood, give a feeling of self-confidence, and even become a weapon for seducing men.
So, how many pairs of shoes does a woman need to be completely happy?

One pair more than she already has!

But, seriously speaking, it is of course impossible to answer this question unambiguously.El Temposuggests calculating the minimum number of pairs needed for four seasons in order to feel comfortable and confident.

1.Summer shoes - sandals, flip-flops or mules. At least two pairs - one practical with low heels or without it, for every day, the second - so to speak, ceremonial, for going out. Don't forget about beach shoes, for example, flip-flops.

2. Shoes. The situation with shoes is the same; at least two pairs are needed.

3. Sneakers. It doesn’t matter whether you play sports or not, you still need at least one pair of sports shoes. Nature hikes, barbecues, etc. leisure takes place in the life of almost every woman.

4. Demi-season shoes. Minimum quantity is three pairs. Again, some comfortable ones, with low heels, for every day. The second, so to speak, for the soul or for the exit. They can also be used as spare ones if the first ones, say, get wet. And, of course, one pair of rubber boots, you don’t want to ruin your favorite leather ones by splashing through puddles. In addition, rubber models are not only practical, but also quite fashionable and beautiful.

5. Winter shoes. Since the weather is quite changeable in winter, you need at least three pairs of shoes so as not to put your health at risk. A pair beautiful boots in heels for walking in dry weather. The second is all-terrain, with a wedge heel or a small stable heel for hiking in snow or ice. And the third pair are UGG boots or felt boots for severe frosts.

6. If you do dance or any sport, add another pair of shoes that you use for this.

As a result, we have that the minimum number of shoes that we simply need for 4 seasons is twelve to thirteen pairs. And not a couple less! Any more!

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It is difficult to find an answer to a seemingly simple question: how many pairs of shoes does a woman need to feel happy? Maybe you know how many shoes are needed for simple female happiness? We offer our answer: “One more pair than there were today,” however, this answer is only suitable for wealthy ladies who can purchase a variety of fashionable models.

What can other women do who cannot boast of an unlimited budget? After all, happiness is when you have in your wardrobe a beautiful couple shoes Coco Chanel once said that “if a woman has legs on her beautiful shoes, which means she is dressed in beautiful clothes.” This saying is echoed by most designers, assuring that even when wearing a simple business suit, a woman will look extravagant and desirable, especially if her legs are dressed in a stylish pair of shoes. The majority of ratings also speak about this, indicating that 10 pairs of shoes are enough for a woman to be happy. So we can give an approximate answer that happiness is when a woman has shoes for all occasions.

Ballet shoes. Perhaps they are rightfully considered the most comfortable and soft slippers with flat soles - an excellent option for wearing every day. In such shoes you can walk freely, go to school or work, go out into the countryside or go to the movies. Your legs will feel great and you won't feel uncomfortable. They are also ideal for jeans, skirts, dresses, shorts, sundresses.

Classic black shoes. This is an ideal option when you need to create a sophisticated look, or a dress code has been introduced at work. Black shoes are a timeless classic, perfect for most events and appropriate for most outfits, so a pair of these shoes should be in every woman's wardrobe, especially when you don't have the opportunity to purchase many pairs of shoes.

Open flat sandals. These shoes are indispensable in summer; lightweight sandals allow the skin to breathe and do not put strain on the calf muscles. In order to avoid contradictions and inconsistencies with clothing, give preference to soft, calm colors and natural materials. Sandals are perfect for any summer outfit.

Tennis shoes (moccasins). Such shoes will be a godsend for women who prefer an active lifestyle and sports. This is also a great option for girls who prefer a sporty style of clothing, love comfort and long walks in the fresh air.

Evening shoes with high heels. Wealthy women prefer to buy them for every Evening Dress, but not everyone has such a budget. So, when choosing dressy shoes, take a close look at your wardrobe to choose the right design and color. A neutral color would be a unique solution, and rhinestones would be perfect as decoration.

Platform sandals. These shoes will be needed by women who always want to stay “on top” but feel maximum comfort from walking, and not pain in the calf muscles. Platform sandals are really that good, especially in hot weather. Regarding clothes, there are both ready-made images and a platform for your own experiments.

