New Year's literacy lesson. New Year's lesson.docx - lesson - fairy tale “New Year's adventures” lesson topic: “composition of the numbers of the first ten. consolidation

2nd class

Subject. « New Year's celebration».

Goals. Summarize and systematize students’ knowledge about the New Year holiday; learn to write a story on a given topic; introduce A. Mityaev’s story “The Herringbone”; teach selective reading, improve reading technique; consolidate knowledge of spelling words with b and words with vowels e , e , Yu , I after vowels and at the beginning of a word.

Equipment. Textbook “Book for reading. 2nd grade"; notebooks on speech development, subject pictures; paper New Year's toys (colored and white); bags with gifts, cut cards;

drawings with images of Father Frost, Snow Maiden, Christmas tree.


I. Organizational moment

II. Communicating the topic and objectives of the lesson Teacher.

Connect the letters using arrows and try to read the topic of today's lesson.

On the desk: Children.

New Year's celebration. U.

Do you like this holiday? D.

New Year's celebration. Really like.

Do you like this holiday? Why? Lots of gifts Christmas trees

New Year's celebration., joy, laughter, fun.

Do you like this holiday? Do you want to learn something new and interesting about the New Year holiday?

New Year's celebration. Yes.

Then let's set the goals for today's lesson.

There is a support diagram on the board.

– Read the words that we encounter in the text. How do you understand the meaning of words? Explain their meaning. Listen to the story and tell me where the Christmas tree grew?

The teacher reads the text.
The Christmas tree grew in a dense forest. She treated the woodpecker with pine cones. A squirrel came running and was treated to pine cones.
Birches and aspens are afraid of frost. But the Christmas tree is not afraid. In cold weather it is greener than in summer. How to do without a Christmas tree winter holiday
New Year!
On holidays, we put on our own outfits. And we decorate the Christmas tree: with lanterns, sparkles, beads, toys, firecrackers - from the lower branches to the very top.
Multi-colored lights lit up on the Christmas tree. Now the music will start playing. Now the fun begins. But the music doesn't play. Everyone is waiting for something. They look at the doors. As if anyone else should be welcome to the party...

Do you like this holiday?- Where did the Christmas tree grow?

In the forest.

Students read the story in a chain.

Do you like this holiday?– Who was friends with the Christmas tree?

New Year's celebration. Animals and birds.

Do you like this holiday? What did she treat her friends to?

New Year's celebration. Seeds and cones. Is the Christmas tree cold in the frost? Why? Support with words from the text. ( A picture of a green fluffy Christmas tree is hung.

) Find in the text and read how the Christmas tree was decorated for the New Year.

Reading passages by students.

New Year's celebration. How many green Christmas trees?
Let's do so many bends.
How many circles do we have here?
We'll do so many jumps.

On the desk.

Children count the number of objects shown on the board and do the exercises together.

– Now let’s try to decorate our Christmas tree the way it is said in the story. But first you need to complete the task on the board. Tell me, what toy should be in an empty cage?

Connect the letters using arrows and try to read the topic of today's lesson.

- But to get a New Year's toy, you need to solve a riddle.

Children solve riddles and get paid for solving them Christmas tree toy and hang it on the Christmas tree.

To the first step
Got up young guy,
To the twelfth step
A gray-haired old man came.

(New Year.)

Snow on the fields
Ice on the waters
The blizzard is walking.
When does this happen?

So that the soil does not get wet,
Not soggy from water,
He turned puddles into glass,
Made the gardens snowy.


The star spun
There's a little in the air
Sat down and melted
On my palm.


Bel, but not sugar,
There are no legs, but he walks.

I come with gifts
I shine with bright lights,
Elegant, funny,
For the New Year, I’m in charge!

- Well done! Our Christmas tree turned out to be very elegant.

V. Work on speech development

New Year's celebration. Guys, who else do you think should be welcome to the party?

Do you like this holiday? Ded Moroz and Snegurochka.

New Year's celebration. Let us invite Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, and for this we will write him a letter. There is a letter on the board; you need to fill in the missing letters.

Connect the letters using arrows and try to read the topic of today's lesson.

- Read it. What letters are missing?

Do you like this holiday? Letters b , e , I , e .

New Year's celebration. Write the text in your speech development notebook, inserting the missing letters and check.

One of the students comes to the board and inserts letters when most of the children have completed the task.
Students check their work using the notes on the board.
Pictures of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden are exhibited.

- Guys, what do Father Frost and Snow Maiden bring?

Do you like this holiday? Present.

New Year's celebration. There are bags of gifts on my table.

Cards with questions are attached to them. You need to choose a bag, read the question and answer it. Only the one who answers correctly receives the gift.:


    How to decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year?

