How to quickly and inexpensively organize the best graduation party. The best places to celebrate your graduation How to celebrate your graduation

Graduation party is a significant day in the life of every student. Childhood is left behind, and adulthood and an unknown future lie ahead. The end of school life must be celebrated so that there is something to remember later. Where to celebrate graduation? What places should you choose to get a lot of impressions and unforgettable emotions? The following places are very popular:

Recreation center

After receiving a school certificate, taking hundreds of memorable photographs and drinking the first glass of champagne for a happy future, you want to change into comfortable clothes and relax a little. A recreation center is the best place for this. It is necessary to order a minibus in advance, which will take everyone to their destination. Here, graduates and their parents will have barbecue grills, a disco and a festive table with treats. The hall is usually decorated by the guests. To do this, you can choose some interesting style. For example, Hawaiian, pirate, cowboy, fairy tale, etc.

Costume party

Do you want to see the class teacher in a fox costume, and the school principal in a Superman costume? Then organize a costume party. You can organize it at your home school. However, the venue prom in this case it doesn’t matter at all, the main thing is to choose interesting costumes. It is advisable to stick to one topic, but this is not at all necessary. Costumes can be purchased in a store, ordered from a studio, or made with your own hands.


Gatherings by the fire with your favorite classmates Gatherings by the fire with funny songs, jokes, games and sincere conversations - what could be better? The whole class can meet the dawn, which will become a symbol of adulthood. Go outdoors immediately after receiving your certificates. Be sure to bring comfortable clothes and warm blankets, because it is quite cold in the forest in the evening. Of course, you will need to think about it holiday menu, set the table. No one can do without this prom. This is a fairly economical option; you don’t need to spend money on renting a hall, toastmaster, etc. All you need is tents and a fun company.

On a boat

Graduation on the ship will be an unforgettable event in your life. Meeting the first dawn of adult life will happen in a very exotic way. On board it is necessary to organize a disco, games, competitions, a buffet table, festive fireworks, and a light show. If finances allow, you can also order a hot air balloon, on which everyone can take turns taking to the sky.


A castle is not a cheap, but memorable option

Long gone are the days of gilded armor, silk crinolines, romanticism and chivalry, but if you want to plunge into them again, try organizing a prom in an ancient castle. Finding a suitable location is not very difficult, but costumes may be difficult. Renting themed costumes will not be cheap. If the issue of finances is acute, you can limit yourself to some attributes that will decorate the room.

In the limousine

"Prom" limousine

This is an original and unusual place to celebrate a graduation banquet. However, such a holiday will be remembered for a long time. The cost of the party will depend on the rental of a limousine, the duration of the event, a photo shoot, and a festive menu.

Ice rink

Graduates will have an ice arena, skates, a cozy cafe and pleasant music at their disposal. Instead of festive outfits- costumes for figure skating, and instead of uncomfortable shoes - skates. If you play with the idea correctly, the prom night will turn into a real fairy tale. The class teacher can be dressed up in a suit Snow Queen, and the director and head teacher - in costumes of snowflakes or ice floes. Before prom night It’s better to take a few lessons from professionals to avoid injury.

On the tram

Renting a tram for a few hours is not as difficult as it once was. This is a great place to celebrate graduation. The biggest plus is the availability large quantity places You can place several narrow tables in the middle, and decorate the interior balloons and themed posters. You can bring musical equipment with you, because what is a holiday without music? Riding around the city at night with a fun company - what could be better?

A few more ideas on how to celebrate graduation

  • Rent a villa with a pool outside the city and organize a beach party. Not the cheapest option, but kids will love it.
  • Live quest. Not a very traditional way to celebrate prom, but kids just love it!
  • Night club. Young people are very fond of discos and noisy parties, so they will certainly like this option.

If the graduation party is organized competently, taking into account all the wishes of the graduates, then it will be remembered for a long time. The heroes of the occasion will tell about it not only to their children, but also to their grandchildren!

Video: Prom in the style of “Chicago”

Graduation parties in kindergartens and schools have long become an indispensable ritual for children and their parents. A wonderful stage of transition from one age group in another, more adult, they are always celebrated brightly, effectively, significantly.

Unfortunately, these proms are held differently in different economic categories of the population of our country. First of all, of course, this is due to the budgets that parents and partly the educational institutions themselves invest in this holiday.

