Detox program at home - detailed menu for the week. Cleanse your body with a detox program Detox juice cleanse

Hello. If you are exhausted and often sick, then you need to recover. You can do this if you clean the main filters properly. A detox program for cleansing the body at home for 4 weeks is designed for just this.

Why do you need to cleanse your body?

The general cleaning program for the body is designed for 28 days.

You will need 4 weeks to cleanse 4 organs of our body that are involved in filtration:

  • liver,
  • kidneys,
  • lymph and
  • leather.

These four protectors of the body are always in full readiness to carry out their tasks. But hardworking bodies have to work under great strain, especially for those who live in a metropolis. But they can be helped.

We present to your attention not a simple one, but a large complex of simple techniques that can change the quality of your life.

It includes:

  • special diet and diet,
  • two rituals that must be performed every day and
  • one ritual - to be performed weekly.

Try to complete this complex. As a result, you will regain your slimness and excess weight will go away. With these skills, you can easily stay in shape throughout your life.

In addition, your immunity will improve, cellulite will disappear, your face will acquire a youthful glow, and there will be no trace of stress.

The moon is our helper

The 28-day cleansing course is a perfectly thought-out, physiological ritual that will help cleanse the body without returning to your previous lifestyle.

It turns out that 28 days is the life cycle of our skin cells and other body systems. In addition, this is the cycle of the moon. During this period, the entire body, at the cellular level, is able to adapt to a new regime.

As you know, the Moon has a huge influence on the functioning of our body, therefore, if you adapt to its rhythm, you can renew your entire body. We need to start on the new moon to make it easier to rebuild our usual eating habits.

If you stop smoking on the first day of detox, the craving for cigarettes will decrease every day. After 28 days you will notice that you don’t feel like smoking at all. Together with the waning of the moon, this habit will leave you forever.

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Morning ritual

Start the day with a glass of water at room temperature, at least half an hour before meals. To take full advantage of its cleansing properties and stimulate the digestive system, try simple self-massage.

Lying on your back and completely relaxed, strongly draw in your stomach as you exhale and hold for a few seconds, directing the front wall of your abdomen inward and upward into the hypochondrium.

Repeat 7 times.

This technique, which comes from Japanese self-massage of the abdomen, stimulates blood circulation in all internal organs. It also has an amazing cosmetic effect - your waist will become noticeably narrower.

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First week: liver cleanse

The liver cleanses the blood of toxins, foreign chemicals, which are often supplied by various medications.

But the main enemy of this organ is continuous stress, which causes narrowing of the ducts, which means stagnation of bile and tension in the liver.

Eastern medicine is able to determine the tension of this organ precisely by human irritation.

To help the liver and give it relief, it is necessary to exclude from the diet for 28 days confectionery, sweets, fatty foods, as well as all industrially processed products: sausages, smoked meats and the like.

But if you absolutely cannot do without them, then you can eat a piece of, for example, sausage and cake. It is these products that are endowed with oxidants, which not only prevent organs from working well, but also accelerate aging.

Usually all proposed diets exclude spices, but not in this case.

Mediterranean sage and rosemary are considered the best friends of the liver. And the main assistant in the first week is rose hip tea.

Second week: kidney cleanse

To maintain kidney health, it is not the amount of water you drink that is important, but the amount of salt you absorb.

Regular salt, as well as many anti-inflammatory medications, can cause kidney stones if taken regularly.

Consumption of meat food also increases the load on the kidneys, since the processing of animal protein produces urea, which the kidneys have to work hard to remove.

Therefore, tea with chamomile and hawthorn fruit, which has a relaxing, sedative and anti-inflammatory effect, can be called a strategic product here.

Third week: lymph cleansing

Clean water is important to cleanse the lymph. When our body asks for a drink, we must listen to its needs.

Be sure to drink a glass of water in the morning and throughout the day as needed. This is an important condition for cleansing the lymphatic system.

Lymph protects our body from bacteria, viruses, and other harmful substances, and also filters and removes dead cells from the body.

We spend a lot of time sitting in front of the TV, at the computer, the lymphatic system begins to suffer, which is expressed by swelling of the legs and face.

Lymph moves slowly, its protective functions decrease. The best way to help the lymphatic system is a jacuzzi or water massage.

A strategic product for cleansing the lymph is tea made from hawthorn, lemon balm and licorice.

Evening ritual

This five-minute lymphatic drainage is best done before bed.

With your foot on a chair, clasp your ankle tightly with your palms and move from bottom to top towards your knees, applying even pressure. Repeat 28 times, all the time from bottom to top, mentally pushing the fluid towards the popliteal lymph node. Repeat with the other leg.

Then sit comfortably on your back, placing your feet higher - they should be above the level of your heart - and do the same pressing strokes from the knee to the hip joint.

Week four: skin cleansing

Our last protective bastion is capable of taking over all the protective functions of the liver, kidneys and lymph if they fail to cope with their task. An experienced dermatologist, looking at the skin, can immediately determine which system has failed.

The proposed cleansing scheme presupposes exactly the ritual that our skin needs.

The best cleanser at home can be regular salt. To make it not seem so hard, you can add oatmeal to it: for half a glass of salt, 2 tablespoons of oatmeal.

Before visiting the sauna, using circular, massaging movements, you must apply this mixture to the entire surface of the skin.

