“one of my “slaves,” a mature, influential man from the “authorities,” comes to me once every two months for a spanking session in order to get rid of the feeling of guilt for his unfair decisions” - “facts.” Why is it important to learn to submit to your man? A man tries to submit

Based on equality and partnership. This can only be so in theory. In real life, we all manipulate each other to a certain extent. Therefore, questions arise about how to subjugate another person.

We have all heard stories about how a seemingly plain woman, not distinguished by either beauty or intelligence, is capable of winning the heart of any knight. From the outside it always seems that there is some kind of catch in this. “Well, what did they find in her?” - neighbors and colleagues complain. Or maybe she just knows how to subjugate a man and knows how to use her talents not only in bed?

In the old days it was believed that “the husband is the head.” The wife, therefore, will turn her neck wherever she wants. This truth is the main secret of how to subjugate a man to yourself. You need to let him feel like he’s in charge, the “head.” That one and only, for whose sake you are in both fire and water. Is the maxim about “the way to the heart through the stomach” correct? Not for everyone and not always. If you know how to cook your favorite dishes, if you use aphrodisiac products wisely, it is suitable. But let's remember the many stories about how husbands leave their thrifty and excellent cooking wives for the sake of others... For which ones? In fact, it turns out that for the sake of those with whom they feel good not only at dinner or in bed. An important point for those who want to know how to subjugate a man: let him feel freedom of expression. Listen and listen again. Assent, don't criticize. Even when telling you about his feelings for another, he involuntarily becomes dependent on you: after all, no one will understand him like you.

Create and maintain an atmosphere of trust. Allow him to do things that he is not allowed to do at home. For example, throwing socks around the room or smoking in the living room. If you immediately use an orderly tone or find fault with little things, you will not get your goal - the answer to the question of how to subjugate a man. But then, when he understands that you truly support him, you can begin to carefully pursue your interests. Again, convincing him along the way that no one but him can help you. Don't make any demands. Try to express all your desires in the form of a request, or even better - a slight regret: “Oh, how nice it would be...”

If the relationship between a man and a woman is based on respect and affection, he will certainly want to fulfill your whim. And if he feels like a knight on a white horse, his ego simply will not allow him not to give you a royal gift.

The secret of how to subjugate a man is quite simple. Give him confirmation of his significance, his uniqueness. This, in general, applies to any person. There is only one “but”: even if you openly flatter him, never let him feel your insincerity. Try to believe in all the virtues that you praise. Everything else doesn't really matter. One more caveat must be made: never convince a man that you “mean nothing.” Among them there are few psychologists who are ready to increase your self-esteem. Most likely, your partner will believe you and look for someone who has a better opinion of herself.

Secrets about men that every woman should know de Angelis Barbara

Mistake #5 Women submit to men

Mistake #5

Women submit to men

I am sad to admit that for many of us, discussing the issue of “why women submit to men” will seem redundant and unnecessary. As we noted above, throughout the long history of mankind, the role of a woman has been to submit to a man - this is a sad reality rather than a mistake. However, based on my experience, I can confidently say that identifying for yourself the mechanism of your subordination to a man and developing ways to overcome this phenomenon means taking the most important steps towards creating healthy, warm, cordial relationships.

I call those of us who submit to a man in the hope of earning love for it, martyrs for love. A martyr is a person who decides to make a personal sacrifice for a cause. As for women, here we often deal with the fact that they sacrifice self-respect, self-esteem, self-esteem and their purity in order to earn the love of a man.

Are you a martyr in the name of love?

Here is a questionnaire that will help you determine whether you are a martyr in the name of love. It contains ten of the most characteristic features of martyrs in the name of love. You can fill out the survey based on your current relationships, your past experiences, or your relationships with men in general. Rate yourself based on how often you do these things:

Very often - 0 points

Often - 4 points

Sometimes - 8 points

Rarely or almost never - 10 points

Answer these questions with utmost honesty. It may be unpleasant for you to admit these actions to yourself, but realizing your mistakes is the first step towards overcoming them.

