Profession: Wedding planner. Wedding coordinator. Basics of the profession How to become a wedding planner

This is a responsible matter. You need to be a very organized person, because you will have to think through everything, from tiny details to global budget planning.

Don't rely on a standardized schedule. Sometimes you will have to work on weekends, on holidays, and even late at night.

Be prepared to sift through a whole mountain of specialized literature. You need knowledge of both individual customs and cultural traditions, because the bride can easily ask for a wedding in the Venetian style.

Create your own contact base, not so much clients, but rather “helpers”: florists, photographers, musicians, confectioners, decorators, etc. All these people must be reliable and experts in their field.

Be sure to account for all expenses, income, and interest. It is best to enter everything into a separate table or even a program.

In the wedding industry, it is extremely difficult to think everything through on your own. Sometimes you just need an outside perspective. Therefore, it is better if you have a personal assistant.

Think over the name of your company, slogan, and business card design. It is by them that your first customers will judge the success of your business.

Set your price for your services by conducting thorough market research. It is better if the cost of your services does not differ greatly from the market average.

Plan preparations for weddings in advance, do not leave all the troubles for the last month.

Fans of Chekhov’s work will easily remember the story “The Wedding” with the hero around whom the whole plot revolves: they invite you to visit and wait for a certain “general”. It is worth saying that for the 19th century, the presence of an eminent person, a general, at a wedding was the norm. Such a person was traditionally called a wedding general.

Origins of the tradition

In Chekhov's times, he did not perform any functions: he was simply present at the wedding. As a rule, this was indeed a man with the rank of general, although he was already retired and, accordingly, not young. He was not always known personally, but he was respected. The parents of the bride or groom invited the wedding general to show that there were noble people in their family, that is, to raise authority in the eyes of the guests present.

It is interesting that such a wedding ceremony exists only in the Russian tradition. Naturally, not all wedding ceremonies have come down from antiquity to the present day, and today few people invite such a “general” to a wedding celebration. This is more common for weddings of rich and famous people. And earlier, wedding generals visited the homes of people who were not commoners.

Currently, the wedding general is a common name. This role can be played by anyone, as long as he is rich and famous, past or present. Actually, this is his main function - to be the guest of honor. It so happened that the wedding general does not have to be present at the celebration from beginning to end. It may flicker and evaporate, but it may also linger. Currently, the wedding general does not provide services free of charge.

Man for image

The wedding general at a modern wedding can stand on a par with a luxurious limousine, an expensive restaurant and other attributes of a rich wedding. This person is called upon to create an image and maintain the authority of the inviting family. Depending on the agreements, he may speak with congratulatory speech in honor of the young.

Most often, the wedding general sees the guests, the newlyweds and their relatives for the first time. But not necessarily. This could be the head of the company where the groom works, a citizen of another state, an eminent academician or scientist, an astronaut, a general himself, in general, a person outstanding in all respects. We can say that the wedding general is more of a concept than a specific person.

You can often come across the misconception that the wedding general performs administrative functions in organizing the celebration. This is not true. The wedding general is a person invited to the celebration “for the sake of the picture,” and not the toastmaster.

The expression “wedding general” is also used today in a figurative sense, when it comes to an empty, worthless person who does nothing and does not understand, more often in relation to officials.

In European countries, the profession of a wedding planner has long been considered to be in great demand. In Russia, they are more accustomed to relying on their own strength. But it’s easier for a professional to organize a wedding using their own experience and connections. In addition, the presence of such a specialist at the celebration will allow the newlyweds to really enjoy the holiday and not worry about possible troubles.

Profession: wedding planner

A wedding planner is a person who organizes and coordinates wedding celebration. Without going into details, we can safely say that he does everything. It depends on the manager how successful the wedding will be, how exactly one action will be replaced by another, as well as the observance of little things that can ruin the whole holiday. First he makes a wedding plan. To do this, he will thoroughly find out from the bride and groom their ideas about the holiday, possible themes and necessary clarifications. During the conversation, the manager explains the subtleties and features of thematic and national weddings, making the choice easier. In addition, the organizer finds out the budget and draws up an estimate based on it, suggesting where you can save money and what it is better not to spare money on.


