DIY wall newspaper for Valentine's Day. Making an unusual poster for Valentine's Day. Original celebration scenarios

Friends, make a wall newspaper for Valentine's Day!

There will only be photos and quotes about love from one author.

Do it!

Let this wall newspaper give warm emotions to you and those around you, wherever you are - at school, at work, at college, at university.

Sometimes even at home!

It's very easy to do - I did it myself in a few minutes!

But everything is in order.

About 20 years ago I came across the book “About Love. Stories. Dialogue in letters" by Leonid Zhukhovitsky and Lars Hesslind. The book was so captivating that I wrote out several quotes about love, although it would be worth rewriting the entire book. Moreover, I remembered some of them all these years from memory - they were so amazing. And even now they remain.

And one year they came in handy at work. I hope my story will be useful to you too.

It's hard to celebrate Valentine's Day at work, isn't it? Not in the sense of tea and cake or something else, but so that something sticks in the soul.

There was nothing to cling to: a gloomy gray working day, and the same mood. But I was able to stand it for an hour and a half. Then she put all the work aside, fortunately no one was bothering her, and in 15 minutes she made and hung up the wall newspaper. Something like this (click to enlarge).

And then from time to time she looked out into the corridor, quietly watching how the faces of people reading the newspaper brightened.

Although, in fact, there was nothing to read there - just one quote about love from Leonid Zhukhovitsky (but you can add more), which is always in my head, plus clippings from magazines pasted onto Whatman paper, which were once brought to us from almost the entire office . I think everyone remembered something different and recognized themselves in one of the photos (I tried to find pictures with loving couples of different ages).

And one guy stormed into the office and blurted out, “Where did you get this? When did you manage to do this? That’s it, I rushed to get the flowers!” and rushed off in the same whirlwind. Later he said that the day before he had quarreled with a girl, he thought it was forever, but he read it, looked at it, and changed his mind.

Do something similar on Valentine's Day at your work, office, store... Or where you study or visit often. People's mood will become softer, more romantic, there will be fewer conflicts, and more good relationships. Maybe you can make peace with someone too! And if you have one more, the day will become UNforgettable!

Wall newspaper for Valentine's Day - how to make it?

It’s not easy to do, but very simple:

take a stack of old magazines and catalogs and cut out photos showing care and tenderness. To look and believe: yes, here, indeed, is the eternal Valentine's Day! Be sure to find pairings from toddlers to mature adults. Sometimes this is not an easy task, but you have to try.

All the best things have long been cut out of my magazines, so I didn’t photograph exactly what I wanted, and I even had to take a photo of an adult couple from the Internet. Moreover, I tortured the search engines well, but the choice is still not great: either sad photos, or the feelings don’t seem mutual, or too staged scenes.

By the way, printed publications, especially catalogues, also sin with the latter. But you will still find something!

There is a wise saying: the best is the enemy of the good. So don't look for the best, make them good. Otherwise, you won’t do anything at all in search of the ideal.

We pasted pictures, wrote or also pasted printed phrases about love, and added additional drawings if desired. The soulful wall newspaper is ready!

Quotes about love.

And now I’ll write you quotes about love from the same Leonid Zhukhovitsky. By the way, I looked at quotes from famous people of past centuries - somehow I was not impressed, although I leafed through the hefty collection.

(If you are not familiar with the work of L. Zhukhovitsky, I highly recommend reading it - both him and about him, a most interesting person!)

This is the piece of paper from 20 years ago, on which I captured thoughts that were important to me at that time.

I thought I threw it away along with all the diaries and notes...

It turned out no - it was in the old place.

I will now copy it verbatim, so as not to accidentally misinterpret the author.

Quotes about love from the book by Leonid Zhukhovitsky

(several short ones).

  • All you need is love.
  • If men and women forget how to love each other, our civilization is unlikely to survive. And if it does, who will need it?
  • The constant need to take care of another person is the most accurate indicator of love. Even fierce passion often does not evoke such a need.
  • Sex brings joy today - thank him for that. And love is what remains when everything else is gone.
  • No matter how much love there is in the world, there can never be too much of it.
  • Everything is vanity except love.

