Congratulations to parents on graduation in prose. Gratitude to parents and teachers at graduation in poetry and prose What to say to mom on the last bell

Today I would like to congratulate not only our wonderful graduates, but also their parents, because thanks to their mothers and fathers, their children were able to walk this path with courage and dignity. Who supported in difficult times, who repeatedly explained an incomprehensible topic, who taught to carry out diligently and carefully homework, who checked poems by heart, who helped make crafts, who was worried about exams? Of course, parents. I wish you health and strength, prosperity in life and endless faith in your child. Happy holiday, dear parents of graduates, may your children achieve a lot in their lives.

Our dear and wonderful parents, you were always there and supported us, you helped us overcome all the difficulties of studying and any obstacles on the way to our victories. On our graduation day, we tell you from the bottom of our hearts, “ Thanks a lot“And we want to wish you, dear ones, many years of health, prosperity, peace, spiritual happiness and warmth of heart. We love you.

Our dear parents! Today, on the day of our graduation, we express our gratitude to you. After all, it is thanks to you that each of us stands here today. You gave us life and help us walk through it, support us in difficult situations and teach us wisdom. It was thanks to your support that we all successfully graduated from school. We wish you that happiness, health and pride for us will always shine in your eyes. Happy holiday!

Dear parents, we congratulate you on our Graduation and we all say “thank you very much” to you. You walked this path with us, supporting us in difficult times, together with us we gnawed at the granite of science, solved problems and wrote stories. We are great, and you are great, and I bow to you. Today we say goodbye to school and again ask for your advice. We wish you to remain as cheerful, kind, wonderful and loving parents who understand their children and whom children respect, appreciate and love. Health to you, dear ones, all the best and patience, because you won’t get bored with us.

Dear parents! So your children have become adults, and everything seems to have passed in one minute. You raised them, protected them and cared endlessly, putting your soul and heart into them. May all your hopes be justified and your children grow up good people and comrades.

Happy graduation, parents. Thank you for always being there, helping me with difficult tasks - both from the textbook and from various life situations. I want to wish you good health and well-being, family harmony and mutual understanding. Parents, you are my support, support, strength. Thank you.

Today is a holiday - graduation! Congratulations to all parents on this bright and long-awaited event! We wish you pride in your children, patience and ample opportunities. Let your children delight you, touch you and always warm your soul. Health, success, a bright path in life and confidence in the future!

Dear parents, we congratulate you on the holiday, today is Graduation! We sincerely wish you and your children a future filled with achievements, success, ups and colorful impressions. Today the first stage of the life development of students ends and a new, intense period of search and realization of personality is coming. Remember this moment and have fun!

On our graduation day, I would like to say “thank you very much” to our magnificent and most beloved parents. After all, without them we would not have been able to take a single step; only with their help we managed to overcome our fears and complexes. Our dears, today we are graduates and a lot of unknown and interesting things await us ahead. We sincerely hope that you will remain our loyal support and good advice. We wish you health, vigorous strength and a wonderful mood.

Our dear parents, we cordially congratulate you on the day when we, your children, leave school and enter adulthood. Thank you for your care and concern, for your help and selfless love, for your faith in our success.

Spring time brings with it warmth, blooming nature and simply good mood- everything that we miss so much during the long winter. In addition, in the midst of spring, kindergartens and schools traditionally hold proms, bringing together many smart and cheerful participants under one roof. Indeed, at the graduation ceremony educational institution There is always a particularly touching and sincere atmosphere. In such important point The support of parents - their closest and dearest people - is extremely important for every graduate. Indeed, largely thanks to parental support, patience and wise advice, today's graduates have successfully passed the next stage of life, and are now ready for further victories and achievements. According to tradition, the young “heroes” of the occasion pronounce sincere words of gratitude to their parents at graduation - in poetry and heartfelt lines of prose. On our pages you will find interesting ideas to prepare a thank you speech for parents from children to the graduation party in 4th, 9th or 11th grade. In addition, their most warm congratulations Kindergarten teachers or school teachers can express this to the parents of graduates using the prepared texts provided.

