See what “located close to each other” is in other dictionaries. If the lower and upper pressure are close to each other, what does this mean? What it is

Hustle and bustle Everyday life may make it difficult to form close relationships. Even if you work hard to form a strong connection with someone, at times it may feel like there is still some distance between you that you would like to close. Working on your communication skills, spending more time together and showing more affection will all help you become closer to your partner.


Work on communication

  1. Talk to each other. It doesn't matter if your relationship is new or you've been together for a while, it's always important to talk to each other. Get to know each other through communication. Ask your partner how his day was or what he is thinking about. Tell him what's bothering you and trust him. The simplest communication is a necessary and effective element for strengthening the connection with your partner.

    • If you feel there is distance between you, tell him about it. Talking about feelings will help you bridge this distance. Say something like: “I feel like we're not as close as we used to be. What can we do to fix this?
  2. Ask important questions. Even if you think you already know everything about your partner, there is always something more. Ask him what his dreams, goals and ideas are. Listen carefully and respond thoughtfully. Ask him what he thinks about your relationship and if there is any area that could use some work. By asking meaningful, important questions, you will not only show your partner that you care about him so much that you are willing to learn more about him and his thoughts, but you will also let him know that you will work to strengthen the relationship.

    • Here are some other questions to consider: What qualities do you most value in a partner? When in last time Were you truly disappointed? Where do you see yourself in five or ten years? What always brings you happiness?
  3. Have deeper, more meaningful discussions. Yes, it is important to talk to each other about everyday life, but it is also necessary to go deeper. Try to set aside time every day for real, meaningful conversation with your partner. Perhaps you're thinking about something you need to discuss, or maybe your partner has been experiencing some stress at work and needs a release. Be open to serious conversation and make a habit of interacting with each other on this level as often as possible.

    • Try talking about your feelings both towards each other and in general. Discussing emotions will create feelings of vulnerability and trust that will bring you closer.
  4. Leave each other love notes. Use messages or stickers to leave each other little love notes from time to time. Spontaneous manifestation paying attention to your partner can make him feel special and important. Love notes are a simple, sweet way to remind your partner how you feel.

    • No matter how long you've been in a relationship, it's important to not let each other forget about your feelings. When people lose sight of what made them fall in love in the first place, it can create a feeling of distance between them.
  5. Consider seeking help from a therapist. Many people think that couples therapy is ineffective, but it can actually be a great tool for strengthening your relationship. Find a specialist near you or search online for information. However, be sure to discuss the therapy option in advance to make sure you both agree to it.

    • Also, take some time to discuss which therapist you both prefer. For example, do you feel more comfortable with a man or with a woman? Do you want to do sessions together or separately? Make a wish list for each of you.
    • There is no need to worry or even rejoice alone. Your partner is there to share these things with you. Try your best not to create distance between you. Instead, work on including the person in your life.

Strengthening physical intimacy

  1. Show affection. Holding hands or hugging your partner while walking (or even just sitting next to them) are ways to show affection without going too far. Affection does not have to be sexual in nature. Just give affection and touch each other often. These are great options for bonding.

    • Try watching movies together while cuddling on the couch. Even a simple hug and closeness with bodies helps to unite on an emotional level.
  2. Make time for intimate relationships. If you're a parent or work a lot, you may have noticed that time and energy for sex are often limited. It would be a good idea to make time for physical intimacy. However, it is still important to show occasional spontaneity and passion to keep the sparkle burning!

    • If you don't want "scheduled sex," just focus on making it a priority for both of you.
  • Population I: Sun-like stars composed of 1-2% elements heavier than hydrogen and helium. This material is well processed and creates a mixture of gas giants and rocky planets in solar systems that can support life.
  • Population II: These are mostly old stars. Their content of heavy elements can be 0.001-0.1% of the solar one, and the worlds near them are mostly diffuse, gaseous. There may be too few heavy elements for life, and they will be primitive.
  • Population III: The first stars in the Universe that were completely uncontaminated by heavy elements. We have not yet found such things, but theoretically they exist (and existed).

If you look at the first galaxies, they are full of Population II stars. But in our vicinity we see a mixture of young and old, metal-rich and metal-poor stars.

