Recommendations for creating a portfolio for a preschooler. Templates. Download your portfolio for free. Portfolio to order. Preschooler's portfolio. Sample Portfolio for kindergarten view ready-made

Recently, in many preschool institutions it is necessary to create an individual portfolio for a child. For most uninformed moms, even the word itself evokes fear, let alone the fact that they don't know how to create it. We'll tell you for the girl so she doesn't have to blush.

Why do you need a kindergarten portfolio for a girl?

A portfolio is a collection of works, photographs, awards that provide information about a person’s successes and achievements. In the context of a preschool institution, a portfolio is an individual piggy bank that indicates how successful your child is in a particular activity, what he can do, what he is interested in, and how he is developing. In a way, a portfolio is an incentive to develop interest in other activities, increase a child’s self-esteem, and also a way of self-knowledge. In addition, a children's portfolio for a girl can become a collection of positive emotions and joyful memories.

How to create a portfolio for a girl?

First of all, it should be said that you need to create a portfolio together with your daughter, so that she feels responsible for the project and interest in it. Don't worry that the girl will quickly lose desire for him. To do this, you should create a portfolio for the girl that is colorful and bright, so that the child will be interested, just like with a picture book.

First you need to decide on the style of your future portfolio. It is best to turn to your daughter’s favorite fairy tale or cartoon characters. The general theme will have to run like a red thread through all its sections.

  • title page;
  • section “Portrait” or “My World”;
  • “How I grow and develop”;
  • "My achievements"
  • "My hobbies";
  • "My impressions";
  • wishes and reviews;
  • content.
  1. The design of the title page should be done carefully, since it is the face of the entire work. On it you need to indicate the child’s first and last name, date of birth, name and number of the kindergarten. It wouldn’t hurt to paste a photo of the girl.
  2. The “My World” section provides extensive information about the child. Talk to your daughter about what she wants to demonstrate about herself. Here the meaning of the baby’s name, a horoscope are usually indicated, the family is described (the names of relatives and their professions are given), and a . In addition, the child can talk about his first friends and their hobbies. It wouldn’t be amiss to describe the kindergarten and group where the girl goes. At the end of the section, you can provide information about your hometown, its attractions and symbols. The section must be accompanied by photographs and descriptions.
  3. In the “How I grow and develop” section, you can place a graph showing the dynamics of growth. It consists of two scales - “height in cm” and “age by years”. Material about the child’s first steps, words, and interesting phrases will also be interesting. Be sure to include the funniest photos in the section, including those from different birthdays.
  4. The “My Achievements” section usually demonstrates diplomas or certificates that the girl received for participating in competitions and competitions in kindergarten, sports school, or club.
  5. A preschooler's portfolio for a girl cannot help but communicate her favorite activities. The “My Hobbies” section should reflect what is so close to the child’s heart - drawing, modeling, dancing, appliqué, etc. Ideally, you should attach photographs of crafts and photographs of the child in the process of work to the section. The girl can describe her favorite games with friends on the playground, in kindergarten, with her brothers and sisters.
  6. Material about visiting other cities, museums, theaters, participating in hikes, and summer vacations can be found in the “My impressions” section.
  7. In the “Suggestions and Feedback” section, blank pages are left for teachers and other parents to fill out.
  8. The work ends with the “Contents” section.

A children's portfolio can be made manually, or you can download a ready-made template on the Internet. The main thing is that its creation brings pleasure to both – mother and child.

Elena Krivonosova

In our kindergarten we decided to start working on creating a child's portfolio from an early age group, involving parents in the work. At the beginning of the year, teacher Yanina I.I. held a parent meeting. The teacher showed the finished sample child's portfolio graduate and, in order to interest parents, explained the essence of the work step by step.

Very important in designing a portfolio is that after graduating from kindergarten, child receives a book-story about himself. And if in older preschool age more information comes from the teacher, then at an early age an invaluable service is provided to oneself and one’s to kid parents themselves provide information, preparing it, helping the teacher with photographs from his personal archive, stories about child.

At a meeting of the early childhood group, it was decided to carry out such work throughout the year. This work has made teachers and parents very friendly. A common interest united them into one team. By the end of the year this was the result portfolio, where you can trace the dynamics of mental and physical development baby in the first junior group. It was decided to continue the work in subsequent groups.

We present to your attention a sample of one of portfolio. Watch, join, comment, send your ideas if you have experience in similar work.