With the wish to live without fuss,

Your Evelina Shesternenko.

P.S. What do you say, dear readers? How do you like the idea of ​​a wall newspaper for Valentine's Day? What about quotes about love? You can use them as a life guide, right?

Shunina Lyudmila

The closest and most beloved people for children are their parents. And on Valentine's Day the children and I decided to release wall newspaper with a declaration of love to them. The newspaper is based on an applique made using the quilling technique. For this we took strips of colored paper

and twisted them into spiral coils.

They gave them a “droplet” shape.

Then they were glued in pairs.

We got these cute hearts.

I printed out color photographs of the children and also cut them into heart shapes.

I drew an outline on a white piece of paper tree, where we pasted photographs of the children and the resulting hearts.

They rolled small balls from colored napkins and laid out the phrase “We love you.”

In production wall newspapers children talked about how they love their parents, listened to poems and sang songs. In the evening there was a presentation wall newspapers for parents. Each child, coming out to their parents, confessed their love to them.

Publications on the topic:

Soon February 14th is “Valentine’s Day” and my children and I decided to make “Valentines” to congratulate our beloved parents. In that.

This is the newspaper we made with the kids for our parents. And that's how it was. First we drew our self-portraits.. Then we began.

February 14 is an amazing day, a bright holiday, when you can safely confess your love. Those who celebrate this holiday give gifts to their loved ones.

February 14 - Valentine's Day has long become traditional in our culture. In kindergarten on this day we introduce children to the history of the celebration.

A wall newspaper for Mother's Day was made in the second junior group. Creative work was done jointly between the teacher and the children. There were flowers.

We will soon celebrate Mother's Day. This holiday has been celebrated in Russia for a long time. Mom is the most important word in a person’s life. Every.

Mother's Day is a relatively “young” holiday, but people have already come to love and accept it. This year we decided to make a congratulatory party with the children.

As part of the implementation of the mini-project “If you want to be healthy,” we and the children of the 2nd junior group through conversations and examination of illustrative materials.

Why is it so popular on this day to give cards with pictures of hearts and hang posters with symbols of love - cupids piercing hearts with arrows? There is a legend that occurred during the Roman Empire during the reign of Claudius II. The emperor forbade unmarried men to get married, because he believed that their wives would subsequently not let them go to war. A doctor and preacher named Valentin secretly married couples in love, for which he was locked in prison. While awaiting execution, he sent a letter to Julia, a blind girl, signed “Your Valentine” and a healing ointment. Having opened the letter, the girl regained her sight, and since then people have called the executed doctor a saint.

How to Create a Valentine's Day Poster

  • Draw it yourself, coming up with an idea for a picture or looking at it on the Internet;
  • Print an image on a holiday theme, drawn using a computer program or found on the Internet;
  • Place an order at a printing center; such services are now available even online with home delivery;

Theme and plots

Posters for Valentine's Day can be filled with a wide variety of themes. Traditional romantic pictures, humorous stories, cartoon characters as the main characters are appropriate content for a holiday poster.

When it is dedicated to a loved one, a close person, your soulmate, the meaning can be more frank, with a hint or subtext. The main thing is that these works are filled with love and kindness. Plot ideas for a Valentine's Day poster are varied and depend only on the audience for whom it is being created. This could be a wall newspaper for a school holiday for high school students or an element of room decor dedicated to a loved one.

Design ideas

Ideas on how to design a poster will help you make a wall newspaper for Valentine's Day for a school, university, in a hall where the team will celebrate the holiday, or in a room where lovers will come to drink a glass of champagne.

Bad Valentine's Day Poster Ideas or Three Classic Exceptions

  1. Avoid vulgarity and obscene captions for pictures on posters. They look especially disgusting on the day of love.
  2. Do not hint at everyday details with drawings of frying pans with scrambled eggs and other things, the spirit of romanticism will be destroyed. Who needs a holiday like this?

