Unfinished telegrams for the wedding day. The best of the best. Comic wedding telegrams

It's a shame that brides aren't warned in advance that they're bound to fall in love again with someone else someday, just like their husbands. But explaining life to young people is difficult, painful, and they still never believe.
Shirley Conran

Comic telegrams for weddings to newlyweds

A wedding telegram for newlyweds in a humorous form is one of the original and always pleasant ways to congratulate the newlyweds on their wedding day.

After all, a wedding is fun, it’s a celebration of two people becoming one. And at such a holiday, guests will be happy to listen and laugh at such comic telegrams.

To make your congratulations more interesting, you can play out a small scenario, for this you need to dress someone up in a suit fairy-tale heroes, who will read out these comic wedding telegrams.

For example, you can start with these words:

While everyone here was congratulating you,
you haven't heard anything
and the postman came to us here,
brought a million notes.

After this, fairy-tale heroes come out with the words: Dear newlyweds! Then he reads out the text of the comic telegram:

(Groom's name), don't cut it off, and you (bride's name), drink, but know when to stop.

Kindergarten "Malyutka" congratulates the newlyweds on their wedding day and reserves 5 places for you.
Kindergarten director

You feel good today, you are getting married today.
All the same, you won’t get away from me.
Your baby

On the first and subsequent nights, mentally with you.
Your neighbors

We believe, we hope, we wait.
Maternity hospital "7th"

Dear (names of the newlyweds)! Chew the dryer, not each other!

Dear newlyweds! I'll arrive with the gift right on time.

Dear (names of the newlyweds)! Congratulations! We wish you 5 admiral sons and 5 general sons-in-law.
Military Commissariat

Newlyweds! We congratulate you on the beginning of your honeymoon and wish you a sweet life!
Beekeeping Society

If you need kids, no problem! Winnie the Pooh will always help. Yes Yes Yes!
Winnie the Pooh

Expect in 9 months. I hug you tightly and fly out soon.
Your Stork

We wish the young couple to live until their golden wedding.

I wish you happiness in the sea, may you live together until you are a hundred years old and may thirty-three heroes be born.
Uncle Chernomor

An application for divorce from (names of the newlyweds) is not accepted.
Civil registry office workers

Young! We sincerely congratulate you on your arrival at the port family life! We warn you that from now on, throwing a net and anchor in foreign waters is equated to poaching and is prosecuted by law.

Congratulations on the launch of two satellites (names of the young ones) into near-family orbit. We wish you a successful start and a safe flight together!
Cosmonauts, astronauts and other "...nauts"

Congratulations! We invite you to spend your first wedding night in the Arctic, where the night lasts 6 months.
Polar explorers

Congratulations to the newlyweds legal marriage. We wish you happiness and warn the groom in advance: if the bride is kidnapped, the police are powerless.
Ministry of Internal Affairs

We will try to ensure cloudless weather throughout our life, but a lot depends on you.

May there not be a single sour and bitter day in your life.
Director of a confectionery factory

Let the fire in your hearts burn stronger. We won't stew!

Let the heat of our hearts not go out, but don’t set us on fire!

We warn newlyweds that hot hearts, like a hot stove, should not be left unattended. Be careful!
Firefighters and Emergency Situations Ministry

Please learn another language - language family relations.
University of the Foreign languages

Let's clear up the smog over your city. We will clean the water in your water supply. Health to you newlyweds!

Hearty congratulations on your legal marriage! There are as many stumps in the forest, we wish you as many sons. We wish you as many daughters as there are buds on the tree.
Conservation Society

Electrical network employees advise (groom's name), if (bride's name) is not in a good mood, it is better not to touch it, otherwise you will get a short circuit.

Live happily without quarrels and deceptions. Love each other and signature...

Dear newlyweds! Jealousy is a great evil! Trust each other!

Dear young people! Please do not leave us without work.
With love, Maternity Hospital

Dear newlyweds! I'm delayed! Make do on your own.

So that your life sparkles, and not gurgles and hisses like soda!
Champagne wine factory

Unfinished telegram to newlyweds

Ask guests and relatives to name decent adjectives that need to be written in the spaces (the number of spaces can be increased as desired) in the next telegram.

On this _________, _________, _________ day (names of the newlyweds) we congratulate you on the _________, _________ event. We wish _________ happiness, _________ health, _________ peace and _________ success in _________ family life, _________ daughter, _________ son and _________ more children. With _________ wishes, your _________, _________, friends.

After filling out the text of the telegram, read to all the guests present what happened. Sample text wedding telegram that you might end up with:

On this extraordinary, remarkable, green day, we congratulate Andrey and Daria on a happy, creative event. We wish you explosive happiness, restless health, beautiful world and long-term success in perpendicular family life, a charming daughter, a stubborn son and more incredible children. With best wishes from your friendly wedding friends!

