What do parents give for a silver wedding. What to give parents for a silver wedding. Inexpensive wedding gifts

When spouses live together for twenty-five years, on the day of marriage they are called "silver anniversaries". This date is considered quite significant of all dates lived before.

In some registry offices there are special books that record couples who have passed together along the road of life for such a significant period of time. Not everyone succeeds! Not everyone makes it to this milestone. Not everyone can withstand such a long distance... Only those who have found the true keys to each other, and overcome all the trials of life, can enjoy true happiness from the twenty-fifth anniversary living together.

On this significant day, husband and wife, children, closest relatives and friends gather together. Everyone gives gifts to the newlyweds and wishes them to live until the next significant anniversary - the golden wedding.

So, 25 years of marriage is called a silver wedding

This anniversary is supposed to be celebrated in a special way, and gifts for anniversaries should be significant and unusual. You need to be careful with your choice suitable gift. After all, as you already understood, a silver wedding is a serious anniversary! Let's look at some options for choosing the right surprises for this occasion.

In addition, he is credited with a number of healing properties. According to connoisseurs, silver things bring positive energy into the house, charging it not only to the owners, but also to loved ones.

Silver drives away evil spirits, drives away all ailments, purifies water and gives good health to the owner. Therefore, if you decide on such a surprise, feel free to step forward - you will not lose! Just take a closer look at the anniversaries. What will please them more?

2. Silver chains. Perfect gift for two. You can add silver crosses to the surprise.

The gift should be presented with special wishes. It's more of an intimate gift. It can be given either by parents or children of the newlyweds.

There is also an option to replace the cross with a pendant or pendant. Perhaps a zodiac sign, or two halves of a heart. In this case, the value of the gift may change. The price category of a surprise ranges from 3000 rubles.

3. Key chains for good luck. Here you need to be creative and say interesting words. Beautiful packaging and the design will not only decorate, but also create an element of intrigue. Buying two medium key chains will cost 2500 rubles.

4. Bracelets. Since ancient times, the bracelet has meant affection and the inviolability of marital relations. Why not think of a surprise with this item?

Such a gift will emphasize your special attitude to the festive event. Price from 3000 rubles.

5. Silver pin. Pin as a magical element from the evil eye. Besides this, this beautiful decoration for both.

At the moment in jewelry stores You will be able to pick up silver elements for every taste. The price category of one pin is from 500 rubles.

6. Silver rings. This is best gift for each other. Anthem of love. As on the first day of the wedding, the newlyweds can exchange rings.

Such a surprise can be presented by children of anniversaries. It is important that the rings are the same. Price from 1000 rubles per ring.

7. Clock. Some psychologists say that when we give watches, we allude to the transience of time and the passing years. In this case, this gift is considered as a symbol of time and its infinity, as a symbol of a long and high-quality relationship.

A watch in a beautiful silver case is an expensive and wonderful gift for a couple who appreciates the minutes spent together like no one else. Gift price from 7000 rubles.

8. Silver tray or fruit bowl. Extraordinarily beautiful gift. Needed! It is unlikely that the couple is going to spend money for themselves on the purchase of this household item. And the gift will be very desirable.

These things are always necessary. Words for a gift - a wish for prosperity, love, respect. After all, the house should always be a full bowl! In addition, they decorate the interior and can become family heirloom. Pricing policy for these items from 10,000 rubles.

9. Silverware. This gift is very popular. Spouses can be presented from silver spoons to a whole table set.

When giving the same objects (for example, spoons), it should be said that everything should be in half, that you only need to “draw happiness” together. Using such gifts, spouses will remember the most pleasant moments of life spent together. You can decorate the surprise with engraving. The price of spoons from 2500 rubles. engraving price 500 rubles per word. Table set price from 15000 rubles.

10. A great gift would be a silver goblet. Especially if the couple loves sports and leads healthy lifestyle life.

Prize-reward for a lived life together. On the day of the wedding, the newlyweds can drink champagne or another drink from the cup. The price of this gift is from 10,000 rubles.

11. A silver coin can also be a great gift. Such gifts can be purchased at any bank. Collectible coin will cost from 3000 rubles.

12. If anniversaries are intelligent people, silver tipped pen also can be a welcome gift from friends! Pen from 1500 rubles.