Beautiful words of gratitude to parents at kindergarten graduation - from teachers, in poetry and prose

The graduation party in kindergarten is an important and responsible step for preschool children, their first step into adulthood. Looking back, many parents of graduates fondly remember “how it all began,” while educators have difficulty containing their excitement and sadness. After all, very soon we will be saying goodbye to our beloved students - girls and boys who have noticeably matured. According to the graduation scenario, parents express their sincere gratitude to the entire team preschool, which became a real “second home” for the guys. In its turn, beautiful words The group teacher or head of the group says thanks to the parents at the kindergarten graduation for their help in improving the group and active participation in all events. We bring to your attention a selection of beautiful words of gratitude for parents from teachers kindergarten in poetry and prose, which will definitely be remembered by everyone present at the holiday.

Poems and prose with words of gratitude for parents in honor of kindergarten graduation

So the boys have grown up,
First graduation in my life.
Group, cots -
Our dear kindergarten!

And mom and dad's eyes
They're already sparkling with tears.
It's very sad to part,
But we are happy for the guys.

You, parents, have patience,
And only praise for the kids.
So that your child is at school
I only got straight A's.

Thank you very much for that,
That I can rely on you
In calm times, dashing
Contact you for help!

Live calmly, richly,
IN beautiful love harmonious,
You are the best mom and dad,
We wish you a great life!

Dear and respected parents! We are all a little sad now that we are releasing your children from our kindergarten. We lived together for so many years, we were together for so many days, side by side, hand in hand. But time does not stand still, it moves forward, moves with the children. Children grow, develop, kindergarten is not enough for them, and for further growth they need to go to school. And we are sad to part with them. But we are happy and proud that we were able to raise your children to the level of a schoolchild. We have prepared them for school, and now they can show their literacy and good manners.
We thank all parents for the support that each of them provided to us, their children, during the long period of their children’s stay in kindergarten. We are glad that you entrusted your children to us, and we were able to justify your trust. Thank you for your children, for your help. We really hope that we will see you and your children again when they become adults.

Dear moms and dads! Today is a real holiday for your children and you. Today you and your children have taken a step forward, you have become more mature. On behalf of the entire kindergarten staff, we want to thank you for entrusting us with the upbringing of your children. To thank you for helping us and our kindergarten all these years. Thank you for always coming to the rescue and responding to our requests. We sincerely hope that you can continue to be exemplary parents for your children. And they will grow up to be exemplary children for their parents.

Dear moms and dads,
We want to say thank you
For healthy, happy children,
What did you manage to educate!
Today they are older
We will take them to first grade,
But let's leave them in our souls -
They have become family to us!

Words of gratitude to parents from children graduating from 4th grade

The end of the school year is approaching and very soon 4th grade students will “officially” become fifth graders. Of course, for many it is not easy to take such an important step, because in elementary school children are accustomed to their teacher, place at their desk, and a certain daily routine. However, thanks to parental support, fourth-graders will adequately cope with any obstacles on the path to success and new knowledge. Thus, words of gratitude to parents at graduation from children invariably touch the most delicate strings of the soul, causing touching excitement in listeners. We have selected several simple examples words of gratitude in verse - every 4th grade graduate will be able to easily learn any piece to please their beloved parents on such a joyful and bright day.

How to express gratitude to parents from children at graduation in 4th grade

I thank my parents
For understanding
For being condescending
They did the same to me.

Today is a bright holiday,
Today is graduation!
I wish you happiness
Smiles, kind words!

From first grade I was led by the hand
From dancing, to dancing, they pushed into science,
They always helped, taught lessons...
We haven’t forgotten all this, dear ones!
Low, heartfelt, sincere bow
To our parents from graduates!

We want to say thank you to our parents,
We are on this bright holiday - graduation.
Thank you for being with us
and helped us with all their hearts.

Thank you, dear ones, for science,
for your help and support to us.
After all, you are the dearest to us,
We love you all very much and appreciate you.

Dear mothers, dear fathers!

The first stage of school has been completed.