Ten Most Characteristic Traits of Martyrs in the Name of Love

1. You feel like you have to tiptoe around your date so as not to anger or upset him.

2. You feel like your partner doesn't always treat you with the respect you deserve.

3. You feel more confident and strong at work or with friends than in the company of your companion.

4. You feel awkward when you have to express your negative emotions to your partner.

5. You feel hesitant when it comes to asking your friend for something, and sometimes wonder if you are being too “demanding.”

6. You feel that your partner treats you worse than you treat him.

7. Your companion behaves towards you without proper love, and you try to surround him with even more care and attention, hoping to earn his favor.

8. You believe that you need to try to convince your partner that you deserve love, affection and have the right to freedom and equality.

9. You often defend your partner or apologize for their behavior, both to yourself and to others.

10. You often get angry at yourself for constantly trying to please a man, but even if you vow to never do it again, you still continue to put up with the fact that you are loved less than you deserve.

Now count your points.

80-100 points. Congratulations! In your relationship with your man, you maintain your dignity and do not sacrifice yourself in an effort to earn love. To prevent problems in the future, work on yourself in those areas where your grades are lowest.

60-79 points. You are not a complete martyr in the name of love, but you often submit to a man in certain areas of the relationship. The fear of losing your partner or causing his disapproval prevents you from demanding respect from a man. Try to love yourself more and compromise less.

40-59 points. Attention! Whether you want to admit it to yourself or not, you are playing the role of a slave. You allow a man to mistreat you and do not stand up for your dignity. You are so accustomed to sacrificing yourself in the name of love that you never feel natural and comfortable in the company of a man. Follow the advice given in this chapter and finally begin to feel at least some of the love that you so easily give to a man.

0- 39 points. Anxiety! You are a professional martyr in the name of love! Realizing how badly men treat you, you have almost completely lost self-respect. Don't expect to be loved unless you start loving yourself. It's time to stand up and start feeling like a woman, and not a doormat on which to wipe your feet. And this needs to be done urgently! Use the advice I offer in this book, find someone to help you and support you, stop putting yourself down and start living with self-respect.

How we humiliate our feminine dignity

All these characteristic features given in the questionnaire are different manifestations of the same thing: humiliation of our feminine dignity. This means: allowing men to treat us in ways we would never want our daughters to be treated; not defending one’s dignity when it is necessary; living in fear means causing disapproval or earning criticism from your partner; live with significantly less love and attention than you deserve.

Every time you allow a man to treat you disrespectfully or unworthily, you lose self-respect.

The result is what I call a vicious circle of negative self-esteem. Here's how it happens: you allow a man to mistreat you - perhaps he insults you, or refuses to court you when you are tired or sick, or gets angry if you want to discuss your relationship with him, or hurts your feelings in some other way. way. You do not protect yourself, but at the same time you feel psychological discomfort and become depressed, as a result of which your self-esteem decreases. And if your self-esteem is low, then the next time a man humiliates you, you will have even less courage to stand up for yourself. So the circle is complete.

A vicious circle of negative self-esteem

The only way to break this vicious cycle is to stand up for yourself and maintain your self-esteem; Do not allow yourself to be treated disrespectfully and unworthily. By doing this, you will gain respect for yourself, and as a result, your self-confidence will increase. And next time you won’t allow yourself to be humiliated.

Maybe you are already accustomed to humiliation from men

When you bought a new car and got behind the wheel for the first time, have you suddenly realized how difficult your old car was to drive?

Has it ever happened to you that, after moving to a new, more spacious apartment, you suddenly suddenly began to realize how cramped your old home was?

Has it ever happened to you that, after putting on a new comfortable pair of shoes, you suddenly realized how uncomfortable the old one was?

Whether you realize it or not, it is quite possible that you allow a man to treat you poorly simply because you are used to it. Human beings tend to adapt to the environment in which they live, and often we are not aware of discomfort until that environment changes. When we suddenly feel the difference between pairs of shoes, or apartments, or cars, or relationships, we admit to ourselves what discomfort we experienced before.

