Sleeping beauty scene with a modern twist. Musical performance for children “Sleeping Beauty” lesson plan on music on the topic. Dance "Cata and Cats"

New Year's scenario For senior group according to a fairy tale

"Sleeping Beauty"

Heroes (children):

Herald, King, Queen, Princess, 4 fairies, Prince

Heroes (adults): fairy Carabosse, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden.


1. Two thrones, a high chair, a crib, a doll, snowballs, gifts.

Entrance "New Year's counting"

1 child: Snow sparkles outside the window -
White, New Year's.
There is music and laughter in the hall -
Children's ball Today.
2nd child: Happy New Year,

Cordially to everyone sitting here.

And with all my heart I wish you to spend it carefree.

3rd child: Happy New Year!

With new happiness, we hasten to congratulate everyone!

Let the loud laughter never stop under our wonderful Christmas tree!

The clock strikes 12 - that means...
ALL: New Year!

Song "Hello, New Year!"

4th child: Gathered friends of friends
Festive tree.
How her outfit shines,

Visible on the needles.

5th child: It’s so beautiful in our hall, the Christmas tree is amazingly lush!

And it sparkles and shines, everything is lit with lights!
6th child: Hello, dear guest! You are elegant and bright,
We've been waiting for you all year, finally you've come
7th child: Longer, dear Christmas tree, stay in our garden,

After all, you are so beautiful once a year!

Round dance “The Merry Christmas Tree”

Leading: And now on our Christmas tree,

We'll dance for joy!

General dance “Ice palms”

Sat down on the chairs

1p: Fairy tale, fairy tale, respond!

Fairy tale, fairy tale, appear!

Open your eyes wider

A fairy tale begins.

2p: Let's begin, let's begin, let's start our show.

We will play all the roles in it and dance and sing.

Wonderful transformations

We can't count today.

For those who love miracles,

There will be a place here.

At this time, the Herald, a child, stands near the throne.


Presenter: In one fairy-tale kingdom, a little princess was born to the king and queen. The king was so happy. And in honor of this he held a ball.

The Herald comes forward

Herald: Listen, all honest people!

There's glitter and treats here.

We are celebrating the New Year,

And it's the princess's birthday!

To the music, a couple - the king and queen - come out of their seats.

They walk around the circle and stop in front of the thrones.

A girl comes out in a circle, holding a doll in diapers,

sits between the thrones.

King:(stands up) I am completely delighted, in amazement.

I look at my daughter with admiration.

Queen: She's beautiful and sweet

And she looks so much like you.

Eyes like stars shine

And the scent of morning sponges.

King: Let's call it Aurora then, do you agree with me?

Queen: Yes.

King: Let the guests rush here to us.

And they will look at the princess.

Orchestra, music quickly!

We are looking forward to our guests.


Herald: Guests rush to the palace,

Fairy of Goodness and all her ladies-in-waiting,

They want to congratulate Aurora on her birth.

Fairy Dance

Fairy 1: Let kindness live in your heart.

Never offend anyone.

Give joy and happiness to people.

Drive away envy and malice!

Fairy 2: The nightingales will remain silent until dawn,

Listening to your wonderful songs.

You'll be great at dancing

You can play instruments.

Let the smile never leave your face.

Make us all happy and know how to have fun,

Inflaming hearts with love!

Fairy 4: Be as beautiful as a May morning.

Like dawn over a gentle sea.

A white curl falls on the shoulders,

Like the most wonderful bouquet of lilies.

(lights go out, music stops abruptly)

Queen: The light went out and at the same time

Our music has stopped.

Why is everyone running away?

Do the servants open the windows?

Who will answer the question?

All: It's Fairy Carabosse!

(exit of fairy Carabosse)

Fairy of Evil: Fun and laughter reign here,

And joy blinded everyone.

But you made a mistake

I wasn't invited to the ball.

I can do anything, I will repay.

I'm the Fairy of Evil, that's how I want it.

Let your daughter grow up for now (turned to the king)

Let it bloom like a rose.

But only 16 years will pass,

He pricks his finger and falls asleep.

Queen: Oh, horror, what should we do?

Fairy 1: Go away, evil witch!

(F – K laughed and went behind the tree)

I call for help

Kindness and magic!

Let it help me.

The stars give me the answer:

The princess sleeps for a hundred years,

And then love and happiness

Will drive away all bad weather


I will issue a decree

In my kingdom

You can no longer sew or spin.

Brave soldiers, brave guys,

Help us in trouble, protect our daughter!

Dance of the Soldiers

Presenter: Day after day it flashes by.

And the princess is young,

Meanwhile, she grew and grew.

Like a flower blossomed.

The princess comes out.

Princess: Light and joyful all around,

And my whole house is filled with happiness.

They love me here and take care of me.

And here surprises await me.

I love celebrating the New Year

I love receiving gifts.

What is this, the shine is so bright!

This is probably my gift.

(Takes the package, pricks himself with a spindle, the lights go out, the princess screams, a “blizzard” sounds, Fairy Carabosse appears)

F – K: And the curse came true!

You won't hear anything

Except for the wind alone,

You won't hear a sound here.

Let peace and boredom reign.

Child: Beautiful stars look from the sky.

The abandoned forest quietly mutters.

There is peace in the castle and silence around.

She guards the witch's sleep.

Child: The king sits and sleeps on his throne,

The groom is sleeping, and the horses are nearby.

The guards are sleeping on the porch,

And the princess is in the palace.

("blizzard" sounds, the prince appears)

Prince: How much snow has fallen

Everything became white - white.

What a castle on the hill.

I wish I knew sooner.

(the light turns on, the prince sees that everyone in the castle is sleeping)

What should I do, what should I do?

How to wake them all up?

Oh princess, how sweet

It's just a pity that she's in a dream.

We need to call grandpa

Tell him about it.

Father Frost! Aw! Aw!

Do you hear? I'm calling you!

Presenter: Hey guys, don't yawn

Call Father Frost and Snow Maiden,

So that Santa Claus comes to us,

We need him to hear us!

Everyone calls in unison: Father Frost!

(exit of Santa Claus)

D.M.: Good evening! Here I am!

It took me a long time to come to you, friends.

I wasn’t lazy along the way,

Did a good job.

Snow Maiden- It’s good for us today,

Better places can not found!

Near the New Year tree

Don't pass, don't pass!

(they look around and see that everyone is sleeping)

Father Frost: Who was it that called us?

Are you sleeping? Climb!

Prince: Grandfather, they are all enchanted.

The evil fairy bewitched them!

D.M.: Oh! Well, it’s a problem, but it’s not a problem! I have one spell:

(casts a spell)

When is the New Year coming?

Their magical dream will pass in an instant!

The clock will strike 12 times,

And the evil spell will disappear!

(Clock strikes, guests wake up)

Princess: How long and sweetly I slept

And I dreamed in a dream,

How I dance at the ball

Happy Prince Desiree!

D.M.: Your dream, Aurora, is not in vain.

Here is the prince, Aurora, he is wonderful.

Prince: Please, dear Aurora,

Entrust your hand to me.

I invite you to dance

How was it in your dream?

Princess: What happiness, this miracle!

Everything is real, not in a dream!


Snow Maiden- Santa Claus, look

What a miracle our Christmas tree is!

My eyes widen.

The needles glitter with tinsel,

Father Frost- What a beautiful Christmas tree!

