What kind of soap is best to use? Baby soap. The best cream body soap

As part of a fan study by Roskachestvo, 31 samples of the most popular Russian market children's toilet soap according to 21 quality and safety parameters. The cost of production ranged from 15 to 330 rubles per unit of goods. The study included both soap from Russian manufacturers (from the Altai Territory, Voronezh, Nizhny Novgorod and Samara regions, the Republic of Tatarstan, as well as from Moscow and St. Petersburg), and baby soap imported from Bulgaria, Germany, Italy, the UAE, Poland and from Ukraine. According to the results of laboratory tests, all samples complied with the technical regulations of the Customs Union and were recognized as safe, and a third of the tested baby soap turned out to be of high quality, as it met not only the requirements of the current quality and safety standards, but also the requirements of the advanced Roskachestvo standard. Experts will make a decision on assigning the Russian Quality Mark to high-quality goods under the trademarks “D”, “Nevskaya Kosmetika”, “Recipes of Cleanliness”, “Umka” and Baby’s soap after conducting a production assessment, during which the level of product localization will also be determined. The products “Velvet Hands”, “SpongeBob”, Bebble, Johnson’s baby and Weleda, which meet the increased standard of Roskachestvo, cannot qualify for the Russian Quality Mark due to their foreign origin.


The standard of the Russian quality system for children's toilet soap applying for the Russian Quality Mark has established stricter (advanced) requirements for deviations of the net weight of a piece from the nominal weight stated on the label and for the indicator of early sensitization (that is, the absence of the ability to cause allergies). Also, baby soap should not be favorable environment for the development of harmful microorganisms, such as staphylococci or E. coli, so the bacteriostatic properties of the soap were also assessed. The required level of product localization for the assignment of the Russian Quality Mark is at least 30% of the cost of the product.

“Like the production of any other children’s products, the process of making children’s soap is given special attention,” the chief specialist of the Association of Manufacturers of Perfumes, Cosmetics, and Goods tells Roskachestvo. household chemicals and hygiene, candidate of technical sciences Galina Ulantseva. – The production of children's products implies more stringent requirements for the safety and quality of raw materials, because it should not have any negative impact on the child’s skin.

By the way, despite the fact that this product was developed specifically for children and taking into account the characteristics of children's skin, today children's soap is also popular among adults. And the market for this irreplaceable item of cosmetics, which we encounter not just every day, but several times a day, offers such abundance that it is sometimes quite difficult to navigate it. Galina Ulantseva advised how to choose baby soap:

– I recommend choosing products from well-known manufacturers who have been on the market for a long time and have proven themselves well. Their production requires very strict control. Be sure to check the expiration date. And pay attention to the composition of the soap indicated on the packaging. The information in it is clearer to a professional than to a consumer, since the average buyer is unlikely to understand the names of components that do not have an official translation into Russian. However, if people have any allergic problems, they always know what causes these problems. For example, if it is written that the soap contains petroleum jelly and chamomile extract, and I know that my child is allergic to chamomile, I will not buy this soap. Information about the presence of active ingredients such as oils and extracts should always be included on the label. It is also desirable that the smell of baby soap is not too strong.

Soapy wet business: about the ability of soap to cause allergies

Allergies and intolerance to certain products, medications or components appear in many children from the very beginning. early years. It’s especially offensive when a child’s body reacts sharply to something that they have to deal with every day. For example, for soap.

“The negative effects of soap on a child’s skin can manifest themselves in different ways,” a pediatrician, allergist-immunologist, gastroenterologist, expert on radio and television, head of the “Smart Mom” school, candidate of medical sciences, tells Roskoshestvo. Elena Antsiferova. – This may be an alkaline reaction of soap foam - the higher it is, the more actively it removes the protective fatty mantle from the skin. The disappearance of fatty impregnation greatly increases the aggressive effect of the chemical components of soap, which can cause both skin irritation and an allergic reaction. The reaction may also be caused by fragrances, essential oils, preservatives (among them methylparaben, propylparaben, sorbic acid, benzoic acid), flavorings (for example, isoeugenol, cinnamaldehyde, lyral, citral, geraniol, etc.), various surfactants (this is sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate), coloring agents, as well as antibacterial components that some manufacturers love to add to soap (in particular, triclosan, triclocarban). The effect of these components on the child’s skin can manifest itself in redness, dryness of the skin of the body, especially the hands and face, and itching. If parents notice that after washing their hands or bathing, the baby’s skin turns red or itches, and the child under one year old becomes restless, then the brand of soap used should be changed.

In order to check whether the soap contained components that could cause skin irritation, samples were tested for early sensitization. Curiously, this test was not without blood...

These studies are carried out outside the body (in vitro) on the peripheral blood of humans or laboratory animals using concentrations of a potential allergen, in this case soap, and then specialists observe under a microscope the formation of autoplaque-forming (spontaneous formation) and plaque-forming (response to the allergen) cells. Their ratio determines predisposition to allergic reactions.

“This indicator helps to detect the potential possibility of an allergic reaction long before it occurs,” they explained to Roskachestvo in VNIIZhG Rospotrebnadzor. – By being aware of the potential dangers, you can avoid allergies.

However, we note that the test for early sensitization is still a general study and is not capable of identifying hypoallergenic soap. But such a test will tell you for sure whether soap causes irritation in people with sensitive skin types. By the way, among the studied samples there are no such unsafe samples.

By the way, we have already encountered testing samples for the ability to cause allergies when studying antimicrobial building paints.

Do not pour salt on soap: about the mass fraction of sodium chloride

It would seem that what could be common between salt and soap? However, there is something in common, and it is connected with the “heart” of the soap - its core.

