What to wear tomorrow to stay warm. How to avoid freezing in winter - dress according to the rules. Last layer of clothing

Winter means, first of all, snow, frost and wind. For a northern person, all this is familiar and not scary, but still: “How not to freeze in winter”?

Our clothes are the very first barrier that protects us from adverse weather factors. For this reason, I consider the following saying to be absolutely accurate: “There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothes.”

It’s no secret that the national Russian winter clothing is: felt boots, a sheepskin coat and a fur hat. I think that wearing such clothes in the village is in order, but in the city...

City dwellers need to choose the right clothes so as not to freeze in winter.

How to dress warmly in winter

The main principle of winter clothing is layering, that is, the presence of several layers. Air is trapped between layers of clothing, which makes the temperature difference between the body and the surrounding weather conditions less drastic.

Air warmed by body heat creates multi-layer thermal insulation. The more layers your clothes have, the warmer you will be. Don’t forget that no matter how many layers of clothing you wear, you shouldn’t be constrained by it. Your clothes should not be tight.

First layer of clothing

The first layer of clothing should be underwear. Sleeves must be long. The linen itself should be made of dense, heat-retaining natural material.

This role can be performed by insulated cotton underwear, often brushed. Natural fibers cannot be compared to synthetics. They work to the maximum, retaining precious body heat.

Choose only high-quality underwear with flat seams, it is more comfortable to wear.

We often choose thermal underwear as the first layer of clothing; this choice is not always the right one. Often such clothing is made from synthetic fibers.

Thermal underwear is the clothing of athletes and people leading a very active lifestyle. The fact is that thermal underwear does not have the ability to retain heat.

But it perfectly removes moisture (sweat) from the body, thus preventing you from freezing from wet clothes.

For this reason, I do not recommend using thermal underwear as casual wear.

Second layer of clothing

The second layer of clothing can be a woolen shirt, or in extreme cases - with a mixture of wool. Cotton T-shirts are the most impractical choice for a second layer. They absorb sweat very well, and wet clothes are the first step to freezing.

Third layer of clothing

Now it's time to put on a turtleneck sweater. It can be wool or mixed with wool (the second option retains heat much better and protects from the wind).

Why high throat? Because it is the carotid arteries and jugular veins that give off heat the fastest, which means they need to be protected. If you are not a fan of such sweaters, then you urgently need a mohair or wool scarf!

Last layer of clothing

This is outerwear. This could be an insulated jacket, a down jacket, a sheepskin coat or a fur coat.

Outerwear in winter is primarily protection from bad weather, and not a tribute to fashion. For this reason, the jacket should not be short: a bare lower back in winter is nonsense.

When it's very windy in winter, I mentally thank the creator of the hood. Believe me, a hood on a jacket, fur coat, sheepskin coat is a salvation! 🙂

When purchasing outerwear, pay attention to this detail. It is important that the headdress fits easily into your hood so that you feel comfortable and not tight.


To stay warm in winter, you need a hat! Many people neglect hats, but in vain...

Half of the heat given off by our body leaves the surface of the head. It doesn’t matter how warmly you dress, but if you don’t protect your head, you’ll be chilled through and through! In cold weather there is no time for beauty and chic hairstyles. I still don’t understand why a winter hat isn’t beautiful?!


To dress warmly in winter you need good shoes. It is shoes, not boots, made in a country where there is no real winter.

It is best to try on and buy future winter shoes in the afternoon. At this time, your legs are stretched and stretched; keep in mind that you will be wearing boots with thick socks. Therefore, the foot should be spacious inside the shoe.

Taking care of your winter shoes is a must! Insoles are a must. I also strongly recommend cutting out and putting second insoles into your winter shoes, believe me, it works great and you will be glad you did it!

I tried to talk in as much detail as possible about how to dress warmly in winter so as not to freeze. It only remains to add that the necessary items of a winter wardrobe are: dry shoes, a warm scarf, fur mittens or gloves. This is all a small thing, someone will say, but it is the little things that play such an important role in our lives.

