Games for the development of fine motor skills of hands card file on the topic. Games for the development of motor skills and not only Did games for the development of fine motor skills

margarita solovyova
Card file of didactic games for the development of fine motor skills

A game "Journey of the Fingers"

Purpose of the game: Development and finger coordination training, development fingertips, development of attention.

Equipment: a sheet of paper on which 2 houses are depicted at different ends, "islands" to move your fingers.

Game progress: the child sets his fingers near the first house. Then he begins to move his fingers along the islands to another house, without taking his fingers off the other. "bumps".


you can move around, for starters, using 2 fingers;

all fingers must participate;

you can not tear off the first finger without rearranging the other.

A game "Scissors"

Purpose of the game: Coordination of movements, training of the muscles of the hand, concentration

attention development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Equipment: the tray on which the scissors lie (better plastic with blunt ends) and several sheets of thick colored paper. Cut lines are marked on some sheets.

Game progress:The facilitator makes a riddle: Two ends, two rings, and carnations in the middle. After the child has guessed, the host offers to cut the paper with scissors. If the child copes easily, he is given the task to cut along the lines and perform complex movements to cut the pattern.

It should be noted that, acquiring the skills to confidently hold scissors, the child will then be able to hold a pencil just as confidently and draw precise lines on paper.

A game "Colorful clothespins"

Purpose of the game: development of fine motor skills of the hands, color recognition training, development of attention.

Equipment: 2 sets of baskets with colorful wooden clothespins (12 pcs.). The basket can be replaced with a cup or plate, a plastic bucket. The main thing is that the clothespins easily cling to the edges.

Game progress: The leader and the child each have a basket with colored clothespins. The host takes the basket, puts it on the table and asks the child to give him a clothespin and name its color. Then the facilitator shows how with three fingers you can attach a clothespin to the edge of the basket. When the child has mastered this action and can easily attach clothespins, for example, all clothespins of the same color and name their color, he is given the task of attaching clothespins in a certain sequence of colors, go to perform a certain sequence of clothespins as on the leader's basket. You should pay attention to the fact that the leader attaches clothespins with three fingers, because the child must see the correct movements.

Repeated repetition of the movement of unclenching and squeezing the clothespins trains the fingertips, provides a tonic massage and pressure on the points of the muscles responsible for activating the speech centers of the brain.

A game "Find a Surprise"

Purpose of the game: The development of fine motor skills of the hands, coordination of movements; patience training.

Equipment: Wrappers (10-15 pieces, small items(badges, buttons, etc., popcorn, nuts.

Game progress: The presenter wraps the badge in 4-5 candy wrappers. The child must expand all wrappers and neatly fold.

A game "Collect all the stones"

development of attention.

Equipment: Pebbles, sand, basin.

Game progress: Throw pebbles into the sand. First, invite the child to collect pebbles with the first three fingers of his right hand (skill consolidation).

Purpose of the game: The development of fine motor skills of the hands, development fingertips,

Related publications:

I bring to your attention a didactic manual for the development of fine motor skills of the hands and sensory development of the child. "Dry pool" - set.

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The pages are based on soft rugs, napkins for cleaning and felt. Also used are the details of old shorts, bibs and many different ones.

1 slide Municipal state-owned preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten No. 411 "Penguin" Vasilchenko Natalia.

The development of fine motor skills through didactic games, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard The younger age of children is the period when almost all motor skills that a person owns are formed and developed.

Observing the activities of children attending the 2nd junior group in direct educational and independent activities and analyzing it, I found that many children hardly use a spoon, hold a pencil insecurely, it is not an easy task for many to roll a “sausage” out of plasticine . I also conducted a pedagogical study in order to identify the level of development of fine motor skills of the hands of children in the group.

For the study, the exercises proposed by Yu.V. Ivanova were selected. in the collection: Preschool logopoint: documentation, planning and organization of work. – M.: GNOM i D, 2008.