“As a rule, the basis of baby soap is vegetable and/or animal fats,” says the executive director of the Association of Manufacturers and Consumers of Oil and Fat Products Ekaterina Nesterova. – When cooking soap, that is, “saponification” of fatty acids, a so-called soap core should form. Sodium chloride (and this is table salt, familiar to everyone) promotes the separation of this phase. Thus, the mass fraction of sodium chloride is an absolutely uncritical indicator; it does not in any way reduce the quality of the soap.

However, according to test results, a mass fraction of sodium chloride higher than the norm established by GOST was found in soap under the “Children’s” and Honey kid trademarks. Since these manufacturers declared on the packaging of the product that it complies with GOST, they are violators of the standard, unlike two more manufacturers who exceeded it, but did not declare it to GOST.

Soap opera featuring staphylococcus: how microorganisms feel on the surface of soap

“Go wash your hands! Definitely with soap!” - mothers and fathers shout to their children when the latter return from a walk or sit down at the dinner table. This may be a revelation to most readers, but soap... does not kill bacteria! Why then wash your hands before eating or after going outside? It turns out that all the magic is not even in the soap itself, but in the foam.

The leading standard of Roskachestvo includes such an indicator as the bacteriostatic activity of soap.

– The fact is that the surface of solid bar soap can be subject to contamination (contamination with microorganisms harmful to human health). This happens if the soap was used by a person who is sick or is a carrier of a microorganism that can cause a disease of staphylococcal, streptococcal nature or an intestinal infection, experts tell Roskachestvo VNIIZhG Rospotrebnadzor. – So the essence of this indicator is the creation of a model of contamination of the soap surface with pathogenic bacteria using special test microorganisms, which allows us to determine the possibility of their unfavorable (“uncomfortable”) condition. Thanks to this test, for example, we can determine that the soap does not contain small doses of toxic elements that can adversely affect the skin microflora, as well as the nature of the distribution of the infectious dose on the surface, which, in turn, depends on the structure of the soap, its degree hardness or porosity. Thus, E. coli, after being on the surface of soap for 60 minutes, turned out to be “uncomfortable” on all studied samples, and it was found that this was not due to a toxic effect on the microorganism, but due to the specific protective functions of the microorganism itself. At the same time, after 60 minutes of being on the surface of the soap, staphylococcus was found in washouts in a volume of 0.1 ml in an unchanged morphological form in half of the samples studied, in the second half of the samples it was not detected in a washout volume of 0.1 ml due to the bacteriostatic effect, which is an indicator of “uncomfort”. However, this cannot be considered a non-compliance with product safety standards, since this indicator is not regulated by Russian legislation, but can only be considered an indicator of improved quality.

- IN in public places(in theaters, cinemas, train carriages) wash your hands the way professional bacteriologists wash them: in three stages, they advise VNIIZhG Rospotrebnadzor. – First, wash your hands and rinse off the soap. Then lather them again and, if the faucet is not touch sensitive, lather the faucet valves or mixer handle. Rinse the soap off with water. Finally, soap your hands for the third time, rinse and close the already clean tap.

Skeletons in the closet or... soap? About the amount of fatty acids in the composition

What is soap? Soap is fat, water and the components that give it color and consistency. In order for soap to perform its main function – detergent – ​​well, it must contain as many fatty acids as possible.

“The qualitative number is the mass of fatty acids per mass of a piece of soap,” explains Ekaterina Nesterova. – This indicator is established by GOST. If a manufacturer declares that its products are manufactured in accordance with GOST, but the quality of the soap produced by it is below the norm, most likely, this underestimation was provoked by it deliberately and is associated with a reduction in the cost of the bar itself. Also, a decrease in quality numbers may be due to insufficient control or due to some kind of failure in the production process. It is subjectively believed that the lower the quality number of soap, the worse its cleaning ability.

By the way, there is an opinion that the longer the soap is aged, the better it becomes: as the soap dries out, it loses weight without losing the fatty acids it contains. Accordingly, its qualitative number increases. It is not for nothing that for many people of the older generation, soap first served as a fragrance for linen in the closet, and only then, after a year or more, migrated to the bathroom.

During the Roskachestvo study, samples with an underestimated quality number were found. These are goods under the trademarks “Alice” and “Tick-tock”, the manufacturers of which indicated GOST on the packaging, but did not comply with it, which is a violation. Also, an underestimated quality number was found in two more products, but this cannot be considered a violation, since these samples were not manufactured in accordance with GOST.

Net weight - wrong weight: about deviations in net weight

The weight of a product is the category in which “over-” rather than “under-” is better for consumers. And if the package states one weight, but in fact the product is lighter, this is undoubtedly perceived by the buyer as a deception. The same applies to soap. However, as it turned out during the study, not all packages have the nominal weight value that corresponds to the real one...

“It’s quite natural,” he says. Ekaterina Nesterova. “And this happens because a bar of soap can dry out quickly, losing moisture over time. However, soap has a fairly long shelf life and even after its expiration does not lose its cleaning ability. Over time, a bar of soap may lose its original appearance: dry out and crack.

To date, the current documentation does not have standards established for the net mass indicator. But such norms apply in our neighbors - in neighboring countries. That is why deviations of the actual weight of soap from the weight declared on the packaging cannot officially be considered a violation. However, Roskachestvo, taking care of the consumer, notifies him of this discrepancy (according to the Roskachestvo standard, the difference should not exceed 4.5%). Thus, the difference between the actual and declared net weight is observed in 13 samples: these products will not be able to qualify for the Russian Quality Mark. More details can be found in the product cards.

Immediately after birth, the newborn is bathed without using detergents. But from the age of 2-3 weeks, it is already allowed to use special baby soap while bathing. Experts advise choosing soft cosmetic products that do not contain harmful ingredients and delicately cleanse the baby’s skin. Our rating of the best baby soaps with safe ingredients will help you choose the right one.

