DIY felt Christmas magnets. Felt magnets. Master class: making a dog magnet out of felt with your own hands

A refrigerator magnet is a universal gift. It can be used as an additional themed souvenir or an independent gift. A felt pig on the refrigerator, a symbol of 2019, is ideal for such a gift. Even older children can sew it with their own hands. Felt for creativity is sold in any office supply store and is produced in a variety of color scheme. To make a New Year's souvenir, choose the silhouette of a pig.


Felt white, pink;
round magnet;
eyes with moving pupils – 2 pcs.;
pink, black threads;
gray beads – 2 pcs.;
padding polyester;
glue moment.

Instructions for sewing a felt pig for the refrigerator

Draw a piglet template on white paper. You can find a suitable one on the Internet and copy it.

Cut out the pig template along the contour. Apply to pink felt.

We attach a template of the inner part of the ears and the heel to the white felt.

We trace everything along the outer contour and cut it out. We make two parts for the head with ears, two mirror parts for the insides of the ears, and one part for the oval heel.

We glue a round magnet onto one of the parts of the head.

On the second blank of the pig's head, we begin to design the muzzle. We attach a white patch and sew it on with gray beads.

We sew white elements inside the ears. We use pink threads for this.

Under the snout we embroider a mouth with black threads.

We put padding polyester on the workpiece with a magnet.

We put a piglet blank with a muzzle on top.

We sew together two felt parts of the pig's head with pink threads.

We stitch the entire head with an overcast stitch.

We try to ensure that the seam is neat on the back of the souvenir.

We glue the eyes with moving pupils just above the patch.

The felt pig is ready!

Magnets can not only be brought from travel, but also created independently from various materials.

Making a felt magnet with your own hands in the form of a funny slap is very simple. Its design, color and size may vary depending on your imagination. This mini-souvenir will decorate your home refrigerator or make a wonderful gift for no reason. The master class is perfect for those who are just looking at bright felt sheets and are afraid to tackle complex crafts, as well as for those who don’t know what to do with leftover material.

Materials for the master class

To make a felt refrigerator magnet reminiscent of a beach holiday, you need to prepare:

  • cardboard, you can take thin or thick, but not corrugated;
  • waxed cord;
  • felt (2 colors); for the base of the slap you can use any one, but for the flower only a thick one will do;
  • bead or pebble;
  • universal glue;
  • magnet;
  • glue gun

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions

Draw the shape of a slap on cardboard and cut out the shape with scissors.

Attach the cardboard blank to the felt sheet and trace with a simple pencil.

Cut out the felt sole with scissors and glue it to the cardboard blank with any universal glue. When the glue is completely dry, continue working.

Cut a small piece (about 3 cm) from the waxed cord. At the front of the sole, add a drop of glue (from a glue gun) and glue the ends of the cord, creating a loop.

Also, use a waxed cord to make a braid and tie knots on both sides. Place a little glue on the braid in front of the knots. After the glue has dried, cut off the knots.

Apply glue from a glue gun to the left side of the slap and attach one end of the braid.

Thread the braid through the loop and glue the other end on the right side.

The felt magnet in the form of a slap is almost ready, all that remains is to decorate it.

Cut a circle from a thick felt sheet of a different color bigger size, and from the same color as the slap, smaller. It is not necessary to take material of the same shade as the sole.

Using nail scissors, make something similar to a flower. Then glue the smaller flower onto the larger one, and a bead or pebble onto the smaller one.

Attach the flower to the flip flop.

All that remains is to glue the magnet to the felt and send the slap to the refrigerator. Such a bright souvenir will remind you of warm days both rainy autumn and cold winter.

You can show this master class to your child or practice handicrafts. If you're looking for more complex ones, take a look at this topic. We also have a tutorial on creating . Creative ideas to you! We are always glad to see you on our website and among our friends on social networks.

There are still a few months left until the new year 2018, the symbol of which is the dog, which means you can slowly prepare gifts for your family, friends and colleagues. Traditional for the New Year are gifts in the form of a symbol of the coming year, for example, small Stuffed Toys, keychains, figurines, and also refrigerator magnets.

Making a magnet in the shape of a cute dog is very simple. The materials for its manufacture need the most affordable ones, and it will only take a couple of hours.

