Children are the flowers of life, and I am their gardener. “They say children are the flowers of life. And I think children are life itself Children are the flowers of life who is the author

Love childhood: encourage its games, its fun, its sweet instinct,
who among you has not sometimes regretted this age,
when there is always laughter on your lips, and there is always peace in your soul.
J. J. Rousseau.

What is pedagogy? I re-read the definition of this word again. It seems to me that pedagogy is something capacious and loud. I would like to highlight a small, seemingly not so important, preschool pedagogy, which is closer and dearer to me.

I am a preschool teacher, or more simply, a kindergarten teacher. For me, a teacher is not a profession, not a job, not a hobby - it is my life. I was lucky enough to live through my childhood many times, with my loved ones who became my own children. Each of them is given a piece of their soul, their heart. Some of them have already brought their children, others have started going to kindergarten- they are all loved, you worry about each one as if you were a loved one.

Every morning when I come to work, I see the eyes of my children. In some there is anxiety, in others there is devotion, in others there is expectation of something new, and in others there is confusion, maybe even indifference. All different! Everyone has their own imagination, their own world, which cannot be shaken, but you need to help, lend your hands.

I think children should be loved for who they are. And not only to love, you need to “dissolve” in them. In communication with preschoolers there should be a certain state, I would say, a spirit - the spirit of justice, the spirit of forgiveness, the spirit of independence, the spirit of youth, the spirit of fun and, probably, the spirit of love.

Preschool children teach us adults a lot too. They know how to forgive, and unselfishly, they know how to be friends “just like that,” they have fun in their own way, with special enthusiasm.

In the past, teachers were called “gardeners,” probably because they believed that “children are the flowers of life.” The work of a teacher can be compared with the work of a gardener; each flower has its own approach: one loves light, another loves coolness, one loves abundant watering, the other grows beautifully even without moisture. It’s the same in the work of a teacher: every child needs an understanding of his personality. I am involved in the development of personality, and as a teacher I am responsible for ensuring that the child is not humiliated, so that he understands and learns what his capabilities are.

The work of a teacher is difficult and difficult. But people in this profession have one thing in common - they give their hearts to children.

And their highest reward is the love of children.

The 1st All-Russian diary competition has ended foster families“Our Stories” by the Timchenko Charitable Foundation. The competition laureates and their families will come to Moscow for the award ceremony, which will take place tomorrow, November 24, at the State Historical Museum.

432 works from different regions of the Russian Federation were submitted for consideration by the jury.

We present the story that received the Grand Prix of the competition - the story of Irina Larionova from Novosibirsk. Irina and her husband Vasily have 2 adopted sons.

“Well, how do you like me?”

For the first time I realized how you can drown in your eyes... This day was six years ago, but it feels like yesterday! We arrived at the shelter on December 29 - everyone was in a hurry, it was New Year's Eve. The kid was warned that “Aunt Ira and Uncle Vasya” were coming, because he had just turned 5 years old, just a couple of weeks ago. And so he waits, we are driving along a broken winter road from Novosibirsk to the region, we approach - our knees are shaking: how will we see you? how will you meet? what will he say? will he be happy or not?
Let's go in. They greeted us cordially, as if they were our own, we go to the stairs, we go up (the stairs have a bend - the upper landing is not visible), I raise my head and the bag of gifts almost falls from my hands. So many eyes! Finally, I see HIM - that’s when I drowned in his eyes, as if in space. There was no one around, just me and the baby.

And now, when I have both failures and victories, I immediately remember that moment.

We were driving home: he was in the back seat, squeezed into a chair (although he already knew us well), very quiet. And everything around us sparkles with white snow: the fields, the road, the crowns of trees, the roofs of village houses... The road is long - two hours along the highway - and the whole way we drove in silence, looking into each other’s eyes.

We went up to the apartment and took off our winter clothes. The baby in the huge apartment shrank like a mouse, the question in his eyes: how am I? How can I be here?

For three months we didn’t separate from each other at all, we lived as if glued to each other: my dad and I set the coffee table and visited our baby, in his little children’s world, full of fears, pain, despair, cold and hunger. And little by little that world went away, letting go of the baby: the eyes shone, and we began to sing, and dance, and learn to play: yes, yes, just play, - we didn’t even know how to play with cars before.