According to the results of the study, it was revealed that when performing the proposed exercises, only 19% of children did not experience any difficulties and performed them correctly. The rest of the children performed the exercises either with little or no difficulty. This was expressed in inaccurate execution of movements, with increased visual control, with tension, in insufficient hand coordination. Children's fingers were bent and unbent synchronously. The movements of the fingers are poorly differentiated, so when the child flexed one finger, the other fingers performed a similar action. There was an incomplete range of motion and fatigue.

It follows from the results of the study that it is necessary to carry out work on the development of fine motor skills of hands in children of this group.

The purpose of the complex: the development of fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements in children 3-4 years old through the use of games with objects, finger games.

In my work, I set the following tasks:

  • improve coordination and accuracy of hand and eye movements, hand flexibility, rhythm;
  • improve fine motor skills of fingers, hands;
  • improve overall physical activity;
  • contribute to the normalization of speech function;
  • develop imagination, voluntary attention, visual and auditory perception, creative activity;
  • create an emotionally comfortable environment in communication with peers and adults.

The following indicators can serve as targets in the work on the development of fine motor skills of the hands:

The child has a positive dynamics in the development of large and fine motor skills, he seeks to master various types of movement in the process of games and exercises;

The child is interested in surrounding objects and actively acts with them - the child is emotionally involved in actions with games and aids for the development of fine motor skills, strives to be persistent in achieving the result of his actions;

The child has the simplest self-service skills; strives to show independence in everyday and play behavior;

In games for the development of fine motor skills, he can ask questions and requests, understands the speech of adults; knows the names of surrounding objects and toys;

Strives to communicate with adults and actively imitates them in movements and actions during games and exercises for the development of fine motor skills; there are games in which the child reproduces the actions of an adult.

To achieve the desired result, it is necessary to make the work regular, using the following forms of work:

Joint activities of the educator with children;

Individual work with children;

Free independent activity of the children themselves.

When compiling a set of games and game exercises aimed at developing fine motor skills of hands in children of the 2nd junior group, I used the following teaching aids: Games for the development of fine motor skills of hands using non-standard equipment / author-comp. O.A. Zazhigin. - St. Petersburg: Detstvo-Press, 2014; Iskhanova S.V. Game therapy in speech therapy: finger transformations: a guide for parents and teachers. – Ed. 2nd. – Rostov n/a: Phoenix, 2014; Krupenchuk O.I. Teach me to speak correctly!: A guide to speech therapy for children and parents. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Litera", 2005; Finger games and exercises for children 2-7 years old / comp. T.V. Kalinina [i dr.]. – Ed. 2nd. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2014; Yanushko E. A. The development of fine motor skills in young children. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2009.

The educational program of our preschool educational institution is based on the exemplary basic educational program of preschool education “From Birth to School”, edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva.

According to the program, the educational process is built on a complex thematic principle. This model allows you to build the educational process around one central theme, making the most of the various types of children's activities, their integration in order to increase the efficiency of the educational process.

Therefore, I offer an example of complexes of games and exercises for the development of fine motor skills of the hands of children 3-4 years old, united by a specific topic. The complex includes games and exercises for compression, relaxation and stretching of the child's hands.

Each set of games and game exercises includes:

Self-massage of the hands of the fingers with or without objects;

Finger gymnastics, accompanied by poems, nursery rhymes;

Didactic games using various objects.

Work on the development of finger and hand movements should be carried out systematically, including it in various activities of children during the day. The place of planning depends on the goals set when learning the sets of exercises for the fingers.

Complex of games and game exercises

Topic: Me and my family
Purpose: the formation of the ability to unbend the fingers in turn from the cam, starting with the big one, on one or both hands; learn to imitate the movements of an adult; strengthening and development of the muscles of the hand, index and thumb; normalization of muscle tone; enrichment of ideas about the family
Name of the game / exercises Content of the game / exercise
Self-massage of fingers "Mouse family" The teacher tells a nursery rhyme and demonstrates massage movements to the children, the children repeat them after the teacher. Self-massage of both hands is performed in turn.

Once you visited me

Whole mouse family:

papa mouse,

Mouse mom,

Daughter Mouse,

Little mouse

And another son-mouse -

The smallest child.

