Pansy ribbon flowers. Flowers made from satin ribbons MK pansies. Kanzashi pansies: step-by-step master class

Hello, dear friends! How is your mood, New Year's feeling? It’s not at all clear to us that winter has come, although today - lo and behold))) the first and so long-awaited snowflakes flew, but alas, they immediately melted on the ground. So my daughter’s dream has not yet come true, in terms of building a snowman and playing in the snow)))

It turns out that this flower is not only purple-yellow, but the eyes simply cannot get enough of all the colors and charms of these flowers. This is how we are used to seeing forget-me-nots in the classical style, so to speak).

And there are also pansies, completely blue, dark burgundy, white, yellow with black splashes, blue with black, you can’t list them all.

I decided to make Kanzashi pansies in a classic style, that is, take the usual colors of purple and yellow. You can make different types of flowers from ribbons, I recently showed you.

It turns out very beautifully and you can use such a flower not only to decorate your hair, but also to collect a basket of flowers from them and give it to a loved one for a holiday.

To make a pansy flower from satin ribbons we will need:

  • purple ribbon 5 cm wide
  • yellow ribbon 5 cm wide.
  • Middle (mine is dark blue)
  • Stamens (mine are silver) per flower 2 pieces
  • Felt white or purple
  • Glue gun
  • Scissors
  • Candle
  • Tweezers
  • Hair band medium

Ribbon pansies

First, we cut the purple and yellow ribbon into squares, 5 by 5 cm wide. For one color we will need 11 purple squares and 2 yellow ones. Burn the edges of the squares on the candle.

We will form the flower from round kanzashi petals. To do this, fold the square of tape into a triangle, then bend one edge of the triangle to the left side and fold it in the form of an accordion, do the same with the second edge of the triangle.

After forming a round petal, cut off the excess, grab the edges with tweezers and scorch it on a candle to secure it. If necessary, cut off the protruding part on the back side of the petal, and also scorch it on a candle.

It will be seen in more detail and more clearly in my video lesson, so don’t despair if suddenly you couldn’t repeat it from the photographs, after watching the video you will succeed 100%.

Thus, all petals are formed: 11 purple and 2 yellow.

We warm up the glue gun and begin to collect the forget-me-not flower. First we glue two yellow petals, add another purple one to them, this will be like the base of a pansy.

Now we simply grease the tips of the purple petals and place them under the resulting base in a circle. Here you need to independently adjust the shape of the flower so that it turns out neat and beautiful.

When all the petals have been glued, you need to cut out a small circle from felt according to the diameter of your center and hot glue it to the center.

Now take the stamens in your hands, bend them in half, you should get 4 pieces at the top, since we took double stamens. We twist them at the bottom, fasten them half a centimeter to the bottom with a small strip of felt with glue, and cut off the remaining threads sticking out with scissors.

We glue the stamens to the middle, and now we glue the middle itself onto the kanzashi pansies so that the stamens are directed towards the yellow petals.

Now cut out a circle with a diameter of 3.5-4 cm from felt and glue it to the back of the forget-me-not flower. We cut out a strip of felt 1 cm wide and 3 cm long and, after threading the strip through the elastic band, grease it with glue and glue it to the round felt base on the flower.

Instead of an elastic band, you can use any hairpin that is convenient for you. Pansies made from satin ribbons can also be decorated using acrylic paint.

For example, lining the edges of the petals with paint with sparkles will be very beautiful. In the near future, I want to buy myself a set of acrylic paints specifically for decorating kanzashi. And you can also make a sunny spring flower -.

Pansies from ribbons master class

God bless you!

With respect and love, Elena Kurbatova.

Iridescent ribbons are perfect for new pansies on a vintage crochet purse.

Since pansies bloom in early spring and summer, these fragrant tiny garden flowers with their smiling faces and colorful petals are a harbinger of good weather. While wandering along a path dotted with pansies, watch them, pay attention to their color scheme, so that when creating these amazing flowers from ribbons, you can reproduce the color as accurately as possible. Don't ignore unusual colors - calm peach, lavender, rust or burgundy - use them alongside traditional purple and yellow.

