Girls with perky breasts. How to make breasts firm and beautiful? Exercises for firm breasts. How to make breasts firm: muscle corset

Please tell me, dear ladies, what associations do the word “Percy” evoke for you? What, none? It's a pity. In ancient times, poets and artists used this euphonious word to describe a woman’s breasts - tender, beautiful and elastic. And don’t think that this definition applies only to young girls, not at all. Even a fairly elderly woman can have a Percy in her arsenal. How to make even sagging breasts firmer at home, read this article.

Take care of your breasts from a young age

It is very important to teach yourself to properly handle your breasts from a young age. It's not difficult at all. You just need to follow a few simple rules:

  1. The bra should be the optimal size. A bra that is too big will not hold your breasts well, and they will quickly sag. Too small and it will interfere with blood circulation, which is also unacceptable.
  2. Avoid sun exposure. Remember that the skin on the chest is 2 times thinner than on the face. The sun's rays are not at all beneficial for her, and even harmful. Under their influence, wrinkles and age spots can form. Do you need it?
  3. Watch your posture. With a hunched back, the breasts sag faster, since the pectoral muscles do not support them well. But once you straighten your shoulders, the picture changes radically.
  4. Don't try too hard to lose weight or gain weight. Since the mammary gland is based on adipose tissue, rapid changes in weight also negatively affect its elasticity. With sudden weight loss, the skin sags, and with rapid weight gain, stretch marks appear.
To make your breasts firmer

What should those who did not follow these rules do? First of all, don't despair. Secondly, pull yourself together and take care of your beauty. Since one of the most effective ways to make sagging breasts more elastic is exercise, let’s pay close attention to them. Here's a good set:

How to make breast skin elastic with masks?

Since the delicate skin of the décolleté area often suffers from a lack of moisture, another great way to create firm breasts will be moisturizing and nourishing masks. You need to use them at least once a week.

  1. Cut the lemon into slices and place them on your chest and décolleté. Hold the compress for 5-7 minutes and wash off the juice with warm water without soap. Then lubricate the skin with nourishing cream. The same action can be done with orange and cucumber.
  2. Mash strawberries or strawberries and add heavy cream to them. Beat the mixture well and apply to your chest. Keep the mask on for 10 minutes, then rinse off.
  3. In 1 tbsp. l. olive oil, add 2-3 drops of your favorite aroma oil, mix thoroughly and rub into the skin of your chest after a shower or bath. And never use plain bath soap to wash this area. It has a drying effect. Spare no expense and buy handmade soap with palm oil and herbal extracts.

You see how easy it is to make your breasts firm. The main thing is not to be lazy, and everything will work out!

Hi all. This issue is dedicated to girls/women, in which I wanted to talk about women’s breasts. Because girls with beautifully shaped breasts evoke in men, no matter what they say, first an ERECTION, and only then only admiration, respect and everything like that :)

In general, as you probably guessed, today we will talk about how to pump up a girl’s breasts (changing shape, size, visual effects, etc.).

I have already said many times (in issues mainly for guys) in order to achieve success in something, you must first understand how it works. In our case, we need to understand the anatomy of the female breast, how it is located, etc.

The breasts are located on top of the pectoral muscles, they are made up of SKIN and Glandular TISSUE, which is attached to the underlying muscle membrane.

FAT lies around the mammary gland and between its lobules. By the way, the amount of fat and glands in a woman’s breast varies in large quantities, which is why one girl’s breast size depends on the amount of FAT IN THE BODY (this is the case when a girl loses weight, goes on a diet, etc. - her breasts decrease), and another girl, who has many times more glandular tissue THAN FAT, her breast size is less dependent on body weight.

That is why the APPEARANCE OF A WOMAN'S BREAST depends on GENETICS (physiology), namely on:

  1. FORMS

Therefore, if you are pursuing the goal of influencing the size and shape of your breasts, then you have 3 ways available, because There are only TWO TISSUE in a woman's breast that can be somehow influenced!