There are a lot of different holidays in our lives, both for some reason and not so much, and people can’t think of anything to make them work less. But our holidays are ours, but there are holidays that our “neighbors” brought to us. one of them - Valentine's Day. The idea of ​​such a romantic holiday of love took root incredibly quickly in Russia. Today we will tell you everything you need to know about this day, share traditions, ideas for all kinds of gifts, and original ways to celebrate.

How it all began or a little history

At the beginning of our era, the Roman Emperor Julius Claudius II banned marriages for all young men. He believed that thoughts about wives and children prevented men from honorably fulfilling their military duty to their homeland. Therefore, no one dared to perform wedding ceremonies. But, despite this ban, a certain priest Valentin, who was not indifferent to the fate of the lovers, secretly held weddings in defiance of the imperial decree. For this he was imprisoned and later executed. Only some 200 years passed after the execution of the priest, and the Pope canonized him as a Saint and proclaimed him the patron saint of all lovers. And, starting from the 13th century, the day of execution of the rebellious priest - The 14th of February- began to be celebrated as St. Valentine's Day. That's the whole background. Although some believe that the origin of the holiday was the day of marriage and motherhood, which was celebrated in the same Rome on February 14.

But no matter what theory historians lean towards, you must agree that if this holiday did not exist, it would definitely have to be invented. After all, millions of people on this day say words of love to each other, make marriage proposals, give gifts and arrange surprises. At least one day a year, such love-filled romantic madness must happen on the entire planet!

Valentine's Day traditions in different countries

As stated earlier, Valentine's Day came to us from the West and is a Catholic holiday. However, in Rus' there is also a similar holiday; it is celebrated on July 8th. On this day, the memory of two Orthodox saints, Prince Peter and the peasant woman Fevronia, is honored. According to ancient legend, they loved each other very much, lived a long, happy life together and died on the same day. Only in our country few people know about this story.

The attitude towards Valentine's Day in Russia is far from ambiguous. Many people do not perceive it as a holiday, believing that marking the date of someone's death is simply not ethical. Often on forums there are messages from upset girls whose husbands and boyfriends do not recognize this holiday and romance in general. Some men don’t want to waste time looking for gifts, but simply give money to their significant other “here, buy what you want.” Others say that March 8 is enough for them. And if teenagers and dating couples somehow celebrate February 14th, giving valentines, gifts and sweets, then many married couples simply ignore it. Yes, you need to give your love every day of the year, but on this day we advise you to remember romance and not be lazy to surprise your soul mate!

But let's return to the traditions of Valentine's Day:

  • in Denmark, valentines with white flowers are sent anonymously;
  • The French prefer to give luxurious underwear on this day;
  • In Holland, February 14 is truly ladies' day. Any young lady on Valentine's Day can propose marriage to a man herself. And if he intends to refuse, he smooths over the unpleasant news with an expensive gift.
  • In the USA, the holiday is celebrated in red colors, symbolizing passionate love. Americans shower each other with rose petals and heart-shaped confetti;
  • Italians consider Valentine's Day a “sweet” holiday, so the main and almost obligatory gift is sweets and other sweets in the shape of hearts;
  • On February 14, Poles visit the temple where the icon of St. Valentine is located. Who else should you ask for help in love affairs?
  • In England, every girl must bake a heart-shaped sweet herself and give it to her beloved. There is even a special fortune telling - pieces of paper with names are thrown into a container of water, and the one that comes up faster will determine the name of the betrothed;
  • Residents of Wales gave each other wooden spoons on Valentine's Day. Spoons were decorated with hearts, keyholes were cut out on the spoons, or tiny locks were hung from them. This meant that the key to the heart had been found;
  • In Japan, on Valentine's Day, there is a competition for the loudest love confession. A platform is erected in the central city square, and anyone can shout words of love while standing on this platform. The one who makes it louder than the rest wins a prize.

