Becoming unlimited trust to improve communication. Runic becoming Boundless trust and the joy of communication - how to evoke the goodwill of others? Becoming a Golden Key challenges the trust of others

Runologists recommend using the “Joy of Communication” stave if you need to earn the trust of your boss, team, new friends or relatives. The runescript from the signs of the elder Futhark can be applied to a specific person or make a general reservation about each person you meet. The combination of magic symbols does not require a lot of energy, but to enhance the effect, you can turn to the elements for help when activated. Before using the stave, diagnostics are mandatory.

The meaning of runic symbols

Practitioners note a side effect of stav - those around them begin to share secrets and gossip more.

The working runic stave is used to instill unlimited trust and reduce the level of criticality of the target. Goodwill arises from the combination of the Ansuz-Laguz-Vuno runes. Runic symbols are applied one on top of the other and thanks to this, additional symbols of the elder Futhark - Kenaz-Gebo-Soulo - are automatically formed from the lines. Usually objects cannot logically justify why they become trusting and compliant, but becoming acts very insinuatingly, and therefore suspicions do not arise.

The runescript targets one specific person or everyone around them. Vunyo gives positive emotions from communication, increasing anticipation of the next meeting. Thanks to Kenaz and Gebo appearing in the background, the runescript can provoke love attraction, therefore, if such an effect is undesirable, the purpose of the stave must be clearly indicated in the clause. Runes can be used to achieve the following goals:

The formula will help a person rise in his team to the level of leader.
  • establishing leadership positions in the team;
  • the expansion of the customer base;
  • the emergence of new ways of business development;
  • increase in financial income;
  • getting a promotion;
  • victory in the professional field;
  • evoking desire in the liked subject.

How to draw?

A piece of wood can be used as a basis for applying the formula.
  • Creation of a talisman. To ensure that the impact concerns an unlimited number of objects that the practitioner encounters, runes are applied to a semi-precious stone, wood or a piece of genuine leather. Activated by the warmth of the palms or breathing.
  • Drawing on a photograph. The technique is suitable if there is an influence on a certain subject who needs to be made more accommodating. It is better to give preference to a red marker. There should be no strangers in the photo. To activate, use breath, saliva or elemental power.
  • Drawing on skin. It is recommended to apply the runescript to an area that is easily hidden by clothing. Depending on the goals of the stave, this method can affect one person or several.

If you need to attract additional romantic interest, the runescript should be drawn on your left hand with a scarlet marker. When activated, the object of influence is visualized.


Very often we are hindered by someone’s lack of trust! The formula for Unlimited Trust would make a lot of work easier:

Ansuz - Laguz -Vina
Secondary runes
Kenaz - Gebo - Soul (mirror)

The meaning is approximately the following - groundless, uncritical trust associated with a state of mental comfort among those who encounter the subject of influence, against the backdrop of the impossibility and unwillingness to clarify the true cause of such a situation.

One of the sources indicates that the mirror Sol performs the role of destruction. So let this mirror Sol destroy mistrust, suspicion, fears, resentments towards the subject.

Actually, this bundle is essentially a cunning love spell. Slowly insinuating action.. . Laguz will provide insinuation , Ansuz intuitive moves in the right direction. Vunyo will lull your vigilance with joy. You can also create a sexual connection. Kenaz can also evoke the fire of passion together with Gebo. Really, what to do with the mirror Sol? Although... the runes will figure out the work themselves, there will be some.

In practice, these are conversion technologies. Dual use.

VISA:(With an element of love spell and slight zombie))

That night I entered stealthily
I'm in your dream.
You felt in a sweet slumber,
That I'm in love.
And all night I whispered to you -
Believe me.
The candle slowly went out -
On the window.
You are completely filled with me,
Believe without words.
Without a doubt and without looking back.
You won't feel the shackles.
Night after night I walk in with a smile
I'm in your dream.
And you feel unsteady in your slumber,
That I'm in love.

This formula refers to “broad plan” formulas, in which the work of the formula is closed on the operator (the subject of influence), but is addressed to an unlimited circle of potential subjects, or if these subjects can change, it is better to use it with the creation of “objects of power” (for example, amulets) .

And it all depends on the purpose of use.

Before a conversation with a vile official, or in another field situation, you can apply it to yourself.

And if there is a photo of an object, then make a pair and draw between you and the object.
In the case of a love spell, probably on the same paired photo but on the object’s head.

regarding the photo. It has already been discussed several times that you can simply draw a man and write the data, this will be your beloved...

The formulation of the problem itself requires a certain type of carrier for the formula:

If you want to increase the degree of your influence on another person (or an unlimited circle of other people), it is better to make an amulet. The task will be formulated accordingly: “I am incredibly charming, I can easily gain trust, everyone (or just one person) trusts me, perceives me uncritically, is happy to communicate with me and share their secrets” (etc., etc. .);

If you want to reduce the level of mistrust of a specific person in you, i.e. to make him more trusting - you can apply the formula to his photo or any other symbol of his. The task is formulated with an emphasis on the object of influence, “through its prism”: “you (or name) trust me unconditionally, perceive me uncritically, consider me your best friend” (etc., etc.).