It is the manager who must find a good toastmaster or wedding host who will write desired scenario and will be able to hold a celebration at the highest level. Then, together with or without the newlyweds, but based on the stated wishes, the organizer selects a photographer, makeup artist, florist and videographer. Also, the manager must help the presenter find a creative team that will implement the necessary ideas in the script.

The organizer is responsible for finding a restaurant and selecting a menu, ordering a cake and alcoholic drinks, as well as instructions for serving and decorating the hall. The officiant must cooperate with the guests who will be at the wedding. Perhaps some of them will want to help in holding a holiday or organizing competitions. In addition, it is the manager who most often trusts the newlyweds to notify guests about the list of desired or unnecessary gifts.

On the wedding day, the manager must coordinate the work of all people involved in the wedding and ensure that their duties are carried out accurately. You need to make sure that the hairdresser and makeup artist prepared the bride on time, and the groom had time to buy a bouquet. Then the availability of cars, small items for the wedding, and the presence of all guests and witnesses are checked. If force majeure circumstances occur, the organizer must eliminate the discrepancies before the invitees and newlyweds notice them.

In a restaurant, the manager makes sure that the tables are not empty, alcohol is served on time, and the waiters do not try to cheat. It is his responsibility to ensure timely payment for all services provided and compliance with agreements. The manager coordinates not only the celebration itself, but also its end, until all participants leave the wedding. The work of a wedding planner relieves lovers of the burden of responsibility for organizing the holiday. This allows you to enjoy the celebration without thinking about little things and plans.

At the very beginning of your preparations, you should decide whether you need a wedding planner, or whether you want to do everything yourself. Today we will talk about the main responsibilities of the organizer and how he can help you prepare.

This article does not encourage the use of the services of an organizer, but describes their main functions and responsibilities. It’s easier to prepare with an organizer – that’s a fact. But each couple decides for themselves how much time and effort they are willing to devote to preparation, and whether they want to do it exclusively on their own.

Who is a wedding planner?

The main function of a wedding planner is to relieve the newlyweds of the hassle, hassle and haste associated with preparing for the wedding. It is this person or agency who, based on their experience and contacts, will be able to facilitate this process for you. Its main tasks are:

  • Drawing up a basic wedding preparation plan, assistance in choosing a concept and color palette
  • Budget optimization and its correct distribution
  • Assistance in choosing a venue for a ceremony and banquet
  • Selection of specialists for the wedding, that is, the entire dream team from stylist to pastry chef
  • Organization of entertainment and recreation areas at a wedding - selection of artists, show programs, technical and sound equipment
  • Resolving all issues with the site administration
  • Selection of a hotel or alternative location for the bride’s preparations and morning shooting
  • Solving transport issues, developing daily timings
  • Help in selection wedding look bride and groom
  • Help in choosing the look of bridesmaids and groomsmen
  • Wedding day coordination
  • Solving all organizational and force majeure issues on the wedding day and the day before
  • Meeting of contractors on the wedding day
  • Control of food takeout and wedding evening
  • Seeing off guests, monitoring the collection of decor and the departure of the newlyweds from the wedding dinner

Trying on a wedding dress, choosing hairstyle and makeup - all these are pleasant chores that you want to spend time on. But what to do with calculating alcohol, selecting specialists, viewing numerous portfolios and agreeing on working conditions, hours-long trips to sites and endless communication with managers? This is where the organizer comes to the rescue. You enjoy the holiday, and someone creates it!

Responsibilities of the organizer

The most important and primary responsibility of the organizer is to make your day perfect and give you the opportunity to enjoy the special atmosphere of celebration, warmth and romance. The organizer will help you make a plan wedding day: he knows the idea of ​​the holiday, its concept, nuances and tricks as well as possible, and will advise how much time should be devoted to this or that part of the celebration.

