Cognitive development in 2 ml g. Lesson notes for the second junior group on cognitive development. Finger gymnastics annoying mice

Svetlana Chernikova
Summary of a lesson on cognitive development in the second junior group “Travel with the Sun”

Lesson notes on cognitive development

in second younger group« Traveling with the sun» .

Developer: Chernikova S. A., teacher of the first qualification category

Target: Creation of favorable conditions for the use of various types of activities, their integration in order to increase the efficiency of the educational process.

Integration of areas: « Cognitive development» (formation of elementary mathematical concepts; formation of a holistic picture of the world, broadening one’s horizons, "Physical development» , "Social-communicative", "Artistic and Aesthetic", "Speech development»



Cultivate children's interest and desire to expand their horizons,

Cultivate curiosity, mutual assistance,

Cultivate a positive attitude towards the world around you,


Develop children have mental processes: cognitive comparison, logic,

Develop fine motor skills of fingers;

Develop and improve motor skills,

To develop an interest in fiction,

Develop a desire to sing familiar songs;


Develop the ability to distinguish concepts "one", "a lot of", "no one";

Consolidation (color, shape, size);

Develop and activate children's speech;

Teach children to draw straight lines (finger painting);


Tape recorder, music recording;

Cock and Granny's houses;

Sunshine on a stick;

Toys: cockerel, hen, chickens;

Plates with peas, beans, semolina;

Circles, balls, baskets, Christmas trees;

The logic of constructing organized activities for children

1. Organizational moment

Educator: Children, look how many guests there are, let's greet each other.

Communication game « Sun»

Got up the sun has been around for a long time

Looked into our window

Gathered all the friends in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend

We'll go right now

And then let's go left

Let's gather in the center of the circle

And we'll all return to our place

Let's smile, wink

Let's go travel.

(Method of actively involving children in joint play activities with the teacher)

Goal setting, game situation.

Educator: guys, I hear that someone is coming towards us... (appears Sun) . Look who came to visit us? (Sun greets children)

Sun it didn’t just come to us, it whispered in my ear that it wanted to invite you to journey! Do you agree?

Before you go to journey, Sun invites you to complete a small task. As soon as you deal with it, our journey.

What's in my cart?

Balls of different colors. Sunny wants so that you can arrange them according to flowers: blue into a blue basket, red into red, green into green, yellow into yellow. Can you handle it? Well then let's get to work (lay out).

How many balls were there? (a lot of) How much did it become? (no one) Let's see if you have placed the balls correctly. What color is the basket? (yellow like sun, etc. d.)

Well done, good luck to you sunshine.

Oh guys, what is this? (Creek) How can we get through it? There is no bridge here...

I came up with an idea, I see there are pebbles lying around. What size are they? (small and large). And in form (round). Do you think they can help us? That's right, you and I will build a bridge and cross the stream (lay out a bridge of large stones).

We guys need to cross the bridge

We are going to the distant forest

There are rabbit friends there.

(a hare comes out from behind the tree)

Hello bunny, why are you so sad? (I'm lost). And where do you live? (by Grandma). Don't worry and don't be sad. Me and the guys traveling and we will be happy to take you to your grandmother. And so that you to cheer up, we invite you to dance with us.

Physical education minute "You walk with us".

Well, the sadness has passed. I see a house ahead. I wonder who lives in the house?

Cockerel (toy):

Ku-ka-re-ku! I live.

I'm walking on the grass

And I sing at dawn

Hello Petya - cockerel! We also know a poem about you.

Cockerel, cockerel,

golden comb,

Oil head,

Silk beard!

Don't you let the kids sleep?

(clucking sounds and a chicken appears) Chicken, why are you so alarmed?

Hen: The fox climbed into the chicken coop and poured beans into our peas. My chickens can't eat beans because they might choke.

Guys, let's help the chicken sort through the peas and feed the chickens (each has their own plate, (the cockerel and the hen thank the children).

Bunny, look - isn't this grandma's house?

Grandmother: Hello, thank you for bringing my grandson. Who helped you find the way to my house?

We, grandmother, will not tell, but rather show.

(draw on semolina Sun)

What does it look like? (on Sun)

It helped us find the way to your house.

Grandmother: thank you! Sun, stay with us, the bunny and I will have more fun with you.

And for you guys, I have a treat.

