Easy instructions for weaving an original five-strand braid. How to weave a five-strand braid according to the pattern (for beginners) 5-strand braid hairstyles

Are you the happy owner of beautiful long hair? This means that you have a great opportunity to experiment with styling and different types of weaving: French braid, “spikelet”. A boring classic three-strand braid can be replaced with an analogue of 5. It looks extraordinary, wider and more magnificent than a regular three-strand braid, and will be an excellent alternative to everyday ponytails and buns. The advantage of such a braid is the simplicity of weaving and at the same time external effectiveness. Anyone who knows how to make a regular braid on their own can quickly learn this method.

Five-strand braid: step-by-step instructions

In order to master the technique and get good results on your head, first practice on a friend or a mannequin. You can even try it on regular wool threads.

Prepare your tools in advance: a comb and an elastic band to secure the braid.

  1. Comb your hair thoroughly. Divide them into five parts, which you label from left to right from 1 to 5.
  2. Part 1 is superimposed on 2 and starts under 3;
  3. Place strand 5 on top of 4 and place it under 1 (it is already in place 3);
  4. For simplicity, re-number the strands that have swapped places and repeat the steps starting from step 2.

Five-strand French braid pattern

Once you understand the braiding technique, you can move on to a five-strand French braid.

  1. At the top of the head, from the base of the braid, begin to weave a regular braid of three strands;
  2. After that, separate the strand on the left and bring it under the outermost one and from above onto the middle one;
  3. Repeat step 2, but on the right side;
  4. You have five strands in your hands;
  5. Now grab the loose hair on the left side and add it to the leftmost strand. Bring it under the nearest curl and on top of the next one;
  6. Repeat step 5, but on the right side;
  7. Continue braiding, repeating steps 5-6.

You can create an amazingly beautiful hairstyle if you braid such a braid around your head or diagonally. To add volume, slightly pull out the outer strands and fix them with hairspray. Woven ribbons will add extra chic to your hairstyle. When you go to a party or holiday, decorate your braid with pearls, rhinestones, and flowers.

The thicker and longer the hair, the more intricate hairstyles you can create based on it. Just look at a chic 5-strand braid that looks like a real work of hairdressing art. Braiding it on your hair yourself is quite difficult. You can ask a relative or friend for help, after showing them diagrams, photos and step-by-step descriptions of the technologies for creating five-strand braids.

Hairstyle description

Hairdressing fantasy has no limits. In addition, there are many options for weaving braids from 4, 5, 6 and even 10 strands. According to one version, the authorship of hairstyles of incredible beauty and complexity belongs to the French. The original five-strand braid itself looks like a skillful alternation of curls, in which it is not always possible to visually determine the sequence of weaving. If you add a couple of ribbons to the installation, you get one of the particularly complex options - “Chess”. The pattern of this hairstyle resembles a checkered board.

The 5-strand braid showcases the luxury of long, thick hair. It can also be braided on medium-length curls. The ideal five-piece braid is obtained on smooth hair. Curly, curly hair is better beforehand. Thin ones can be treated with a nozzle for additional volume.

Who is it suitable for?

With this hairstyle you can appear in the office or at a party - you are guaranteed the attention of others. For a special event, decorate your braid with accessories: flowers, ribbons, beads, etc. However Due to the complex and time-consuming weaving, styling is not suitable for every day.

It is better to choose a five-strand braid for young women and teenage girls. The hairstyle on the head of a little girl with luxurious hair looks cute. There are no other restrictions. Do the styling with or without bangs, with different partings or smoothly combed back curls.

Creating a five-strand braid requires certain knowledge, skills and abilities. Therefore, use the following tips:

  1. First, learn how to braid someone's hair, and then move on to experimenting with your own hair.
  2. If you don't have a relative or friend with long hair, study the weaving pattern with woolen threads. For ease of memorization, take 5 multi-colored segments.
  3. When doing your own hair, place mirrors opposite each other to keep an eye on the hair on the back of your head.
  4. The weaving should not be tight.
  5. You are more likely to master the technology if you know how to weave.
  6. It is more convenient to braid medium-length curls, as well as cascading haircuts, after collecting the hair in a ponytail. Long strands can be styled in any way.
  7. Before braiding, moisten the strands with water or wax. The hair will become more manageable and will not become electrified.
  8. If your hair is tangled, gently comb it with a massage brush or shake the strand.
  9. If you set a goal to learn the technique of creating a 5-strand braid, practice daily training. The fingers will remember the movements, and soon the process will become automatic.
  10. In addition to an elastic band and a comb, you may need beautiful accessories (for example, a ribbon).

