Divorce buzovy last. Divorce of Olga Buzova: what this “ideal marriage” really was. Dmitry Tarasov told why he divorced Olga Buzova: The main reason for the separation of the "tarabuziki"

One of the versions is the betrayal of Dmitry Tarasov.

For four years, Olga Buzova, host of Doma-2, spoke in numerous interviews about her ideal marriage with football player Dmitry Tarasov. A chic wedding, holidays in expensive hotels, constant surprises to each other, vows of allegiance in front of millions of subscribers on social networks. The marriage seemed perfect. To the question of our magazine: “But there are no perfect marriages?” Olya, who unconditionally believed her husband, answered that she could have been jealous before: “When Dima left, the thought might have arisen: what if he goes somewhere in the evening ... And now there is one hundred percent trust between us, thanks to which a sense of inner peace has appeared. If it is, then there is no conflict. When a wife not only loves her husband, but can also trust him 100 percent, this is the result of working on relationships.”

Version 1. Probably, the couple has ill-wishers who initiated the appearance of compromising evidence on Tarasov on social networks. The 29-year-old midfielder of the Moscow Lokomotiv is an enviable groom for many hunters for rich husbands. The evidence is very doubtful: an anonymous source said that allegedly Dmitry often goes to nightclubs, where he spends time with girls ...

Recall that another host of "House-2" Ksenia Borodina recently quarreled with her husband because of anonymous denunciations on social networks about her husband's infidelities. Because of this, Borodina and Omarov even parted for several months. But Kurban Omarov was able to prove to Ksenia Borodina that he was honest with his wife and even agreed to be tested on a lie detector.

Buzova is now very worried. Today Olga published a poem on Instagram that reflects her emotional state at the moment. Fans believe that this is an appeal to her husband. “You know, the Angels get tired one day. From someone's lies, betrayal and pain. From the promises you make. To contain which, you do not have the will. From petty humiliating insults, from bitter tears that are hidden behind a smile, from long expectations in silence, which torments with terrible torture ... "

Many of them hope for a quick reconciliation of the couple, others want to quickly forget about the pain and meet new love. “Olechka! Everything passes, this too will pass!”, “Forget like a bad dream and move on to your dream! You will have everything!”, “You are a wonderful person! We see how your girls from the project, your girlfriends, your relatives love you for your kind heart!

Photo: instagram.com

Version 2. Buzova’s sister Anna published touching hashtags in support of Olga: “We will take out # my blood # always near # just not to break # just not to answer # ignore to the last #” This made fans assume that this was not an easy spat. Perhaps Olga received more serious evidence of her husband's infidelity than allegations.

Version 3. Domestic quarrel. Surrounded by a couple, there are people who claim that the problems arose due to the accumulated claims against each other. Tarasov is now in a difficult period - he was injured, of course, this is reflected in the emotional state of the athlete.

Version 4:

Psychic and tarot reader Anna Romanova, at our request, made a forecast for the couple Buzova and Tarasov: “In the relationship between Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov, indeed, difficult times have now come. The quick-tempered nature and hidden jealousy of the strong-willed Olga opposes the desire to be unconditionally recognized as the leader by Dmitry. The insight and wit of a man in this union is against the vulnerability and fragility of a woman.

Practicality in choosing a partner for Olga to increase her status could harm the spiritual connection of the spouses in their family life. However, realizing the possibility of parting, Olga, for sure, will make every effort to maintain these relationships. She is one of those who values ​​her duties as a wife and sees herself as a worthy mother. Thanks to the unique qualities of self-control and discipline, she is able to maintain relationships, with a strong desire to be close to her spouse and sincere love. Dmitry, being a person resistant to trials, is ready to endure difficulties in relationships, but the most important guarantee of his devotion will be the absolute trust and compliance of his woman.

Olga is self-aware, but her habit of working to the limit of her strength can jeopardize or significantly delay motherhood due to health problems. And frequent physical overload at Dmitry’s work will prevent both of them from focusing on strengthening relationships in the sexual and spiritual field of a young family.”