    In what month is New Year's holiday?

    What time is New Year celebrated?

Who always comes to the party?

Children go to the board one by one, take bags with gifts, answer questions, and receive prizes.

- Here's another bag. It contains a New Year's task. We need to collect “fragmentary pictures.”

- While the guys are adding up the pictures, you will work in rows. You have a similar task, but only with words. You need to put together a sentence from words to make a Happy New Year greeting.

Connect the letters using arrows and try to read the topic of today's lesson.

– Read the expressively composed congratulation in chorus.
Think about who you would congratulate with these words?
- Let's see what the guys did?

Do you like this holiday? Masquerade masks.

New Year's celebration. What are they needed for?

Do you like this holiday? They are worn at masquerade parties, it is part of the New Year's costume.

A picture of a masquerade is hung on the board.

New Year's celebration. Look at the picture and tell me how children behave at the New Year's party?

Do you like this holiday? They dance, sing, have fun, play.

New Year's celebration. Let's use this illustration to name as many action words as possible and play the Snowball game.

Game “Snowball” - one prepares a word, the other repeats it and names his own, etc.
Children name action words: having fun, dancing, singing, dancing in a circle, playing, smiling, etc.

VI. Physical education minute

Music is playing and everyone is dancing.

VII. Lesson summary

New Year's celebration. Now let's try to compose a story about the New Year holiday, using the knowledge that we received in the lesson.

Several students answer.

– What did we talk about in class today? What did you study?

On the board there is a drawing of a Christmas tree and paper toys- multi-colored and white.

– Guys, if you liked the lesson, choose a bright toy and attach it to the Christmas tree. And if you were not interested in the lesson, take white toy. Let's see together which toys there are more.
I am very glad that our Christmas tree turned out so elegant and beautiful. Everyone Thanks a lot for work in class. Happy New Year to everyone! I wish you health, success, joy and happiness!

VIII. Homework

Draw a New Year's card and write a congratulation.

Topic: History of the New Year holiday.

This event can be held as Classroom hour, so extracurricular activity with elementary school students.
Goals: Introduce children to the history of the New Year holiday.
Develop students' curiosity.
Equipment: Power Point presentation, New Year's songs.
Progress of the lesson:

1.Organizing time.

2. Updating knowledge. Statement of the topic.

- What holiday is the whole country preparing for? (New Year)
- Name the date according to which the beginning of the new year is considered according to the calendar. (1st of January)
3. Conversation about the history of the New Year holiday.
- New Year is a holiday celebrated by many peoples in accordance with the accepted calendar, which occurs at the moment of transition from the last day of the year to the first day of the next year. (1 slide)
- Try to guess the riddles.
A light white blanket
It will cover the entire earth.
Cover everything with ice and decorate the Christmas tree.
What's her name? ...(Winter) (2 slide)