Publications on the topic:


Educational area:"Cognitive Development"

Kind of activity: educational

Age group: second youngest

Subject:"Visiting grandma."

Target: expand children’s ideas about domestic animals (they live next to a person, bring him benefit, the person takes care of them). Continue to introduce domestic animals and their cubs, the characteristics of their behavior and nutrition. Name domestic animals and their babies, enrich children's vocabulary. Continue teaching children to solve riddles.

Program content

Educational objectives: continue to enrich the vocabulary, develop the sound culture of speech. Learn to distinguish young animals from adult animals, highlighting some characteristic features of appearance.

Educational: develop auditory perception, attention, speech, the ability to answer questions, learn to solve riddles, develop the ability to coordinate movements with words, develop coherent speech in children. Distinguish the voices of animals.

Educational: to cultivate interest in the activity, to cultivate in children a good relationship with animals, to show a desire to take care of them, to cultivate emotional responsiveness and a desire to communicate.

Preliminary work: conversations about animals, games with toy animals, reading nursery rhymes: “Kitsonka - Murysonka”. Looking at paintings from the “Pets” series. Lotto game "Pets and their babies"

Vocabulary work: enrich children's vocabulary, correctly name young domestic animals (calf, foal, kitten, puppy, chicken, kid, piglet).

Materials and equipment: head covers: hens and chicks according to the number of children; multimedia equipment, presentation; a set of pears - domestic animals (cow, cat, dog, horse and their cubs); cut pictures: horse - cart, chicken - egg, cat - mouse, goat - fluff, milk, dog - house.

Progress of activities:

The teacher informs the children that a letter has arrived in the group, opens it and reads it.

Grandma writes and invites them to visit.

Guys, let's go visit grandma?

What kind of passenger transport do you know? (Children's answers.)

What transport would you like to travel by? (Children's answers.)

But since there are many of us, I suggest you go by bus.

Children line up behind the teacher and ride to the music.

On a smooth path,

On a flat path.

Our feet are walking

Our feet are walking.

Jump through a puddle. Jump through the hole. We walked along and came to visit. And here is the house. Let's knock, guys.

Knock, knock, knock, who lives here?

Who will open the doors for us?

The window opens and grandma looks out :

Hello kids,

Girls and boys.

Glad to see everyone now

After all, I have been waiting for you for a long time.

I'm a grandmother Arina.

Oh, guys, I'm in trouble, all my animals ran away.

The teacher asks the children how they can help their grandmother. Listens to children's answers.

Educator: Guys, maybe these animals came to our group? We have many animals in our group, but grandma doesn’t need all of them. Let's ask grandma what animals she needs.

Grandmother: I need animals that live next to humans.

Educator: Grandma, do you need a wolf? Grandma is scared.

Guys, what are the names of animals that live next to humans? ( Pets).

- Domestic animals live next to a person; they cannot build a house for themselves, dig a hole, a den, they are not adapted to live in the forest. You need to look after them, build them housing, feed them, clean them.

Grandmother , and what kind of pets you need.

And I’ll tell you riddles, and you’ll solve them. All children love to solve riddles, and you? (Children's answers.)

Then guess my riddles. With each guess, the teacher takes a pet toy out of the box.

1. Tail with a hook, nose with a heel (pig).

2. Little white feathers,

red scallop,

Who's that on the peg?

Petya - (cockerel).

3 .Hungry - moos,

When he's full, he chews.

For little kids

The cow gives milk.

4. He walks and wanders, shaking his head.

Grass asks: “me-me-me”

Give me some tasty grass! (Goat).

5 .Soft paws, scratches on paws,

Walks silently, catches mice. (Cat).

6. I ride faster than the wind,
"" Clack-clack, "" - I knock my hooves,
I scream loudly "yoke"
Sit on your back and I'll give you a ride! (Horse).

7. Here's another riddle for you.

Clucking, clucking,

Convenes children

He gathers everyone under his wing.

Who is this? (Chicken).

The teacher shows toys: a chicken with chicks.

Who do you see? (Hen and chicks).

What is the name of the chicks' mother?

What are the names of baby chickens?

And now we will play with you. I will be the chicken, and you will be the chickens. You are my children and must obey me.

Physics lesson “The crested hen has come out”

The crested hen came out

There are yellow chickens with her.