It is no secret that the market is divided into segments, and in organizing proms it has its own distinctive features in different segments.

Sergey Knyazev, organizer of corporate and private events, comments:

Budgets in the “economy” segment, as a rule, amount to no more than 1,500 - 3,000 rubles per graduate. In the “business” segment, budgets range from 3,000 to 15,000 rubles for everyone who will celebrate their graduation. In the “premium” segment, graduates spend from 15,000 rubles to 50,000 and more.

It should be noted that the 2015 proms will, for the most part, be more modest than in the two previous years.

In the “economy” segment, budgets have fallen the most, which are now close to the lower limit of 1,500 rubles per graduate.

In the business segment, budgets are also being cut, but only in terms of inviting pop stars to prom programs.

There are almost no changes in the premium segment.

The location of the prom, as a rule, is a vivid illustration of the state of affairs in this category of national holidays. Many graduation balls in the “economy” segment are traditionally celebrated in the school assembly hall, where only the formal part takes place, and after that schoolchildren are provided with buses to travel around the city and continue the celebration with walks and photo sessions in parks, in places of national glory (at monuments), and sometimes on motor ships along the river.

In the “premium” segment, the tables are an example of haute cuisine, which is often prepared by a Michelin-starred chef.

In the “business” segment, after the formal part at school, graduates go to a photo shoot at monuments of glory or to viewpoints of the city, and then to restaurants or banquet ships (restaurant ships), where teachers and parents are waiting for them with a prepared program for a magnificent ball. Restaurants and banquet halls for proms in this segment, they are chosen with an emphasis on the status and prestige of the place or brand of the institution.

In the “premium” segment, the most expensive and most private venues are most often chosen for the prom. Often these are countryside boarding houses, yacht clubs or restored ancient estates with luxurious infrastructure.

Refreshment at proms characterizes this or that segment more than anything else. So, for example, in the “economy” segment it either comes down to snacks in small lunch boxes, which are given to graduates on the way from school to places of outdoor celebrations, or to a minimal buffet table after the formal part in schools.

Tables in the “business” segment are served in a completely different way, where the banquet includes all the traditional components - from cold appetizers to an elegant birthday cake.

In the “premium” segment, the tables are an example of haute cuisine, which is often prepared by a Michelin-starred chef. The cake here is always fantastically large and masterfully beautiful.

Alcoholic drinks at proms are universally for adults (teachers and parents) only. The exception is a small amount of champagne for high school graduates. Of course, sparkling wine brands are different in different segments.

At all graduation parties, they try to prepare an art program for the formal part and the informal part. However, in most schools in the country, this program is prepared by school amateur performances, using the numbers of talented schoolchildren and teachers. Only in the “business” and “premium” segments is the art program worthy of eclipsing the best television shows and concerts organized on significant days for the country. Despite the fact that this year they are refusing to perform at balls of pop stars, a huge number of professional artists are involved in bright thematic or classical show programs for graduates. For example, in several private colleges, graduates are prepared for Balls in the style of Natasha Rostova - with candelabra, butlers in historical costumes, a live symphony orchestra and other attributes of that romantic era. In several more private schools, the Ball will be held in a concept that reflects the educational focus of these schools: “Math Ball”, “Chemical Ball”, “Diplomatic Ball”. And in one elite kindergarten For little graduates there will be a “Magic Ball” based on the book about Harry Potter.

Egor Dobrogorsky, organizer of corporate events, comments:

Any event, be it corporate or private, can be held without the participation of celebrity guests. Stars can be invited to a brand presentation or opening ceremony, where the status of the event is raised with the help of media people.

As a rule, the prom is organized by the parents, and not everyone is ready to pay a tidy sum for a half-hour performance by a youth idol. Last year, the favorite at all graduations was the singer Nyusha, this year Konstantin Meladze’s project MBAND, the group IOWA.

First of all, the graduation party should demonstrate to parents and teachers what their children have learned over 11 years of education. The star guest can be an addition, but in no case should it be the main focus of the holiday. After all, graduation is not a concert. Instead of one star, you can invite several interesting and equally talented musical groups.

Children are a very sensitive audience, so when organizing a prom, it is imperative to maintain a balance of graduates’ interests: musical preferences, hobbies, clothing style, etc. Any correctly selected detail during preparation can significantly affect the outcome of the entire event.