As you can see, each country has adapted this wonderful holiday in its own way. There are also very strange traditions. In Jamaica, on this day, engaged couples appear before the altar in negligee. And Saudi Arabia officially banned Valentine's Day, so as not to corrupt the younger generation. They don't even sell red roses on this day! In general, it is worth noting that Islam’s attitude towards this holiday is negative.

How to congratulate and what to give

This part of the article mainly relates to the male half of readers, since it contains a huge list of gifts that girls and women want to receive in Valentine's Day. We hope it will be useful to our readers.

1. Bouquet of flowers. Much more prosaic, you might say, but no! Although red roses are considered to be a symbol of love, do not forget about an individual approach. Your girlfriend loves daisies – wouldn’t it be a feat to find them in February? Or maybe snowdrops are delicate spring flowers, or orchids are exquisite creations of nature. Choose carefully. And the main thing is not the quantity, but the love with which the bouquet will be decorated and presented.

There is such an idea. In online stores, before the holiday, very interesting and unusual bouquets appear. In addition to flowers, they contain candies and various sweets. And there are whole sets where a chic wicker basket contains a bottle of wine or champagne, fruits, sweets and flowers. What a gift! Just a gentleman's set for your beloved.

2. Gift based on hobbies. Does your boyfriend love cigars? Give him a luxury set of cigars. Just check in advance what scent he prefers so he doesn’t blush later. Or maybe your favorite avid car enthusiast, please him with a GPS navigation system, a special set of tools, or, as a last resort, a heart-shaped interior fragrance.

Now about the girls. Your betrothed loves to knit - a knitting set could be a gift; she loves to take baths - give her a bath set with aromatic oils, foams and various bath accessories; she loves indoor plants - pick a cute flower in a pot or a funny “grass hairy”, which, with proper care, will constantly remind you of you.

3. The best gift is one made by yourself. A friend of mine who makes custom furniture gave his wife a dressing table with a mirror for Valentine's Day that she had been dreaming about for a long time. 8 years have passed, and she still remembers this particular holiday. One of my former colleagues received a scarf hand-knitted by her as a gift from his girlfriend. And he still wears it! It's simple, the main thing is to guess the desires of your other half!

From the forums

I made my choice in favor of a small picture embroidered with my own hands. The most pleasant and surprising thing is that before this I had no idea about satin stitch and cross stitch, but a great desire to surprise my husband took over. For several days I talked on forums with girls for whom embroidery is a favorite hobby. They encouraged me, gave me a lot of useful advice and helped me choose the appropriate scheme.

When I framed my little creation, I realized that if you want to give joy, nothing is impossible. Two ginger kittens, holding one common glass of sparkling champagne, looked at me at arm's length.

4. Heart as a gift. We are talking about the attributes of this holiday - souvenirs in the shape of hearts. And it’s not just valentines, the choice of which is now incredibly huge. You can give a heart pendant or a keychain consisting of two halves: one for her, the other for you. Or you can give your other half a sofa pillow in the shape of a heart, on which it will be comfortable for him to watch football, or a blanket with hearts, which will warm her when you are not around. Any small souvenir will do, for example, 2 angels or 2 doves; it is advisable that such a gift be a pair. Let it become a symbol of your couple's love. And also, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, a paired figurine in the house enhances the energy of union, marriage, and love.

From the forums

You will need a heart-shaped cupcake mold and a piece of glycerin soap of your favorite color and scent. A bar of soap is cut into pieces, placed in a mold (you can crumble it in different colors), you can add aromatic oils. The mold is placed in the microwave on the low icon for about 3 minutes (until the soap pieces liquefy), removed and left to cool. Once cooled, remove the soap heart from the mold and tie it with a ribbon.

5. Practical gifts. These include all kinds of jewelry, fashionable women's perfumes, expensive underwear, leather and fur products. Well, which girl would refuse a mink or fox coat on Valentine's Day? I don't think there are any like that. You can party and take your soulmate to warmer climes, enjoy the sea, the sun and the exotic.

