How are New Year holidays paid for? How are New Year's holidays paid? New Year's holidays and weekends

According to a long-standing tradition, January begins with long New Year holidays and 2019 will be no exception. Every year, the Russian Ministry of Labor develops a resolution indicating weekdays and holidays. Typically, the document is approved in the fall of the current year for the next, so the exact dates for 2019 are already known.

Next year several holidays coincide with the weekend. To comply with Article 110 Labor Code that between two working weeks there should be at least 42 hours of continuous rest, and to allow Russians to have a good rest, the government adopted a resolution “On the transfer of days off in 2019.”


For most Russians, the weekend in honor of the New Year 2019 will begin in advance - on Sunday, December 30, 2018. Thanks to the transfer, Saturday December 29, 2018 will be a working day (that is, “five-day workers” will have a six-day work week), and Monday December 31, 2018 will become a day off.

How can we relax? New Year:

  • December 30, 2018 - Sunday off.
  • December 31, 2018 - Monday, day off moved from Saturday 12/29/2018
  • January 1, 2019 - Tuesday, 1st day of the New Year holidays.
  • January 2, 2019 - Wednesday, 2nd day of the New Year holidays.
  • January 3, 2019 - Thursday, 3rd day of the New Year holidays.
  • January 4, 2019 - Friday, 4th day of the New Year holidays.
  • January 5, 2019 - Saturday, 5th day of the New Year holidays.
  • January 6, 2019 - Sunday, 6th day of the New Year holidays.
  • January 7, 2019 - Monday, Christmas.
  • January 8, 2019 - Tuesday, 7th day of the New Year holidays.

Thus, in total, the New Year 2019 weekend in Russia will last 10 days: from December 30, 2018 to January 8, 2019.

Of course, the situation in 2018 was more convenient due to the fact that holidays fell on weekends and were postponed. But, nevertheless, 9 days of vacation is also a very good period. For it you will have time to prepare for the New Year, celebrate it and have a good walk and even go somewhere


There is only a month and a half until the New Year. And almost everyone who decided to spend it not at home watching TV, but traveling, has already decided on their plans. Although not all, of course.

Russian tourists are quite conservative and most often choose beach destinations for the New Year. This is due to our climate - everyone wants to warm up, according to the tour operator Tez Tour. As a rule, many people want to fly away just before the New Year for 7 days/6 nights.

“For the first time, Egypt will be on the list of popular destinations with a flight via Cairo. The UAE, Thailand, Dominican Republic, and Cuba will also remain in the New Year's top list. In the “flight no more than 4 hours” segment, Turkey, Cyprus, and Israel will win. Tourists are also interested in Tenerife - it is an all-season destination,” says PR director of tour operator Tez Tour Larisa Akhanova.

According to her, the UAE is an ideal resort for all occasions and budgets: there are many amusement parks, comfortable temperatures and the sea. For example, 7 days/6 nights in the emirate of Sharjah will cost 74,901 rubles for two. This is a 3-star hotel with a departure on December 26, but such tours sell out quickly.

The second large block of tourists will go to ski resorts. Another part will prefer excursion holidays, both within the country and abroad. The average bill starts from 40 – 45 thousand rubles. This is higher than for summer destinations, due to the large aviation component, Tez Tour explains.

“In general, Muscovites and residents of the Moscow region prefer to bask in the sun, while in winter they are more active in terms of excursions and entertainment,” notes Akhanova.

Among TUI tourists, Türkiye and Cyprus are popular for the New Year, where even in winter season warm comfortable climate. Cyprus attracts with a wide variety of activities, including excursions and gastrotourism.

In ANEX Tour, among the popular destinations for celebrating the New Year, in addition to Thailand, the UAE, the Dominican Republic and Turkey, Vietnam and India are also highlighted. The popularity of these countries is associated with transport accessibility, including charter, good New Year's programs and, of course, visa-free or simplified visa processing.

For those who haven’t bothered with purchasing a tour in advance, there’s no need to wait for last-minute deals for New Year’s trips - it’s better to quickly choose from what’s left.

“By delaying the purchase of a tour in the hope of finding a last minute deal, you may end up without a trip at all, since hotel rooms are only available for the period New Year holidays They start booking six months in advance. As a rule, by December, many hotels are already on the “stop”, avoiding overbooking,” explains TUI Russia.

Tour operators during the New Year period do not put on extra boards, do not enter into excessive contracts with hotels, so you should not wait until the last minute for last-minute offers, there may not be any at all, or the most uninteresting options will remain, notes a representative of Tez Tour.

Tour lovers should go to Eastern Europe.

“The Baltic, Hungary, and the Czech Republic turn into Christmas and New Year's tale, and spending within the country is small,” advises Akhanova.