13. The most romantic gift for 25 summer anniversary living together will become candlesticks.

Of course, it is better to immediately place candles in them. The newlyweds will certainly use your gift on the same evening. Price from 7000 rubles.

14. Silver medals will cheer up the newlyweds. And if you still leave engraving on the medals, then the anniversaries will certainly mark your creative approach. The inscriptions can be different: “For loyalty!”, “For patience!”, “ best couple!”, “For courage”, “For love and courage!” etc. A surprise can cost you from 3000 rubles.

16. Silver photo frame. Of course, in this case you need suitable photo. It’s good if the newlyweds don’t even suspect the existence of the frame you have chosen. The frame will cost you from 5000 rubles.

15. Silver glasses, wine glasses or glasses. Exquisite silver items. Here you can add a drink for two to the glasses. Romance! Price from 6000 rubles.

Exclusive gifts

1. Newspaper. It is better to order this gift in a special agency or in a printing house. The newspaper should be thought out carefully. The name "25 years soul to soul" or "Silver of relations" or "Groom's name + bride's name = silver wedding", etc.

You can stop at the names "Pravda", "Arguments and Facts". Pick up a photo from the first wedding.

Make an archival timeline of the life of the newlyweds with photographic material. Pick up your favorite phrases of the anniversaries, dishes, places where they like to relax.

Make a calendar of significant dates from the young, recipes and tips. Write a few essays, articles, essays. Place this material in a gift newspaper. Print a special edition. Give to the newlyweds. They will decide for themselves who to distribute newspapers next. A circulation of 100 copies of a gift newspaper will cost 7,000 rubles.

You can make your own newspaper. Choose an interesting topic. For example: film or seashore, park with autumn leaves and other. Let the guests leave their wishes in this newspaper.

2. A film made will be an excellent gift for an anniversary. Why don't your anniversaries deserve to have a film made about them? Of course, they deserve it! Get a screenwriter. Or maybe you're the screenwriter.

Collect amateur photo, video. Everything can be useful. So that the anniversaries do not guess about the upcoming gift, try to start preparing for a long time. Invite anniversaries to nature, to the cinema, to visit, to a cafe. Organize video filming of the frames needed for the movie.

A professional film will not be cheap from 25,000 rubles 30 minutes. You can find a regular videographer that will cut your costs in half. On your wedding day, your gift will touch the heroes of the occasion. This is a necessary historical surprise. It will delight not only newlyweds, but also children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren.

3. Unusual photo. Order original photo newlyweds. Decide on the format. It can be A-2 format. Plots can be the most unpredictable: aliens landing on the planet, a ball in a castle, a horseback ride, a trip to Spain, Italy, France, etc.

In any photo salon, they will help you with the choice of a plot, select a frame for a photo and pack it in an unusual package. The price of the issue is from 4000 rubles. On the back of the gift there must be a mandatory commemorative inscription to whom, from whom, when.

4. Collage. If you are not an expert in this technique, order it to professionals. Right there in the photo studio they will tell you where to go and what you need for this. If your anniversaries have a good sense of humor and tact, they will definitely appreciate your efforts. Price from 5000 rubles.

5. Portrait. Order artists a portrait in oil or watercolor. Maybe he will offer a graphic technique or something else. For a portrait, you need a good photo of the heroes of the day. Such a gift can cost from 5000 rubles.

6. An unforgettable gift will be a trip. After all, most likely, this is the secret dream of any couple. There is no time for everything: either work, or small children, or other needs win. Now it's time to relax. Moreover, you have carefully considered where you can send the newlyweds for a week after their silver wedding.

Moscow, St. Petersburg and others will cost approximately 30 thousand. Resort towns during the holiday season from 50,000. Well, if you decide to poison your young ones in visa camps, prepare at least 150,000.

7. Here you can consider a gift to a sanatorium or a local rest house. For this you will need internet. Go to the site of the sanatorium, and you will understand everything. Newlyweds will definitely say to you: “Thank you so much!”

And further! You can consider banal gifts for newlyweds. This includes furniture, appliances and textiles. Bicycles can also be useful gifts. Very fashionable, eco-friendly and compact vehicle. And what a health benefit!

Also among the "banal" gifts you can consider: expensive alcohol, well-being baskets with fruits, food, money.

Imagine the surprise of the heroes of the day if you manage to find a bottle of wine aged 25 years?! Don't forget about exotic flowers in pots. You can prepare a bouquet of twenty-five roses, daisies, chrysanthemums, etc.