It’s good if you can afford a spa, peeling, detox wrap with lymphatic drainage procedures (water, or) every week. An important product of the final week is tea with lemon, ginger and honey.

Diet with taste

The diet is designed to cleanse all four systems, and most importantly, so as not to lose the pleasure of eating. And vice versa, discover new tastes combined with benefits.

First week should include products to cleanse the liver and intestines. Strategic products of the week: rosehip herbal tea up to 5 glasses per day and a beetroot dish every day.

Second week to cleanse the kidneys. It is advisable to make it vegetarian, or limit yourself to eggs and fish. Strategic products: chamomile and hawthorn tea and a pumpkin dish every day.

Third week includes lemon balm herbal tea plus one grapefruit every day.

Fourth week. By cleaning the body's main filters, we have created an ideal platform for saturating all tissues with vitamins, including the skin. Strategic products of the week:

  • spinach,
  • avocado and
  • apples,

A detox diet is a misnomer for a body detoxification program. This is more of a technique, and a short-term one (no more than a week) for cleansing the body and losing weight. The article contains all the necessary information about the program, and also provides a menu for the week.

Who is the body detoxification technique indicated for, and who is contraindicated?

In modern realities, “cleansing” from time to time is useful for absolutely everyone, especially people who have bad habits, eat poorly or are overweight.

A detox program at home has the following effects on the body:

  • accelerates metabolic processes for rapid elimination of toxins;
  • improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • promotes normal functioning of the genitourinary system;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • improves the overall condition.

The technique is contraindicated for:

  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • chronic pathologies;
  • heart diseases;
  • pregnancy.

Also, a detox diet is unacceptable during lactation and in childhood or old age.

While maintaining the diet, the intestines are emptied. The good and bad bacteria living in it begin to starve. It is noteworthy that beneficial bacteria feed on fiber, and not on sugar and yeast, like the latter. Cleansing products are rich in fiber. Consequently, harmful bacteria will eat all the sugar reserves and then die. This is the essence of cleansing - to remove everything unnecessary from the body and start the process of breaking down fat. Interestingly, fat contains a large number of toxins.

What are the detox programs for cleansing the body?

In fact, there are a huge number of cleansing techniques. You can find them in the “Power Systems” section of our website. For better results, some people who are losing weight even resort to fasting, which we do not recommend doing. By the way, fasting on water or decoctions are programs that you can read about, but we will not consider them.

Popular types of programs:

  • cleansing with detox juices (other foods are prohibited, you can drink in unlimited quantities);
  • cleansing with a detox smoothie (other foods are also unacceptable);
  • gentle cleansing (based on the principles of vegetarianism + some meat is allowed).

The first two options involve the use of special cocktails and drinks, the recipes for which are given. You can and should add grains, such as bran, to smoothies so that the body receives enough fiber. Smoothies and juices can be combined.

The latter option is more gentle; it also allows the consumption of certain cereals, for example, rice. The list of permitted products is given below.

Authorized Products

Diet preparation and rules

A detox program is a shake-up for the body, and you need to prepare for any changes. On average, the diet lasts several days, maximum 5-7. The longer you plan to maintain an unusual diet, the longer the preparation phase should be.

  1. A few days before completely changing your diet, reduce portions of protein foods and replace them with plant foods.
  2. Under no circumstances should you eat to your heart’s content for the purpose of “not wanting to go on a diet.”
  3. Reduce physical activity during the diet, but exercise vigorously before it. During cleansing, the body will experience stress, the immune system will weaken, and muscle mass will decrease.
  4. Eliminate foods from your diet that take a long time or are difficult to digest.
  5. Avoid coffee, sugar, salt and alcohol.
  6. Eat different colored fruits and vegetables as they have different properties. Read more in the article about the colorful diet.
  7. It is better to exclude dairy products as they are difficult to digest. The ideal substitute is soy milk or rice milk.
  8. It is better to maintain a home detox program in the fall or spring.
  9. Keep your diet varied. Fresh fruits and vegetables are best eaten before the main meal.

Detox diet menu for a week

We will give only an approximate diet, adjust it at your discretion.

The first day

  1. Breakfast: smoothie with bran (500 ml of yogurt + three spoons of bran), one piece of toast, half a teaspoon of honey, green tea.
  2. Lunch: 150 g of rice porridge on water, 200 g of grilled vegetables.
  3. Afternoon snack: boiled egg, salad of seasonal vegetables, dressed with olive oil.
  4. Dinner: baked dietary fish (100 g), vegetable smoothie.

Second day

  1. Breakfast: fruit smoothie, crushing pine nuts.
  2. Lunch: light spinach soup, a piece of boiled chicken without skin, sliced ​​vegetables.
  3. Afternoon snack: 7 pcs. dried apricots and detox juice.
  4. Dinner: several carrot cutlets, radish and carrot salad, dressed with lemon juice.

Day three

  1. Breakfast: 150 g of oatmeal, detox fruit juice.
  2. Lunch: diet soup, toast, a piece of hard cheese, compote.
  3. Afternoon snack: baked apple with honey.
  4. Dinner: 300 g gazpacho, vegetable smoothie.

Day four

  1. Breakfast: 200 g flaxseed porridge, vegetable juice.
  2. Lunch: baked fish (150 g) of low-fat varieties, grilled vegetables, detox compote.
  3. Afternoon snack: fruit smoothie.
  4. Dinner: vegetable cutlets, vinaigrette, toast, honey.