Snow Maiden- To make the tree perk up,

Looked more cheerful

Smiled at all the boys

Let's light some lights on it!

Snow Maiden and

Santa Claus (together) -

Together we will say with you:

Christmas tree, light up the lights!


(does not burn)

Father Frost- Speak very quietly, Come on, guests, help!

All:- One, two, three - the Christmas tree is on fire!

(does not burn)

Father Frost- Still quiet, still weak.

We all need to shout together:

All: One, two, three - the Christmas tree is on fire!

(the tree lights up)

Presenter: Santa Claus, Santa Claus, we've been waiting for you!

We've been dreaming about singing a song about you for a whole year!

Song-game with Santa Claus

Children and Santa Claus dance in a circle. At the end, the children join hands.

Father Frost. Let me go, little children,

After all, I love to dance more than anyone else in the world!

Legs shake, don’t stand still,

So let's dance together, friends!

GAME: "Musical Staff"

(The staff is passed around in a circle, and whoever the music stops on dances with DM)

Father Frost: You all danced together

Now you need to rest.

I'll count 1,2,3 - quickly take your place!

Snow Maiden. Grandfather is tired, tired,

I danced very merrily

Let him rest by the Christmas tree.

Who will read poetry to him?

Children read poetry.

Father Frost. Well, you had fun, sang, danced. I, an old man, was pleased.

It's time for me to please you! Guess what?

Children. Gifts!

Gift distribution

Snow Maiden: Here comes the New Year's holiday

It's time for us to finish

Much joy today

We wish everyone children

Father Frost: May you grow big

So that you don't know worries

With my Snow Maiden

We'll get back to you in a year.


Father Frost and Snow Maiden leaving

For children of the preparatory group of kindergarten.

Little Red Riding Hood
Snowflake girls
Spirits of the forest
Lilac Fairy
Fairy Carabosse.

The hall is festively decorated. There is a Christmas tree in the middle of the hall, columns and piles on the walls, the decoration corresponds to the festive hall of an ancient castle. Music from the ballet is playing. The Lilac Fairy enters the hall.

Fairy tale songs ring with bells
Mysterious melodies
What harmonies, what colors,
Seemingly completely unprecedented.
They rustle the grass under your feet,
They sway like stars in the lakes,
Then suddenly they turn into Baba Yaga,
And then suddenly - Sleeping Beauty.

The fairy goes behind the tree. A solemn oratorio sounds, two trumpeters announce the beginning of the holiday. To the music, the children enter the hall and line up in a semicircle in the center with the King and Queen.

I am glad to welcome everyone, friends!
I hasten to tell you the news.
After all, there is noise and bustle in the castle,
Of course, this is not easy.
The table is already set
And the candles are shining,
Today will be a wonderful evening.
I can't overcome happiness,
Let me introduce you, this is our daughter.
He picks up a doll in a blanket and shows it to the guests.
What a baby!
So cute!
How much happiness it brought!
Grow for the king's joy!
Thank you, I love you all.
So, please start our ball,
Our New Year's carnival.
Let's drive away boredom, brighten the light!
Our first dance is a minuet.

A minuet dance is performed.

Suddenly the music stops and the lights go out.

The light went out, and at the same hour
Our music has stopped.
Why is everyone running away?
Do the servants close the windows?
Who will answer the question?
It's Fairy Carabosse!

The evil Fairy Carabosse appears to the music.

Fairy Carabosse.
There's a holiday in your castle today,
Is everyone having fun and dancing?
And you called me
Visit a carnival?
I know, I know - they forgot
You invited the Good Fairies.
I will read a spell to your daughter.
So be it, where is my magic sign?
Let her grow beautiful
All 16 long years.
And now my advice to you!
At this age all children
They want to know about everything in the world,
Take care of the princess
Don't tell me to take needles,
Suddenly he gets pricked, then
The dream will come to her forever.
Lilac Fairy.
Go away, evil witch,
I call for help
Kindness and magic
Let it help us.
The stars give me the answer:
The princess sleeps for a hundred years.
And then love and happiness
All bad weather will be driven away.
Well let's have some fun
Nothing will happen to her.
I will issue a decree
Urgent order to everyone:
In my kingdom
Now you can't sew or spin,
Hide hairpins and pins,
Hide the scissors and spinning wheels,
Forget about needles
This is how we will continue to live.
Let's keep dancing
It's time to start the round dance.

The “New Year's Round Dance” sounds, words by M. Poznanskaya, music by V. Rozhdestvensky. Children sit on chairs.

So days went by,
Well, years after years.
And the princess grew up
She became prettier and blossomed.
She was 16 years old -
Here you can expect worries and troubles.
I'll take a walk in the garden
I'll go to the old castle
I don’t know what I’ll find there,
Well, everything is interesting to me.
“Don’t touch it, you’ll fall
And you'll break your knee,
And don't go there
You see, there’s a hole ahead.”
Enough! I'm already big
I know what and how to do.

The princess goes to the castle, sees an old woman, this is Fairy Carabosse.

Oh, the old lady is alone here,
What is she doing?
Grandma, forgive me
And quickly explain
What are you holding in your hands -
I just can’t understand it!

An old woman spins yarn and holds a spindle.

Fairy Carabosse.
Here, take the spindle -
It's safe.
Here, try to twist it,
Well, it's time for me to go.

The princess spins the spindle and screams.

It stuck into my finger!
Fairy Carabosse (angrily).
Yes, the curse has come true!

The princess falls asleep. You can hear the howling of a blizzard.

Fairy Carabosse.
Now it's my turn -
Sleep will come to the kingdom.
You won't hear anything
Except for the wind alone.
You won't hear a sound here
Let peace and boredom reign.
(Whispers a spell).
Lie down, soft snows,
To forests and meadows.
Cover the paths
Lower the branches
You, blizzard, are a miracle,
Backwater round dances.
Soar in a white whirlwind
In the field I turned gray.
Sleep, my land, sleep,
Keep your magical dreams,
Wait, she’s dressed in brocade,
New dawn.
(Laughs, leaves).
Beautiful stars look from the sky.
The abandoned forest quietly mutters.
There is peace in the castle and silence around.
She guards the witch's sleep.
The cooks are all asleep
Near a huge pan.
The king sits sleeping on his throne,
The groom is sleeping, and the horses are nearby.
The guards are sleeping on the porch,
And the princess is in the palace.
Who will help us now?
Who will open the door to a fairy tale?
There is a magic sorcerer
We need to call him quickly.
Who will answer the question:
Who is this?
Father Frost.

Santa Claus enters to the music and walks around the Christmas tree.

Father Frost.
Good evening! Here I am!
It took me a long time to come to you, friends.
I wasn’t lazy along the way,
Worked hard
I froze the river with ice,
Spruce covered everything with snow,
The north wind is my brother.
He is glad to meet Frost.
I took a walk in the open field,
Howls and whistles in the open air.
Blizzard is the white sister.
He also likes to have fun.
It will dance, it will fluff,
Everything around will be dusty.
Well, were you waiting for me?
After all, we haven’t seen you for a long time.
Where are the songs, where is the laughter?
Enough joy for everyone.

There is silence in the hall. Santa Claus is surprised.

