The presentation on healthy eating is interesting. Healthy eating. Diet of children and adolescents

  • Egorova Elena Yurievna
  • Nomination: Physical culture and human health.
  • Title of work: “Healthy eating”
  • Subject: physical education
  • Position: physical education teacher
  • Educational institution: Municipal educational institution Secondary School No. 8, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Khabarovsk Territory.
  • Healthy eating
  • In the modern world, much attention is paid to the problem of proper nutrition. It was found that each person has his own individual diet, which depends on his age, weight, health, physical activity and other factors.
  • In this project I plan to consider:
  • Basic principles of proper and healthy nutrition;
  • Vitamins necessary for human health (which foods contain them);
  • Diet for children from birth to 18 years of age;
  • Diet of people with acute and chronic diseases;
  • Healthy eating
  • Basic nutrition functions. Everyone knows that nutrition is absolutely necessary to maintain life. Science has firmly established three functions of nutrition.
  • The first function is to supply the body with energy. In this sense, a person can be compared to any machine that does work, but requires fuel to do so. Rational nutrition provides an approximate balance of energy entering the body and expended to support vital processes.
  • The second function of nutrition is to supply the body with plastic substances, which primarily include proteins, to a lesser extent – ​​minerals, fats and to an even lesser extent – ​​carbohydrates. The need for plastic substances in food varies depending on age: in children this need is increased, and in older people it is decreased.
  • The third function of nutrition is to supply the body with biologically active substances necessary to regulate vital processes.
  • The fourth function was discovered by scientists relatively recently. It consists in developing immunity, both nonspecific and specific. It was found that the magnitude of the immune response to infection depends on the quality of nutrition and especially on the sufficient content of calories, complete proteins and vitamins in food.
  • Principles of healthy
  • nutrition
  • Moderation
  • It is necessary to maintain a balance between the energy supplied with food and the energy consumed in the process of life. It has been established that, on average, the basal metabolism consumes about 1 kcal per 1 kg of body weight per 1 hour. In people who constantly experience physical activity, the basal metabolism, as a rule, increases within 30%.
  • Diversity
  • The population of our planet uses thousands of food products and even more culinary dishes for nutrition. The energy value of the diet depends on the proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and water it contains. The optimal ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet of a healthy person is close to 1:1.2:4.
  • Diet
  • A person's diet is usually regulated by appetite. But it is necessary to keep in mind that appetite persists even after eating. This is due to the need to digest and absorb nutrients. And only after they begin to enter the bloodstream, the excitation of the food center begins to give way to its inhibition.
  • Interesting Facts
  • Energy expenditure of a “standard” person (weighing 60 kg) during various types of activities, kcal/h
  • Rest lying down without sleep
  • Reading aloud
  • Housework (cleaning)
  • 120-240
  • Calm walking
  • Fast walk
  • Jogging
  • Skiing
  • A ride on the bicycle
  • 210-540
  • Skating
  • 180-600
  • Swimming
  • 180-400
  • Rowing
  • 150-360
  • Working in the laboratory while standing
  • 160-170
  • Working in the laboratory while sitting
  • Office work
  • Energy value of some products, kcal per 100 g
  • Rye bread
  • Wheat bread
  • Cakes
  • 320-540
  • Sugar
  • Milk
  • Butter
  • Russian cheese
  • Sunflower oil
  • Boiled potatoes
  • Apples
  • Boiled beef
  • Beef cutlets
  • Eggs (1 pc.)
  • Boiled cod
  • Grape juice
  • Baby food
  • Nutrition for children aged 1 to 3 years
  • Nutrition for preschoolers
  • Click here
  • (links)
  • Next (therapeutic nutrition)
  • Nutrition of children of the first year of life
  • Nutrition of infants is carried out exclusively according to its characteristics:
  • It is necessary to take all measures to preserve the mother's breast milk and the child's care for at least the first 5-6 months of life through natural feeding.
  • From 3 weeks of age, all children need food supplements containing mineral salts, organic acids, vitamins, and pectin. Therefore, they need to be given fruit or vegetable decoctions as drinks. And from the beginning of the second month of life, children should receive fruit and vegetable juices.