The Russians had just recovered from the news of how they faced a new scourge. The well-known TV presenter and Lokomotiv midfielder claim the title of "divorce of the year" within the CIS countries. The upcoming divorce of Tarasov and Buzova caused a wave of discussion among fans and haters of the couple.

Let's restore the chronology of events.

Love story

Roman Buzova and Tarasov began not without public discussion. For Dmitry, the marriage with the ex-participant of "House-2" was the second. With his first wife, former gymnast Oksana Ponomarenko, he divorced after meeting his future second wife.

Dmitry and Olga met in a restaurant. Buzova's accusations that she allegedly took her husband away from the family were not long in coming. But the football player made an official statement: the divorce had been brewing for a long time, and the prerequisites for it arose long before he met Olga. In general, relations with the ex-wife are tense. Angelina Tarasov communicates little with his daughter from his first marriage.

Buzova and Tarasov regularly participate in photo shoots

Buzova and Tarasov registered their marriage in 2012.


Coverage of personal life occupies a certain niche in the history of relations between Buzova and Tarasov. Olga - very. The TV presenter regularly published photos with her lover, creating her own hashtags. #my my and #gibberish.

It was the lack of fresh joint pictures that aroused suspicion among the couple's fans. Moreover, on his page on the social network, who underwent nose surgery, he thanked his mother for caring, but did not say a word about his wife:

“Thank you mommy and everyone who supported me.”

The last joint photo was posted by Olga on October 10th. The poem quoted by Buzova on November 1 also causes concern. In the photo, she is dressed in a white flying dress, and the comment says about pain, betrayal and broken promises.

About the divorce of Buzova and Tarasov say their posts on Instagram


The first indirect confirmation of the upcoming divorce of Buzova and Tarasov was the comment of Dmitry himself. To questions from journalists:

“Olya loves to comment on everything, so call her. And I will comment on it right after it.

Olga has so far refrained from commenting, unlike her friends. So, she herself got into the media tapes because of her husband, a photo of Buzova with the caption:

"If you have a heart, if you have something to do besides washing the bones, leave it alone, everything is fine."

Another colleague at Dom-2, in addition to words of support, spoke about his version of the reasons for the gap:

“Maybe their relationship has lost its freshness to some extent. At one time they wrote that Dimka could cheat on her - well, it's a young thing. In general, he is a rather rude and ill-mannered person.

The last joint photos of Buzova and Tarasov

The Federation Council is even connected to the proceedings in the relations of the domestic star couple. Concerned fans sent a petition to the senator with a request to reason with Buzova and Tarasov. To this the politician replied succinctly:

“I think that Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov will sort it out themselves. Let's not disturb them. I want them to save their families."

Reasons for the divorce of Buzova and Tarasov

The fact of the divorce of Buzova and Tarasov has not been confirmed, but it is known for certain that something is wrong in the family. In addition, on November 2, Olga was published without a wedding ring. The media and ardent fans tirelessly put forward new versions of discord.

1. Absence of children

It was the possible reluctance of 30-year-old Olga Buzova at this stage in her life to have children that the media dubbed the first reason for divorce. Until now, this version has not been confirmed by anyone. And earlier the media reported about Olga.

2. Adultery

Such an assumption was put forward at least by Rustam Solntsev. The fact of infidelity is also not confirmed, but deserves attention as one of the most common causes of divorce. A number of media outlets report that Tarasov allegedly cheated on his wife during frequent business trips.

3. Incompatibility

According to Olga's former lover, with whom she sparkled on the screen for three years as a participant in the television project, the problem lies in the choice of " a few rude men».

“Olya is drawn to those in order to remain airy herself. She doesn't like to make decisions. She loves it when someone opens doors for her, and she solemnly enters them.

But then, according to Roman, at some point a man just gets tired, he gets bored».

4. PR

Not so long ago, Olga Buzova presented her autobiographical book The Price of Happiness. In it, she talks about the difficulties she had to face on the way to overwhelming success. It also touches on the history of relations with the spouse.