There is silence in the old castle,
She keeps a long sleep.
The princess sleeps for a hundred years,
Well, the prince is gone and gone.
Can you do some magic?
Should I call the good fairy?
Father Frost.
There is sadness in your fairy tale,
I'm very sorry for the princess.
Come on, sorcerer's staff,
Help us out quickly.
(Casts magic).
The spruce sways quietly
The old year is ending.
Come on, Christmas tree, light up,
Good fairy, appear!
(Spins around himself, knocks with his staff).

The Christmas tree lights up. The Lilac Fairy comes out to the music.

Lilac Fairy.
Well, my turn has come,
Joy will come to us soon!
How can the princess help us?
Overcome the evil force?
Lilac Fairy.
There is magic in the world -
It is stronger than all miracles.
Witchcraft will be destroyed again
Faith, hope and love.
(Gives Santa Claus three flowers).
Give them to the bravest prince,
That can break through all obstacles.
Father Frost.
Hey snowflakes, fly
Tell the whole world
That the princess is sleeping in the castle.
Silence preserves her.
Tell me what she
Both beautiful and tender.
You will find a daredevil
And bring him to me.

The dance of snowflakes is performed. After the dance the Prince appears.

I heard snowflakes arguing:
The princess has been sleeping for a long time.
The winter wind told me
There is nothing more beautiful in the world.
The moon told me:
She urgently needs help.
I'm ready to hit the road.
Father Frost.
Wait! Don't forget!
Your path will be dangerous.
He will wake up the beauty
Who will love her forever.
Faith, your hope and love
They can light her heart again.
Black velvet of the night
Decorated with stars
The moon has frozen in the sky
An unchanging guardian
The forest is dense, how to get through?
But there is no turning back for me!

The Forest Fairies block the road with paper ribbons.

Fairy of the forest.
We'll show you the path
How to find a princess, let's say.
Guess the riddles
Answer quickly.

After the Prince solves the riddle, he “cuts” the paper ribbon with his sword and moves on.
1. He himself does not see or hear,
Walks, wanders, prowls, whistles.
Whoever comes along
Hugs and fights. (Wind)
2. Miracles, miracles, the skies lit up.
The clouds became red.
The river turned pink. (Dawn)
3. Just guess for yourself
Who climbs to the stars,
Shines brightly at night
Butts with the clouds. (Moon)

This forest is unusual
Full of fairy tales and miracles.
I'll rest a little
You just can’t sleep.

He sits down to rest, an evil Fairy appears and begins to cast a spell.

Fairy Carabosse.
Hey, you pine trees, make some noise,
You will surround the prince with sleep.
Quiet, music, play,
The forest is dense, go to sleep.

The song “Lullaby” is playing, music by R. Pauls. The prince fights sleep.

What happened with me? Did you fall asleep a little?
Back on the road, time to hit the road!
(He walks around the tree. Fairy Carabosse appears.)
Fairy Carabosse.
I still won't miss it
And I won’t let you go to the princess.
Spirits of the forest, you are flying,
Blind the prince in the whirlwind.
Won't see anything
Except for your nose.

Music sounds, the spirits of the forest run out and surround the Prince. The game “We won’t let you out” is being played.

You called Blizzard in vain -
I still won't give up.
Let's say loudly: “One, two, three,
Our Christmas tree, burn!”

The Christmas tree lights up. Fairy Carabosse appears.

Fairy Carabosse.
Go out, light and darkness, come,
You block the prince's path.

He waves his wand and the light goes out. The Lilac Fairy appears.

Lilac Fairy.
Go away, evil witch!
I call for help
Kindness and magic
Let it help us.

He waves his wand and the light comes on. Children form a circle around the tree. Fairy Carabosse in a circle. The Lilac Fairy is around.

Fairy Carabosse.
Now we will get the answer,
What is stronger: darkness or light?

To the music, Fairy Carabosse tries to freeze the children. The lights go out. As the music changes, the Lilac Fairy runs around the circle and the sow lights up. Repeats several times.

Fairy Carabosse.
Enough, enough, wait,
Stop the music.
Apparently I'm unlucky -
My time has not come.
I'm going to my castle,
Have fun without me.

The lights come on and the music plays. The children sit down in their chairs.

There's a castle on the way
I'll try to log in.

He enters, walks around the tree, and stops near the Sleeping Princess.

What a heavenly creature!
Let the spell disappear!
(He gets down on his knee and puts flowers next to him.)
You are beautiful, like the hot sun,
Like a thin silver ray
Spring morning is bright,
Clear sky without clouds.
These flowers will revive you again -
This is Faith, My Hope and Love.
Now hurry up and wake up
Smile at the sun and the sky.
The princess wakes up.
How the sun shines high
And how easy it is for me to breathe!
Thank you a hundred times
Without you, I would be sleeping right now.
The whole castle wakes up.
The night has receded, sleep has gone.
Now everything will be fine!
Now we can have fun
And it’s fun to spin around in the dance.

A waltz sounds (music chosen by the leader).

Father Frost.
Our Christmas tree, flash the lights,
Fairy tales rush to us to meet friends.

The music "Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf" plays. Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf come out.

Little Red Riding Hood.
Grandma, grandma, why do you have such big eyes? (Looks at the wolf). Grandma, grandma, why do you have such big teeth?
What kind of teeth, what kind of eyes -
It's all from an old fairy tale.
I'm completely different now
Make friends with me.

The song “Land of Children” is played, lyrics by T. Kalinina, music by S. Banevich.

We wish you success in the New Year,
More cheerful, loud laughter,
More cheerful friends and girlfriends,
So that everyone around you laughs together.

The music “Cat and White Kitty” plays.

Here comes the kitty
And he takes the cat with him.
For the princess and for you
We will read the poems now.
A miracle happened that night,
After all, our friendship drove away evil!
Let the doors open wider,
Come in, joy, happiness and fun!
Happy New Year, Happy New Year!
How much joy everyone has!
Let it sound everywhere today
Song, music and laughter!

The song “Silver Bouquet” is performed, lyrics by T. Prostorova, music by E. Ptichkin.

Father Frost.
Here comes the New Year's holiday
It's time for us to finish!
Much happiness to you today
I brought it in my bag
Mountains, sea, sky, thunder,
Cities, villages, countries,
Streams and oceans
The whole huge white light,
May you live for many years.
And he also brought it in addition
Happiness, courage, luck,
Friendship for people
Peace to the peoples.
Happy New Year to everyone!

Candles are distributed to the children. They line up in a semicircle near the Christmas tree.

So the good fairy tale ends,
But let the holiday not end.
Let us say goodbye in our hall
Candles are lit for everyone!

The song “Candles” is playing (from the repertoire of the group “Na-na”, the background sounds).

Lilac Fairy.
Our ball is over
The music suddenly stopped.
But is it? It seems to be sounding now
And it calls us to unknown distances,
It rings, sparkles like a rainbow-arc,
It’s as if they gave us a firebird
And they gave everyone a drink of living water.
Such a powerful fabulous force
Sometimes the music is full
What seems like the sun, unquenchable,
Like the ocean, it is boundless.
And every day he will wonder with excitement,
When we are together the door to the land of melodies
Let's open it again with the magic key!

With a wave of the magic wand, the Christmas tree lights up. Santa Claus gives gifts. The children leave the hall to the music.

Musical performance for children “Sleeping Beauty”

Outline of the event.