We are so used to being treated without due respect that we allow men to love us much less than we deserve.

Until recently, I submitted to every man I was in a relationship with. I put up with not being valued; I have tolerated behavior from men that I would never allow any of my clients to tolerate from their partners; I sacrificed my desires and needs in an effort to adapt to my companion; I lived in constant fear of disapproval. Did I suspect that I was a martyr in the name of love? No! I could have sworn I acted like a strong, confident woman. The truth was that I was so used to being humiliated that I didn’t even think about what I was doing. Should I blame my men for this? Not at all. First of all, I didn’t love or respect myself, and they just did the same.

Now, for the first time in my life, I have finally learned to maintain my dignity in relationships with men, but it was not at all easy! The habit of being a martyr in the name of love still makes itself felt and pushes you to retreat and sacrifice something in the name of love. However, with the help of the methodology developed in this book, with the support of my friends and inspired by my partner, who wants me to maintain my dignity (and hates it when I act like a slave!), I am becoming an equally strong woman in relationships what I managed to become in my work.

From slave to fury:

How women first tiptoe around men and then rebel against them

Louis, thirty-six, and Linda, thirty-two, had been dating for nine months before they came to me for counseling. “Linda drives me crazy,” Louis began. - When I met her, she was a sweet, charming, kind woman with whom I wanted to spend my whole life. But after two or three months she changed dramatically. She became aggressive, sarcastic, and sometimes just cold. I tried to talk to her about it, but she doesn't want to hear anything. I can’t get over it, but I feel like she’s turned into a real bitch.”

While Louis was telling this story, Linda sat on the sofa and looked sullenly ahead. Something told me that I could understand her if we talked in private, and I asked Luis to leave.

Tell me about yourself, Linda,” I suggested. - I would like to hear your story about your relationship with Louis.

For two years I was engaged to one man, I was then twenty-nine years old. I was crazy about him and was ready to do anything to make him happy. By the way, this is why I ended up in California. He had to move from Texas to California, and I quit my job and came here with him. He was seven years older than me, and I just prayed for him.

As Linda talked about her former friend, her eyes filled with tears and her face softened.

What happened between you? - I asked quietly.

“I was so stupid,” she said. - He never treated me well, but I endured, endured everything... And he kept postponing our wedding day. One day I returned home from work earlier than usual and found him in bed with the secretary from his office. Imagine, he began to convince me that this episode meant nothing and that there was no reason to break off the engagement.

When Linda relieved her soul, I hugged her. I understood the essence of her relationship with Louis. Linda, who had endured humiliation from her ex-fiancé for a long time, received such a deep wound that she subconsciously decided not to allow men to hurt her anymore. From a slave she turned into a fury - after tiptoeing around her fiancé for a long time, she rebelled against Louis. No wonder Louis couldn't understand Linda's change.

Many women go this route. Having gone through humiliation with one man, they vow to not allow this to happen in the future and, as a result, rebel against another, unsuspecting man. Then, realizing the harmfulness of such behavior, they again turn into slaves. And so on.

Another option for such a transformation could be a situation when we turn from a slave into a fury within the framework of a relationship with the same man. I have a friend who drives her husband crazy with these kinds of changes. For a week she obeys him in everything and behaves like a slave, then she begins to be angry with herself for her weakness and rushes to the other extreme, becoming cold and aloof. When he, fed up with her coldness, rebels, she immediately gives in, asks for forgiveness and turns back into a slave.

It is this type of behavior that gives men a reason to call women “eccentric”, “unpredictable”, “hysterical”, “bitchy”. The only way out of this situation is to find something in between a slave and a fury, to live in accordance with your life values, which will allow you to avoid changes from submission to rebellion.

Solution: Stop submitting to men.