Despite the prevailing opinion that special washing products for newborns are a common marketing ploy, their purchase is completely justified. Such cosmetic products are much better suited for a child for several reasons:

  • Children have a thin and unusually sensitive stratum corneum of the epidermis. Compared to similar indicators of adults, the baby’s epidermis is several times thinner.
  • The functions of the sebaceous and sweat ducts in newborns do not work effectively. Therefore, their secretion forms a very thin protective layer that is quickly washed off.
  • Due to the intensive participation in gas exchange, the child’s dermis must be cleansed daily. If these processes are disrupted, the baby’s condition inevitably deteriorates.
  • Cosmetic products used to bathe a child affect the thickness of the protective cover on the dermis and the intensity of melanin synthesis. If you use aggressive soap for this, the child’s skin will be very sensitive to ultraviolet radiation.

Suitable soap for newborns

When choosing cosmetic products intended for the care of babies, you must first evaluate the safety of the composition. For newborns, antibacterial soap with a liquid consistency and neutral composition is suitable. A good option would be a cream soap made from natural ingredients that does not contain ingredients that can cause allergies. Detergents containing glycerin are also suitable for children. This component has a mild moisturizing effect and provides protection against excessive dryness. After using this soap, your child's skin will be softer.

Currently, cosmetic product manufacturers offer the following types of baby soaps for bathing children:

  • A product with a liquid consistency usually has a balanced composition, making it an excellent soap option for a small child. This product does not cause irritation or excessive dryness; it delicately and gently washes the baby’s skin without damaging it. Newborns can be bathed with liquid soap every day without fear of harming their health.
  • Cream soap ingredients usually include lanolin and glycerin. Such components are safe, provide effective protection against bacteria, make the skin soft, and neutralize inflammation. Cream soap is suitable for everyday bathing of a child. Sometimes it may contain fragrances or fragrances. Therefore, in the store you need to study the composition especially carefully.
  • Regular solid soap dries out the dermis, but provides good protection. A child is bathed with this cosmetic product after 1 month of life and only once a week. Solid baby soap is allowed to wash hands and use it to wash the child’s bedding and clothes. It creates a rich, dense foam. Thanks to its gentle composition, it is adapted to children's skin and does not provoke allergies, like washing powder.
  • Antibacterial soap for children usually contains triclocarban or triclosan. The peculiarity of these substances is their ability to completely wash away various microorganisms from the surface of the skin. But not only the pathogenic microflora comes under attack, but also the protective one. In this regard, you cannot use such soap daily without the possibility of weakening the skin’s immunity to harmful bacteria. This product is only useful if there are wounds, scratches, cuts or other damage.

When buying soap for your child, you need to carefully study the list of ingredients. Products containing plant extracts are recommended for use in children over 3 months of age. By this time, the child’s skin is already sufficiently adapted to external influences.

It is safest at this age to use soap with the addition of string, chamomile, celandine or calendula. Experts advise using soap with extracts of coniferous plants or with honey only after six months of life. It is better not to use products with added citrus extracts for babies at all.

It is strictly forbidden to use laundry soap to wash babies or clean their clothes. It contains too much alkali, which irritates the baby's delicate skin. This becomes a common cause of irritation.

Choosing and using soap for an infant

The packaging of the soap should be marked that it is suitable for children's skin or newborns. If the product is not suitable for babies, then its use can provoke rashes and other negative reactions in the child, even when its composition is safe or hypoallergenic.

When choosing soap in a store, you need to not only carefully study the ingredients, but also find out the expiration date and make sure that the packaging is not damaged. If the recommended age is indicated on the product, you should also pay attention to it.

For children, it is preferable to buy liquid products that are clear and labeled “hypoallergenic.” The pH of such soap should be neutral, a slight herbal scent is allowed.

It would be great if the soap packaging has an environmental label indicating the high quality of the product. The safety and environmental friendliness of the soap are indicated by the inscriptions “ICEA”, “Ecocert”, “Cosmos Organic” or “NATRUE”. If “BDIH” is indicated, this mark indicates that the product does not contain dyes, parabens or silicone.

Soap with a bright color and a strong fragrance is not worth buying, even if its composition is attractive, contains many useful components and seems safe. This texture and smell can only be found in products containing dyes or flavors.

Liquid soap is suitable for daily hand washing. If a child needs to be bathed, a soap with a creamy texture will come in handy. To wash your hands, you can use bar soap.

When assessing the composition, you should pay attention to the content of components such as lanolin and glycerin. They talk about the safety of the product. If your baby's skin is sensitive, diaper rash and irritation often appear on it, then it is better to opt for soap containing chamomile extract, string or celandine. Such products have a softening and nourishing effect, renewing the protective layer of the dermis. To eliminate redness and irritation, soap containing oak bark, calendula or sage is suitable. To heal scratches, it is recommended to use soap with plantain or avocado. To calm your baby and improve sleep, you should bathe him with lavender soap.

If the product is purchased for washing clothes and bedding, then you should prefer products that do not contain bleach. They should contain no more than 15% surfactants, they should work in high temperature water.

The best inexpensive soap for children

Some inexpensive cosmetic products designed for bathing babies perform as well as expensive branded cosmetics. They do not contain components that provide additional effects to the newborn’s epidermis, but they do have all the necessary basic ingredients. This soap is hypoallergenic, can be tested by dermatologists and fully meets recognized quality standards.

The product produced by the Nevskaya Cosmetics concern meets a high level of quality and is made from natural ingredients. It is completely ordinary in appearance, but has good quality characteristics and a safe composition. In the list of ingredients you can see chamomile oil ester, which reduces irritation and relieves inflammation. Natural allantoin, which is also contained in this soap, provides the skin with moisturizing and nourishing components. In addition, Baby Soap contains natural herbal extracts.