  • The diet of children over 1.5 - 2 months should include puree of apples, bananas, apricots and other fruits. From 3-3.5 months of life, a child’s diet should include ¼ of a chicken egg yolk, and from 4 months to 1 year – ½ of a hard-boiled egg yolk.
  • From 5-5.5 months, vegetable puree is prepared using vegetable broth with the addition of milk, vegetable oil, cream, yolk, later - butter, and even later - meat puree.
  • 5. With the appearance of teeth, it is advisable to introduce salads from vegetables grated on a fine grater into the diet. From 5-5.5 months you can add porridge made from semolina, rice, buckwheat and oatmeal flour or cereal to the diet.
  • 6. In the diet of 7-8 month old children, whole kefir can be used as a third complementary food. From 7-7.5 months, you can include meat puree in children’s diet, replacing it with fish puree from 8-9 months of age. From 8 months, meat broth is prescribed. Children of this age eat lean varieties of beef, veal, chicken, turkey, rabbit, and fish - cod fillet, perch, and other lean fish.
  • 7. After 10 months, a child with teeth can eat meatballs made from boiled and turned meat instead of puree, and then soft steamed cutlets. You can use special children's canned meat and fish, and canned meat and milk products made from offal.
  • 8. By the end of the first year of life, many children switch to 4 feedings a day. They are usually weaned by 11-12 months.
  • 9. You should not overfeed children - excess obesity leads to early obesity, diabetes, childhood hypertension, dysfunction of the gonads and other diseases!
  • To contents
  • Nutrition for older children
  • from 1 year to 3 years
  • Babies grow and develop quickly, they have more teeth, the acidity of gastric juice and the activity of digestive enzymes increase, taste is formed, the volume of the stomach increases, and motor processes intensify.
  • After 1-1.5 years, children should get used to denser foods that require chewing. Porridges should be prepared from boiled cereals, vegetables should be stewed or in the form of casseroles with cottage cheese and cereals. Raw, baked, stewed vegetables are very healthy.
  • Milk and dairy products occupy the first place in children's nutrition.
  • From 1.5-2 years old, it is allowed to give a child a small piece of mild, non-spicy cheese, including processed dietary cheese. Children of this age benefit from eggs - boiled or in the form of omelettes.
  • Wheat and rye bread, lean meats and fish are healthy.
  • To contents
  • Nutrition for preschoolers
  • At this age, nutrition should be even more varied. The range of products is expanding, their volume is increasing, the culinary processing of dishes is becoming more complicated, approaching the generally accepted one.
  • Milk and dairy products remain the main dietary staples. Complex snacks made from fresh vegetables in combination with fruits, berries, vegetable oil or sour cream are very useful. Vegetables can also be boiled, fried, or stewed.
  • Meat can be made into cutlets, stewed, boiled, or fried. The menu includes a variety of fish dishes.
  • Broths made from meat, chicken, fish, vegetables, and mushrooms are recommended as a first course. You can fill them with vegetables, noodles, potatoes, cereals, etc. By-products are used more widely.
  • Porridges made from all types of cereals are healthy, especially with vegetables and fruits.
  • Margarine, fatty meats and fish, smoked meats, hot seasonings and spices are excluded from the menu!
  • To contents
  • Nutrition for schoolchildren and teenagers
  • Children during school and adolescence begin to develop sexually and grow rapidly, gaining weight and muscle strength. Sports and physical labor lead to a sharp increase in energy expenditure. The nervous system of children of this age is in a state of significant tension under the influence of intense cognitive information and the complexity of school learning. That is why it is so important to provide schoolchildren and adolescents with nutritious food and to organize their diet correctly
  • It is advisable to include dietary butter and sour cream in your diet.
  • Schoolchildren should receive meat, milk, dairy products, vegetables, fruits, and bread daily.
  • In the morning you can give a snack (salad or cheese, sausage), then a meat or fish dish with a side dish or porridge, cottage cheese or egg dishes, tea, milk, coffee, bread and butter.
  • For lunch - salad or vinaigrette, soup, meat or fish with a side dish, compote or juice.