Another economical option for traveling for the New Year holidays is short tours around Russia, tour operators are sure.

In addition to the popular resorts of Krasnaya Polyana, with good transport accessibility and resort infrastructure, there is a high demand for short trips on New Year's dates to the Moscow region, St. Petersburg, the Republic of Tatarstan and Veliky Ustyug, ANEX Tour said.

According to the PR manager of the national tour operator Alean, Andrei Ryabov, Russians have tried out domestic resorts.

“Changes in the ruble exchange rate reduce the attractiveness of foreign resorts. On the other hand, domestic tourism is actively developing in our country. And not only in quantitative, but also in qualitative terms. For example, Tatarstan has seriously invested in tourism infrastructure, which was confirmed by the recent World Cup. Veliky Ustyug started well, St. Petersburg is always interesting for tourists,” says the expert.

So, among the most popular New Year's tours in Russia: Kazan - 12,580 rubles per person for 4 days, Karelia - 19,924 rubles per person for 4 days, Veliky Ustyug - from 18,750 rubles per person for 4 days and St. Petersburg - from 1,417 rubles per person per day.

There are less than two months left until the New Year 2019. Many Russians are starting to plan their vacation and start looking for trips to warm countries or to ski resorts. Therefore, information about how we will relax during the New Year holidays 2019 in Russia is especially relevant for them.

The majority of Russian residents will “go on vacation” from Sunday, December 30 this year. However, it is worth considering that due to the postponement, Saturday, the 29th of the twelfth month of the year, will be a working day. That is, citizens working on a “five-day week” will have to work six days. Accordingly, those who have Saturday as a working day will need to go to work on Sunday, December 30th.

In general, if you look at the production calendar for January 2019, you can see that it contains 14 weekends and 17 working days.

Weekend in January 2019

In addition, from January two days off will be transferred to the May holidays. So, the Government of the Russian Federation moved the weekend from Saturday and Sunday, January 5 and 6, to May 2 and 3, so that citizens have the opportunity to relax more during the May holidays and work at their summer cottage.

What to do during the New Year holidays 2019?

Winter means snow, ice, sleds, skis and skates. What if we go further? Bobsleigh, snowboarding, cheesecakes. Are you a fan of outdoor activities? Then a winter weekend is a great reason to go to one of the ski resorts. And even if you are not very successful in this matter, fortunately, modern resorts have ski slopes of varying difficulty, accessible to both beginners and experienced skiers.

It is not at all necessary to bring equipment with you; everything can be rented on the spot, except, of course, warm, comfortable clothes, as well as special ski insurance, which must be taken out on the eve of your trip. To diversify your active holiday, many ski resorts offer various spa complexes and thermal water parks. After all, after a long ride, completely exhausted and frozen, it’s so nice to relax in the evening in a hot mineral jacuzzi.

Do you like to travel to different cities and learn about the history and traditions of other countries? Then during the New Year holidays you can go on a Christmas Eurotour! Don't be discouraged by the fact that the weather in Europe at this time is not the sunniest. On the contrary, this is a chance to visit a real Christmas fairy tale! The cities are beautifully decorated, the buildings are illuminated with all kinds of light illuminations, and there are also Christmas markets where an indescribable atmosphere reigns!

Local craftsmen sell handicrafts self made, New Year's souvenirs, gingerbread and caramel apples... The air is saturated with notes of mulled wine and fire-fried sausages. People around are having fun and talking: someone, gathered in a small circle, is dancing to keep warm, someone has come with a guitar and is entertaining others. What should you take with you when going on a tour of Europe? Passport with Schengen visa, warm comfortable clothes and shoes, umbrella and good mood!

If, on the contrary, you are so tired and would like to simply disconnect from everything and change your surroundings, then the best solution would be to relax in one of the spa hotels or sanatoriums. In most cases, tourists are offered visits to medical and health procedures, use of the swimming pool and sauna of a hotel or sanatorium, nutritious meals and unobtrusive entertainment. And also always clean at your service Fresh air and walking.

You need to take with you: a sanatorium-resort card, a warm robe and an interesting book. A calm, leisurely holiday at health resorts will help you recharge your batteries so that you can successfully start the coming year with renewed vigor.

New Year's holidays are a fun time not only for schoolchildren and students, but also for working people, because the holiday traditionally gives residents of the country a long weekend. Despite statements by officials about the abolition of long holiday weekends, the law was not adopted in 2018, so we will welcome 2019 as expected, relaxing.

Several holidays and pre-holidays in 2019 coincide with working days. For example, December 31st falls on a Monday, but will be a non-working day, etc. You can plan your winter mini-vacation now, since the corresponding Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on weekends and holidays in 2019 already exists.


In the outgoing 2018, before the New Year, there will be a rest on Saturday and Sunday, December 22 and 23, which, of course, will not make those who celebrate very happy Catholic Christmas December 25th.