There is a small side effect - people are so warm to you that they begin to trust almost all secrets))))))

Original post and comments at


Just transfer an acquaintance (an acquaintance) to the category of friends (if not close ones, then quite good ones).

It is proposed to supply:
Three ligatures:
“the joy of communication”, “the staff of mash” and “boundless trust”:
the joy of communication between two people on a common photo (copy) or on a body (your own)
mash staff on yourself (on your photo or copy),
trust - on someone who should trust and confide in you (photo or copy)
The elms are placed in a row, without temporary breaks.

(put “The Joy of Communication”)
The runic formula takes my relationship with (name) to a new, more friendly level.
(Name) wants to communicate with me. When contacting me, he feels a sense of spiritual comfort and warmth. He is interested in me as an interlocutor; it is easy and pleasant for us to spend time together.
Ansuz - strengthens the connection
Gebo - will take our contact to a new level
Vunyo - will paint our relationship in positive tones

This formula is valid from the moment of application until the moment the photograph is burned (washed off the body).

(put “Staff of mash”)
This script makes me eloquent and witty. My words and ideas are accepted by (name) as convincing and consistent with his (her) worldview.
Ansuz - will help make conversations pleasant and interesting
Nautiz - will help you achieve your goal

(put “Unlimited trust”)
With this formula, I evoke and consolidate in (name) unlimited trust in me, against the background of reluctance and inability to clarify the true reason for this situation. I reinforce his (her) perception of me as his close friend.
Ansuz - will affect mental comfort
Laguz – will make our contacts attractive to (name)
Vunyo is a sign of friendship and trust

This formula is valid from the moment of application until the moment the photograph is burned.

We remove them separately.

The joy of communication:
The mechanism of action is as follows:
Ansuz - helps restore communication and strengthens it.
Gebo is the rune of mutually beneficial interaction; it helps to bring contact to a plane more beneficial for both parties.
Wunjo – helps to paint these relationships in bright colors

Braga Staff:
If you want to talk someone out, verbally or in writing, this will come in handy. Activates your full chatty potential and forces the listener (reader) to perceive your speeches as very convincing.
Consists of runes: Kenaz Ansuz Nautiz

Unlimited trust:
First plan runes: Ansuz - Laguz - Vinya
Secondary runes: Kenaz - Gebo - Soul (mirror)
The approximate intention is this: groundless, uncritical trust associated with a state of mental comfort among those who encounter the subject of influence, against the backdrop of the impossibility and unwillingness to clarify the true cause of such a situation.
The second plan of the runes is not set or spoken. He just is.

Runic staves attract the deepest desires. They create emotional and physical attachments. The joy of communication from the runes is a variant of this stave to make the other person feel a strong desire to look for a reason to meet. By fulfilling the task of runic symbols, such a person will experience real happiness after communication.

The general meaning of runes for stav

The runic formula consists of symbols and each of them is strong, but they act faster and have a prolonged effect. Runes reinforce each other. What symbols give joy from communication:

The formula creates a strong attachment - the victim is attracted not only by the appearance, but also by the internal qualities of the conspirator.

Unlike a love spell, a strong and difficult to reversible effect, becoming works gently, without disturbing the natural course of a person’s thinking.

The runes work alternately. After their activation, the program starts. It creates conditions for meetings and gives a strong message - the victim needs constant communication, otherwise she feels bad.

The influence of the Ansuz symbol

The symbol belongs to the patron planet - Mercury. Symbolizes human mental abilities. Represents communication. The rune creates the prerequisites for comfortable communication and complete trust. Comfort in these conversations is key.

The symbol has an unusual appearance and two meanings - upright and inverted. The central part of the symbol is a vertical line. Two lines of equal length extend down from its top. The symbol always has sharp corners.

The main meaning of the symbol is a living word. It has the power to heal and destroy. In the stave, Ansuz personifies the correct movement of energy during communication. Through speech and symbols, knowledge and important information are transmitted. Ansuz works as the first to attract a person to the conversation.

Gebo Power

One of the most powerful signs in the Futhark series. The rune symbolizing the power of nature is Gebo. The sign looks like an inverted cross. It personifies the achievement of set goals and has the same meaning in any position.

The meaning of Gebo in stav for comfortable communication:

  • attracting another person due to your character traits;
  • unlocking potential;
  • success;
  • support of surrounding people.

Gebo symbolizes proper partnership. In a relationship that is attracted by the relationship, the conspirator will be able to open up and express himself. Any of his initiatives will find the right support and further implementation.

Impact of Vunyo

Another strong symbol of the Futhark series looks like it personifies the sign of bright joy and pleasure. In the stave, it consolidates the effect of the work of the two previous symbols and allows partners to enjoy each other’s company.

Vunyo gives a long-term effect. Becoming works as long as the partners invest all their strength and energy into relationships and communication. Pushes Vunyo towards joint development. Communication will be productive and useful.

Runes for unlimited trust

A complex formula is used for confidential communication. In this case, the relationship reaches a new level. People not only enjoy communicating, they are able to take away something important from conversations. Trust is created gradually, so in such a complex formation there are at least 6 different elements.