First tissue (adipose)- not a very good way, because fat deposits will grow not only on the boobs, but also on other parts of the body. This doesn't interest us.

Second fabric (second method) is to make your mammary glands grow. The growth of these glands is controlled in parts by HORMONES. This, by the way, explains why breast size changes during the menstrual cycle or menopause.

By this I want to say that in order for growth to begin, it is necessary to take hormonal drugs. This is also not a very good method, because it is not safe. Serious health problems may arise.

Third way- it is the most popular in our time. This is plastic surgery (implantation of an inorganic substance). With this product you can increase the volume of your breasts QUICKLY and TO ANY SIZE 🙂

The most unpleasant paragraph of this article

As you may have already guessed, there are NO MUSCLES in WOMEN'S BREASTS! And this means that:


Well, what is the point of this article then? – many will say. But don’t be so scared and upset. Physical exercises for the development of chest muscles have many advantages, because well-developed, trained chest muscles give aesthetic and visual effects to your chest.

Yes. WITH the help of physical exercises YOU CAN REALLY STRENGTHEN YOUR CHEST MUSCLES AND MAKE THEM ELASTIC. And moreover, improve BLOOD CIRCULATION in this place (in the boobs). In turn, blood circulation will improve metabolism in the mammary gland tissue.

Moreover, developed pectoral muscles create a good “FRAMEWORK” for your BREASTS, which slows down the appearance of flabbiness (i.e. improves SKIN ELASTICITY) and slows down the prolapse of the mammary glands (i.e. raises the BREASTS, visually improving the shape of the mammary glands).

Well, it's not all that bad? Read on?

Everyone likes everything beautiful. And breasts are no exception. All girls (including their boyfriends) want to have big beautiful boobs: D. What is beauty? A TO THE GROWTH OF A WOMAN'S BREAST depends on its SHAPE and SKIN ELASTICITY. Therefore, away with debate, it’s time to practice.

Effective physical exercises for the development of the FEMALE BREAST

Before we begin the debriefing, you must understand that the muscles of the chest are quite STRONG and BIG, which means that 1-2 exercises and some other elementary ones, such as flyes and butterflies in the simulator (in general, isolating ones) will not be enough. Often girls do just this, do fly-ups on the bench, then go to the butterfly exercise machine and hope that in a couple of months, VOILA, THE BREASTS WILL GROW (by themselves). – of course this doesn’t happen. By this I want to say that without hard work (basic movements) it is impossible to get beautifully developed boobs. You will have to work your butt really hard to get the desired result :)

Exercise 1 – Incline bench press (inclination angle 30-45 degrees)

(3-4 sets of 15-20 repetitions, rest between sets no more than 1 minute).

Exercise 2 – Dips

Here, perform 2-3 approaches to the maximum. The exercise is very difficult (especially for girls), so it is for advanced people. Rest between sets for 1-2 minutes (depending on how you feel). For more beginners, I recommend replacing this exercise with:

  • push-ups from the floor (with arms wide).

If you can’t do push-ups from the floor, then until your chest muscles get stronger, do push-ups from your knees 3-4 sets of 8-15 reps

Exercise 3 - Dumbbell flyes while lying on an incline bench

(3-4 sets of 15-20 times, rest between sets no more than 1 minute).

OK. We've sorted out the exercises. I don’t know whether to write about the execution technique or not, it will be a very long article. But what can you do, the exercises themselves are useless without the correct execution technique.

Technique for performing these exercises

Exercise No. 1. Bench press on an incline bench. Your actions are simple, firstly (if possible) ask the current coach to explain how to correctly perform this or that exercise + help in case of anything (for example, to provide support on the bench press, set up the technique, lift morale, and so on).