Or you can arrange a graduation in the style of a talent competition, where each of the graduates will perform a creative number: some sing well, others waltz well. An entertaining show program can be filled interesting master classes, thematic competitions, etc.

The event for graduates can be organized in the format of a social reception or a film award ceremony. Red carpet, photographers, competition for the most Nice dress among graduates, a competition for the best dance, choosing the king and queen of the school ball, etc.

The location of the prom depends on the concept of the event. If this is a social reception or a film award, loft venues, exhibition halls, and creative spaces are suitable.

A festive banquet depends both on the budget and on the concept of the event. For a graduation party, it is most appropriate to have a buffet with light snacks. And at the end of the evening, bring out a birthday cake.

Graduation evening in the 11th grade is usually celebrated by everyone: graduates, parents and teachers. There is clearly a lack of new ideas for organizing and holding this significant event and everything takes place according to the traditional program that has been proven over the years: a formal part, a banquet and dancing. What types of celebrations are there, what you need to pay attention to when preparing for the prom, what you shouldn’t forget, and where to find inspiration for new ideas, let’s try to find out in our article.

School format

If the school administration, in accordance with the order of the district leadership, insists on holding the prom entirely within the walls of the educational institution, then the formal part and a banquet with a disco are organized either in the classroom or in the assembly hall.

For the ceremonial part, namely presentation of certificates about the end of school, usually all graduates are invited (this can be several classes), their parents, subject teachers who taught the students, and the school administration and representatives of the district education department are also present on the stage. During the ceremony, each student is invited to the stage, where, to the applause of the audience, he receives a certificate of secondary education from the hands of the director, words of congratulations and gratitude, and parting words from class teachers and parents.

Conducting the official part of the event better rehearse and double-check everything, because a hitch can arise at any moment: the class teacher, out of excitement, cannot find a medal or certificate, the teacher who was supposed to say important words has not yet arrived, the graduates do not know who is giving flowers to whom, the music has been turned on in the wrong place screensaver. Be prepared for the fact that if more than one class is graduating, the process of awarding certificates can be lengthy and quite tedious.

Important nuance : do not forget that for the official part of the graduation it is necessary take care of the bouquets flowers that graduates present to teachers, as well as decorate the hall , where the event will take place. A new trend for fashion shows, presentations and various parties is to be photographed against the background press wall , this is a structure made of chrome-plated pipes on which a large banner is attached. On the banner you can write the school number, city, year of graduation, they take pictures as a souvenir with teachers, parents, the whole class and in splendid isolation. The advantages of such a design are its mobility and presentability, the disadvantages are the production costs. Budget option: use the walls of the assembly hall as a press wall, on which to hang your own inscriptions and photographs.

After the official part it usually starts concert , the development of the script falls on the shoulders of the Deputy Director for educational work or a teacher-organizer, music teachers, class teachers of final classes and talented graduates who will perform on stage in front of classmates and parents are also involved in the work.

There is a talented person in the teaching staff or among the students leading ? This is already half the success, because he will be able to conduct the program in a fun and relaxed manner. The second, and no less important part of a good evening is a cool individual scenario , a successful creative “cabbage”: bright performances from schoolchildren, parents and teachers. Funny jokes, dances and songs, creative performances - on this day graduates will be able to show all their talents, which, perhaps, no one had previously guessed about.

At the end of the concert, children and teachers are invited to banquet , which is traditionally organized by parents of graduates. The format of the treats, their quantity, as well as the amount to be spent on it are discussed in advance at parent meetings . Of course, it is unrealistic to imagine that teenagers spend a holiday sitting at the table and eating cutlets with potatoes, so a light buffet-snack format in this case would be the most successful solution.

Parents can buy food, cut and cover everything themselves, and if the budget allows, you can consider offers from off-site restaurants , in this case there will be much fewer problems for parents: they will offer you a menu, coordinate dishes and accessories. Depending on the amount that parents are willing to spend, the number of services provided by catering companies also varies: in addition to preparing and serving dishes, they can, for example, bring furniture for a party, build a pyramid of champagne glasses, or organize the smooth operation of a chocolate fountain.

Important nuance : sweet for festive table Must be present at prom. Pay attention not only to appearance cakes, although this is important, but also on their freshness, because in summer period Products with creamy layers can quickly spoil. Small cupcakes with sweet layers are an excellent solution for such an event; schoolchildren will not have to struggle with pieces of cake on their plates, and the sweet fillings and icing on the cupcakes will not spoil indoors.