The only synthetic ingredient in the composition is triethanolamine, which is a fairly popular surfactant. Yes, it can potentially be a skin irritant, but its concentration in soap is quite low. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of him.

Thanks to its natural composition without substances harmful to the baby’s epidermis, the soap is popular among buyers. It does not provoke allergies, does not dry out delicate baby skin, and has a pleasant herbal scent.

Soap for children Nevskaya cosmetics


  • composition without harmful ingredients;
  • will not dry out the skin;
  • soothes irritation;
  • vegetable extracts and oils in the composition;
  • low price.


  • not found.

Average product price: 28 rubles.

Liquid soap My sunshine

This product was created specifically for gentle cleansing of babies' delicate skin. The product showed excellent results against irritation and redness. According to customer reviews, this soap does not irritate the mucous membranes.

This product has received recognition because during use it does not dry out the baby’s dermis and does not cause rashes. Many mothers note that this soap is comfortable for washing hands that have scratches or wounds, as it does not irritate them. After using it, redness goes away. The product is convenient to use, thanks to the bottle with a dispenser, quite economical and effective.

The composition contains a fairly large number of toxic ingredients, but they are at the end of the list, which indicates their very low concentration. However, allergy sufferers should use it with caution.

Liquid soap My sunshine


  • low price;
  • good skin cleansing;
  • does not provoke negative reactions;
  • moisturizes and softens.


  • toxic substances in the composition;
  • persistent fragrance.

The average cost of soap is: 72 rubles.

Liquid soap AQA baby

This cosmetic product is produced in Russia. It is suitable for use immediately after birth. The product consists of high-quality and safe components. The soap does not have a distinct odor and has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect. The cosmetic product contains plant extracts - extracts from chamomile, calendula and lavender. They give soap moisturizing and nourishing properties. The soap is excellent, but gently cleanses the skin. The product foams well and is completely washed off without leaving behind a sticky film. After bathing with this soap, the child's diaper rash and dermatitis go away faster. The product perfectly protects against bacteria.

Liquid soap AQA baby


  • no obvious smell;
  • low price;
  • effective cleansing;
  • absence of allergic rashes;
  • economical consumption.


  • SLS is in second place in the composition, it can dry out sensitive skin;
  • The presence of polyquaternium (microplastics) in the composition is harmful to the environment.

The average cost of such soap is 99 rubles.

Johnson's Baby

Johnson's Baby solid soap has an excellent composition, thanks to which it can be considered a cream soap. It contains a special softening lotion and glycerin. Their interaction provides the delicate skin with natural protection, prevents irritation and protects against drying out. The composition also includes natural milk extract. Therefore, this soap is allowed to be used for bathing infants. This cosmetic product has health inspection certificates and is approved for use by dermatologists. The product is completely safe for children, does not cause irritation, and gently cleanses sensitive children's skin. Buyers note that due to its solid texture, the soap does not get soggy from being in water for a long time. The advantages of this product are complemented by low cost and economical consumption.

Johnson's Baby Soap


  • nice price;
  • economical consumption;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • useful composition;
  • retains texture.


  • contains mineral oil;
  • contains an ingredient that pollutes the environment.

The average cost of soap is 50 rubles.

High-quality soap at an average price

These cosmetic products are of high quality. In addition to useful basic ingredients, such soap necessarily contains additional caring components.

Liquid soap Our mother

The Russian-made product was created for children's skin with frequent inflammation. It has an excellent antibacterial effect. The components of the cosmetic product include natural plant components and medicinal herbal extracts. Together with the soap base, natural ingredients care for the skin. This soap has undergone special testing and received approval from pediatricians as a safe, hygienic product.

According to buyers, the advantage of this liquid soap is the presence of a certificate. The composition does not include dyes or harmful salts.

Liquid soap Our mother


  • useful components at the beginning of the composition;
  • availability of a certificate of conformity;
  • antibacterial effect.


  • At the end of the ingredient list are quite toxic preservatives that can cause irritation and pollute the environment.

The average cost of liquid soap is 180 rubles.

Bubchen solid soap

The basis of this solid soap is thermal water, and only natural ingredients. Thanks to its optimal composition, the soap maintains the pH level of the child’s skin at a normal level. This soap is well received by even the most sensitive skin of a child. As a result of gentle cleansing, lasting protection is formed on the epidermis, and herbal ingredients provide gentle care. According to experts and parents, this soap can be used without fear from the birth of the baby. It contains no harmful dyes, flavors or preservatives. Soap is used quite sparingly and does not get wet from being in water.

Bubchen solid soap


  • does not dry out the baby's skin;
  • pleasant light aroma;
  • no harmful substances;
  • careful care;
  • does not get wet.


  • a synthetic preservative with toxic properties at the end of the composition. Pollutes the environment.

The average price of this soap is 135 rubles.

Liquid cream soap BabyLine

This cosmetic product is produced in Germany. It has passed a special examination and is developed according to a special formula. This soap can be used to bathe your newborn every day. Thanks to its soft texture, the product provides high-quality and gentle cleansing. Chamomile extract soothes irritations, and aloe extract promotes wound healing. The product is quite gentle and washes off well. Long-term use does not cause negative skin reactions. After bathing with this soap, the skin remains soft and does not need to apply moisturizer.

Liquid cream soap BabyLine


  • soft, delicate texture;
  • gentle cleansing;
  • caring action;
  • herbal components in the composition;
  • absence of harmful substances.


  • high price;
  • many note that it dries out the skin;
  • be careful when washing.

The average price is 170 rubles.