Year, second and third,

And behind him the fourth -

Ended successfully

Our praise!

You helped us

In the portfolio they wrote,

Problems before dark

With us you decided.

We had such a great time in fourth grade
To the sound of a loud bell!
This sincere happiness was wonderful -
Read Yesenin, learn English words...

But we are growing and quickly striving for something new,
And time is quickly pushing us forward.
Today we want our parents to be proud,
Why are we moving into fifth grade?

And this is your precious merit.
Let's celebrate graduation together today!
Always supported when things were tough.
Thank you, dear ones, for your love!

Heartfelt words of gratitude to parents at the 9th grade graduation - in prose from the teacher

For many girls and boys, ninth grade will be the final year of schooling - ahead of entering college or starting labor activity. Today it has become extremely popular to celebrate widely and on a grand scale prom in 9th grade, inviting teachers, parents and friends of the “heroes” of the occasion as guests. With special warmth and gratitude, the parents of the graduates address the teachers present at the celebration, saying “thank you” for their professionalism, emotional sensitivity and boundless patience. In response, the teachers express heartfelt words of gratitude to the parents of their beloved students, who have become the real pride of their school. As a rule, such a speech in prose is made by the class teacher or another subject teacher on behalf of the entire team. Of course, not everyone has the gift of improvisation to give such a speech “on the spot” - in this case, we recommend choosing one or more words of gratitude in prose presented below.

Texts with words of gratitude in prose for parents of 9th grade graduates

Dear parents of graduates! Let me, on behalf of our entire school, all our teachers and staff, express our gratitude to you for your children. For being able to raise them as they are. For helping them in their studies, in life and giving them the necessary and good advice. It is you who will always be both parents and teachers for your children.

Because looking at you, your child strives to be even better, to make you proud of him. Continue to help your children, and in the future they will help you. Thank you for the great students!

Dear Parents! On behalf of the entire team of our school, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to you. You and I are one whole, because you worked at home, and we worked at school. Together with you, we did everything to ensure that our children were ready for adulthood. And no matter how strange it may sound from a teacher, grades are not the most important thing in life. The main thing is that over all these years, together with you, we have raised and raised real people whom we want to be proud of. I am sure that very soon we will experience a sense of pride when learning about the achievements of our graduates - your daughters and sons!

For children, parents will always come first. And this is right, because parents are educators, teachers, and educators for life. And today I want to say words of gratitude from our school to all the parents who helped not only their children over the years of study, but also our school. I am truly sorry that your children are graduating, because it was a pleasure to work with such students. I want to wish you to follow the same path in the future, not to turn away from it and to constantly help your children. And let this graduation party be a big step forward to an adult and independent life, where success, a brilliant career and a friendly family will await everyone.

On this beautiful summer day, our friendly school team is in a hurry to congratulate all parents and their children on graduation. Our dears, we will really miss your cheerful laughter, funny jokes and exemplary behavior. We want to say to parents: “Thank you for your children!”

May all the wishes and congratulations on today’s graduation be for you, dear parents. You raised your children properly and maybe someday they will thank you for it. And we, the school staff, want to wish you and your beloved children all the best.

Words of gratitude from 11th grade graduates to parents - poetry and prose

Every parent is pleased and at the same time excited to realize that the child has grown up and will soon go to a new independent life. Thus, words of gratitude to parents from 11th grade graduates always evoke the most vivid emotions, often bringing tears to the eyes - from joy for the future of the children and sadness from the imminent separation. In gratitude for parental support and participation, graduates dedicate beautiful poems and songs, and heartfelt speeches in prose to moms and dads. Having chosen several options for words of gratitude, you can recite them at the graduation party, giving your beloved parents a bright and memorable holiday.

Options for words of gratitude in poetry and prose to parents of 11th grade graduates

Thank you parents for your patience,
Anxious heartbeat to the point of tears,
For days and nights and great love,
For your restless, dear soul!

May joy flow into your hearts today,
And everything in the world just works out,
Believe me, we love you very, very much,
Both sons and daughters are graduates!