  • In the afternoon - milk, kefir, pastries, fruit.
  • For dinner - dishes from cottage cheese, vegetables, eggs and drinks.
  • At this age, unfortunately, children often violate their diet, eat randomly, often dry food, on the go. These bad habits have a detrimental effect on the growing body. Parents should teach their children how to eat from early childhood!
  • To contents
  • Medical nutrition
  • For peptic ulcer
  • For chronic gastritis
  • For acute intestinal diseases
  • For diseases of the liver and gall bladder
  • For obesity
  • For diabetes
  • Next (vitamins)
  • Medical nutrition
  • for diabetes
  • Basic principles of therapeutic nutrition:
  • Frequent (at least 4-5 times) and regular meals;
  • Main meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) more or less equal in amount of carbohydrates and calorie content;
  • Diet variety: wide use of a range of foods that do not contain large amounts of sugars;
  • Replacing sugar with sorbitol or xylitol, as well as saccharin, which are added to dishes and drinks;
  • Prohibited:
  • Candies, chocolate, confectionery, baked goods
  • Jam, honey, ice cream and other sweets
  • Sugar is allowed in small quantities with doctor's permission
  • Lamb and pork fat, hot, spicy, smoked and salty snacks and dishes, pepper, mustard
  • Alcoholic drinks
  • Grapes, bananas, raisins
  • To contents
  • Medical nutrition
  • for peptic ulcer disease
  • Basic principles:
  • Creating the greatest peace of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum;
  • Exclusion of products with a strong juice effect;
  • Exclusion of products that mechanically irritate the gastric mucosa (all food is given pureed);
  • It is unacceptable to introduce a large amount of food at one time;
  • Frequent and small meals - eating every 3-4 hours;
  • Avoiding too cold and hot foods;
  • Limiting table salt to 10-12 g per day;
  • High nutritional value of the diet (sufficient amounts of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts and vitamins, mainly A, B and C);
  • Prohibited are meat, fish and strong vegetarian broths, especially mushrooms, fatty meats and fish, fried meat and fish, refractory fats (beef and lard and lamb fat), raw unprocessed vegetable fiber, salty dishes, spicy snacks, canned food, sausages, pastries, pies, brown bread, very cold drinks, ice cream, alcoholic drinks.
  • To contents
  • Medical nutrition
  • for obesity
  • Basic principles:
  • Prescribing a low-calorie (reduced) diet;
  • Limited introduction of carbohydrates, especially quickly soluble and quickly absorbed (sugar);
  • Limiting animal fats and increasing vegetable fats in the diet;
  • Creating a feeling of satiety thanks to low-calorie, but large-volume foods (raw vegetables and fruits);
  • Multiple, 5-6 meals a day; exclusion of foods that stimulate appetite;
  • Limiting salt in food (up to 5 g) and limiting fluid (up to 1-1.5 l)
  • The use of so-called zigzags in nutrition (contrast, fasting days);
  • Prohibited: sweets, chocolate, confectionery, baked goods, ice cream and other sweets, hot spicy, smoked and salty snacks and dishes, pepper, mustard, horseradish, alcoholic drinks
  • To contents
  • Medical nutrition
  • for chronic gastritis
  • Basic principles:
  • Adequate nutrition, which promotes the development of compensatory and adaptive reactions of the digestive system and slows down the rate of progression of chronic gastritis;
  • The gradual introduction of food into the body (regular meals, light, slow meals), providing the most favorable conditions for the processes of digestion and absorption of nutrients;
  • Excluded: very hot and very cold dishes and drinks, pickles, smoked foods, marinades, hot sauces and seasonings, lard, goose, duck, fatty meat and fish.
  • Limits: products made from butter dough, fried meat and fish, coated in breadcrumbs, canned snack foods, raw vegetables and fruits, legumes, natural milk, black bread, carbonated drinks.
  • To contents
  • Medical nutrition
  • for diseases of the liver and gall bladder
  • Basic principles:
  • A sufficient amount of complete, easily digestible proteins in the diet;
  • The quality and quantity of fats is determined by the patient’s condition;
  • The amount of carbohydrates in the diet should not exceed the physiological norm, and for obese patients it should be reduced;
  • Maximum sparing of the diseased organ, which is achieved by thorough culinary processing of food (boiled, chopped or pureed food);
  • Frequent split meals for better digestion and absorption, choleretic effect, improvement of intestinal motility;
  • Including fiber-rich foods in the diet, which increases the choleretic effect of the diet;