In the “language of flowers,” which came to us from the Victorian era, pansies are a symbol of thoughtfulness. Wrap the pansies in a decorative napkin, tie a ribbon around the stems, and give them to someone special to you.

Pansies look stunning in a tiny clear vase paired with a few U-gathered flowers. Individually, pansies can be used as lovely flower brooches, or they can be combined into a composition and framed. Mix colors to create a two-tone effect. Before cutting the ribbon, determine which color will work best for the outer petals. To obtain life-size pansies, use ribbons 3 cm wide. The leaves of the flower resemble the shape of a sail. whose width is 3 cm and length 12.5 cm,

1. The creation of each flower went through two phases using the U-shaped gathering technique. First, two rear petals are made, and then three front ones. For the back petals, cut a piece of ribbon 16 cm long and 3 cm wide. 2. Remove the wire from the side where the ribbon gathers and bend it in the middle (8 cm).

3. Stitch with two U-curves, leaving a 3mm seam allowance on each raw edge. Gather the ribbon tightly as you sew; when it is all gathered, secure it.

4. Attach these petals to the circle of beading around the edge of the gather. Set aside.

5. Cut a ribbon 30 cm long and 3 cm wide for the front petals.

6. Remove the wire from the edge of the gather. Divide the tape into three parts from left to right into lengths of 8, 10 and 8 cm.

7. Stitch in three U-curves, leaving a 3mm seam allowance on each raw edge.

8. After each petal, gather the ribbon tightly, and when finished, secure the thread. Connect those two edges by making the last stitch over the first. The center should be quite tight. Another option: wind the thread through the center of the flower, catching the folds of the tape at the very edge of the center and at the same time stretching the thread.

9. Decorate the center of the front leaves with a bead, one or two stamens, or embroider French knots with a 4 mm wide silk ribbon.

10. Position the front petals so that on the side they are slightly lower than the rear petals. Sew them on.

11. Trim off the excess trim and glue the tape to the back of the flower.

12. If you decide to plant pansies on stems, make a hook at the end of #32 wire. Sew or glue the trim to it before attaching the tape.

13. Fold the raw edges of the tape that will cover the border, make a hole in the center and insert the stem into it. Glue or sew the ribbon to the base of the flower.

14. Wrap the stems with wrapping tape, silk tape cut on the bias, or pearl cotton thread, or sew tubes from the tape cut on the bias if you want to make a bouquet of pansies.

Date of publication: October 12, 2010

We create using the kanzashi technique: pansy flowers from satin ribbons

Ribbon pansies

The petals of these flowers have different colors. They can be blue, dark burgundy, speckled yellow and other interesting combinations. This master class will show you the classic method of making purple and yellow pansies. rest assured that the craft will turn out very beautiful and bright. This flower can be used both for a hairpin and a headband, or simply in a bouquet that can be presented for any occasion. For work we will need the following materials:

  • purple satin ribbon five centimeters wide;
  • yellow tape is the same width;
  • white and purple piece of felt;
  • hot glue;
  • scissors and tweezers;
  • lighter.
  • First of all, we need to cut the purple and yellow ribbon into squares measuring five by five centimeters. In the first color it is necessary to cut eleven blanks, and in the second only two. Burn the edges of these elements with the fire of a lighter.

    We form pansies from rounded kanzashi petals. Fold the square piece into a triangular shape, and then bend one end to the left, folding it like an accordion. Carry out similar manipulations with the other edge of the triangular element.

    After you have formed a rounded petal, trim off the excess tissue with scissors, holding the workpiece with tweezers. Next, scorch the product again with a lighter to secure it more securely. If necessary, then cut off the protruding part of the satin from the wrong side of the workpiece. As always, do not forget to scorch any movement with flame. For those who have not had time to understand how certain manipulations are done, we suggest watching the video lesson that will be shown in our article.

    You must form eleven purple petals and two yellow ones exactly as described above. Now heat up the glue and start assembling the pansies. First, glue 2 yellow elements, adding to them the same one, but only purple. We made the base of the kanzashi flower.