May kindness be with us all the time -
Not schoolchildren, but graduates,
Students, workers, anyone,
We are always with you - dear, dear ones!

On our farewell evening with school, in the simultaneously happy and sad moments of graduation, we want to say “many thanks” to our wonderful and dear parents. You gave us life, a happy childhood, confident support and sincere love, you always believed in us and were proud of us. Thank you, dear ones, for being you. May God grant you good health, patience, peace, understanding and happiness.

Stepped into life. And this important step
Like a path on an unknown planet,
And behind the back is the parental hearth.

Look, we are the best in the world
Yesterday's girls, boys.
Parents, be proud! Your children
Beautiful, young, worthy and smart!

Today from the heart our friendly class
“Thank you” wants to say to all parents,
After all, you always raised us,
We taught you to look for the positive in everything!

We won't let you down, we promise
Let's enter universities and achieve all the peaks!
We will be your pride, we know
That we will always be number one!

Let's say thank you to our parents today,
We love you very much, you are our support,
All our successes are only your merit,
It's time for all of us to say goodbye to school soon,
Let's quickly join hands,
Be with us on our graduation day,
Good luck awaits us all, just don’t cry,
And happiness will come, it’s just around the corner!

It is best to prepare heartfelt words of gratitude to parents at the graduation ceremony of grades 4, 9 and 11 in advance - poems and prose from our selection are ideal for expressing gratitude from children and school teachers. Little kindergarten graduates and teachers will find here excellent options for words of gratitude for parents on their graduation day. Thank you, dear parents!

For all, without exception, preschoolers and schoolchildren, the arrival of summer means the onset of long holidays and fun pastime. But for some children this summer will be special. Graduates will celebrate farewell balls. Words of gratitude to parents at graduation have become a good tradition among kindergarten students and schoolchildren who have completed 4th, 9th and 11th grades. Usually, by expressing their gratitude, children themselves understand how much their mothers and fathers invested in their education.

Words of gratitude to parents at kindergarten graduation

The end of kindergarten for children means the beginning of a new life stage. Summer is ahead, and you need to have time to have a good rest in order to start studying with renewed vigor. For parents, the hassle of organizing a graduation ceremony often becomes stressful: they need to have time to write a script, prepare an outfit for the child, and come up with a congratulations. Words of gratitude to parents at kindergarten graduation can be found in our collection. During the year, most parents also contributed to the life of the institution. After all, children are raised in kindergarten, whom you always want to provide with the best. Therefore, not only children and their parents say words of gratitude at graduation, kindergarten teachers also express their gratitude for participation. Of course, leaving their native walls, all children become sad - a lot in their lives changes. They have an important learning stage ahead, many new acquaintances and discoveries.

Poems for kindergarten graduation with words of gratitude for parents

You did better and more beautiful

Life in our group is for everyone,

Please accept our gratitude,

May success await your children!

We could rely on you

Everywhere and of course always!

We want to bow low to you,

How close we have been all these years!

Parents, you are better than us

Everyone knows about this, even the guards!

You'll soon be in someone's class!

We all envy teachers already!

The flower beds are planted with flowers,

Doors and walls painted

The group is warmed by hearts,

And for a gift so valuable

We sincerely thank you

From our team,

Dear parents

We wish you only positive things!

Who helped us in the garden?

Who held the autumn ball,

Who organized the fair?

And was with us one hundred percent?

Of course our parents

Faithful guardian angels!

We say thank you

To the mothers and fathers of the world!

For your multiple help,

And for delicate tact,

And for unfailing loyalty,

And for your priceless support,

We say thank you together,

We sincerely thank you for everything!

It's good that we found time

Without you it would be difficult for us!

