Happy birthday greetings to an offended friend. Funny birthday greetings for an ex-girlfriend Birthday wishes for an ex's best friend

She may be ex-girlfriend, but this is not a reason not to stock up on wishes and not congratulate the birthday girl? Support a good relationship Maybe with an ex-girlfriend. And show courtesy and attention at least on holidays and birthdays. This is especially useful if you see your ex often (for example, at work). Congratulations to such a person usually do not focus on warm feelings, which are no longer there anyway. Happy Birthday ex-girlfriend It is recommended to spice it up with humor and wit, kind jokes, and funny gifts. This will help defuse any potential tension and awkwardness between the parties. It will be easier to congratulate you competently with our congratulatory website.

You and I share the same past,
There were no people more dear to us.
But you and I decided to deceive fate,
And you and I parted ways.

Now you are my ex-girlfriend
And it’s like an evil blizzard between us.
But I congratulate you anyway
And I wish you to be happy.

Please accept my regards and wishes for success,
I wish you more happiness, more laughter.
Let it be in life more change,
There will be no betrayal and no betrayal.

Let your health not let you down
And the masses are looking forward to traveling as soon as possible.
Emotions will begin to overwhelm you,
Life will remind you of heaven!

Unfortunately, I call you ex,
But I appreciate you and respect you very much.
Let's forget all the grievances and sorrows,
I only want you to be happy

And they were waiting for joy in life.
I want you to be happy
I woke up in the morning,
In luck and fortune, like swimming in the sea.

I believed that life would get better,
May everything work out for you.
You are very beautiful, everyone knows about it,
Let the cool mood never leave you!

Let the festive mood remain,
May you manage to be happy.
Friends will always be there for you
They will not forget to help in difficult times.

Let our relationship not upset you,
Let the future man add joy,
You'll have a great job
There will be a day off every Saturday.

There will be only positive changes,
All things will be very promising.
There is enough wisdom to never be upset,
Everything will always work out for you.

Family will always support
Comfort will surround you, dear person values ​​you.
This birthday will remain in memory
You will like my congratulations!

With you we shared joy and pain,
We trusted our secrets.
But life got in the way, and now you and I
They became former friends.

But I always remember your birthday,
Today I congratulate you.
And happiness, good luck and warmth in the house,
As before, I wish you.

I wish you love and peace in your soul,
And let joy not be superfluous.
I wish you more new friends,
Since the old ones have already become old.

There is time between us, maybe distance,
But the souls of the past days were warmed with warmth.
Listen to my confession
After all, for me you were the best.

Friend, dear, dear,
Even if it’s an ex, but still,
I congratulate you on your birthday,
After all, the memory of you is most precious.

Be happy, don't worry,
Give joy with a simple smile,
May all your roads be easy,
Health, happiness, sincere love!

Let the time of our friendship expire,
But the memory remains in my heart forever.
I really want it to be heartfelt and warm
I sincerely congratulate you today!

Excellent and wonderful person,
Anyone wants to drown in your eyes.
Health, joy, happy life to you.
And may you have enough money for everything!

To have true friends nearby,
And not traitors who don’t keep their word!
New and large acquisitions,
Happy, cheerful and cheerful days!

May we not be so close,
But there were friendships for years,
I remember them not without melancholy,
But nothing lasts forever.

I'm on your birthday
I wish you all the best in the world,
And so that a faithful friend in fate
Suddenly appeared just like that!

So that everyone's dreams come true,
I wish you from my heart,
After all, you are a good man,
Believe me, I know this!

Let it be on this birthday
Everything you dream about
Let sorrows go away
Let the flowers bloom in your soul!

I wish you to smile more often,
To love, to be loved always,
Achieve all goals in life
Easy and simple, without difficulty!

Ah, my friend,
I loved you very much
And now I love you a little
Those slender legs!

You are beautiful and smart
No doubt true
There is also a drawback
But the advantages are countless!

Happy birthday,
I wish you personal happiness,
We'll drink tea with you,

We've been friends with you for so long,
But our paths diverged.
And you can’t return the past,
Don't be offended and forgive.

And on your birthday I wish
More sincere friends!
Charming man
To decorate your leisure time!

How often life dictates plots to us,
And with whom we were friends we are parting,
Time and interests separate us,
And it seems that we will never return!