  • Prohibited: fatty pork, lamb, goose, duck, fried foods, refractory fats, rich broths, smoked meats, canned food, cocoa, chocolate, sorrel, spinach, mushrooms, as well as any alcoholic drinks, cold drinks, ice cream.
  • To contents
  • Medical nutrition
  • for acute intestinal diseases
  • Basic principles:
  • Increased fluid excretion in the first days of the disease;
  • Introduction into the body of all nutrients necessary for life, especially animal proteins (meat, fish, fresh cottage cheese, eggs);
  • Ensuring good digestion of food with minimal stress on the digestive organs, which is achieved by special selection of the most easily digestible products and their processing (food is given pureed, boiled in water or steamed);
  • Excluded: sauces and spices, natural tea, black coffee, cocoa in water, decoction of rosehip, blueberries, bird cherry, butter in limited quantities (20-30 g per day), no more than 5 g per serving
  • To contents
  • Let's talk about vitamins
  • Further
  • Vitamins of group A
  • B vitamins
  • Vitamins of group C
  • Vitamins of group D
  • Vitamins of group A
  • First of all, vitamin A is found in milk fats, butter, egg yolk, milk, fish oil, etc. There is no vitamin A in plant foods. However, many vegetables and other plant products (carrots, pumpkin, spinach, lettuce, tomatoes, apricots, etc.) contain a yellow coloring substance - carotene, which in the human body is converted into vitamin A. Carotene, entering the human liver, turns into active vitamin A. Cereals are low in carotene. Most of it is found in yellow corn.
  • However, the human body should receive 1/3 of the daily requirement of vitamin A from dairy products and fats.
  • To contents
  • B vitamins
  • All B vitamins are usually found together in food. There are many of them in rye bread, oatmeal, buckwheat and barley cereals. Baker's and brewer's yeast are especially rich in vitamin B1. If a person lacks vitamin B1 in his diet, a disease known as beriberi develops. This disease was first discovered in Eastern countries, where rice plays a large part in the diet. The higher the grade of rice, the less vitamin B1 it contains, which is contained in rice bran and is absent in the grain itself.
  • To contents
  • Vitamins C
  • Vitamin C is anti-scorbutic. If there is little vitamin C in the body, then the body's resistance to infectious diseases decreases, drowsiness appears, attention is weakened, and when brushing teeth, pain and bleeding gums appear. With a long-term absence of vitamin C in the body, scurvy develops.
  • Vitamin C is found mainly in fresh vegetables, berries and fruits. It is especially abundant in black currants, green onions, and rose hips. There is a lot of vitamin C in lemons, oranges, lettuce, tomatoes, cabbage and other vegetables and fruits. However, fresh cabbage and potatoes are constant sources of vitamin C.
  • To contents
  • Vitamins of group D
  • With vitamin D deficiency, mineral metabolism is disrupted. Bone fragility appears and rickets develops. Loss of appetite occurs, nervousness and sweating appear, sleep is disturbed, and instability to infectious diseases appears.
  • Vitamin D is found in fish oil, animal liver and especially fish liver, butter, egg yolk, and milk.
  • To contents
  • Conclusion
  • In this project we looked at:
  • The basic principles of healthy and proper nutrition, I studied the basic rules of food consumption, in which a person feels healthy, cheerful and does not have problems with excess weight.
  • Diet for children from birth to 18 years
  • Diet for people with various diseases
  • Content of vitamins in certain products
  • Thus, we found out that nutrition should be moderate, varied, and the eating regimen should be followed. It is necessary to consume food rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements.
  • Children of different ages need proper and nutritious nutrition. Food products are selected depending on the age of the child.
  • For people with acute and chronic diseases, special nutrition is provided, if followed, they will feel good and not experience complications of their illness.
  • By following the basics of proper nutrition, you will always be HEALTHY!
  • Used Books
  • "Schoolchildren's nutrition." Gostorgizdat 1990. Authors: S. R. Groznov and L. I. Sidorova
  • "A book about tasty and healthy food." Publishing house "Kolos" 1993. Editor-compiler: L. I. Vorobyova
  • "Your blood type: diet and lifestyle." Publishing house "Phoenix" 2002.
  • "Healthy eating." Publishing house "Panacea" 2005.
  • "Basics of a healthy lifestyle." Publishing house "Panacea" 2003. Authors: Velsky A. A, Krotkov A. R, Lyutina M. F.