He should show or tell you something like this: Sit comfortably on an incline bench, with the bar above your head (possibly at eye level). So, after you’ve positioned yourself on the bench, grab the bar with a grip slightly wider than shoulder-width. After you have taken a grip wider than your shoulders, remove the bar from the racks (on which the barbell was located) and slowly, under control, lower the barbell down onto the upper part of the chest muscles, and then press it up. And repeat the required rep range. That's all. At first glance, everything may seem easy (in fact, it is), but extra help from the girl (and especially if this is your first time at a fitness club) won’t hurt.

Or the exercise is a little more complicated, with dumbbells: (dumbbell press on an incline bench)

Watch the video on these and not only these (and also about some of the following) exercises:

Exercise No. 2. Dips (emphasis on the pectoral muscles) - for advanced ones. It is not recommended for use by beginners, as implementation requires significant effort and reliable, safe movements. Again, the same actions (trainer, help) should be explained or shown as follows: (by the way, if there is a graviton simulator) then let him lead you there. If not, then ordinary bars.

Grasp the handrails with your hands (as wide as possible) and jump out (stand on your hands) while your body becomes perpendicular to the floor. Then bend your legs at an angle of 90 degrees at the knees and constantly maintain this angle. Bend your head slightly down to slightly round your back and thereby focus on contracting the chest muscles. As you inhale, slowly lower yourself down, tilt your body forward, and move your pelvis back (to engage the chest muscles, not the arm muscles). As you exhale, push up and return to the starting position. I do not recommend this very difficult exercise (in terms of execution and technique) to beginners (only advanced ones) who know how to perform it.

Here, see the video about this exercise:

I think the above paragraph will be useless for most girls. Suitable for most girls push-up exercise (with arms wide). This is a very simple exercise in terms of technique, which is truly intended for beginners. It is very important that the arms are as wide as possible (this is on purpose so that the load shifts from the triceps to the chest muscles, because we are interested in boobs: D)

If possible (the same thing with a trainer, let him show you, help you, etc.) something like this: sit on the floor, your feet rest on the floor, your arms as wide as possible (to emphasize the pectoral muscles). After you start push-ups, work at full amplitude, i.e. lower yourself to the end and straighten up to the end. Different accents (I won’t give them now, it doesn’t matter to girls). Don't forget to breathe when you go down, inhale, when you go up, exhale.

By the way, if you can’t do push-ups on the floor, don’t worry. Start push-ups from your knees until your chest muscles become stronger. The technique is all the same.

Exercise No. 3. Dumbbell flyes while lying on an incline bench. If possible (as always, ask your coach for help, let him show you, help you, and back you up).

This is a horizontal layout (I couldn’t find an example on an inclined one), but I think the essence is clear.

You should say or show mainly the following: Take dumbbells in your hands and sit on an inclined bench (30-45 degrees). Straighten them (squeeze them up) this is the top point. This is where you will start. From this point, start very slowly, without losing your balance, lower the dumbbells with your arms slightly bent at the elbows down towards the pelvis until you reach a fully stretched position (as you feel), then return to the starting position. And repeat the required rep range. That's all.


Firstly, you cannot change the order of the exercises! This is in case you do chest training on a separate day of the week. For example, Monday. This order goes from basic (heavy work) to isolating (light, formative) movements. It is very important!

All exercises fully engage the pectoral muscles, but almost every exercise has its own emphasis on a specific area. For example, an incline bench press (in general, any inclined load of 30-45 degrees develops the UPPER PART OF THE CHEST), but, for example, push-ups on the uneven bars = develops the lower part of it.

Secondly, it is not necessary to perform all these 4 exercises in a row. This is if you are a beginner (it’s your first time in the gym, you’ve never been to a fitness club before, then start gradually, you can just start with a barbell press on an incline bench, after a while, depending on how you feel, add another dumbbell fly on an incline, then that’s already two exercises (basic + isolating) And so on gradually until we reach 3 exercises in a row.