He became more relaxed, and the need arose for the help of specialists—psychologists. Our first assistants were psychologists from the Solar Circle. How many hours we spent with them! The baby learned to live in another world: without pain and cold, without screams and quarrels: in a world where there is a mom and dad (we became mom and dad on the second day and then cried into the pillow with joy all night).

From him I learned to love “just like that”

So we walked hand in hand, taking every step together, intertwined like a rope: it didn’t seem very powerful, but it couldn’t be broken. There have been so many moments in life when you take your breath away, sometimes from happiness, sometimes from despair: it was everything. And most importantly, along the way I came across people who were sincere, not indifferent, both in care and everywhere.

After all, there are a million questions, and you can’t always find the answer alone. We are still friends with everyone we met along the way.

Our baby is so sociable, friendly, talented and sincere.

Next to him, the whole world became kinder and more joyful. A year later, almost the entire neighborhood knew us, and he managed to chat with everyone. We sat on all the benches and paid attention to all the grandmothers; we got to know everyone with the guys.

For the first time I met a little man who loves the whole world, loves just like that: sincerely, from the bottom of his heart, and we - adults - had a lot to learn from him!!! The little man who saw only pain and fear loved life in all its manifestations, he loves people, and, surprisingly, EVERYONE.

Santa Claus is coming to you

New Year. We ordered Santa Claus home for Sasha. Dressed up. We prepared the Christmas tree and gifts: we sit, wait, and our Grandfather is no longer there. All eyes were already on, but they didn’t tell the baby about the surprise: he was languishing in a suit, waiting for something, but he didn’t know what yet.

What can we do, Santa Claus didn’t come, it’s an embarrassment, but we don’t get lost, we take out gifts, eat sweets, and play! The kid still didn’t understand what his parents were up to, what did they want from him?

Two days pass, everyone is at home on the sofa, we are not expecting guests, and suddenly the phone rings: Santa Claus is coming to see you!!! He's already heading up the stairs to the apartment! What can we do, we don’t have time to put a suit on Sasha, it’s good that there are some gifts left in the bins. The doorbell rings, I open it, quickly hide the gifts in Grandfather’s bag, we go into the room and... The child is in a stupor, he saw Santa Claus for the first time at the age of six. I got scared. He stands as if not a boy, but a wooden Pinocchio.

His grandfather sings, dances, and shows with balloons. Well, about fifteen minutes later our Pinocchio came to life. At this point it came to poetry, and to photos with Grandfather. True, when Santa Claus decided to rock the baby in his arms, Sasha became Pinocchio again. The grandfather holds him in his arms, and Sanka stretched out his arms like sticks parallel in front of him and froze. Santa Claus, who was sensitive, got caught, let go of our guy’s hands and let’s start dancing in circles again. Sanka thawed out again.

Grandfather left, and we sat quietly for a long time and did not believe what it was. And then our little one, in grades up to third grade, touched Santa Clauses at all the Christmas trees, looked into his eyes - looking for the very REAL one who came home.

Thanks to the teacher!

Days and years fly by, you don’t notice them in the bustle. And it seems that your little son is still just a little boy, but when you look at him, he’s not!

Soon it will be 11 years, and six years of our life have passed like one day. And now I remember his first solo appearance on stage. Dress rehearsal: there are a lot of people in the hall, Sanka comes out, sings something or tries to sing, I suggest from the audience, and so does the vocal teacher. Everyone sang. He comes down from the stage, but we can’t take the microphone from his hands - he grabbed it so hard! With difficulty, the microphone was returned, and he stood there for half an hour with his hands clasped. And again, thanks to an excellent vocal teacher: the guy started singing, got involved, and we were so happy to hear from my son: “singing is my life!”

LIFE! JOY! HAPPINESS! GOOD! WARM! PARTICIPATION - such as simple words, we hear and talk about them every day, but how much do they mean to those who need them, those whose lives depend on them. I experience every moment of our family’s life in this way and understand: if there weren’t so many kind and truly sympathetic people around, we would not have achieved such results, how much harder and more confusing our path would have been.

We are walking along the road with the boys, and there is a kitten, dirty, unhappy, and, of course: “Mom! Well mom!” You understand: you can’t leave without a kitten, and you take it, and carry it, and wash it, and feed it, and all because you are unable to deny your children mercy and compassion!