Words of gratitude to parents at the 4th grade graduation from children

Mom and dad are important and necessary people in the life of any person, both child and adult. Many of them perceive the end of their child primary school with relief: now there will be no need to do homework with him. At graduation in 4th grade, children say goodbye to their first teacher and say words of gratitude to their parents. The future of the whole class depends on what the first teacher is like. The first teacher occupies a very important place in the life of every child. Thanks to the teacher, the child adapts to school, learns to interact in a new team, and develops self-discipline. At the same time, parents still contribute to the child’s school life: they help teach homework, teach them how to assemble a schoolbag independently, and accompany them to classes. Now the children take this help for granted, but very soon they will understand how difficult the task was for their fathers. Words of gratitude to parents at the 4th grade graduation from the children are given below.

A selection of poems with words of gratitude for parents for the graduation of 4th grade from children

Today we say thank you

Of course, to your parents too.

Your concern, understanding and patience

They always helped us, without a doubt!

Here they are, those who sat with us at night over the book...

Here they are, those who wrote essays for us...

The most best moms and dads in the world,

Your children say thank you very much.

The time has come - the children have grown up,

We have a graduation party today.

Dear mothers, dear fathers,

Because you are the best in the world -

Your children give you applause!

Today is our day:

Both sad and cheerful.

After all, we say goodbye to our dear ones

Your elementary school.

From year to year, from class to class

Time leads us silently,

And hour after hour, day after day

So imperceptibly we grow.

Today we summarize the results of the study

Let's throw away fatigue, all fears, doubts.

The heroes of today's meeting are ready

We will speak passionate speeches for them.

Come on, friends, stand in a row,

Put aside jokes, conversations,

We will celebrate now

Primary school graduates

Our mothers bought us briefcases,

They sewed on our collars,

They collected us for school with love,

And today we are students,

If there is no solution to the problem -

We search patiently and don’t cry,

We write letters so that it is beautiful,

So that even my mother would praise me.

Mom will support and help,

And he will tell you the right path in life.

We will become big - and perhaps

You will be able to take a break from work.

In the meantime, we’ll sing and dance for you,

We will help you with everything we want.

Our mothers, our golden ones,

You won't find anything better in the whole world.

Why today are we all

So elegant and cute?

Maybe we can feel our breath

Is spring approaching?

It's just coming to us in the spring,

The holiday has arrived - graduation.

Thank you, dear daddy,

Why did you get me!

I love a clear smile

She's like light in a window!

I want you to be happy

Successful and healthy!

You are the most wonderful

And the best of fathers.

Words of gratitude to parents at the 9th grade graduation from the teacher

Graduation in the 9th grade for students is always a farewell: to teachers, classmates and their parents, so words of gratitude are usually heard. Parents are not indifferent to the conditions in which their children are educated. Therefore, they contribute a large share to the life of the school and teach their children on equal terms with the teachers. Some of the students will go to a technical school or college, while others will remain in the next academic year within the walls of my own school. But saying goodbye to an already familiar school will be a very sad event for many. Words of gratitude to parents at the 9th grade graduation from the teacher are given in our selection. During the time that the students studied here, they managed to become attached to the teachers, find friends with whom they had many common interests. Saying goodbye is always sad, and sometimes even painful, because everyone understands that time will not turn back.

Words of gratitude in verse and prose for parents at graduation from a 9th grade teacher

It's a summer evening

It's graduation and meaningful.

The last bell rang,

We solved all the problems...

And how could we be without good ones?

And golden parents?

Thank you for your help!

I, as a leader, tell you

I dedicate this verse

Heartfelt, honest, sincere.

I wish you a harvest

From good days and thoughts to you!

You brought the children to school

Many years ago

And with them you grew in soul,

The look was burning and proud.

You helped them in everything:

Advice, financially,

And with every new day of God

Secrets were revealed to them.

I dedicate my words to you

And I say “thank you”

For a handful of time, warmth,

For a small contribution feasible...

Today, on graduation evening,

I thank my parents.

Accept my bow to earth

From the class teacher!

Our dear parents!

Please accept our gratitude!

For bringing children to our class

And they helped every day and hour

Learn lessons, do all assignments,

You did not leave them unattended.

Together with you we managed to understand

How to raise children correctly.

And now the doors are open for them,

Everyone will succeed, we believe in them!