1. Musical and plastic performance “Sleeping Beauty”.

2. Children of senior and preparatory groups participate.

3. Goals:

*involvement of older children preschool age to the art of musical theater;

*focusing children on success, getting joy and pleasure from playing theater;

* children’s acquisition of their own experience of creative activity;

*teach children to apply the acquired knowledge and experience in similar situations in life.

4. Task.

*Social-emotional and moral-communicative development of the child’s personality.

5. Preliminary work:

*Collective drafting of a script based on the fairy tale by C. Perrault (children and teachers);

* Pantomimic creative sketches: “Greeting of the King and Queen”; “Go as: Puss in Boots, Fairy of Good, Fairy of Evil, Lady of the Court, Good Wolf, Important King, etc.

*Mimic sketches: “Oh, Wolf!”, “I’m completely delighted,” “Oh, horror! What should we do?”, “How sweetly I slept,” etc.

*Plastic etudes-improvisations: “Cinderella” dance, “Girlfriends with flowers” ​​dance, Dance with a magic wand, etc.

*Learning pair dances: “Polka” music by Y. Chichkov; "Polka" music by Strauss; “Slow Waltz” (author unknown);

*Making costume elements (children and teachers), sewing costumes (parents and teachers).

*Making of attributes (children and teachers), decorations (teachers).

6. Staging the play.

Musical and plastic fairy tale.

1 part

“Magic Music” sounds, enters Fairy of Good and stops in front of the curtain:

Adults and children know

To be happy:

Needed by all people, all people in the world

Be friends with a good fairy tale.

Let's open the doors to a fairy tale,

We are always waiting for her.

Good, kind, sweet fairies

They know the way here!

Fairy tale "Sleeping Beauty" (set to magical music).

Music from the program “Visiting a Fairy Tale” is playing. 2 pages appear from behind the curtain:

1 page A familiar tale

She came to visit us.

We are happy to show it to you!

2nd page And your smiles and your hearts,

This will be the best reward for us!

/The pages part the curtain and approach their partner to dance. In the center of the hall are the courtier children, in pairs (girls with fans), in front of them, also facing the audience, stands the Butler/.

Butler. The cheerful courtyard is noisy, -

Orchestra, food...

The princess is born

And there is fun in the palace!


/Children calmly disperse in pairs to the right and left, stop, forming a circle./

The music of Yu. Chichkov “Polka” (with fans) is playing.

/After the dance, the couples move to the side walls of the hall, preparing for the meeting of the king and queen/.

Butler. Their Majesty the King and Queen!

The music is “Procession” (“Gavotte” music

/The King and Queen enter, followed by 2 pages with a cradle - there lies a princess doll. All the courtiers bow. The King and Queen walk around the hall, approach their throne and stop. The pages place the cradle in front of the King and Queen on a stand and take their places behind the throne. The king allows everyone to sit down with a wave of his hand.

A child's cry is heard. (SD) The Queen looks with concern at her page with facial expressions and orders with gestures to console the child.

The page comes up to the cradle, picks up a rattle, consoles the princess, then picks her up, rocks her and carries her to the Queen. She takes the princess, admires her, holding her up, with outstretched arms, then presses the doll to her chest, stroking her. All this time the King silently watched the Queen, admired both of them/.


I'm delighted, in amazement,

I look at my daughter with admiration!


She's beautiful and sweet(looks at the doll)

And she looks so much like you.(Looks at the King)

Eyes are like stars,(points up)

And the sponges (thought) - the scent of the morning!


Let's call it Aurora then! (looks straight)

Do you agree with me? (looks at the Queen, waits for her consent).

Queen. Yes!


Let the guests rush here to us

And they will look at the princess.

Orchestra - music quickly!

We are looking forward to guests!

/Children - courtiers go to the table with musical instruments, take them./

“Magic music” sounds, the Good Fairy and 3 little fairies enter.

“Waltz-joke” music by D. Shostakovich sounds.

“fairy dance” and orchestra (2 bells, triangle, metallophone).

Fairy of Good.

Accept the wishes of the fairies!

1 Fairy. We sincerely wish her

To be the sweetest in the world!

Captivate with beauty, have success!

2. Let the fairy be modest and smart,

Gifted with talents!

3. Fairy. She must be patient

Kind, obedient, not lazy!

King: (stands up, bows slightly)

Please accept our gratitude,

For your kindness and generosity!

/We hear alarming music. Grieg "In the Cave of the Mountain King" Raising her head proudly, the fairy of Evil Carabosse enters.

Fairy of Evil.

Fun and laughter reign here.

And joy blinded everyone.

But you made a mistake -

I wasn't invited to the BAL!

I can do anything and I will repay it,

I am the Fairy of Evil, I want it that way!

Let your daughter grow up for now,

Let it bloom like a rose.

And only 16 years will pass -

He pricks his finger and dies!

Ha ha ha!!! (leaves).


Oh God!!! What should we do?(The Queen cries and wipes herself with a handkerchief).


I will issue a decree now!(Rings the bell, a clerk runs in with a pen and paper.)


Remove all spindles and spinning wheels from the castle rooms!

(The king points his index finger in front of him. The clerk leaves. The king sits on the throne, lowering his head on his hand, saddened).

1 fairy.

Don't be so sad, King.

We can ease your pain.

After all, the fairy queen is here with us,

And the main word is hers.

Fairy of Good.

Please don't worry, don't be sad,

I can change the evil sentence.

The trouble will pass, I swear to you this

And the daughter will remain alive.

She will fall asleep only for a century,

And beauty will not fade.

Everyone will fall asleep with her

And in lush surroundings,

Among the courtiers, faithful servants

Her magical dream will be interrupted,

A faithful friend will wake her up.

Prince Charming will come for her,

And all the witchcraft will disappear!

/The King and Queen look at each other joyfully and hug the princess. The queen gives it to the page, who puts the doll in the cradle/.


And the King became terribly cheerful,

And he ordered from the high throne chairs:

Continue the happy holiday,

Joking, laughing and dancing!!!

The courtiers perform the pair dance “Polka” by Shostakovich.


We continue the wonderful ball,

From fairy tales, guests come to us.

We have known them for a long time since childhood,

Charles Perrault introduced us.

Butler. Little Red Riding Hood and the Gray Wolf!!!

/Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf enter the hall and curtsy)

Courtiers: Oh, Wolf!


Gentlemen! Do not be afraid!

Ladies, calm down.

I don't live in a thicket

I'm not real.

Little Red Riding Hood.

I am friends with the gray wolf,

I go to visit my grandmother.

Today we came to the ball,

And they danced with the wolf.

Strauss's "Polka" music sounds. Dance "Little Red Riding Hood and the Gray Wolf"


Princess in glass slippers

Enters this hall with the prince!

Cinderella and the Prince enter (curtsey).


I was in such a hurry, I was in a hurry.

I love dancing at the ball!

For the sweet princess

Wonderful, beautiful,

Today I will give you flowers!

“Waltz” sounds, music by Delibes Dance “Cinderella and the Prince”


A new guest is rushing to us

From another fairy tale,

Marquis Karabas

His dear friend!

Puss in Boots.

I'm dressed like a dandy today:

The hat is sideways and has a feather.

My boots are creaking -

We won't find a better pussy!

But where is my Griselda?

I'll go look for her

And we will be together with her

Dance today!

/ The cat walks around the hall, looks for the kitty, takes her to the center of the hall /.

The music “Exercise” and the dance “Puss in Boots and the Little White Cat” are playing.