Healthy eating - healthy lifestyle! It is the food that we take that ensures the development and constant renewal of cells and tissues of the body, and is the source of energy that our body spends not only during physical activity, but also at rest!

Milk-calcium! The need for calcium increases with age. Skim cow's milk is rich in calcium, which is necessary for bone health and the prevention of osteoporosis, as well as with proper nutrition. Dairy prevents loss of bone mass as a result of menopause or rheumatoid arthritis (beneficial for a healthy lifestyle). Drink two glasses of skim milk daily or include low-fat yogurt and calcium-rich fruits in your diet.

Bananas are potassium! Just one yellow fruit contains 467 mg of potassium, which is needed to keep muscles strong and healthy. It lowers blood pressure. Bananas are an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases; they neutralize acid, so they are useful for treating heartburn. Try how delicious it is to add banana slices to oatmeal, yogurt, milk or fruit juice. Lentils, sardines and dried apricots are also sources of potassium.

Eggs are a healthy diet for a healthy lifestyle! Even if you are concerned about cholesterol, you don’t have to give them up. Eggs are a source of protein and lutein, which protects the eyes from cataracts; eggs are part of a proper diet. There is evidence to suggest that they prevent blood clots, reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke. Moreover, consuming six eggs a week reduces the risk of breast cancer by 44%. Today, nutritionists say that one or two eggs a day does not raise cholesterol levels because the body makes it itself from saturated fats, rather than getting it from cholesterol-rich foods.

Salmon-nicotinic acid! Salmon is rich in omega-3 fats, which lower cholesterol, protect against certain types of cancer and prevent blood clots. Research shows that salmon relieves depression and prevents memory loss because it contains niacin. And it, according to some data, protects against Alzheimer's disease. If possible, eat fresh or canned salmon at least three times a week - if you lead a healthy lifestyle (HLS). Omega-3 fats are also found in walnuts.

Cereals - phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium! From a nutritional point of view, cereals can be called universal products and can be used for any disease. The same cereal is suitable for preparing various dishes for a variety of ailments. Using various culinary treatments, you can provide the most gentle regime for the digestive organs (liquid and pureed porridges) or cause activation of intestinal motor function (loose porridges).

Meat and meat products. Meat and meat products are the main source of complete proteins of animal origin, the content of which ranges from 14 to 24%. Meat contains all the essential amino acids, a lot of iron, phosphorus, vitamins A, B1, B6, B12. However, it is low in calcium and magnesium, vitamin C and some others. Meat is rich in nitrogenous extractive substances, which improve its taste, increase the secretory function of the stomach, and the excitability of the central nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Nuts and seeds. Nuts and seeds are extremely rich in fats, proteins, essential amino acids, some minerals and vitamins. In terms of calorie content, they occupy one of the first places among plant products. When choosing inshell nuts, choose those that are heavier and do not rattle when shaken. They should not have cracks or holes. Beware of moldy peanuts - they can cause serious illness. Buy nuts and seeds whole rather than chopped, ground or shelled, as nut kernels become rancid more quickly. When purchasing nuts and seeds, pay attention to their color. Old, rancid fruits usually have a yellowish tint.

Mushrooms are the most valuable food. Mushrooms belong to the class of spore plants. They are quite simple in structure, do not have a green color, do not contain chlorophyll, and do not absorb carbon dioxide. They feed on ready-made organic matter found in the ground or other substrate. Mushrooms are the most valuable food. Proteins, fats, carbohydrates, various mineral salts and vitamins play an important role in human nutrition. These substances are found in mushrooms. In terms of element content, edible mushrooms differ significantly from other products of plant origin. They contain no vegetable starch at all. Carbohydrates in mushrooms include glycogen and sugar.