Since childhood, we have been taught that in winter we need to dress very warmly. The advice is not so bad, but requires clarification. Otherwise, you risk profuse sweating and then a cold.

Principle 1. Layering

Using several layers of clothing helps, on the one hand, to retain heat, and on the other, to remove excess moisture from the body.

First of all, this rule applies to the torso. It is its insufficient insulation that often becomes the cause of frostbite in the extremities, since the body is forced to devote all its resources to heating vital organs. To avoid this, you should use a three-layer system of winter equipment:

  1. Moisture-wicking base layer (thermal underwear: long-sleeve T-shirt and leggings).

  2. Medium insulating layer (jacket or sweater).

  3. Top layer that protects from wind and moisture (jacket or down jacket).

The principle of multi-layering should also be followed when insulating other parts of the body:

  1. Wear two pairs of socks on your feet.

  2. Use shoes with an additional insole.

  3. Place a hood over the hat.

  4. Wear gloves under the mittens.

In this case, the top layer (jacket, shoes) should be spacious enough to accommodate everything else. If you do not take this nuance into account, you will be constrained in your movements or freeze faster (thus, narrow shoes interfere with normal blood circulation, that is, the natural heating of the feet).

Principle 2: The right materials

Base layer

Forget about cotton all winter. It perfectly absorbs the moisture that the body releases, but leaves it inside. As a result, you find yourself in a wet and cold T-shirt and frozen to the bone.

The best alternative to cotton is thermal underwear made from high-tech synthetics or merino wool. It wicks moisture away from the body, allowing it to stay dry and maintain a comfortable temperature. However, synthetics have one drawback: they quickly accumulate an unpleasant odor, so they have to be washed often.

Silk thermal underwear is also a good choice. It retains heat well and does not absorb moisture as much as cotton.

Middle and top layers

The best option for the middle layer would be a fleece jacket or a sweater made of natural wool.

When choosing a top layer, it's worth considering what you'll be doing outside. While heavy fur coats and sheepskin coats are still suitable for walking, they will be terribly uncomfortable during active activities. Membrane jackets and down jackets are the ideal choice here. These models remove moisture and do not allow it to penetrate inside, they are resistant to wind and are also quite lightweight.

When choosing socks, again avoid cotton in favor of high-quality synthetics (for example, polypropylene) and wool. The heat will definitely not leave your feet if you combine both options, that is, wear two socks.

Choose shoes with high and non-rubber soles (rubber quickly lets the cold through). The lining and additional insole should be made of natural fur.

Avoid loose and cotton hats. Much better is a headwear made of wool or acrylic with fleece that fits tightly to the head.

Principle 3. Consideration of external factors and type of load

  1. Always consider the strength of the frost and choose clothes depending on it. For example, thermal underwear made of synthetics and wool can be selected for different temperatures. In severe cold weather, you can give preference to expensive silk.

  2. Also, depending on the weather, adjust the number of layers of clothing. If necessary, wear not two, but three socks, several sweaters. Do not forget that there may be gloves under the mittens, and a hood on the hat.

  3. Always consider the planned type of load. If you are going for a long walk in a forest park, make sure that the wind will not blow under your jacket. If you intend to spend time actively, give preference to outerwear with sections for ventilation. In the case of intense outdoor training, it is generally better if you are a little cool at first, otherwise you will start to sweat after just a couple of minutes.

  4. The situation with winter tourism deserves special attention. If you plan to be outdoors for a long time, you should take care of an additional set of clothes. Take with you spare mittens, socks and even a down jacket: a light jacket will allow you to move comfortably, and a more serious option will protect you during severe frosts.

and a few more tips

If, despite all the tricks, you feel that you are starting to sweat, try adjusting your body temperature yourself.

Remove an item of clothing, such as mittens or a hat, to release excess heat from your body.
Slow down. Try to synchronize the movement with calm breathing: take a step as you inhale and a step as you exhale. This way you can cover a long distance and avoid profuse sweating.
And remember: there is no perfect advice for everyone. Approach the choice of clothing individually, taking into account your own thermoregulation, reaction to different materials and other factors.