(rubbing fingers, as if removing a ring, from the base to the tip, starting with the big one)

Here is the one I have

Once upon a time there was a family!

(circular movements of one palm on the other)

E. Savelyeva

Finger gymnastics "My family" This finger is a grandfather

This finger is a grandmother,

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

And this finger is me.

(Alternate extension of fingers clenched into a fist, starting with the thumb)

That's the whole family!

(Clenching into a fist and unclenching all fingers at the same time)

The game is played first on one hand, then on the other. If successful, you can invite children to play with the fingers of both hands at the same time.

Paper game: “Iron handkerchiefs for mom and daughter” A crumpled piece of writing paper is placed in front of each player. It is necessary, using all the fingers of both hands, to smooth it so that it does not bulge and that not a single edge of it remains bent. Children who no longer have difficulty performing the exercise can be asked to do the same with one hand or using two thumbs (index fingers).
Clothespin game "Little Helpers" The teacher invites the children to help their mother (grandmother) hang colorful napkins on a string, attaching them with clothespins of the appropriate colors.
Theme: "Autumn"
Purpose: normalization of muscle tone; exercise in the ability to bend fingers one at a time, starting with the big one, in a game with speech accompaniment by imitation; formation of the ability to fasten / unfasten buttons on clothes, take small objects with a pinch; the formation of arbitrary, coordinated movements of both hands; expanding children's ideas about autumn
Name of the game / exercises Content of the game / exercise
Self-massage with a walnut The child rolls a walnut between the palms (in a circle), saying:

I roll my nut

To be the roundest.

O.I. Krupenchuk

Finger gymnastics "Autumn" The wind flew through the forest

(smooth, wave-like movements of the palms )

Wind leaves counted:

(bend one finger on both hands)

Here is oak

Here is maple

Here is a rowan carved,

Here from a birch - golden.

Here is the last sheet

The wind threw on the path.

(Place hands on knees)

N. Nishcheva

Game-simulator "Thrifty hedgehog" Meet this hedgehog

He is an expert on forest paths.

The teacher offers the child a toy simulator "Hedgehog" with different fasteners (button, sew-on buttons of different diameters, lacing, hook), on which you need to attach mushrooms, autumn leaves, apples.

Game with beans "Cinderella" The teacher suggests that the child sort the beans of different colors into plates: take the red beans with your left hand and put them in the left plate, and take the white beans with your right hand and put them in the right plate.
Topic: "Pets"
Purpose: normalization of muscle tone; formation of the ability to perform certain actions with fingers with speech accompaniment; development of correlative hand movements; development of purposefulness of actions; expansion of ideas about pets.
Name of the game / exercises Content of the game / exercise
Self-massage with a hexagonal pencil Pencil roll, roll,

I won't drop the pencil

(the child rolls a pencil on weight between the palms)

right palm,

(rolls a pencil on weight, right palm on top),

left hand,

I skate skillfully and skillfully!

(rolls a pencil on weight, left palm on top)

S.V. Ikhsanova

Finger gymnastics "Our ducks" Our ducks in the morning -

Quack-quack, quack-quack.

Our geese by the pond -

Ha-ha, ha-ha.

(fold the fingers of both hands with a pinch, while the thumb does not touch the rest - you get an open beak)

Our gulenki at the top -

Goo-goo, goo-goo.

(raise your hands up and wave your hands)

Our chickens in the window -

Ko-ko, ko-ko.

(knock index fingers on the table like a chicken with its beak)

How about Petya the Cockerel?

early in the morning

We will sing: "Ku-ka-re-ku!"

(straighten your back, raise your head, spread your arms to the sides, flap them like wings and crow)

Game "Naughty Kitten" The teacher tells the child that the kitten loves to play with a ball of thread and unwound the grandmother's ball. She offers to help her grandmother by winding a thick thread on a spool. To complicate the task, later offer to wind the thread into a ball.
The game "Cut pictures" Invite the children to assemble the split pictures "Pets" from 6 parts, offering the entire image of the animal for the sample. Children can pair up to play.
Theme: "Mom's Day"
Purpose: normalization of muscle tone; exercise in performing certain actions with fingers with speech accompaniment; development of correlative hand movements; the formation of the ability to take small objects with a pinch; development of purposeful actions.
Name of the game / exercises Game content /
Self-massage with large curlers Steam locomotive buzzed

And the wagons were taken:


I'll go far"

Children roll curlers between their palms back and forth, hands held in front of them.