On the wedding day, the organizer can decide issues such as:

  • Following the timing of the day – organizing the bride’s morning, meeting the team (photographer, stylist, decorator)
  • Registration or control of registration of wedding transport, as well as its timely arrival
  • Delivery or control of delivery of small floristry - bouquet, boutonniere and other accessories
  • Monitoring the work of decorators within the framework of timing and the overall concept
  • Control of the location of printing and wedding details - from ring cushions to glasses
  • Meeting with guests
  • Coordination of ceremony, photo shoot and reception
  • Meeting of other wedding specialists - host, artists, pastry chef
  • Resolving issues with the site administration
  • Organizing correct mutual work between wedding contractors
  • Assistance in delivering flowers and gifts to the newlyweds’ room

The wedding planner is someone you and your fiancé will spend a lot of time with, so look for someone whose tastes and views on the wedding are exactly the same as yours!

Support and support

Preparing for a wedding is stressful, and not every bride is able to cope with the flow of information associated with the organization, as well as the many complex issues that must be resolved every minute. A wedding planner will not only help resolve all issues, but will also become a true friend. Psychological support and confidence that everything is going according to plan is exactly what every bride needs.

A huge cloud of tasks that require constant attention, monitoring the implementation of the preparation plan, organizing meetings and all the necessary agreements is something that not everyone can handle, but this is exactly what awaits the bride during preparation. The wedding planner will become not only support, but also a support that will allow you to relax and enjoy the preparation process. Don’t be afraid to call the organizer, even when you just give up and want to talk and get distracted. A good organizer - good psychologist! The main thing is to observe etiquette when choosing the time to call.


Wedding day. Excitement, trepidation and haste - these three emotions overcome any bride on the most magical day. And it is they who sometimes lead to force majeure situations that can arise out of nowhere:

  • The place for wedding ceremony suddenly found myself in the epicenter of a rainstorm
  • Delivery delayed wedding cake due to a car breakdown or traffic jam
  • The groom forgot his documents for his morning visit to the registry office
  • A button came off wedding dress etc.

For any bride, each of this news can be shocking and very upsetting. But if you still decide to trust the wedding planner, then the solution to these problems will not take long to come. Of course, the organizer will not erase traffic jams from the city’s roads, but he will be able to slightly change the schedule of the wedding program or send new transport for the long-awaited sweets. He will be able to organize a new site for the ceremony and help sew on the ill-fated button. He always has dozens of necessary and important contacts at his fingertips - phone numbers of stylists, taxis, photographers and decorators - just one call from the organizer will save you from headaches and solve even the most complex problem.

Proven team

By contacting a wedding planner, you will not only get a carefully thought-out day, but you will also be able to find everything you need for a stylish and have a beautiful holiday specialists. An experienced organizer always has a treasured list of proven professionals with whom he has worked or seen them at work, and whom he can safely recommend.

Listen to the opinion of the organizer, even if you have already chosen a team - he will be able to tell you about the pitfalls of a particular site, the disadvantages or advantages of the work of photographers or videographers, the nuances of working with decorators and florists. Working with a reliable team, the organizer can guarantee the quality of work and the impeccable result that you will receive on your wedding day.

Wedding guide

The organizer is like a big wedding encyclopedia. He always knows where and what he can order, how to do it at a discount, and who to turn to for help. If you have a question, you can always find the answer to it from the organizer. One of the most useful knowledge for you as an organizer is awareness of the specifics of working with certain professionals, the timing of orders, and ways to prepare everything on time.

Time manager

A prerequisite is to competently organized holiday is detailed plan actions, which takes into account not only tasks, but also the dates of their completion. It is the organizer who will carefully ensure that the stages of wedding preparation proceed gradually, without delays or missed deadlines. He will be able to remind you about the meeting with the stylist, make sure that the florist receives a timely reminder of the order, the guest list is sent to the decorator on time, and the restaurant receives detailed menu for a banquet.