Experiment. This is the only way you can create a set that will be dry, warm and comfortable for you.

Using several layers of clothing helps, on the one hand, and on the other, to remove excess moisture from the body.

First of all, this rule applies to the torso. It is its insufficient insulation that often becomes the cause of frostbite in the extremities, since the body is forced to devote all its resources to heating vital organs. To avoid this, you should use a three-layer system of winter equipment:

  1. Moisture-wicking base layer (thermal underwear: long-sleeve T-shirt and leggings).
  2. Medium insulating layer (jacket or sweater).
  3. Top layer that protects from wind and moisture (jacket or down jacket).

The principle of multi-layering should also be followed when insulating other parts of the body:

  1. Wear two pairs of socks on your feet.
  2. Use shoes with an additional insole.
  3. Place a hood over the hat.
  4. Wear gloves under the mittens.

In this case, the top layer (jacket, shoes) should be spacious enough to accommodate everything else. If you do not take this nuance into account, you will be constrained in your movements or freeze faster (thus, narrow shoes interfere with normal blood circulation, that is, the natural heating of the feet).

Principle 2: The right materials

Base layer

Forget about cotton all winter. It perfectly absorbs the moisture that the body releases, but leaves it inside. As a result, you find yourself in a wet and cold T-shirt and frozen to the bone.

The best alternative to cotton is thermal underwear made from high-tech synthetics or merino wool. It wicks moisture away from the body, allowing it to stay dry and maintain a comfortable temperature. However, synthetics have one drawback: they quickly accumulate an unpleasant odor, so they have to be washed often.

Silk thermal underwear is also a good choice. It retains heat well and does not absorb moisture as much as cotton.

Middle and top layers

The best option for the middle layer would be a fleece jacket or a sweater made of natural wool.

When choosing a top layer, it's worth considering what you'll be doing outside. While heavy fur coats and sheepskin coats are still suitable for walking, they will be terribly uncomfortable during active activities. Jackets and down jackets are the ideal choice here. These models remove moisture and do not allow it to penetrate inside, they are resistant to wind and are also quite lightweight.


When choosing socks, again avoid cotton in favor of high-quality synthetics (for example, polypropylene) and wool. The heat will definitely not leave your feet if you combine both options, that is, wear two socks.

Choose shoes with high and non-rubber soles (rubber quickly lets the cold through). The lining and additional insole should be made of natural fur.


Avoid loose and cotton hats. Much better is a headwear made of wool or acrylic with fleece that fits tightly to the head.

Principle 3. Consideration of external factors and type of load

  1. Always consider the strength of the frost and choose clothes depending on it. For example, thermal underwear made of synthetics and wool can be selected for different temperatures. In severe cold weather, you can give preference to expensive silk.
  2. Also, depending on the weather, adjust the number of layers of clothing. If necessary, wear not two, but three socks, several sweaters. Do not forget that there may be gloves under the mittens, and a hood on the hat.
  3. Always consider the planned type of load. If you are going for a long walk in a forest park, make sure that the wind will not blow under your jacket. If you intend to, give preference to outerwear with sections for ventilation. In the case of intense outdoor training, it is generally better if you are a little cool at first, otherwise you will start to sweat after just a couple of minutes.
  4. The situation with winter tourism deserves special attention. If you plan to be outdoors for a long time, you should take care of an additional set of clothes. Take with you spare mittens, socks and even a down jacket: a light jacket will allow you to move comfortably, and a more serious option will protect you during severe frosts.

If, despite all the tricks, you feel that you are starting to sweat, try adjusting your body temperature yourself.

  1. Remove an item of clothing, such as mittens or a hat, to release excess heat from your body.
  2. Slow down. Try to synchronize the movement with calm breathing: take a step as you inhale and a step as you exhale. This way you can cover a long distance and avoid profuse sweating.