Buzova's book "The Price of Happiness"

But even if the divorce of Tarasov and Buzova is black PR, the couple's fans are unlikely to be disappointed with the preservation of the family.

The well-known TV presenter Olga Buzova and Lokomotiv midfielder Dmitry Tarasov claim the title of "divorce of the year 2016" within the CIS countries.
A couple of Buzova and Tarasov were considered one of the strongest and one of the most harmonious in Russian show business.
Many envied their relationship.
Celebrity friends also thought their marriage was perfect.
In 2016 the couple celebrated the linen wedding magnificently, and in the same year they decided to get a divorce with scandals.
November 29, 2016 Olga put an end to the relationship and filed for divorce.

“The granddaughter is kind, gentle, vulnerable,” the grandmother of the star, Tamara Buzova, tells StarHit. - Even at the wedding, I went up to Dima and asked: “Just don’t offend her. My husband and I lived together for 51 years - I wish you the same long family happiness! But, apparently, not fate.
The husband was not at all interested in Olya's work, he could not find the right words when something did not work out, but she needed them so much.
Olga, on the contrary, devoted herself to him. When Tarasov was injured, she was ready to go with him anywhere for treatment, to cancel everything, just to be there.
She said: "Dima is good with me."
The granddaughter said that Dima asked for children, this topic was raised. But Olya wanted to pursue a career.
I advised to stop, build a house, give birth to a baby, and then continue to climb the career ladder. But she answered that she was not ready for children.

Everyone in the star couple has their own fans who consider their favorite to be right and blame the other half for everything.
Olga and Dmitry also each have their own truth.

What was their union really like, and what was always left behind the scenes of an ideal love story, the stars will tell us.


Initial data.
Buzova Olga. 01/20/1986 Leningrad. TV presenter.
Tarasov Dmitry. 03/18/1987 Moscow. Lokomotiv footballer.
Marriage 06/26/2012 Moscow.
Divorce 12/30/2016 Moscow
Olga in an interview positions herself as a Capricorn
Sun 0° Aquarius from 11:47.
So, if you believe these words, then Olga was born before 11:47.
Sun 30° Capricorn
Moon 27° Taurus
Venus 0° Aquarius
Mars 23° Scorpio
Jupiter 23° Aquarius
Saturn 8° Sagittarius
Pluto 8° Scorpio
Lilith 25° Taurus

Sun 28° Pisces
Moon If born before 8:57 25 - 29° Libra; Then Moon 1-9° Scorpio
Venus 18° Aquarius
Mars 18° Taurus
Jupiter 4° Aries
Saturn 22° Sagittarius
Pluto 10° Scorpio
Lilith 12° Cancer

Detailed analysis of the horoscope of marriage.
Blocks of interaction between people:
1. Conflict.
2. Sexual, sensual, physiological compatibility.
3. Psychological. non-sexual compatibility.
4. Gender, behavioral compatibility between a man and a woman.
5. Mutual understanding.
6. The seal of Happiness and the seal of Unhappiness in relations between partners.

1. Conflict.

Conflicting planets: Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto in tense aspects.
Conflict or non-conflict personalities?
Mars 23° Scorpio
Jupiter 23° Aquarius
Saturn 8° Sagittarius
Pluto 8° Scorpio
Mars-Jupiter square
Conclusion: Conflict is within the normal range.
Will always be able to maintain prudence in possible acute situations.

Mars 18° Taurus
Jupiter 4° Aries
Saturn 21° Sagittarius
Pluto 10° Scorpio
Conclusion: No conflict.

Conflict or non-conflict union Olga + Dmitry?
(m) - man, (g) - woman, * - individually excited planet.
Olga + Dmitry:
Opposition * Mars (w) - Mars (m)
Square * Jupiter (w) - Mars (m)
Conjunction Pluto (g) - Pluto (m)

Mars - Mars. When irritated, Mars is dynamic, expansive, quick to act, and tends to physically hurt and hurt.