I have gifts in my bag,
Caramels, chocolates.
Round dance around the tree,
What kind of holiday? …(New Year) (3 slide)
- Guys, how many of you know whether our country has always celebrated the New Year on January 1?
- The beginning of the year on January 1 was established by the Roman ruler Julius Caesar in 46 BC. e. (4 slide)
- This day was dedicated to Janus - the god of choice, doors and all beginnings. The month of January got its name in honor of the god Janus, who was depicted with two faces: one looking forward and the other looking back. (5 slide)
Gregorian calendar
- Most countries celebrate the New Year on January 1, the first day of the year according to the Gregorian calendar. (6 slide)
- Traditional Chinese New Year is timed to coincide with the winter new moon after the end of the full lunar cycle which took place after winter solstice(that is, on the second new moon after December 21). In the Gregorian calendar, this corresponds to one of the days between January 21 and February 21.
- Until the 15th century in Rus' New Year began not in January, as now, but in March (as in the republican Ancient Rome) in a day spring equinox March 20 or 21 (depending on the year). Since the 15th century, the new year began on September 1. (7 slide)
- Each year corresponds to a specific animal. The 12-year cycle begins with the year of the Rat, then comes the year of the Ox, then the Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Boar. (8 slide)
- Since 1700, by decree of Peter I, the New Year in Russia is celebrated, as in other European countries, on January 1 (according to the Julian calendar). (9 slide)
- New Year's Eve is a very significant holiday. And it is accompanied by a variety of pop events, feasts, and folk festivities. (10 slide)
Christmas tree.
- Guess the next riddle.
All dressed up in toys,
All covered in garlands and firecrackers.
Of course, this is... (Yolka) (11 slide)
- New Year's Eve is a very significant holiday in many countries. And it is accompanied by a variety of pop events, feasts, and folk festivities. According to tradition, a New Year tree is installed in the house.
- What toys decorate the Christmas tree? (12 slide)
New Year's table.
- When celebrating the New Year, close people gather at the table. (13-14 slides)
- At 0 o'clock 0 minutes on January 1, the chimes strike. (15 slides)
- Let's listen to the chimes strike.
- With the first strike of the chimes, which marks the arrival of the new year, it is customary to clink glasses of champagne and make a wish. (16 slide)
- What gifts would you like to receive for the New Year? On New Year's Day it is customary to give gifts. (17 slide)
Father Frost.
Happy New Year,
All boys and girls.
And he gives us gifts,
There they are: standing in a bag.
He is kind and bearded,
Red nose from frost.
Who is he, tell me children,
Loudly, together: (Santa Claus) (18 slide)
- Santa Claus is a fairy-tale character from East Slavic folklore. In Slavic mythology - the personification of winter frosts, a blacksmith who binds water.
- On New Year's Day, Santa Claus comes and gives children gifts, which he brings in a sack behind his back. Often depicted in a blue, silver or red fur coat embroidered with patterns, wearing a hat (not a cap), with a long white beard and a staff in his hand, wearing felt boots. He rides three horses, skis or walks. (19 slide)
- The very first Santa Claus was St. Nicholas. When leaving, he left the poor family who sheltered him golden apples in a shoe in front of the fireplace. (20 slide)
- Santa Claus has a granddaughter - Snegurochka (21 slides)
- When celebrating the New Year, a variety of pyrotechnic products are actively used: firecrackers, sparklers and, in the last decade, fireworks, rockets, Roman candles, firecrackers large and small, etc. Currently, many capitals of the world or even individual countries spend millions of dollars to arrange pyrotechnic show for the New Year. (22 slide)
Traditions in various countries peace.(23 slide)
- In England, in addition to the Christmas tree, the house is decorated with mistletoe branches. There are even mistletoe bouquets on lamps and chandeliers. And according to custom, you can kiss a person standing in the middle of the room under a bunch of mistletoe. (24 slide)
- In Italy, on New Year's Eve it is customary to get rid of old things. (25 slide)
- In Sweden, before the New Year, children choose Lucia, the queen of light. She is dressed up in White dress, a crown with lit candles is placed on the head. Lucia brings gifts for children and treats for pets: cream for the cat, a sugar bone for the dog, and carrots for the donkey. (26 slide)
- In France, Santa Claus - Père Noel - comes to New Year's Eve and leaves gifts in children's shoes. The one who gets the bean baked into the New Year's pie receives the title of "bean king", and on the festive night everyone obeys his orders. Wooden or clay figurines - santons - are placed near the Christmas tree. (27 slide)
- In Mexico, the New Year is celebrated with the fire of festive fireworks, firing from rocket launchers, and the ringing of special New Year's bells. And children are given delicious gingerbread dolls at midnight. (28 slide)
- In Japan, bells are rung 108 times on New Year's Eve. Each strike of the bell corresponds to one of the vices. There are six of them in total: greed, stupidity, anger, frivolity, indecision and envy, but each vice has 18 different shades, which makes a total of 108. (29 slide)
- In Spain it is customary to eat 12 grapes at midnight. (30 slide)
Old New Year.(31 slides)
- Old New Year is a holiday celebrated in accordance with the New Year according to the Julian calendar (now on the night of January 13-14). Celebrated in Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Serbia, Switzerland and some other countries.

4. Summing up.

Now let's check how well you listened today.
Crossword.(32 slide)
1. What is Santa Claus called in France?
2. Who issued the order to celebrate the New Year in 1700?
3. On the night of January 13-14, what holiday is celebrated?
4. Who set the beginning of the year on January 1?
5. “The end of the year and the beginning of winter!”
- That's how they asked me the riddle.
6. Granddaughter of Santa Claus?
7. In which country is it customary to eat 12 grapes at midnight?
8. In which country do children receive delicious gingerbread dolls on New Year’s Day?
Song " New Year's toys"(author Alexander Metzger) (slide 33)

Presentation on the topic: History of the New Year holiday

Providing a New Year's lesson:

  1. Scenario.
  2. Cool magazine.
  3. Rhythm cards, cards of triads, key signs, cards-toys (guess) for decorating the Christmas tree.
  4. Piano, noise instruments.
  5. Christmas tree.
  6. Santa Claus costume, staff, bag with New Year's gifts.
  7. Incentive gifts (pencils, erasers, pens, markers, etc.).
  8. Magazines (any periodicals).
  9. Video camera, photo camera.

Progress of the New Year's lesson

1. Greeting.

Teacher: Hello guys!

Hello, dear parents! We are glad to see you in class.

Today we will summarize the results of the second quarter and show what the children have learned during this time. (Looks for something.)