I apologize in advance for my French, but there is no need to suffer through bullshit in the hall. If you are determined to improve your pectoral muscles through physical exercise, then get ready for the right activities, for the right loads. From the first days, the right exercises, the right technique. Everything is in the mind. The next day after training you should feel that your chest muscles are slightly sore, then THIS IS NORMAL :) You are doing everything right. Muscles enlarge and grow ONLY WHEN THE LOAD ON THEM IS SIGNIFICANTLY MORE THAN USUAL. And the slight pain that you feel the next day (or immediately after training) just tells us that you worked the muscle well enough. Those. There is no need to be afraid of this, this is normal.

Okay, we'll talk about material regarding the development of beautiful pectoral muscles for girls. You can end here (but don’t rush, read to the end) there are many useful surprises waiting for you.

If you don’t know how to practice correctly (where to start, what to do, etc.). Don’t be upset, I have a fitness club on my website.<= Переходите по ссылке и изучайте, на здоровье. Там все грамотно рассказано и показано, все в деталях с фотографиями. В общем, не потеряетесь. Желаю удачи.

Moreover, for those who do not have the opportunity for some reason (finances, romance, embarrassment, etc.) to go to a fitness club, I have written<= Переходите по ссылке и изучайте. Опять же таки все четко описано (уверен, многим пригодиться).

This is where I end this issue. I hope you found it interesting to see this writing. I promise there will be many useful lessons for you girls in the future. Be patient. Everything will be but not immediately.

Best regards, administrator.

A beautiful bust does not necessarily amaze others with its size. But in reality, of course, it is not the size that is valued, but the shape, firmness and aesthetics of the breast. How to care for your breasts so that they always remain beautiful?

The most beautiful breast size

What breast size do you need to have to be considered attractive? It is no secret that quantity here does not always translate into quality, because no one has canceled the laws of gravity, and a heavy bust will certainly fall down. Therefore, girls with impressive busts are forced to choose really comfortable bras for years, and some even decide to have breast reduction.

There is a common belief that the ideal breast is one that can fit in a man's hand. If we translate this into modern sizes, then depending on the size of the hand we will get a second or third size. The point, of course, is not in men’s hands at all; any breast is beautiful by definition; however, small breasts are simply more convenient for the woman herself.

According to researchers, the ideal breast is one in which the ratio of the upper and lower lobes is 45% to 55% with the nipple pointing upward. True, they do not specify what size it should be, so those with large busts should not despair.

But even if your breasts are suddenly not so close to the generally accepted ideal, you should remember that you can get closer to it with the help of constant breast care. You need to monitor your health, take care of your posture, which greatly affects the appearance of your breasts, take a contrast shower to restore the skin's elasticity and fresh appearance, and also do not forget about physical exercise.

The largest breasts in the world

But what about life for girls with huge busts? After all, this is in every sense a very difficult test for the whole organism. However, some desperate women deliberately enlarge their breasts, like Chelsea Charms. Her breasts are considered the largest in the world and give a certain reason for pride.

Chelsea had her breasts enlarged with the help of surgeons who inserted polypropylene implants into her. Since the girl does striptease and also acts in films for adults, this change in appearance only played into her hands. Each of her breasts weighs more than 11 kilos, and the size is marked with the numbers 164ХХХ.

But not only silicone breasts can be the largest in the world. Chinese woman Ting Hiafen's breasts are in no way inferior to Chelsea's. Moreover, it is absolutely natural. True, the surgeons showed their skills here too, but not in the direction of increase, but just the opposite.

Ting's breasts began to grow at a very young age, and soon became the subject of ridicule by her peers. The reason for this rapid growth, according to doctors, was a hormonal imbalance. Ting could not even move without assistance, because the weight of her bust exceeded 20 kg, which, of course, was an unbearable burden for a 12-year-old fragile girl. After successful surgery, her breasts became smaller, but they are still among the largest busts in the world.

The most beautiful natural breasts

Undoubtedly, true connoisseurs of a beautiful bust prefer natural beauty that was not created by the hand of a surgeon. And there are many girls with such wealth, both among celebrities and among ordinary people.