6. Original gifts. In my opinion, this is the most memorable and valuable gift. All you need to do is turn on your imagination. If you do not have one, read the previous paragraphs. So, an original gift would be a painting with rhinestones, musical candles, a glass rose with the name of your beloved, a tattoo with hers (although this may be too much). Another option is underwear with prints of your names, photos or hearts. A very beautiful gift - glowing glasses. They light up when touched; it will be very romantic to drink your favorite drink from them together on this day. Or you can order a romantic song about your love on the radio. Such a gift will touch the soul of any girl. Give your beloved a chest of compliments - put small postcards with compliments in a regular chest, the main thing is that they are not banal and must be addressed only to your significant other.

Also, original gifts include a “VIP card for use by you.” You can make it in the form of a club card indicating that he or she is given the exclusive right to receive the most tender kisses and caresses from you all year round and that it is she (he) who receives the right to fulfill any two of your desires. You can come up with any text; it is advisable to laminate the card and attach it to a bouquet of flowers.

From the forum

Our employee decided to congratulate the lady of the heart in advance. In the snow under her balcony, in red paint in huge letters, he wrote: “Natasha, how I love you!” They even showed it on the local news!

“Moya Gazeta” would like to remind you that you can give gifts on Valentine’s Day not only to your loved ones, but also to all the people who are dear and indifferent to you. Your child, parents, and good friends will definitely be happy with your Valentine. By the way, according to an unspoken tradition, you cannot give valentines from hand to hand and you cannot sign them either. The main note of this holiday is intrigue.

From the forum

My friend's boyfriend gave me a gold bracelet for Valentine's Day. But how! In the morning he served coffee in bed, all as expected, served with flowers. And the bracelet was wound around a teaspoon and hidden in a sugar bowl. The guy offered sugar to taste, and the friend was simply stunned by such a surprise.

Original celebration scenarios

Who said that a romantic dinner is old and banal? You will never get tired of an evening together by candlelight, a light dinner, a warm atmosphere and gentle words, so don’t be lazy, organize an evening together, with candles, good wine, and a soulful romantic film.

There can be many different ways to celebrate the holiday. Go to the cinema, to a winter snow-covered park, to your favorite restaurant. You can order a sauna for the evening. No, no, no need to grin. Imagine a jacuzzi with aroma oils, a floor strewn with rose petals, champagne, your favorite song. A great option to spend an evening in the company of your loved one.

If you are going to celebrate Valentine's Day at home, this can also be played out. Cover your room with thousands of handmade hearts. Decorate the house with balloons, tie a declaration of love to each of them; the ideal option would be a declaration in verse.

Make an evening in oriental style - with gatherings on the floor in pillows, with traditional sushi and aroma lamps. Give your loved one a belly dance.

Have a romantic dinner on the roof of your house. Stars, sky, snow, hot mulled wine, warm blanket and even silence, but together!

I hope after reading our tips you want to create miracles. We wish everyone a memorable holiday Valentine's Day . May romance be with you!

Saint's Day Valentine is the most wonderful holiday for lovers. On this day, everyone wants to confess their feelings and give their significant other an unforgettable gift.

The best gift is, of course, a gift made with your own hands. You can make a poster for Valentine's Day yourself and it will become an original gift and recognition at the same time. The main thing here is to show your imagination.

You can make a poster for Valentine's Day with your own hands with candies, with sweets, with chocolates, with beautiful pictures, etc. There are many options.

To make posters for Valentine's Day you need:

  • large Whatman paper;
  • sweets and other small items that can easily stick to whatman paper;
  • glue gun or good quick-drying glue;
  • beautiful pictures, photographs;
  • glitter in the shape of hearts and stars;
  • a beautiful marker for writing wishes and confessions.