Mars - Jupiter. An explosive type of interaction with a very loud and noisy manifestation - breaking dishes, slamming doors, shouting and blaming, and, if possible, using firearms. At the same time, Mars (m) tries to cause pain and cause physical damage, and Jupiter (g) strives for sound and light effects, organizing a maximum of noise and scandalous manifestations.

Pluto - Pluto. At the same age. Diktat. Everyone will try to insist on his own, dictate and assert his will.
Conclusion: The type of relationship is conflict.

Quarrels in the family of "gibberish" happened, but usually remained behind the scenes.
“Somehow I witnessed their everyday conversation when I stopped by to shoot Dom-2,” showman Rustam Solntsev shares with StarHit. - Dima came for his wife to take her to the event. Olya, of course, brought beauty, for a long time she picked up jewelry for the dress. Dima at some point could not stand it and began to shout at her, to rush. And all this with friends and acquaintances. Olya even had to apologize later for her husband’s behavior.”

“He constantly didn’t like something,” Andrey, a friend of Buzova, tells StarHit. - Either unwashed dishes in the sink, then things are scattered. It is clear that both are busy people, from morning to night at work - one on the set, the other on the football field. But Dima sometimes literally lost his temper, made a scandal out of the blue, despite the fact that he saw how tired his wife came.
Sometimes Tarasov, focused on training, forgot about family dates, so important for Olga. “It was customary for them to celebrate different anniversaries,” a friend of the “gibberish” Sveta says to StarHit. - For Buzova, this was an occasion to exchange intricate presents, to spend a romantic evening ... Once on a holiday, she could not get through to Dima. It turns out that after training, he decided to call on a friend, forgetting that his wife was waiting at home. Olya was upset. Tarasov, of course, rushed - but on the way he managed to buy only flowers. And there were so many such cases that I can’t remember everything. ”

Conclusion: From the point of view of conflict, the union is not successful.

2. Sexual, sensual, physiological compatibility.
Sexual planets: Moon and Venus male and Sun and Mars female.
Sun 30° Capricorn - 1° Aquarius
Mars 23° Scorpio


Venus 18° Aquarius

Square Moon (m) - Sun (w)
The time of birth of both is unknown. If we take the time of 12:00, then Olga has the Sun in Aquarius, and Dmitry has the Moon in Libra.
But maybe on this day Dmitry has the Moon in Scorpio, and Olga may have her Sun in Capricorn.
Hence, there are possible options for the interaction of the elements in this aspect.

Olga in an interview positions herself as a Capricorn. Then we look at the options:
Square Moon in Libra (m) - Sun in Capricorn (g) Air - Earth
Square Moon in Scorpio (m) - Sun in Capricorn (g) Water - Earth

Air is Earth. The lyrics are not complimentary.
Water - Earth. Earth, having a high sexual need combined with restraint, easily responds to the calls of the water element, but characterizes the slow development of excitement.

The square gives African passion. In younger years, this can fuel mutual attraction, despite the possible lack of harmony in the elements.
But all the same, this is sexual disharmony and it can eventually lead to a complete cessation of sexual relations, and this may not happen at all at retirement age.

The moon in the cosmogram, in the absence of data on the time of birth, is very unreliable in terms of its location.

But there is an aspect that does not raise doubts in terms of the coordinates of the planets participating in it:

Venus square in Aquarius (m) - Mars in Scorpio (w)
Air - Water. The elements are not complimentary and one more square.

A colleague at Dom-2, Rustam Solntsev, in addition to words of support, spoke about his version of the reasons for the gap:
“Maybe their relationship has lost its freshness to some extent. At one time they wrote that Dimka could cheat on her - well, it's a young thing. In general, he is a rather rude and ill-mannered person.

Conclusion: Passionate and inharmonious relationships cannot be long-term.