A wedding is a day of happiness, and most often, such a day happens only once in a lifetime, and the happiness it brings lasts a lifetime. Try to make it true!

For this, if you are unable to come to the wedding, then a wedding telegram to the newlyweds is very relevant. You just need to send an official telegram for the newlyweds, and attach a few humorous ones to it, just ask one of the guests to read them at the banquet in advance. The young people will value your attention, even though you are not around, and the telegrams themselves will remain a long memory.

Atmosphere wedding celebration It will help to diversify the reading of congratulations, and if these are comic telegrams, then everyone’s mood will be lifted...

The bride is beautiful, bright and wonderful, and to diversify the festive celebration, read cool telegrams for the bride.

Congratulations on your wedding day with a comic telegram, when everyone around you is smart and smiling, will present an explosion of cheerful laughter. To do this, just take a ready-made telegram template.

Nothing raises us in our own eyes,
like receiving a telegram with more than 10 words.
George Eid

Comic wedding telegram- this is one of original ways congratulate the newlyweds on their wedding day. After all, a wedding is fun, in a word, a holiday and guests will be happy to listen and laugh at such comic telegrams.

In addition, if you are unable to come to the wedding, then wedding telegram to newlyweds very relevant.

To do this, send them an official telegram, and attach a few humorous ones to it, just ask one of the guests to read them at the banquet in advance. The young people will value your attention, even though you are not around, and the telegrams themselves will remain as memories.

To make the congratulations more interesting, you can play out a small scenario, for this you need to dress someone up in a costume of fairy-tale characters and a postman who will read these funny wedding telegrams. For example, you can start with these words: While they were congratulating you, you didn’t hear anything, but the postman came to us here and brought a million notes.

After this, the postman comes out and says: Dear newlyweds! Then he reads the text comic telegram:

Kindergarten “Malyshka” congratulates you and reserves 5 places for you period -
Kindergarten director.

On the first and subsequent nights, I am mentally with you, period -
Your neighbors.

We believe, we hope, we are waiting, period -
Maternity hospital No. 5.

Dear (groom's name) and (bride's name) on Bite the drying food and not each other on

Dear spouses on I will fly with a gift right on time period

Dear (name of the groom) and (name of the bride) incl Congratulations incl We wish you five sons-admirals and six sons-in-law-generals period
Military Commissariat.

Newlyweds incl We congratulate you on the beginning of your honeymoon and wish you a sweet life incl
Beekeeping Society.

If you need kids, no problem, on Winnie the Pooh will always help, period Yes, ok, yes, ok, yes,
Winnie the Pooh.

Wait in 9 months period I give you a big hug and a whole lot of kisses period
Your Stork.

We wish the young couple to live until their wedding golden dot

I wish you a lot of happiness, may you live together until you are 100 years old and may thirty-three heroes be born, period
Uncle Chernomor.

Applications for divorce from (name of the groom) and from (name of the bride) are not accepted period
Civil registry office workers.

(name of the groom), do not cut from the shoulder, and you (name of the bride), drink, but know when to stop.
Forestry "7th".

Young incl From the bottom of our hearts we congratulate you on your arrival in the port of family life in incl We warn PTA that from now on throwing a net and anchor in foreign waters PTA is equated to poaching and is prosecuted by law period

Congratulations on the launch of two satellites into family orbit (name of the groom) and (name of the bride) period We wish you a successful start and a safe joint flight on
Cosmonauts, astronauts and other "...nauts".

May there not be a single sour and bitter day in your life.
Director of a confectionery factory.

Let the fire in your hearts burn stronger, period Let us not extinguish it on

We warn newlyweds that hot hearts, like a hot stove, should not be left unattended period Be careful on

Please learn another language - the language of family relationships period
University of the Foreign languages.

Congratulations and an invitation to spend your first wedding night in the Arctic, here the night lasts six months period
Polar explorers.

Electricity network employees advise (groom's name) to plug in if (bride's name) is not in the spirit of the plug in, it's better not to touch the plug in, otherwise you'll get a short circuit period

Dear newlyweds on Jealousy is a great evil on Trust each other on

Dear newlyweds on We ask you not to leave without work period
With love, Maternity Hospital.

Dear newlyweds on I'm delayed period Make do with your own resources period

So that your life sparkles and not gurgles and hisses like soda on
Champagne wine factory.

Unfinished telegram to newlyweds

Ask guests and relatives to name decent adjectives that need to be written in the spaces (the number of spaces can be increased as desired) in the next telegram.

On this _________, _________, _________ day (name of the groom) and (name of the bride) we congratulate you on the _________, _________ event. We wish _________ happiness, _________ health, _________ peace and _________ success in _________ family life, _________ daughter, _________ son and _________ more children. With _________ wishes, your _________, _________, friends.

After filling everything out, read this telegram to all guests present. For example, this is what might happen:

In that happy, extraordinary, green day Sergei And Svetlana congratulations on magnificent, basaltic event. We wish inclement weather happiness, magical health, strong peace and creative success in emerald family life, smart daughter charming son and more incredible children. WITH by air your wishes friendly, wedding Friends!