The chicken clucks: ko-ko,

Don't go far

Row your paws,

Look for grains.

Ate a fat beetle


We drank some water

A complete mess.

Grandmother: Listen to the next riddle.

8. Lives in a booth

He's gnawing on bones.

Barks and bites -

What is the name of? (Dog).

Educator: Oh, we don’t have a dog, where is she? A dog runs out of the house and barks.

It turns out the dog didn’t run away, she was guarding the house. The teacher brings the dog to the children, the children stroke it.

Grandmother: Oh, what a great fellow, you guessed the riddles! Who were the riddles about?

(About a cat, cow, piglet, etc.) How can you call them in one word? (Children's answers.)

The grandmother accepts the animals and thanks the children for their help.

Educator: Well, guys, we helped grandma, we found all the animals, let's say goodbye to grandma. The children say goodbye to their grandmother.

Educator: And we will ride back on a horse. The children line up behind the teacher and “ride” back to the music.

Educator: Guys, you already know pets well, but what benefits do they bring to humans?

Didactic game:

Cow - milk

Chicken - egg

Goat - fluff, milk

The dog guards the house

The horse is pulling the cart

The cat catches mice.

Slide No. 1 – 7.

The cat has a kitten
The rooster and the hen have a chick
The cow has a calf
The horse has a foal

The dog has a puppy

The goat has a kid

Whose horns? -Goat horns. Whose mane? -The horse's mane. Whose tail? - Cat's tail. Whose nose? - Pig nose. Whose paws? - Chicken feet.

Meows (who?) - cat
Laughs -
Grunts -
Moos -
Barks -
Bleats –

Barks -

Educator: Well done guys, you guessed everything correctly. Let’s go and visit grandma again tomorrow and make a fence for the animals out of building material so that they don’t run away from grandma anymore.

Didactic game: “Name the baby?”Slide No. 1 – 7.

Every domestic animal has a baby. You must tell who has which cub.

Didactic game: “Whose, whose, whose?” Slide number 8 – 12.

Educator: Guys! You know different pets. Guess the body parts of these animals. The teacher shows the body parts of the animals, and the children guess.

Whose horns? - Goat horns. Whose mane? - Horse's mane. Whose tail? - Cat's tail. Whose nose? - Pig nose. Whose paws? - Chicken feet.

Didactic game:“What benefits do pets bring?”

Children are offered pictures of a pet, and are given the task to choose a picture depicting the benefits that animals bring to humans, and to talk about their choice.

Cow - milk

Chicken - egg

Goat - fluff, milk

The dog guards the house

The horse is pulling the cart

The cat catches mice.

Finger gymnastics annoying mice

Meows (who?) - cat

Educator: Well done guys, you guessed everything correctly. Let’s go and visit grandma again tomorrow and make a fence for the animals out of building material so that they don’t run away from grandma anymore.

Date of publication: 02/05/17

Journey to Toyland(sensory)

Target: Enrich children's sensory experiences by actively including all senses.


1. Educational: Strengthen the ability to highlight the color, shape, size of objects. Group similar objects by size. Strengthen your knowledge of flowers (red, blue, yellow, green); encourage naming colors; consolidate concepts "big", "small"; exercise children in guessing objects by touch; strengthen the ability to recognize animal voices; train children to find missing parts of toys.

2. Developmental: Promote the development of visual and auditory perception, Thinking, tactile sensations and fine motor skills of the hand;

3. Educational: create a joyful mood; to cultivate in children a sense of responsiveness and a desire to help.

Equipment: three-dimensional doll; big and small bunnies (soft toys); large and small carrots; did. a game , laptop, projector, screen, did. equipment – ​​“Tactile bags” screen, “Guess the sound, compare the animal” sound panel.

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter to the music and stand in a semicircle.

Organizing time.

Educator: - Guys, look, we have guests today. We've been waiting for them. Let's say hello to them.

Children: - Hello.

Educator: - Guys, look who else is meeting us? This is a Masha doll!

Look how beautiful her dress is. What color is it? (white). And what figures is it decorated with? (circle, square, triangle). Find a green circle, a red triangle, a small square on the dress - what color is it?

Well done!

Guys, Masha came to you for a reason, but invites you to visit her. Do you know where Masha lives?

Children: No!