For me, there is nothing more important in the world than the happy and calm eyes of my children: yes, yes, because I saw their eyes differently: full of tears, resentment, disappointment... Everything can be given so that our children do not remember that when -it was different. And so you run and fly and jump, and try to make your children happy every day, so that they believe that happiness can be created with your own hands: albeit small, unnoticed by others, but important and common for you and your loved ones.

We try to teach this to our children, that’s why every day is so important to us, that’s why we are strong when together, when hand to hand.


How much pain there was in my heart when my eldest son said: “I won’t have a family, but I will have a dog or a boy from orphanage" Here are the years of orphanhood!

There are many roads in our lives, and we walk, choosing our path. And there are many days in our lives: they flash, they fly by, but there are those that remain with us forever.

There was another day and the eyes of the second child: she came to Orphanage for the long-awaited second son and while she was waiting... in general, she left with something completely different.

At first there are hugs, but also grinding, of course. The boy is an adult - 11 years old. Ugh. It was different. Only love helps, and also help: psychologists, guardianship. The path is difficult, but joyful.

I remember everyone who helped us

And how many memories! And joint holidays with the same children, and mutual assistance foster parents. Going to the park together, having a competition, drinking tea - these are seemingly simple joys, but for us these joys are common, because we have gone through so much together... It’s so nice and so necessary to see the smiles of people, those who are happy with you, understand you without words he rejoices and grieves with you!

This is how days come to mind that you want to talk about: you start talking and don’t stop, but that’s because every day with our children is like the first.

I sent my sons to summer camp - I thought I wouldn’t survive a day of separation. Lasted three. She rushed in, and the children were happy! They didn’t even remember that the phones were turned off! My husband and I thought: we’ll take at least a month off in the summer, the boys are on vacation, but no! The house is empty and lonely without them.

Parents' day at summer camp. Heat. The children are all excited about the holiday. How can parents boast about their success? We watch it with dad and our heart skips a beat. So it’s not all in vain. All the sleepless nights, tears, and worries are not in vain. And before my eyes are the faces of people who were always there and helped.

“Mom, let's take the kitten!”

There are a lot of animals in the house, we live in a private house: three dogs, two cats, birds, turtles, but here we are walking along the road with the boys, and there is a kitten, so small, dirty, unhappy, hungry, and, of course: “Mom! Well mom!” You understand: you can’t leave without a kitten, and you take it, and carry it, and wash it, and feed it, and all because you are unable to deny your children mercy and compassion!

There are no words to tell everything and convey the feelings of both us, parents, and our children.

We all try to be happy and go to this land of happiness together. Some are faster, some are slower, some are successful, some are not so successful, but we all want the same thing - health and happiness for our children, family and ourselves.

And so you run and fly, and jump, and try to make your children happy every day, so that they believe that happiness can be created with your own hands: albeit small, unnoticed by others, but important and common for you and your loved ones

My husband and I know for sure that we were not mistaken in becoming parents - adoptive parents, although, frankly, we are FAMILY!

I’m proud when I hear “Mom, Mom” and I want to go forward and fly!

And fireworks burst into my heart with tenderness and love for my children!

September 1 - your heart skips a beat every time you take your child to school, even if not by the hand, but side by side “shoulder to shoulder”!

We say children are the flowers of life! How accurate is this comparison? Children mean work every day, they mean mistakes, they mean successes, they mean tears and laughter, they mean torn pants, grades of two and five, holidays, ... you can’t list everything! Children are just life, life itself. It happens that we quarrel so much that feathers fly, and then we sit on the sofa, hug, cuddle - well, much more dear!

The website thanks the Timchenko Foundation, which organizedThe first All-Russian competition of diaries of adoptive families “Our Stories”for providing materials

Experienced parents and teachers will agree that babies need to be loved with all their hearts. So much has been said about this and is heard so often strong quotes about children, that it’s worth getting to know them in order to get to know the soul of a little creature, teach them to appreciate the purity of this soul and try to give your little one true happiness.

No matter how knowledgeable, wise and versed in many issues adults are, kids surpass them, always intuitively choosing correct solution. Where do toddlers get this from? We probably need to get acquainted with these little creatures again to answer this question. Let's read together all the most interesting quotes about children, to become closer with your children.

It’s interesting, but statements about childhood and about kids can be completely different. This: ; a frank opinion about our hopes; funny words and expressions; statements talking about the present and future; about raising children; let us remember the words of the great; everything in which we see the meaning of life.