What symbols inspire unlimited trust in the interlocutor:

  • Ansuz;
  • Vunyo;
  • Gebo;

Ansuz starts the work of the stav. The rune creates opportunities and desire for communication. Such meetings will be frequent and productive. Gebo in conjunction works as an additional mirror sign. It adds power to the main runes.

Vunyo is the final main rune. It reinforces the positive result. All stav runes are applied gradually, layering the designs.

Laguz sign

Is a prototype of feelings, Laguz personifies the subtle planes of the soul, spirit and mental body of a person. The rune influences thoughts, pushing the person to action. The symbol looks like a vertical line. A line extends downwards from its top point at an acute angle.

Laguz inspires boundless trust and a grumbling attitude towards his interlocutor. Everything he says becomes important and is remembered. The rune promotes rapid rapprochement. Strengthens the emotional connection when the interlocutors cannot stop talking and reveal secrets to each other.

The power of the Kenaz sign

A powerful trust cannot be achieved without a strong sign of Kenaz. It looks like two connected equal lines. They form a right angle. The rune has a favorable meaning in upright and inverted positions.

General meaning of Kenaz:

  • adds inspiration to communication;
  • strengthens any new connection;
  • brings interlocutors closer.

Kenaz symbolizes a torch, undying energy. It fuels any process, any desire. If the main goal of the conspirator is communication and trust of the interlocutor, the conversations will be protracted, interesting and rich.

Impact of Soulu

The Soulu symbol evokes the joy of communication and trusting relationships. It looks like lightning and gives inexhaustible energy to true desires. Helps in informal and creative communication. Changes the surrounding reality to suit the conspirator. In stavka it works as an amplifier of even fleeting feelings.

Stav activation

Any runic formula works only after activation. Runologists use the 2 most powerful ways to launch runes. The first is a slander, the second way is to activate runes through the influence of one of the natural elements.

Runes are applied to durable materials or to one’s own body. To prolong the effect of the Joy of Communication, an amulet is created from the formula - it is carried with you without taking it off.

Disclaimer for running characters

The formula works from the slander Joy of communication. Texts are created to run runes independently. First, the conspirator turns to ancient symbolism. After this, the goal is pronounced - the direction in the work of the staff.


Very often we are hindered by someone’s lack of trust! The formula for Unlimited Trust would make a lot of work easier:

Ansuz - Laguz -Vina
Secondary runes
Kenaz - Gebo - Soul (mirror)

The meaning is approximately the following - groundless, uncritical trust associated with a state of mental comfort among those who encounter the subject of influence, against the backdrop of the impossibility and unwillingness to clarify the true cause of such a situation.

One of the sources indicates that the mirror Sol performs the role of destruction. So let this mirror Sol destroy mistrust, suspicion, fears, resentments towards the subject.

Actually, this bundle is essentially a cunning love spell. Slowly insinuating action.. . Laguz will provide insinuation , Ansuz intuitive moves in the right direction. Vunyo will lull your vigilance with joy. You can also create a sexual connection. Kenaz can also evoke the fire of passion together with Gebo. Really, what to do with the mirror Sol? Although... the runes will figure out the work themselves, there will be some.

In practice, these are conversion technologies. Dual use.

VISA:(With an element of love spell and slight zombie))

That night I entered stealthily
I'm in your dream.
You felt in a sweet slumber,
That I'm in love.
And all night I whispered to you -
Believe me.
The candle slowly went out -
On the window.
You are completely filled with me,
Believe without words.
Without a doubt and without looking back.
You won't feel the shackles.
Night after night I walk in with a smile
I'm in your dream.
And you feel unsteady in your slumber,
That I'm in love.

This formula refers to “broad plan” formulas, in which the work of the formula is closed on the operator (the subject of influence), but is addressed to an unlimited circle of potential subjects, or if these subjects can change, it is better to use it with the creation of “objects of power” (for example, amulets) .

And it all depends on the purpose of use.

Before a conversation with a vile official, or in another field situation, you can apply it to yourself.

And if there is a photo of an object, then make a pair and draw between you and the object.
In the case of a love spell, probably on the same paired photo but on the object’s head.

regarding the photo. It has already been discussed several times that you can simply draw a man and write the data, this will be your beloved...

The formulation of the problem itself requires a certain type of carrier for the formula:

If you want to increase the degree of your influence on another person (or an unlimited circle of other people), it is better to make an amulet. The task will be formulated accordingly: “I am incredibly charming, I can easily gain trust, everyone (or just one person) trusts me, perceives me uncritically, is happy to communicate with me and share their secrets” (etc., etc. .);

If you want to reduce the level of mistrust of a specific person in you, i.e. to make him more trusting - you can apply the formula to his photo or any other symbol of his. The task is formulated with an emphasis on the object of influence, “through its prism”: “you (or name) trust me unconditionally, perceive me uncritically, consider me your best friend” (etc., etc.).

There is a small side effect - people are so warm to you that they begin to trust almost all secrets))))))