It's no secret that maintaining a portfolio is encouraged in kindergartens. Now it has become not only fashionable, but also necessary to create a portfolio for kindergarten immediately when children enter kindergarten!
The portfolio of a child aged 3, 4, 5 is a kind of piggy bank of your child’s successes in the main areas of his development.
The criteria that are presented in the approximate basic general education programs “Istoki” (M., 2011), “From birth to school” (M., 2010) have been revised in accordance with the Federal state requirements for compulsory general education programs for preschool institutions.

Maintaining a portfolio will help you establish a closer relationship with your child, spend more time together, create an atmosphere of common interests, and you will be able to timely celebrate your child’s successes and maintain interest in various activities in the following areas:
— social and personal development,
- cognitive and speech development,
- physical development,
- artistic and aesthetic development.
You will help your child develop a tool for self-knowledge “What I am” and gain experience that will be useful to you in the future.
The portfolio will be useful to parents, tutors, teachers, and most importantly - to the kids themselves!
In your portfolio you can include the best drawings, photographs of crafts, observations, notes about your child’s vocabulary, and his growing skills.

What will the kindergarten portfolio look like?

A kindergarten portfolio must certainly be colorful and bright. Ideally, it will become both a child’s favorite “picture book” and a source of pride.
Explain to your child what kind of “magic book” you are starting to collect together and why. There is no need to be afraid that the child “will not understand” or “will quickly grow cold.”
He will understand! From the age of 3, all children, without exception, love bright books.
It won't cool down! The book about yourself is the most interesting. She will “receive with delight” all creative works, will pay “special attention” to amazing fantasies, and after a while she will “lovingly remind” you of “how little you were just a year ago!”

Title page

A title page for a Kindergarten Portfolio is practically the same as a beautiful suit for a holiday. This is a kind of face of the whole work. Taking the folder in hand and looking at the title page, teachers or your friends already form a first opinion not only about the baby, but sometimes about the entire family who took part in the preparation of the portfolio.
The title page of a kindergarten portfolio should not be overloaded with information. There will be many interesting pages inside for her, where everything can be painted colorfully and meaningfully. But by looking at the work even briefly, the viewer should glean information about who is the owner of such a weighty, luxurious folder, how old he is and where he lives or studies. Of course, it would be nice if next to this laconic information there is a photo of the owner of the children’s portfolio.
Many people prefer to draw up the first sheet on the computer, although the child wants to contribute his or her part to the creation of this document. Can a little sun, which was drawn with great care and love, spoil the title page? Let him also take part in the creative process, then the child will feel that he, like his mother, can be proud of the beautifully designed folder, because he also drew in it.

Section 1. “My world” (“Portrait”, “Meet me!”)

Here you can place any information that is interesting and important for the child.

– My name (information about what the name means, why the parents chose this name; if the child has a rare or interesting surname, you can explain what it means), you can give the meaning of character and predispositions according to the horoscope.

– My baptismal name (if a child has been baptized, he is often given a middle name that corresponds to his religion)

– My family (here you can tell the name of your mother, father, brothers, sisters, grandparents, or place a drawing of your family tree)

– My friends (photos of friends, information about their interests, hobbies)

– Where I live (tell about your hometown, its interesting places in photographs and descriptions)

– My kindergarten (tell me which kindergarten and group the child goes to)

Section 2 – “My favorite activities and games.”

— What do we do with mom (grandmother, in kindergarten, in a circle, etc.)

— My favorite games at home and in kindergarten (you can talk about the games that the child prefers: cubes, mosaics, children's dominoes, etc.):

– My classes on the early development systems of Montessori, Doman, Zaitsev, Nikitins, Walfdor pedagogy, etc. (you can give an example of several of my favorite classes)

– My favorite books (list the titles and authors of children’s books that the child likes)

– I like to study (list the activities that the child likes: reading, drawing, sculpting, dancing, etc.)

– My walks (outdoor activities and games)

Section 2 – “My holidays”

In this section you can include photographs from birthdays, photographs of holidays in kindergarten: March 8, New Year, etc.

— 4th Birthday

— 5th Birthday

— 6th Birthday

Section 4 – “I am growing”

This section of the Kindergarten Portfolio may include headings:

"Dynamics of physical development"
This section reflects the data of anthropometric measurements. They can be presented in the form of interesting graphs, diagrams, drawings or tables. It is interesting to include here not only information about the child’s height and weight, but also the size of the palm or the outline of the foot.
You can also include photographs of the child on his birthday in this section.

2. My palm (on this page you can trace a child’s palm on his birthday and see how it has grown every year)

"Dynamics of General Development"
(social and personal development, cognitive and speech development).