The most important graduation moment for boys and girls is of course disco . And here, too, there are options: the disco will be hosted by the school DJ or you can use the services of an invitee. As a rule, the more experienced the “musical genius” is, the fewer problems with equipment, sound and playlist will arise at the holiday. Be sure to tell the invited DJ the area of ​​the room in which the disco is held and the number of invited people, and also clarify his technical capabilities not only regarding equipment, microphones and speakers, but also regarding lighting solutions. To take into account the musical wishes of graduates, you can conduct a survey in each class in advance and pass this information on to the DJ.

Usually the celebration lasts until the morning, after which fairly tired, but happy (we hope so) graduates gather meet the dawn . Parents also need to prepare this part of the graduation: agree on where exactly this event will take place, how to deliver the children to the place, which adults will be there with them, and also how to deliver the graduates home after a sunny morning.

Important nuance : Clothes for festive evening and dawn morning should be different. If possible, prepare things that the child can change into, offer the child comfortable shoes and a warm jacket that you can throw over your shoulders on a chilly morning.

Away format

Does the school administration mind if graduates spend the holiday in a restaurant or cafe? In this case there will be an official part at school with the presentation of certificates and a concert, and already for a banquet and disco, graduates, parents and teachers will go to the chosen institution.

The choice of a cafe or restaurant also falls on the shoulders of the parents, and deciding on the establishment necessary in advance to reserve the day. This is important because graduation ceremonies are held throughout the city on the same day, so a good, trusted cafe may be occupied by the graduating class of a nearby school.

Due to the fact that in cafes and restaurants payment is made depending on the number of people, then clarify the guest list , will be simply necessary. If all the students in the class go to the restaurant, which is also not always the case, you need to clarify which parents will be present in the restaurant, which teachers you invite, and also do not forget to include a representative of the school administration, a DJ and a photographer on the list.

Speaking of photographer - this is an important person at the prom, because the quality of your memories depends on his skill. In addition to the usual school albums, which are necessarily offered in the vast majority educational institutions, if you wish, you can invite a photographer and videographer who will film your children's graduation party.

A camera in the hands of worried parents is also a good and budget option, but if finances allow and you want to get high-quality photos, choose a professional. Choose proven people, look at their portfolio, collect reviews, use the advice of last year’s graduates. Remember that shooting in semi-darkness at a disco is rarely interesting, so it’s better to demonstrate outfits and hairstyles in first half of the holiday , which means calculate in advance the number of working hours of the photographer.

Check the technical equipment of the invited specialist, because working with various spotlights and reflectors significantly improves the quality of photographs, especially if there is insufficient lighting in the room. A videographer often works in tandem with a photographer and captures the best moments of the holiday, from which they can later make a short film.

You will spend almost the entire night in the chosen establishment, so be sure to check work schedule , and entertainment program , which can support and improve the mood of guests. It is important that the employees of a cafe or restaurant can organize an entertainment program according to the age of the guests, because if on graduation day you hear a restaurant singer whose repertoire includes “Blue Fog” or “Blue Frost”, this is unlikely to please 16-17 year olds .

It’s quite easy to please young music lovers - it’s necessary organize good disco with various special effects. Just a disco ball and a laser may not be enough; now you can rent fog machines and generators soap bubbles, confetti cannons, cold tabletop and floor “fountains” - columns of silver sparks - look great.

You also need to take a break from dancing, and you don’t always want to spend this time at the table. Try to organize a connection with the future, for example, make a video recording during which each graduate will talk about how he sees himself in 10 or 20 years. Give the recording on a shared disk to the class teacher or one of the students in the class, and at the alumni meeting, when everyone has forgotten what they said that day “on air,” this disc will become an unforgettable highlight of the program. Another entertainment option is a comic lottery with original and funny predictions about the future of each graduate. You can sign the pulled out lot to remember who got what and also leave it as a “highlight” for future alumni meetings.

Not like everyone else : It is absolutely not necessary to hold a prom in a traditional format. Celebrate on a boat with a night disco, hold a beach party in an establishment near the water, organize a quest, themed holiday in the style of gangsters or vampires - if children and parents agree with such an unusual format, and you also have a trusted person who will organize the holiday, your graduation will definitely be a bright and unforgettable event.