Chocolate is an exquisite pleasure! Chocolate has been known for five hundred years, but it still remains a mysterious product. Along with a large number of calories, chocolate contains a whole pharmacy of useful substances and microelements. Everyone knows well that chocolate is indispensable for relieving fatigue, hunger and even getting rid of stress. Research by the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences has shown that special essential oils that make up chocolate can effectively protect our blood vessels from cholesterol. They prevent the deposition of fats and lime on the walls of blood vessels and arteries. And this is just one of a number of amazing discoveries of recent times. The antioxidants found in chocolate may help fight cancer, as cocoa contains twice as many antioxidants as red wine and three times as much as green tea.

Honey is rich in minerals. Of course, honey is not just a delicacy, it is a very valuable medicine and means of prevention. Honey contains the entire periodic table, it contains everything that our body needs in the most suitable form for absorption, so honey has no equal among medicines. And if you add, for example, pollen or healthy fruits and nuts to it, you can get powerful medicines for many diseases. Even if you are practically healthy, but you know the weak points of your body, purchase or prepare your own honey with the additive that is beneficial for you. Take 1–2 teaspoons of it every day on an empty stomach with water at room temperature. But remember that you should not dilute honey in hot liquid; this will destroy the valuable substances in it. Of course, all these tips do not apply to those who are allergic to honey.

...without water and neither here nor there Water is the only liquid on Earth that has special physical and chemical properties. Water molecules easily break down into positively charged hydrogen (H+) and negatively charged hydroxyl (OH) ions. It is these ions that determine the spatial structure of proteins, lipids, nucleic acids and other organic substances. The polarity of molecules gives water the ability to dissolve various substances: mineral salts, simple alcohols, sugars, etc. That is why water serves as a medium where numerous chemical reactions take place, which together create life. The beneficial properties of water are known to everyone, and it is thanks to them that water has become firmly established in the daily diet. On average, a person should drink 8 glasses every day, which is about 2 liters.

Presentation on the topic: Healthy eating!

Healthy eating - healthy lifestyle! It is the food that we take that ensures the development and constant renewal of cells and tissues of the body, and is the source of energy that our body spends not only during physical activity, but also at rest!

Milk-calcium! The need for calcium increases with age. Skim cow's milk is rich in calcium, which is necessary for bone health and the prevention of osteoporosis, as well as with proper nutrition. Dairy prevents loss of bone mass as a result of menopause or rheumatoid arthritis (beneficial for a healthy lifestyle). Drink two glasses of skim milk daily or include low-fat yogurt and calcium-rich fruits in your diet.

Bananas are potassium! Just one yellow fruit contains 467 mg of potassium, which is needed to keep muscles strong and healthy. It lowers blood pressure. Bananas are an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases; they neutralize acid, so they are useful for treating heartburn. Try how delicious it is to add banana slices to oatmeal, yogurt, milk or fruit juice. Lentils, sardines and dried apricots are also sources of potassium.

Eggs are a healthy diet for a healthy lifestyle! Even if you are concerned about cholesterol, you don’t have to give them up. Eggs are a source of protein and lutein, which protects the eyes from cataracts; eggs are part of a proper diet. There is evidence to suggest that they prevent blood clots, reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke. Moreover, consuming six eggs a week reduces the risk of breast cancer by 44%. Today, nutritionists say that one or two eggs a day does not raise cholesterol levels because the body makes it itself from saturated fats, rather than getting it from cholesterol-rich foods.

Salmon-nicotinic acid! Salmon is rich in omega-3 fats, which lower cholesterol, protect against certain types of cancer and prevent blood clots. Research shows that salmon relieves depression and prevents memory loss because it contains niacin. And it, according to some data, protects against Alzheimer's disease. If possible, eat fresh or canned salmon at least three times a week - if you lead a healthy lifestyle (HLS). Omega-3 fats are also found in walnuts.

Cereals - phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium! From a nutritional point of view, cereals can be called universal products and can be used for any disease. The same cereal is suitable for preparing various dishes for a variety of ailments. Using various culinary treatments, you can provide the most gentle regime for the digestive organs (liquid and pureed porridges) or cause activation of intestinal motor function (loose porridges).