– Through the mouth of a baby (interesting words, phrases, baby statements)

- I know the letters

– I read at 3, 4, 5 years old (by letters, by syllables, by words)

– My favorite song

– My favorite poem

– I play musical instruments

- I am dancing

- The world around me

– The world is inside me

"Creative Development"

(includes drawings, photographs of creative works, photographs of participation in theatrical productions of the kindergarten or club that the child attends)

Drawings in different genres (watercolor, gouache, pastel, wax crayons, etc.)

Modeling (plasticine, clay, sculpture mass)



Photos of crafts (made from paper, cardboard, natural materials, etc., participation in exhibitions)

Theater productions (list roles, attach photos)

"My records"
Fill this section with certificates or diplomas, of which children in kindergarten receive a lot. To give your child an incentive to try, you can reward him at home for participating in various games or competitions with friends.

It is better to arrange the contents of this section in chronological order.

Information about participation in sports competitions and competitions, holidays and events, etc.

The materials in this block allow you to build a rating of individual results, a rating of achievements, and track the dynamics of changes in learning outcomes.

Section 5 – “My impressions”

Information about visiting a theater, exhibition, museum, hike, excursion.

My travels

My discoveries

My excursions

Impressions of visiting theaters and exhibitions

(in any form)

– Educators

– Parents

– Additional education teachers

Nothing increases a child’s self-esteem more than a teacher’s positive assessment of his efforts. Here you can write a review or wish, perhaps recommendations, both from a teacher and a parent, both based on the results of the school year and on participation in any event.

Memo for preschool teachers on maintaining Portfolios for kindergarten

1. Involving parents to help fill out sections of the portfolio.

2. Portfolio sections should not be numbered, but arranged in random order (optional).

3. The result of the work is dated so that dynamics can be tracked; the corresponding assessment always compares the child’s current work with earlier work.

4. Do not use the portfolio to compare children with each other!!!

6. Viewing of the portfolio by teachers, parents and other students is permitted only with the knowledge and consent of the child to whom the portfolio belongs.

7. The pages of the portfolio must be beautifully designed; the child must understand the importance of the appearance of the document.

8. It is important that at each stage in the process of moving towards the intended goal, the child’s success is recorded, because success is the best incentive for further development

Svetlana Rabinchuk

From work experience "Preschooler's Portfolio"

Compiling a children's portfolio is a very interesting and exciting job. I have been working in this direction for several years. Unfortunately, I do not have photographs of my graduates’ portfolios. But I suggest you look at what we have already done with my current children. Parents play an important role in the process of compiling a portfolio. The parents of my children turned out to be creative people, so our portfolios turn out interesting and different from each other.

"Preschooler's Portfolio"

First you need to purchase colorful folders.

For girls.

For boys.

Folders need to be signed and arranged so that parents have constant access to them

(we placed the folders in the reception group).

Let's start creating a portfolio.

Parents and their children choose style and colorfulness, because a portfolio is not only a “treasury of achievements,” but also a “colorful book.”

These and many other samples of children's portfolios can be downloaded from the Internet.

On the title page you must indicate the child's last name, first name, and date of birth. The start and end date of portfolio collection is also indicated.

Section 1: “What does my name mean?”

Here it is appropriate to place a photo of the child and the meaning of his name.

Section 2: “My friends.”

It is not at all necessary that there be photos of children from kindergarten. After all, every child has communication and friends outside of kindergarten.

Section 3: “My hobbies.”

Photos or verbal descriptions of what children like to do at home.

Section 4: “My favorite books.”

Children love to be read to. And they, of course, have their favorite books and favorite cartoons.

Section 5: “My family.”

Photos of family members (family tree, or general family photo.

Section 6: “Portrait of my child.”

Verbal description of your child's character. It is best, in my opinion, to do this section when entering kindergarten and before leaving school. This way you can see changes in the child’s character.

Section 7: “My achievements.”

This section is intended for various certificates and diplomas of the child.

Section 8: “My creativity.”

This section is the most important for the child. Here you can see his skills and abilities, his successes expressed in productive activities.

In chapter

"My art"

we collect children's works.

All material in the portfolio must be arranged in chronological order, into groups. We only have two so far: nursery and junior.

If parents wish, other sections can be inserted. For example:

Children like to look at their photographs and drawings from time to time. And parents can do this at any time.

We will be adding to our portfolios until the end of kindergarten. And at the graduation party, the children will receive these colorful books of their successes and achievements as a gift.

Thank you for your attention!

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