Day five

  1. Breakfast: 150 g of rice porridge with raisins, one piece of toast, a teaspoon of honey.
  2. Lunch: smoothie with bran, several chickpea cutlets, homemade carrot juice.
  3. Afternoon snack: cottage cheese with fruit (150 g).
  4. Dinner: 200 g of lean cabbage soup, vegetable smoothie, several walnuts.

Day six

  1. Breakfast: fruit smoothie with bran or any other grains, toast, honey.
  2. Lunch: 200 g of bean and zucchini soup, 100 g of bell pepper and tomato salad dressed with olive oil, vegetable detox juice.
  3. Afternoon snack: almonds (20 pcs.).
  4. Dinner: steamed vegetables, favorite smoothie.

Day seven

  1. Breakfast: 150 g of bran porridge, fruit smoothie.
  2. Lunch: 150 g of lean cabbage soup, toast + honey, dried fruit compote.
  3. Afternoon snack: two pears.
  4. Dinner: steamed vegetables, nutritious smoothie, fruit salad.

Make sure that your daily calorie intake does not exceed 1500 kcal. Also remember that the main dishes are smoothies and juices, which is what you should focus on.

Experts say that it is necessary to arrange a detox program for yourself at least once a year. General recommendations when this should be done:

  • Unexplained fatigue
  • General lethargy
  • Skin irritations
  • Allergies
  • Frequent colds
  • Bags under the eyes
  • Increased gas formation
  • Problems with menstrual cycles

What does a detox program provide:

1. Detoxify the body (and cleanse the liver)

Air emissions, pesticides, heavy metals and chemicals enter the body and are deposited there. It affects the functioning of the immune system, our mood, metabolism and our ability to fight disease. Very often, symptoms of malaise in people, without a clear diagnosis from doctors, can also be associated with general intoxication of the body.

A study was conducted in 2000 and published in Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine study, which showed that even a seven-day detox program can have a significant effect on well-being and stimulate the liver to intensively remove harmful substances from the body. The experiment found a 23% increase in the amount of toxins removed through the liver and urine 7 days after the start of the procedure.

2. Reduced inflammation

When you cleanse your liver with a detox diet and give your digestive system a break with special drinks and smoothies, you reduce the overall level of inflammation in the body, especially when adding ingredients like watermelon, cucumber, strawberries and ginger to your detox drinks. .

3. Weight loss

Detox drinks stimulate metabolism and accelerate metabolism, increase vigor and energy. Allows you to maintain energy throughout the day. Some fruits, such as grapefruit, contain special enzymes that help the body process carbohydrates better, thereby increasing metabolism and promoting weight loss.

A study was published in 2013 Journal of Chiropractic Medicine which described the results of a 21-day detox program. Seven participants ate a diet that included unlimited amounts of fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables and at least 1.8 liters of water per day. They were also allowed to consume complex carbohydrates and protein shakes throughout the program.

As a result of the program, participants demonstrated an average weight loss of 5 kg and overall and improved blood lipid profiles.

4. Improved skin condition

Detox drinks remove toxins from the body and reduce inflammation. This heals the skin and improves its color. When the skin is clogged with toxins and chemicals, it leads to wrinkles, dryness and other signs of aging.

Stimulating metabolic processes in the skin with the consumption of fruits and vegetables increases the shine of the skin. Many detox ingredients will contain a lot of vitamin C, which can also help naturally slow down aging and heal wounds by forming new scar tissue.

5. Increased energy

The ingredients in any detox drink will work systemically to reduce inflammation, cleanse the liver, and increase overall energy levels naturally. Without an overload of toxins, you'll feel lighter and fresher without fatigue, mood swings or brain fog.

Ingredients such as lemon, rosemary and mint will rejuvenate the body and help improve mental performance.

What is detox and why is it needed?

Word "detox" Today it is often found and it can mean anything. For some it can be intense cleansing diet which consists of strange mixtures for weeks on end to detoxify and lose weight. For others, the words “detoxification” sound like nothing more than marketing ploy, which has no scientific basis.

In practice detox could be a good tool for help body in normalization your work and return all digestive system her natural performance.

In general, our the body has built-in system removal everyone toxins. Your skin removes bacteria through sweat, your kidneys filter gallons of blood through it and send it out into urine, your lungs remove carbon dioxide, your intestines absorb nutrients from food and eliminate waste, and your liver cleanses toxins from your body.

But external factors can disrupt work well-coordinated mechanism. For example, stress, low physical activity, and a diet of refined foods can make adjustments to the system of removing toxins from the body.

How does detox work?

There are many opinions on how it should work detox and which program is the best. Good program detox should include a complete set of all necessary macro and micro elements needed by the body and at the same time be as simple as possible for the body.

Following a few basic principles and adding the right foods to your diet will help you best tune your system for removing toxins from your body and help your liver do its job well.

How can help yourself without expensive courses or detox programs? Let's look at the basic recommendations that everyone can use in their lives today.

10 steps to normalize natural detox.

1. Replace all drinks in your diet to the water or special detox cocktails that you can make yourself (on my channel and website you can see recipes and articles about ingredients for detox drinks).

2. Remove all sweets and flour products, such as cookies, candies, cakes, etc., go for a diet without added sugar.

3. Remove refined foods from your diet(canned food, sausages, products made from white flour and white sugar, etc.).

4. B lead into your diet natural and unprocessed products, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, healthy proteins and fats.