    Next, lubricate the edges of the petals and apply the remaining pieces to them one by one, doing this clockwise. Adjust the shape of the kanzashi pansies yourself so that the bud looks neat and beautiful.

    After you have glued all the components of the kanzashi flower, cut out a small felt circle so that its diameter matches the forget-me-not, and then glue it with a glue gun.

    Pre-prepared stamens need to be bent in half so that there are four things at the top. Twist them at the bottom and secure with a felt strip coated with glue. Cut off the threads that remain sticking out. Glue the stamens in the center of the pansies so they face the yellow petals.

    Cut out another circle of felt, but only with a diameter of four centimeters and glue it on the wrong side of this flower. You also need a strip of felt, which is attached to the base of the product. To decorate your craft, you can apply glitter paint to the edges of the petals. It looks very bright and elegant. The video lessons below will show in detail how experienced needlewomen make pansies using the kanzashi technique.

    Video: MK for creating pansies from ribbons

    If you have a daughter and you like to do all sorts of hairstyles for her, then you usually need a lot of elastic bands and bobby pins. You can decorate your holiday hairstyle using simple products using the kanzashi technique.

    Tools and materials

    Prepare all necessary tools and materials

    • black ribbon 3 cm wide;
    • silk cord;
    • lighter;
    • Tie a double knot from the silk cord. Now glue three double black and purple petals around its perimeter. You will get a simple small flower. Below the two-color petals, glue two yellow ones.

      Kanzashi “Pansies”

      Kanzashi “Pansies” for little princesses

      Video tutorials on creating kanzashi “Pansies”

    • yellow and purple ribbons 5 cm wide;
    • tweezers;
    • glue.

    First you need to learn how to make fan-shaped petals. To do this, cut the tape into 5 by 5 cm squares. Fold this piece diagonally and you will get a triangle. Now fold this triangle into a fan. Using tweezers, pinch it, stepping back 1 cm from the edge, and cut off all excess. Now burn the edges with a lighter. This way you need to make 2 yellow petals. Fold three triangles from the purple ribbon and overlap the black triangles on them. Form them into a fan. Cut off all excess, and then melt it with a lighter. You will get a double petal. How to do this can be seen in the photo.

    This tutorial for making pansies from satin ribbons is the simplest. If desired, you can make more complex flowers. For this, the petals are made in exactly the same way as in the first case. In this case, you need to glue not 3 petals, but 5. Choose suitable color combinations for certain clothes. This master class is more complex, but involves the use of fan petals. How to make them is shown in the video. This is one of the simplest techniques for obtaining voluminous petals.

    Pansies made from ribbons: master class, description, photo

    Many craftswomen who design home interiors or create interesting items of clothing love ribbon pansies. A master class that would consistently talk about the process of this type of work is simply necessary. After all, it is almost impossible to independently guess how the stitches and seams are made, how the ribbon is folded and how the flowers themselves and their bouquets are formed.

    What types of tapes are suitable for the job?

    When faced with the need to choose a material for embroidery, you can really get confused. Today, the range of specialized stores is so wide that once you enter one of them, it is impossible to leave without purchasing something.

    In fact, you can choose almost any material to make pansies from ribbons (the master class offered below illustrates working with satin ribbons). Here preference is given to those materials that suit the craftswoman in color, texture and width. You can buy tape from:

    Each of these materials contains synthetic fibers, which is very good for the future product. Artificial materials do not fade, do not stretch, do not deform, that is, the work done will be preserved for a long time.

    Material width value

    The most commonly used tapes are sizes 3, 5, 7, 12, 15 millimeters. For example, a 7 mm wide ribbon was used to embroider “Pansies” with ribbons (the master class is given below). Material of this size fits perfectly into the eye of an embroidery needle and also does not cause problems when draping.

    But to create flowers for subsequent attachment to the canvas, it is better to choose a wider material. By the way, ribbons can be combined: wide ones for large petals, narrower ones for smaller ones or for leaves.