One of the most important lessons learned from the Kepler mission was the Kepler-444 system. It's a population I star (with planets around it), but much, much older than Earth. Our world is 4.5 billion years old, while Kepler-444 is 11.2 billion years old, implying that the universe could have formed an Earth-like world a long time ago, 7 billion years before Earth formed. Given this possibility, and the fact that there are more metal-rich stars in the center of our galaxy than in the regions, it may well be that somewhere in the Universe (and maybe even in the Milky Way) there is a system with intelligent life.

So, given everything we know about where stars suitable for life might be, how close could two alien civilizations be? Where to look for them? Under what circumstances? Let's look at five of the most likely options, selected by Ethan Siegel.

This is just a dream. In the first days solar system it is likely that Venus, Earth and Mars (and perhaps even Theia, the hypothetical planet that collided with Earth and formed the Moon) were all in conditions suitable for life. They had a crust and atmosphere full of ingredients for life, and also once had liquid water on the surface. Venus and Mars at their closest approach are 38 million and 54 million kilometers from Earth, respectively. But in red dwarf systems (M-class), the planets are significantly separated shorter distances: approximately 1 million kilometers between potentially habitable worlds in the TRAPPIST-1 system, for example. Moons near giant worlds may be even closer. If life develops successfully under certain conditions, why shouldn't it do it twice in the same place?

Within a globular cluster

Globular clusters are massive collections of hundreds of thousands of stars contained in a sphere several tens of light years in radius. In the outer regions of the sphere, stars are separated by light years, but in the inner, densest clusters, the distance between stars can be as large as from the Sun to the Kuiper Belt. The orbits of planets in such star systems should be stable even in dense conditions, and given what we know about globular clusters less than 11.2 billion years old like Kepler-444, there may be many suitable candidates for life. A few astronomical units is a surprisingly small distance between two civilizations, isn't it?

Near the galactic center

The closer you get to the center of the galaxy, the denser the stars become. Within the central few light years, the density of stars is extremely high, even when compared with the cores of globular clusters. In some ways, the galactic center is extremely dense because it contains black holes, huge concentrations of mass and star formation that are not found in globular clusters. But the problem with the stars we see at the center of the Milky Way is that they are too young. Perhaps due to the instability of the region, stars rarely survive even a billion years. Despite their increased density, such stars are unlikely to develop developed civilizations. They just don't live.

In a dense cluster of stars or a spiral arm

What about star clusters that form in the galactic plane? The arms of a spiral galaxy are denser than other regions and are where new stars tend to appear. Star clusters that remain from those eras often contain thousands of stars located in a region just a few light years away. But again, stars don't stay in these conditions for long. A typical open cluster of stars disintegrates after a few hundred million years, but only a few survive billions of years. Stars move along spiral arms constantly, including our Sun. And while the stars in the arm may converge within 0.1 light years, they are unlikely to be good candidates for life.

Distribution across interstellar space

So we come back to what we see in our own area: distances of several light years. As you approach the center of the galaxy, you can reduce this distance to that seen in the open cluster: 0.1-1 light year. But if you get even closer, a problem arises that we saw too close to the center of the galaxy: mergers, interactions and other catastrophes that destroy a stable environment. You can get closer, but usually interstellar space does not allow this. At best, you can wait until another star passes nearby, and this happens every few million years.

Overall, while we do not expect intelligent alien life to be as widespread and ubiquitous in the universe as planets and stars, each such world corresponding the right conditions, that's great rarity. And every time you get such a chance, success will be unlikely. The number of possibilities that can become reality is very limited. But now we at least know what to expect if we find a bunch of other advanced civilizations in the Universe.

I adj. 1. Consisting of homogeneous objects and parts located close to each other; solid. Ott. Characterized by significant density; often woven, woven. 2. Located close to each other (about homogeneous objects). 3. Consisting... Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

Tight, knocked down, collected Dictionary of Russian synonyms. crowded adj., number of synonyms: 4 located close to each other ... Synonym dictionary

- (Bovidae)** * * The family of bovids, or bulls, is the largest and most diverse group of artiodactyls, including 45-50 modern genera and about 130 species. Bovids form a natural, clearly defined group. No matter how... ...Animal life

Protozoa of this class, extensive in number of species, about 6 thousand, are widespread in nature. (This figure is reported in Corliss, 1961). These include numerous inhabitants of marine and fresh waters. Some types... ... Biological encyclopedia