But back to square one again,
After all, friendship is tested over the years,
And if suddenly by chance we collide,
Let's remain friends, even if we were former friends.

On your birthday, let me congratulate you,
And admire the wondrous beauty,
Leave a heartfelt bouquet on the table,
Give me a heartfelt kiss on the cheek as a souvenir.

A friend, although an ex, but still,
I think we can be friends with you,
Happy birthday today,
I wish you to be the best in the world!

Let life bring pleasant surprises,
Let the bad things go away,
Love to you and friendship, but mutual,
Work and study efficiently!

The flowers of the meadow and the blue sky,
Long-lasting beauty
Let your dreams and plans come true,
And your pockets will be full of money!

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We've been friends with you for so long,
But our paths diverged.
And you can’t return the past,
Don't be offended and forgive.

And on your birthday I wish
More sincere friends!
Charming man
To decorate your leisure time!

Let your eyes shine with bright light
And happiness will not forget the way home,
And if there is a tear in your eye,
Then let it be a tear of happiness!

They say that when a person is born, at that very moment his star lights up in the sky. Which shines through his life until his last breath. On your birthday, I wish that this star helps you in life. So that with her bright light she inspires you to do good deeds. Let its bright light add energy to overcome difficulties. And when there is no one to talk to, just go out, look at the sky, and tell her everything that hurts in your soul. I wish you, if you cry, then only from joy. If you laugh, then only sincerely. If you love, then with all your heart. If you are disappointed, then only in those people who you don’t need around. If you jump, it’s because of happiness. If you dream, then achieve what you want. if you believe, then with all your soul!!!

Happy birthday! I congratulate you with all my heart! I wish you health and happiness! May good luck accompany you in life and work! Always remain as you are. How much positive energy and human dignity you have! Your intuition and charm make you special. You have so many other wonderful qualities. Take care of it all. Always stay the same sincere person! Let life circumstances develop in such a way that this list only grows. I wish you LOVE, Love with a capital letter. Mutual love, pure love, beautiful love and, of course, HAPPY love!

They say how you spend your birthday will be the same for the rest of the year. I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday, on this bright holiday. And I wish that all plans come true one after another. So that there are never gloomy days in your life. And the sun generously pampered you with its rays and warmed your soul. Let only good people meet on your way and add something good to your life. And even if you get lost and don’t know what to do, never give up, but raise your head to heaven and ask your Guardian Angel for help. Believe in miracles and they will come into your life. So celebrate your holiday with great mood, and a smile on your face. And believe that success will definitely come into your life, and take your friend luck with you. Happiness to you on this day, a whole carriage. And many pleasant surprises!!!

So we parted, it’s a shame
But life came up with it for us.
I can't forget yet
The smile of those sweet eyes!

How we talked about everything,
There were no secrets!
But something suddenly happened
And he separated us from business.

I wish the bodywork happiness,
Let your dreams come true!
And even if we are not friends now,
Don't forget about me!

A strong friendship cannot be a thing of the past,
She remains for centuries
She cuts with a blade on the skin,
It never heals without a trace.
Who is my friend will be able to understand me,
He will be able to forgive his neighbor,
Let all doubts disappear forever,
True friendship should be treasured.
You may be an ex, but you're still a friend,
May everything work out quickly in your destiny,
Happy Birthday, may the blizzard go away,
Taking away the loneliness that is hidden in the soul!

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Despite all the grievances that we experienced,
Happy Birthday. Let your dreams come true.
You are worthy of respect, you are worthy of all flowers,
So accept congratulations - a couple of kind, gentle words.

Be wise, honest, beautiful - to the envy of everyone, to the evil of everyone.
May you always be fabulously lucky in all your ideas.
So that you always relax only in fabulous places,
So that she loves and dreams only with a smile on her lips.

Let us communicate infrequently,
But you were always radiant.
From my heart I wish you happiness,
Be beautiful and young.

Be sure. Without a doubt
You move forward in life
With a proud step, but from excitement
May fate protect you.

Be refined and desirable -
On your birthday and day after day.
And love for you - the ocean,
Enjoy every moment in it.

Let the time of our friendship expire,
But the memory remains in my heart forever.
I really want it to be heartfelt and warm
I sincerely congratulate you today!