Wedding competitions have their own specifics. If you are developing a wedding scenario yourself, and you want to simultaneously amuse the guests, but at the same time avoid vulgarity and getting guests drunk with wedding competitions with alcohol, then this topic is especially for you.

Here we have selected only universal wedding competitions that will fit into any wedding scenario easily and simply!

Wedding competition– game “20 years later”

This game is played for the parents of the newlyweds. One of the parents, most often the spouse, is asked to leave the room for a while. At this time, his wife is asked several questions.

For example:
– When and where did you meet?
– Under what circumstances did your husband confess his love to you?
– How many guests were at your wedding?
– What was the weather like on the day of your wedding?
- Which wedding gift did you and your spouse like the most?

The spouse is asked to return to the hall and is asked the same questions. It doesn’t matter whether the spouses’ answers coincide or not. After the game, you can propose a toast to one of the most unforgettable events in life and to the fact that in twenty years the newlyweds will remember their wedding as well as their parents.

WITHwedding competition - game “Welcome!”

Select several drivers for the game. They need to pin pieces of paper on their backs with the names of different “institutions”: a pre-trial detention center, a strip bar, a nudist beach, a bathhouse, a gynecologist’s office, the State Duma, a public toilet, etc.

Leading your own leaf
shouldn't see, but they should be seen
and read (never out loud!)
other participants in the game.

The drivers “go” to the establishment they got, and the other participants ask questions, to which the driver “frankly and creatively” answers, still not knowing where exactly he is going.

The questions can be very different:
– How often do you go there?
-Who is accompanying you there?
– What are you taking with you?
– What are you wearing?
– Who do you spend time with there?
– What kind of music do you listen to?
– Do you eat something there or not?
– Do you have time to read there and what exactly do you read there?
– Do you take pictures there? Where can you see these photos?
- How much do they pay you for this?
– Does your wife (husband) know about this?
– Do you enjoy it there?
– How long have you been there?
– Do you go there in a group or alone?

After receiving enough responses, let the drivers finally know where they have been.

Wedding competition – game “Walk”

The presenter invites two couples to participate in the game.

- Imagine a warm summer evening. The two of you are walking along the river bank. Not a soul around. You: want to cuddle up to each other, hug, which is what you do.
(Participants do everything the presenter talks about.)

But hugs only inflame your passion, and you merge into passionate kiss. And then the young man notices a chervonets floating past on the river. A joyful smile blooms on his face, he points to the girl, but she doesn’t notice him for a long time (he shows, but she doesn’t notice, he shows, but she doesn’t notice...).
Finally, the girl saw the green piece of paper. She started jumping and clapping her hands enthusiastically. The young man tries to get the chervonets, reaches for it from the shore, but it is too far away. The young man takes off his shoes and goes into the water, lifting his trouser legs, but this is not enough.
The girl encourages the boy, and he rolls up his trousers to his knees. Another step forward, and then the young man stumbles, falls into the water and begins to drown.
The girl bravely rushes to save her beloved. She carries him ashore in her arms. She gives him artificial respiration and, forgetting about the gold coin, presses his head to her chest.

Dear participants, please freeze in this position, do not move.

Dear guests, the participants in the competition for the most sacrificial woman's love and on the most beautiful male legs.

(The winners are determined by the volume of applause from the guests and receive prizes.)

Wedding competition “The Seventh Sense”

This game will require a leader, a driver, a blindfold and a few minutes of patience to listen to the rules.

They are actually very simple, but will take some time to explain.

The presenter will show the actions first. The driver, not knowing what exactly was shown, can reject each of them by saying “no”, or approve by saying “yes”.

Actions can be very different: pat the driver on the head, on the knee, scratch behind the ear, kiss on the nose. They should be shown in such a way that the audience can see and understand what the presenter is offering, but so that the driver remains in the dark. You can’t touch him, otherwise he will understand everything. Suppose that “yes” was heard when “kissing the nose” - the action was selected.

Now we decide how many times it needs to be performed. The presenter shows different numbers of fingers on his fingers, the driver agrees to one of the options, for example seven. It remains to decide who will kiss the driver’s nose seven times.

The presenter points to someone present: “Will this person do this?” Several candidates were rejected, one was approved. The “performer” approaches the driver and kisses him on the nose seven times and returns to his place. The driver's blindfold is removed; his task is to determine who just kissed him.

If you guess right, well done, the driver and performer change places; if you don’t guess, they change anyway.

When choosing actions and performers, the presenter can be cunning, showing the same action or the same person several times in a row - the driver still does not see anything!

Wedding competition “Family Confession”

For this competition, questions and answers must be written on separate cards, numbered and placed on two trays. Each player first names the person to whom he wants to address the question, and only then takes a card with a question from the tray and reads it out. The answerer first takes the card with the answer, reads it, and then chooses who he will ask the question to. The content of the questions and answers can be supplemented and changed according to your taste and depending on the interests of your guests.