1. Stop encouraging men to treat you inappropriately.. Veronica and her husband David had a terrible fight. It all started when Veronica asked David to help her choose new wallpaper for the kitchen, and David didn't show the slightest interest in it. The more Veronica begged, the more irritated he became, until he exploded and yelled at her. Calling her a “bitch,” David ran out of the house, slamming the door.

And so Veronica, falling on the bed, cries, wanting to turn back time and find peace in the family. She hears David come home and enters the living room and turns on the TV. Worried, she jumps up and, wanting to restore peace as soon as possible, runs into the living room, sits on the floor next to David's chair and puts her head in his lap, sniffling. He's watching TV. A few minutes later she feels David's hand stroking her head and she knows he is no longer angry. Veronica turns to him, takes David's hand in hers and says, “Oh, honey, I'm so glad you're back. I've missed you. I do not want to quarrel with you". “I don’t want to quarrel either,” David says with a sigh of relief. The couple kisses, and the rest of the evening passes in an atmosphere of family idyll.

The apartment of Sharon and her friend Ernie, there is a scandal between them. Ernie has just told Sharon that he is going to have lunch with his ex-girlfriend, who doesn't know that he lives with Sharon. When Sharon asks Ernie if he told his ex-lover about her, he admits that he didn't and explains that the girl is very unstable and he is afraid of hurting her feelings. Sharon is furious. “You care more about this idiot’s feelings than mine!” - she screams offendedly. “I don’t want to listen to this nonsense anymore!” - Ernie shouts back at her and, slamming the door, leaves for work.

All day Sharon is in a bad mood, she is tormented by imagining Ernie having lunch with this girl, how rude and insensitive he was to her, Sharon, in the morning. Hours pass, her fears grow, and now she can no longer think about anything except that she is losing Ernie. She knows that she won't see him until late in the evening and decides to prepare a pleasant surprise for him. She bakes his favorite pie, buys a bottle of good wine, and decorates the table with candles. At eleven-thirty Ernie returns home and Sharon runs to the door and embraces him. “Come in, darling,” she whispers. - I've missed you. I don’t want to part with you for anything.” “I don’t want to part with you either,” Ernie answers her with relief, seeing that Sharon is in a good mood. And they spend a wonderful evening together.

What do you think about these two stories? Do you feel like there's a happy ending? Do you think these women knew how to build relationships with men? If you think they behaved correctly, you are deeply mistaken! Veronica and Sharon may have thought they were being understanding, kind, and forgiving, but in reality they were acting like martyrs for love at their worst. They rewarded their partners for their disrespectful attitude!

Women make one of their biggest mistakes by responding to men with tenderness and love when they are treated poorly.

How do we do this? We hug and kiss men who allow themselves to speak to us disrespectfully; Not only do we not stop the man who is shouting at us, but we also ask him for forgiveness for making him angry; we are making love to a man who literally treated us like dirt a few hours ago and didn’t even think to apologize; we surround with warmth and care men who have offended our feelings in order to show them that we still love them.

What conclusions do men draw from this behavior of ours?

You can treat me any way you want, I will still love you. Moreover, the worse you treat me, the more you intimidate me, the more tender and affectionate I will be.

Such behavior can be represented as follows: you have a puppy in the house; You come home one day to find that your dog has soiled your favorite white sofa. Seeing this, you go to the kitchen and bring the dog his favorite food as a reward! You do the same thing when you kiss a man who has wronged you.

Animal trainers always emphasize the importance of discipline for a dog - you will certainly poke your puppy's nose into the puddle he made, hit him on the nose with a newspaper and say, "Don't you dare get the couch dirty again!" I'm not suggesting you roll up a newspaper and punch a man in the nose when he's "misbehaving." I just want to draw your attention to the fact that by rewarding a man for treating you badly, you encourage similar behavior in the future.

Express your hurt and anger to him; wait for his reaction, which should show you that he understands your feelings and feels remorse for his behavior; discuss how you would behave in a similar situation if it were to happen again in the future; and only after that kiss your friend!