Demi-season boots. Universal shoes are a must-have in any woman's wardrobe, preferably in several pairs, since their shape and design vary greatly. There are boots with both high heels and low heels. Both high boots and models with low tops are popular. Every woman can choose without any problems suitable model, the main thing is that the boots are dry and comfortable. When choosing, always focus on the quality of the material.

Winter boots. As in the previous case, there are a lot of different models, so you should choose based on your taste and financial capabilities. It is extremely important that the shoes give your feet comfort and warmth, and the design and color can be chosen to match the most frequently worn outerwear.

Rubber boots. If when you hear the phrase “rubber boots” and shapeless rubber galoshes appear in front of you, then you have fallen out of the fashion world. Modern rubber boots are stylish shoes, which is perfect for wearing in bad weather. Fashion designers showed creativity and created truly unique and elegant shoes that are perfect for short shorts, jeans and skirts.

Fashionable shoes or sandals this season. Every woman should have at least one pair of shoes in which she will feel like a princess at the ball, without this it is impossible.

Imelda Marcos has it in her best years there were more than three thousand pairs of shoes. Queen Elizabeth II makes do with about ten pairs for all occasions, and replaces worn-out shoes with the same ones, only new ones. The average Muscovite wears about 18-20 pairs of shoes. American women have a little more shoes - 25 pairs.
At my house, from time to time there is a small skirmish with my family about the number of my shoes, boots, sandals and sneakers - because they do not have enough space, and I desperately need a few more. And they tell me - you haven’t worn out your skates yet, you already have them!
Women's magazines and style gurus publish from year to year, with minor changes, advice on the “basic shoe wardrobe” - casual shoes, dressy shoes, winter boots, autumn boots... But following all these valuable recommendations, who hasn’t found themselves in annoying bewilderment in front of an open There’s so much stuff in the closet, but nothing to wear. Doesn't match. Or not according to the weather. Or uncomfortable. Or bored to death.
I will take the liberty to say that there is no such thing as basic wardrobe shoes, it is not suitable for everyone, even those living in the same climate, even within the same city.
Here is a seemingly simple basic concept - casual shoes.

For example, over the past six months, I have worn shoes exactly twice - and these were not everyday shoes, but even dressy shoes for special events. And the rest of the days I wore boots, boots, sneakers, sandals, slippers - anything except everyday shoes, which I generally don’t have since I stopped working in the office and had to wear business clothes.
When I lived in Moscow, I had up to five pairs of winter boots (with fur) in use at the same time, but now I have only one, and that one is only for trips to Russia.
But the number of demi-season shoes, all kinds of shoes and boots has increased significantly, and almost all of them are worn, and more than once a season.
I base my system of necessary footwear on the fact that shoes are the basis of a wardrobe in general, its beginning and skeleton, to which everything else is fitted, taking into account the climate, type of occupation and lifestyle.
Where I live and what I do determines the extent and necessity of my mobility - do I need to travel somewhere every day? By public transport or by car? In the heat or in the cold? Or maybe I need to change several activities during the day, and each of them requires different shoes? And there are many more details that you should remember when buying the next basic shoes, which may be good, but I don’t need them at all, at least for the next two years. Or never at all, everyone decides for themselves.
I'm not at all against buying shoes for the reason "they're pretty"! I can buy it myself (and I do, it’s such a sin). But at the same time, it would be good to be aware that this is not a practical purchase of a necessary thing, but a tribute to your hobby. If you have enough money and space, there is nothing criminal about it.
If you still want to somehow combine passion with practicality, then I would recommend the following exercises:

1. Over the last year, analyze where you generally go and where and with what frequency you go (unless, of course, you are going to radically change your life in the near future). Make a list. Think about what shoes you wore to each of these places, whether those shoes were appropriate, appropriate, and comfortable, and how much each pair cost. It would be nice to also calculate how much your active shoe wardrobe costs. From these shoes, you should subtract what has become unusable and requires replacement (notice how long each pair was worn? Are there any that lasted more than three years or less than one season?)