Posters for Valentine's Day should begin with a beautiful inscription, which should preferably be placed in the middle of a large Whatman paper. The inscription can be in Russian or English. It should carry the main idea of ​​the poster, that is, for the sake of whom or for whom the Valentine’s Day poster is being made. Examples of inscriptions: “Beloved, I want to confess my feelings”, “Happy Valentine’s Day”, “I love you”, “I love you”, “To my Valentine”, “Valentine’s Day”.

The main text of the poster should consist of wishes for your loved one on Valentine's Day. It is advisable to add beautiful pictures or photos of you together to your wishes. Don't forget about the main feature of posters. In addition to wishes, photos or pictures, you need to glue sweets and other objects onto the poster so that the inscriptions come out with humor and love at the same time. Valentine's Day posters can be made in any language that you and your significant other know well, such as English.

You can include sweets in your wishes as follows:

  • To the most beloved husband, boyfriend (instead of the word to the beloved, stick the juice “Favorite Garden”;
  • You are the kindest cat, husband, beloved (instead of the word kind, stick the juice “Kind”;
  • You are my family (instead of the phrase my family, paste the juice “My family”);
  • You are such a handsome man... (instead of the phrase handsome, paste the juice “Handsome”);
  • I wish you to be rich (instead of the word rich, stick the juice “Rich”).

2. Chocolate bar.

  • I wish your life to be sweet (instead of the word sweet, you can paste “Bounty” on the poster; everyone knows the slogan of this chocolate is heavenly pleasure, which would be quite appropriate in the wish);
  • I wish you and I more often, or I wish you, to rest more often (instead of the word rest, you can stick a “Picnic” bar);
  • I want to be with you always (you can add “like Twix” at the end of the sentence).

3. Chocolate bar.

  • You are my perfection and inspiration (instead of the words perfection and inspiration, glue a chocolate bar with the same name);
  • I want to dance with you (instead of the word dance, glue a chocolate bar “Sweet Dance”).

4. Chewing candies and dragees.

  • I wish your life to be bright (instead of the word bright, stick “Skittles” or “M&Ms”).

5. Other sweets.

  • I wish we had more children (instead of the word children, stick chocolate eggs or Kinder brand candies);
  • I want to say thank you for everything (instead of the word thank you, stick “Merci” brand chocolates);
  • You are my greatest miracle in life (instead of the word miracle, paste milk drinks or yoghurts of the “Miracle” brand).

Congratulations and wishes can be very diverse, the main thing is to express your feelings from the bottom of your heart and use your imagination. For those for whom chocolates and other sweets in the poster are not enough, you can dilute the Valentine’s Day posters with other items, the main thing is that they are not large in size and are easily glued to whatman paper.

Options with other items:

  • I wish you and I could easily put up with each other (instead of the word it’s easy to glue “Moment” glue).

2. Soft toy.

  • You are my favorite kitten (instead of the word kitten, glue a small soft toy of a kitten or any other cute animal).

3. Colored markers or felt-tip pens.

  • I wish you to paint your life with beautiful colors (instead of the word paint, you can glue several bright felt-tip pens, markers or pencils).

So, now you know how you can spice up your wishes in the most unusual way.

After the poster for Valentine's Day is decorated with the main inscription, wishes, confessions and photographs, you need to glue glitter in the form of hearts or stars into the empty spaces on the Whatman paper, if there are any left of course. Glitter will give your posters a festive look, but don't add too much to prevent your Valentine's Day posters from turning into carnival posters.

Once the Valentine's Day poster is ready, you need to wrap it beautifully. To do this, it is better to wrap the poster in a tube, but so that the contents of the poster do not come off and the Valentine’s Day poster does not wrinkle. Then cover it with beautiful wrapping paper or simply tie it with a ribbon.

Valentine's Day Posters make a great gift for your significant other or someone you have a crush on. You won’t be ashamed to give such a gift and you can safely bring it to school, university, dance or give it at home. The one to whom you give such a gift will remember it for a long time.

Valentine's Day posters will be a nice reminder of you and your love.