Thank you, dear friend,

Oh, how lovely everything is around!

After all, the ball is full of miracles,

Let's stay here for a while!/Sit down/.

Fairy of Good.

You are right, dear friends,

After all, you can’t be bored at the ball.

Let's continue the holiday

A wonderful waltz everyone can dance! (Fairy of Good via Gym walks to the exit from the gym).

The music "Waltz" is playing. “Slow Waltz” (composer unknown).

/After the dance, everyone sits down. Pages close the curtain./

Part 2.

/ Magic music sounds. The Fairy of Good appears and stops at the curtain./

Fairy of Good. Day after day goes by, flashing,

And the princess is young

Has grown up imperceptibly

How the Flower blossomed!

/The music “Lyrical Dance” plays, the girls-girlfriends and Princess Aurora (with a rose flower in hand) run out, stop in 2 lines at the central wall facing the audience./

The girls’ dance “Tenderness” is performed /after the dance the girls give Aurora flowers and congratulate her on her birthday/.

Girls. Happy birthday!

We wish you happiness and joy! /girls run off to change into costumes magical birds/.

/ The music “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​from the ballet “Sleeping Beauty” plays, Aurora walks around the hall with a bouquet of flowers, arranges flowers in vases, then spins around herself and stops facing the audience./

Aurora. Light and joyful all around,

And my whole house is full of happiness!

They love me here, they take care of me,

Surprises await me everywhere. /Sits on the chair where the cradle stood/.

I like to play with my friends

I love receiving gifts! (Aurora claps her hands)

/ Magic music sounds, pages and courtiers enter, carry boxes with gifts, one after another, put the boxes, bow and sit down. The Evil Fairy sneaks up unnoticed with a package, puts it down and leaves.

Aurora. There are so many gifts that you can’t count them!

What's interesting here?

/Aurora examines the gifts: picks them up, examines them, puts them aside, pays attention to the package/.

What kind of package is here?

How bright he is! Let's see what kind of gift this is!

/Aurora takes the package, goes to the bed, sits on it and unwraps the package. He takes out a spindle, examines it, “pricks” his finger, cries out “Oh! It hurts!” (lies down and falls asleep). The King and Queen run in: “Oh, horror! What should we do?” (They cry, hugging each other. The King consoles the Queen, leads her to the throne. The Queen on the throne falls asleep, leaning back on the throne. The King, resting his head on his hand, rings the bell. The courtiers run in,they bow and everyone falls asleep. The pages close the curtain and remain behind the curtain./

Magic music sounds. The Good Fairy and little fairies appear in front of the curtain.

1 . Fairy. A hundred years flew by unnoticed.

The path to the palace is barely noticeable.

2. Fairy. They were looking for her for many years.

Her trace has long been lost.

3. Fairy. The princess sleeps in her palace,

With a kind smile on your face.

Fairy of Good. Her magical dream will be interrupted,

As soon as the Prince touches her!

The Fairy of Good casts a spell:Wonderful birds - fly!

Lead the prince with you!

Girls perform the dance “Wonderful Birds” music of your choice music director(at the end of the dance the Prince appears).

Prince. I wandered here for a reason,

There is such beauty everywhere!

The forest here is magical, not simple,

And a flock of birds above me!

Fairy of Good. I called you here.

It's high time you found out

What's in that castle

The princess sleeps peacefully.

She's beautiful and sweet

Although I’ve already slept for 100 years.

Her magical dream will be interrupted,

As soon as the Prince touches her.

The whole kingdom will come to life,

Fun will come to us again!

/Fairy of Good takes the Prince by the hand. /

We'll hurry to the castle, my friend,

Look! How wonderful everything is around!

/Little fairies open the curtain. The King and Queen are sleeping on the throne, Princess Aurora is sleeping on the bed, and there are courtiers frozen in different poses around.

/The Fairy of Good leads the Prince to the box and steps aside. The prince kneels on one knee in front of the box, strokes Aurora’s head, kisses her hand and gets up from his knee.

Etude “Awakening” music by E. Grieg “Morning”. /Aurora immediately opens her eyes, turns on her side, sits down with her feet on the floor, looks around, gets up and runs lightly to the King and Queen. Aurora touches them, they come to life and hug Aurora. Then the King, Queen and Aurora touch the courtiers, who also come to life.

Aurora. How long and sweetly I slept.

And I dreamed in a dream,

How I dance at the ball

Happy Prince Desiree!

/The Fairy of Good and the prince approach Aurora/.

Fairy of Good. Your visions are not in vain,

Here is Prince Aurora,

He's wonderful!

Prince Désiré (bows to Aurora).

I ask you, dear Aurora,

Entrust your hand to me.

I invite you to dance

How it was in your dream!

Music from the animated film "Anastasia" is playing. Dance of Aurora and Desiree."

After bowing, Aurora and Prince Désiré speak their words.

Aurora. Let your friends have a happy hour

Rejoice with us!

Desiree. And a good fairy tale again, let him meet with friends!

Fairy of Good. We won't be kids again,

Such a remedy has not yet been found

When we could fly freely

And only a fairy tale brings you back to childhood.

The general song “Don’t part with the fairy tale, music” sounds



- Kind fairy;

- evil fairy;

Father Frost;

Snow Maiden


- herald;



Fairies 5 girls;





The cradle is the cradle of a princess, above which a bell is attached

— There is a bench against the wall, covered with a beautiful blanket.


Snow-covered branches for birch trees;

Scroll for the Herald;

5 bouquets of flowers;

5 magic wands for fairies;

A doll wrapped in a blanket;

Spinning wheel and spindle;

Sultans for children depicting a blizzard;

Arc with bells;

Ribbons on a ring.

To the sound of cheerful music, children run into the hall and stand around the Christmas tree.


Last year was a glorious year,

But time does not wait in a hurry.

The last calendar leaf has been torn off,

The New Year is approaching us.

Look at our Christmas tree.

Children walk in a circle, looking at the Christmas tree

How decorated she is!

Fluffy snow on needles,

And a star is burning above.

1 child:

It's time for fun and laughter

And we all gathered here,

And the Christmas tree will be lit for us here,

Just tell her...

All: Light up!

2nd child:

Flags and toys,

Gifts on it

Silver frost hung:

Let the tree burn, in millions of lights,

Let's tell her...

All: Light up!!!

The Christmas tree lights up.

3rd child:

Christmas tree, hello, our beauty,

It's been a year since we saw each other.

It seems you are even brighter and more beautiful

Been there since last winter.

4th child:

We will sing you a lot of songs,

Let's celebrate your holiday with joy!

May it remain in our memory

A decorated Christmas tree is a beauty!

Round dance: “Christmas tree” music. Popotenko.

5th child:

Happy holiday for us

Winter brought -

Green Christmas tree

She came to visit us.

The branches are strewn with fluffy snow

We walk around in a round dance and sing.

Round dance: " Christmas story» music Height.

At the end of the round dance, the children sit down. The Good Fairy enters to the waltz.

Good Fairy: Oh, what a wonderful song! I heard it and I really wanted to meet you. It's so much fun here and your tree is so wonderful! And how many toys there are on it! On New Year's Eve it is customary to give gifts, and I want to give you one of mine fairy tales. Do you know who told it to me? A white, snow-covered birch tree that stands in the forest with its girlfriends. When it’s quiet in the forest, the trees seem to be dozing in their snow-white coats, and the birch tree tells them fairy tales, and I brought you one of them.