2. Make two lists: “In what ways do I submit to a man?” "How I play the role of a slave."

It is very important to write all this down on paper. In doing so, you may for the first time recognize your role as a martyr in the name of love, and this is the first step towards overcoming this bad habit. Show these lists to your friend so that when you promise yourself to behave differently, you know that someone will be monitoring you from the outside.

3. Make for yourself a list of rules of conduct, in which you must determine what is allowed and what is not allowed in a relationship with a man. I'll talk more about this in the final chapter of the book.

4. Maintain your dignity! I really love this phrase. I wrote it on small pieces of paper and pinned them all over my house. When I feel ready to become a martyr again for the sake of love, I look closely at this phrase, trying to let its meaning sink deep into my consciousness. I almost always regain my sense of self-respect after this. It is important here not only to understand the meaning of this phrase, but also to understand how you should maintain your feminine dignity.

Remember! Maintaining your dignity in a relationship with a man does not mean suppressing your partner. This means treating yourself with love and respect, which will certainly cause a man to feel the same way about you.

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The main mistake of a smart woman This section is only for women. Men can read, but it’s useless; they still won’t understand anything. Now I want to talk about the mistake that smart women often make when they start communicating with men. And which leads to

A woman can combine two incompatible things, according to men - the desire to be passive and dependent on a man and the reluctance to be dependent.

This is what plays a key role in those moments when a man does something bad and a woman cannot figure out what she really needs. From the point of view of men, it looks like this: a woman wants to be passive, but under one condition - the one on top must do what she wants. Relatively speaking, she is ready to serve if the man behaves well with her and appreciates her. As a result of this, very often there is an opinion that a man is simply using a woman and phrases are heard that “He is a goat!”

But it also happens that a woman herself wants to obey, but the one on top cannot give it to her. Then she finds someone else and ends up not getting exactly what she wanted.

True, there is another problem - women who do not know how to obey. This is simply not typical for them. Usually, this is the problem of strong women who, for one reason or another, have become masters of their lives. They are not ready to live with a plush chosen one, and when a strong man appears on the horizon, she begins to fight with him. We will deal with this case today.

A strong woman - how to learn to submit

Submission, like managing men, needs to be learned, because this can achieve a lot. And in fact, this is quite possible. But here it is important to understand that a man who knows how to subjugate, looks like an Alpha and has extensive experience in managing women, in fact cannot maintain a balance - to subjugate her, but not completely bend her under him.

This situation can be compared to eating a product. For example, you got your hands on something tasty. And no, dose out the portions, so you need to eat everything at once, and then again, so that as a result you can no longer look at this food.

This usually happens to men who want to get a woman. It would seem that you should keep such a distance so that the one you have chosen will not cease to be needed by you, but alas, this happens very rarely. Therefore, you should not blindly trust even an experienced man. He will simply ruin your life by not letting you go, by not being able to give you what you need.

Therefore, whatever one may say, only you will need to balance and always be interesting and desirable. The man will not be able to give any clues. Even if you give him the opportunity to teach you, you will start asking him for advice. All of them, sooner or later, will come down to complete submission. Therefore, in any case, you should replace the advice of such a man with his actions. That is, look at his actions and draw conclusions based on them - when to show your teeth, and when to turn on “Pusya”.

But it’s not always possible to understand when to do one thing and when to do another.


To simplify the task, let's talk about internal restrictions that will allow you to obey without problems, but at the same time would not allow you to slide down to the baseboard.

For example, you understand that the only way to maintain a relationship with this man is to submit to him. And, as a rule, if you don’t do this, he will simply leave you, without explanation. An ordinary man can repeat to you 150 times: “You did it wrong, you should have done it this way,” and the one who is confident in himself, knowing that there will be a hundred more like you, will simply leave.

Usually men who have an abundance of female attention are not ready to ask someone to change; it is easier for them to dump the person.