Meat and meat products. Meat and meat products are the main source of complete proteins of animal origin, the content of which ranges from 14 to 24%. Meat contains all the essential amino acids, a lot of iron, phosphorus, vitamins A, B1, B6, B12. However, it is low in calcium and magnesium, vitamin C and some others. Meat is rich in nitrogenous extractive substances, which improve its taste, increase the secretory function of the stomach, and the excitability of the central nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Nuts and seeds. Nuts and seeds are extremely rich in fats, proteins, essential amino acids, some minerals and vitamins. In terms of calorie content, they occupy one of the first places among plant products. When choosing inshell nuts, choose those that are heavier and do not rattle when shaken. They should not have cracks or holes. Beware of moldy peanuts - they can cause serious illness. Buy nuts and seeds whole rather than chopped, ground or shelled, as nut kernels become rancid more quickly. When purchasing nuts and seeds, pay attention to their color. Old, rancid fruits usually have a yellowish tint.

Mushrooms are the most valuable food. Mushrooms belong to the class of spore plants. They are quite simple in structure, do not have a green color, do not contain chlorophyll, and do not absorb carbon dioxide. They feed on ready-made organic matter found in the ground or other substrate. Mushrooms are the most valuable food. Proteins, fats, carbohydrates, various mineral salts and vitamins play an important role in human nutrition. These substances are found in mushrooms. In terms of element content, edible mushrooms differ significantly from other products of plant origin. They contain no vegetable starch at all. Carbohydrates in mushrooms include glycogen and sugar.

Chocolate is an exquisite pleasure! Chocolate has been known for five hundred years, but it still remains a mysterious product. Along with a large number of calories, chocolate contains a whole pharmacy of useful substances and microelements. Everyone knows well that chocolate is indispensable for relieving fatigue, hunger and even getting rid of stress. Research by the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences has shown that special essential oils that make up chocolate can effectively protect our blood vessels from cholesterol. They prevent the deposition of fats and lime on the walls of blood vessels and arteries. And this is just one of a number of surprising discoveries recently. The antioxidants found in chocolate may help fight cancer, as cocoa contains twice as many antioxidants as red wine and three times as much as green tea.

Honey is rich in minerals. Of course, honey is not just a delicacy, it is a very valuable medicine and means of prevention. Honey contains the entire periodic table, it contains everything that our body needs in the most suitable form for absorption, so honey has no equal among medicines. And if you add, for example, pollen or healthy fruits and nuts to it, you can get powerful medicines for many diseases. Even if you are practically healthy, but you know the weak points of your body, purchase or prepare your own honey - with the additive that is beneficial for you. Take 1–2 teaspoons of it every day on an empty stomach with water at room temperature. But remember that you should not dilute honey in hot liquid - this will destroy the valuable substances in it. Of course, all these tips do not apply to those who are allergic to honey.

...without water and neither here nor there Water is the only liquid on Earth that has special physical and chemical properties. Water molecules easily break down into ions - positively charged hydrogen (H+) and negatively charged hydroxyl (OH-). It is these ions that determine the spatial structure of proteins, lipids, nucleic acids and other organic substances. The polarity of molecules gives water the ability to dissolve various substances: mineral salts, simple alcohols, sugars, etc. That is why water serves as a medium where numerous chemical reactions take place, which together create life. The beneficial properties of water are known to everyone, and it is thanks to them that water has become firmly established in the daily diet. On average, a person should drink 8 glasses every day, which is about 2 liters.

Healthy eating!


What is healthy eating? With the help of a healthy diet, many health problems can be resolved in their initial stages. A balanced diet is the key to health and beauty!

Olga Artemyeva
Presentation “Healthy Eating”

Dear Colleagues! Problem health preschooler is at risk. And the reason for this is modern products nutrition, which have a detrimental effect on the child’s fragile body. Modern food "fast food"(English, which means a dish prepared for a quick meal. These products nutrition filled the shelves of many stores. The number of diseases in children is growing every year. And the problem is becoming more and more acute. Lately, I see children who happily eat not only chips and crackers, but also disposable noodles "Rolton" or "Dosherak". It is clear that the problem is with health It arose not in a month, but after some time. Therefore, the idea arose to introduce children to those products nutrition, from which they will benefit, that is health. I present to your attention presentation on this topic.