Birch girls perform a song. They have snow-covered sticks in their hands.

Song: “White Birch” music. Root, Art. Yesenina.

After the song they sit down.

Good Fairy: In one fairy-tale kingdom there lived a King and a Queen. They loved their people and joy and happiness reigned in the kingdom. And then one day a joyful event happened in the kingdom. The King and Queen have a daughter. On this occasion, a real ball was held in the palace, to which many guests were invited and, of course, they did not forget about the good sorceresses - fairies. Oh, how fun it was at this ball!

The Herald comes out with a scroll.


Everyone! Everyone! Everyone!

Everyone who lives in the city,

The king is inviting you to his ball!

Royal decree for cheerful people,

For funny people, for funny ideas.

The King and Queen enter the center of the hall.


Fairies walk silently

They came down from the star.

And like in an unusual fairy tale

They found themselves in front of us.

Little fairies come out to the waltz, led by the Good Fairy. They go around the hall and stand in a semicircle. Each fairy has a bouquet of flowers in her left hand and a magic wand in her right hand. Everyone bows down.

The fairies thank you for the invitation to this wonderful, bright ball. Fairies approach the cradle.

1 fairy:

I am a gift to you, dear child,

I want to present a magical gift.

May you always be smart

We didn’t know grief along the way,

So that you want to know a lot

He approaches the cradle, touches the bell above the cradle with a magic wand and puts a bouquet of flowers in the pocket on the cradle.

Fairy 2:

I brought you another gift,

I want music to be loved with all my soul.

So that they sing like a nightingale,

With love, inspiring all people.

Does the same thing as the first fairy.

3 fairy:

I instill kindness in your heart,

She will warm people with her warmth,

Will help them in trouble or need.

Let him take a deep breath and take pity on everyone.

Performs the same actions as previous fairies.

4 fairy:

And I, princess, will give you beauty,

One that will charm everyone!

With eyes like the blue sky,

Walk lightly so that you can

Fly on the clouds

Performs the same actions.

5 fairy:

I will present you with an extraordinary gift -

Not only to please everyone by singing,

You will know how many musical instruments there are,

You will play each one with skill.

The Good Fairy takes the “princess” from the cradle. To the music, the fairies pass the princess to each other, and then to the queen. She puts her in the cradle. The fairies take their seats.


For wishes and good words

We thank you, fairies, from the bottom of our hearts.

And we ask you to open this ball.


We will start the evening by dancing “Polonaise”,

There is no more beautiful dance in the kingdom.

Grace, elegance, bows -

Believe me, there is nothing better than dancing.

Children of the preparatory group perform the Polonaise dance


And now for you, a merry dance!

The children of the older group - buffoons - come out to the middle of the hall.

Dance "Dance of the buffoons"

At the end of the hall everyone freezes in their places.


What's happened? What's happened?

Why did everyone stop?

What an angry guest has come,

She brought us bad news.

The Evil Fairy enters, the buffoons scatter to their chairs.

Evil Fairy:

Stop having fun

Stop dancing.

I also want to have my say.

You forgot to invite me to the celebration

I don’t see the glass, the candles are going out.

Well, well, I won't tolerate ridicule,

And with my evil I will ruin your fun evening,

As soon as the young princess grows up

And it will bloom like a wonderful rose in the garden,

My deceit will gain strength,

I will take her away from you into the arms of sleep.

Leaves quickly.

King and queen: Oh!

They're crying.

Kind fairy:

Oh! Dear friends! Do not be afraid!

Your princess will not die.

He will only take the spindle in his hands,

He pricks his finger and falls asleep for a hundred years.

The King approaches the Good Fairy.


I will send a messenger to everyone in the kingdom,

Remove the needles from the palace forever!

The King and Queen take their seats.

Kind fairy:

And so year after year passes,

The princess will grow up like a flower.

Grows up happy, kind, gentle,

And no harm awaits.

Everyone forgot about the Evil Fairy’s prediction, rejoiced and admired the cheerful princess.

The Princess runs into the hall to the cheerful music and dances. The Evil Fairy dresses up as an old woman and sits on the side of the Christmas tree. Spinning a spinning wheel.


Oh, how joyfully and happily I live!

And I’m waiting for the young prince to visit.

I love my palace -

I know every corner of it,

After all, this is my home...

Runs up to an imaginary door.

But why is this door closed?

I'll try to open it now.

There is a secret hidden here - I know that for sure

And now I will solve it.

Opens the door.

Good afternoon

Makes a polite bow and approaches the Evil Fairy.

Which interesting toy,

I've never seen anything like this!

Be kind! Give it to me, old lady

I'll play and return it then.

He takes a spindle and, lifting it up, runs like a “snake” in front of the tree. The king and queen are running after her.


Stop! Stop! Stop!

Give back the spindle immediately!


Why did you take this scary toy?

It will only bring us grief!

The princess stops in front of the bench, the king tries to take the spindle away, but the princess teases him. Suddenly screaming, he “falls” onto the bench. The King and Queen sit on the bench on either side and “fall asleep”

Good Fairy: Yes, a sad story. The entire kingdom fell asleep. Many years later. The trees in the park grew so large that they closed the palace and one curious person could not look there.

The tree children come out. They stand in front of the audience, scattered, raising their hands up, spreading their fingers.

Song "Dream" music. and Root's words. After the song, the tree children remain in place.

Kind fairy:

But time flies faster than a bird,

And now a hundred years have passed.

I think I see some traveler in the distance

They are looking for the way to the castle.

So this is a handsome prince! I wonder what will happen next?

The Prince enters.

Prince: walks between the “trees”:

The mysterious forest is harsh and scary here,

It is probably full of mysteries and miracles.

Big trees stand in the way

But how can I find my way through the thicket?

The “trees” are rearranged into two ranks, opening the way to the palace for the Prince.


No one came to meet me

Like joy, laughter, fun

Locked tightly with a bolt.

The “trees” are settling into place.

Good Fairy: The trees parted for the Prince, and he saw a beautiful palace. The prince walked along the path to the palace, but the people who met on his way seemed to have just fallen asleep. And suddenly he saw beautiful princess, who was also sleeping. He came closer and felt very sad.


Oh, what a wonderful princess!

How much tenderness and beauty!

From her radiant eyes, probably

The gardens could bloom.

But everything fell asleep here,

Evil intent lurks in him.

Oh, dear princess, I feel sorry for you,

Sadness will forever dwell in my soul.

The prince gets down on one knee and kisses the princess's hand. The princess opens her eyes.

Prince: I’m ready to dance with joy and happiness. I invite you to a magical garden of flowers.

Children perform "Waltz of the Flowers". At the end of the dance, the Prince collects flowers and gives them to the Princess. Everyone takes their seats. The Evil Fairy runs in.

Evil Fairy: A hundred years have passed and again there is joy and fun in the palace. Well, no, that won't happen. I will send a snowstorm on them, let everything be covered with snow.

You whirl, whirl the blizzard,

Cover everything with snow

I won't forgive the insult

And I will turn everyone into ice.

Children pretend to be a snowstorm, run around with plumes and stop.


The weather began to make noise and cleared up with the wind.

The road near the palace was covered with white snow.

Spun and purged, not a trace remained,

A snowstorm and blizzard have arisen, what to do now?