Liquid soap GreenLab

This product is also produced in Russia based on milk and herbal ingredients. Additionally, depanthenol was included in the composition. The soap has excellent qualities and is absolutely safe for washing children's skin. It can be used to gently and effectively wash your baby's skin. It can be used several times during the day without fear of drying out the skin or causing dryness and allergic rashes. The cosmetic product does not contain harmful substances, dyes or parabens. Thanks to the content of chamomile extract and lactose, the soap maintains normal lipid balance, increases the elasticity of the skin and creates reliable protection. The product has a pleasant floral-creamy aroma and light texture.

GreenLab Liquid baby soap made with milk with chamomile and D-panthenol


  • natural ingredients;
  • gentle cleansing;
  • improves elasticity;
  • maintains fat balance.


  • high price;
  • a synthetic preservative in the composition has a toxic effect and pollutes the environment.

The average cost of soap is 165 rubles.

The soap-making company Spivak produces cosmetics only from natural ingredients without the use of synthetic fragrances and dyes.

In baby soap, instead of water, a decoction of chamomile and calendula is used. There are no esters in the composition, so it is hypoallergenic and suitable even for the smallest.

Spivak soap baby daisy and calendula


  • on a decoction of herbs;
  • completely natural composition;
  • safe for the environment;
  • not tested on animals;
  • aroma due to light essential oils;
  • do not contain dyes;
  • softens the skin and does not disturb the lipid balance.


  • It lathers poorly due to the lack of sulfates.

The average cost of soap is 100 rubles.

Ecolab baby cream soap

Baby cream soap moisturizes and soothes dry and sensitive skin, has wound-healing antiseptic and antibacterial effects.

Contains 99% ingredients of plant origin, based on natural oils.

Active ingredients include organic wheat germ and almond oil, organic calendula extract, mallow, panthenol.

Ecolab baby cream soap


  • does not contain SLS, SLES, parabens, dyes and synthetic preservatives;
  • nourishes, softens, regenerates and has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • increases the protective functions of the skin, antiseptic and wound healing effect;
  • Thanks to panthenol, it will prevent diaper dermatitis and diaper rash.


  • not found.

The average cost of soap is 200 rubles.

The best premium soap for children

Expensive soaps for cleansing children's skin usually contain only high-quality and completely natural ingredients. Additionally, this product contains many plant extracts and oils, vitamins to provide additional protective action.

The MiKo company adheres to the traditional basic methods of soap production. In production, it uses natural coconut or olive oils, splitting them with alkali.

All ingredients are certified.

Tender Age soap is made and cut by hand. The composition provides gentle and delicate care for sensitive skin of babies.

Among the active ingredients there are sodium salts of palm, castor, shea and babassu oils - sources of beta-carotene, vitamin E. As well as borage oil, extracts of calendula, chamomile and oak bark, D-panthenol, etc.

MiKo toilet soap “Tender Age”


  • does not contain mineral oils, artificial flavors, dyes, animal fats and preservatives;
  • natural composition;
  • certified ingredients;
  • for aroma, soft essential oils are added, which have a beneficial effect on the children's nervous system, calming and creating a favorable background;
  • deep hydration and nutrition of the skin;
  • eliminates peeling, itching, is wound-protective;
  • soothes irritation, redness and neutralizes inflammatory processes.


  • not found.

The average cost is 220 rubles.

Solid soap Klorane Baby

This product provides excellent protection and has a soothing effect. The composition includes natural plant extracts. Therefore, the soap does not cause dryness and gently cleanses. The components do not contain parabens and alcohol, as well as components that can cause allergies. The soap underwent a special study, as a result of which the safety of its composition was fully proven. After using it, the child's skin remains well moisturized; there is no need to additionally apply oil or cream.

Solid soap Klorane Baby


  • suitable for sensitive skin;
  • does not provoke allergies;
  • does not require subsequent application of cream;
  • moisturizes well;
  • does not contain harmful components.


  • high price.

The average cost of such soap is 290 rubles.

Natura Siberica Little Siberica

This is a certified Russian-made product, created on the basis of safe herbal ingredients. It contains minerals and vitamins that provide high-quality care for sensitive baby skin. The effectiveness and safety of the soap has been confirmed by special examination, so it can be used by newborn children. The soap copes well with diaper rash and rashes, does not leave stickiness or residue, and provides high-quality hydration and care.

soap Natura Siberica Little Siberica


  • safe composition;
  • high-quality natural ingredients;
  • careful care;
  • hypoallergenic.

Korney Chukovsky, with the lines “Long live fragrant soap...”, called on children to cleanliness and hygiene, which was especially relevant at the beginning of the 20th century, as well as in post-war Russia.

Should you use soap today, is it safe to wash your face with it every day, and what main functions should soap perform?

An analysis of more than a dozen studies conducted in scientific laboratories around the world showed that daily hand washing with soap reduces the incidence of viruses during epidemics by 21%, and gastrointestinal infections by 31%.

This once again proves to us that we need to wash our hands with soap. A piece of solid toilet soap today is a necessary hygiene product that every family has; it is used by adults and children.

It is interesting that the first soap in our country was only a luxury item. In the 14th-15th centuries, soap was given as a gift on special occasions: birthdays and weddings. What can I say, if 80 years ago (in our grandmothers’ childhood) soap was in short supply. Hair was cleaned with water with bread and ash, clothes were washed with coastal clay soil or soda.

The same solid soap that is sold in stores today was invented in the 8th century by the famous Arab alchemist Gabir ibn Haen. Almost 9 centuries passed until soap was first produced industrially in the Russian Empire. But despite this, until the middle of the 19th century, only nobles used soap.

At this time, the first washbasin appeared, and in aristocratic circles, ladies gathered for a fashionable action - washing with soap. The 20th century greatly changed the areas of soap use, since it was at this time that synthetic detergents and various chemical additives to it appeared. It is interesting that it was in Russia in 1912 that the first synthetic fat-free surfactants were invented, but they were not widely used. Subsequently, already in 1930, the Americans launched the production of these substances, thanks to which today we have washing powders, shampoos, and liquid soaps.