T. Volgina

Finger gymnastics "Mistress" I will cook porridge for a doll:

(mix porridge)

Pour milk into a bowl

(pouring milk)

I'll put cereal in there

(sprinkle grits)

And put it on the stove.

(put on stove)

The porridge will be good!

(thumbs up)

Eat, doll, slowly.

(threaten with finger)

Game "Feed the bun" The teacher offers the children low plastic jars with lids depicting Kolobok (a hole in the place of the mouth), large cereals (beans, peas).

Game progress: the teacher tells the children that our Kolobok is hungry and needs to be fed. Children take cereal from a jar and put it in the mouth opening. You should take one pea at a time so that "Gingerbread Man does not choke."

Game "Collect the beads" Invite the children to make beads for mom from plastic (wooden) beads or from small tubes made from felt-tip pens, stringing them on colored laces. To complicate the task, maintain interest in the game, children should be offered various color schemes of beads.


1. Ivanova Yu.V. Preschool logopoint: documentation, planning and organization of work. - M.: GNOM i D, 2008. - 160 p.

2. Games for the development of fine motor skills of hands using non-standard equipment / author-comp. O.A. Zazhigin. - St. Petersburg: CHILDHOOD-PRESS, 2014. - 96p.

3. Iskhanova S.V. Game therapy in speech therapy: finger transformations: a guide for parents and teachers. – Ed. 2nd. - Rostov n / D: Phoenix, 2014. - 45 p. – (School of development).

4. Krupenchuk O.I. Teach me to speak correctly!: A guide to speech therapy for children and parents. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Litera", 2005. - 208 p.

5. Finger games and exercises for children 2-7 years old / comp. T.V. Kalinina [i dr.]. – Ed. 2nd. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2014. - 151 p.

6. Approximate complex-thematic planning for the program "From birth to school": younger group / V.V. Gerbova, N.F. Gubanova, O.V. Dybina and others - M .: MOSAIC-SINTEZ, 2015. - 160 p.

7. Yanushko E.A. The development of fine motor skills of hands in young children (1-3 years old): A methodological guide for educators and parents. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2009. - 56 p.

One of the most important areas in classes with a child is the development of fine motor skills.

The main assistants in this matter: finger exercises, hand massage, and of course, games.

There are a lot of games for the development of fine motor skills. In this article, I tried to collect those that are easiest to organize and which we enjoyed playing ourselves.

It is important to remember the rule: the smaller the child, the larger the objects with which he plays should be. Everything is small only under your watchful eye.

And one more thing: at any age, we do not use the hydrogel that is popular today - it is really dangerous.

One of the most favorite activities for children is to put something somewhere and get it out. Therefore, sorter toys are so interesting for kids. We take advantage of this interest and offer the following games:

Pushing items. Cut a hole in a suitable container (a jar with a plastic lid, a bottle, a box) and invite the baby to put in there:

  • counting sticks, matches, cotton swabs, caps from felt-tip pens;
  • beads, coins, buttons, checkers, chestnuts, beans, pasta.
  • small lids - in small holes, large - in large ones.

You can stick an image of an animal on the box and feed it. It is clear that the smaller the object, the smaller the hole we make.

Passing the chenille wire(My-shop) into a sieve or bowl from a double boiler.

Games with a spoon, ladle, strainer. These games develop not so much fine motor skills as large ones. But they are very useful, because. contribute to the development of coordination of hand movements. The son could do this for a long time, and even now he loves it.

  • we shift chestnuts, nuts, containers from kinders with a spoon;
  • pour cereals, beans;
  • pour water;
  • picking things up from the water.

Beat the foam with a whisk.

Also, rather for large motor skills, but a very exciting activity.