It would not be amiss to remember your early years. This will help you understand your little ones, understand why they are naughty and playful, be able to forgive them for breaking their favorite vase, talk, and not read them boring morals. Memories of the time when we ourselves were carefree happy sometimes seem like a fairy tale to all of us. It was so long ago. But it happened! And it was because our parents and teachers knew how to understand and support us at the right time. So let's now learn to understand our kids from a parent's point of view!

Sayings about babies can only be the best and incredibly kind. After all, our children contain so much tenderness and so much sincerity that it involuntarily evokes a similar reaction in us adults. That’s why quotes about children are something that leaves no one indifferent.

Happiness is soft, warm palms,
There are candy wrappers behind the sofa, crumbs on the sofa,
What is happiness - it’s easier not to answer,
Everyone who has children has happiness!

I don’t like it when people say “have children”. Have cats, dogs and guinea pigs, and children are born.

For some reason many women think that giving birth to a child and becoming a mother are the same thing. One could just as well say that having a piano and being a pianist are one and the same thing.

If by the age of forty a person's room If it is not filled with children's voices, then it is filled with nightmares.

The most expensive bracelet - rubber tag, on which the weight, height and time of birth of your baby are written!

With the birth of children, the house disappears order, money, peace and serenity... And happiness appears.

All the joy of life fits in a child's smile!

Little happiness sleeps quietly on the pillow! She's clinging to the toy and quietly sniffling!

The best a father can do for your children it is to love their mother.

What is happiness, mom? — my son asked me
And, looking into my eyes stubbornly, he waited for an answer from me.
I love his questions so much, there is so much childish simplicity in them.
I, kissing his stubborn nose, will answer: HAPPINESS IS YOU!

Live like you did in childhood... Without hiding feelings and emotions.

Children are not only the flowers of life, but also the fruits of love.
(Tamara Kleiman)

They say that sons and daughters are happiness, they are the flowers of life. Why not? After all, how much joy they bring loving parents only by his birth. And then they grow. They learn to crawl, walk, smile and talk. And now our “piggy bank” is filled with them.

Aphorisms about education

Many statements about children clearly show that we are ready to do absolutely anything for our little ones; We are ready to give our child everything we have and a little more. They are our future and present, our meaning of life. That’s why we have great hopes for them, we dream that they will be able to do what we couldn’t do!

Purpose of education– to teach our children to do without us.
(E. Legouwe)

Advice is like snow: the softer it is, the longer it stays and the deeper it penetrates.
(N. Coleridge)

What are you doing for their parents, Expect the same from your children.
(D. Pittacus)

Parenting... the hardest thing. You think: well, it’s all over now! No such luck: it’s just beginning!
(M.Yu. Lermontov)

Science should be fun exciting and simple. So must be scientists.
(P. Kapitsa)

True education consists not so much in the rules as in the exercises.
(J.J. Rousseau)

If a teacher combines love to business and to students, he is a perfect teacher.
(L.N. Tolstoy)

...Adults should not be angry with children y, because it does not fix, but spoils.
(Janusz Korczak)

When the word doesn't strike even a stick won't help.

We are depriving children of a future if We continue to teach today as we taught it yesterday.
(D. Dewey)

And then our hopes are balanced by aphorisms about raising children. As a reminder that loving does not mean pampering and pandering to all their “wants!” If we want to be proud of our child, we must educate it. We do it as great teachers advise, or as we decided on family council, this is our business, the main thing is not to forget about the love for children.

The easier it is for a teacher to teach, the more difficult it is for students to learn.
(L.N. Tolstoy)

It's not what spoils children that we give in to them, and that we give in to them just to avoid conflict.
(John Gray "Children Are Gifted From Above")

Children need not teachings, but examples.
(J. Joubert)

The person who vaccinates giving his children the skills of hard work, provides them better than if he left them an inheritance.

Love children- a chicken can do that too. But to be able to educate them is a great matter of state, requiring talent and broad knowledge of life.
(M. Gorky)

Don't think you're raising a child only when you talk to him or teach him, or order him. You raise him at every moment of your life, even when you are not at home
(A.S. Makarenko)

Who can't take with affection, he will not take it with severity.
(A.P. Chekhov)

Raise livestock for slaughter, and children need to be raised.