To understand how safe it is to use soap, let’s look at its composition.

Soap composition

Solid soap:

  • mixture of salts of higher fatty acids (lauric, oleic, stearic, palmitic),
  • glycerol,
  • flavorings,
  • dyes.

Solid soap is obtained by the saponification reaction of oils and fats with sodium hydroxide (alkali). Solid soap always has an alkaline reaction, as it contains sodium hydroxide residues.

Liquid soap: Almost always obtained on the basis of synthetic surfactants (surfactants).

Difference from solid soap: gives good foam due to surfactants, less alkaline pH, the presence of various softening and moisturizing additives.

Basic functions of soap

  • Decontamination and hand hygiene

The soap molecule consists of two parts: the hydrophobic part (afraid of water) contains long organic radicals and thus copes with pollution, and the hydrophilic part contains a carboxyl group, which is responsible for the interaction of the molecule with water.

  • Antibacterial function of soap

Experts are developing new components to combat pathogenic bacteria on the surface of the skin. Today, there are two most common antibacterial components: triclosan and triclocarban, which are registered by the US Environmental Protection Agency as components of hazardous pesticides. The worst thing is that these components are very persistent, and when we wash them down the drain, they end up in rivers and lakes.

A study of water composition in Canada's Great Lakes, which feed the Atlantic Ocean (most famously Lake Michigan), found that triclosan was found in 90 percent of water samples and in many fish. What we use every day and pour down the drain, as a result of the cycle, certainly returns to us. Triclosan is now found even in samples breast milk. In our country, triclosan and triclocarban are permitted soap components.

According to dermatologists, excessive use of antibacterial soap can lead to unpleasant consequences: allergies and disruption of skin microflora.

The famous dermatologist Irina Skorogudaeva has repeatedly emphasized in many of her interviews that ordinary hard soap, and especially antibacterial soap, destroys beneficial microorganisms on the surface of the skin along with harmful ones. In addition, triclosan soap, when used continuously, can be addictive, as it leads to resistance of microbes and even their mutation. Studies have shown that such a hospital bacterium as Pseudomonas aeruginosa is generally resistant to its action.

There are several studies devoted to the acquisition of antibiotic resistance in microbes under the influence of triclosan. Doctors advise using this soap only in unsanitary conditions. In 2016, the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) banned the use of triclosan in soap for widespread production. You can now buy triclosan soap in America only with a prescription in pharmacies.

  • Cosmetic function of soap

In modern conditions, soap products are used as cosmetic or facial cleansers. Experts add components to the soap that are gentle on the skin, nourishing, wound-healing, moisturizing and giving it radiance. However, dermatologists advise using only soaps made from natural oils (olive, coconut) or special foams and mousses containing mild surfactants for the face.

Is it safe to use soap??

To answer this question, we turned to experts, as well as to the scientific literature. It is known that a person needs skin in order to protect the body from an aggressive external environment. The aggressor can be sudden changes in temperature, humidity, various sources of pollution, UV radiation, pathogenic microorganisms, as well as cleaning agents such as soap. The protective function of the skin is performed by the upper lipid layer located in the stratum corneum. The lipid layer consists of free fatty acids, ceramides and cholesterol, and has an acidic pH of approximately 4.5-5. Maintaining pH at this level is extremely important for healthy condition skin and microflora (LambersH.Int.Cosmet.Science 2006, 28, p.359).

In dermatology, there is even such a thing as the acid mantle of the stratum corneum. The physiological role of such an acidic mantle is to protect against the effects of various microorganisms. It is very easy to disrupt such a mechanism. For example, frequent washing of the face with hot water and regular solid soap or liquid cleansers containing sodium laureth sulfate or other aggressive surfactants.

The lipid layer is extremely easily soluble with solid soap, as well as various harsh surfactants.

If the lipid barrier disappears, it means water leaves the skin, and at the same time the acidic environment on the surface is disturbed and the pH increases. Scientists have calculated that normal skin with a slightly acidic environment (pH5-5.5) can be in contact with soap for no more than 10-15 seconds without consequences. It will take about an hour to restore the protective layer of the epidermis after washing with this soap.

There are many reports in scientific articles from Australia, Germany, Japan that continuous use of soap or alkaline cleanser significantly increases the pH of the skin (Duncan C.N. The effect of anacid icclean server sus soap on the skin pH and micro-flora of adult patients : anon-randomized two group crossover study in an intensive care unit. Intensive Crit Care Nurs 2013; 29, 291). Korting and others reported that skin surface pH increased to as high as 8.5 with continuous use of soap on the face and forearm (Korting H.C.Int.J.Cosmet.Science 1991; p.91).

Studies conducted in America have shown that pH levels also affect the protective function of the skin. The skin of hairless mice was exposed to acetone and then the pH was measured. It was found that the protective barrier function of the skin was restored faster in the presence of an acidic solution compared to a neutral one. In a paper in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology, Hatano and others showed that maintaining lipid acidity through the use of alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) and beta hydroxy acids (BHAs) prevented the development of dermatitis in mice. Scientists have found that acidic topical agents can treat various dermatoses (HatanoY.J.Invest.Dermatol., 2009, 129: 1824-1835).

These acids are now included in many pharmaceutical cosmetics, as well as in products used in the treatment of skin diseases.

About handmade soap

Choosing beautiful soap handmade, you should pay attention to its composition, as well as information about the manufacturer. Some manufacturers use a chemical alkaline base as the base for handmade soap. Moreover, the composition of such soap will practically not differ from ordinary bar soap. Often, many dyes and flavors are added to handmade soaps, and the word “natural” is also written in order to attract buyers. The best natural soap is hand-brewed using exclusively natural vegetable oils. For example, coconut, olive, palm. It is worth saying that the cost of such soap in Russia cannot be less than 150-250 rubles.