5. Replace processed meat products(sausages, sausages) natural products- beef, trout and chicken. If you are a vegetarian, you can use plant protein products such as nuts, seeds or legumes.

6. Include in your diet natural detox products, such as grapefruit, bone broth, Brussels sprouts, berries, beets, chia seeds and nuts.

7. Use in your diet more healthy herbs and spices- cumin, basil, parsley and paprika, etc.

8. Organize your sleep, so as to be able to sleep uninterrupted for 7-8 hours every night so that the body can rest and normalize its functioning.

9. Add more physical activity into your life, such that it suits you - walking, jogging, cycling, etc.

10. Constantly work to reduce your stress levels. There are many ways to do this, find them and choose what suits you best.

Detox - top 10+ ingredients

Cleansing the body used in medicine since ancient times. The point has always been to relax and nourish the body from the inside. By saturating the body with healthy and beneficial micro and macro elements, we improve immunity, protect ourselves from diseases and give ourselves a boost of vigor and health.

What is best to use for detox drinks at home?

Watermelon contains very few calories and carbohydrates. Saturates the body with fluid. Provides vitamins A and B and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Watermelon contains a lot lycopene This is the pigment that gives watermelon its red color and is a powerful antioxidant. It also contains a lot of potassium and magnesium.

Cucumber unexpectedly has the ability to remove free radicals and reduce inflammation in the body. He contains polyphenol, which reduces oxidative stress in the body. Cucumber has diuretic properties and helps cleanse the liver.

Lemon Contains ascorbic acid, which helps digestion and gives skin shine. Vitamin C stimulates the production of white blood cells, which strengthens the immune system.

The benefits of lemon water are widely known - the appearance of the skin improves, the body is filled with energy.

Lime , adding its juice to a detox drink adds vitamin C and antioxidants. Limes help detoxify by stimulating the activity of an enzyme in the liver called glutathione-S-transferase (GST). They also contain flavonoids, which stimulate the digestive system and increase the secretion of bile and acids.

Grapefruit reduces appetite and accelerates metabolism. An enzyme found in grapefruit called AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) helps our bodies process sugar better, which helps with weight loss. AMPK is typically activated during exercise to help muscles use stored sugar and fat for energy. Grapefruit also boosts the immune system because it is rich in vitamin C, hydrates the body, and even promotes healthy skin and brain.

Raspberries contains ketones, natural chemicals that are believed to help you lose weight quickly. Animal studies have shown that raspberry ketones help prevent increased levels of high-fat body fat, as well as liver and visceral fat tissue weight. Raspberries also contain vitamins C and B. They promote healthy skin and naturally slow down aging.

Strawberry. Most of the health benefits associated with strawberries are due to the presence of anti-inflammatory antioxidants. Strawberries contain anti-aging flavonoids that may reduce the risk of chronic diseases, including cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Adding strawberries to detox drinks also slows down the aging process, protects the skin, provides vitamins A and C, and promotes the elimination of toxins. Vitamins A and C are especially needed during the body's detoxification process to neutralize and eliminate toxins, resulting in reduced inflammation, a regular digestive system and pH balance.

Mint the most powerful antioxidant in nature. It is ideal for detox, because... invigorates and eliminates stomach upsets. Mint stimulates the production of bile and speeds up digestion. Well, besides all, mint supports oral health.

Ginger . All its healing properties are contained in gingerol, which is contained in the root. Ginger aids digestion and is a natural remedy for nausea. It reduces bloating, eliminates constipation and gastrointestinal problems.

Rosemary a close relative of mint, it stimulates the secretion of bile, which is necessary for good digestion and fat processing, which leads to the normalization of microflora and improved absorption of nutrients in the intestines.

Dandelion (greens) - a natural diuretic and has a good laxative effect. Dandelions aid digestion by maintaining proper bile flow and cleansing the liver. They are a rich source of vitamin C, which helps with mineral absorption and reduces inflammation. Dandelions can also be used to reduce appetite, relieve indigestion, intestinal gas, and gallstones.

Apple vinegar deserves a separate long article. Its consumption accelerates metabolism and accelerates weight loss. It also supports digestion with enzymes and probiotics and naturally fights acid reflux.

Aloe pulp has laxative and anti-inflammatory properties that aid digestion, normalize pH balance and help the growth of intestinal microflora. The enzymes present in aloe vera help digest proteins. Adding aloe to detox drinks can reduce inflammation, aid digestion and improve skin health.

Detox - How to lose 5-7 kg in a week and get rid of sugar cravings

Everyone knows about the dangers of sugar for our body, but few can cope with the craving for white poison.

In addition, it is now almost impossible to avoid sugar; it is found in almost all the foods we eat every day. And the worst thing about this is that everything sweet is extremely addictive.

Increased sugar consumption leads to dopamine releases comparable to cocaine use, according to one study from the Queensland University of Technology (QUT).

Researchers note that long-term consumption of sugar leads to a decrease in the amount of dopamine released. And just like with drugs, victims have to increase the dose to achieve the same conditions.

And if you can't resist the smell of chocolate cake, then it looks like you're a sugar addict.

