How to draw a forest with a pencil step by step. Summary of an art lesson "At the edge of a fairy-tale forest", step-by-step drawing How to draw a forest with a pencil step by step

Tatiana Bolshakova

Summary of GCD in the middle group “Edge of the winter forest” (drawing)

Target: Development of creative imagination in middle-aged children.


1. To develop children's cognitive interest and sensitivity to the perception of the beauty of the winter landscape.

2. Help to feel the beauty of the winter landscape through music, painting, poetry.

3. Teach children to come up with the composition of a drawing on their own.

4. Enrich children's vocabulary with figurative vocabulary.

5. Learn to draw a winter forest using the “poke” method.

6. To instill in children accuracy when working with paints, the ability to finish what they start.


Reproductions of winter landscapes; album sheets blue or blue color; Gouache (green, black, dark brown, white); Hard and soft brushes; A glass of water; Napkins (paper, wet); music: Chopin “Waltz”, Vivaldi “Winter”

Equipment: computer, projector, screen.

Preliminary work:

Observing winter nature while walking, reading and learning poems about winter, looking at reproductions of paintings, illustrations about winter, listening to music on a winter theme.

Progress of the lesson:

Children sit in a semicircle.

Educator reads an excerpt from I. Surikov’s poem “Winter”:

White snow, fluffy swirling in the air

And he quietly falls to the ground and lies down.

And in the morning the field turned white with snow,

It was as if everything had covered him with a shroud.

The dark forest covered itself with a wonderful cap

And he fell asleep under her soundly, soundly...

God's days are short, the sun shines little,

Now the frosts have arrived - and winter has come.

Questions for children:

What time of year is described in I. Surikov’s poem?

What kind of hat does the dark forest cover with? What is this wonderful hat? (Snow)

What else can you powerfully compare fluffy snow on tree branches to? (With a fur coat, blanket)

Educator: Guys, I suggest you take a short trip into the winter forest. Want to? (children's answers) How will we get into the winter forest? (children's answers) We'll go skiing! (children “put on” skis - exercise “Skiers”) Here we are! (the teacher shows the children the presentation “The winter forest is full of fairy tales and miracles”) It’s time for us to finish our walk and go back (exercise “Skiers”). Here we are back! (children “take off” their skis and sit in a semicircle).

Educator: Guys, did you like it in the winter forest? (children's answers) Guys, which trees are easy to recognize in winter? (Children's answers: Christmas tree, pine tree, green needles).

The teacher offers to draw a winter forest, talks about drawing techniques and techniques

Children to the music of Chopin "Waltz". Then I start working with paints. First, they paint the trunks and branches of trees with a soft brush, and then “poke” green all the Christmas trees.

Physical education minute: The children leave the tables.

Like snow on a hill, snow, (stand on tiptoes, hands up)

And under the hill there is snow, snow. (squat)

And there’s snow, snow on the tree, (stand up, arms to the sides)

And under the tree there is snow, snow. (we wrap our arms around ourselves)

And a bear sleeps under the snow (swayed from side to side, arms bent at the elbows, in front of the chest, palms facing away)

Hush, hush, don’t make noise (finger to lips, whisper)

Didactic game:“Say the word.”

Our janitor is not happy at all

It was at night...(snowfall)

On a bright, sunny day

The whole thing glitters and sparkles... (snowball)

Snowflakes are flying and circling,

Like white... (fluffs)

Here is a carousel of snowflakes,

So it’s outside….(blizzard)

Educator: Now we will paint cones on the trees with a soft brush, and with a “poke” in white, we will paint snow on the trees and the ground, snow on the trees and snowfall. The music of Vivaldi “Winter” is playing.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher organizes an exhibition of children's works. Children choose the work they like (but not their own; they tell what exactly they liked.

Educator: Well done guys, you have created wonderful winter landscapes.

Dense forest, goodbye!

You will grow to the joy of people!

We will be friends with you,

Good forest, mighty forest,

Full of fairy tales and miracles.

Publications on the topic:

The game is intended for children early age, with the aim of. Offer children exercises: blow on a snowflake strongly, blow on a snowflake weakly.