Place for a celebration

Graduation party: instructions

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Graduation: how to spend it to be remembered?

Graduation: how to spend it to be remembered?

Many events are important for us, but to conduct them in such a way that they are remembered only with positive side, maybe not everyone. One such event is graduation. It is considered the milestone of a person’s growing up, a farewell to childhood and should not leave behind negative memories. To do this, you need to work hard, take into account many little things and believe that the holiday will turn out to be the best.

What questions should be asked at a parent meeting?

Any preparation for graduation begins with this event - and the most important organizational issues should be raised at it. The sooner a parent meeting is held on this issue, the better. It is advisable for everyone to meet in September. Prom Cornerstones:

the place where the entire holiday will take place;
entertainment program and main program;
since this evening should be memorable, it is worth taking care of the photographer and cameraman;
how to get to the venue of the holiday;
what to give to teachers from graduates.
Place for a celebration

Of course, you may have your own ideas for the location of the holiday, but you should not miss proven options:

Restaurant. Always the most popular place. The fact is that in the restaurant you can coordinate the menu, there is a specially equipped place for a DJ, as well as service.
Cafe or bar, night club. If there is no decent restaurant nearby, you can turn to a bar or cafe - they will be a great replacement if, for example, there are few guests, since these establishments usually have small rooms.
School. This option is not preferable, since the school usually does not organize large celebrations - there is no scope. However, this option can be left as a backup, so that in case of unforeseen situations there is a place to hold the event.
If there are any bodies of water within the city, you can try renting a boat. In this case, the prom will be romantic, and a ship may be an ideal option.
How to choose the right program

Eating and drinking, occasionally dancing or admiring dancing couples, is boring and monotonous, and it’s not much different from any other holidays. To make graduation memorable, it needs to be diversified somehow. Therefore, you can choose a theme for the party: for example, you can choose a nautical theme for a ship, or eighteenth-century costumes for a restaurant. Once the theme of the party has been selected, you can develop this idea further and create entertainment, competitions or games.

If you don’t have much experience in creating programs for celebrations, you can contact special agencies that carry them out - they have a portfolio and ready-made scripts in stock.

Parents, of course, will be involved in organizational issues, but do not forget about the children: perhaps there are people in the class who dance, sing well, or have other talents. You can play with this and create something like a “cabbage”.

Graduation party: instructions

Holding a prom is a responsible event, and the people who will be involved in it must approach the matter with full dedication. After all, the holiday will be remembered for the rest of your life.

Graduation is divided into official and unofficial parts; the premises for holding them must be carefully thought out. There should be a place for a large number of people, chairs, a stage. The immediate solution may be an assembly hall.
When choosing a place for the informal part, be sure to take into account the wishes of the graduates. The age difference can lead to misunderstandings and a ruined evening for young people.
The program of congratulations during the official part should be carefully thought out - during the award ceremony, everyone should feel the importance of the event and the moment.
The program for the unofficial part should also be prepared at the same level and at the same time be radically different from the official one. The more relaxed and fun this part is, the better.
Dancing is an important part of the informal evening. Don't forget to invite a DJ and choose a large room. Please note that the music should be liked not only by you, but also by the graduates, so it is better to entrust the compilation of part of the playlist to them.

Parents always think about the question of how to spend a graduation party so that it is remembered for a lifetime? Boring gatherings at the table are already a thing of the past, and no one celebrates this day at school anymore. This has been replaced by a lot of bright ideas that employees are ready to bring to life holiday agency"KiD.Holiday".

We have ready-made ideas and programs at our disposal that guarantee schoolchildren unbridled fun, laughter and smiles. Having celebrated just one celebration with the hosts and animators "KiD.Holiday", you will become our regular customers.

How do modern children celebrate their prom?

The pastime of graduates and graduates will be guaranteed interesting if you include in it:

Quests and competitions;
- games and funny skits;
- entertainment with animators;
- master classes;
- show numbers;
- dancing and karaoke;
- karting;
- fireworks;
- treats and gifts.


By contacting our agency for help, you can be sure that nothing will interfere with the celebration. Incendiary musical accompaniment, chic decoration of the hall, photo and video shooting - all this will make the graduation even brighter.

Still don't know how to celebrate graduation in Moscow? Call our managers and get answers to your questions.