By the way. A 5-strand braid is a complex weave, so in Moscow salons hairdressers charge 500–700 rubles for this service. The price is determined by many factors and may be higher if your hair is very long or thick, etc.

Step-by-step instructions for beginners

There are several different patterns for weaving a 5-strand braid. Consider all the options and decide which one is easier and more affordable for you. It is believed that the easiest way to weave a pigtail is based on the tail. Thanks to the elastic band, the hair does not fall apart, so it is more convenient to hold it in two hands.


Using this method, braiding is not very difficult:

  1. Comb damp hair.
  2. Pull it into a random ponytail: high, low, side.
  3. Divide all hair into 5 identical parts. Mentally number them from left to right.
  4. Place strand No. 1 (far left) over No. 2 and pass under No. 3.
  5. Place the fifth part (far right) on No. 4 and place it under what is considered the third at this stage (you will see that this is the “former” strand No. 1).
  6. For convenience, re-number the curls from left to right so as not to get confused. Repeat all the steps from the beginning: intertwine the first strand with the second and third, then the fifth with the fourth and third. Number again. Continue doing this until you have tied all the loose hair into a braid.

If it is more convenient for you to train on colored threads or ribbons, use the same technology, shown in the following diagram:


The next technique is practically no different from the first. The difference is that the 5-strand braid starts on the right instead of the left. In general, the algorithm looks like this:

  • strands are numbered from 1 to 5 starting from the right edge;
  • No. 1 is intertwined with No. 2, and then with No. 3;
  • No. 5 is crossed with No. 4, after which the one in the center is thrown onto it;
  • the process is repeated, returning to the strands on the far right. Then - similar actions on the left;
  • continue this sequence until the end of the tail.

Advice. Fluff the braid - slightly stretch the curls with your fingers.

Various options

Having mastered simple weaving techniques, move on to more complex options. It's easier to do them on someone else than on yourself. Please be patient and carefully study the step-by-step instructions with detailed explanations.


This method is also often called the classic five-strand braid with tiebacks. To do this hairstyle, follow these instructions:

  1. Carefully comb your hair back. Moisten it if necessary.
  2. In the area of ​​the crown or on the crown, separate a small part of the hair. Form 3 strands from it.
  3. Start weaving a traditional spikelet: cross the central curl with the right and left parts.
  4. After the first weave, grab the free part of the hair on the left - this is a new strand. Place it under the one closest to it on the right and move it over the center one.
  5. Separate the 5th strand of hair located on the right side. Do the same as with the previous curl: place it under the one closest to it on the left, and then on the middle one.
  6. Continue braiding in the same way, picking up new parts of hair, first on the left, then on the right.
  7. When the free strands run out, finish the braid without them, along the main length. Tie the end with an elastic band.


The following algorithm will help you understand the technique:

  1. Above the right ear, separate a small strand and divide it into 3 parts.
  2. Cover the other two curls with the rightmost curl.
  3. On the left side, select a new strand of the same thickness as the rest.
  4. Place it under the curl closest to it and bring it above the middle part.
  5. Select a new strand on the right side. Treat it the same way as at the beginning of weaving: move it over the two closest ones.
  6. On the left side, separate a new section of hair and add it to the outermost curl.
  7. Then pass the resulting strand under the nearest one and over the middle one.
  8. Follow the same steps on the right side.
  9. Braid the braid diagonally, alternately adding new curls on both sides.
  10. Place the remaining hair in a side ponytail or braid.