In the history of cinema, Marilyn Monroe's breasts were considered one of the most beautiful. It is still unclear, however, whether her breasts were enlarged or not; Perhaps this is just speculation from envious people. Marilyn’s figure parameters are still considered almost ideal in our time, and many women try to achieve the same feminine and expressive figure.

And among our contemporaries, Scarlett Johansson has the most beautiful natural breasts. Moreover, the actress enlarged her breasts at the beginning of her career, but after a short time she abandoned implants in favor of naturalness. By the way, surgeons note that such calls to their clinics are becoming more frequent, which means that the fashion for silicone breasts is gradually passing.

The most beautiful and sexy breasts in the world

Glossy magazines regularly compile ratings of the most beautiful busts. According to In Touch magazine, which compiled one of them, the first place in it is occupied by pop singer Jessica Simpson.

Jessica supplanted the famous Pamela Anderson from the leadership position, although Jessica's bust is much more modest in size. So now the title “The Most Luxurious Breasts in Hollywood” belongs to her. Many felt that her bust could truly be called ideal.

Upon closer examination, it turns out that Jessica Simpson's breasts did not become this way by nature. The professional hands of surgeons and a little silicone helped her get into great shape. But this does not bother the singer’s many fans, since the result is magnificent, and is it really important how Jessica achieved it? Emily Ratajkowski has breasts of rare beauty

The editors of the site remind you that beauty comes in different forms, and there is no single standard of attractiveness. We invite you to read about Russian stars who are considered overweight and at the same time feel quite comfortable.
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The most beautiful thing about a girl is her eyes! But for some reason women are obsessed with their breasts. Everyone wants their breasts to be beautiful, lifted and firm, but desire alone is not enough.

Physical exercise

Get used to starting your morning with exercise, namely with those exercises that develop your chest muscles. By moving your arms in a circular motion, you will warm up your pectoral muscles and then you can move on to complex physical activities. To start, you can do 20 circular movements, 3 times a day, for 5 days. During this time, the body will get used to work and activity.

After a week of charging, you can move on to. Not everyone can do push-ups from the floor, so you can use the window sill as an assistant. The most important thing in this exercise is how your hands are positioned. The palms should lie tightly on the surface, and the elbows should be perpendicular to the window sill. As you begin to do the exercises, you will feel how your pectoral muscles will tighten. Over time, they will grow, the breasts will rise and acquire a rounded shape. Exercises with dumbbells will help make your chest firm.

There is another exercise for breast elasticity that can be done at any time. Place your palms at chest level and squeeze them as tightly as you can, holding the position for 3-5 seconds. This exercise can be used anywhere: while watching TV or while taking a shower. The result is important, and it will happen.

Breast firmness and proper nutrition

Dear girls, if you want your breasts to remain beautiful for as long as possible, then not only physical exercises for your breasts will help you, but also proper nutrition. To keep your breasts in excellent shape, you need to include fruits in orange and red shades in your diet, for example:,.

Women's breasts consist of adipose tissue, which is not restored after childbirth and breastfeeding, so you need to help. You need to eat peas, lentils, and dairy products. The products contain natural fats that will not harm the body.

To maintain breast firmness on hot summer days, avoid exposing your breasts to the scorching sun. If it’s really hot, cover yourself with a silk scarf or pareo. This will not save you from the heat, but you will hide from ultraviolet radiation and keep your breasts in excellent shape.

Don’t forget about the “correct” bras, which should support the breasts and not pull or squeeze. Carefully select the item in size, otherwise you will face unpleasant consequences, which are also not so easy to deal with.

Hi all! If men have their own affairs, they can calmly return to them, because today we have a purely female article, and it will be devoted to the very piquant topic “How to make your breasts firm.” After reading the note, all the ladies will get a clear idea of ​​what needs to be done so that their (your) one of the main weapons immediately “kills” on the spot any man who looks at him).