How then should we proceed? If your man is Beta, then it is better to move from above, if Alpha, then from below. That is, if he is a Beta, then you behave like a “bad girl”, and when he gives you the opportunity to relax, take it and give him the opportunity to win you. And gradually you show that he gets a more loyal woman. In a situation with Alpha, you automatically go to him from the “Pusya” position, but not vice versa. Because showing your teeth without knowing what will happen next is, at best, futile, and at worst, dangerous.

But being a “Pusya” and moving in this direction is much more convenient, because little by little you can inspect the territory and understand what needs and can be done. And then conquer her.

What else do you need to know when communicating with Alpha?

  • Any man would like to perceive any woman through sexual perception. And especially this is Alpha. He can afford it. And the worst thing is if this Alpha communicates with you without sexual overtones. This means that from now on you have found yourself an enemy. Or he needs you for something else. If Alpha communicates with you sexually, then you are in the “positive zone.”
  • If you meet an Alpha and want to get him, then the first thing you need to do is be in the “positive zone”. You must become his sexual partner and nothing more. If you start to fight with him, then it will not end well, and here you need to be guided by the rule - it is better to have friends among the strong. In addition, either you or he will win this war, and therefore there will be no relationship.

Let's consider this situation.

“I have a man who doesn’t want to obey, but I won’t do that either. What should I do - drain it? But I do not want!".

For such things, there is a system for dividing the spaces of struggle. That is, to separate principled and unprincipled things.

For example, a man starts a conversation on a topic that is unpleasant to you, and instead of smoothing out the situation, you start talking about what is unpleasant for him. At some point, his patience will run out, and then the man will understand that if you don’t want to hear about unpleasant things, don’t start a conversation.

But it is important for you to do this all the time and only then will you be able to re-educate him. To defuse the situation, turn it into a joke. The main thing is to make it clear what you don't like. And don't be afraid that he will leave. In fact, this is the worst thing that can happen. But if you are afraid of losing a man, you will not be able to control him.

The second option is a system of compromises. You are showing him that you are not ready to submit completely and are not ready for such a relationship, especially if he does not want to give you something in return. And if you show a man your exclusivity and don’t touch “Him,” then he will probably make concessions.

By "His" we mean:

  • Readiness. Next to the Alpha there must be a woman who always desires him.
  • Satisfaction. You should always satisfy him, even if you yourself did not manage to get satisfaction during sex.

If you do things like this, that's usually enough. Then, otherwise, you can get a caring, generous man and quite an interesting conversationalist.

At the same time, it is important that you let him know that you also have things to do and your time is valuable. For example, you agreed to meet, and after an evening spent together, he again asks you to stay. Your task: tell him that you have important things to do, and if he had told you earlier, you would have rescheduled them. And so, alas, you also have your own plans.

Only in this way will a man begin to value your time, because you do not appear when he wants, but only in your free time from your business and by agreement.

Remember, an Alpha man will only value your time once you start doing so yourself.

In principle, these are basic schemes that can work. All this is not difficult to implement, but losing an Alpha man is much easier, just start showing off.

Now let's look at some real life examples.

“My lover is constantly offended and says that I don’t trust him. This is actually true, because I cannot hide my distrust of him. What to do?"

In this situation, humor will work: “Of course, I believe you, how could it be otherwise? Do you remember how in the song: I, of course, believe you, how can there be doubts..."

“I realized that I needed sex not for pleasure, but to control men. But now it seems to me that I don’t want sex at all. Will this pass?

Well, nothing lasts forever - this time. And secondly, remove coquetry from your behavior. And only then can you really check whether you want it or not.

Women tend to make the same mistakes in relationships that ultimately lead to breakups. A man is looking for a special woman, not like others, the only one he would like to see next to him and live with her all his life. It’s sad, but after some time, a special and perfect woman turns into one of those many who are not at all interesting to this man. You need to build a relationship with a man according to the principle of cooperation and equality. When a man tries to subjugate a woman, she begins to be indignant and show her character, but for some reason this same woman has nothing against subjugating a man to herself. Many couples break up due to the woman’s inability to enjoy equal rights in the couple. To prevent this from happening, you should adhere to 10 simple rules for communicating with a man. Psychologists believe that it is these points that underlie the incorrect behavior of most women.