So, for work you need to prepare:

  • hard felt (colors ocher, dark brown, white, black);
  • very small eyes for dolls with movable pupils (diameter no more than 3 mm), 1 pair;
  • embroidery threads (dark brown), silk, floss or others;
  • needle for hand sewing;
  • glue “Moment Crystal”;
  • simple scissors for cutting;
  • curly scissors “Wave” with a pitch of 3 mm;
  • scrapbooking paper;
  • a piece of sheet magnet (in the form of a thin sheet 1 mm thick).

Also for cutting you will need ball pen any color. She needs to outline a pattern of the future magnet prepared in advance and cut out of paper. You can draw a similar or other dog pattern yourself, either by inventing it or by being inspired by ideas from the Internet.

Master class: making a dog magnet out of felt with your own hands

The base of the magnet, i.e. the body of the dog, is made of alder-colored felt.

Spots of arbitrary shape should be cut out from dark brown felt. Then they need to be glued to the base of the magnet.

From black felt you need to cut out the nose of the dog, which also needs to be glued to the base.

You need to use embroidery thread to sew around the edges of the spots. The seam can be anything, the main thing is that it is neat.

The prepared magnet base should be glued onto white felt.

Along the outer edge of the magnet, you need to trim it with embroidery threads, similar to the spots on the body.

After this, you need to use scissors to cut off the excess white felt at some distance from the base of the magnet.

The magnet blank must be glued onto scrapbooking paper.

Using scissors, cut the white felt close to the base of the magnet.

You need to glue a small magnet on the reverse side.

The New Year's souvenir is completely ready!

The New Year tree is the most important attribute of this holiday! A big variety Christmas trees are just pleasing to the eye. Green, red, colorful and glowing - all this adds to our rainbow winter mood and pleasant atmosphere. We turn on fantasy, imagination and turn our plans into reality.

This master class on making felt magnet “Winter Christmas tree” It will take very little time, and the result will pleasantly surprise you! Beautiful gift It will be very useful for your beloved friends.

  • Felt different colors: white; green;
  • Polyester threads white;
  • Thin needle;
  • Pins;
  • Scissors;
  • Silicone glue (stick);
  • Lighter;
  • Soap;
  • White beads;
  • Magnetic tape.
  • Thin gold cord;
  • Thin two-color bindweed.

Felt magnet “Winter Christmas tree” - master class

Take the green felt and fold it in half to create symmetry on the future part. Using soap we draw the shape of a Christmas tree. It is worth noting that she unusual shape with rounded ends. If you wish, you can change the shape of the Christmas tree a little, but this is to your taste.

Now we prepare the snow. To do this, place the Christmas tree on top of white felt and trace the outline of its outer cut. Then we complete the shape in the form of melting snow (in waves). We carefully cut everything out with small scissors. You should get 3 snow patterns.

We sew our snow onto each row of the tree. We make small hand running stitches using white thread. Make sure that no excess dark lint gets into the stitching. All lines are smooth.

Then we sew white beads in a chaotic order. On the back side of the Christmas tree we do not cut the thread, but make transitions between the beads. In the future, the back side of the magnet will not be visible, since it is one-sided.

At this stage we decorate the Christmas tree with bindweed. Using soap, you can draw a line for gluing this braid. We use silicone glue. On the reverse side, be sure to fasten the ends of the bindweed.

Now we prepare the bows. We need 3 of them. Making them is very simple: first we tie a knot, and on top of it the bow itself.

Often, when choosing a gift, we rely on the interests and hobbies of the person we want to congratulate.

And, if you manage to get, as they say, “into the theme,” then even a completely inexpensive souvenir can become a source of joy and bring a lot of positive emotions.

I offer you a simple master class on making a souvenir from felt, which is based on a photograph, which allows you to make a pattern of the object we need. Of course, such a souvenir will not display the smallest details of the photo and meticulously repeat all the subtleties, but will show the main ones, key points, allowing us to easily understand who we were trying to portray.

In my case, the choice of photo was determined by an order from a dog kennel. The customer asked to make gift felt magnets in the form of dogs of different breeds: Chihuahuas, Yorkies, Spitz and a myriad of Miniature Schnauzers in several variations of colors, docked and undocked, cropped and hairy... Everything to please the breeders of dogs of these breeds.

Through trial and error, I came to the decision that using a photograph of a live dog as a pattern is the best option for completing this order. In the future, this method was useful to me many times in other products. We will look at this in this master class on making a dog from felt.