So, let's go get enlightened!

How to make breasts firm: what, why and why.

I don’t know if young ladies are aware, but the majority of the male population singles out this particular object of the female figure as the sexiest and most attention-grabbing.

If we go a little into science, then on a subconscious level a man associates his breasts with the mother, the process of feeding and nursing the baby. The latter is deeply imprinted in the neural circuits of the brain as a process of receiving pleasure by both representatives. With time (at a more mature age) When a man sees a woman’s breasts, these “deep” connections are immediately triggered, and he is irresistibly drawn to the décolleté area. Well, because... The main generic trait of a woman is to please others, it’s no wonder that this particular question is how to make breasts firm - she pays quite a lot of attention.

To answer it, you need to have certain theoretical and practical knowledge. This is what we will do next with education in this direction.

How to make breasts firm: theory and anatomy

In our age of IT and the dominance of the Internet, it is enough to enter any query into a search engine, and tons of varied information will immediately pour out on you. If we consider our situation, and it is directly related to human beauty, then there is a lot of “fake” data and advice. In particular, a woman is promised to tighten her breasts and give them new shapes using various lotions, compresses, baths and creams. More mercantile advisers offer to pay money in order to get their hands on a unique technique for tightening and enlarging the bust.

Personally, I believe that in such matters it is necessary to be guided by common sense, and not rely on miracle cures and drugs. Common sense consists of studying the issue in detail and making decisions based on objective information. That's what we'll do - let's start with the theoretical foundations.

What does the décolleté area consist of? It includes:

  • mammary gland;
  • muscular (supportive) corset.

The female breast is a complex complex structure that consists of fat, connective tissue, lobes, lobules, ducts and lymph nodes (see image).

Let's go a little deeper into the details.

Each breast has a number of sections called lobules, each of which has tiny hollow sacs called alveoli. The lobules are interconnected by a network of thin tubes (ducts). If a woman is breastfeeding, the ducts carry milk from the alveoli to the dark area of ​​the skin in the center - the areola. From the areola, the canals unite into larger ducts that end at the nipple.

The spaces around the lobules and ducts are filled with fat, ligaments and connective tissue. The amount of fat in your breasts (warning!) largely determines their size. Teenage girls have denser and less fatty breast tissue, resulting in breast shapes that are inferior to their older compatriots.

An important physiological feature of the breast is that it does not have muscle tissue. The muscles lie under the mammary gland and separate the latter from the ribs. All nutrients, as well as oxygen, enter the breast tissue through arteries and capillaries - thin and fragile blood vessels.


The main misconception of women (this is what various advisers “cash in” on): breasts can be pumped up. This is wrong. You can adjust its shape, tighten muscles (making it more elastic), but increasing its size on your own is an impossible task that goes against human physiology.

This is all that is useful to know about the anatomy of the mammary glands.

How to make breasts firm: muscle corset

As for the muscle corset, it is the pectoral muscles that are responsible for degree of sagging/lifting breasts Therefore, here it is necessary to be well versed in the muscular atlas of the upper shoulder girdle. It is clearly presented in the figure.

Pectoral pectoralis muscle (large and small) forms a “supporting” corset. The appetizing nature of the bust largely depends on its functional characteristics. I think you are aware that each person is a unique anatomical subject, and therefore it is almost impossible to find two completely identical female breasts (at least I haven't seen it yet :)).

So, each young lady has her own unique shape of the mammary glands. If we somehow try to classify it (breasts) according to this parameter, we will get the following picture.

Of course, these are not all types of forms, but the most popular ones, i.e. their owners are found in most statistical cases.

It will be useful for some of you, my dear girls, to know which breast shape is the most geometrically correct and, accordingly, preferred by men. British scientists (well, who else, because they always have nothing to do) In the course of their research, they derived a formula for its ideality.