Many couples will be delighted with the sculptures that will be placed in the yard. A popular gift - a swing will cost you 40-70,000 rubles. You can consider as a gift a certificate to the store in the amount of 25 thousand rubles.

In general, do not be afraid to experiment! But don't overdo it. Your gift should be from the heart and delight the newlyweds. Try to make sure that the surprise presented by you is necessarily accompanied by warm words. Maybe it will be poetry, or a song? Don't be afraid to surprise! Good luck!

gifts for silver wedding

You are invited to a celebration - silver wedding, 25th anniversary married life. Now the main concern is the choice of a gift. The very name of the holiday suggests that it is necessary to give silver items. There are also special traditions. Knowing them, it is easy to choose a gift that is nice to give, nice to receive.

What is customary to give for a silver wedding

The symbol of this celebration is silver rings. They are usually given to each other by spouses.

Guests have a wider choice.

Common gifts (of course, made of silver) can be divided into several groups:



Such a gift is in sight every day, and the heroes of the occasion, no doubt, will often remember with gratitude the one who presented such a necessary and elegant thing.

What is not acceptable to give

Money is good as a gift for a wedding, when the newlyweds are just entering family life. Giving money for an anniversary, especially such a solid one, is rather evidence of a lack of attention than a desire to present a useful and, in fact, universal gift.

Ambiguous souvenirs and items that emphasize age, social status, possibly physical disabilities (for example, scales, canes, etc.).

Knives, sharp objects are traditionally not given for a wedding, including a silver one. Unpaired items are also undesirable. For example, if you want to donate silverware, then the set must consist of an even number of devices. If it's a souvenir, it's good if it will also be paired - two swans, two hearts - and symbolize two images: male and female.

A trifling gift is the worst option. A silver wedding is a serious date, and an attempt to get rid of an insignificant, albeit useful, trifle will leave an unpleasant aftertaste. If you really give a trifle, then let it be made, at least, of silver.

A silver wedding is a celebration for which the store " » will definitely pick up actual gift. Firstly, the store presents items made of silver, which are usually given as gifts for the 25th anniversary. And secondly, each product presented in the assortment is a unique art object that can only cause strong and sincere admiration.

. with silver elements ... They will be especially relevant at the solemn moment of celebrating a silver wedding.
The collections "Golden Vine", "Empire", "Scythian" and others are presented to your attention. Surprise anniversaries
or !
In addition, handmade is a guarantee that no one will come to the holiday with such a gift.

Silver items handmade practical and beautiful. They will serve until the Golden Wedding, and even until the Diamond, and over the years will become a real family heirloom.

A quarter of a century lived together is an important and unforgettable life event for any married couple, requiring an early decision regarding the organization of this celebration. The 25th anniversary of a marriage union lived in love and harmony is a topic that mainly affects the children of anniversaries who want to express their feelings of care and attention with their gift. Therefore, the question of what to give parents for a silver wedding implies the search for an unusual answer - a symbol that means a new the period of joint life of the anniversaries-spouses.

A traditional gift for spouses on such a day is white metal rings, the size of which must be discussed in advance. They wear such gifts along with gold wedding rings before a golden wedding. The engraving of the names of the spouses will add value to such gifts, and it is possible to give the wife a ring with the name of the spouse, who will have a ring with the name of his soulmate. Such interesting little things will serve as a talisman that will protect and enhance certain qualities of character. This is an integrated energy of 2 births to provide protection to the family. You can purchase rings with a stone corresponding to the signs of the zodiac of their future carriers.

White metal rings

A silver chain is just a wonderful gift. This is a unique gift that will suit both spouses. In addition, you can pick up a beautiful pendant with meaning. On such decorations, which can be in the form of a heart, an engraving is made - a small poem, a congratulation or a wish to a happy couple. Jewelry must be purchased for both husband and wife. The pendant can be replaced with pendants of the zodiac signs of silver newlyweds to bring happiness and peace into their lives.

The presented bracelet will symbolize the tenderness of marital feelings, their affection for each other and the inviolability of their union.

Useful and unique - a silver pin. The diversity of its species will carry its different interpretation:

  • the tie clip symbolizes the respect of the spouses for each other and the strength of their family;
  • for a tie pillow - this is a symbol of joy for the anniversaries;
  • the English model is a symbol of warmth and affection for parents.