1slide. Today we will talk about the right nutrition. To always be healthy.

2slide. Vitamins are substances necessary for health. Vitamins from food enter the bloodstream and strengthen our muscles and bones.

3 slide. Guys, you already know that if a person eats junk food, he begins to develop various diseases of the stomach and intestines. Sometimes you even need the help of a doctor.

4 slide. So, tell me harmful foods that people, especially young children, should not consume. (Children express their guess)

Coca-Cola, due to its phosphoric acid content, destroys teeth and washes calcium salts out of bones, destroys our nervous system, and leads to various diseases. It is better not to drink such a terrible drink at all, even on holidays.

5 slide. Look at the screen. What do you see? That's right, chips and crackers, are they healthy? (Children's answers)

In order for the chips to be tasty and crispy and to be stored for a long time, a huge amount of chemicals are added to them. And among other things, the flavor enhancer is monosodium glutamate. Bright, beautiful packaging attracts your attention. But this product is addictive, food addiction. A person gets used to this product very quickly and can no longer be forced to eat regular potatoes. He wants chips!

Interestingly, the manufacturer of one of the largest and most popular brands of chips is a CHEMICAL concern. By the way, let's try to set fire to one chip just for fun. (The teacher sets fire to one chip)

What happened to her? Of course it's burning, because it's all soaked in oil. But notice how it smokes and smells unpleasant. And this is what people eat.

Let's talk about crackers. At first glance, there is nothing wrong with them. Crackers are dried bread. And an original Russian product. But generously sprinkled with flavorings, preservatives, leavening agents, separators, modern crackers have acquired new unsafe properties.

Swedish scientists have identified dangerous carcinogens in crackers and chips.

It is known to damage the nervous system and cause abdominal tumors. Guys, these are very terrible diseases. And it’s better for you and me not to get sick! Ask your mothers to dry pieces of bread or loaf in the oven, these will not only be the most delicious crackers, but also healthy.

6 slide. Food helps you guys grow. Food gives you the energy you need.

A child’s growing body needs energy for the functioning of the brain and nerves.

Nutrition affects a person's appearance. Healthy hair shine is the first sign of the right nutrition. Just like hair, nails and skin require the consumption of vitamins and proteins, their condition depends on the correct human nutrition.

Slide 7 Look guys at this picture, it's called a pyramid nutrition. Pyramid nutrition or food pyramid - a schematic representation of the principles healthy eating, developed by nutritionists. Let's see what we need to eat and in what quantity. Foods that make up the base of the pyramid should be eaten as often as possible, while foods at the top of the pyramid should be avoided or consumed in limited quantities.

8 slide. But not always eating right, the person can stay healthy. And the reason for this, look at the screen, is microbes.

Slide 9 I'm reading a poem.

10 slide. Microbes enter our body along with dirty vegetables and fruits, poorly cooked meat or fish, low-quality and expired products. Germs are found on dirty hands and a handkerchief that a person has already blown their nose into.

11 slide. So, guys, let's talk about how we can get rid of these harmful microbes? (Children's answers)

12 slide. Well done, right. We must keep our body clean. Wash your hands with soap and more than once. Use disposable wipes. And of course, wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly.

Slide 13 Slide 14 Slide 15 Guys, we have received letters. The postman brought it to us today. Let's read who they are from. I read and look at fruits and vegetables that contain these vitamins with my children. So, this letter is from vitamins.

Slide 14 And this is a letter from the girl Masha, that’s what she wrote to us. I'm reading.

Slide 15 And I’m reading this letter from Sovunya.

16 slide. Guys, what is shown on the screen? (Scales).

That's right, scales. What do you think they are showing us? (Children reason).

Today we received a lot of letters. And Vitamins, and Masha, and Sovunya offer us to understand what is harmful for our health, and what is useful and make your choice.

Well, guys, our lesson has come to an end. Today we learned a lot about the benefits and harms nutrition. I really want you all to be healthy, which means ate right. Goodbye.