With one tape

The hairstyle looks elegant. The tape does not complicate the task: it replaces one of the strands. In general, the weaving algorithm looks like this:

  1. The hair is combed back.
  2. At the top of the head, a wide part is separated from which the braid will be woven.
  3. The selected ribbon is tied underneath it, leaving only one end long. The accessory is attached to a thin strand in order to mask this place with a braid in the future.
  4. From a wide selected part of the hair, 4 curls are formed, mentally numbering them from left to right. The tape plays the role of another strand - No. 2.
  5. Curl No. 5 (far right) is placed under No. 4, and then passed over No. 3.
  6. A tape is laid on top of the middle one (formerly No. 5). Now she is in the center.
  7. The leftmost strand No. 1 is placed under the nearest one (No. 5). The tape is passed over it, returning it to its previous position, second from the left.
  8. Add some loose hair to the far right part and repeat the same steps.
  9. When it comes time to cross the leftmost strand, a new small curl is also attached to it.
  10. The braid is woven using the same algorithm. Don't forget to add loose hair on the right and left.
  11. Having reached the back of the head, the braid is braided without additional curls and secured at the end with an elastic band.

With two ribbons or thin braids

This option is easier than it might seem. Here 2 strands are immediately replaced with ribbons. In addition, the weave is formed on the basis of the tail. You can use one long ribbon or two shorter ones. If desired, choose multi-colored stripes. Weaving algorithm:

  1. Pull your hair into a ponytail. Tie a ribbon over the elastic, leaving 2 approximately equal ends.
  2. Divide all the curls from the ponytail into 3 equal strands. Position and number them so that both ends of the tape are at positions #3 and #4.
  3. Place strand No. 1 under No. 2. Draw ribbons under the first part. Curl No. 1 will be in the fourth position from the left.
  4. Place the fifth (far right) strand under the first (which is now next to it). Beneath it are ribbons, crossing them with each other.
  5. Perform identical steps on the left, then on the right.
  6. Repeat until you have your entire ponytail in a braid.

In the same way, you can braid an original five-strand braid, in which thin braids play the role of ribbons. Divide the ponytail into 5 strands, numbered from left to right. From No. 3 and No. 4, braid regular spikelets. Next, be guided by the technology you already know.

By the way. You can do a French braid in the same way. Start weaving from the top of your head, fixing the ribbon under the first strand. Alternately add loose curls on both sides of the loose hair.


A checkerboard pattern is also formed using one or two ribbons 1–1.5 cm wide. Take black and white or colored stripes. It is important that they are rigid and do not curl. Before starting work, review the diagram. The ribbons on it are highlighted in pink and red. The algorithm is reminiscent of braiding a braid with two ribbons, but there are differences.

Step by step description:

  1. Comb your hair and, if necessary, moisturize or wax it.
  2. At the top of your head, separate a wide strand from which you will form a braid.
  3. Lift this part and attach two ribbons under it using bobby pins. You can take one strip of fabric, fold it in half and secure it in a similar way.
  4. Lower your hair and form 3 strands. Place them between the tapes as indicated in the diagram. Number all parts. Tapes are No. 3 and No. 4 (Fig. 1 in the diagram).
  5. Pull curl No. 1 under No. 2, then over No. 3 and under No. 4. Now the strand that was on the far left will become the fourth (Fig. 2).
  6. Follow identical steps on the right side. Place curl No. 5 under the one next to it on the left, then pass it over one and under the second ribbon (Fig. 3).
  7. To the leftmost part, add some loose hair from your head and repeat the same algorithm: bring the nearest curl under the ponytail, throw it over the first ribbon and place it under the second. This strand will become second from the right or fourth from the left. (Fig. 4 on the diagram).
  8. Do the same with the last right part. Add some hair, place it under the nearest curl, then over one and under the second ribbon (Fig. 5).
  9. Make sure the bands are taut at all times. It turns out that you braid them on both sides, forming a checkerboard pattern.
  10. Reach the end, following the same pattern.
  11. Secure the end of the braid with an elastic band and tie a bow from the tails of the ribbon.

Such a braid can become one of the elements of a hairstyle. Braid it without using additional strands. For example, separate a narrow part from one of the temples. Don't pull your hair too tight to create a lace weave.

In the form of a basket

This method is reminiscent of basket weaving, because the position of the working strand constantly alternates under and above adjacent curls. You can braid the braid all over your head or lay it on one side, as in this case:

  1. Comb your hair, divide it into 5 parts. Mentally number. No. 1 is the one on the far left, if you are going to lay the braid on the same side.
  2. Place No. 5 over No. 4, then under No. 3, over No. 2 and under No. 1.
  3. Now take curl No. 1 and stretch it in the same way above and below all neighboring ones, observing the sequence.
  4. Alternate braiding until the end of the hair.
  5. Tie the end of the braid with an elastic band.
  6. If desired, straighten the curls a little with your fingers to make the styling more voluminous.