1. One of the main irritating factors that can kill even the most passionate relationships in the bud is throwing tantrums and the desire to constantly lecture a man. If you think that raising your voice, crying and calling a man names will help you get through to him, you are deeply mistaken. Apart from irritation on his part and the desire to get away from you as quickly as possible, you will not receive anything. Then don’t be surprised that you will be the last to learn about some events in his life, from his friends or his mother - the man will not want to share his problems with you, so as not to once again run into your screams, tears and moralizing.

2. You shouldn’t change your man to fit him into some image. Also, you should not teach him to do what you like exclusively. If he likes horror movies and doesn't like melodramas, let him stick to his preferences. Think about what will happen if he starts to push you into some kind of framework? Love the man who is next to you for who he is and concentrate your attention more on his merits.

3. When a woman is in love, she feels an urgent need to be around the clock with the object of her passion, while she is not at all worried about the fact that the man also has some desires and needs of his own. You shouldn’t limit your man’s communication and be hostile to his desire to see a friend or go fishing. If he wants to spend some of his time not with you, this does not mean that he does not love you or loves you less than you love him. It’s just that men love change, and if you try to fill all his free time with yourself, he will quickly lose interest in you. There is a positive side to breaking up - you will miss each other and look forward to meeting each other.

4. Don't force yourself on your man. If you call a man 10 times a day and have nothing to talk about, just to “hang” on the phone and hear his voice, you will receive nothing in return except a negative reaction. There’s nothing you can talk about with your girlfriend – men don’t like empty talk.

5. A man loses interest in a woman who has no mysteries left, so try to surprise a man every day. It just seems difficult, but over time you will love this game. Change your appearance, arrange romantic evenings, surprise your loved one in bed - fantasize, men love experiments!

6. Get rid of jealousy. By being jealous, you show your inadequacy and desire to possess a person as a thing. Where mistrust lives, there is no place for love. Imagine what your man looks like in the eyes of friends and colleagues who witness your endless verification calls? Would such a man want to return after work to the house where interrogation awaits him?

7. Try to solve problems of personal relationships with your husband, and not with your friends. It will be very unpleasant for your man to learn from your friend’s husband that they are already aware of all your problems. The fact that you share the details of your family quarrels with your friends will not resolve them. And your husband will have a firm conviction that you can’t say anything, because you will tell it “in secret to the whole world.” There is no need to wash dirty linen in public.

8. Very often, a woman simply beats some kind of confession out of a man, literally forces him to pour out his soul to her - this should never be done. Sometimes a man just needs to be alone with his thoughts, and unlike a woman, who feels better after speaking out, a man, on the contrary, finds it easier when people don’t know about his problems. Men are afraid to show their weakness or cause a sting in a woman’s eyes, so if a man is not in the mood for a heart-to-heart conversation, don’t insist. He will tell you when he’s ready or when he thinks it’s necessary, and if he doesn’t, it means he’s protecting your feelings and doesn’t want to upset you. You should be proud of such a man, and not reproach him for his aloofness and taciturnity.

9. The biggest mistake a woman makes is shopping with her husband. Very few men like to wander around markets and shops for hours, browsing through goods. A man cannot understand how it is possible to choose a blouse for 3 hours or try on outfits for 2 hours. And how you can manage to spend half a day shopping and still not choose anything for yourself is an incomprehensible mystery for men. In order not to reproach your husband for indifference, for the fact that he simply does not want to advise you on what exactly to buy and what suits you, go shopping with your friends. You can go to the store with your husband only if you know exactly what you want to buy and are sure that this item is on the counter of this store.

10. Most men are punctual and don’t like to be late, especially when the reason for the delay is your habit of taking too long to “beautify”. Such delays often become the cause of serious quarrels and scandals.

The surest way to achieve harmonious relationships in a couple is an open dialogue. You need to share your problems not with your girlfriends and mother, but sit down at the negotiating table with your beloved man. I hope these 10 commandments of a loving woman will help you maintain your relationship with your loved one and not quarrel over trifles.