Educator: - Masha lives in toyland. Shall we go and visit Masha in the land of toys?

Children: Yes!

On a flat path

Our feet are walking

Top-top, top-top

We walked along the path

And to we came to toys!

Here we are. Look how beautiful it is here. We are greeted by toys. Which?

Oh, toys say something! (listening)

Guys, ah toys they want to play with you. Shall we play?

Children:- Yes!

Didactic game "Big small"

How many bears? - Two.

What is this bear? - Big.

What is this one? - Small.

Guys, Masha brought cones to the Bears, but didn’t have time to sort them out. Shall we help her?

Let's give the big Bear big pine cones, and the little bear small ones.

Children take the cones one by one, say what they are and who they will give to.

Well done! The bears say thank you for your help.

Guys, there is no winter in the land of toys, and the Bears don’t know what snow is, how

snowflakes are falling. Let's show the bears how snowflakes fall.

Breathing exercises (Children blow a snowflake from their palm)

Guys, if you put a lot of snowflakes together, you can make snowmen like this out of the snow. Look, the snowmen want to play with you.

Let's play.

Physical exercise "Snowmen"

Guys, the bears want to play with you. We agree. They invite you to recognize the voices of animals, if you guess correctly, the picture will open. Shall we play with the bunnies?

Children complete the task.

Children called open pictures.

Well done! You guessed correctly.

Mashenka, what happened? (listening).

Guys, it turns out that Masha has favorites toys, but only they broke. Let's help Masha find broken parts toys?

Guys, in order for us to complete this task correctly, we need to prepare our hands.

Finger gymnastics "Toys".

I play with toys:(Hands in front of you, clench and unclench the fingers of both hands.)

I'm throwing the ball to you (We stretch our arms forward - “throw the ball.”)

I'm collecting a pyramid (We place straight hands, palms down, on top of each other several times.)

I drive the truck everywhere.(We move the slightly open hand of our right hand in front of us - “roll typewriter.")

Children sit down at a table on which pictures of toys are laid out.

Guys, look, the toys are broken, we need to find the missing part of the toy.

Didactic game "Which piece is missing".

Children are offered a picture of toys without fragment(a car without a wheel, a bunny without an ear) and the fragments are mixed together, they must find the missing part.

Well done! All toys have been repaired.

Guys, Masha loves to play hide and seek, she wants to play with you with toys.

Masha hid the toys in these bags; you need to determine by touch what kind of toy it is.

Look how I will do it. And now you will guess.

Didactic game "Guess by touch".

(Children take turns coming up and guessing the toy.)

Well done! We found and guessed all the toys.

Look, our Masha smiles again and says thank you.

Masha has prepared a surprise for you, I suggest you see what it is. (I take the game out of the top bag)

Well, guys, it’s good to be away, but it’s time for us to go back. Tell Masha goodbye.

Children: - Goodbye.

On a flat path

Our feet are walking

Top-top, top-top

We walked along the path

We've arrived at kindergarten!

You guys are so great! How much good and kindness we have done with you. What did we do in toyland? Children: - Helped the bunnies collect carrots, guessed the voices of animals, helped Masha find details from toys. - Look what game you received as a gift, I suggest you go and tell your friends where you were.

Rosa Shulgina
Lesson notes for the second junior group on cognitive development.

Lesson summary for the second junior group on cognitive development

Target: to activate the mental activity of children through game tasks.


Create conditions for consolidating knowledge about wild animals and their young.

Create conditions for developing the ability to classify objects according to groups, find a common feature among them.

Contribute development of attention in children, thinking, sensitivity, responsiveness.

Subject environment: picture Kolobok, letter, pictures of various representatives of the animal world, wild animals and their cubs (wolf, fox, bear, hare, squirrel, road diagram, sets of geometric shapes, two hoops of different colors, Dienesha blocks, "Magic Paths", set of numbers 1-5, circles with geometric shapes, sign symbols, magnetic board.

Progress of the lesson.

Guys, look, we're in the group received a letter. Who wrote it? Kolobok. Let's read it. /The teacher opens the envelope/. Dear guys, hello! The bun is writing to you. Have you tidied up your toys yet? If yes, then I invite you to visit. In order not to get lost in the forest, I am sending you a map that will help you get to my house. I'm looking forward to your visit! Kolobok.