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Municipal institution additional education

"Center for Children's Creativity of the Dzerzhinsky District of Volgograd"

400048, Volgograd Ave. named after. Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukova, 153.

tel . 78-61-93, 78-61-76 e-mail: [email protected]

Plan - lesson notes on step-by-step drawing “At the edge of a fairy-tale forest” for children 7-8 years old.

Date of: 04/21/2018

Yurasova Irina Aleksandrovna, teacher of additional education at the Municipal Educational Institution of Children's Education Center of the Dzerzhinsky district of the city of Volgograd, first qualification category.

Age of students: 7-8 years


Teach children to draw using as much as possible the expressive capabilities of simple graphic materials, such as a pen or a simple pencil.


Introduce the concept of horizon line;

Introduce the drawing technique “Doodling”;

Develop an eye;

Develop fine motor skills hands;

Develop spatial thinking and imagination;

To instill in children an interest in visual arts.

Teaching methods: explanation, conversation, questions, demonstration-work based on a model, summing up.

Material and equipment: by number of students; A4 paper, pens or pencils.

Visual range: drawing drawn by the teacher on the blackboard.

"At the edge of a fairy forest"

Progress of the lesson


Do you want me to tell you a fairy tale?

We want

How about I tell you a fairy tale and we can try to draw it at the same time?

(Common answers)

We won't succeed...

We won't be able to...

Then let me tell you and at the same time draw on the board, and you will draw with me on your pieces of paper.

Let's try.

2. Main part.

Imagine - an ordinary sunny day. There are no clouds in the sky, the sun is shining brightly. We draw a spiral twisted in the shape of a circle in the upper left corner of the sheet, add rays, turning it into a decorative sun.

At the edge of a dense forest......

Edge forests - edgeforests up to 100 m wide, transition strip (ecotone) betweenforest from all its constituent layers of forest vegetation and adjacent types of vegetation (meadow, swamp, etc.). According to Dahl, also lesok, lesie, lesie...

We draw the edge (draw a horizon line and on the left side we depict two fir trees and three bushes)

Who has been to a real forest, raise your hand.

So....On the edge of a dense forest there was a house, (We finish drawing the house from simple geometric shapes, a square and a triangle, and add details).

Lived in this house Friendly family. The hostess was cooking dinner and therefore smoke was coming from the chimney, (Draw a chimney on the house using a simple geometric figure, rectangle, detail it, add smoke).

Guys, the smoke from the chimney always comes out differently - it depends on weather conditions, such as air pressure and humidity, as well as the wind. We have sunny weather and a cool western breeze blows from the north. Let's draw it with these twisted spiral lines.

Phys. Minute “The wind blew in our faces and the tree swayed…”

Suddenly a strong wind blew, the leaves of the birch tree near the house began to tremble, apples fell from the apple tree that grew behind the house, heavy clouds came over the forest

(we draw clouds using the arch element (∩).

Rain is coming.

Guys, rain can be drawn in different ways, it can be oblique, and then you will draw the lines at an angle, it can pour “like a bucket,” and then you will draw the lines from top to bottom, it can be shallow, etc.

The hostess was happy that she would water her favorite flower bed and strawberries would grow in the garden bed.

Drawing a vegetable garden; a flower bed, a strawberry bed, a dill bed and a vegetable bed.

The rain watered all the beds well, and when it stopped, a rainbow appeared over the forest and over the house.

When drawing a rainbow, we use the doodling technique and make each element of the rainbow with a specific pattern.

Puddles appeared in the yard.

(Draw puddles with a smooth, curved, closed line).

The owner let the ducks out for a walk. And she said, “But the mushroom rain passed and there was a smell of mushrooms. Mushrooms grew on the edge of a fairytale forest.

Guys, let's draw mushrooms.

first edible, which ones do you know?

But what about mushrooms that people shouldn’t eat?

Such as White mushroom, chanterelles, honey mushrooms, boletus, boletus.

These mushrooms can be eaten by people; they are not poisonous.

And poisonous mushrooms are toadstool and fly agaric.

Now guys, complete your story yourself, and at the end of the lesson we will look at your work and everyone will be able to tell their own tale.

They complete their drawings.

can add; grass, a fence, animals, a flock of birds in the sky, people, a doghouse, etc.