And here are a few reasons why you should urgently do something about it and overcome your cravings for sweets:

  • Sugar does not contain any beneficial substances
  • Extremely addictive
  • Increases serotonin levels
  • Increased risk of gallstones
  • Immunity weakens
  • Inflammations and ulcers appear
  • Vision weakens
  • Hypoglycemia develops
  • Risk of developing arthritis
  • Aging accelerates
  • Minerals are washed out of the body
  • Risk of type 2 diabetes increases

What to do? Start some complicated and incomprehensible diet that won’t work? There is a simple option - a weekly meal plan, which helps overcome sugar cravings due to the correctly selected composition of products. Try it!

SUGAR DETOX menu for the week


  • Breakfast – spinach salad, cream cheese and omelet
  • Lunch – sweet peppers stuffed with Adyghe cheese with green salad
  • Afternoon snack – a quarter cup of ricotta, sour cream, a drop of vanilla extract and stevia
  • Dinner – spinach, cucumber and tomato salad with fried chicken


  • Breakfast – omelet with tomatoes
  • Morning snack – roasted almonds
  • Lunch – spinach, sweet pepper and chicken stew

You can add cheese as a snack throughout the day.


  • Breakfast – protein smoothie with peanut butter
  • Lunch – turkey with vegetable salad and olive oil
  • Evening snack – feta or cottage cheese casserole without sugar
  • Dinner – light vegetable soup, baked chicken.


  • Breakfast – omelet with ham and vegetables
  • Morning snack – cheese sticks
  • Lunch – grilled chicken with vegetable salad
  • Evening Snack: Peanut Butter and Celery
  • Dinner – grilled salmon (or other fatty fish) with vegetable salad

If you are hungry, you can snack on cucumber and cheese.


  • Breakfast – scrambled eggs
  • Morning snack – fresh vegetables with feta sauce
  • Lunch – sweet peppers stuffed with Adyghe cheese with green salad
  • Evening snack – green salad with cucumber, tomato and feta
  • Dinner – chicken in a pot with zucchini, vegetables and feta

On this day, you can add a smoothie made from chia seeds without sugar and milk.


  • Breakfast – low carb pancakes (coconut or almond flour) with sour cream
  • Morning snack – 3 boiled proteins
  • Lunch – meat cutlet (without breading or flour) with vegetable salad
  • Evening snack – fresh vegetable salad
  • Dinner – chicken leg with zucchini spaghetti

On this day, you can add three boiled proteins for a snack.


  • Breakfast – egg scramble with mushrooms and spinach
  • Morning snack – half a cup of sour cream
  • Lunch – spinach, sweet pepper and chicken stew
  • Evening snack – roasted almonds
  • Dinner – turkey with mushrooms, sweet peppers and stewed spinach

On this day, you can add a smoothie made from chia seeds without sugar and milk.

And the easiest way to combine a low-carb diet with a detox is to try a special diet for a week, completely balanced in all vitamins and minerals:

Recently, the word “detox” has become increasingly used in fashion magazines and on TV. What it is and why a special program for cleansing the body is needed for women and men is described below. Expert advice will help you take care of your beauty and health correctly and without dangerous consequences.

If you try to answer the question as briefly and simply as possible, then detox is the cleansing of the body from previously accumulated toxins, toxins and other impurities. People who have already undergone such a procedure usually note that they began to feel much better, felt a pleasant lightness throughout the body, and were recharged with vigor.

Often, representatives of the fair sex mistakenly think that detox is a way to get rid of a large number of extra pounds. In fact, with such a cleanse, it will not be possible to achieve active weight loss.

Experts recommend starting the procedure just before the spring season. The thing is that during the winter a huge amount of pollution accumulates in the body. This leads to people becoming irritable, lazy, and clumsy. A properly conducted detox will allow a person to get rid of everything unnecessary and become cheerful, light, and active again. The optimal time to take care of yourself is the beginning or end of the last winter month.

Detox programs at home

Detox programs include not only special nutrition, but also proper rest - increased amount of sleep, physical exercise and relaxation procedures. The latter may include a visit to the bathhouse/sauna, body wraps, “cedar barrels”, etc.

The discussed procedure for cleansing the body is categorically not suitable for pregnant and nursing mothers, as well as for diabetics and people suffering from various ailments of the urinary system. In any case, it is advisable to consult a doctor before starting cleaning.

Features of the detox diet

The main principle of the detox diet is to eat plenty of fiber. But there will be practically no proteins and fats of animal origin in it. It is very important to drink enough liquid during the process. It is allowed to include pure still water and herbal tea in the diet.

Interestingly, preparation for cleansing takes longer than the procedure itself.

You need to start preparing about a month before:

  1. Over the course of 30 days, the amount of salty, smoked, sweet, fatty and fried foods consumed is gradually reduced.
  2. Alcoholic drinks and coffee are removed from the diet.
  3. Dinner is moved to no later than 20 o'clock.

Detox menu for 3, 7, 10, 21 days

For 3 days

If you don’t have the opportunity or desire to prepare yourself for a long period without your favorite unhealthy foods, you can choose a quick detox diet. It is designed for only three days.

Breakfast always starts with a cleansing cocktail. It is prepared from a glass of warm water with a pinch of grated ginger and freshly squeezed lemon juice. Drink the liquid slowly in small sips. Next, you can drink any vegetable smoothie. To do this, the selected vegetables are chopped in a blender. For example, an excellent combination: spinach + fresh cucumber + celery + lemon juice.