What miracles for the New Year! The magazine has disappeared somewhere!?.

(There's a knock on the door. Santa Claus comes in.)

Father Frost: Is this 306 class?

Teacher: Yes.

Father Frost: Are you Tatyana Ilyinichna?

Teacher: Yes.

Father Frost: And this is a solfeggio lesson in 2nd grade?

Teacher: Yes.

Father Frost: Well then I came to the right place. Here I found something and brought it. Did you happen to lose anything?

Teacher: Yes, it seems like nothing, but the magazine has disappeared somewhere.

Father Frost: Magazines? - I have magazines!

(Shows and offers various magazines Rabotnitsu, Caravan of History, Horoscopes, etc.)

Teacher: These magazines and Santa Claus are not suitable for us. We have a special magazine. There are grades for knowledge.

Father Frost: Are the grades at least good?

Teacher: Good - fours and fives. The guys are doing well and trying hard.

Father Frost: I love it when children try. How would I like to attend your lesson?

Teacher: So, guys? Let's invite D.M. to our lesson?

Students: Yes!

Father Frost: Come in, grandpa, sit down. And we will start the lesson with a chant.

2. Chant.

Performed by: Songs

About scales.
Now major, now minor
Sequences are sung, alternating major and minor chants.
Close your eyes, open your eyes.

The cards determine:

  • by key tonality signs.

Determine by ear:

  • major and minor triads;
  • degrees in the tonic triad.

(Children successfully complete the task.)

3. Decorate the Christmas tree. Musical riddles of Santa Claus.

(Each riddle is accompanied by the display of a toy card for decorating a Christmas tree. A Christmas tree drawn on whatman paper and partially decorated is attached to a magnetic board. The student who has guessed the riddle attaches the toy card using magnets, decorating the tree. You can use a regular Christmas tree, adding musical toys to the New Year's decorations - guesses.)


Who will solve the riddle,
He receives that gift.
Who can guess the riddle?
Decorating the Christmas tree with Grandfather.

Father Frost:

Decorating the Christmas tree with Grandfather
Receives a prize for this


Just don't shout loudly, -
Raise your hand quickly. (Points to Santa Claus.)

Musical riddles
(teacher makes a wish)
Encouragement, gifts
(Father Frost)
We know the notes, you and I,
The note is G, and the note is A.
Who will sing to me in order
All seven notes, friends?
You suggested the answer to your grandfather,
Get some candy, my friend!
We divide the scale into parts,
Notes 3, 4, 5,-
What should we call these parts?
How do we recognize them?
We always need a pen.
I don’t have a pen - that’s the problem!
Parts of a scale from 3rd notes
What are they called? ... (Trichord.)
Well, what if there are 4 notes?
So this is it? ... (Tetrahord.)
Oh guys, well done!
Get some prizes.
Get a pencil
Write your notes well.
We walked five notes
Got? ... (Pentachord.)
To those who work hard,
It will be useful for classes.
(Gives a pen or pencil.)
To enter the music house
You need to buy a key.
The key is beautiful, curled, -
What's the name of the key? ... (Salt.)
From grandfather to master,
Get markers.
Upper sound and lower sound?..
In? ... (Intervals) name.
(Say your name.)
Get pencils
And draw from the heart.
I-III-Y sound?
Us? ... (in triad) name.
You, my friend, answered nicely,
Here's your reward!
Which alteration sign is knocked down by the ladder? (Sharp.)
Highlight the headings
And get a felt-tip pen.
What alteration sign is hanging in a droplet? (Flat.)
Write notes well
Get the eraser, get the eraser.
Are there two tails in every quarter? (Eights.)
Prize, my friend, get it, -
Earned from the heart.

Riddles for parents.

Teacher: And now, dear parents, a few riddles for you, let’s check how you helped your children study.

What note is the soup salted with? (Salt.)

My first syllable is a note
And the second syllable too.
Both syllables together
They look like beans. (Beans.)

(The teacher and Santa Claus encourage the parents who answered.)

4. Singing songs learned from memory during solfeggio lessons.

Father Frost(addresses children):

Well, guys, we were surprised
And they deserved the awards.

Father Frost(addresses the teacher): Oh, apparently your children learned the rules of music well. Look how easily they solved all the riddles, the whole Christmas tree is now elegant and musical. But can your children sing?

Teacher: Well, of course, Grandfather Frost, what would the School of Arts be like without songs! They help us learn. During lessons we sing rule songs, sight read, and learn some songs by heart. Now we will be happy to sing a few of these songs for you.

Teacher: Sometimes in the song we can even come to school by train.

(Children sing the song “Train.”)

Teacher: Guys, today is a holiday lesson and, of course, we will sing the song “Holiday at the Zoo.”