Well, guys, let's hit the road? IN we have order in the group? Our nanny won’t have to clean up after us while we’re visiting? /Children’s answers/. Then let's go. Let's look at the map. The road goes through the forest. Who lives in the forest?/Children’s answers/. That's right, animals. I suggest you play a game “One, two, three, run to me.”/The teacher hands out cards with images of different animals, birds, insects. By command "1,2,3 run to me" Children come to the teacher with cards depicting certain animals named by the teacher.

And now I will tell riddles about those animals that live in our forest. Whoever has it in the picture comes out to me.

1. He slept in a fur coat all winter,

I sucked a brown paw,

And when he woke up, he began to roar,

This forest animal is…. (bear).

2. A bushy tail sticks out from the top.

What is this strange little animal?

He cracks the nuts finely.

Well of course it's... (squirrel).

3. A cunning cheat,

red head,

A fluffy tail is a beauty.

Who is this? (fox).

4. Who is cold in winter?

Is he wandering around angry and hungry? (wolf).

5. He is afraid of everyone forest:

Wolf, eagle owl, fox.

Runs from them, escaping,

With long ears... (hare)

Guys, look at the pictures. What are these animals called?/Children’s answers/. Why do we call them wild?/Children’s answers/. How many animals are in front of you?/Children’s answers/. These animals have babies, let's find one for each of them. / The teacher invites one child at a time to the table on which pictures with babies are laid out; children take one picture, name the baby and stand next to the desired adult animal/. Well done guys, you did a great job.

We set off further on our journey. Look at the map. We have passed through the forest, there is a swamp ahead. How can we get across the swamp, since we can get stuck there? /Children offer options/. You suggested different options, but you can lay out a path from "stones". Shall we try? I have these "pebbles", let's try. /Children are divided into minigroups, approach the tables on which there are pictures of a swamp, plates with circles and squares/. What shape are your pebbles?/Children’s answers/.Well done, lay out the path, place the shapes one by one, don’t quarrel.

And now I suggest you relax and play a game "Find a house"./The teacher distributes round and square Dienesh blocks to the children. Two hoops on the floor, put cards with names and signs inside "Color" And "Form"/. In the red hoop you need to live all the red figures, and in the blue hoop all the square ones. /Children complete the task/.

We've almost reached the kolobok's house, all we have to do is pass the field. Look how many beautiful flowers there are. We need to pave a path so as not to trample the flowers. Let's choose from the stripes. / On the table there are strips of paper of different lengths and widths, children try on the card and choose the one they need, while the teacher asks about the size of the chosen strip /.

So we got to the kolobok. Here he is, a ruddy, beautiful bun. And what is he like?/Children’s answers/. Let us give the bun a story in pictures about him. Want to? Let's take our "Magic path" and tell the kolobok about it. /Children together with the teacher fill out the morphology track according to signs: shape, color, material, parts, size. /

Guys, it's time for us to return home to kindergarten. We'll return by bus. Miron will be the driver today, he will drive. I’m handing out tickets with geometric shapes, which you need to use to find yours on the bus. place: The location is indicated by a number. /Children match the number of figures with the number and sit down/. Go. / The teacher plays a song "Happy Journey"./

Here we are in children's court. Did you enjoy our trip? Was it difficult for you? Were the games interesting? I want to praise you that you were friendly during the trip, helped each other, I want to thank you for being kind and making a good gift for the bun,

thank you for your answers, for your knowledge. Well done.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of a lesson on cognitive development in the second junior group “In the world of indoor plants” Goal: Expand children's understanding of indoor plants. Program content: -Introduce children to the concept of “houseplant” -Introduce.

Summary of a lesson on cognitive development in the second junior group “Observing a fish” Topic: Observing a fish Objectives: 1. Expand children’s knowledge about the appearance of a fish: the body is covered with scales. On the head there are eyes, a mouth, and on the back of the body.

Summary of a lesson on cognitive development in the second junior group “Travel with a Hedgehog” Goal: 1. Maintain cognitive and speech activity in the process of playful experimentation with the proposed objects.

Summary of a lesson on cognitive development in the second junior group “Travel with the Sun” Summary of a lesson on cognitive development in the second junior group “Travel with the Sun.” Developer: Chernikova S. A., teacher.