To satisfy your interest, I will immediately show you what happened with the dogs for the kennel:

Owners of cutting plotters can only be envied in such a situation :) And with the scanner function it’s generally the same...

You can imagine what opportunities the owner of such a device has in performing manufacturing tasks large quantity souvenirs.

But, in the absence of such a device, our master class is designed for good old scissors :)

Now let’s move on directly to the master class on making a dog magnet using the black and tan Chihuahua breed as an example.

1. Materials:

Felt - in this case, two colors (black and milky), thickness 1.2 mm. I like Spanish wool blend felt best and that's what I use.

Felt glue— in my master class 2 years ago, I already wrote about what kind of glue is suitable for working with felt, but I repeat once again, ordinary PVA, super glue are not suitable for us - they soak the felt, leave stains and from them the felt " “tans” after drying. When working with felt, I use either “Moment Crystal” or “Contact” transparent.

Magnet glue- you can use the same “Contact”, but in this case I prefer Loctite super glue so that the magnet sits “tightly” and cannot be torn off.

Black threads of medium thickness— Threads that are too thin are not recommended for working with felt, as they can cut into the structure of the felt and tear it.

Black beads for eyes and nose- 3 pieces.

Magnet— the shape of the magnet is unimportant, mine is rectangular.

Thick cardboard— I have thick cardboard from a pack of Japanese paper napkins.

2. Tools:

Scissors- sharp thin scissors are the best option.

Blade— I have a surgical scalpel, but you can also use a regular razor blade or a thin dummy knife.

A simple pencil.

Chalk or white marking pencil for working with black felt.

Thin black gel pen for working with light felt.

3. Photo and pattern

As a prototype, we choose a character that suits us and print the photo in 2 copies.

We mark them and number the main details that we need to highlight in color. We “dissolve” one copy into details. In the photo you can see how I did it. The size of the dog, about 10 cm in height, was not chosen by chance - before printing the image, I adjusted the size of the photo to a size that would be convenient for making a magnet.

For those who do not have the opportunity to print an image, there is another way - we place a sheet of paper or tracing paper on a computer monitor and use a pencil to copy the silhouette and the details of the image we need.

4. Transfer the image to felt.

We outline the silhouette on black felt with chalk - we need 2 such copies.

Then, using a black gel pen, we outline small details on light felt - each detail in one copy.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that when tracing parts with a black pen on light felt, I place the paper patterns of the parts with the front side facing the felt. This is in case the black marking, if it is not completely cut off somewhere during cutting, is not visible on the front side of the finished product.

This is what we get after cutting.

5. Product assembly

We take one copy of the black silhouette and carefully glue the light-colored parts in accordance with the photo.

Apply the glue sparingly so that it does not wet the part too much and does not come out over the edges. If excess glue does end up on the front part of the part, do not try to remove it immediately - this will only smear it on the felt, and the product will have an untidy appearance. It will be better if the glue dries, then you can remove it more carefully.

Now we need to make a nose, eyes and embroider a muzzle with threads. And, if with the nose we solve everything simply - we sewed it on and that’s it, then with the eyes we have to undergo a small ophthalmological operation.

In the photo below you can see that I marked the eyes with chalk and prepared a blade with which to make cuts in the eyes according to the markings.

What are these cuts for? Of course, you can simply sew beads in place of the eyes and calm down, but if you insert beads through such cuts, the eyes will have some semblance of eyelids and will look better.

Next, cut out small pieces of black felt and sew beads to them. This will provide better fixation of the eyes and a guarantee against eye loss in finished product. We try on our eyes, if necessary, we enlarge the incision a little more with a blade.

Now we coat small pieces of felt around the beads with glue and carefully insert the beads into our holes, pressing to glue the pieces of felt on the back side. Here's what happens:

Now we embroider the muzzle with black threads and glue light “tan marks” above the eyes - eyebrows made from small pieces of light felt.

We did it front side souvenir. We will put it aside for now and work on the “skeleton”, which will provide density, strength and some volume to our magnet.

To do this, we outline the silhouette of the dog with a pencil and draw an internal line along which we will cut out this “skeleton”. This is necessary so that the cardboard part is completely hidden inside during the final assembly of the product and does not stick out between the layers of felt.

We take the second piece of the black silhouette, on which we have not yet glued anything, and glue on our “skeleton”.