And remember: there is no perfect advice for everyone. Approach the choice of clothing individually, taking into account your own thermoregulation, reaction to different materials and other factors.

Experiment. This is the only way you can create a set that will be dry, warm and comfortable for you.

During cold weather, the most obvious desire is to wrap yourself in a cozy blanket and not show your nose outside the hearth. However, everyday reality still forces us to go outside into the arms of the frost. It would seem that warm clothes should protect us from the piercing cold, but we still freeze, catch colds and get used to a stuffy nose every day. These tips will help you fight the cold and learn not to freeze outside. These tips will be especially useful for those who, by the will of fate, are forced to spend long hours in the frosty air.

Before going out

1. Weather conditions

Before leaving your home analyze the situation on the street and check the weather forecast. It is worth paying attention not so much to the air temperature, but for precipitation. The fact is that moist air has greater thermal conductivity than dry air, which means that during snowfall or rain you will lose more heat than in clear weather. So if precipitation and strong winds are expected, in order not to get cold outside, you need to prepare more carefully.

Fact . Scientists have proven that in one minute of being outside in dry weather, a person loses 10 times less heat than in a similar situation during a snowfall or blizzard.

2. Food

Man is a warm-blooded creature, and 90% of the energy that comes to us with food goes to heat the body, and in winter we need more energy, which means more food. Therefore, the first thing that must be remembered is: Before going outside into the arms of the frost, you need to eat well. Focus on foods high in fat and protein: meat, fish, milk, cereals and bread. Do not deprive yourself of potatoes and celery with spinach - these products are rich in potassium, which accelerates blood circulation, thereby increasing heat transfer in the body and increasing resistance to cold.

3. Water

During the frosty season, the body does not lose much less moisture than on hot days, but Lack of fluid impairs blood circulation, causing the body to freeze faster. Therefore, if you want the warmth to remain in the body longer, in addition to soups and drinks, Before going outside, drink an extra glass of warm water, and even better, green tea with ginger - this root vegetable, in addition to numerous healing properties, also has a warming and tonic effect.

By the way. In winter, it is advisable to minimize the consumption of black tea and coffee and it is better not to drink it at all immediately before going outside in the cold - these drinks dry out the mucous membranes, which reduces the body's protective properties against colds. In addition, caffeine, which is rich in both black tea and coffee, blocks receptors that cause the walls of blood vessels to contract when exposed to cold.

4. Getting used to the cold

A sharp change in ambient temperature is a serious stress for the body, so you should not immediately plunge from the warmth of your apartment into the cold outside. Adapt gradually– before going outside, linger for a minute or two on the landing or in the entrance and only after that go on a frosty journey.

How to dress to stay warm

It would seem that in this regard everything is simple - the colder it is outside, the warmer you need to dress. However, there are some nuances thanks to which you can retain heat more effectively.

1. Clothes

Clothes that are designed to protect you from the cold should be loose and not snug, otherwise it will not warm, but rather freeze the body. It's all about the air layer that forms between the fabric and the body - this air retains the heat generated by the body and prevents it from freezing. Based on this principle, it becomes clear that the more layers of clothing you wear in frosty weather, the warmer you will feel. For example, two jumpers will protect you from the cold better than one thick sweater.

2. Shoes

To keep your feet warm, You should give up narrow and tight shoes: firstly, in such shoes there will be no layer of air, which we talked about above, and secondly, tight shoes will compress the blood vessels, thereby disrupting blood circulation, which, along with everything else, supplies heat to the feet. It is also worth paying attention to the sole– the thicker it is, the less heat the foot will lose from proximity to frosty asphalt.

3. Hands

Since the vessels in the hands are very small, the palms and fingers become numb the fastest. Therefore, make a rule for yourself not to go out in cold weather without gloves. And if the frost is really severe, then better to wear mittens– unlike gloves, the fingers in mittens touch each other, which means that heat is exchanged between them and the hands will warm up better.