The day off from Saturday 29 December is moved to Monday 31 December. This means the last weekend of 2018 will be Sunday and Monday December 30-31. From this moment the most natural things will begin New Year holidays- 2019 with their trips to the Christmas tree with children and joyful communication with Father Frost and Snow Maiden. And someone will probably go to ski resorts these days or, conversely, to warm countries.

According to the official calendar of weekends and holidays approved by the Government, the New Year holidays in 2019 will last from January 1 to January 8. We celebrate New Year 2019 from Monday to Tuesday, and the first working day of 2019 will only be Wednesday, January 9.

In this case, the weekends, Saturday and Sunday, January 5 and 6, will be moved to Thursday and Friday, May 2 and 3, respectively.

As a result, it turns out that you can celebrate the New Year this winter for 10 days – from December 30, 2018 to January 8, 2019! Some will say that you don’t need to rest for so long, but remember the children! Schoolchildren are on winter break at this time, which means adults have a great opportunity to spend the first days of 2019 with their children.

By the way, in the series of weekends in January 2019, we must not forget to celebrate January 7 - the Nativity of Christ.


We must indicate the same way we will rest on other holidays in 2019.

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So, December 30 and 31, 2018 are days off, then from January 1 to January 8, 2019 – New Year holidays.

On Defender of the Fatherland Day In 2019 we have a two-day holiday - Saturday, February 23 and Sunday, February 24. In this case, the day off from Saturday, February 23rd, will be moved to Friday, May 10th.

In March on International Women's Day We will rest for three days - from Friday the 8th to Sunday the 10th of March.

On May holidays 2019 has five days off - from Wednesday, May 1st to Sunday, May 5th.

Victory Day in 2019 we will be able to celebrate for four days - from Thursday, May 9 to Sunday, May 12.

On National Unity Day in November 2019 - from Saturday November 2 to Monday November 4.


In total, in connection with the holidays in 2019, Russians will be able to rest for 28 days - in fact, receiving a full additional vacation. It should be taken into account that the famous New Year holidays will begin on Sunday, December 30, 2018, and will last the traditional ten days - until January 8, 2019 inclusive.

However, according to the First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee, Honored Doctor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Gennady Onishchenko, it’s time to stop with protracted celebrations, especially on New Year’s Day - this is not useful from any point of view.

“It seems that my definition of the New Year holidays, which over the past ten years has become, as they now say, a meme, is still relevant,” Onishchenko noted in a comment to the Federal News Agency. - I once called this period the “decade of horror” and I must say that the protracted new year celebrations It can’t be called anything other than an anachronism.”

According to the parliamentarian, in most economically developed countries it is customary, after resting for one day, immediately after the New Year, as they say, to harness up and start working normally, implementing the economic and political agenda.

“After the collapse of the Soviet Union, starting in 1990, we first walked from the New Year right up to the old New Year - almost a decade and a half,” Onishchenko recalled. “And this has always caused great concern in connection with such an important topic as preserving public health.”

The danger awaits Russians not only in connection with the active libations and abundant food, which have become constant attributes of the protracted New Year celebrations.

The danger awaits Russians not only in connection with the active libations and abundant food, which have become constant attributes of the protracted New Year celebrations. The tradition of spending winter holidays in hot regions of the planet, which emerged in post-Soviet times, is also not conducive to health, says the first deputy chairman of the State Duma committee.

Ministry of Labor and social protection Russian Federation has prepared a project for postponing holidays in 2018. It differs from the schedule according to which Russians lived in 2017. Details are in the material Federal News Agency.

How to relax for the New Year in 2018

In 2017, December 30, which is considered a working day, fortunately fell on a Saturday, so it can be considered the beginning of the long New Year holidays. Official holidays at the end of December - beginning of January will continue from December 30, 2017 to January 8, 2017, that is, a whole 10 days.

Postponement of holidays in January 2018

Next year, as well as this year, during the New Year holidays, two official holidays coincide with weekends. That is why the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation proposes to postpone these days, adding them to other holidays as a bonus. And this is what happens:

  • day off 6th January(Saturday) may be rescheduled to 9th of March(Friday);
  • day off Jan. 7(Sunday) may be rescheduled to May 2(Wednesday).

As stated in the text of the document of the Ministry of Labor, these transfers will be made in accordance with the second part of Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Let us remind you that January 7 is the second most important holiday in Russia (after Easter). Orthodox holiday - Nativity.

Weekend changes in 2018

The main change compared to 2017 is not only that officials are proposing to increase the number of days off in March and May at the expense of two days that fall during the January holidays.