Playing with kitchen tongs:

  • we sort chestnuts, nuts, cones, pebbles, containers from kinder surprises;
  • We catch objects floating in it from the water.

Remove the staples from the CD.

Or from cardboard. Colors can be sorted by color.

Loosen and screw on the lids. Opening and closing containers.

We put on:

  • rings from the pyramid, hair ties - on the rod from the pyramid;
  • drying - on a pencil;
  • pasta - on skewers. We pre-painted them and at the same time sorted them by color;
  • caps for markers. It is good to use dried ones so that the child does not get dirty.

Lacing. Laces are of different types. You can buy ready-made (Labyrinth, My-shop).

The smallest ones are suitable for those where you need to put a cord with a hard tip into the holes.

For older kids, we suggest stringing figurines, beads on a cord.

And the most difficult option is to attach the figures to the base using the lacing method:

And you can come up with your own games:

  • string beads on chenille wire;
  • cocktail tubes cut into pieces - on a string;
  • drying - on a rope;
  • lace up a real shoe.

You can also make your own laces. Suitable for this: thick cardboard, felt, hygroscopic kitchen napkins, large plastic lids. I created in the VKontakte group album "Fine motor skills". In it you will find many ideas for creating laces with your own hands.

For the little ones there is a special large mosaic.

Mosaic is not only laying out patterns. You can play story games. For example:

  • we offer the child to stick elements of yellow color - plant flowers, red - arrived
  • butterflies, blue - it started to rain, remove the red ones - the butterflies flew away because of the rain;
  • we lay out paths for little men, flashlights for the runway;
  • we feed the birds, sticking "grains", put the testicles in the nest;
  • we develop logic by playing "continue the series, sequence";
  • repair or destroy the road. Antoshka himself invented this game. The field is completely lined with large mosaics and suddenly holes begin to form in the ground. Antoshkin's task is to patch them up faster, so that "uncle doesn't fail";
  • create a drawing using paper templates.

Paper games:

  • looking for surprises wrapped in paper, napkin, foil;
  • we hide the treasure by wrapping it;
  • we tear napkins, newspapers, toilet paper, foil - we make a salute;
  • we wrinkle paper, making “snowballs” out of it;
  • unwrapping sweets;
  • smooth out the crumpled paper.

Playing with tweezers

  • we play pharmacist - we lay out the “pills” (beans, peas, vitamins) in the cells of the mold for ice, Lego;

  • feed the bird with pieces of crumpled paper;
  • we take out the worms with tweezers and feed the chickens. For this game, I sewed the floss to the felt, and cut it off at the back so that it would be interesting for my son to pull the worms out of the ground.

Games with a pipette, syringe:

  • my young chemist loves to mix paints with a pipette. And he loves to do it in ice cubes.
  • pour water from one container to another with a syringe.

Match games:

  • take it out and put it in a box. You can color matches and boxes and sort by color;
    push through a small hole;
  • we stick it into plasticine, making a stalk from a cherry, a fence, a lollipop;
    lay out the figures according to the model.

Laying out the pattern from buttons, pebbles, coins, beans.

To do this, you need to draw the contours of the future image. The smaller the child, the easier the drawing. For very young children, offer to lay out the path.

Winding ribbons, ropes, rolling rolls.

Playing with colored buttons:

  • we cut out a horseshoe from thick cardboard (from the box) and invite the child to insert “carnations” (buttons) into it.
  • we stick "lanterns" on the runway so that the plane can see where to land.

We also have a Djeco construction set with a cork board and a hammer. Here you need to nail machine parts.


Sticking and sticking. Babies can do this for a very long time. And older children will be interested in magnetic puzzles, mosaics.


Up to two years, we used only reusable stickers (Labyrin t, My-shop). This is very convenient, because very young children often miss or crookedly glue, and are very upset if they cannot remake their idea.

Finger Theatre.

You can do without toys by drawing eyes, a mouth on your fingers, or you can buy one.

It is useful to take such toys with you on a trip, I talked about this in an article. "Toys for the Road".

Massage and ordinary small balls:

  • squeeze, unclench with palms, between two fingers;
  • roll on the table with your finger, palm;
  • we move the ball along the drawn winding path.