What to do on the street so as not to die

1. Breathing

It is believed that a person loses most of their heat through their head and many believe that by wearing a hat they minimize heat loss. However, this is not quite true. Man really Most of the heat produced by the body is lost through the head, however, not through the top of the head, but through the mouth and nose - during breathing. Therefore, in order to minimize heat loss, try to breathe only through your nose– this way you will retain more heat inside and reduce the amount of cold air that enters your lungs.

  • If you can’t breathe through your nose (due to a runny nose or shortness of breath), press your tongue to the roof of your mouth– it will serve as a kind of barrier to cold air, warming it on its way to the lungs.

2. Face

Unprotected cheeks and nose freeze very quickly in the cold, since the skin in these places is quite thin. Therefore, you should protect these places with a scarf, pulling it higher. At the same time, breathing through the mouth is doubly prohibited, since the exhaled steam will remain on the scarf and turn into small pieces of ice, which will make you freeze much faster.

3. Movement

If you are forced to wait in the cold for someone or something, do not stand still. Move if you don't want to freeze: Walk back and forth, dance, stretch your arms or do squats without being embarrassed to look stupid - such activity will help circulate blood throughout the body and protect against the cold.

Fact . Alcohol doesn't help keep you warm. The feeling of warmth that appears after a missed drink is a consequence of a sharp expansion of blood vessels, as a result of which heat quickly leaves the body. Thus, alcohol makes the body freeze more, not heating. This is also evidenced by sad statistics: 85% of frostbite occurs while intoxicated.

4. Refuge

If you have to spend a long time outside during frost, keep in mind: every hour you need to go into a warm shelter(shop or cafe) and warm up there for at least 15 minutes. Otherwise you will die.

5. Nerves

Research has shown that the more nervous a person is, the more difficult it is for the body to adapt to the cold, which means it freezes faster. Therefore, when going out into the cold, you should try to get rid of negative thoughts, and on the street, breathing slowly and deeply is calming. Eating chocolate will also not hurt, as it will increase the amount of endorphin in the body - the hormone of joy.

Tricks to help you stay warm in the bitter cold

1. Mustard or pepper

If you are facing a long journey in the cold or standing in one place for a long time, then before going outside sprinkle a little pepper or dry mustard into each sock. These spices will warm your feet and speed up blood circulation. You should also do the same with mittens to warm your hands. This trick will allow you to warm your limbs for up to 12 hours.

2. Paper

Paper is a good thermal insulation material, so it can be used in the fight against cold, and in different ways.

  • Wrap your feet in newspaper or other paper over your socks, then wrap your feet in a plastic bag - this is how fishermen save themselves from the cold during winter fishing.
  • Paper will also help if you suddenly do not have warm insoles - instead, put several layers of paper inside the shoe.
  • The newspaper is also useful for warming the body. If you accidentally find yourself outside unprepared for the frost, buy any printed publication at the nearest stall and “squeeze” each torn page into a small lump. You should end up with 10-15 paper balls, which you need to distribute evenly under your sweater or jacket over the entire area of ​​your body: front, sides and back. This will create an additional layer of air that will warm you up.

3. Monk skills

It is known that some Tibetan monks, with the help of special techniques, are able to remain half-naked in the snow-capped mountains for a long time and not suffer at all from this. Of course, such abilities are acquired through long training, however some techniques can be adopted by us too, ordinary mortals.

  • Single nostril breathing. The method is very simple: you need to inhale frosty air through your nose, and exhale only through one nostril, closing the second with your finger. Apparently, this way more heat will be retained in the body.
  • Tummo. It is believed that with the help of this technique, Tibetan monks are able to dry a wet towel on a naked body in cold weather. While meditating, they imagine a small light the size of a match head inside their stomach, which they mentally force to grow and increase until the internal fire goes beyond the boundaries of the body. Of course, we have no need to dry wet towels, but we are quite capable of warming ourselves up, I visualize the warmth inside us. At a minimum, such meditation will calm your nerves and distract your thoughts from the cold.