Soup is being prepared for lunch. It will be on water with various vegetables. The dish is not salted, no seasonings are added to it. Vegetables are simply boiled in water until soft and, if desired, lightly mashed with a masher. The soup can be supplemented with salad, nuts and a small amount of chicken cooked without salt.

Dinner is the same as breakfast. The day ends with chamomile tea.

Thus, you need to eat all three days, changing the ingredients of soups, smoothies and salads.

For 7 days

This menu was compiled by nutritionists from the USA. The main task of the diet is to increase the load on the gastrointestinal tract.

On Monday you are only allowed to drink liquids in any quantity. This includes water, herbal tea, fruit and vegetable juices.

On Tuesday, fruits with soft fiber are added to the liquids. These are plums, peaches, apricots, mangoes.

On Wednesday, raw vegetables are also included in the diet.

On Thursday – add boiled white or brown rice and boiled vegetables.

On Friday you can diversify your diet with nuts.

On Saturday - add unsweetened natural yoghurts and unsweetened porridge with water.

On Sunday, in addition to all the products listed, you can also eat boiled fish.

For 10 days

During this period of time, it will be possible to completely cleanse your own body. And, in addition, start the healing process. Every morning begins with a cocktail of warm water and freshly squeezed lemon juice.

On the first day, for breakfast, eat a piece of bran bread, half a fresh avocado and tea with ground ginger. For lunch – boiled rice with vegetables (220-250 g). For dinner - a couple of boiled eggs, a small portion of raw vegetables.

On the second day, honey is added to the morning cocktail. For breakfast, drink mint tea and eat a vegetable salad with bread. For lunch - puree soup from assorted vegetables. For dinner - hard cheese, 2 eggs, vegetable salad.

On the third day, fresh orange juice is added to the morning cocktail. For breakfast, eat 130 g of low-fat cottage cheese, an apple, and chamomile tea. For lunch - green borscht on water, for dinner - steamed fish with vegetable salad.

The fourth day begins with breakfast of fruit salad, a handful of nuts, and ginger tea. For lunch, eat vegetable puree soup. For dinner - vegetable salad with butter, boiled chicken without salt.

On the fifth day, the menu is similar to the first day.

On the sixth day, low-fat cottage cheese and grapefruit are consumed for breakfast. For lunch - creamy pumpkin and carrot soup. For dinner - vegetables with steamed fish.

On the seventh day, carrot and apple juice is added to the cocktail. For breakfast, eat grain bread with avocado, tomato and ginger tea. For lunch - Lenten borscht. For dinner – steamed vegetables.

On the eighth day, carrot and apple juice is drunk along with a traditional cocktail of water and lemon juice. For breakfast, eat cabbage and carrot salad. For lunch - soup from different types of cabbage. For dinner - any steamed vegetables.

On the ninth day, low-fat cottage cheese with fresh cucumber and herbs is consumed for breakfast. For lunch - cabbage soup on the water. For dinner - boiled chicken with assorted vegetables.

On the tenth day the menu is the same as the sixth day

Snacks include baked apples, fresh citrus fruits, kiwi, almonds, and low-fat kefir. Drink a decoction of prunes every night at night.

For 21 days

The ideal period for the cleaning discussed is 3 or 4 weeks. These days, you are allowed to create your own menu from all the dishes and products discussed above. You need to try to ensure that the diet includes everything necessary for the vigor of the body.

Recipes for detox diets, cocktails, smoothies, juices, teas, soups and detox dishes (10 short recipes)

Health cocktail

Ingredients: large carrots, lemon, orange, 120 ml of mineral water.

  1. Juices are extracted from fruits and carrots.
  2. The resulting liquids are combined with mineral water.

Drink similar detox cocktails 20 minutes before meals in the morning.

Cocktail “Eat, Run, Live”

Ingredients: a pinch of ground ginger, half a beet and an apple, a stalk of celery.

  1. The ingredients are passed through a juicer and mixed.
  2. The cocktail is flavored with ginger.

Drink a drink before breakfast.

Beet juice

Ingredients: beets, 2 apples, 4 celery stalks.

  1. Juice is squeezed out of the listed ingredients.
  2. The resulting liquids are thoroughly mixed together.

Drink juice half an hour before breakfast and dinner, one tablespoon at a time.

Exotic smoothie

Ingredients: banana, 0.5 cm of ginger root, half a mango, 60 ml of freshly squeezed orange juice and water.

  1. Mango and banana are pureed.
  2. Ginger is finely grated.
  3. All components are combined with liquids.

This detox smoothie needs to be well chilled before drinking.

Ginger tea

Ingredients: a pinch of green tea, 2 cm of fresh ginger root, 950 ml of filtered water, a pinch of ground cinnamon, 2-4 tbsp. rosehip syrup.

  1. Peeled ginger is finely grated, combined with green tea and poured with boiling water.
  2. When the brewed drink has cooled slightly, add syrup and cinnamon.

Take half a glass of tea half an hour before meals.

Pumpkin soup

Ingredients: 730 g pumpkin pulp, 170 ml milk, half an apple, 2 pcs. carrots and onions, 920 ml filtered water, a pinch of ground ginger.

  1. All vegetables and apples are finely chopped and then stewed in a saucepan with a small amount of water.
  2. The rest of the liquid is poured into the container and ginger is added. The dish is cooked until the ingredients are soft.