(Children perform a song.)

Find out the song by Hand Signs (RS).

Teacher: And the following songs need to be guessed.

(The teacher shows with hand signs the beginning of the song “Shadow-Shadow”. Students in the RD mentally sing the melody, recognize the song and vying with each other, wanting to give an answer. The teacher suggests singing the song “in faces”, distribute roles, perform the song.)

Find out the song by its rhythm.

(The teacher silently performs a rhythmic pattern with his palms. Students repeat, recognize and name the song “The Mouse is Riding.” They sing the song with pleasure, performing rhythmic accompaniment in the chorus according to the rhythmic sign on the board.)

5. Everyone has their own instrument. Specialty presentation.

Father Frost: The kids sing well, but can they play?

Teacher: Of course they can, Santa Claus. Each of the children has their own musical instrument, their favorite and most interesting. With the help of their specialty teachers, they prepared a small concert.

  1. S. Maryshev. Antique watch.
    Performed by Artem Golomoz (guitar).
  2. 2. Longshmp-Druzhkevicheva. March of preschool children.
    Performed by Angela Makhmudova (piano).
  3. J.B.Lully.Jean and Pierrot.
    Performed by Ivankova Ira (violin).
  4. Frames. Waltz.
    Performed by Bakulin Vladilen (guitar).
  5. Ukrainian folk song Zhuravel
    Performed by Masha Filippova (violin).
  6. Sigmeister. March.
    Performed by Evdokimov Naum (piano).

6. Winter mysteries of Santa Claus.

Father Frost: Oh, well done, they pleased Grandfather with their skills.

Father Frost(addresses the teacher): Dear, give me the bag.

Father Frost(addresses the children): I have riddles in my bag, guess them, guys.

The riddles are not musical, but the most New Year's and winter ones.

Has a white blanket covered the entire earth? (Snow.)

Draws without hands, bites without teeth. (Freezing.)

Who is white in winter and gray in summer? (Hare.)

Sparkles like a piece of ice
Flying from the sky? (Snowflake.)

There was barely a breath of winter -
They are always with me.
Two sisters will warm you up,
Their names are... (Mittens.)

I'm rushing forward like a bullet,
The ice just creaks
Let the lights flicker.
Who's carrying me? (Skates.)

(Those who guess correctly receive small New Year's souvenirs (snowflake, streamer, rain, etc., sweets.)

About Santa Claus.

Teacher: I also know New Year's riddles. Can you guess it, guys?

It freezes children's noses.
Who is this? (Father Frost!)

Who brought us a Christmas tree?
Well, of course? (Father Frost)

Teacher: The intro to the New Year's song is playing. The children join in and sing.

7. Quarter grades. New Year gifts.

Teacher(exclaims joyfully): And here the magazine has been found. It's time to announce quarterly grades.

There are fours, there are fives, but for now there are also threes. Popov Artyom, Gulnara and Angela, there are fours under the tree for you, but for now there are a quarter of threes.

(Helpers give each child a New Year’s gift.)

We tried, Naum and Gosha got straight A's.
You can get A's for them very simply:
In class, try to be collected and not get distracted.

Vladilen and Ira received a B with pluses,
You have to try really hard to get straight A's!

Artyom Golomoz, high five for you,
But with a minus, with a “needle”.

And now a fairy tale:
Once upon a time there were two Mashas, ​​Masha Chernova and Masha Filippova
And they received an A in the second quarter in solfeggio and general piano.
That's the whole fairy tale.

8. New Year's greetings. Photos for memory with Santa Claus.

Teacher: Our lesson, dear children, parents, guests, has also come to an end. I wish everyone a happy New Year bright days, excellent health, success in your endeavors and affairs.

Father Frost: Have a great studying in the new year!

Everyone sings the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”

A festive photo with Santa Claus as a keepsake.

Consolidating knowledge of addition and subtraction tables within 10

Lesson objectives:

1. consolidate knowledge of numbering, counting skills within 10, composition of numbers

2. develop skills in composing and solving problems, logical thinking

3. cultivate interest in the lesson through traveling to different countries (presentation)



New Year's lesson mathematics in 1st grade (for parents)

on this topic:

“Reinforcing knowledge of addition and subtraction tables within 10”

Lesson objectives:

1. consolidate knowledge of numbering, counting skills within 10, composition of numbers

2. develop skills in composing and solving problems, logical thinking

3. cultivate interest in the lesson through traveling to different countries (presentation)

Equipment: multimedia projector, laptop, cards with snowflakes on each table, music, drawings - gifts on the “Snowman” board.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

Greeting by the teacher and children of guests (parents)

Slide No. 1

2. Introduction to the topic.

What holiday is coming up? ( New Year ). What kind of holiday is New Year? (Fun, jokes, dancing, songs, Christmas tree, gifts..)