The children sit down.

Dance: “Snowflakes-Ballerinas”

The Prince and Princess run in hand in hand.

Prince: Snow Maiden! Snow Maiden!

Princess: Help us, we are freezing!

Snow Maiden from behind the Christmas tree: Who's calling me? I'm coming! I'm coming!

The Snow Maiden runs in. Suitable for the Prince and Princess.

Snow Maiden:

Don't be afraid, don't run!

Better Grandpa Call Frost!

He is very kind and fair

He can quickly deal with the arrogant sorceress!

Santa Claus! Santa Claus!

We are looking forward to seeing you and calling on you to help us!

Santa Claus enters the hall to the music. Suitable for Snow Maiden, Prince and Princess.

Father Frost:

What kind of joke is this, really?

Why the blizzard? Blizzards?

It's time for Snegurochka and I to go to kindergarten

Come on, snowy blizzard, fly back!

Well, that's good, the snowstorm has subsided

You can go to kindergarten.

Where is my sleigh?

A dramatization of the song “Santa Claus is coming, coming” by music. Root.

Father Frost:

This is how it happens in the world, guys,

In fairy tales, good always wins.

Friendship will help anyone in trouble,

With a devoted friend there is no fear anywhere.

Well, have fun, friendly people!

After all, we have a holiday - New Year!

Stand up, guys.

Everyone hurry up to the round dance

Song, dance and fun

Let's celebrate the New Year with you!

Round dance "Music of Winter" music. Root

Father Frost:

Now let's go in circles,

Hey guys, don't yawn,

What will Santa Claus show you?

Let's repeat it together!

A Russian folk melody sounds, Santa Claus shows the movements, and the children repeat.

Santa Claus: Oh, I'm tired.


Grandfather Frost, sit down and relax

Yes, listen to the poems

Reading poems.

Father Frost:

And now it's time

Let's play, kids!

For children of the preparatory group of kindergarten.

Little Red Riding Hood
Snowflake girls
Spirits of the forest
Lilac Fairy
Fairy Carabosse.

The hall is festively decorated. There is a Christmas tree in the middle of the hall, columns and piles on the walls, the decoration corresponds to the festive hall of an ancient castle. Music from the ballet is playing. The Lilac Fairy enters the hall.

Fairy tale songs ring with bells
Mysterious melodies
What harmonies, what colors,
Seemingly completely unprecedented.
They rustle the grass under your feet,
They sway like stars in the lakes,
Then suddenly they turn into Baba Yaga,
And then suddenly - Sleeping Beauty.

The fairy goes behind the tree. A solemn oratorio sounds, two trumpeters announce the beginning of the holiday. To the music, the children enter the hall and line up in a semicircle in the center with the King and Queen.

I am glad to welcome everyone, friends!
I hasten to tell you the news.
After all, there is noise and bustle in the castle,
Of course, this is not easy.
The table is already set
And the candles are shining,
Today will be a wonderful evening.
I can't overcome happiness,
Let me introduce you, this is our daughter.
He picks up a doll in a blanket and shows it to the guests.
What a baby!
So cute!
How much happiness it brought!
Grow for the king's joy!
Thank you, I love you all.
So, please start our ball,
Our New Year's carnival.
Let's drive away boredom, brighten the light!
Our first dance is a minuet.

A minuet dance is performed.

Suddenly the music stops and the lights go out.

The light went out, and at the same hour
Our music has stopped.
Why is everyone running away?
Do the servants close the windows?
Who will answer the question?
It's Fairy Carabosse!

The evil Fairy Carabosse appears to the music.

Fairy Carabosse.
There's a holiday in your castle today,
Is everyone having fun and dancing?
And you called me
Visit a carnival?
I know, I know - they forgot
You invited the Good Fairies.
I will read a spell to your daughter.
So be it, where is my magic sign?
Let her grow beautiful
All 16 long years.
And now my advice to you!
At this age all children
They want to know about everything in the world,
Take care of the princess
Don't tell me to take needles,
Suddenly he gets pricked, then
The dream will come to her forever.
Lilac Fairy.
Go away, evil witch,
I call for help
Kindness and magic
Let it help us.
The stars give me the answer:
The princess sleeps for a hundred years.
And then love and happiness
All bad weather will be driven away.
Well let's have some fun
Nothing will happen to her.
I will issue a decree
Urgent order to everyone:
In my kingdom
Now you can't sew or spin,
Hide hairpins and pins,
Hide the scissors and spinning wheels,
Forget about needles
This is how we will continue to live.
Let's keep dancing
It's time to start the round dance.

The “New Year's Round Dance” sounds, words by M. Poznanskaya, music by V. Rozhdestvensky. Children sit on chairs.

So days went by,
Well, years after years.
And the princess grew up
She became prettier and blossomed.
She was 16 years old -
Here you can expect worries and troubles.
I'll take a walk in the garden
I'll go to the old castle
I don’t know what I’ll find there,
Well, everything is interesting to me.
“Don’t touch it, you’ll fall
And you'll break your knee,
And don't go there
You see, there’s a hole ahead.”
Enough! I'm already big
I know what and how to do.

The princess goes to the castle, sees an old woman, this is Fairy Carabosse.

Oh, the old lady is alone here,
What is she doing?
Grandma, forgive me
And quickly explain
What are you holding in your hands -
I just can’t understand it!

An old woman spins yarn and holds a spindle.

Fairy Carabosse.
Here, take the spindle -
It's safe.
Here, try to twist it,
Well, it's time for me to go.

The princess spins the spindle and screams.

It stuck into my finger!
Fairy Carabosse (angrily).
Yes, the curse has come true!

The princess falls asleep. You can hear the howling of a blizzard.

Fairy Carabosse.
Now it's my turn -
Sleep will come to the kingdom.
You won't hear anything
Except for the wind alone.
You won't hear a sound here
Let peace and boredom reign.
(Whispers a spell).
Lie down, soft snows,
To forests and meadows.
Cover the paths
Lower the branches
You, blizzard, are a miracle,
Backwater round dances.
Soar in a white whirlwind
In the field I turned gray.
Sleep, my land, sleep,
Keep your magical dreams,
Wait, she’s dressed in brocade,
New dawn.
(Laughs, leaves).
Beautiful stars look from the sky.
The abandoned forest quietly mutters.
There is peace in the castle and silence around.
She guards the witch's sleep.
The cooks are all asleep
Near a huge pan.
The king sits sleeping on his throne,
The groom is sleeping, and the horses are nearby.
The guards are sleeping on the porch,
And the princess is in the palace.
Who will help us now?
Who will open the door to a fairy tale?
There is a magic sorcerer
We need to call him quickly.
Who will answer the question:
Who is this?
Father Frost.

Santa Claus enters to the music and walks around the Christmas tree.

Father Frost.
Good evening! Here I am!
It took me a long time to come to you, friends.
I wasn’t lazy along the way,
Worked hard
I froze the river with ice,
Spruce covered everything with snow,
The north wind is my brother.
He is glad to meet Frost.
I took a walk in the open field,
Howls and whistles in the open air.
Blizzard is the white sister.
He also likes to have fun.
It will dance, it will fluff,
Everything around will be dusty.
Well, were you waiting for me?
After all, we haven’t seen you for a long time.
Where are the songs, where is the laughter?
Enough joy for everyone.