You can find it on our website.

Advantages and disadvantages

A 5-strand braid has the following advantages:

  • emphasizes the beauty of long hair;
  • looks luxurious and mysterious;
  • Suitable for owners of any appearance;
  • lasts a long time without styling products or correction.


  • the technology is difficult to perform at home on your own hair;
  • styling in a salon is expensive;
  • sloppily braided hair needs to be untied and started all over again;
  • There are restrictions on age and scope of application.

Stellar examples

Celebrities love a variety of hairstyles with braids, but usually give preference to simpler options: careless, quick, etc. Complex five-strand braiding is more often demonstrated by girl bloggers and simply active users of social networks, who share the secrets of creating hairstyles and are happy to show their luxurious hair from the most favorable angles. Do the same if nature has blessed you with beautiful and long hair.

You won’t be able to braid a 5-strand braid yourself the first time, but after a few workouts, your efforts will surely be rewarded with a gorgeous hairstyle.

Useful videos

Five strand braid. The usual way.

How to braid a five-strand braid yourself.

As you know, hairstyle is the finishing touch to creating the perfect evening look. You can leave your hair hanging freely along your back, twisting it into beautiful curls, or braid it in an openwork lace braid. Braided hairstyles are so popular that they can be seen almost everywhere now - in movies, on television, in magazines, etc.

By looking through the galleries of evening hairstyles with braided elements, you can decide which hairstyle you like best. It is worth thinking about the image in advance, because it is possible that the chosen style only looks good in photographs.

When you do a 3-strand French braid, everything is clear. The 5-strand braid is a little more complicated because you need to use five strands instead of three. After a little training and technique analysis, weaving this magnificent braid will not be difficult.

Wherever you appear with this hairstyle, you will receive many compliments, because the braid looks unusual and voluminous.

To work with coarse hair, it is advisable to use gel-wax or styling product in the form of a spray. This will also make the strands clearer and make the braiding process easier.

A five-strand braid is created like a French braid and should run diagonally along the entire head, creating an openwork effect. You will need the help of a friend, or perhaps you yourself will want to practice on one of your family.

Photo diagram of a braid of 5 strands diagonally

Comb your hair well; it should not get tangled while working.

The braid will start above the right ear and end below the left ear.

Step 1. Select a small section of hair on the right. Divide it into 3 parts, as when weaving a regular braid.

Step 2. Move strand 1 over strand 2, then 3 over 1.

Step 3. Separate strand 4 to the left of the main braid.

Step 4. Place strand 4 under 2, then over 3, like a checkerboard weave.

Step 5. Select another strand at the right temple, for a total of 5 strands. Place section 5 under 1 and above 4.

The main part for weaving is the one with three strands, i.e. with strands No. 2, 3, 5.

Step 6. We work with it: we put strand 2 under 3 and over 5.

Step 7. Raise section 3 up.

Step 8. We make a new pick-up on the left.

Step 9. Add a tieback to strand 2.

Step 10. Lower strand 3. Now we work with the main section of three strands: No. 2, 4, 1.

Step 11. Remove strand 4 up.

Step 12. We pick up a new strand from the right and add it to section 1. We place strand 1 above 2 and under 3. We lower section 4.

We pull out the sides of the five-strand braid to create a beautiful lace effect. Delicacy can be added as the weaving progresses.

We braid the braid to the end and tie it with an elastic band. We decorate to your taste.

Today, braids are considered the best options for creating various hairstyles. You can braid them yourself at home. The most common braid is the 5-strand braid. But many are afraid to face it, because they consider it a rather complicated option.

Who is it suitable for?

Many people believe that braids are only suitable for young girls. This is a misconception. A five-strand braid can be suitable for both everyday hairstyles and festive ones. This look suits different face shapes and any hair. But it is believed that on straight lines it looks a little prettier. There is one condition for creating such a hairstyle - the hair must be long enough.