Using several layers of clothing helps, on the one hand, and on the other, to remove excess moisture from the body.

First of all, this rule applies to the torso. It is its insufficient insulation that often becomes the cause of frostbite in the extremities, since the body is forced to devote all its resources to heating vital organs. To avoid this, you should use a three-layer system of winter equipment:

  1. Moisture-wicking base layer (thermal underwear: long-sleeve T-shirt and leggings).
  2. Medium insulating layer (jacket or sweater).
  3. Top layer that protects from wind and moisture (jacket or down jacket).

The principle of multi-layering should also be followed when insulating other parts of the body:

  1. Wear two pairs of socks on your feet.
  2. Use shoes with an additional insole.
  3. Place a hood over the hat.
  4. Wear gloves under the mittens.

In this case, the top layer (jacket, shoes) should be spacious enough to accommodate everything else. If you do not take this nuance into account, you will be constrained in your movements or freeze faster (thus, narrow shoes interfere with normal blood circulation, that is, the natural heating of the feet).

Principle 2: The right materials

Base layer

Forget about cotton all winter. It perfectly absorbs the moisture that the body releases, but leaves it inside. As a result, you find yourself in a wet and cold T-shirt and frozen to the bone.

The best alternative to cotton is thermal underwear made from high-tech synthetics or merino wool. It wicks moisture away from the body, allowing it to stay dry and maintain a comfortable temperature. However, synthetics have one drawback: they quickly accumulate an unpleasant odor, so they have to be washed often.

Silk thermal underwear is also a good choice. It retains heat well and does not absorb moisture as much as cotton.

Middle and top layers

The best option for the middle layer would be a fleece jacket or a sweater made of natural wool.

When choosing a top layer, it's worth considering what you'll be doing outside. While heavy fur coats and sheepskin coats are still suitable for walking, they will be terribly uncomfortable during active activities. Jackets and down jackets are the ideal choice here. These models remove moisture and do not allow it to penetrate inside, they are resistant to wind and are also quite lightweight.


When choosing socks, again avoid cotton in favor of high-quality synthetics (for example, polypropylene) and wool. The heat will definitely not leave your feet if you combine both options, that is, wear two socks.

Choose shoes with high and non-rubber soles (rubber quickly lets the cold through). The lining and additional insole should be made of natural fur.


Avoid loose and cotton hats. Much better is a headwear made of wool or acrylic with fleece that fits tightly to the head.

Principle 3. Consideration of external factors and type of load

  1. Always consider the strength of the frost and choose clothes depending on it. For example, thermal underwear made of synthetics and wool can be selected for different temperatures. In severe cold weather, you can give preference to expensive silk.
  2. Also, depending on the weather, adjust the number of layers of clothing. If necessary, wear not two, but three socks, several sweaters. Do not forget that there may be gloves under the mittens, and a hood on the hat.
  3. Always consider the planned type of load. If you are going for a long walk in a forest park, make sure that the wind will not blow under your jacket. If you intend to, give preference to outerwear with sections for ventilation. In the case of intense outdoor training, it is generally better if you are a little cool at first, otherwise you will start to sweat after just a couple of minutes.
  4. The situation with winter tourism deserves special attention. If you plan to be outdoors for a long time, you should take care of an additional set of clothes. Take with you spare mittens, socks and even a down jacket: a light jacket will allow you to move comfortably, and a more serious option will protect you during severe frosts.

If, despite all the tricks, you feel that you are starting to sweat, try adjusting your body temperature yourself.

  1. Remove an item of clothing, such as mittens or a hat, to release excess heat from your body.
  2. Slow down. Try to synchronize the movement with calm breathing: take a step as you inhale and a step as you exhale. This way you can cover a long distance and avoid profuse sweating.

And remember: there is no perfect advice for everyone. Approach the choice of clothing individually, taking into account your own thermoregulation, reaction to different materials and other factors.

Experiment. This is the only way you can create a set that will be dry, warm and comfortable for you.