Finger games.

This is one of the most beneficial activities for developing fine motor skills.

There are so many finger games that you can write a separate article. Start with Magpie-Forty, and add more over time.

We have a book "Tell verses with your hands" (Labyrinth, My-shop). You read poems, and the child plays them with his hands. At the same time, over time, he himself will learn these verses.

The development of fine motor skills is also helped by:

  • massage of the palms and fingers;
  • stencil drawing;
  • hatching, painting, outlining;
  • picking out toys from jelly;
  • putting rubber bands on fingers;
  • games with hairpins, curlers, fasteners;
  • small designer;
  • puzzles;
  • Velcro games;
  • labyrinths;
  • games where you need to stick something, screw it;
  • glass and ordinary pyramid;
  • insert frames;
  • sensory boxes;
  • businessboard().

Older children are taught to sew, embroider, knit, weave with beads.

This is not the whole list of games. But already, along with those links to which I gave at the beginning of the article, it’s enough not to think about what else to play with the child.

Ekaterina Rakitina

Dr. Dietrich Bonhoeffer Klinikum, Germany

Reading time: 9 minutes


Article last updated: 03/30/2019

Who has not heard about the need for the development of fine motor skills in children, about its ability to effectively stimulate the speech and intelligence of babies. What is fine motor skills and is it really worth developing? What games for the development of fine motor skills are most effective for a baby up to a year old?

Fine motor actions are a joint act of the nervous and musculoskeletal apparatus aimed at manipulating small objects with the help of fingers and hands. Movements are often combined with the work of the visual apparatus and require precision.

These are both simple actions aimed at capturing and holding an object (tweezer grip), and complex ones associated with several very precise manipulations at the same time (writing).

Reasons to develop fine motor skills

Will toddlers develop fine motor skills if they are not engaged with them purposefully? Will, as part of the development of general motor skills. The child will learn to grab toys, even using his feet to train his hands.

However, children who have been purposefully educated gain an advantage in elementary school. Since their speech, thinking and small muscles of the hands are more prepared for learning in general and writing in particular than in children who developed independently.

The development of fine motor skills contributes to the improvement of cognitive skills, stimulation of the functioning of the cerebral cortex and the formation of associative links during the work of visual, auditory, speech analyzers.

Ways to stimulate the fine motor skills of the child

It is worth starting the development of fine motor skills from the very first days of a child's life.

The older the baby becomes, the more freely parents can choose didactic materials for games, and diversify their activities with the baby, using non-traditional game materials and environments. The main methods for developing accurate movements of the fingers and toes of children:

  • massage (auricular, palms and feet, fingers);
  • games with medium-sized objects (buttons, beads, cereals, constructor, etc.);
  • modeling, drawing, cutting; embroidery with beads, assembling models (for children from 4 years old)

Play activities with children from 0 to 6 months

From the age of 3 months, toys of different textures can be hung over the baby's crib; over time, he will learn to feel them. At first, the baby will reach for toys that are at the level of his eyes, then above the chest and further to the side. The baby begins to touch things with his fingers, handles alternately, and, finally, grab toys with both hands.

Developing game activities that can be done with a child:

  • "forty white-sided"- "massage" exercise;
  • "naughty hands"- you can put a bright sock or a bracelet on one hand, an elastic band with plastic fruits, raise the baby's hand by the elbow to eye level so that he sees a bright little thing, and let go. This exercise stimulates the desire of the crumbs to grab the other with one hand. Bright little things are put on one and the other hand alternately;
  • "studying the face"- take the hands by the elbows and bring them into the field of view of the baby, clap your hands. Then take the hands of the baby and touch his cheeks, forehead, eyes, chin, naming parts of the face. After that, do this procedure with your face.
  • "grab the ball"- for this game, you need to lay the baby on his stomach, put a ball in front of him so that he is forced to stretch. When the baby takes the ball - lay out another, etc.