It will be interesting and wonderful to give a bowl or a silver tray from children - symbols of prosperity, respect and love. A huge assortment and association of silverware with wealth, sophistication and aristocracy allows you to make such a gift in a complete set of cutlery or sets, or limiting yourself to only some of their elements - piles, spoons, forks, soup ladles, coffee pots, samovars and teapots.

Silver set

Anniversary is a symbolic date, as well as a gift for the 25th wedding anniversary of parents in the form of a set of 2 glasses on a silver or silver-plated tray, a consecrated image and a horseshoe for good luck. The healing properties of silverware are known to all. Therefore, silverware can become hereditary.

25 years lived together is a long time, so any married couple deserves such a gift for a silver wedding to parents from children, as a medal for mutual understanding, love, tenderness, affection and kindness. A silver item may have a high price, so such a present can be made together with the rest of the guests. In addition, good and good wishes.

Silver wedding gift ideas for anniversaries-parents:

The best gift for a silver wedding

  • A photo book with joint photos taken in honor of some memorable events. To create such a present, you will need successful marital photos that are printed on digital matte paper. If there is no photo studio in the city, you can create an entertaining slide show.
  • A song performed by children on a text composed by them on their own or performed by an ordered professional singer.
  • Painting depicting the heroes themselves.
  • Practical gifts - beautiful pillows, tablecloths, cozy and warm blankets, bed linen, household appliances, vases wrapped in foil and decorated with a silver bow. Knowing the hobbies and hobbies of the anniversaries, you can give other things that will be useful to them in the household - for example, a barbecue, sleeping bags, tents.
  • A video clip with congratulations and wishes to the silver newlyweds of all the guests of the holiday.
  • Sweets in the form of chocolate, sweets, on the wrappers of which there can be images of anniversaries. A cake with symbols is also something that can be presented to parents for a silver wedding. It's interesting and unusual.
  • Such an event is a great opportunity for the heroes of the occasion to take time for themselves. Gifts for the soul will also be appreciated: tickets to the theater, a custom table in a restaurant, a certificate for a massage parlor or a spa, a vacation voucher.

What to give parents for 25 wedding years is undesirable:

Mirror - Bad sign for a gift

  • Mirrors are accomplices of communication with otherworldly forces that can bring trouble to people's homes.
  • Hours are harbingers of imminent separation, grief and possible death.
  • Old things inherited from other people, antiques are transmitters of the history of former owners.
  • Natural pearls are a symbol of forthcoming tears and grief. This does not apply to the presentation pearl wedding which would be appropriate in this case.
  • Sharp and cutting things, such as knives, are a symbol of marital quarrels.

Such superstitions can negatively affect the mood of the heroes of the day when they are presented with these gifts. If the heroes of the occasion are not superstitious, and such a present has already been purchased, you can take a nominal fee for it so that the thing is considered sold.

What is given to parents for a silver wedding - unusual gifts made by hand:

  • Original figurine in papier-mâché technique. The preparation of the material will require the presence of napkins, water and adhesive. Napkins are torn into small pieces, filled with water and adhesive, and the finished mixture is left to swell for several hours. After that, the formation of figures is carried out, for example, doves, rings, angels, from the resulting mass. After drying the figurines for several days, they are painted.
  • Postcard from corrugated or plain cardboard. You can decorate it with beads, beads, ribbons, drawings.
  • In addition must go flowers - white, cream and pink roses, white lilies or chrysanthemums. Compositions of sweets or bouquets of balloons. An addition can be a nominal bottle of wine, on the label of which spouses are depicted.

Accessories as a gift are selected in pairs: 2 identical rings, pendants, charms, pendants. Possible delivery of 2 silver coins. Unusual gift will serve as a presentation of the eight-pointed silver star Alatyr - a symbol of movement and the center of the universe. Souvenirs that will attract attention can be:

crystal basket

  • The metal fern flower is a symbol of the fulfillment of desire and gaining spiritual strength. Amulet against diseases and for the purification of the soul - overpowered grass.
  • The family coat of arms is a visiting symbol of the family.
  • A book with a genealogy of the family, handmade by a craftsman in a luxurious binding. The genealogical tree can be filled using application programs and ready-made templates in 3D format.
  • Family charter for familiarization with the onomastic study of the origin and designation of the surname.
  • Crystal basket or bouquet of flowers on gold leaf, made in the shape of a heart;
  • You can order photos of silver anniversaries on gold leaf;
  • Painting embroidered with silk;
  • An e-book with a protective leather cover with original embossing. Respectability appearance brass fittings and a gilded metal case will give such a gift.