The New Year holiday is the most fun. Noisy, joyful of all holidays. Previously, people celebrated the New Year in the fall on September 1st. Emperor Peter I issued a decree: “The New Year celebrations will be moved to January 1.” Since then, we have been celebrating the New Year in winter.

Guys, who main character at this holiday? (Father Frost, Snow Maiden)

Slide number 2

3. Announcement of the topic.

1. – Today we will travel to different countries, where we will meet Santa Clauses different countries and find out how the New Year is celebrated in other parts of the planet.

To do this we need to say the magic words: “Abra-Kadabra”

So, let's go. ( We pronounce the words together with the children)

4 . Work on the topic

To find out which country we are in, you need to complete the task:

1. Write the numbers in ascending order(Storage No. 3)


olingamo (Children work in notebooks, one student at the blackboard)

We got to Mongolia(Slide No. 4,5)

In Mongolia, Father Frost, Tsagaan Ovgon, is dressed as a shepherd. On his head he has a fox hat, a long robe, and multi-colored boots. And he has a whip in his hands. It depends on him whether there will be a lot of milk and meat in the new year. Mongolian Santa Claus is a shepherd. What does a shepherd do? (Grazing a herd of cows, horses, sheep).

And children in Mongolia really love solving problems about animals.

1. 4 cows and the same number of calves were grazing in the meadow. How many animals were there in the meadow? (4+4=8)

2. A goat has 2 horns. How many horns do three goats have? (2+2+2=6)

Slide No. 6

We ended up in France. Here Santa Claus is called Pere Noel. He's wearing all white. He loves warmth and comfort in the house, so he leaves his gifts near....... But next to what, you must solve examples:

(Slide No. 7)

9 – 4 = 5 a

7 - 3 = 4 k

5 + 2 = 7 and

4 + 2 = 6 m

10 – 2 = 8 n

Arrange the answer numbers in ascending order.



Slide No. 8 - Word check

Slide No. 9

Guys, have you seen a fireplace, what is it for?

Where does the French Father Frost, Pere Noel, leave gifts?

Well done, back on the road! (We say the words)

The next country is China. Here Santa Claus is called Sho Hin.

(Slide No. 10)

He studied Confucius, Wushu and Aikido. For the New Year to be happy, there must be a lot of fish on the table. Let's create a problem about fish and solve it.

Let's make a short note. (One student works at the blackboard)

(Slide No. 11)

Then there is a check of the recording and solution to the problem.

How well done we are, and now let’s go further on our journey.

(Slide No. 12)

The next country is Italy. And here on New Year’s Eve they are waiting not for Grandfather, but for the old sorceress Befana. She gives toys to children and coals to naughty children.

Complete the following task without receiving the ember from Befana. (Logical thinking task - count the number of triangles on the envelope).

Logical thinking task

Often even a preschooler knows what a triangle is, but how could you not know! But it’s a completely different matter to count triangles quickly, accurately and skillfully.

Let's see where this letter came from. The address on the envelope is England, Santa Claus.

(Slide No. 13)

Santa Claus travels on reindeer. And delivers gifts to children. Santa Claus prepared us a gift musical physical exercise: “The deer has a big house..)

Physical exercise: “The deer has a big house”

The deer has a big house, he looks out his window. A bunny runs through the forest and knocks on his door: “Knock, knock, open the door, there’s an evil hunter in the forest.” Bunny, bunny, run, give me your paw.(Performing movements with your hands, each time speeding up the pace) (minus- Jingle Bells ).

Slide No. 14,15,16 - “Help the snowmen!” (Fixing the composition of numbers)

Slide No. 17

Now we will return to our home in our country. What is the name of our country? ( Russia )

The most wonderful custom on the New Year holiday is to give and receive gifts. What were the most unexpected gifts you received for the New Year? ( Children's answers)

Do you like giving gifts? Why? What gifts have you prepared for your parents? (Snowman drawings)

Children go to the board, take pictures from it and give it to their parents.

Children singing a New Year's song.

Puzzle of a riddle by the teacher:

They fall from the sky in winter,

And they circle above the earth,

Light fluffs,

White ______ (Snowflakes)

Slide No. 18

Work in pairs, 2 students work at the board. (card for 1 table)


We wish you a Happy New Year!

Happy last breath of December!

And everything is beautiful, alive

Will come to you on the morning of January!

The old year is passing. rustling

its last page.

Let them forget the way to you

Sadness, adversity and illness!

May they come in the coming year

And luck and success!

May it be the best, the most joyful for everyone!

May New Year's Santa Claus give you a whole cartload of happiness, good health in addition,

In everything planned - good luck, peace, friendship, happiness, affection! May life be like in a fairy tale!