Wedding coordinator

The important day for which you have been preparing for a very long time has arrived. Usually, the organizer’s services also include wedding coordination, which means that the important day will go just as it should! The organizer will allow you to be yourself, spend time with each other and not worry about the little things. The manager himself will greet the guests, help coordinate the plans of the newlyweds and the work of the host, and resolve hundreds of issues that arise on the site.

A wedding is one of the most exciting and touching events in our lives. For newlyweds, their wedding day remains in their memory for many years, so it is very important that this day is organized flawlessly.

It would seem that there is nothing complicated here: buy rings, order a cafe, go to the registry office, and that’s it - the wedding was a success. In fact, in organizing a wedding, every little detail is of great importance: from wedding invitations to fireworks and cake.

Many couples who take on all the hassle of organizing a celebration end up overlooking something. This may be a small thing that can be easily corrected during the holiday, or it may be extremely important point, which can put you in an awkward position in front of your guests and ruin your magical wedding day.

To avoid troubles, free yourself from tedious worries and fully enjoy pre-wedding preparations, many professional companies and wedding agencies offer to order the services of a wedding organizer, who will make your perfect wedding. If you dream of the most best wedding, the celebration of which will be held at the highest level, such an assistant will be a real godsend for you.

Who is a wedding planner?

A wedding planner is a professional assistant who takes care of all the hassles of organizing the celebration. This is not just a person who is responsible for the timely delivery of flowers for the bride and ensures that the restaurant serves all the dishes from the approved list. As a rule, a wedding planner is a complex profession that includes solving large and small problems to create a unique atmosphere of love and magic in which new family. With such an assistant, not only the newlyweds, but also the guests of the holiday will be able to relax as much as possible and enjoy the evening, because every minute of the celebration will be organized and thought out to the smallest detail.

A professional wedding planner begins his work several weeks before the scheduled date. The newlyweds provide him full list contractors with whom the organizer will have to work in the future. This way, you don’t have to worry about the timely arrival of a photographer, videographer, etc.

If you don’t want to burden yourself with the hassle of paying contractors during the holiday bustle, the organizer can also do this. During all the preparation and everything holiday you will be able to contact your wedding planner for advice and tips.

In order for the wedding planner to create for you unforgettable holiday, which will give a lot of impressions and pleasant emotions, at the very beginning of your cooperation it is necessary to tell in all details your wishes about the wedding. Your proposals will become the basis of the event, which an experienced wedding planner will “build on” unusual ideas And original proposals. Such an assistant will do everything to make you feel every moment of the most important day, the starting point from which it all began.

What are the responsibilities of a wedding planner?

When wondering what the responsibilities of a wedding planner are, the answer is practically everything. Such a person deals with any current issues, avoids awkward moments, hitches and unforeseen situations that can ruin the holiday and leave bad memories.

The main responsibilities of a wedding planner:

  1. 1. Establishing contact with the newlyweds, as a result of communication with whom trusting relationship, and the general picture of the planned celebration emerges: the style and color of the wedding, the number of guests, personal preferences regarding the evening program, etc.
  2. 2. Drawing up a holiday concept that reflects the clear structure of the wedding and takes into account all the requirements of the newlyweds.
  3. 3. Choosing the venue for the holiday: approving the menu, ordering alcohol, wedding cake, etc.
  4. 4. Selection of presenter, photographer, videographer, florist, decorator, makeup artist and others “ characters”, which help organize the wedding that the newlyweds dream of.
  5. 5. Calculation of the wedding budget.
  6. 6. Coordination and control of the work of all support persons of the event.
  7. 7. Creating an atmosphere of magic and miracles that will give everyone present warmth, love and a real feeling of celebration.
Due to an individual approach to each couple, the responsibilities of the wedding planner may vary in each individual case. A true professional works creatively, so there cannot be a standard list here.

A professional assistant is a wedding planner whose responsibilities are based on the wishes of the newlyweds, as well as their own experience and knowledge. If a trusting relationship is established at the dating stage, the organizer can adjust the requirements of the young people in order to maximize optimization.

Choosing a wedding planner

The question of how to choose a wedding planner is very important, because the success of the holiday depends on his professionalism, knowledge and experience. There are several qualities that a “wedding assistant” must have in order for his work to produce the expected result.