All that remains is to puree the soup, pour in the milk and heat well.

Spinach soup

Ingredients: 320 g spinach, onion, garlic to taste, 80 ml low-fat milk, potatoes.

  1. The spinach is washed and chopped, the potatoes are cut into bars.
  2. The components are filled with water and cooked until tender.

All that remains is to puree the soup, add milk and chopped garlic.

Lentil soup

Ingredients: 180 g red lentils, onion, 1 tbsp. tomato paste, turmeric and other favorite spices, 850-950 ml of filtered water.

  1. The lentils are soaked overnight.
  2. Large onion cubes are stewed until soft along with tomato paste and a small amount of water.
  3. The lentils and the contents of the pan are poured into the pan. The components are filled with water and flavored with seasonings.

Cook the soup until the legumes soften.

Salad “Vitamin Bomb”

Ingredients: 25 g black radish, 130 g white cabbage, 15 g fresh cranberries, 40 g carrots, 1 tbsp. hemp oil.

  1. All components are crushed.
  2. Prepared vegetables are mixed in a salad bowl and seasoned with oil.

The appetizer is served to the table immediately.

Fish cutlets

Ingredients: half a kilo of lean minced meat, an egg, an onion, a little boiled white rice.

  1. Beaten egg and rice are added to the minced meat. You can add a little salt.
  2. Cutlets are formed from the mass and steamed.

You can improve the taste of the dish with fresh herbs.

Side effects of the detox program

It must be remembered that during a detox diet, impurities are actively removed from the body. Organs begin to work in enhanced mode and remove even those toxins that were stored “in reserve.” That is why during the program under discussion, a person will periodically feel a deterioration in their health. But such waves of discomfort pass quickly.

Side effects during the body cleansing process include the following:

  • skin rashes;
  • bad breath or change in the odor of sweat;
  • insomnia, fatigue, confusion;
  • thirst, a strong feeling of hunger or, conversely, loss of appetite;
  • disruption of the menstrual cycle;
  • headaches and joint pain;
  • bloating.

A detox program at home helps you quickly get rid of toxins that have accumulated in the body for years.

This is a dangerous, invisible enemy that attacks our body almost every minute.

Every day we consume various not very healthy foods and drinks, we are exposed to omnipresent stress, and we justify our absence from sports training.

And this does not happen without consequences!

Our body strives to constantly cleanse itself of waste and toxins, but, unfortunately, most often the pressure of “harm” is too great. But all is not lost!

We can help the body cope with the elimination of these substances using a detox cleansing program in a fairly short period of time.

Who needs a detox program and what is it?

This is a short-term course of action aimed at stimulating cleansing of the body at all levels.

This concept itself is based on therapeutic fasting, drinking large amounts of liquid, limiting oneself from everything unnecessary.

You could say this is a time-out for the body for the sake of physical and energetic recovery.

After completing the cycle, you will feel much better, lose a few kilograms, feel fresher, plus, you will be able to feel what exactly your body really wants.

A detox program at home is much more pleasant than in fashionable spa centers, because it is still a certain stress, and at home, as they say, even the walls are protected.

You can prepare on all fronts, eliminate possible temptations and develop steps in advance to achieve your goal - a stunning appearance and lightness throughout your body.

The first thing girls should pay attention to is the choice of high-quality cosmetics. We'll have to give up mass-market products.

Creams, shampoos, scrubs, tonics contain a huge number of dangerous components such as: parabens, sulfates, silicones, mineral oils.

These substances accumulate in the body for years. You will have to take a closer look at the manufacturers of natural cosmetics.

The Mulsan Cosmetic company deservedly took first place; we recommend visiting the official online store

Detoxification is necessary to cleanse the body

A cleansing program will be needed if you:

  1. Prone to fullness and swelling
  2. Have problem skin (allergies, rashes, acne, redness)
  3. Do you want to get rid of cellulite and excess fat?
  4. Tired of restless sleep, periodically waking up in the middle of the night for no reason
  5. Susceptible to frequent headaches
  6. You suffer from digestive problems (discomfort, heaviness, bloating, constipation)
  7. Want to strengthen your immune system
  8. You lack energy and are constantly tired

Advice: during the detox cleansing program, give preference to sports training, and especially cardio exercises. This will give you the opportunity to sweat thoroughly and speed up the removal of toxins from the body.

Before we begin selecting a program for the week, let's figure out how this newfangled system works in general.

The detox program has a lot of positive reviews because the results come quickly.

On average after 3–10 days. Now more about the action.

The issue of detox should be approached wisely

Roughly speaking, we remove from the body a large load that it experiences every day during the digestion of solid food.

And this is a huge number of incompatible products. An incredible amount of energy is released.

This is what the body spends on recovery. Harmful microorganisms die, fat melts, and the overall level of toxins decreases.

But there are also contraindications: pregnant and nursing mothers, minors, those suffering from diseases (diabetes, stomach, heart diseases) and those who are too thin should abandon the idea.

Detox program at home for a week


In the morning, eat a kiwi or grapefruit (half a large one). Boil quinoa or buckwheat. Help yourself to raw Jerusalem artichoke or steamed cauliflower. In the evening, drink a decoction of prunes, it will strengthen your strength.

Advice: eat food immediately after cooking, otherwise it will quickly lose its beneficial properties. Ayurveda, by the way, supports this idea.