    Finding two-color ribbons can be considered real luck. Gradient dyeing is great for creating flowers like pansies from ribbons. The master classes in this article are based on the use of just such materials. Most often, flowers are made using ribbon embroidery techniques.

    Pansies made from ribbons: master class. Photos step by step and description of stages

    To create such a flower, you don’t have to be an ace in embroidery. Using simple stitches and basic techniques, you can make your own ribbon pansies. The master class is quite simple:

    1. On the base canvas, mark the middle of the future flower and the top of each petal.
    2. Attach the ribbon in the center, leaving a knot on the wrong side.
    3. Lay the ribbon so that it forms a free-lying stitch, and then stick the needle into the point designated as the top of the petal. In this case, the resulting stitch should be pierced.
    4. Very carefully pull the tape to the wrong side, making sure that the front side is smooth. The tape is pulled until the roller forms an acute angle.

    This technique is used to embroider all the petals of pansies. First, they make those that are conventionally directed at 10, 12 and 2 o'clock (taking the classic arrangement of numbers on the dial as a guide). Then they return to those looking at 11 and 1 o'clock. Later the remaining petals, stem and buds are embroidered.

    The center of such flowers is made using a “French knot”. The principle of its formation is shown in the photo.

    Textile ribbon flower

    If you were unable to buy the material shown in the photo, do not be upset. You can choose two shades of the same color to make ribbon pansies. The master class includes a simple algorithm that will remain unchanged, you just need to use different tapes to create the first and second level petals.

    To work you should prepare:

  • Sharp scissors.
  • Needle for embroidery with ribbons (with a wide and long eye).
  • The tapes themselves.
  • Pins for fixing parts.
  • Thick fabric for the base.
  • Ruler and pencil.
  • Where to begin?

    Each flower is attached to thick fabric. If it is part of any composition, you can perform it directly on a large canvas. However, you should start forming flowers on separate rectangles when independent ribbon pansies are required. The master class (photo can be found below) offers just such an option.

    First of all, you should cut off a piece of tape from which large petals of the second level will be made. As a rule, in fresh flowers they have a darker color than the center. The tape is folded at an angle (pictured on the left) and stitched along the line marked with a dotted line. The finished fragment is fixed on the base fabric.

    Next, cut off a longer strip and fold it into a rectangle with two corners. Secure the folds with pins and stitch along the dotted line (the line goes along the dark side). The second petal of the first layer is made in the same way, but the tape is folded so that the stitching falls on the light side.

    They make the middle: a bright yellow ribbon is tied in a knot and placed so that it is visible between the petals. Then the remaining parts are fixed.

    Other secrets of ribbon flowers

    The flower is ready, it can be attached with a glue gun or thread to almost any base.

    An alternative method is shown in the photo.

    The darkened centers were obtained by simply coloring the finished products with a marker. However, this is only relevant for panels and paintings. To avoid color transfer when washing decorated clothes, it is better to dye flowers with special fabric paints.

    Already done several colors made of satin ribbons using the kanzashi technique. Continuing experiments on creating pansies from various materials, we could not ignore the design of these flowers from ribbons. There are a lot of options for assembling the flowers themselves, color schemes, combinations of petals. Let's focus on the methods we like the most.

    To work you will need:

    Lighter or candle

    Satin ribbons, 5 cm wide,

    Threads to match

    Universal transparent waterproof glue or glue gun.

    Cut the satin ribbons into squares. The number of square blanks varies depending on the expected number of petals in the flower. The flower itself can be created from several rows of petals.

    Fold the square in half diagonally.

    Then again.

    Lift the “bottom” ends up, making a small pinch at the base.

    And then down. Wrinkles form on the workpiece. Pull the corners themselves to the base.

    Secure with lighter fire or glue.

    Trim the base of the petal (the size of the corner is not important).

    I would like to note that it is not necessary to fold the petals in exactly this shape. Make any other petal, sharp or round. The main thing is a successful combination, which allows you to make the set of prepared blanks in the final result similar or reminiscent of a real flower.

    If desired, add additional round or sharp parts to the main types of petals.

    Fold the petals to your liking, following the color scheme of the original flowers.