For the kind and cheerful,

For the naughty and fast

From cities and villages,

Bow today is low

I give it to my parents,

Like a knowledgeable teacher.

I understand you so well!

A quiet period passed.

Rumbling and laughing

This evening is graduation.

Let the gratitude flow

A cascade of bright words!

Parental mission is important

You can't underestimate her

And the school is like a foundation and a wall,

And at home - a friendly family is an incentive!

Parents, support and stronghold,

Thank you for such students,

For the fact that every month, day and year

Graduates were getting ready to fly!

As a teacher, I want to tell you:

I've seen a lot of different classes...

Thank you! You managed to raise

All qualities of the best ideal!

Words of gratitude from graduates to parents at graduation in 11th grade

Words of gratitude from graduates to parents at their 11th grade graduation always sound very heartfelt. Children in the past, and now young men and women, are realizing that they will soon need to make their own decisions. One of the most important decisions they have already done in their lives: they already know exactly what they will be by profession. They are all a little scared, sad and at the same time wondering: what awaits them in adult independent life. All graduates, without exception, have something to say thank you to their parents and teachers at their 11th grade graduation. Until now, their parents have helped them in everything, from financial support to the choice of hobbies and friends. The upbringing and education that they received was given to them with care by their parents.

Poems with gratitude to parents for graduation in 11th grade from graduates

The time has come, the children have grown up,

We have a graduation party today.

Dear dads, dear mothers,

It's so good to have you around now.

Because you are the best in the world,

Your children give you applause.

We love you for your affection, for your warmth,

For surrounding us with care,

And all your health and peace,

On the sacrificial altar

You put.

Parents! Both heart and soul,

We love you and we are proud of you,

And our gratitude to you for everything

Probably cannot be expressed in words.

Grandmothers, grandfathers, fathers and mothers,

We completed the school program!

You shared tears and laughter with us,

Ups, doubts, shame and success...

Evaluations of our joint work

You will find it in your certificates today!

Mommy, school is over, and there is no need to learn lessons.

My God, how many nerves are damaged...

I'm so glad, mommy! Are you happy?

Why are you crying, my dear,

Biting your lips stubbornly?

Smile, because school is over,

Well, laugh, dear mother!

Eleven years, not in one moment, they walked both crookedly and straight.

Eleven years of your patience, fear, tears and doubts, mom.

I know that you are very happy and admire your dear daughter.

Why is it autumn in your eyes, why do you cover your face with a handkerchief?

Maybe she remembered me when I was little, felt my palm in my hand?

As she whispered: little scarlet flower, don’t be naughty in class, baby.

Listen, baby, strict teachers, don’t draw on your notebooks!

And she met me at the door and kept my briefcase in order.

And now your daughter has grown up, but the tears stubbornly flow...

Well, school is over. Dot. Congratulations, mom! It's me - your daughter!

Graduation ceremonies are held at all levels of education - from kindergarten, primary school, 4th grade and ending with 9th and 11th grades. At the holiday, words of gratitude are said to parents at graduation, congratulations are given to teachers and the children themselves, and sincere parting words, blessings and recognitions are heard. This is truly an amazing day that remains in everyone’s soul for the rest of their lives.

TO they scolded us for getting bad grades
And they woke me up in the morning,
How they forced me to study
We will never forget.

But now they are smarter
And we want to confess to you:
What they taught us with a belt,
We "Thank you!" we talk.

Protecting from self-will,
They helped me find my way,
After all, without your control
We could have been wrong.

We don't hold grudges
And we already understand everything.
Thank you mom and dad
We hug you tightly.

P last call for your children,
You can be proud of them
It’s not for nothing that you once didn’t sleep at night,
And they were helped to study.

Very big ones are standing next to you,
And they are eager to start a new path,
They want to reach new heights
To know everything, to find the essence in everything.

We wish them good luck, and you too
We wish you love and patience,
So that you can reach their hearts,
So that the thread of communication does not break.


IN Our children have graduated from school.
Their last lesson is behind them.
They will soon have to leave the temple of knowledge.
And their last bell rings.