Skin pH in various diseases

Lipid layer at proper operation able to resist various microorganisms, as well as external factors. Normal flora growth is optimal at acidic pH values, while pathogenic bacteria such as S. staphylococcus thrive at neutral pH levels (KörtingH.C.ActaDerm.Venereol. 1990). Elevated pH has been observed in studies of skin in various diseases. The study involved 100 children with atopic dermatitis. It was recorded that the pH of their skin was significantly higher than that of healthy children. Dermatologists also found that skin pH is higher in patients with ichthyosis vulgaris (5.3 ± 0.7) than in healthy people (4.5). The enzymes responsible for peeling in ichthyosis depend on pH, changes in which interfere with the normal peeling process. Therefore, preparations with lactic acid are used all over the world to treat this disease (ActaDermVenereol 2013, 93, Skin pH: From Basic Science to Basic Skin Care, SabaM. ALIandGil Yosipovitch)

People suffering from contact dermatitis, as well as mycosis of the feet, had higher pH values ​​compared to healthy people.

And finally, a study regarding teenagers with acne. In vitro, acne-causing bacteria actively multiplied at pH values ​​of 6.5, and at pH values ​​less than “6,” growth markedly decreased. In a study conducted over four weeks , The number of acne lesions increased in the group using solid soap. The pH of the skin of adolescents who used liquid cleansers containing acids decreased.

All these works once again prove that patients suffering from skin diseases should not use hard soaps or other alkaline detergents. This will only make their illness worse.

Problem skin often has an alkaline environment, so it needs to be regularly acidified rather than further alkalized with soap. To do this, it is desirable that the face wash contains natural and synthetic acids (lactic, grape, malic, tartaric, citric acid, salicylic acid), as well as prebiotics.

Tips for using soaps and cleansers for your face and body

Solid or liquid soap?

Since ordinary hard soap, as a rule, contains residual alkali and its pH is always too high, it is best to use such soap only for hands and feet. If possible, purchase solid soap made from natural oils.
Liquid soap, as well as various shower gels, provide good foam due to surfactants. Therefore, their pH is less alkaline. However, the presence of “hard” surfactants (for example, sodium laureth sulfate) makes such a product difficult to wash off from the skin. Some people note that after using shower gels they have a persistent feeling of “chemistry” on their skin. Therefore, when choosing liquid soap or gel, you need to pay attention to the composition of the product.

  1. First of all, we need to choose soap depending on what part of the body we want to use it on and for what (cleansing from dirt, bacteria or for cosmetic purposes).
  2. Solid soap is recommended only for washing hands and feet, where the skin is less sensitive. This soap is good to use for disinfection and cleansing from dirt every day. Hands should be washed with warm water and soap.
  3. It is better to choose baby soap as a solid soap. All its components undergo strict quality control. Often this soap contains natural plant extracts, which gives it antiseptic properties.
  4. Liquid soap and cream soap, in which the pH is from 5.5 to 6-7, can be used to wash the body, but not daily, but 2-3 times a week in combination with warm, but not hot water.
  5. When choosing liquid soap and facial cleansers, carefully read its composition. It is better to choose products containing mild surfactants: any glucosides, Decylpolyglucose, betaine, polyglycosides, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, sodium cocoylisethinate, Sodiumcoco-sulfate, sulfosuccinate, Sodium sulfosuccinate, Glythereth Cocoate, Disodium Cocoamphodiacetate, Magnesium lauryl sulfate. The less the product foams or lathers, the less surfactant it contains, the better.
  6. You should not buy liquid soap that contains dyes and large amounts of fragrance. In general, it is better that the liquid soap is not even transparent, but slightly cloudy. This once again indicates that complexes of correctly selected “soft” surfactants have been added to it.
  7. If your facial skin is problematic, then choose products with an acidic pH (less than 6).
  8. To cleanse delicate or sensitive facial skin, intimate hygiene products that are non-allergenic but still remove dirt well are also suitable.
  9. In order to choose the right facial cleanser, it is better to consult a dermatologist who will select it according to your skin type.
  10. You should not use soap containing triclosan and its analogues, even for washing your hands. Only in emergency unsanitary cases.
  11. If you have time, try to cleanse your face and neck using natural ingredients prepared at home.

Natural Facial Cleanser Recipes

Recipe No. 1. Remedy for any skin type, simple preparation

For any skin type, cleansing with natural yogurt without additives is suitable. If your skin is oily, mix 1 tablespoon of yogurt and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply the mixture to your face, avoiding the skin around your eyes. Rinse off with warm water.

Recipe No. 2. For oily skin, based on honey

  • ¼ cup water
  • ¼ cup lemon juice
  • ½ cup oatmeal
  • ½ tablespoon honey
    Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix. Apply the mixture to wet face and leave for 15 seconds, rinse with warm water.

Recipe No. 3. Summer based on cucumber

  • ½ cup yogurt
  • ½ cucumber
  • 5 mint leaves

Place all ingredients in a blender, grind and apply to a pre-moistened face, rinse with warm water.

A person, in his quest for cleanliness, uses soap several times a day. Therefore, when choosing this hygiene product, we use such a concept as the naturalness of the product, since everything natural is more beneficial and safe for our health. But what soap can be considered natural?

Nowadays you can find hundreds of varieties of soap on store shelves, some of which are natural products.

However, not all soap that attracts us with bright colors, unusual aromas and exotic fillers is actually natural, even if it is not produced in a large factory.

So how can you tell which soap is actually natural and which is just a beautiful fake?