Excellent and wonderful person
Anyone wants to drown in your eyes.
Health, joy, happy life to you.
And may you have enough money for everything!

To have true friends nearby,
And not traitors who don’t keep their word!
New and large acquisitions,
Happy, cheerful and cheerful days!

We shared joy and pain with you,
And they trusted their secrets.
But life got in the way, and now you and I
They became former friends.

Your birthday, always remembered,
Today I congratulate you,
Happiness, good luck and warmth in the house,
As before, I wish you.

I wish you love and peace in your soul
And joy will not be superfluous,
I wish you new friends,
Since the old have become the former.

There is time between us, maybe distance,
But the souls of the past days were warmed with warmth.
Listen to my confession
After all, for me you were the best.

Friend, dear, dear,
Even if it’s an ex, but still,
I congratulate you on your birthday,
After all, the memory of you is most precious.

Be happy, don't worry,
Give joy with a simple smile,
May all your roads be easy,
Health, happiness, sincere love!

We've been friends with you for so long,
But our paths diverged.
And you can’t return the past,
Don't be offended and forgive.

And on your birthday I wish
More sincere friends!
Charming man
To decorate your leisure time!

Happy birthday to you!
Let your dreams come true,
Let laziness and doubts go away,
Sad thoughts disappear.

May luck accompany you
Every day, bestowing success,
Remember, anything happens in life,
A new day comes at dawn.

The paths diverged a little
There's no reason to be enemies
I wish you happiness and love,
And the leadership of the guys!

So that the world lies at your feet,
Good luck and luck,
Always a smile on your lips
And great mood!

And let a miracle happen
Love will be mutual
Health is getting better day by day,
Success in life rules!

How many years have I been friends with you?
We were inseparable every day
You were close to me, completely dear,
But a shadow ran between us!

It’s been a long time since we forgave each other everything with you,
And we smile when we meet again,
And all the unpleasant mistakes were forgotten,
After all, we were strong through our friendship!

I wish you joy, good luck, a lot of happiness,
Love and fidelity, home warmth,
Patience to survive bad weather,
To the soul - harmony, humility and kindness!

So we parted, it’s a shame
But life came up with it for us.
I can't forget yet
The smile of those sweet eyes!

How we talked about everything,
There were no secrets!
But something suddenly happened
And he separated us from business.

I wish the bodywork happiness,
Let your dreams come true!
And even if we are not friends now,
Don't forget about me!

And my ex-girlfriend is pleased
Remember what is gone forever.
Today I want to congratulate you,
I congratulate you on this holiday,
I wish you happiness, I wish you health
And I send congratulations on this day!
Be successful, be lucky,
It’s a pity that we can’t return anything!..

We were friends,
Everything was divided in half
And they discussed secrets.
Yes, we felt comfortable.

We both went to work
They fled in all directions.
They flew by quietly
Those wonderful years

When we walked together,
We were herded in the sandbox.
The dolls were often replaced,
And we learned and grew...

I remember on my birthday
Mom baked your cake.
I want it to be peaceful too
Your life has always flowed.

How often life dictates plots to us,
And with whom we were friends we are parting,
Time and interests separate us,
And it seems that we will never return!

But back to square one again,
After all, friendship is tested over the years,
And if suddenly by chance we collide,
Let's remain friends, even if we were former friends.

On your birthday, let me congratulate you,
And admire the wondrous beauty,
Leave a heartfelt bouquet on the table,
Give me a heartfelt kiss on the cheek as a souvenir.

It seems to me that centuries have passed,
From the moment we parted.
I want to bring back the moments
That tender and intoxicating antiquity.

Once upon a time we laughed together
Watching some stupid movie.
Once upon a time we sang songs together.
Now I sing, in the night, alone.

And may the years pass quickly.
And just like centuries ago,
I give you a bouquet with all my heart
And congratulations “Happy Birthday!” You.

Friendships often come to an end
Hearts no longer beat in unison,
Often crashing against the stones of anxiety,
Friendship will melt away like a ghostly dream!

This is not a reason to curse each other,
Skillfully build various intrigues,
It’s better to congratulate you on your birthday,
And look boldly into your eyes again!

May everything work out in your life,
Joy and happiness will be nearby,
Help from loved ones, support from friends,
And your loved one will not forget you!