3. Summing up.

Discussion of work with students.

Exhibition of works on the board.

I see everyone did a great job today, everyone came up with interesting fairy tales, well done! That’s all for today, class is over, Goodbye, see you again!

Cleaning the workplace.


The forest edge surrounds green groves and wild taiga with a picturesque border. This the best place for country walks and picnics - here, in the transparent space between the thicket and the fields, mushrooms and berries grow among various bushes and trees, there is a lot of sun and shade, for this reason animals and birds love it. It is worth finding out in more detail how an edge differs from a full-fledged forest.

Edge - what is it?

The word itself originates from the original meaning of “edging the edge of a garment with something fluffy.” That’s right, the edge of the forest is its fluffy edge. The dictionaries have a clear definition of this picturesque forest object - a narrow strip, no more than 100 meters wide, along the border of the forest, which differs in its vegetation from the forest. The abundance of light and partial shade allows the full development of those plants that in the wilderness often lack sun rays. The vegetation is dominated by light-loving shrubs and low-growing trees. The diversity of herbs and flowers is supported by representatives of neighboring natural communities. Sometimes the edges along the forest are planted artificially to protect the forest area from the destructive effects of open spaces. There is freedom here for bees; a variety of honey plants grow well in such conditions. Among the abundance of all kinds of plantings, various representatives of the animal world coexist perfectly.

Ecosystem boundary

The forest edge is a transition line between two full-fledged ecosystems. In essence, this is a separate geobotanical community that has absorbed the main biological features of neighboring ecological systems and united them in its structure. Vegetation smoothly transitions from one zone to another. Not only the flora, but also the fauna changes significantly. The predominance of the lower tiers of forest vegetation provides natural shelters for all kinds of birds and rodents. Many birds prefer to live on the edge of natural areas, rather than inside the forest, where there are many predators and not enough sunlight. A transitional strip of low bushes also serves as protection from violent winds that can knock down trees. Gusts of wind break against low-growing plantings, which he cannot tear out due to the small windage. This protective transition zone is a complex system of closely interconnected elements of nature.

Forest edge in creativity

The forest is an integral part spiritual world person. In Russian literature and art there are many poetic lines and paintings that depict the edge of a forest. Mentions of it are found in Russian folklore - songs, fairy tales, proverbs. The charm of the forest image is presented in abundance in literary works. The forest edge often acts as an ideal of harmony in the landscapes of great artists.

Forests are a place where the beauty of massive thickets and the open space of meadows and fields come together. It has its own special animal world, representatives of which easily find shelter in the transparent undergrowth. The developed transition strip serves as excellent protection for the forest itself.

Every 4 seconds, an area of ​​forest equal to a standard football field is cut down around the world. This is statistics. The fastest rate of deforestation in Southeast Asia. The Chinese are multiplying, but they have nowhere to live. So what should I do? We need drawing paper! I want to tell you how to draw a forest with a pencil. This won't restore our fauna, but it's worth a try.

Forest Facts:

  • Aokihara Forest, or Suicide Forest. Strange place deservedly received its name. It itself is so thick that light practically does not penetrate there, and compasses stop working. For some reason, this particular place in Japan has become a favorite place for those wishing to commit suicide (apparently, some do not have the courage to commit hara-kiri).
  • In the Kaliningrad region there is a forest that local residents called Dancing, or drunken. No, alcoholics and drug addicts do not gather there. The fact is that pine trees grow on 1 square kilometer, which, for a reason unknown to science, twisted their trunks strangely. Some were completely wrapped in knots. As if they were tormented by stomach pain.
  • It is generally accepted that tropical forests are full of various sounds and noises. I will disappoint you - during the day the jungle is quieter than a sleeping child. The life of all animals there begins at night, and even then they behave very carefully and quietly.

Let's try to draw.

How to draw a forest with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's start with a simple thing: draw a horizon line, and draw a path with two vertical lines.

Step two. On the sides of the invented path we draw tree trunks, large and small.

Step three. Let's draw the trunks higher and draw their bottoms with a pencil. We’ll also add some grass at the base of the trunks.

Sha is the fourth. Finally, let’s draw the tops with branches and add shadows.

Step five.