So, the wedding planner must be a creative person who has a thousand and one ideas to create a bright and original celebration. This person must have a sharp mind and a great sense of humor to set the mood and make the wedding truly magical.

A professional organizer is a person with leadership qualities, unconventional thinking, excellent taste and sense of style. He must feel the newlyweds, their preferences and wishes, in order to organize the best wedding for them.

Before choosing a wedding planner, go to a meeting with several assistants. Here it is important to establish trusting relationships, without which the success of the event is simply impossible. A real professional always has his own “trump cards”: the best makeup artists, stylists, photographers, confectioners, etc., who can realize all the ideas and plans of the bride and groom. Look for additional information on the Internet to make your final choice.
And in conclusion
So, once again, a wedding planner, why is he needed:

  • to find the most suitable banquet hall;
  • to select the best photographers, hairdressers, confectioners, etc.;
  • for the timeliness and coherence of all episodes of the wedding day;
  • to control service in a restaurant;
  • to coordinate the fulfillment of all the requirements and wishes of the newlyweds;
  • to calculate your wedding budget.
Remember that an impeccable wedding is, first of all, an excellent organization of the holiday, the quality of which determines the mood and overall impression of the event. Remember that almost no wedding is complete without force majeure and hiccups, which can be avoided with a professional wedding assistant.

To make your wedding the brightest, most emotional, solemn and unforgettable, and to make the memories of the holiday last for many years, use the help of a professional wedding planner, and you will get a lot of pleasant impressions and a flawless celebration full of love, harmony and happiness.

This article does not encourage using the services of organizers. Each wedding is individual, and we know many examples of celebrations made by the hands of the newlyweds themselves. We are only talking about how the organizers can help and make your preparation easier. The choice is yours.

Myth 1. Organizer = Coordinator

The most common myth about wedding planners is related directly to their main functions. Many couples confuse the planner and the wedding coordinator. Let's put everything in its place. A wedding planner is your assistant throughout the entire preparation for the wedding.

Its functions include searching for contractors, assistance in developing a wedding style, and selecting a venue for the celebration: wedding ceremony and wedding dinner. He will solve all organizational issues related to the equipment and requirements of your wedding team.

This is literally your right and left hand throughout the entire preparation for the holiday and at the wedding itself: from the first minute of the bride’s morning to the last note of the banquet, and even further - until the moment when you receive the treasured photos and videos.

But the wedding coordinator will help you directly on your wedding day. He is not responsible for the quality of work done by contractors; his task is to coordinate all the actors: meet and conduct, show workplace, resolve the issue with taxis and other unforeseen situations that arise on the wedding day.

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Myth 2. The organizer’s job is only to find contractors

The organizer is involved in the entire preparation cycle. Finding contractors is only a small part of the enormous work that lies ahead. The organizer will help you correctly allocate your budget and avoid typical mistakes When preparing for a wedding, piece together the whole image of your celebration.

He will select the very place that will meet your requirements, and you will not have to spend hours on end on the Internet and on the phone, calling restaurant managers or photographers, videographers, and decorators. Keep this in mind when ordering the services of an organizer.

Myth 3. The organizer can prepare the holiday in a couple of weeks

Unfortunately, the organizer is not a magician. And he won’t be able to organize your dream wedding from scratch, when there are only a couple of weeks left before your celebration, and it’s summer outside. Of course, he will do his best to find the best available restaurants, the best available photographers and the most stylish available decorators, without inflating your budget.

The summer season is booked at least three months before the wedding, and your planner and other contractors may simply be booked for a specific date. And even if you found an organizer much in advance, you should not think that you can change everything at the last moment. Please carefully approve the decor, contractors, timing, number of guests, so as not to make changes the night before the holiday.

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Myth 4. A wedding planner is expensive

As a rule, the cost of a wedding planner’s services is 10% of the total wedding budget, sometimes it can be limited to a fixed amount. Many brides and grooms think that it is expensive, but everything is learned by comparison. Put all that time and all those actions, meetings, calls that you need to make, nerves on one side of the scale, and on the other - your calmness.