    A flower with pink and white petals is created from two rows of petals. Colored (blue-yellow) - from one row.

    Gather the pieces sequentially onto the thread using a thin, sharp needle.

    Many craftswomen who design home interiors or create interesting items of clothing love ribbon pansies. A master class that would consistently talk about the process of this type of work is simply necessary. After all, it is almost impossible to independently guess how the stitches and seams are made, how the ribbon is folded and how the flowers themselves and their bouquets are formed.

    What types of tapes are suitable for the job?

    When faced with the need to choose a material for embroidery, you can really get confused. Today, the range of specialized stores is so wide that once you enter one of them, it is impossible to leave without purchasing something.

    In fact, you can choose almost any material to make pansies from ribbons (the master class offered below illustrates working with Here, preference is given to those materials that suit the craftswoman in color, texture and width. You can buy a ribbon from:

    • Atlas.
    • Silks.
    • Caprona.
    • Organza.

    Each of these materials contains synthetic fibers, which is very good for the future product. Artificial materials do not fade, do not stretch, do not deform, that is, the work done will be preserved for a long time.

    Material width value

    The most commonly used tapes are sizes 3, 5, 7, 12, 15 millimeters. For example, a 7 mm wide ribbon was used to embroider “Pansies” with ribbons (the master class is given below). Material of this size fits perfectly into the eye of an embroidery needle and also does not cause problems when draping.

    But to create flowers for subsequent attachment to the canvas, it is better to choose a wider material. By the way, ribbons can be combined: wide ones for large petals, narrower ones for smaller ones or for leaves.

    Finding two-color ribbons can be considered real luck. Gradient dyeing is great for creating flowers like pansies from ribbons. The master classes in this article are based on the use of just such materials. Most often, flowers are made using techniques

    from tapes: master class. Photos step by step and description of stages

    To create such a flower, you don’t have to be an ace in embroidery. Using simple stitches and basic techniques, you can make your own ribbon pansies. The master class is quite simple:

    This technique is used to embroider all the petals of pansies.

    First, they make those that are conventionally directed at 10, 12 and 2 o'clock (taking the classic arrangement of numbers on the dial as a guide).

    Then they return to those looking at 11 and 1 o'clock. Later the remaining petals, stem and buds are embroidered.

    The center of such flowers is made using a “French knot”. The principle of its formation is shown in the photo.

    Textile ribbon flower

    If you were unable to buy the material shown in the photo, do not be upset. You can choose two shades of the same color to make ribbon pansies. The master class includes a simple algorithm that will remain unchanged, you just need to use different tapes to create the first and second level petals.

    To work you should prepare:

    1. Sharp scissors.
    2. Needle for (with a wide and long eye).
    3. The tapes themselves.
    4. Pins for fixing parts.
    5. Thick fabric for the base.
    6. Ruler and pencil.

    Where to begin?

    Each flower is attached to thick fabric. If it is part of any composition, you can perform it directly on a large canvas. However, you should start forming flowers on separate rectangles when independent ribbon pansies are required. The master class (photo can be found below) offers just such an option.

    First of all, you should cut off a piece of tape from which large petals of the second level will be made. As a rule, in fresh flowers they have a darker color than the center. The tape is folded at an angle (pictured on the left) and stitched along the line marked with a dotted line. The finished fragment is fixed on the base fabric.

    Next, cut off a longer strip and fold it into a rectangle with two corners. Secure the folds with pins and stitch along the dotted line (the line goes along the dark side). The second petal of the first layer is made in the same way, but the tape is folded so that the stitching falls on the light side.

    They make the middle: a bright yellow ribbon is tied in a knot and placed so that it is visible between the petals. Then the remaining parts are fixed.

    Other secrets of ribbon flowers

    The flower is ready, it can be attached with a glue gun or thread to almost any base.

    An alternative method is shown in the photo.

    The darkened centers were obtained by simply coloring the finished products with a marker. However, this is only relevant for panels and paintings. To avoid color transfer when washing decorated clothes, it is better to dye flowers with special fabric paints.