You can add a game "meet the legs". On the baby's leg you need to put on a bright sock. Take his feet, rub them together, bring them together at the level of the baby's eyes and tap them against each other to attract his attention. Then let go. The little one will reach out with his hand to the colored sock. If he doesn’t succeed right away, you need to show him how to do it, bring the left hand and right foot into contact and let the baby grab the sock.

We bring to your attention children's games aimed at developing fine motor skills of hands in children of early and preschool age using objects and materials that are within walking distance. This will not only save the family budget, but also spend more time with the child.

Games for kids 0+

Massage of the hand and fingers. For greater effect, massage with nursery rhymes, for example, "Magpie Crow";

Let the child feel objects with different textures, different sizes and temperatures: pieces of ice, a walnut, a prickly rubber ball, a warm metal bowl, a fur hat, etc.). To stimulate tactile sensations, do.

Homemade photo frames with materials of various textures are an excellent tool for massaging children's hands.

Tie different pieces of fabric, ribbons, pompoms, etc. to the hoop. The game causes a grasping reflex and encourages the baby to be active in the prone position. These movements strengthen the muscles of the hands and fingers and contribute to the development of fine motor skills.

Suggest stringing large pasta onto straws/skewers.


Teach your child to make balls and sausages from plasticine, and then flatten them with your finger, show that you can draw on plasticine with a toothpick or special tools.

Play finger games or finger theater, for example, based on the fairy tale Little Red Riding Hood (print template).

Place small toys or any small objects in a basin of water, offer to catch them with your hands, a spoon or a strainer.

Games for kids 4+

Using a thread and a needle, make beads from mountain ash, small pasta, foil balls or real beads. Pasta can be pre-colored.

To develop fine motor skills, practice winding yarn into a ball or winding thread on a spool.

Do-it-yourself lacing (patterns): cut out the contours of any object (cars, clouds, apples) from cardboard, make holes along the contour with a hole punch, tie a bright thick thread to the ear stick and show what needs to be done. Surprisingly, such homemade lacing is of interest to children many times more than store-bought counterparts.

Think over the menu in such a way as to involve the child in cooking as much as possible: let him whisk with a whisk, peel boiled eggs, cut a banana, etc.

Practice tying bows, different types of knots, weaving pigtails and lacing shoes.

Helps develop fine motor skills:

Games with all kinds of tweezers. For example, you need to arrange the beads on a soap holder with tweezers.
Pipette games. We offer a game with Lego blocks. The challenge for the children is to fill each hole with as much water as possible without spilling a drop.

Applying small stickers.

Working with scissors. Play hairdresser.

Modeling. See ideas for classes.

Games with rubber bands (for weaving bracelets). How to make a developing game "Math tablet", see.

Puzzles. You yourself can make simple and photographs.

Mosaic. Especially, kids will love doing

Screwing on lids. For example, you need to pick up lids for jars.

Lego and other designers with small details.

All kinds of transfusion of liquids and pouring of bulk materials from one container to another.

Creative activity using a figured hole punch (in,).

Trainers for the development of fine motor skills

Educational game "Developing basic skills" (c).

The board "Developing basic skills" is both a puzzle and a frame with fasteners. It will help your baby learn how to fasten buttons, belts, zippers, lace up shoes. In addition, during the game, the motor skills of the pens and logical thinking develop.

Book-simulator "I dress myself" (c, c).

The book-simulator "I dress myself" will help the child develop fine motor skills, speech skills and independence. Your baby will learn: tie shoelaces, fasten zippers, buttons, Velcro and buckles.

Fine Motor Books

We offer a selection of useful and exciting books for children that will help develop the skills necessary to master the letter. (Click on image for details).

Workbooks for the development of fine motor skills

Publishing house "I can":

Publishing house "Prof-Press":

Publishing house "Clever Media Group":

Albums on the development of fine motor skills
Recipes for kids

More ideas for games for the development of fine motor skills can be seen in!

Do not forget that in addition to exercises for the development of the muscles of the hand, it is important to regularly train the muscles of the forearms and shoulders, because the same letter is a monotonous process in which the whole hand is involved, and not just the fingers, and a trained child will find it easier to write for a long time at school. Therefore, do not forget about active walks, ball games, banal exercises, and exercises in the pool.