On this New Year's holiday

We wish from the bottom of our hearts,

May all your dreams come true.

So that your health is good, your family is filled with happiness,

So that you are surrounded everywhere

Real Friends!

Happy New Year! We wish you happiness from the bottom of our hearts!

To get you through this year

Without sadness and worries.

So that you can work successfully,

And have fun on holiday.

And good luck to you in your business,

And smiles on your lips!

We wish you health, joy and happiness in the New Year.

So that no anxiety, no misfortune

There was no guard at the gate.

So that the sun shines gently, everything that the heart expects comes true,

And just so that everything is fine

All your life, like this year!


May the New Year

will come to your house


Flew into the clouds

Forty-two snowmen:

A third flew with brooms,

A third flew with buckets. Seven with baskets

Three with ladle,

And one was flying with a rake

Over forests and fields.

Their wedge disappeared in the distance - How many were light?

Games and competitions at the New Year holiday

"Round dances"

The traditional New Year's round dance can be complicated and made more entertaining.

The presenter sets the tone, changes the pace of movement and direction. After one or two circles, the round dance can be led like a snake, maneuvering between guests and furniture.

The steeper the loops of the snake, the merrier. Leading the wayyescome up with different options: include in the chainToynot participating in the round dance, sharply slow down, etc.

"Dress up the Christmas tree"


Parilova Tatyana Anatolyevna

primary school teacher

GBOU Secondary School No. 253 of Primorsky District

St. Petersburg

New Year's holiday scenario

"Lesson for the Princess"

Children are divided into teams.

The teacher suggests choosing ribbons of 4 different colors.

A group of children with ribbons of the same color - a team


Happy New Year (read by children)


Leave your sorrows to the old year,

Forget worries, grievances, misfortune!

Only health, success and happiness

We wish you a Happy New Year!

Let all bad things sink into eternity

Happy last breath of December!

And everything is beautiful, alive

Will come to you on the morning of January!

The old year is passing. rustling

its last page.

Let the best that happened not pass away,

And the worst cannot happen again.

May this year, which is on the threshold,

He will enter your home like a good friend!

Let them forget the way to you

Sadness, adversity and illness!

May they come in the coming year

And luck and success!

May he be the best

The most joyful for everyone!

May New Year's Santa Claus

Will give you a whole cart of happiness,

Good health to boot,

In everything planned - good luck,

Peace, friendship, happiness, affection!

May life be like in a fairy tale!

Song “I hang toys on the Christmas tree” (from the repertoire of the ensemble “Fidgets”)

Teacher : Today, guys, we are going on a New Year's trip to a fairy-tale kingdom!

(blizzard music, “They teach at school”, light )

(On the board there is decoration of the palace windows, columns)

On the stage Princess and Professor.

Teacher: Meet: This is the Princess of the Thirtieth Kingdom and her teacher - the Professor of All Sciences.

(Heroes bow)

Professor : Your Highness, I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year!

Let's start our lesson.

Princess: What another lesson!!! Everyone is celebrating, but I have to study! Don't want!! I won't!!!

Professor : But, Your Highness, this will not be a simple lesson, but a royal one.

Princess: Royal? Like this? Okay, so be it, I agree! Teach!

Professor : First lesson: what should a future queen be able to do?

Princess: Oh, I know this: dress beautifully, do a fashionable hairstyle, dance at the ball.

Professor: And it's all?

Princess: Look like that's it. Oh yes, I almost forgot to give orders! And I can do this!

Professor : This is not enough, Your Highness!

Princess: Really? And what else?

Professor : You also need to know what your subjects need, how to make the country rich and the inhabitants happy.

Princess: Well, The ministers will do this without me. Shouldn't I be paying them a salary?

Professor : What if they deceive you?

Princess: How deceived! Don't want! I'll tell mom!

Professor : So big, but she complains to mommy.

Princess : What should we do? Where to begin?

Professor : I think that first you need to learn to understand people.

Princess : Teach! Fast! Otherwise I'll cut off your head!

Professor : It won't happen quickly.

Princess : Why? After all, New Year is a time of magic!

Professor : I'm not a wizard, I'm a scientist. But I will help you. There is one magical thing in your palace.

Princess : Which?

Professor : Magic mirror.

Princess : So drag him here!

Professor : Why bother, you can just call! Magic mirror, come here!

Princess : Mirror! Here! Run!

MIRROR: Yes, here I am, here! Why shout so much! Hello, Your Majesty!

Princess : Not yours, but yours!

MIRROR: Why, “yours”? Are there two of you? I thought we had the same Princess!

Princess : Don't be a fool! Everyone knows that this is how they address Princesses!