Officials also propose to organize the transfer of weekends from April 28, the 9th of June And December 29th(these three days fall on Saturday) - on April 30, June 11 And 31th of December(this is Mondays). The Ministry of Labor is confident that such changes will help organizations and companies plan in advance work time. This means that it will be convenient for the residents of the country.

How to relax in spring

Following the calendar, officials are preparing a long weekend for us in 2018. Thus, in honor of Defender of the Fatherland Day, Russians will be able to relax for three days, and in honor of the International women's day March 8 - even four.

Before the Spring and Labor Festival, Russians will also be awarded a good mini-vacation - from April 29 to May 2. At the same time, although Victory Day is a day off, the surrounding days are not. On both May 8 and May 10, the residents of our country will have to work hard.

How to relax in summer and autumn

In the summer, the time for vacations begins: if one of the Russians is deprived of such happiness, then he can only console himself with the weekend. Both regular and unscheduled - in honor of Russia Day. In 2018, the Ministry of Labor proposes to make the period from June 10 to June 12 a day off.

Also, three days will be allocated to residents of Russia in November - on the occasion of the Day national unity. From November 3 to 5, people will have the opportunity to escape from the hustle and bustle of work and relax a little.

Reaction to the new calendar

Social media reaction to the new schedule has so far been muted. Users simply share information. Silent for now Vladimir Zhirinovsky, who is known for his harsh statements regarding the vacation schedule of Russians.

So, several years ago he proposed canceling the New Year holidays, making January 2 a working day. According to him, the best gift For Russians, it would be a complete cancellation of the long-running New Year holidays. However, other deputies were able to defend holiday calendar, adopted in the mid-2000s and giving Russians long winter holidays.

A little later, Zhirinovsky softened his position: all holidays need to be removed, leaving only three days off (January 1, May 9 and June 12). Instead, he proposed giving Russians 30 days of vacation annually, as well as 15 days when they could rest beyond this schedule. Individually, independently, without general festivities.

Official holidays in Russia in 2018

Let's summarize. If the proposal of the Ministry of Labor is approved, then Russians will be able to vacation on the following dates:

  • New Year holidays and Christmas (December 30, 2017 – January 8, 2018);
  • weekend in honor of Defender of the Fatherland Day (February 23–25);
  • International Women's Day weekend (8-11 March);
  • weekend in honor of the Spring and Labor Festival (April 29 – May 2);
  • day off in honor of Victory Day (May 9);
  • weekend in honor of Russia Day (June 10–12);
  • weekend in honor of National Unity Day (November 3–5).

Many people look forward to the annual and long New Year holidays. You can already see how we relax for the New Year 2020 and the days off for the New Year holidays.

January is an opportunity for many to take an extra vacation. After all, as a rule, weekends are January holidays extend over a period of more than a week. 2020 is no exception. Although this year we will work more and rest less.

See all holidays and weekends in the 2020 Production Calendar. You can download documents in Excel and PDF for free.

How to relax for the New Year in 2020

Long New Year holidays are already an established tradition in Russia. The average duration of winter vacation is 10 days. And although every year the Government of the Russian Federation postpones weekends to other holiday months, there are no fewer days off for the January holidays. So, let's tell you how we relax for the New Year 2020.

According to the resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation (draft) on the transfer of days off:

  • Saturday 4 January is moved to 4 May;
  • Sunday January 5 - May 5.

How to relax in January 2020 official weekend (calendar)

How to relax during the New Year holidays in 2020: weekends in January

The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on the postponement of weekends and holidays in 2020 corresponds to Article of Law No. 112-FZ and the long-standing tradition of long New Year holidays.

New Year 2020 has 8 days off in a row - from January 1 to January 8 inclusive. December 30 and 31 (Monday and Tuesday) - working days, not shortened.

Total in January 2020:

  • 17 working days
  • 8 holiday days off - from January 1 to January 8;
  • 6 regular days off - 11-12, 18-19, 25-26 January.

To extend the New Year holidays, many will take several days of vacation in January 2020. In this case, the billing period is 12 months from 01/01/19 to 12/31/19. The employer must issue vacation pay in advance - December 27. Since the final salary for December may not yet be known, you can calculate average earnings in two ways:

  1. Calculate the salary for December in advance, if possible, and, taking this amount into account, determine the vacation pay for January. If something changes, recalculate the amount. For example, if an employee gets sick on the last day of December.
  2. Calculate average earnings based on the known part of the December salary. When the final salary for December is determined, recalculate vacation pay.

If employees took vacation in January 2019, the days of the New Year holidays are not excluded when calculating vacation pay in 2020. If in January 2019 employees were on vacation after the holidays, then New Year's days are excluded from the calculation period (clause 5 of the Regulations, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 24, 2007 No. 922). But the holidays themselves must be taken into account to calculate the number of days into which the company divides earnings (letter of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated April 15, 2016 No. 14-1/B-351)