What is needed to create a hairstyle

To create a five-strand braid, you mainly need just a comb and an elastic band. But, if the hairstyle is festive, then some jewelry may be needed.

You may also need varnish. In addition to a massage comb, you will need a thin one. It is needed to separate the strands.

If you know how to weave a regular hairstyle, then a 5-strand braid will not be difficult for you.

Step-by-step weaving instructions

There are several weaving options.

To begin with, here is a diagram of weaving a braid of five strands:

The most common is the classic version:

  • First you need to comb your hair thoroughly.
  • Gather hair from the crown and divide it into three parts.
  • The beginning is similar to weaving a regular braid.
  • Next, using the tip of a comb, you need to separate another strand from the left edge - this will be the fourth.
  • It needs to be woven into the resulting braid. To do this, you need to pass it from below under the adjacent strand on the right and from above above the next strand.
  • Now you need to create a fifth strand, but on the right side.
  • It needs to be woven in the same way as point 5.
  • Now you need to weave a braid of five strands, constantly adding thin curls on the sides.
  • Finish the braid and tie it with an elastic band.

Options for braiding 5-strand braids


The braid is braided diagonally in the same way as the classic version.

Only the weaving starts not from the top of the head, but from the temple and goes down in a diagonal direction:

  • Comb your hair thoroughly. If they are magnetic, you can spray them with varnish.
  • We also select three strands near the temple and begin to weave the usual braid.
  • Next, you need to add two strands on both sides and weave from five.
  • Place the first strand on the second, the third on the first, the fourth on the second and on the third, the fifth on the first and under the fourth.
  • Thus, it turns out something similar to a chessboard.
  • Weave the braid as long as the hair is long enough, then finish and tie with an elastic band.


This type of weaving is considered somewhat more complex than the previous ones.

Let's consider some options for weaving such a braid:

  • Using your fingers, take a bunch of hair and divide it into 5 parts.
  • We will count strands 1 to 5 from right to left.
  • Let's move on to the actual weaving. Insert your index finger and little finger between strands 1 and 2. Use your little finger to pick up 1 strand. Insert your ring finger into strand 2 and grab 3.
  • Now you need to insert your middle and index fingers between 3 and 4. Using your middle finger, grab strand 2, and place your index finger under 4 and grab 5.
  • Now you need to extend your right hand to the ends of your hair. Thus it is possible.
  • Do the same with the other hand.
  • Now you need to add another strand to the strand between the middle and index fingers. Now repeat steps 3-5. All hair should be in one left hand.
  • Now repeat point 7, only add a strand on the other side.
  • Now weave in this manner until you run out of hair.

Second option:

  • Brush hair.
  • Gather a section of hair at the crown of your head.
  • Divide into five parts. We will number the strands from 1 to 5 from left to right. Hold 1,2,3 in your left hand, and 4, 5 in your right.
  • Pull strand 1 under 2 and over 3 and tighten. Now the strands are counted like this: 2,3,1,4,5.
  • Now with the right hand. Pull 5 under 4 and over 1. Now the strands look like this: 2,3,5,1,4.
  • On the left, take another strand and add to 2. Pull under 3 and over 5. Strands - 3,5,2,1,4.
  • Take a section of hair on the right. Add to 4. Pass under 1 and over 2.
  • Repeat steps 6 and 7 until you run out of hair.

With ribbons

A hairstyle made with ribbons looks great. It weaves in exactly the same way.

The only difference is that the two strands are replaced with ribbons:

  • Using bobby pins, attach two ribbons at the base of the head.
  • You should now have 5 pieces in your hands.
  • Take 1 part, pass it under 2, then over 1 and under 2 ribbon.
  • Do the same on the right.
  • If the braid is braided from the top of the head, then sometimes you need to add hair from both parts.
  • To add volume, you need to pull out the hairs from the outermost curls.

It is often difficult to weave such a braid.

To do this, you need to use some tips:

  • If you have not done braiding before, then it is better to start practicing on a simple one.
  • If you have a cascaded haircut, it is better not to braid the braid to the very end, so that the hair does not bristle.
  • After successful training, you can turn on your imagination and create your own images with braids.
  • If your hair is curly, you can straighten it to create a graceful braid.
  • To add solemnity to your hairstyle, add various accessories.
  • If your hair gets tangled during braiding, there is no need to tear it out. You should gently shake the tangled strand and straighten it with a comb.
  • Don't braid it too tightly. As you know, a certain carelessness in the image is now fashionable. Sometimes you can fluff up the result a little yourself.