According to their research, size does not play a decisive role in determining the “beautifulness” of the breast, the whole point lies in the proportions. This formula is simple and is expressed in the following numbers. If you mentally divide the chest with a horizontal line (passing through the nipples), then its proportions should be as follows: the upper part is 45% , and the lower one - 55% .

Another finding relates to the position of the nipples. They should be slightly “pulled up”, i.e. The angle in degrees should be from 20 before 45 .

How to make breasts firm: main factors

I think a reasonable question arose: “what factors influence the shape of the breast?”, “why is it different for everyone?” Mainly the following can be distinguished: 6 factors that make a significant contribution to the “form” component.

No. 1. Body fat level

By and large, it is the fat found in the breasts that gives it its characteristic shape, texture and size. Women have larger mammary glands (compared to men), because Estrogen tells the body to create fat deposits in the breast area. It also gives males a signal to build more muscle.

Those representatives of the fair sex who have more body fat, as a rule, have more impressive figures. Fluctuations in weight (body size) will also affect breast size. Rapid weight loss will make it smaller, an increase in total weight will lead to an increase in “balls” :).


The amount of fat that tends to get into the chest area depends on many factors, the main one being genetics. However, you can often encounter situations where the girl herself is thin, but her own “bustier” is simply amazing.

No. 2. Pregnancy

It is one of the most significant factors in breast transformation. During pregnancy, the concentration of hormones such as progesterone, estrogen and prolactin rises in a woman’s body. As a result, fat deposits increase and the mammary glands become fuller (larger cup size). Some women refuse to breastfeed their babies, arguing that the breasts will begin to sag and lose their shape. Science has shown that breastfeeding has no effect on breast shape.

No. 3. Age

The most active period for breast enlargement is the age before 20 years. After it, the shape of the breast and its size no longer depend on the level of estrogen, but on factors such as pregnancy, body fat content, etc.

Aged 40 Over the years, the connective tissue (Cooper's ligament) that supports the breasts begins to lose its strength. The skin begins to lose its elasticity and supporting proteins (collagen, elastin), which participate in the “support” processes, begin to collapse. Gravity processes also make themselves felt. Aged 60 Breast sagging is a completely natural phenomenon.


Some studies have shown that wearing bras during puberty and under non-stressful circumstances can actually weaken Cooper's ligaments and cause them to atrophy. To maintain natural breast support, some doctors recommend wearing bras only when a girl is involved in strenuous activity. (fitness, Pilates, aerobics) and during pregnancy.

No. 4. Heredity

You should not have any illusions about a large bust if you were born into a family of women with small breasts. Heredity and genes play a big role in this process. For example, the latter are responsible for the amount and distribution of fat across areas of the body, i.e. where it will “lie” more: on the stomach, hips or chest area. This information is passed on from generation to generation.

Heredity also affects the genetic predisposition to obesity or thinness, i.e. on the overall size of the body in general and breasts in particular.

No. 5. Smoking

It is a scientifically proven fact that smoking makes your breasts sag. Cigarettes contain compounds that break down elastin, a protein responsible for maintaining skin elasticity. Being in a certain concentration in the chest area, it helps keep the skin toned (more “hard”). Without it or in small amounts, breasts are more prone to gravity and sagging.

No. 6. Surgical intervention

Very often, women who are dissatisfied with their shape resort to plastic surgery. Of course, this way (implantation) You can make yourself any shape. However, it is important to understand that the breast is, first of all, a gland with important biological significance. (feeding offspring), and not a decorative item for making a marafet.

So, we’ve sorted out the theoretical basis, now let’s move on to practice.

How to make your breasts firm: effective exercises

As you probably remember, at the beginning of the article I talked about common sense and developing solutions. So, based on the above information, it becomes clear that the most effective way to make the breasts firm is to work with the muscle structures surrounding the mammary gland - the pectoralis major and minor muscles and Cooper's ligaments.