What to give for a silver wedding

Greetings to all regulars and newcomers to my blog. If you are all gathered here, it means that you, like me, are close to the topic of gifts, surprises, and holiday decorations. So you, like me, want to paint gray everyday life with bright colors.

Therefore, I try to select for you only the most interesting and fresh ideas, adviсe. Today I would like to talk about what to give for a silver wedding besides silver.

This is a special date for the spouses, symbolizing a reliable strong union. This is the first anniversary family life, when everyone around definitely does not have any questions whether strong bonds connected these people. Behind already left a lot of adversity, lapping and quarrels over trifles. Until the 25th anniversary, the most persistent, proven relationships reach. Therefore, I want to congratulate the spouses loudly, brightly and with taste!

After conducting a small survey among my friends on the topic of what can be presented to spouses on such a date, I heard almost one answer - silver jewelry. But you must admit, not always means or relationships allow you to give such a gift.

Therefore, today I tried to make an interesting selection for you, what, in addition to silver, can be presented as a present.

Happy 25th anniversary friends!

It will be very cool if, in addition to the gift itself, you take on the organization of the holiday. Just imagine the surprise of friends who, apart from dinner together, don’t plan anything much, but when they return home, a real party awaits them))

The event should resemble a mini-wedding with all the associated paraphernalia, toasts and contests. So, if you want the holiday to really take place at the level and be remembered by the "newlyweds", you need to carefully think over and organize everything.

First of all: Consider a treat. Cooperate with other friends, relatives and everyone invited. To keep this from being too financially burdensome for the organizer, ask each invited couple to bring snacks and drinks with them. All you have to do is serve it beautifully and serve it.

Secondly: Consider decorating rooms. interesting idea will be the design of the poster. In advance, it is necessary to select the most interesting and vivid photographs from the family archive for 25 years, not forgetting about wedding photography.

Thirdly: think over entertainment program. When shouts of "Surprise!" the toasts will settle down and run out at the level: “Bitter!”, you need to create a cheerful festive atmosphere.

Make some contests. You can make a video and ask each guest to say nice wishes and words to the silver anniversaries.

This memorable material will take its rightful place in the family's home video archive and will become the main and warmest gift from you. It will be fun and funny if you make a music playlist of the hits of the year when the couple had a wedding. It will be especially touching for them to dance to nostalgic tunes.

What to give?

  1. A bottle of expensive alcohol, where instead of a label a comic inscription and a photograph of “young people” are pasted.
  2. Bedding set.
  3. Vase.
  4. Indoor plant.
  5. A frying pan with heart-shaped molds. The wife will be able to bake “hearty” pancakes or pancakes for her husband every morning. Well, or vice versa, it's like someone got it.
  6. Comic certificates, diplomas, labels, confirming the high standard of family relations.
  7. A mock marriage certificate.
  8. Basket with honey and sweets. Give her wishes for a happy honeymoon)
  9. Tablecloth with beautiful napkin rings.
  10. Tray for coffee cups. Can be given as a set. Such a hint to the "groom" on his daily duties.
  11. A set of country furniture, a hammock - in the event that the anniversaries are avid summer residents.

What gifts should not be given on a silver anniversary?

It is not accepted to give:

  • Mirrors
  • Artificial flowers

Parents have been together for 25 years!

For each of us whose parents have reached this milestone together, this is a special date. I would like to congratulate them and give them a memorable gift.

essential and worthy gift silver "newlyweds" will be a set of Swiss dishes made of ceramics. Thanks to the special multi-layered bottom, the surface of the dishes is evenly heated, which ensures the perfect taste of food, fast heating.

The undeniable advantage of dishes is its versatility. It is suitable for all types of hobs, including induction.

If you would like to present original gift(such that both for good and for the soul) - give a certificate for learning to draw.

Often in a series of everyday problems and worries, people forget about their hobbies, abandon their favorite hobby, and for years dissatisfaction with themselves only accumulates. Courses in watercolor technique, calligraphy or landscape sketching - all this will certainly fill everyday life with new sensations. These courses can be studied online, so even the busiest people can find time for leisure.