3. Psychological. non-sexual compatibility.
Moon, Venus.

Moon 27° Taurus
Venus 1° Aquarius

Moon 25° Libra - 9° Scorpio
Venus 18° Aquarius

Throughout the day (assuming that Olga is Capricorn) there is either a lack of psychological aspects or the Square of the Moon (m) - Venus (f)

According to Olga's former lover Roman Tretyakov, with whom she was still a member of the Dom-2 television project for three years, the problem lies in choosing "somewhat rude men."
“Olya is drawn to those in order to remain airy herself. She doesn't like to make decisions. She loves it when someone opens doors for her, and she solemnly enters them.
But then, according to Roman, "at some point a man just gets tired, he gets bored."

Conclusion: There is no special kindness, emotional attraction, care and attention, as well as sympathy, tenderness, affection and sympathy. But all this does not lead to serious contradictions and breaks in relations, although it darkens the psychological atmosphere.

4. Mutual understanding.
The sun of both.
Sun 30° Capricorn or 0° Aquarius

Sun 27° Pisces

Sextile Sun (w) - Sun (m).

Statistics data:
Aquarius women with Pisces men - 31% of divorces - an unstable union
Capricorn women with Pisces men - no data % of divorces
Conclusion: There is mutual understanding, a common view of the world, a similar philosophy.
But, if Olga is Aquarius, then statistically the union is still not stable.

5. Gender, behavioral compatibility between a man and a woman.
The interaction of the male planets of a man - the Sun and Mars with the female planets of a woman - the Moon and Venus.
Moon 27° Taurus
Venus 1° Aquarius

Sun 28° Pisces
Mars 18° Taurus

Sextile Moon (w) - Sun (m)
Sextile Venus (w) – Sun (m)
Sextile - are perceived by others as a harmonious couple that make up a single whole.
Each of the spouses is satisfied with the external data of his partner, they like each other like a man and a woman.
There is a harmony of mutual behavior - complementarity of appearance and behavior, consistency in movements, external manifestations of care and attention to each other without mutual physical attraction.
A woman allows a man to reveal his best masculine qualities - masculinity, masculine behavior, in her presence he becomes not a boy, but a husband, he feels macho.
He reveals this woman and allows her to show her truly feminine features, realize her ideas about taste and beauty and help her achieve perfection in this. A woman in the presence of this man blossoms like a flower and looks like the embodiment of femininity.

Conclusion: Olga and Dmitry seem to be a wonderful married couple.

6. The seal of happiness and the seal of unhappiness in relations between partners. Significantly affects the entire sphere of relationships.
In terms of its significance, it is comparable to the block responsible for conflict.
Sun 30° Capricorn or 0° Aquarius
Moon 27° Taurus
Jupiter 23° Aquarius
Saturn 8° Sagittarius

Sun 28° Pisces
Moon 25° Libra - 9° Scorpio
Jupiter 4° Aries
Saturn 22° Sagittarius

Seal of Happiness:
For Olga, the double seal of Happiness:
Sextile Jupiter (m) - Sun (w)
Sextile Jupiter (m) - Moon (w)
Dmitry's Jupiter has a healing effect on Olga's state of mind (on the Moon).
In addition, Jupiter Dmitry gives a boost of vivacity, energy and optimism to Olga (in the Sun).

For Dmitry, the seal of Happiness, if his birth was before 10:50:
Sextile Jupiter (w) - Moon (m)
Olga's Jupiter has a healing effect on Dmitry's state of mind (on the Moon).

If you think only about the good, then Happiness is mutual. Both partners support each other and contribute to the social success and empowerment of each.
In the worst case, only Olga experiences happiness from marriage.

Seal of Misfortune- No.

Conclusion: Despite the high level of conflict in the union, it is very difficult for Olga to part with her partner, and in fact, with her happiness.
If for Dmitry there is no such feeling of happiness in marriage with Olga, then only high interpersonal conflict remains in his family.

The marriage lasted four years.
What contributed to the marriage.
one). The absence of the seal of Misfortune.
2). A double seal of Happiness for Olga and possibly a seal of Happiness for Dimitri.
3). Understanding.
four). Gender compatibility.