You parents are a little sad,
There is no need to check the diary.
Have a wonderful journey for your children,
Let everything be great for them!


D Our dear parents,
Thank you for your love.
Today is farewell to school
And on this day - you are near again.

And it seems just recently
You led us by the hand.
The years have flown by so quickly,
Oh, if only they could return them.

We will be diligent in life,
Proud that we can.
We are very grateful for your help,
We wish you happiness and love.


WITH Today our last bell rings,
Are you listening, moms and dads?
We are grateful to you for your love,
For such an incentive the best,
Thank you now we say to all of you
For your support and faith,
We will try to achieve all goals,
After all, you were an example for us!


R parents, congratulations
Happy School Last Bell!
You were so worried, we know
Before this solemn day.

You have worked all these years,
It's like going to class with us,
After all, you studied with us together,
Oh, how much patience do you have?

You wasted your nerves and strength,
You knew we would win!
And we thank you very much
Now we speak from the heart!


T our industrious parents,
I bow to you today.
You are like guides for us,
We are leaving our school house.

You did your best for us,
They gave us education, life.
And we are all so infinitely happy
That the events are all so intertwined.

And thank you, dears,
For love, for patience, for everything.
You are like saints to us,
There is no one closer to us!


IN the last bell rang
And sadness comes again,
That your children have grown up
They will never get their childhood back.

Don't cry, moms, dads,
After all, they have space ahead.
The school gave them everything to start:
Skills, knowledge, attitude.

Good luck and achievements await them,
There is only one thing left for you:
When they stumble on the road -
Provide a strong shoulder.




P ups, moms, “Thank you!”
We are talking today
For your help and support,
For parental work, because it is invaluable.

You helped us by solving problems,
They wrote notes not to go to school.
We accompanied you with love and patience
On a long and difficult school path.

We hope in a big, unknown life
Your wise advice will help again
After all, even though the last bell has already sounded,
We are just learning to fly ourselves.

Let there be considerable reason for pride
For our achievements later.
Today just accept from the children
As a sign of gratitude, a low bow.


D our dear parents,
Today we want to tell you
What is dearer and closer to you
We can't find it in the whole world.

You always helped us in everything
And there were no sleepless nights.
We were taught, raised, treated,
They surrounded you with their care.

On this day, you are also with us
Our feelings are ready to be shared.
We are spending our school years
We will never forget about them!


D for parents today
A holiday for sure
At school for your children
The last bell sounds.

Last time today
You brought them to school,
The last time they said,
So as not to be late.

The last bell has died down
And all sounds froze
Adult life is another call
Picks it up today.

I wish my parents
Patience and strength,
IN great life child,
So that everyone lets go.


P the last bell rang,
We'll leave school soon
I didn’t have time to say thank you
To our beloved parents.

Thank you for your patience,
For help, care and affection,
Behind best example, inspiration,
Here's to happiness and life in bright colors!


D Dear parents, the last bell has rung, the school life of your children has ended. Now you no longer need to force them to do their homework, monitor their progress, or monitor class attendance. Today your girls and boys have become adults. They're starting new life. So let their path be easy, their efforts appreciated, and all their successes be a reason for your joy.


Z the last call rings
Calling us somewhere in the distance,
The last lesson will be
We will say goodbye to the school!
Until recently, as children,
They brought us to first grade,
The years have passed so quickly
How quickly we have grown up.
Now there's a new life,
Cares and affairs await us,
We owe you everything
And we shout “hurray” to you!
We say thank you
For giving us life,
For your wisdom, love,
Unfortunately, we don’t want to grow up.
There will be a lot of problems
Many new worries
But with you we can live everything,
And every new lesson.
The last bell is ringing
Once upon a time he was the first
Parents, low bow to you,
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!


T how important this day is for us
Our last call is ringing.
We are happy to see you all,
We will carry a lesson through your life.
All your sacrifice and love,
The radiance of your tender faces,
We admired again and again,
Your patience has no limits.
We are eternally grateful
And at the hour when the battle is over,
We'll all patch up your wounds
What we did sometimes
Thanks for everything to mom and dad
You were given to us by fate!