2. Remember (or better yet, pull out for clarity) all the shoes that you did not wear, or wore only once. Or two. And you’re not going to do it anymore - and remember why. This part of the wardrobe can also be appreciated, but it is advisable to also think about where it can be attached, otherwise it’s very annoying - I want to buy red shoes, but I already have red shoes, but I can’t wear these red shoes, but still less, they exist!
There is none of them. Part with red shoes that are too small for you, or that have already outlived their useful life, or that you simply don’t like. They can be sold, donated, given away, or simply thrown away, but there is no need to keep them any longer. There is no need to store unwearable shoes in the hope that you will lose weight, gain weight, fashion will return, or grandma gave it to you. Although I would probably keep my grandmother’s - it’s not for wearing, it’s about something else.

3. Budget for shoes. Pragmatically and practically estimate how many pairs you need each season and how many you can afford. It’s good when these results coincide; if not, it’s better to reduce the quantity without losing quality (this is a banality, but there’s nothing new to come up with here).

4. Now you can plan. I would highly recommend spending the maximum amount that is acceptable to you on what you wear most often - if your lifestyle is office-based, then on those same “everyday shoes”, if you run cross-country every day for most of the day - on sports shoes with shock-absorbing soles, if you live in the middle of permafrost - on boots with fur. To each his own. What you keep your feet in most of the time determines your well-being, performance, functionality and fit in this world. Honestly, if you go to a concert or theater once a year, why do you need suede pumps for five hundred? You can perfectly get by with something simpler, without a well-known name and quality guarantee, as long as the size fits. Again, if it’s enough for everything, I’m all for it.

5. Well, and probably the most obvious thing is not to buy shoes without connection with clothes. That is, it is generally advisable to buy in so-called “capsules” - tops and bottoms and shoes at once, and it would be nice to also have a bag and jewelry, and for everything to go with everything else, but that usually doesn’t work out that way.
Therefore, if everything is already good with your clothes, then you need to select shoes directly to match your existing suits or jeans, preferably even in their presence (this is why I love online shopping so much, you can’t bring a closet to the store), and if the clothes also require revision , then we always start with shoes, and then we select clothes to go with them, at least mentally. On the contrary, it seems to me that it is less productive - good shoes It's harder to choose :).

Easy walking for you!

Concerns shoes. How many and what kind of shoes should a modern girl have in her wardrobe so that everything fits together and there is always something to wear - this is, of course, an interesting question :-)

And very personal. We are all different. And you won’t find two identical wardrobes. This means that we need different shoes. Suitable for your lifestyle, tastes and preferences, as well as your chosen clothing style.

What shoes should a woman have in her wardrobe?

But, of course, there are some guidelines. And to many modern girls The shoes listed below will come in handy in your wardrobe. She is the one who will help you create stylish looks for every day with any clothes.

Therefore, before you buy another ankle boots or ballet flats, check if you have the right loafers or brogues? :)

So, let's see which of these are already in your shoe wardrobe, and which will end up on your shopping list?

Shoes for your basic wardrobe


Beige or black? Green or red? Color fade or leopard print? It's up to you to decide!

On the one hand, it took many years for our girls to understand why beige shoes are needed. On the other hand, since everyone got them, they have thoroughly rubbed their eyes and have become an element of corporate uniform in many offices.

Yes classic, yes basic. But in places it is so boring, hackneyed and hackneyed that I would like to advise you to move on and not buy the 10th pair of nude pumps. And pay attention to fashionable shoes including.


Every girl has outdoor slippers in her wardrobe. The main thing is to make sure that your ballet shoes do not have lush bows or hopelessly outdated buckles and flowers.


The most real slippers! The hearts of fashionistas are broken by them once and for all; they never part with them either in winter or in summer. What do you think about these shoes? Horror-horror or “give me two”?


Slip-ons are lightweight sneakers without laces with rubber soles. Admit it, how many of them do you have in your wardrobe? Slip-ons have confidently replaced sneakers, ballet flats and sneakers! We will wear them in winter too! After all, there are slip-ons with fur :)))


Lately this has been the most home shoes in the wardrobe of fashionistas. In summer, wear them barefoot. And in the fall and spring - with thick socks!


Shoes with orthopedic insole, reminiscent of sandals with wide soles. How did we live without them before?!


Home shoes for the cold season! Stylish, comfortable, slightly brutal and very practical!


There are many scary stories and rumors about these shoes. The most important thing is that she cuts her leg. Have you heard this too?