- Unfortunately, not as often as we would like, relatives and friends gather in such a large and friendly company.
And therefore, much turns out to be unsaid, unquestioned, unanswered. Let's try to make up for the lack of communication and have a heart-to-heart talk, asking the most frank questions and receiving the most frank answers to them.

1. Is it true that you love to kiss while shouting “Bitter”?
2. Do you hide your ill-gotten earnings from your family?
3. Is it true that kissing strangers is your hobby?
4. Is it true that the neighbor on the left does not allow you to drink alcohol?
5. They say that you came to the wedding only because of the beautiful legs of the witness. This is true?
6. They say you make your living as a striptease. This is true?
7. They say you promised to give the newlyweds a villa in the Canaries for their wedding anniversary?
8. Would you like to invite me to a slow dance?
9. Would you like to wake up in the same bed with me?
10. Admit it honestly, you are a misogynist (man-hater?)
11. Do you believe in love over the Internet?
12. They say that the ultimate dream of yours is the humpbacked “Zaporozhets”?
13. Do you believe in platonic love?
14. Do you often have to change your appearance in order to hide from female fans (admirers)?
15. Is it true that you admire the feat of Monica Lewinsky?
16. Will you make me your children's godfather?
17. Would you like to have a drink with the president at the Brudershaft?
18. Is it true that in the evenings you dance the lambada alone?
19. Is it true that you wash in a bathhouse wearing a gas mask?
20. Is it true that you are a secret agent of Chinese intelligence?

1. Yes, and I suffer a lot from this.
2. Yes, I often practice this.
3. Shh, I don’t want others to know.
4. Yes. And I'm proud of it.
5. Will you keep me company?
6. After the third glass.
7. We’ll meet around the corner in half an hour and discuss.
8. I'm crazy about this, like a crest from lard.
9. If I were you, I would be ashamed to ask such questions.
10. Only in the evening. And only in bed.
11. Yes, I’d rather lie under the train instead of Anna Karenina.
12. Will I get money for this?
13. I won’t say this even under torture.
14. When there is no money.
15. Not yet. But I'll try tomorrow.
16. No. After all, this was not taught at school.
17. Three times a day.
18. When there are guests in the house.
19. When the wife (husband) is on a business trip.
20. When they press you on public transport.

Questions for newlyweds. The system is the same.
Honey, shall we buy a cow?
Sunny, do you love me?
Dear, will I have coffee in bed on time?
Darling, will you give me your entire salary?
The only one, will you help me with the housework?

Whatever you say, dear
It depends on you
Well this is too much
If there is money

And you have big requests!

Wedding competition “Who wants to become a business owner?”

(LZM - knows the young best)


(Questions should be asked to young people in advance, to get them correct
answers and add several incorrect ones.)

The bride's favorite flowers?
Groom's eye color?
The bride's favorite car brand?
Groom's favorite sport?
Where did the young people first meet?
On what day of the week did the groom propose?
Where will the young spend their Honeymoon?
How tall is the groom?
What is the bride's shoe size?
How many children do the young people intend to have?
What's the bride's favorite movie?
What floor does the groom live on?

What is the groom's hobby?

Wedding competition “Unfinished telegram”

Ask your guests to name decent adjectives without limiting them to certain limits. While they name the adjectives, ask someone to write the named adjectives in the spaces in the next telegram.
On this _____________, ________________, _______________ day, we congratulate the bride and groom on the ______________, _____________ event. We wish _____________, peace, happiness, _______________ health, success in ____________family life, _____________ son, ____________ daughter and ______________ children. With _______________ wishes, your ________________, ________________, friends. Show the telegram to the guests and ask them to take turns naming decent adjectives, which you or your assistant will write down in the empty lines. Once everything is filled out, read the telegram to everyone.
Here's what you can get: On this green, happy day, we congratulate beautiful, kind, cosmic, long-awaited Sasha and Olya on an ardent, stupid, charming event. We wish you a hot world, wonderful happiness, comfortable health, success in an incomparable family life, an intoxicating ardent son, a sweet, smart daughter and more beloved, good children. With endlessly warm, festive wishes to your loving, lovely, skinny friends!

Wedding competition: Thread the needle

Form several pairs (boy and girl). Let the guys stand on one side and the girls on the other. Give each guy a piece of thread, each girl a needle of the same size. At the signal, the guys run to the place where their girls are standing, holding needles. Without the girl's help, each guy must thread the eye of the needle. As soon as he succeeds, he takes a needle and thread and runs back to the place from where he came.