T Only our parents know how difficult it was for us to gain knowledge. Thank you, mom, for the beautifully written essays, and thank you, father, for all the solved math problems. If it weren’t for you, our closest and dearest, we would not have seen such excellent results on the Unified State Exam.


P digging over notebooks
You sat longer than us,
In homework, essays
Days and weeks flew by.

No wonder my mother taught me
Write letters straight,
No wonder dad wasn’t lazy
Take me to clubs.

Parents dream
About future success
For them it's always a child
The best in the world!


M At school we shout: “Goodbye!”
We look there excitedly
Where is mother’s quiet sobbing,
More thoughtful than a father's gaze...

We want to tell them: “Thank you!”
Once upon a time they brought us here...
We are leaving here because
The paths lead us further and further.


N We don’t need notebooks now,
And throw away the diary:
Your baby is not a first grader,
He is a graduate today!

We wish you strength, patience,
Instead of weekdays - weekends.
And for those who were raised,
Be full of pride.


IN you have walked with us all these years,
We shared joys and worries.
Thank you, parents
The guardians of our fate.

Your children have grown up.
The last call was made.
And its farewell ringing
The alarm sounds for you.

Now the roads are grown up
They lie before us, motley.
We know you believe in us!
And trust us with the choice.

School graduation is one of the most touching events in everyone's life. Most of us, even after many years, fondly remember all the events of the day when we last time said goodbye to school. Students, parents and the entire school staff prepare in advance for this holiday: poems, songs, scripts for the celebration are written, and the hall is decorated.

Traditionally, the graduation ceremony is held in two stages:

  • Official part. At this time, certificates and diplomas are awarded and congratulations are heard to students, parents, and teachers.
  • The ceremonial part, which includes a festive feast, dancing, competitions, and games.

At the holiday, there must be parting speeches to students, congratulations to parents on graduation, and gratitude from students to the school. In order for these nice words remain in the memory for a long time, they must be truly sincere and beautiful.

Congratulations for parents from teachers

For parents, graduation party is an even more significant and solemn holiday than for the graduates themselves. After all, they, too, together with their children, had been moving toward this day for many years. It was thanks to their support and care that the children were able to finally enter adulthood, and thanks to the teachers parenting managed to pass on his knowledge to his students. Therefore, at the graduation party, words of gratitude to parents from teachers must be heard.

Congratulations from the school principal to parents at graduation

For example, a school principal can speak at a graduation ceremony with the following congratulations to parents:

Dear parents! Today you have come to this long-awaited graduation party. You, of course, remember how many years ago you brought your children to school for the first time, how worried you were about their grades and behavior. More than a year has passed since then, and throughout this time you have done your best to help the school pass on knowledge to children. Therefore, this is your holiday too.

Today is the day when our graduates say goodbye to school forever and begin their adult lives. All teachers and you, parents, have done everything possible so that after school children can choose the right path in life, realize their talents and become truly self-sufficient. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you for this difficult work and for everything you have done for the school during your children’s years of study. Without your help and support, we would not have been able to prepare our graduates, whom we are now proud of. Thank you again for this! And bring your grandchildren to us. We will welcome them with joy, just as we once welcomed your children.

Words of congratulations from the class teacher to the parents of graduates

In addition to the school principal, parents can also give a speech of gratitude class teachers. For example, the following teacher speech would be appropriate:

Today we all have a very big celebration, to which we have been moving for many years. And now, our children have grown up and are ready to enter adulthood. We are pleased that we were able to teach them and give them the best. But we owe a lot of this to you, parents. After all, over these years it was you who raised the children, participated in the life of the school, helped with organizing holidays, and provided moral support. Without you, we would not have been able to produce graduates of whom we can now be proud. And for this you are deeply grateful from the entire staff of our school.

Your children still have a long way to go. Some will continue to study, some will go to work, but we hope that all the knowledge and skills that we, together with you, parents, have passed on to our children will help them in this difficult adult life. We are happy to welcome your grandchildren at the doors of our school.