KIDNEYS- KIDNEYS. Contents: I. Anatomy of P.................... $65 II. Histology P. . ............... 668 III. Comparative Physiology 11......... 675 IV. Pat. anatomy II................... 680 V. Functional diagnostics 11........ 6 89 VI. Clinic P…

STOMACH- STOMACH. (gaster, ventriculus), an expanded section of the intestine, which, due to the presence of special glands, has the significance of a particularly important digestive organ. Clearly differentiated “stomachs” of many invertebrates, especially arthropods and... ... Great Medical Encyclopedia

Aya, oh; often, a, o; more often. 1. Consisting of homogeneous objects or particles located close to each other; thick, dense. Ch. comb. Tea hedge. Ch. forest. Ch. bush. // Located at a short distance from each other, close to each other... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

frequent- oh, oh; part, a/, o; more often see also. often, frequency 1) a) Consisting of homogeneous objects or particles located close to each other; thick, dense. Frequent comb. Tea hedge. Thick forest... Dictionary of many expressions

Aya, oh; often, often, often; more often. 1. Consisting of homogeneous objects or particles located close to each other; thick, dense. Frequent comb. Frequent hedge. □ A dense aspen tree rose like a steep wall. Turgenev, Bezhin meadow. Rye was... ... Small academic dictionary

Russian greyhound- (Russian greyhound) The Russian greyhound falls out of the scheme of a clear classification of greyhounds into Occidental (Western) and Oriental (Eastern). And if according to external signs it seems justified to include it on a par with Western greyhounds, then... ... The Complete Encyclopedia of Dog Breeds

It only takes 45 minutes to discuss these issues, but after that time people usually become much more closer friend to friend

It only takes 45 minutes to discuss these issues, but after that time people usually become much closer to each other, as social psychology research shows. You can try answering them with your partner or just a friend or relative to get closer and strengthen your relationship.

Each of you in turn must answer these questions:

1. If you could choose anyone in the world, who would you invite to dinner?

2. Would you like to be famous? In what area?

3. Before you call, do you rehearse what you are going to say? Why?

4. What does a perfect day mean to you?

5. When was the last time you sang to yourself? What about someone else?

6. If you could live to be 90, but have either the body or mind of a 30-year-old for the last 60 years, which would you choose?

7. Do you have a feeling about how you will die?

8. Name three things that you and I have in common.

9. What are you most grateful for in your life?

10. If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?

11. Try to tell the story of your life in 4 minutes in great detail.

12. If you could wake up tomorrow with a new ability, what would it be?

13. If a magic ball could tell you the truth about you, your life, the future or anything else, what would you want to know?

14. Is there something that you have long dreamed of doing? Why haven't you done it yet?

15. What is the greatest achievement of your life?

16. What do you value most in friendship?

17. What is your most treasured memory?

18. What is your worst memory?

19. If you knew that you would die in a year, what would you change in your life? Why?

20. What does friendship mean to you?

21. What role does love play in your life?

22. Highlight my main good characterization. Now name 5 of my advantages.

23. How warm are the relations in your family? Do you consider your childhood happier than others?

24. What do you think about your relationship with your mother?

25. Come up with three statements with the word “we”. For example, “We both feel that...”.

26. Finish the sentence: “I wish I had a person with whom I could…”.

27. If you want to become close friends with a person, what should he know about you?

28. Tell me what you like about me: be honest, say what you wouldn’t say to the first person you meet.

29. Tell me the most embarrassing or embarrassing moment in your life.

30. When was the last time you cried in front of another person? And alone with yourself?

31. Tell me what you already love about me.

32. What is too serious for you to joke about?

33. If you knew you were going to die today but couldn’t talk to anyone, what unspoken words would you regret? Why haven't you said this yet?

34. Your house, in which everything you own, catches fire. After saving your loved ones and animals, you have the opportunity to save one more thing. What was that? Why?

35. The death of which of your relatives would be the most painful for you? Why?

And more options:

  • If you could choose the gender and appearance of your unborn child, would you do it?
  • Would you agree to have nightmares for a whole year for the reward of enormous wealth?
  • While traveling to another city, your partner spends the night with a stranger. Knowing that they would never meet again, and that you would have no other way of knowing about it, would you want your partner to tell you about it?