Wedding competition: Balloons with questions

For this game you will need 10-20 balls. This game can also be used as an auction to raise funds for the newlyweds. Before inflating the balloons, you need to put a small note in them with a question about the bride or groom. Spectators buy balloons for a symbolic price, explode them and get the opportunity to learn something new about the newlyweds. The buyer can also ask his own questions if he so desires.
Suggested questions:
1. Tell us a funny incident involving your spouse?
2. What was the hardest thing about preparing for your wedding?
3. What do you think is necessary for a happy marriage?
4. …

Wedding competition: To your beloved along the bumps

Required: 3 PAIRS + A4 SHEET
Participants are given two sheets of paper. They must go to their loved ones through the “swamp” along “bumps” - sheets of paper. You need to put the sheet on the floor, stand on it with both feet, and put the other sheet in front of you. Move to another sheet, turn around, take the first sheet again and place it in front of you. And so, whoever reaches his beloved first wins! Make sure that the rules of the game are strictly followed by the participants.

Wedding competition: Dance with a ball

This is very simple game for all guests. The host announces the game and conditions. Each pair is given a ball. They place the ball between themselves and, holding it with their body, dance with each other. At the same time, it is prohibited to touch the ball with your hands.
The one who survives the test to the end is the winner. Those who drop or burst the ball are automatically excluded from the game, but can continue to dance for fun.
It will be very fun and amusing to use many musical excerpts from the most popular ones for this competition. different styles, and most importantly – pace. It’s better to start with a slow dance, for the participants it will seem easy, but the funniest thing is yet to come - rock and roll, this will be a real test!

Wedding Contest: Candy Trap

Required: CANDY
Pass the audience a bag of candy, let them take 1-2 candies for themselves, if they want, of course. When all the spectators have taken a candy, announce the rules of the game: for each candy taken, the spectators will have to tell some fact about one of the young people.

Wedding competition: Come up with a poem

It is known that in all centuries men dedicated poems to their lovers. Let the men compete in writing poetry. Rhymes can be very different. Give them the required number of words: fly, bones, belly, guests, cloud, husband, thrashing, worse, etc.

Wedding competition: Clothespins

All participants in the competition (several pairs) are blindfolded and placed opposite each other. The presenter attaches clothespins to their clothes, 5-6 pieces per person is enough. These must be very different places. At the command of the presenter, they turn on the music, and the players must, blindfolded, find the clothespins on their partner and remove them. The winner is the one who removes as many clothespins as possible in one time.

Wedding competition: Guess the spouse

Several men are seated on chairs, among whom is the groom. They invite the bride, blindfold her, and she must guess her groom by some organ (for example, by the ear). Then the girls are seated with the bride and the groom must recognize his wife (for example, by her knee).

Wedding competition: Try it, pierce it

A ball is tied to the participant's leg. To the music, you need to puncture the enemy's ball and at the same time save your own. The one with the last ball left wins.

Wedding competition: Princess on the Pea

Women (girls) are invited to participate in the competition. Chairs are placed in a row. The participants approach the chairs and prepare to sit down. At this time, walnuts are placed on their chairs (from 3 to 5 pieces, it’s different for everyone, the participants are not allowed to peek). The girls, fidgeting in their chairs to the music, must determine the number of walnuts placed on their chair. The one who correctly names the number wins.

Wedding competition: Eco grieved him

The presenter asks the competition participants to put an empty matchbox on their nose. It is necessary, solely with the help of facial expressions, without helping with your hands, to remove the boxes.

Wedding competition: Alcohol relay race

Two teams with an equal number of participants are assembled. At the end of the hall there are two chairs, and on the chairs a bottle of wine (vodka) and a glass. The first participants run up to the chairs, pour a glass, run back and stand at the end. The next participants run up and drink the contents of the glasses. The next ones run up and pour again - etc. The team whose bottle is empty the fastest wins. It is recommended to recruit an odd number of participants. The competition can be made more difficult by first giving the task to put on previously prepared items of clothing, such as shorts or skirts. You need to select clothes based on the most complete participant in the competition.

Wedding competition: Prize drawing

Two participants stand opposite each other - there is a prize on a chair in front of them. The leader counts: one, two, three... one hundred, one, two, thirteen... eleven, etc. The winner is the one who is more attentive and the first to take the prize when the presenter says three.

Wedding competition: Best Dance Couple

Couples are invited to the dance floor. For each pair, sheets of newspaper of the same size are laid on the floor. Participants stand on the newspaper and dance to the music without leaving the newspaper. After a minute, the newspaper is folded in half, thereby reducing the area for the dancers. And so on. Anyone who can’t stay on the newspaper and gets off it is eliminated. The last pair remaining wins.

Wedding competition: Cat in a poke

All participants stand in a circle. The leader is in the center. He has a bag in his hands. The contents of the bag are known only to him. There are a wide variety of things in the bag. These can be panties, Panama hats, bras, etc. Anything, the main thing is that they are funny and gigantic in size. The music turns on and everyone starts moving in a circle. The presenter gives the bag to one of the participants. He must quickly get rid of it, give it to someone, because if the music stops and he ends up with him, then he is a loser. Next comes the punishment. In this case, it is like this: the toastmaster unties the bag, and the loser, without looking, pulls out the first item he comes across. Then, to the Homeric laughter of those gathered, he puts this item on himself - over his clothes. After that everything continues. The losing guest dances in a new outfit. The music stops again and now the next participant who happens to have the bag at that time tries on a new suit.