Here's another valuable tip: it happens that when weaving a braid, it turns out uneven or asymmetrical. Don't despair. Such imperfections give the hairstyle a certain romanticism. So don't rush to redo it. But there is no need to do this on purpose, as the hairstyle may turn out careless.

And one more thing: Freshly washed hair can be very silky. Therefore, before you start braiding, your hair needs to be treated with gel, conditioner or, since ordinary water simply cannot handle it.

  • Creating such an image is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. If it doesn’t work out after a few training sessions, then you need to put this idea aside and rest. After a break, perhaps everything will work out better for you.
  • You need to practice weaving constantly. This activity takes a lot of time. But, if you have a goal, then you should not deviate from it under any circumstances. If you train every day, you can develop mechanical memory and your hands will remember how and what to do.

After finishing your hairstyle, you need to spray it with hairspray and add some accessories if necessary. With this hairstyle you can easily go for a walk, to the office or to any celebration and it will definitely not go unnoticed. Typically, these hairstyles are great for wedding looks.

For many centuries, a thick and long braid was considered an essential attribute of young girls, and braiding turned into a unique art that all fair girls tried to master perfectly. The secrets of weaving a variety of braids have been passed down from generation to generation. And if you can braid some of them yourself in a couple of minutes, turning your curls into a wide braid with a tricky pattern is difficult without the help of a friend and the work can take a whole hour. Recently, the fashion for massive braids is gradually returning and some versions of such hairstyles are considered universal for any age. For example, a chic 5-strand braid visually increases the volume of even not too thick hair with thin hair and is suitable for any face shape.

Weaving a five-strand braid requires certain skills and the help of a neat friend who knows how to weave at least simple “spikelets.” Before you start weaving a voluminous braid, carefully study the visual instructions with photos, and as you work, keep the step-by-step diagram in front of your eyes to accurately move the strands. Not only straight, but also curly or twisted curls are suitable for braiding, but the hair must be long enough to freely rearrange the strands according to the pattern.


Thin comb.
With fine teeth and a thin pointed handle, which is convenient for separating strands from the hair and making a parting;

Massage brush with medium-hard bristles.
Before braiding, it is convenient to untangle tangled clumps of hair with this tool and comb the curls;

You can diversify the appearance of a thick braid with the help of bright ribbons or multi-colored threads that are woven into the strands while working;

Invisible, thin elastic bands.

With the help of these devices it is easy to separate curls and fix the weaving at intermediate stages;

Mousse or varnish.
Before the procedure, you can apply just a little hair styling product to your hair so that the captured strand does not crumble and easily intertwines with the rest.


❶ Comb your hair with a brush and separate three strands of the same width closer to the crown;

❷ We transfer these strands using the French braiding technique, placing the left strand under the middle one, stretching it over the right one;

❸ Using a thin comb handle, separate part of the hair from the left strand (No. 4);

❹ We weave the separated part into the overall pattern, dragging it under the adjacent strand on the right (No. 2) and above No. 3;

❺ Using a thin comb handle, separate part (No. 5) from the right strand;

❻ We weave part No. 5 into the overall pattern, passing under the nearest right strand and laying it on the middle part. At stages 7 and 8, thin strands are added, which are separated from both sides;

❼ Using the inverted braid method, we complete the braiding by passing the outer strands under the adjacent one and over the middle one, and then fix the ends with an elastic band.

- visual weaving diagram (on multi-colored ribbons)


❶ Divide the combed hair into five equal parts;

❷ We pass the outermost strand No. 1 under the adjacent No. 2, stretch it over the third;

❸ On the other side, we pass strand No. 4 under No. 5 and lay strand No. 3 on them;

❹ We have completed the first link of weaving. Again we number the strands from 1 to 5, repeat the same actions as in the previous paragraphs;

❺ We form all subsequent links of the pattern according to the given pattern and collect the free ends of the strands together with an elastic band.


In the photo: step-by-step instructions for weaving a braid of 5 strands


In the photo: hairstyles based on large braids