My ex-girlfriend
Today is your holiday,
I haven't heard from you for a long time
You and I broke up

And we don't communicate anymore
Or maybe it’s in vain?
Let's meet,
Happy birthday to you!

Dear friend, congratulations,
Don't be offended by me anymore
You and I just had a misunderstanding,
And our quarrel is not worth a damn.
I wish you to be lucky in everything,
I wish you all the best, joy, goodness,
May there often be a happy occasion in life,
And sadness will go away forever.

Today is your holiday, your birthday,
First of all, please accept my apologies.
I am to blame for our quarrel,
And this torments me greatly.
Dear friend, be happy,
Forget about all your worries,
Let love surround you
May the Lord protect you from troubles and evil.

You and I are best friends
We can’t part because of a quarrel alone,
Let's forget all the hurtful words,
Happy birthday, I sincerely congratulate you.
May the road of life be long,
Let sadness forget your address,
Let beautiful love meet you,
May everything be fine in your destiny.

You and I have been close friends since childhood,
And our quarrel is some kind of nonsense,
Let's forget this misunderstanding
And we will have fun celebrating your birthday.
May everything work out great for you,
Let the salary be decent,
So that opportunities and desires coincide,
So that the constellations of love shine above you.

You are the birthday girl today, congratulations,
All the best, friend, I sincerely wish you,
For offending you in vain,
I sincerely apologize to you.
My best friend, happy birthday,
I wish you to be in a great mood,
Always be desired and loved,
May fate generously reward you.

Your birthday is a wonderful day
And on my soul there is a shadow of sadness,
After all, you and I are now in a quarrel,
Let's make peace, friend, on your holiday.
I wish you to always be on top,
May everything be perfect in your destiny,
May beautiful love inspire you,
Let happiness know no boundaries.

Remorse torments me
After all, I myself am to blame for our quarrel,
Please accept congratulations on your birthday,
And don't hold a grudge against me anymore.
Let your life flow like a full river,
May luck always accompany you,
Let reliable friends surround you,
Let there be enough vigor and strength for everything.

We quarreled with you over a trifle,
It’s time for us to make peace, friend,
Let's forget all the bad things forever,
May our friendship be strong as before.
Today is your birthday, congratulations,
I sincerely wish you well-being in everything,
Be beautiful, gentle, sweet,
And, most importantly, be healthy and happy.

Congratulations to a friend on the phone

We've known you for so many years,
But fate scattered us
I want to say, friend, again,
That you are always in my heart!

And on this day I will drink tea,
And I remember last years...
And, wiping tears from my eyes,
Congratulations, my dear!


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Even if you and I are not together,
And we will never
But still she was a friend,
You are always, always, always for me.
And congratulations on your birthday,
I want you again and again
Memories of our friendship,
I treasure it in my heart.


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My friend's ex is shaking me up!

We've been friends for many years
We've been through a lot of troubles
There were great joys
They were very much valued
But fate wills it this way,
To break up for a nickel,
Happy birthday,
I wish you all the best!


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We will remember each other!

My ex-girlfriend
Happy Birthday to You!
We will remember each other
Kind words and love!
Always be healthy, strong,
Young and lively
Always be loving
Good-natured and simple!


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All the best to my ex-girlfriend!

Our paths have diverged,
But there's no reason to be sad
There is no one more beautiful in the world than you,
All men love you!
Happy Birthday,
Always be so beautiful
May life give you pleasure,
Be lucky and happy!


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To my ex-girlfriend

We were once inseparable
But still our years passed,
And the friendship quietly faded away,
Girlfriend, it’s still fate.
And even though you are an ex, I remember
Your birthday, at this hour,
I'll raise my glass and congratulate you,
And I’ll drink, just for us.


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In joy, wealth and love!

Congratulations, ex-girlfriend,
Happy Birthday, my dear!
Let the blizzard not rage over the house,
May fate give life under the sun!

Let there be no ice and bad weather
On your cloudless path,
Slowly, let the years pass
In joy, wealth and love!

Happy birthday wishes to ex-girlfriend

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My ex-friend
On your birthday I wish you -
Let them surround you forever
Simple, true friends!
May you be happy and successful,
Let your dreams come true
Be young for 100 years,
Live richly, be healthy!