This is all nonsense. Yes, of course, not all ankle boots are equally useful, but you need to choose the height of your shoes based on the length and proportionality of your legs.


The rainy season always dictates its own conditions, so one pair will definitely not be superfluous!


Comfort is our everything! I can’t imagine how we ever managed without sports shoes in our urban wardrobe. If you still can’t imagine life without heels, read this.


Many girls appreciated the beauty of these shoes. Loafers are just as versatile as ballet flats and look so much cooler!


If you think that these shoes can only be worn with trousers, then you are mistaken.

Wear them with dresses and skirts! And how stylish brogues look with colored tights, mmmm...


First of all, it's beautiful! Secondly, it’s warm :-)


The sexiest shoes since sandals! The main thing is not to overdo it, of course! And there definitely should be basic boots! What and how to wear them, read.

And now, girls, I suggest you audit your shoe wardrobe! And see what is there and what is missing.

And to create the perfect basic wardrobe and learn how to buy things and accessories that suit you personally and match each other, come to the Shopping School :-) This knowledge is an excellent investment in the style, wardrobe and self-esteem of every girl. And this is also a real insurance against unsuccessful spending, purchases and disappointments.

No matter how much has been said about women's obsession buy all the shoes in the world, the fact still remains: yes, there really is an absolute minimum number of pairs of shoes in our wardrobe for all four seasons. Anything more is more likely to belong to our whims, since men like to think so.

Classic ballet flats and mid-heeled pumps – in dark and light shades

What any professional shopper and stylist will tell you right away is that in the basic sector women's wardrobe classic ballet flats and mid-heeled pumps are a must. The shoes are comfortable, versatile, and easy to combine. Depending on the weather, time of year and the shade of a woman’s outfit, sometimes black shoes cannot be worn with everything, just like beige ones. Therefore, these two pairs should be available in dark and light color variations. In the end, it’s better to wear black ballet flats with black thick tights – beige ones won’t be able to kill all the birds with one stone.

For a complete set you need four pairs of demi-season shoes

With boots and ankle boots the situation is exactly the same as with ballet flats and pumps: four pairs under different clothes, weather and colors. WITH high boots It’s impossible to put on trousers – and this is where ankle boots come to the rescue. Favorites suede boots There is no way to wear them in rain and slush - an alternative would be a pair of smooth black leather. In a word, no matter how you look at it, it still turns out that for a complete set you need four pairs of demi-season shoes.

As practice shows, you will need one of these pairs at least twice throughout the winter.

In bad weather and especially during our unstable Ukrainian winters must have warm shoes(felt boots), very, very warm shoes (lunar rovers), warm waterproof shoes (something like Rubber Duck) and a pair of rubber boots for damp days a nasty thaw in the middle of January, for example. As practice shows, you will need one of these pairs at least twice throughout the winter. When the first frosts hit, felt boots will return the feeling of comfort; at unexpected minus twenty-five, the only way to escape is by lunar rovers; As a plus on the thermometer, after a snowfall you need to put on something very warm and at the same time waterproof, but closer to spring you can’t do without rubber boots. In European winters without frost and slush, we can only sigh.

Women love wedge heels very much - they are comfortable and beautiful, and nothing can interrupt these arguments

We move on to the opposite hot period from May to September. We need one pair of sandals with comfortable heels and one pair of wedges. Men, remember - we really love wedge heels, which allow us to become 15 centimeters taller and at the same time do not cripple our already long-suffering feet. It’s convenient and beautiful - nothing can interrupt these arguments. As opposed to tiptoe shoes, we need a pair of sandals flat sole and, of course, a couple beach shoes. This constitutes our summer minimum. But there is one big BUT: in summer you can go wild with your wardrobe like no other weather period, and the same pair of sandals does not always fit with every dress, sundress, skirt, overalls and shorts. We draw logical conclusions.

When looking at cute sneakers, be honest about your love for sports.

In addition to all of the above, we need sports shoes. Here it is worthwhile to reasonably and honestly assess your degree of love for an active lifestyle: if you cannot do without a morning jog or gym, you can't do without sneakers. But for those women who prefer sports only as a style of clothing, it’s no sin to treat yourself to wedge sneakers or just a pair of bright “Converse”, in which you can play badminton a couple of times a season and go on a picnic.