It is on them that the entire system is built. Feel free to experiment while cooking. Let your personal taste create the proportions for each serving.

Morning detox tonic

You will need:

  1. A glass of warm water (take purified)
  2. Honey - two spoons
  3. Aloe vera juice
  4. Lemon juice - two spoons
  5. A little apple cider vinegar
  6. Cinnamon - teaspoon

This drink should start your day. Add apple cider vinegar with caution (no more than one teaspoon).

A detox program at home is capable of almost miracles; reviews advise paying special attention to cleansing the liver, as one of the main organs involved in the process of removing toxins.

The presented drink cannot be called pleasant, but it is very useful and effective.

You will need:

  1. Freshly squeezed lemon juice - 80 gr.
  2. Ginger
  3. Olive oil - 2 tablespoons
  4. Cayenne pepper
  5. Orange fresh
  6. Garlic - half a head

Stir well before drinking because the oil constantly rises to the surface of the glass.

Do not plan meetings on this day - the smell of garlic will be strong. This cocktail is successfully used in Thailand for cleansing procedures.

  1. Cucumber - mint - apple. The result is a low-calorie, tasty cocktail with optimal acidity. Use mint more often; it perfectly satisfies hunger and helps cope with swelling.
  2. Avocado - spinach - cabbage. This mixture contains healthy vegetable fats and easily digestible protein, not to mention fiber. It wonderfully promotes gentle cleansing.
  3. Cucumber - parsley. Everything ingenious is simple! This combination goes great in the summer, in the heat. Cucumber will provide nutritious moisture, and parsley will provide a daily dose of such valuable carotene.
  4. Carrot - kiwi - ginger - apple. Perfectly tones, speeds up metabolism, this smoothie is rich in minerals. There is a lot of vitamin C, a deficiency of which is observed in every second person in the world.
  5. Celery - pear - cucumber. The most effective cocktail in the fight against extra pounds. Celery plays a particularly important role here.
  6. Pineapple - kiwi - lemon - cucumber. At first glance, this combination seems strange, but if you take a closer look, each of the listed ingredients has undoubted benefits and a powerful vitamin charge.

Cocktail “Winter”

  1. Frozen cherries - 60 gr.
  2. Milk - 100 gr.
  3. Honey - two spoons
  4. Flax seeds - half a spoon (can be ground)
  5. Frozen raspberries - 100 gr.

Avocado mix cocktail

  1. Banana - one piece
  2. Avocado - half
  3. Blueberries - 50 gr.
  4. Cucumber - one piece
  5. Cocoa - a pinch

Delicious cocktails are not only healthy, but also delicious!

Cocktail “Vitamin Boom”

  1. Apple - half (seedless)
  2. Celery - one stalk
  3. Spinach
  4. Pear - half
  5. Cucumber - one piece
  6. Cranberries - 100 gr.

Beetroot cocktail

  1. Beets - one small
  2. Garlic - clove
  3. White radish - half
  4. Carrots - three medium ones
  5. Parsley

Tip: If you decide to cleanse in the summer, replace frozen berries with fresh ones.

Pumpkin puree soup

You will need:

  1. Pumpkin pulp - 700–800 gr.
  2. Olive oil - two boats
  3. Milk - 200 gr.
  4. Apple - half a large one
  5. Carrots - two pieces
  6. Water - 900 ml.
  7. Onions - two pieces
  8. Sour cream (low fat) - two tablespoons

Chop the vegetables coarsely, with the exception of onions (don’t touch the ginger yet).

Place everything in a frying pan with a spoonful of oil and simmer for about 10 minutes, stirring.

Add them to boiling water and wait for it to boil again.

Now chop the ginger and throw it here. Let the soup sit on low heat for 15 minutes.

Let it cool, and then grind everything into a puree, pouring in milk at the same time. Before serving, season with apple and low-fat sour cream.

"Vitamin" salad

You will need:

  1. Black radish - 25 gr.
  2. Cabbage - 150 gr.
  3. Fresh cranberries - 10 gr.
  4. Carrots - 40 gr.
  5. Vegetable oil (cannabis oil) - tablespoon

Grind all ingredients and serve immediately. The value of this dish lies in its freshness.

Advice: in winter, the “Vitamin” salad will bring the greatest benefit and will support the immune system with useful microelements.

Spinach soup

You will need:

  1. Spinach - 300 gr.
  2. Onion - one piece
  3. Garlic - 2–3 cloves
  4. Milk - 100 ml.
  5. Potatoes - one piece
  6. Vegetable oil - two tablespoons

Wash the leaves and chop. Cut the potatoes and onions into cubes. Take a small saucepan (1.5 liters) and fill the vegetables with water.

Cook them until the leaves are done (soft). Add fats (milk, remaining butter), and at the end - chopped garlic cloves. After cooling, beat everything until pureed.

Lentil soup

You will need:

  1. Red lentils - 200 gr.
  2. Tomato - one spoon
  3. Onion - one piece
  4. Oil (sunflower or butter) - one spoon
  5. Spices (turmeric, asafoetida, ajgon and coriander) - to taste
  6. Water - boil about a liter

Lentil soup

Soak the lentils overnight. Cut the onion into large cubes and simmer. Add tomato and a little water, simmer covered for 5 minutes.

Add the lentils here, add the rest of the boiling water and seasonings.