(looks in the Mirror) Oh, who is reflected there? This is not me at all!

MIRROR: Of course not you! Why on earth? It's me!

Princess : What miracles! OK! I will ask, and you answer the truth! Am I the sweetest and prettiest and smartest in the world?

MIRROR: The truth? And what I get for this?

Princess: P If you like it, I’ll reward you! If you don't like it, I'll break it!

MIRROR: I don't like this! Come on, it’s better if I give you a hint, and you can figure it out yourself, since you’re “smarter than everyone else.”

Princess: Like this?

MIRROR: And I'll show you a fable. How do you know that you are smarter and prettier than everyone else?

Princess: All the maids of honor say so .

MIRROR: What are you saying about them?

Princess: I praise the same. Is it a pity?

MIRROR: Is this true?

Princess: It depends!

MIRROR: Then watch Ivan Andreevich Krylov’s fable “The Cuckoo and the Rooster”


MIRROR: Well, do you understand?

Princess: Not really yet.

MIRROR: D let's watch the fable "The Crow and the Fox"


Princess: Oh, I got it! Flattering is very bad! It's the same as cheating! Flatterers cannot be trusted! But how do you know who is the best?

MIRROR: You can't be the best at everything at once. One is good at one thing, the other at another. Let's find out who is the most dexterous?

(RELAY RACES: “Collect toys”, “Pass the cap”, “Swipe the ball with your head”)

Princess: Great! Now we know the most dexterous! How do you recognize the smartest people? Are these the ones who will examine everything down to the smallest detail?

MIRROR: Not at all! Look at the fable “The Curious One.”


Princess: Yes, he didn’t even notice the Elephant! What is the essence of the fable?

MIRROR: Let's ask the guys!

Princess: And who is our smartest? Let's find out!


Princess: Oh, how tired I am of thinking! Let's Dance!

( DANCE “REPEAT THE MOVEMENT” “Three White Horses”)

Princess: I love to dance! I could dance like that all my life!

MIRROR: I see it’s time to show another fable: “The Dragonfly and the Ant.”


MIRROR : You see, Princess, what they say is true: “There is time for business, time for fun.” It is also very important for everyone to mind their own business. Let me show you the fable “Quartet”.

Princess: Oh, I can’t, they made me laugh! I also have girlfriends like this: they don’t know how to do anything, but they brag and take on everything!

MIRROR : Which means you can do everything!

Princess: Certainly!

MIRROR : Look at the fable “The Mirror and the Monkey”, maybe you’ll understand something!


MIRROR : Well, do you understand?

Princess: Understood. I won't judge others anymore. Let's check who is the most attentive among us.

(Competition - “Understand Me” relay race with drawings)

Princess: Let's hold a competition for the best dancer!

(dance “Dot, dot, comma...”)

Princess: It's good that New Year is coming soon! Guests will come. It’s just a pity that they don’t eat enough. I treat them and treat them, I order them to eat more, but they still try to run away from the table! Just cut off their heads!

MIRROR : Well, you're in vain! Maybe they don't want it anymore!

Princess: I'm just very hospitable!

MIRROR : Rather intrusive! Look at the fable “Demyanov’s Ear.”


Princess: Horrible! I will never do that!

MIRROR : Right! Now, let's see who is the most dressed up today!


Professor: Our royal lesson is over! I hope it was useful not only for the Princess.

Princess: Thank you, dear Professor! Thank you, mirror! I understood everything!

Heroes: Happy New Year! Thank you for your attention!

Teacher: Guys! Our holiday is coming to an end. The holidays and the most wonderful, most magical holiday are ahead of you - New Year! Let's sing together the song “If only there were no winter”


I hang toys on the Christmas tree,
My sister gives them to me.
And golden rain and firecrackers,
After all, the new year is coming soon.

And outside the window the fluffy snow is spinning,
A sparrow perched on a branch,
Mom will return from work soon,
Celebrate your favorite holiday as soon as possible.
New year, new year
A new year is coming across the planet.
New year, new year

The lights of the green Christmas tree are flickering,
And the round dance of snowflakes spins.
The teddy bear looks from the shelf out of sadness
how Santa Claus gives out gifts.
The last page is finished
Last page of December
And the New Year is knocking on your window
He will bring joy to your home.
New year, new year
A new year is coming across the planet.
New year, new year
New Year will come with new happiness
Frost covered sparkling eyelashes
a transparent eye of a snowy winter.
and will have fun with us
and grandfather and granddaughter at a late hour.
Let's forget all the troubles and bad weather.
let your hearts be filled with happiness.
And the new year, and the new year comes
and happy new year, new spring.
New year, new year
A new year is coming across the planet.
New year, new year
New Year will come with new happiness