Well, when it comes to muscles, then only physical activity in the form of various exercises comes to the rescue. That's what we'll talk about in this part of the article. Let's look at the most effective exercises that will help any woman strengthen her breasts and correct their shape.

The pectoral muscles are powerfully used in push-ups, pull-ups, and various punches. (for example, in tennis), in which movements occur in the anterior part of the sternum. The fastest results come from moving dumbbells with progressive resistance.

Before starting the exercises, women should remember one postulate - they should not be afraid of working on their pecs. You will never be able to achieve the bulk and muscular appearance of men due to genetics. All you will achieve is improved posture, muscle tone of the pectoral muscles and, as a result, a more appetizing appearance of your bust.

Actually, from words to deeds, let’s consider what fitness and classes with free weights can offer us (you).

No. 1. Push ups

The best exercise for training your chest. It does not require any and can be performed anywhere. Girls often do not like him due to the weakness of his arms and the inability to support his own body weight with the latter. If you belong to this category of ladies, then you can do push-ups from your knees. An alternative can also be push-ups against the wall or in the opening of the walls.

The technique of performing the exercise is described in detail in this note: . I will give only visual instructions for this action.

Execute 8-10 push-ups in 2 approaches.

No. 2. Reduction and extension of arms in the butterfly simulator

An excellent exercise for overall toning and breast development. The execution technique is as follows.

Set a comfortable weight and perform 10 repetitions in 3 approach.

No. 3. Reduction/raise of dumbbells lying on a horizontal bench

Aimed at working out the middle part of the pecs. The step-by-step execution is as follows.

Select the weight of the dumbbells so as to perform 2 approach to 8 repetitions.

No. 4. Dumbbell chest press

Projectile movement (lowering and raising) is carried out upwards, not to the sides, as with wiring. It looks like this.

No. 5. Pullover with dumbbell

An exercise to expand the chest allows you to work out its “depth”. The technique is described in detail here:. It looks like this.

Select the weight of the dumbbell so that you can perform 2 approach to 10-12 repetitions.

No. 6. Bringing/spreading hands in a crossover

A multifunctional exercise that, depending on the athlete’s position, allows you to work out all three thoracic regions (top, middle, bottom). The execution technique is:

Execute 3 approach to 10 repetitions.

In addition to strength exercises in the gym, you can also do “home” options.

No. 7. Prayer

Take the IP position: feet shoulder-width apart, back straight, arms folded like a monk - at chest level with palms facing each other. Squeeze your palms as hard as possible and maintain this tense state for 20 seconds Do this until you feel a slight burning sensation in the solar plexus area.

On average, it is necessary to perform 10 repetitions in 3-5 approaches.

No. 8. Librarian Charging

Take it in your hands 2 dumbbells (or books of the same weight). Take the starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, back straight. Turn your arms straight, palms up, and extend them in front of you at chest level. At the same time, stand on your toes and spread your arms with weights to the sides. Return to IP, without lowering your arms and standing on your entire foot. Execute 5 approaches to 20 repetitions.

No. 9. Wall

A good home exercise that is suitable for all those who have walls in their home :). Go to the doorway and rest your head with your hands on the frame. Trying to move the wall, press forward for one minute. Then lean forward slightly (to increase pressure on the chest) and press for another minute. Execute 3 approach to 3 minutes for each hand.

No. 10. Pull-pull

For this exercise you will need an expander or gymnastic band. Take the starting position: your hands are shoulder-width apart and in front of you, holding an expander. Spread your arms to the sides, trying to “open your arms” as much as possible. In the most extreme position, hold your hands on 10 seconds and then slowly return to IP.

Execute 5 approaches to 10 repetitions.

Well, in fact, all the exercises that will allow you to significantly strengthen your pectoral muscles, use them, ladies!


Today we answered the question of how to make breasts firmer. If, after reading the article, you still do not feel any visible changes, then this can only mean that it’s time to fly to the fitness room and try it all out in practice. I wish to catch the admiring glances of men from your magnificent busts!

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With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.