If, in your particular case, the benefits of hiring a wedding planner will completely cover this 10%, then you need him. The organizer will help you correctly and rationally draw up a wedding preparation plan, help you save and optimize wedding budget through proper distribution of cost items and discounts from contractors. Very often, mistakes that couples make without organizers end up costing them more than the cost of their services.

Myth 5. We can do everything ourselves

Many couples believe that they can do everything themselves and do not want to entrust the organization of such an important day to someone else. Some people succeed, others give up halfway and find an assistant. Try to answer two questions:

  1. Do you have enough time to fully prepare yourself, does your job allow you to do this?
  2. How big a wedding do you want to organize?

If you have a wedding for 40+ guests, preparing and coordinating the entire day will be labor-intensive, and you will not be able to relax on the wedding day, because there are so many aspects to control. Of course, all cases are individual, and many brides share with us stories of how they organized their wedding on their own.

But in their stories they always say that it was not easy and quick. If you have the opportunity to trust professionals, do so. If you want to organize everything yourself, take some time and be prepared, which will be very interesting, but not always easy.

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Myth 6. Organizers make identical weddings

Most likely, this opinion is formed by those who have looked through few portfolios of different wedding planners. As a rule, a good organizer has his own style and his own team of specialists with whom he works. But usually this style is chosen by the couples themselves.

Of course, the contractor should not have a portfolio with the same stories. Many people think that the organizer has a standard set of offers, and all couples are forced to choose from them one way or another. If you suddenly meet such a contractor, refuse to work with him. In fact, the task of a good organizer is to choose a wedding format that will reflect the history of the couple, as well as their style and character.

They are interested in working on new projects, in different pairs and their desires. After all, organizing a wedding, among other things, is creativity and inspiration. But it doesn’t come as a carbon copy. By the way, there are agencies that create a whole wedding day production. These are already individual author's projects. Therefore, look at the portfolio, read reviews, if necessary, communicate with couples and look for “your” person.

Myth 7. The organizer only works on the wedding day

Sometimes brides are in no hurry to resort to the services of an organizer because they think that they will still have to do most of the preparations for the wedding themselves: correspond with contractors, resolve organizational issues with the venue, arrange meetings and travel to the venue with decorators and photographers. This is either the result of brides’ ignorance or poor work of the organizers.

This is why an organizer is needed to work not only on the wedding day, meeting your team and showing them the place of work, but also throughout the entire preparation. Save your energy for the wedding of your dreams and delegate the worries about your celebration to a specialist! Consult, share your vision, control the process, but don’t forget to enjoy the preparation by entrusting the work to the organizer.

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Myth 8. Organizers only take on expensive weddings

As with any activity in the wedding industry, different organizers work with different budgets. Don’t be afraid to ask organizers about the level and class of weddings they organize, and look for yours. This will allow you to be sure that they have an idea of ​​sites within your budget and will find you contractors who will not have to increase your costs significantly.

Myth 9. The organizer is the service staff

It is very unpleasant when the organizer is perceived as service personnel. After all, this person put his whole soul into your holiday, spent long hours sorting out organizational issues and negotiating details with contractors.

This point, by the way, applies not only to the organizers, but also to all contractors at the wedding. These are the people who create your holiday with love, and if you treat them in a friendly manner, the preparation will be more pleasant and easier. And it’s very cool if you consider that contractors work 12 hours a day at a wedding, and...

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Myth 10. The organizer imposes expensive services and its partners

This common myth was not born out of nowhere. Often, looking through the organizer’s portfolio, you see the same names of photographers, decorators, videographers, stylists and think that if you contact this organizer, you will end up with another wedding with the same team of contractors. In fact, you are free to choose contractors yourself, informing the organizer about your wishes and naming specific names.