Reasons why the marriage was short-lived.
one). Dynamite was originally laid in the foundation of marriage in the form of high conflict, which eventually worked in the form of an explosion and led to a break in relations, although the individual conflict of both is normal and for some time it allowed the spouses to remain adequate in conflicts.
2). There is no long-term sexual compatibility, because sexual relationships built only on passion quickly become obsolete.
3). There is no psychological compatibility. Therefore, it is not necessary to talk about a friendly atmosphere in marriage.

“Everyone, most likely, had different paths and different fates.” Dmitry Tarasov

Write a comment

    Olga, Ireland

    Thank you for this article, Galina, giving additional information to understand my situation as well.

Shown to fans on the Web, in fact, it was a banal game for the public. Why? Yulia Isaeva, an ex-participant of the scandalous reality TV, told about the real reasons for the divorce of a TV presenter and a football player House 2 where Buzova works. The girl's words are shocking...

The truth about the divorce of Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov surfaced

As Isaeva stated in private correspondence, "the princess of show business", being married to Tarasov, often cheated on him. The star had many lovers, one of them is the Russian rapper T-Killah. The ex-participant of the television set also emphasized that the key to Buzova’s successful career is that she “gave it right to everyone on House 2″.

Yulia Isaeva spoke about the divorce of Buzova and Tarasova

Yulia Isaeva is sure that the real reason for the separation of Dmitry Tarasov was not at all the rampant lifestyle of the TV presenter, as reported in the media. “She infected Tarasov, so they parted ... Therefore, he took everything from her, but allowed the press to make himself a victim,” said Yulia. But she refused to specify what kind of disease the footballer picked up from her former lover.

Unexpected details of the divorce of Buzova and Tarasov

Screenshots of private whatsapp-Yulia Isaeva's correspondence about divorce was published on Telegram-channel Skin Market. The topic of discussion was "buying" a girl for the weekend. Ex-participant of reality House 2 will accompany the rider Formula 1 at a social event. Judging by the correspondence, she has already sent him several spicy photos, as well as copies of the passport and visas.

Watch the video about how Dmitry Tarasov humiliated Olga Buzova on social networks:

Recall that earlier Clutch wrote that Yulia Isaeva, who became famous for participating in the Dom-2 project, spoke about a sexual relationship with comedian Mikhail Galustyan. The former participant of the television set never hid that she was engaged in the provision of escort services. Moreover, the girl actively helps her friends to find "jobs". It is not known exactly when Isaeva became an escort, however, quite famous personalities are found in the list of the names of her clients. Read the details about all this in ours.

Today, December 30, Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov have become free people who are no longer held together. Why the couple broke up in an instant, which seemed ideal to the public (which fans affectionately called "gibberish"), is still unknown.


In the course of discussions on the Internet, several versions were put forward. They said that Tarasov was cheating on Buzova, and her patience finally snapped. Others claimed that Dmitry dreamed of a family, but Olga did not want to give birth to a child, but was exclusively engaged in a career. And here the patience of the football player has already burst.

Someone whispered to reporters that the host of the infamous reality show Dom-2 had health problems, which is why she failed to give birth. Olga herself indirectly confirmed the information about ill health.

A short appeared on the web video, on which Buzova was captured by her friend named Denis. During the conversation, Olga, with barely restrained tears, said that she understood one thing - "we are needed when we are healthy," so she wished all the viewers good health.

Photo posted by Olga Buzova (@buzova86) Dec 29 2016 at 7:14 PST

One can only imagine with what mood Olga Buzova will meet the New Year. Earlier, the presenter summed up the results of the outgoing year. Buzova made several conclusions, and they all turned out to be disappointing. "This year has taught me how to fix my own heart, how to reassemble myself piece by piece, how to cope without the people you thought would be in your life for a long, long time. This year has taught me that no one is truly you that you need to deal with everything yourself. No one will put you back on your feet, except yourself, "Olga wrote on her page on the social network.