Wedding competition:Kiss

The presenter asks the gentlemen to come out and invites one girl. Men need to kiss a girl on a certain part of the body and name it. For example, the first one kisses on the cheek and says “I kiss (Masha) on the cheek!” This means that other gentlemen can no longer kiss on the cheek. The next one kisses, say, on the hand and says, “I kiss (Masha) on the hand. This means that the other partners can no longer kiss either on the cheek, or on the hand, etc. By the end of the competition, the girl will be kissed on all parts of her body. The gentleman who has nowhere else to kiss loses.

Wedding competition: Compliment

The presenter invites men to participate in the competition. The presenter must put a match on the man’s eyelashes, and he, in turn, must compliment the girl. Whoever says the most compliments until the match falls wins.

Wedding competition: Stories in pictures

The presenter begins to tell a well-known fairy tale, for example, Kolobok, and the designated hero-participants, when their hero is mentioned, must play out the plot of the fairy tale. It turns out very funny when the Host constantly mentions the resting heroes. Example: the bun was rolling and rolling and met a wolf. And at that time the grandfather and woman were sitting on the threshold of their house and looking into the distance, waiting for the kolobok.

Wedding competition: Road with obstacles

2-3 people participate. They are placed at the same distance from the road with obstacles (for example, ropes stretched across a chair, skittles standing in the way, etc.) and given time to remember them well in order to overcome them with minimal losses. Then the participants are blindfolded and asked to walk this road. The trick is that during blindfolding, the presenter's assistants quietly remove all obstacles from the road.

Musical wedding competitions

“What’s a wedding without a button accordion?” - a famous song asked us this question quite recently. The answer suggested itself: without a button accordion there is no wedding! But this may be recent, but it is the past. With the advent of music centers, synthesizers and karaoke, accordions are remembered less and less often. The sentence “let's sing!” may be met with absolutely no enthusiasm, but something provocative: who is bigger, who is better, who is faster - is unlikely to leave guests indifferent.

Therefore, do not invite guests to “sing”, offer
"compete" because when the guests enter
taste it - the songs will flow themselves!

Wedding competition: Guess the melody

Candy is placed on the table, the participants stand on both sides, and music begins to sound. As soon as one of the competitors understands what the song is, he quickly takes the candy from the table, the music is interrupted, the player gives an answer, if the answer is correct, the candy is given to the player as a prize, if not, it is put back on the table, the interrupted music continues.

Once the winner is determined, both participants can be swapped (if they represent the “teams” of the bride and groom, the score will become 1:0 in someone’s favor; only the losing participant can be replaced, and the winner will continue to earn prizes; in this case, you will get something like an individual absolute championship).

Wedding competition: Question and answer

Guest teams should participate in this competition; doing it alone will be both too difficult and not very spectacular.

The essence of the competition is that one team asks a question - a line from a song, for example: “Why, why, why does the accordion sing?” And the other one answers with another line from another (required!) song, for example: “Because you can’t be so beautiful in the world!”

Then the teams change roles - those who answered, after consulting, ask a question, and those who just asked answer. "Where are you? I really miss you, where are you? Are all my dreams with you? - “There, behind the clouds, there, behind the clouds, there, there-taram, there-taram!”

A record of these responses may or may not be kept. Funny, original matches of questions and answers in themselves will be a good reward for both participants and fans, who, by the way, may not exist at all: let everyone participate!

Wedding competition: Book of Music Records

You can compose such a book by competing, or you can do it just like that. If competing, then one visiting team may be called the “Society of Maximalists”, the other - “Society of Minimalists”, or more simply - “maxi” and “mini”. The first perform songs about everything that is largest, most numerous, high, etc., the second - about the smallest, lowest, etc.

For example:
– The hottest song is the coldest song
– wet – dry
– day – night
– solar – lunar
– sea – land
– collective – single
– urban – rural
– air – ground
– Russian – foreign
– loud – quiet
– passionate – modest
– women’s – men’s
– children’s – adults
– smart – stupid
– cheerful – sad

Of course, you can not perform the entire song, but as you agree: a verse and a chorus, or just a chorus, or just a verse, or whatever suits you.

Intellectual gambling game “Wedding Cruise”

This may seem strange to you, but wedding traditions exist not only in our country. Other peoples of the world also have them. And maybe it's even stranger, but you can get a lot of benefit out of it. Which one? First of all, material. How?