But remember that the organizer’s team is the result of working on numerous projects and many hours of communication, and it was formed for a reason. If the services of such contractors seem too expensive to you, discuss it. But don’t forget that with a specific team, the organizer can vouch for the result. If you invite your own contractors, be very careful; the organizer cannot be held responsible for their work.

Myth 11. The organizer is not responsible for the result

Helping you choose contractors, determine style, plan your wedding day and entertainment program, the organizer takes a certain share of responsibility for the result. Of course, he is not able to make your decor and hold a banquet himself (although, probably, many organizers will be able to do this), but he must quickly respond to unforeseen situations and find a way out.

The organizer risks his name and reputation by offering you incorrect contractors who will not meet your expectations, so he, of course, is responsible for the result. But so that the organizer does not have to blush for the result of someone else’s work, allow him to offer those options that he deems necessary. And listen to all recommendations.

The organizer is your guide and assistant in the complex world of weddings. Listen to his advice and trust his instincts, and then the result will exceed all your expectations!

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Since childhood, a young girl has dreamed of getting married: she is in the image of the Little Mermaid, and her prince is sailing across the sea on a boat towards her... And then at sunset they seal their love with promises. But in real life dreams are shattered by reality in the form of parents, provincial relatives and a drunken Sergei Svetlakov. You probably recognize the plot of the film “Bitter”. What am I talking about? Moreover, from the moment a girl begins to try on a curtain, imagining that it is a veil, a Plan begins to mature in her head Perfect Wedding. The rule has no exceptions. To be honest, I don’t even remember all the scenarios that I imagined myself - from a romantic beach ceremony and a wedding in a Greek church to a luxurious banquet in Astoria and a celebration on a summer meadow accompanied by a rock band... I sincerely hope that I don’t You'll have to get married five times to make all your dreams come true! And one more thing: for a girl, the status of a bride is special, and she really wants it to last forever, and for the wedding day not to end...

A wedding celebration that is repeated again and again may well be. If you, for example, are an adventurous polyandry (is there such a word?!). Or a wedding planner! It was in the role of the latter that I decided to try myself. A wonderful girl, Katerina Yakovleva, who, by the way, calls her profession “the bride’s best friend,” helped me in this experiment. Katerina and I agreed that I would help her with the wedding of a lovely young couple - Sergei and Valeria.

Why do you need a wedding planner?

Rarely does a bride know exactly how to make her dreams come true, where to find the right performers, and what little details need to be taken into account in preparation. And, of course, on the joyful day itself, not everyone wants to monitor how the guests get to the place of celebration, whether they have time to decorate the hall and whether the hot food is served on time.

How to become a wedding planner

How to get into the profession The organization of any process is generally similar. Therefore, any manager can become a wedding planner, but more often girls go into the profession - it’s generally difficult for men to understand what all this fuss is about. Sometimes people with wedding-related occupations go into the profession - photographers, decorators who know the process from the inside and want to expand their horizons.

Wedding planner services: what to do

Coordination of transport, assistance to the florist, organizational issues with delivery, technical issues with pyrotechnics. Coordination of the wedding script with the host, constant recording and timing of the day.

09:00 In the morning I arrive at a country hotel, the site of the ceremony. The wedding is expected to follow the latest trends - the day begins and ends at the hotel.

At this time, the bride is already being painted and combed. Everything goes according to the timing, which Katerina and I sent out to everyone working at today’s celebration the day before. Everything is serious! The timing is spelled out to the smallest detail - all participants who organize the holiday must appear exactly on time. I will have to make sure that everyone starts their work on time and finishes it on time and disappears without a trace, which is also important. By the way, the first important nuance: The main work requirement of a wedding planner is comfortable shoes, because to solve 10 issues at the same time you need to be able to move at the speed of light. Clothing should also be comfortable, but beautiful.