Cosmetics that can be called natural should not contain anything other than natural components of mineral and plant origin, as well as natural preservatives. Any GMO products, animal fats, as well as any synthetic dyes and flavors are prohibited. Therefore, a beautiful soap made from ordinary factory soap with the addition of fragrance and rose petals will not become natural.

In order to understand the nature of the issue, it is worth looking a little deeper into history. The ancient Romans are considered the founders of soap making. They noticed that after each sacrifice, which traditionally took place on the top of Mount Sapo, it became much easier to wash things in the Tiber River.

The fact is that the remains of the ash from the fire were mixed with the fat of the sacrificed animal, and all this was washed away by the rains along the mountain slope. Therefore, the first soap consisted of a mixture of ash and fat, and this hygiene product received its name in honor of Mount Sapo (“soap” - “soap”). The Arabs improved the recipe, giving the soap hardness, which made it more convenient to use.

By natural recipe soap was made at home until the First World War, when tallow became scarce. Then chemists came up with a replacement for it and several other components, which made it possible to start mass production of this detergent. Since then, manufacturers have changed the components more than once, but, alas, each time not in favor of their naturalness.

Special machines achieve a high content of fatty acids. Artificially produced surfactants that are part of industrial soap allow it to foam perfectly and remove dirt perfectly. Industrial soap smells pleasant and is pleasing to the eye, but it can be unsafe for delicate and sensitive skin.

Natural body soap is made in a completely different way. Hereditary soap makers pass down recipes from generation to generation. For different types leather, various vegetable oils of the highest quality are used. Sometimes the medicinal purposes of a soap product allow the use of animal fats.

The most important thing in making soap at home is to calculate the optimal ratio of lye and oil. This determines whether the foam will be fluffy and the soap will be hard. Once all proportions are calculated, the soap making process begins. Solid oils are melted in a steam bath, and the alkali is dissolved in decoctions or milk.

It is these liquids that, as a rule, replace water in order to give soap additional beneficial properties. Coffee and even beer and wine are often used as a water substitute, and honey and medicinal herbs are often used as fillers.

Due to the fact that homemade soap does not undergo any additional processing during drying, the specific gravity of water in it will be an order of magnitude higher than in factory soap. This is why natural soap will wash off much faster than a similar soap from a popular manufacturer.

Moreover, you cannot use it right away. After a large soap bar is cut into portioned pieces, they should mature for 1.5 to 12 months using the cold production method and 2 weeks using the hot method.

Every buyer, going to a supermarket or online store, strives to choose only natural and healthy hygiene products, be it washing powder for children's clothes, shampoo or hand soap. So how can you choose a truly natural product from all the variety?

Soap, boiled manually, cannot be transparent and have perfectly smooth edges, since it is cut by hand. And with the hot method, you can’t always place a soap blank in a mold. This soap is unprepossessing in appearance, but has a mass useful properties. If the soap was made using a cold method, then its edges will be smoother, but still far from being like those from the factory.

Since artificial dyes are not used in home soap making, bright color Natural soap simply cannot have it. The same applies to the aroma of a soap product. It should be subtle and natural, so soap with a caramel scent can be safely avoided.

But each batch has a quality certificate, in which the composition is written in Russian words, and there are no substitutes or analogues in it, only natural ingredients. Natural soap may not be cheap, but it is an excellent investment in the most important thing possible - your health.

The modern market of perfumes and cosmetics is represented by a wide range of soaps. There are soaps on sale with various properties: medicinal, antibacterial, liquid.

What should you pay attention to when choosing soap?

For everyday use, soap is chosen depending on skin type.

Normal to oily skin

For these skin types, it is better to choose soap with an exfoliating effect. When washing with such soap, it will remove dead skin particles from the skin and make it velvety due to those natural particles contained in the soap (crushed peaches, plums). You can use this soap no more than 2-3 times a week.

Dry and sensitive skin

Soaps for these skin types use artificial granules instead of natural scrubs, which are more gentle on the skin. Those with dry and sensitive skin can use this soap only once a week.

Types of soap

Designed to heal skin that is prone to dermatitis. The composition of medicinal soap includes tar and sulfur and is used only as prescribed by a dermatologist.

The most hygienic type of soap to use. The low level of acidity of liquid soap is gentle on the skin. Only natural ingredients are added to liquid soap as fragrances.

This type of soap can only be used occasionally as a disinfectant, since bacterial soap is very drying to the skin.

This type of soap is considered the most neutral in terms of PH level and is recommended for use not only for children, but also for adults for everyday face washing.

Soap is an everyday hygiene product, so it is advisable to use soap that contains only natural ingredients.

Development is underway in Russia detergents, including soap, with a minimum content of surfactants (surfactants) and phosphates. These substances have a negative impact not only on the environment, but also on human skin. Some experts believe that the safest soap is 72% laundry soap. But people are designed in such a way that they place not only increased demands on the quality of soap, but also want to use a beautifully designed bar of soap with a pleasant smell.

Composition of natural soap

The soap base is represented in soap by animal or vegetable fats. In addition to them, the soap contains:

  • Glycerol;
  • Mineral based pigments;
  • Natural supplements in the form of medicinal herbs.

In the case when vegetable fats are used in the manufacture of soap, preservatives are introduced into the soap, which the manufacturer must indicate on the soap packaging. If the preservatives are essential oils, vitamin E, salicylic acid, then the shelf life of such soap does not exceed 1.5 years from the date of release.


There is a boom in private soap factories in Russia. Handicraft soap production can be immediately distinguished. The soap produced in such soap factories differs in shape. It is usually not packaged in a wrapper and is cut by weight. It is impossible to control the manufacturing technology at private soap factories, so there is no guarantee of the naturalness of the soap. Artificial dyes and preservatives and fragrances are introduced into the soap, which makes the soap very attractive, but not safe.

Choosing the right natural soap

A little about laundry soap

How to choose the right baby soap