Yes, very simple. The host writes ten wedding traditions on a postcard. different nations world, however, not all of them are real, some are fictitious. Having warned the guests about this, the presenter reads out the name of the country and the supposed tradition that exists in it. Then he makes his bet. This can be any prize prepared for games and competitions. There is no need to show it to guests in advance.

To win a prize, the guest needs to place his bet with the money actually in his pocket, and then give the correct answer whether such a thing really exists. wedding tradition in the named country.

The presenter plays against the player who offered the highest bet. The guest answers briefly: either “yes” or “no.” If the answer is correct, then he receives a prize-bet made by the host. If the answer is incorrect, then his bet (money) goes to the newlyweds’ budget.

To prevent guests from trying to catch the host of “fraud,” he can choose one of the guests as an independent expert, who, in the event of a controversial situation, can be shown a postcard with a plus or minus next to each question. Plus - there is a tradition, minus - there is no such tradition.

EGYPT - is it true that in Egypt the groom sees the bride only after all the wedding celebrations?

DENMARK - is it true that in Denmark, during matchmaking, the groom must give all members of the bride's family a pair of wooden shoes?

HUNGARY - is it true that in Hungary the groom must present the bride's parents with a pork ham as a gift during matchmaking?

FINLAND - is it true that in Finland, before the wedding, the bride must spend a week in the groom's house, doing minor housework?

BANGLADESH - Is it true that in Bangladesh a bride must spend three days in the jungle before her wedding?

NORWAY - is it true that in Norway newlyweds after the wedding and before wedding feast should we go into the barn and milk the cow?

GERMANY - Is it true that in Germany the dowry of a bride moving into the groom's house must include a drunken rooster tied to a broom?

ENGLAND - Is it true that in some rural areas of England, church gates are decorated with beer mugs and silver spoons before weddings?

The game continues as long as the guests remain interested in it. It is not necessary to use all the suggested questions. But the best way to end the game is with the next question.

RUSSIA - is it true that in Russia it is customary to make toasts in honor of the newlyweds at weddings?
(Of course that's true.)

Anyone who answers the question correctly receives a super prize - the right to make a toast to the young people.

If the principled position of the wedding organizers is not to collect any money for anything, then this game can be played differently.

If the answer is incorrect, those who want to play make a promise to fulfill any wish of the newlyweds. Desires can be written in advance on separate cards and laid out on a table or tray (text side down).
If the guest answered correctly, he receives a prize, and if incorrectly, he takes any cardboard at random and does what is written on it.
Desires could be, for example:
perform a belly dance (gypsy, lady, lezginka, lambada, rock and roll, twist, low break);
perform a tango (waltz, polka, erotic dance) with an imaginary partner or with an object;
sing ditties;
say a tongue twister;
for a woman to kiss all men present, and for a man to kiss all women;
read a poem;
make a toast;
sing a verse from the song “Oh, this wedding,” accompanying yourself on spoons;
sing along to a soundtrack with a voice (plus-one) the young people’s favorite song;
confess your love to the closest representative of the opposite sex.

You can easily continue this list yourself, based on the talents and abilities of your guests.


1. Congratulations on your good catch.
(Hunter Society)

2. Congratulations! We wish not to find ourselves under the heel of our wife.
(Shoe workshop)

3. Congratulations! We are glad to welcome you into our ranks.
(Henpecked Society)

4. We are opening courses for dads to drive baby strollers. Driving licenses are issued after nine months.
(traffic police)

5. If children suddenly appear on your way, consider them yours.


1. Your order has been completed, a new clamp has been sent. We'll send the bridle later.
(Stud farm)

2. Dear……(name of the bride)! Remember, marriage for a man is a life sentence with complete confiscation of property (salary) without severance pay. Therefore, take care of your man like a deposit in a bank; in your old age you will receive a significant interest.

3. Dear wife! When leaving guests, do not forget your husband.
(Lost and found)

4. Feed your husband well. Don't iron against the grain. Let him run once a week.
(Animal Protection Society)

5. Dear…..(name of the bride)! Congratulations! Your order has been completed - you can receive the blackberry mittens at any time.
(Department store)


1. If you need kids, it doesn’t matter! Winnie the Pooh will always help. Yes Yes Yes!
(Winnie the Pooh)

2. Let the fire of your hearts burn stronger. We won't stew!

3. We reserve 10 places!
(Maternity hospital)

4. On your wedding night, my thoughts are with you.

5. Bitter! Bitterly! Bitterly!

P.S To be continued

Telegrams for newlyweds.

We will try to ensure cloudless weather throughout our life, but a lot depends on you.

Dear Newlyweds! Congratulations on the start of your honeymoon!
Beekeeping Society.

Congratulations on your wedding! We don’t mind letting your feelings burn with a bright flame.
Fire brigade.

Bitterly! Bitterly! Bitterly!
Distillery team.

So that your life sparkles, and not hisses and gurgles like soda!
Director of a champagne wine factory.

Dear newlyweds! I'm delayed. Make do on your own.