Summary of a lesson on cognitive development in the second junior group “Travel with Tishka” Summary of a lesson on cognitive development for the second junior group “Travel with Tishka.” Objectives: to introduce children to the concept of “wild”.

Cognitive development in the second junior group on the topic “Wood and its properties”

Educational areas:

“Socio-communicative development”,

"Cognitive Development"

"Speech development".

Types of activities: gaming, communicative, productive.

Goal: to develop children's skills for cognitive and research activities.


    To develop in children ways of examining different materials and objects (stone, napkin, wooden block), using the example of their interaction with water; introduce the properties of water (transparent, odorless).

    Develop fine motor skills and develop manual dexterity.

    To instill in children the desire to help the heroes of a fairy tale based on active empathy for them.

    Activate children's speech with verbs (swim, drown).

Demonstration material: toys (frog, ant, bug, butterfly)

Handouts: a block of wood, a napkin, a stone, a ladybug, a wooden stick, a piece of paper for each child.

Preliminary work: reading V. Suteev’s fairy tale “The Ship”, learning an emotional greeting.

GCD move.

Teacher and children in a round dance:

Boys and girls are friends in our group

We will make friends with you little fingers

Hold your hands tightly

And smile at each other!

Guys, someone came to visit us. Look at them, do you recognize them? (turns attention to the table)

That's right, well done. A frog, an ant, a bug, a butterfly came to us. Would you like me to tell you a fairy tale about our guests? (children sit in a semicircle around the table, on the table there is a frog, an ant, a bug and a butterfly.

One day a frog, an ant, a bug and a butterfly went for a walk. We came to the river.

Let's swim! - said the frog and jumped into the water.

“We don’t know how to swim,” said the bug, the ant and the butterfly.

Kwa-ha-ha! Kwa-ha-ha! - the frog laughed. Where are you good for! And he started laughing so hard that he almost choked. The ant, beetle and butterfly got offended and began to think. We thought and thought and came up with an idea. And they decided to build a boat.

Maybe we can build a boat too? To cross the river. Go to the tables - there’s a basin in front of you, what’s in it? (children's answers)

That's right, water. What color is it? (It is colorless, transparent)

What does she smell like? (Water has no odor)

Solid water or liquid? (Children touch the water with their fingers)

What form does water take? (Vessel shape)

This will be our river. What can you use to swim across it? (children's options)

Look what's on the plate? (Paper napkin)

Is it possible to sail on paper like on a boat?

Let's try it, take a napkin and put it in the water. Guys, do you think the napkin will sink if I put it on someone? (Children watch how the napkin gets wet and goes to the bottom)

Now try it, take your napkins and put them in the water. See if your paper boat is sailing? (The napkin sinks, the children come to the conclusion that it is impossible to build a boat from a napkin)

The teacher draws attention to the second plate on which the pebbles lie.

What's in this plate? Let's try to build a boat out of stone. (Children take pebbles and put them in the water)

What's happening? Yes, the pebbles sink. Is it possible to build a ship out of stone? (No)

Why? (He is drowning).

What's in the third plate? (Wood block)

Guys, is it possible to build a boat from a wooden block? Let's put a wooden block in the water, what happens? That's right, the block doesn't sink, it floats.

What can you build a boat from? From a wooden block.

Guys, let's get back to our fairy tale. A butterfly flew and brought a leaf, a beetle-plate, and an ant-stick. And the work began: they stuck a stick into the board, put a leaf on the stick - it turned out to be a boat. They pushed the boat into the water. They sat on it and swam. The little frog stuck his head out of the water and wanted to laugh some more, but the boat had already sailed far away and you couldn’t catch him.

Physical education minute.

Guys, let's rest, lie down on the mat with your backs down. Imagine that you have turned into little bugs.

- “The beetle fell and couldn’t get up

He’s waiting for someone to help him.”

Children wave their arms and legs, and the teacher helps them stand up one by one.

And a bug from a fairy tale came to visit us with his friends. Let us also build boats and take little bugs for a ride.

What did we decide to build the boat from? (Bar)

Guys, take a block, insert a stick into the hole in the block and put on the sail.

Well done, you got the boats

Guys, what did we want to build a boat from, but we didn’t succeed? (Stone, napkin)

Why didn’t it work out, what happened with the napkin and the stone? (Drowned)

After class, the children play with the boats.