Do you think it’s an accident that now many celebrity women enter into relationships with men much younger than themselves? Let's remember Pugacheva and Galkin, Babkina and Gore, Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher and many other couples.
There are no coincidences here, but a natural trend. Now I’ll tell you what it is.

One of my friends has been living for permanent residence in Germany for many years. She is 45 years old, divorced, works as a programmer, and has an adult son.
From time to time she goes on dating sites. And I discovered an amazing thing there. It turns out that dominant women who are older than them are now very popular among men.

A friend discovered this completely by accident. When advertising for acquaintance, she wrote that she was used to dominating in relationships. God, what started here! Letters poured in from men eager to meet her.

She began meeting with them and spending time. Previously, she did not even suspect that now there are so many men who want to unconditionally obey a woman, “to be her slave,” as they themselves say: kiss shoes, kneel, endure command and get great pleasure from it.
Men crave for the “mistress” to take the initiative, be strict, demanding, and dictate to them what to do. In short, so that she rules in relationships, and, first of all, in sex. And the harsher she commands, the happier they feel.

A friend says that she was amazed that all these men belonged to fairly high strata of society. These are bank employees, top managers, and highly qualified specialists. They are well off, make great money, dress expensively, have prestigious cars and other signs of social success.
They are generous, ready to spend money on a woman, give her expensive gifts, take her to good restaurants. In short, for the sake of “their mistress” they are ready to do anything.

Over the twenty years of living in Germany, a friend of mine had relationships with men (there were even two civil marriages). But ordinary representatives of the stronger sex often became greedy, became poor, and tried to save money on a companion.

But lovers of dominant women, on the contrary, are ready to throw everything at the feet of their “mistress.” There is no talk of greed; on the contrary, sheer generosity.

As I said, my friend is a programmer by profession. Previously, she dressed quite modestly and simply, nothing pretentious, in general, as programmers like.
And now she had to update her wardrobe. She bought high black stiletto boots, a leather suit - a tight leather skirt and a tight jacket. She bought metal jewelry: chains, a belt with rivets, etc. Her new fans really like these clothes, they go crazy about her image. And she herself is interested in feeling herself in a new role, completely different from the previous one.

A friend said that she had already received a marriage proposal and was considering whether to decide to marry. The fan has already introduced her to her parents and friends. In a normal environment, he behaves quite normally and adequately. Submission to “your mistress” and taking on the role of “slave” begins only behind the closed bedroom door.

I thought and thought about all this and came to the conclusion that such a change in the roles of men and women is quite natural in modern society. Everything was leading up to this.

Previously, there was a stereotype in the public consciousness that a woman should be quiet, passive, soft, compliant and should obey a man. Such ideas have reigned since time immemorial, and are still alive.

But reality has changed dramatically over the years! Judge for yourself: modern women are strong, independent, they know how to earn money, get settled in life, and often do it better than men. Women now actually dominate, and men are often in secondary roles.

In addition, many men were brought up in single-parent families, they were raised only by women. At home, in kindergarten, at school, they are accustomed to the fact that a woman is always in charge, that she is in charge, commands, and must be obeyed. Men have learned this role arrangement and feel quite comfortable in it.

This inevitably had to affect personal, sexual relationships as well. After all, the stereotypes that reign in female-male relationships reflect what is happening in society. It simply cannot be otherwise.

Of course, it’s difficult to break stereotypes in your heads. Many independent, self-sufficient and, in fact, dominant women feel unhappy and shed a tear, saying, “Oh, how I want to lean on a strong man’s shoulder.”
Is this really so? Maybe it’s sweeter and more familiar to command, lead, take initiative and force a man to do everything his own way - first of all, in bed?

It seems that Europe has already come to this. We are also gradually moving towards this. As always, the tone is set by the “pioneers” - celebrities.
It seems to me that similar views may spread among us over time.
What do you say?