10:30 Guests arrive at the hotel, they need to be directed to the hall where the redemption will begin. Yes, despite the now fashionable orientation towards Western models, ransoming is a tradition that cannot be abandoned, only ennobled by excluding filthy ceremonial and dubious competitions! To be honest, after a good dozen “entrance” ceremonies with dubious pandemonium and competitions a la “guess which of the footprints on whatman paper belongs to your betrothed,” the word “ransom” made me skeptic... But if you clear this ritual of vulgar cliches and vulgar husks, it can turn out to be very fun entertainment for guests, who during it will get to know each other and tune in to a positive mood. While our beautiful Lera is being turned into a bride, guests go through a quest in the company of Sherlock Holmes!

10:50 Second vital necessary thing for me - a portable charger for my phone, which is discharged instantly from incessant calls.

11:25 Decorators and florists arrive at the banquet site - this is also my area of ​​responsibility. In a few hours we have to create an atmosphere of “vintage luxury” in a completely empty room. I help communicate with hotel staff and resolve current technical issues.

13:15 Lera and Seryozha leave for the registry office after the photo shoot. Katerina runs to Lera to check how she is dressed - it’s cool outside, and a beautiful cashmere coat has been specially prepared for Lera. In general, the wedding planner on this day should become for the bride, as Carlson used to say, a “mother,” as well as a psychologist and a good fairy, and be able to provide for all the smallest nuances and details.

13:30 -17:30 The presenter and I talk through everything key points scenario - some guests approached me in advance and asked me to give them the floor at a certain moment to bring out a gift in a special way or announce a creative act. The preparation went without any hiccups - well, with the exception of small technical problems. But you always need to have a plan B if something happens to one of the contractors. Anything can happen - from a missing groom and guests who got on the wrong bus and accidentally left for someone else's wedding, to a fire in the kitchen.

In the process, I receive another super-important piece of advice from Katerina - to choose for work only those people who are pleasant to you, starting with the newlyweds themselves. You need to be on the same wavelength and have the same ideas about beauty.

18:00 The holiday begins. We make sure that the waiters serve everything correctly and at the right time, and prepare for the evening ceremony.

It is always worth considering the interests and character of the guests invited to the wedding. Even if you are absolutely sure that this holiday is primarily for the two of you, remember the following: parents are unlikely to survive if there is no loaf, many guests of the older generation will not understand if they sit at an empty table and are offered an a la carte menu, and absolutely inevitably during the holiday a moment will arise when everyone will have to be united by music... No, I am in no way promoting Stas Mikhailov, but take care in advance of a musical series that will not confuse you, but will please your guests.

19:30 The first dance of the newlyweds opens the dance program.

20.30 The evening ceremony begins in the hotel garden. Everything here is like a director’s console on a film set - you have to give orders so that music and light are given on time, guests come out into the garden on time, the bride is sent to the groom on time... It’s difficult to explain, but you experience completely sincere feelings while listening to the marriage vows of two loving friend people's friend. I am beginning to understand the main advantage of the profession - besides the fact that you are engaged in an interesting process, at the end of which you get a beautiful and visible result and material benefit, there is something else - some kind of elusive magic!

22:55 The wedding is coming to an end - I command the fireworks. To be honest, I have never had the opportunity to do this before... This, of course, is not a shot from the cannon of the Peter and Paul Fortress, but it is also very nice! Now we need to oversee the transfer of guests back to the city, make sure that no one forgets anything or anyone.

At one time, I organized international forums for oil workers, filming advertising videos for tractors and fashion shows. To be honest, sometimes to achieve my goal - a successful event - I used any methods: from rude flattery to subtle blackmail and threats with a chainsaw. It would seem that this is an action that occurs according to the same laws. But today I realized that what absolutely distinguishes a wedding planner from all other organizers is the main thing - the ability to resolve all problems with a smile on his face, because the main thing at a wedding is love and joy, and you need to do everything possible to maintain just such an atmosphere!

You should try the profession of a wedding planner if:

  • you are absolutely confident in your nerves of steel
  • you are a good psychologist
  • Are you ready to keep a smile on your face in any situation?
  • you are a super organized person and are able to organize others
  • and most importantly, if you sincerely love weddings and everything connected with them, and you are sure that even 100 weddings later, the phrase “wedding” will not make you nervous!

TEXT: Irina Nikolaeva