There is silence in the hall. Santa Claus is surprised.

There is silence in the old castle,
She keeps a long sleep.
The princess sleeps for a hundred years,
Well, the prince is gone and gone.
Can you do some magic?
Should I call the good fairy?
Father Frost.
There is sadness in your fairy tale,
I'm very sorry for the princess.
Come on, sorcerer's staff,
Help us out quickly.
(Casts magic).
The spruce sways quietly
The old year is ending.
Come on, Christmas tree, light up,
Good fairy, appear!
(Spins around himself, knocks with his staff).

The Christmas tree lights up. The Lilac Fairy comes out to the music.

Lilac Fairy.
Well, my turn has come,
Joy will come to us soon!
How can the princess help us?
Overcome the evil force?
Lilac Fairy.
There is magic in the world -
It is stronger than all miracles.
Witchcraft will be destroyed again
Faith, hope and love.
(Gives Santa Claus three flowers).
Give them to the bravest prince,
That can break through all obstacles.
Father Frost.
Hey snowflakes, fly
Tell the whole world
That the princess is sleeping in the castle.
Silence preserves her.
Tell me what she
Both beautiful and tender.
You will find a daredevil
And bring him to me.

The dance of snowflakes is performed. After the dance the Prince appears.

I heard snowflakes arguing:
The princess has been sleeping for a long time.
The winter wind told me
There is nothing more beautiful in the world.
The moon told me:
She urgently needs help.
I'm ready to hit the road.
Father Frost.
Wait! Don't forget!
Your path will be dangerous.
He will wake up the beauty
Who will love her forever.
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Faith, your hope and love
They can light her heart again.
Black velvet of the night
Decorated with stars
The moon has frozen in the sky
An unchanging guardian
The forest is dense, how to get through?
But there is no turning back for me!

The Forest Fairies block the road with paper ribbons.

Fairy of the forest.
We'll show you the path
How to find a princess, let's say.
Guess the riddles
Answer quickly.

After the Prince solves the riddle, he “cuts off” the paper ribbon with his sword and moves on.
1. He himself does not see or hear,
Walks, wanders, prowls, whistles.
Whoever comes along
Hugs and fights. (Wind)
2. Miracles, miracles, the skies lit up.
The clouds became red.
The river turned pink. (Dawn)
3. Just guess for yourself
Who climbs to the stars,
Shines brightly at night
Butts with the clouds. (Moon)

This forest is unusual
Full of fairy tales and miracles.
I'll rest a little
You just can’t sleep.

He sits down to rest, an evil Fairy appears and begins to cast a spell.

Fairy Carabosse.
Hey, you pine trees, make some noise,
You will surround the prince with sleep.
Quiet, music, play,
The forest is dense, go to sleep.

The song “Lullaby” is playing, music by R. Pauls. The prince fights sleep.

What happened with me? Did you fall asleep a little?
Back on the road, time to hit the road!
(He walks around the tree. Fairy Carabosse appears.)
Fairy Carabosse.
I still won't miss it
And I won’t let you go to the princess.
Spirits of the forest, you are flying,
Blind the prince in the whirlwind.
Won't see anything
Except for your nose.

Music sounds, the spirits of the forest run out and surround the Prince. The game “We won’t let you out” is being played.

You called Blizzard in vain -
I still won't give up.
Let's say loudly: “One, two, three,
Our Christmas tree, burn!”

The Christmas tree lights up. Fairy Carabosse appears.

Fairy Carabosse.
Go out, light and darkness, come,
You block the prince's path.

He waves his wand and the light goes out. The Lilac Fairy appears.

Lilac Fairy.
Go away, evil witch!
I call for help
Kindness and magic
Let it help us.

He waves his wand and the light comes on. Children form a circle around the tree. Fairy Carabosse in a circle. The Lilac Fairy is around.

Fairy Carabosse.
Now we will get the answer,
What is stronger: darkness or light?

To the music, Fairy Carabosse tries to freeze the children. The lights go out. As the music changes, the Lilac Fairy runs around the circle and the sow lights up. Repeats several times.

Fairy Carabosse.
Enough, enough, wait,
Stop the music.
Apparently I'm unlucky -
My time has not come.
I'm going to my castle,
Have fun without me.

The lights come on and the music plays. The children sit down in their chairs.

There's a castle on the way
I'll try to log in.

He enters, walks around the tree, and stops near the Sleeping Princess.

What a heavenly creature!
Let the spell disappear!
(He gets down on his knee and puts flowers next to him.)
You are beautiful, like the hot sun,
Like a thin silver ray
Spring morning is bright,
Clear sky without clouds.
These flowers will revive you again -
This is Faith, My Hope and Love.
Now hurry up and wake up
Smile at the sun and the sky.
The princess wakes up.
How the sun shines high
And how easy it is for me to breathe!
Thank you a hundred times
Without you, I would be sleeping right now.
The whole castle wakes up.
The night has receded, sleep has gone.
Now everything will be fine!
Now we can have fun
And it’s fun to spin around in the dance.

A waltz sounds (music chosen by the leader).

Father Frost.
Our Christmas tree, flash the lights,
Fairy tales rush to us to meet friends.

The music "Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf" plays. Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf come out.

Little Red Riding Hood.
Grandma, grandma, why do you have such big eyes? (Looks at the wolf). Grandma, grandma, why do you have such big teeth?
What kind of teeth, what kind of eyes -
It's all from an old fairy tale.
I'm completely different now
Make friends with me.

The song “Land of Children” is played, lyrics by T. Kalinina, music by S. Banevich.

We wish you success in the New Year,
More cheerful, loud laughter,
More cheerful friends and girlfriends,
So that everyone around you laughs together.

The music “Cat and White Kitty” plays.

Here comes the kitty
And he takes the cat with him.
For the princess and for you
We will read the poems now.
A miracle happened that night,
After all, our friendship drove away evil!
Let the doors open wider,
Come in, joy, happiness and fun!
Happy New Year, Happy New Year!
How much joy everyone has!
Let it sound everywhere today
Song, music and laughter!

The song “Silver Bouquet” is performed, lyrics by T. Prostorova, music by E. Ptichkin.

Father Frost.
Here comes the New Year's holiday
It's time for us to finish!
Much happiness to you today
I brought it in my bag
Mountains, sea, sky, thunder,
Cities, villages, countries,
Streams and oceans
The whole huge white light,
May you live for many years.
And he also brought it in addition
Happiness, courage, luck,
Friendship for people
Peace to the peoples.
Happy New Year to everyone!

Candles are distributed to the children. They line up in a semicircle near the Christmas tree.

So the good fairy tale ends,
But let the holiday not end.
Let us say goodbye in our hall
Candles are lit for everyone!

The song “Candles” is playing (from the repertoire of the group “Na-na”, the background sounds).

Lilac Fairy.
Our ball is over
The music suddenly stopped.
But is it? It seems to be sounding now
And it calls us to unknown distances,
It rings, sparkles like a rainbow-arc,
It’s as if they gave us a firebird
And they gave everyone a drink of living water.
Such a powerful fabulous force
Sometimes the music is full
What seems, like the sun, inextinguishable,
Like the ocean, it is boundless.
And every day he will wonder with excitement,
When we are together the door to the land of melodies
Let's open it again with the magic key!

With a wave of the magic wand, the Christmas tree lights up. Santa Claus gives gifts. The children leave the hall to the music.