  1. Tea-set. Decorate it beautifully and give it, wish you to drink from these cups for 50 years of marriage. In addition to the service, you can attach a set of elite tea or coffee.
  2. Camera or video camera.
  3. Family tree. Parents will be pleased to receive such a tree from their children and grandchildren, where you insert all the photos of your large family in advance. Leave empty photographs blank and, jokingly, promise to give more grandchildren to parents in the coming years.
  4. Travel voucher. A great occasion to send parents to a romantic second " Honeymoon". Agree that they deserve it. If you don’t want to decide for them exactly where to go, you can simply give a certificate from a travel company. Parents themselves will choose where they would like to go on a trip together.
  5. Genealogy of books a . An interesting and impressive gift option. The expensive leather-bound edition was created so that later, in a relaxed atmosphere, parents would begin to fill in their pedigree themselves, entering names and pasting photographs.

Going to a solemn event, you definitely need to think over a bouquet for the "bride". Of course, she will be amazed by a bouquet of 25 roses. But you can choose more modestly.

For example, a bouquet of daisies will become very cute and romantic. You can hand it over with the words: “No need to torment the flowers anymore! So we see - loves!

Thinking of a festive evening

Do not wait for your parents to hint to you the day before that they are waiting for a visit. Arrange a real holiday for them. It can be a dinner at a restaurant or a picnic in nature. Take care of the organization and let your parents feel like a carefree bride and groom again, like 25 years ago. Let them only accept congratulations, drink champagne, dance and look into each other's eyes.

If the holiday format implies a large number of guests, be sure to order a host so that neither the guests nor the heroes of the occasion get bored. For parents, this will be a second chance to remember the wedding.

It is possible to force them to utter the solemn oath again. This will be perhaps the most touching moment of the festive evening.

If you liked my ideas and useful tips - be sure to subscribe to the blog. Comment, share with friends on social networks.

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoreva

Silver wedding is beautiful holiday, where friends, relatives, already adult children gather to congratulate the spouses on the 25th anniversary of their life together. A quarter of a century is a serious anniversary of relations that have already overcome all obstacles, have become strong and truly close.

traditional gifts

Traditional gifts for a silver wedding are given from noble metal. The choice is now huge, you can present not only jewelry, but also dishes and interior items. Gifts imitating silver surfaces will be good.

In this video, you can find a few more ideas on what to give and how to decorate the 25th wedding anniversary using an imitation of a silver surface:

Original gifts from friends and relatives

The 25th anniversary of marriage is a serious reason to find an original gift, because a lot has already been donated in past years. On this day, I want the gift to be remembered, and for a long time to please the anniversaries.

If you want to make a truly original gift, then choose handmade products, you don’t have to make them yourself, but you can order from the master. Today you can find unique jewelry, candy bouquets, colorful photo albums, wall clocks, gifts for the kitchen for every taste. If you want to give something specific, then it can be custom-made specifically for anniversaries.

Gifts from children to parents

By the 25th wedding anniversary, children usually have grown up and become quite independent. They are no longer limited to postcards and pictures of their own production, but can choose an interesting and useful gift parents.

When choosing a gift, consider that parents can use it together or in turn, so that the gift is not intended for one of the parents. If the gift is personal, then buy two gifts for each.

Gifts from spouses to each other

Having lived together for a quarter of a century, the spouses choose gifts for each other easily and naturally, because all the tastes of the second half have already been studied. And yet, I want to celebrate a significant anniversary always brightly, so that it will be remembered for a lifetime. Therefore, the gift should be made special. According to tradition, the husband and wife on this day again exchange rings, this time silver, and then wear them on the middle finger of the right hand, next to the wedding rings.

What can a husband give his wife?

Any gift, of course, should be supplemented with a huge bouquet of fresh flowers. It is customary to give white roses, lilies, dahlias and other flowers for a silver wedding.

What can a wife give her husband?

Silver wedding is the first serious anniversary in the joint life of the spouses, which symbolizes the strength and inviolability of the relationship. The celebration on this day is arranged grandiose, they invite not only relatives, but also all the immediate environment. Even if your parents or friends do not want to arrange a feast with a mountain, then you can celebrate family-wise in a small company of close people.