Expect in 9 months. I hug you tightly and kiss you.

You can download other telegrams

May there not be a single bitter day in your life.
Confectionery factory workers.

Dear Newlyweds! I'll arrive with the gift right on time.
Your Stork.

Dear Newlyweds! Jealousy is a great evil! Trust each other!

Young! We cordially congratulate you on your arrival in the port of family life! We inform you that from now on, throwing anchors and nets in foreign waters is regarded as poaching and is condemned by law.

On your wedding night, my thoughts are with you.

We believe, we hope, we wait.
Maternity hospital

We reserve 5 places.
Kindergarten "Sun".

Dear spouses! Chew on the dryer, not each other!
Bread factory.

I wish you a sea of ​​happiness, may you live together until you are a hundred years old and may 33 heroes be born.
Uncle Chernomor.

Please learn another language - the language of family relationships.
University of the Foreign languages.

Congratulations! We invite you to spend your first wedding night in the Arctic, where the night lasts 6 months.
White bears.

If you got married yourself, figure it out yourself!
Police station.

You feel good today, you are getting married today.
All the same, you won’t get away from me.
Your baby.

Dear newlyweds! It is very important for your health to live without a mother-in-law! To live your life, you need to visit us!
City Polyclinic.

(Names)! Electricity network employees advise (husband's name), if your wife is not in a good mood, do not touch her, otherwise you will get a short circuit.

Looking forward to the meeting. We'll be there soon. Meet me.
Family troubles.

Telegrams for the groom.

What a lamp of reason has gone out! What a guy, brothers, we lost!

When you look for your shoe future wife, choose one with a wider heel and a lighter sole!
Experienced husbands.

If children suddenly appear on your way, consider them yours!

If you drink sometimes,
Suddenly the wife gets angry,
There's nothing to worry about,
Come spend the night with us.
Sobering-up station.

Our hearty congratulations on your good catch! From today, the season of hunting for brides and catching mermaids is closed for you forever.
Hunter Society.

Congratulations and we announce unprecedented discounts on the installation of an alarm system that protects your wife from theft.
Car service.

Just go straight! Looking to the left can lead to family disaster!
Traffic police officers.

Congratulations, you have been enrolled in our stroller and bicycle driving courses out of competition.
Traffic police officers.

Dear, dear and beloved! Who did you leave me for? How I loved you! After all, we were happy together. And now it’s all over, but I will forever remember our walks with you under the moon, conversations on quiet evenings, I will remember our crazy and sweet life. I'm left alone, but I won't cry!
Your single life.

Husband don't sleep - the neighbor doesn't sleep.

I found out that you are getting married. I'm really sorry.
Your single life.

There is no turning back for a traitor!
Society "Confirmed Bachelors".

My dear and beloved (name of the groom), I am sending this telegram to you from the station, it will ring soon last call, and I will leave your life forever. Remember how we had fun together, what it was like happy Days how we loved each other. Remember how you swore that you would be faithful to me until the end of your life, but now she is next to you, young, beautiful, in white elegant dress! So be happy with her, love her, and never leave her like you left me. And I have to come to you last request, never forget me!
Your single life.

Strive to please your mother-in-law; it’s easier to please your wife.
Happy husbands.

During the wedding, try not to blink your eyes, otherwise you will miss your wife.

Telegrams for the bride.

Dear (name of the bride)! We sincerely congratulate you,
We wish you much happiness.
Every year we look forward to your visit,
Sincerely, the maternity hospital!

When you go on a visit, don’t forget your husband at home.
Lost and found.

(Bride's name)! Scold your husband in private, but praise him in public!
Vasilisa the Wise.

Urgently tell me the size of your husband's neck. We'll send you a clamp.
Trade Department.

Congratulations and we are sending the saw as a gift for your husband.
The staff of the Household Goods store.

Be not only cake for your husband, but also bread. However, remember that man is not satisfied with bread alone.
Trust of restaurants and cafes.

Love your husband, be happy, but if after 17 years you want to change married life for 17 moments of spring - let me know urgently.
Your fan is Stirlitz.

To have a restful night's sleep, teach your child to say "daddy."

If you find your husband in a ditch with his head towards the house, don’t scold him: he was on the right path.
My husband's friends.

Dear (name of the bride)! Remember, marriage for a man is a life sentence with complete confiscation of property (salary) without severance pay. Therefore, take care of your man like a deposit in a bank; in your old age you will receive a significant percentage.

Your order has been completed and a new clamp has been sent. We'll send the bridle later.
Stud farm.

We express our condolences to dear (bride's name) on the loss of her maiden name.
Society of old maids.

Charming (bride's name)! Congratulations on your legal marriage! We wish you health, happiness, patience, patience, patience. Don't bring your husband to the boil.
Union of Veteran Wives.

On sale new batch ironclad gloves. Due to high demand, I am leaving you one pair. Please come in.
Head base of Podkhalimov.