Colored mascara for blues. Colored mascara in makeup. Which color to choose

Colored mascara is ideal for experimenting with makeup. It allows you to make a noticeable, but not vulgar, not too catchy emphasis on the eyes. A product such as bright mascara should be selected taking into account the shade of the eyes, so that the result is a harmonious combination of colors.

Similar shades of cosmetics are suitable for brown and green eyes, although there are still some differences. This also applies to colored mascara.

  • Golden

This mascara is ideal for both green and green eyelashes. brown eyes. She will make the first ones brighter by creating a bright contrast, and the second will add a “sparkle” to the look. In both cases, the result will be an emphasis on the eyes, but rather softly, without being challenging. So it’s useful to have gold mascara in your makeup bag. And if you can’t find the right one, you can resort to a trick and apply a metallic eyeliner like Razor Sharp in Gold Rush or Heavy Metal in Midnight Cowboy from Urban Decay to a disposable brush and apply it over regular black mascara.

  • Purple

This shade suits green eyes better. The emphasis made with such mascara will be expressive. Choose brighter colors, such as Forget Me Not Color Mascara from NYX Professional Makeup. To attract and catch your eye, apply it to the tips of your eyelashes. And if you need a more noticeable and original accent, apply this mascara to your eyelashes in several layers so that they stick together. “Spider legs” obtained using colored ink are very impressive.

  • Plum

A darker and therefore softer plum shade is one that is ideal for brown eyes. This mascara will make their color brighter and more expressive, giving depth to the look. The result will be especially noticeable if this mascara is used for light brown eyes. However, it will also be good for green eyes - because it will create a slight contrast.

  • Green

What other colored mascara is best for brown eyes? Bright green. This is another option for creating contrast that will attract the attention of others. Choose the color of freshly cut grass if the occasion allows you to make such an accent in your makeup. Pay attention to the Hippie Green shade of Mascara Volume Effet Faux Cils from Yves Saint Laurent Beauté.

  • Dark blue

This shade is the closest to the classic and is suitable for those who are too bright colors avoids wearing makeup. Dark blue mascara is one of the best options for brown eyes. Despite the fact that this color is cold, it makes brown eyes softer and warmer.

Do you use colored mascara?

It's rare to find a woman who doesn't use mascara. However, the most common color used for eye makeup is classic black. This is due to its versatility, ability to suit all outfits and appearance types. However, the art of makeup has much big amount shades of mascara: from restrained brown to bold acid green.

Who suits blue mascara: color type and character

For many years now, eye makeup in blue and dark blue colors has remained relevant and beloved by everyone. It is perfect for green-eyed and brown-eyed girls, making their look more expressive by creating a contrasting effect. On the other hand, blue mascara doesn't go well with blue eyes when it all comes together.

In addition to a certain type of face and style of clothing, when selecting mascara, you need to take into account the specific character and temperament. This is especially important when it comes to celestial colors, which are associated with many symbols and associations.

Thus, lovers of azure mascara are by nature peaceful natures, striving for harmony. It is difficult to piss them off or force them to do anything rash.

A girl who prefers eye makeup in all shades of blue is distinguished by a heightened sense of devotion and justice. In addition, it is unlikely that this color of mascara will be chosen by a disorganized person: on the contrary, these are internally organized women who do not tolerate disorder both in everyday life, in appearance, and in the soul.

Many stylists believe that you need to choose makeup based on your character: this will allow the girl to reveal her individuality.

Makeup with blue mascara: rules and subtleties

Choosing a non-classical version of mascara imposes responsibility on the makeup artist, since during its existence special rules for its use have developed.

They can be reduced to the following points:

Makeup with blue mascara for brown eyes

IN modern world Makeup is considered a form of art, because not every woman knows how to apply makeup correctly and beautifully. Therefore, if we are not talking about everyday classic tinting of eyebrows and eyelashes, but about a full-fledged makeup procedure using bright shadows and mascara, it is always better to contact a specialist. However, you can also experiment with cosmetics at home and try to do unusual eye makeup. Blue mascara, which is best suited for those with brown eyes, will add originality to it.

Makeup is done in three stages:

  • Eyeshadow application. You should first apply a special base for makeup - this will ensure its durability and also will not allow the shadows to roll off over time.

It is easy for brown-eyed women to choose a shade of eyeshadow, since absolutely any color suits them. Brunettes often prefer silver or gold eyeshadow, while blondes often prefer pink or beige. This approach most advantageously emphasizes the beauty of brown eyes.

It is better to apply shadows not with a sponge, which is usually included with various palettes, but with a special round brush with soft bristles. Having chosen the desired tone, carefully apply the shadows to the entire eyelid, blending them well so that there are no clear boundaries left. Some stylists recommend applying white eyeshadow to the area under the arch of the eyebrow to create a shimmering effect.

It is important that all transitions are smooth, so you need to rub them well with a brush.

  • Using eyeliner. After applying the shadows, you can use a contour pencil or liquid eyeliner. In this way, using makeup, you can visually change the shape of your eyes, enlarge them or raise the corners. Carefully draw arrows of medium thickness along the eyelash growth line from the inner corner to the outer. If you plan to use blue mascara, you should not choose black eyeliner: dark brown eyeliner will look very interesting and at the same time natural.
  • Applying mascara - the final stage. Before performing it, you should curl your eyelashes with a curling iron to open up your eyes. Mascara is applied evenly along the entire length of the eyelashes so that there are no lumps. The upper eyelashes are painted with blue mascara. On the lower ones, you can apply a composition of a different color, for example, dark brown. The use of various sparkles is also suitable for brown eye makeup.

Bright makeup will look good in the evening. It is important not to focus on the lips if the eyes are made up this way. It is better to use natural, discreet shades of lipstick.

How to make blue mascara at home

Nowadays you can easily find recipes on the Internet on how to make mascara at home from natural ingredients: activated carbon, wax, vitamin E. However, they have one significant drawback - such compositions, as a rule, do not last long. In addition, such cosmetics cannot always fully replace store-bought ones, as they lie unevenly on the eyelashes.

However, it is not at all difficult to make good mascara with your own hands. In special cosmetic stores you can purchase special substances with which you can easily prepare the most real colored mascara, no different from branded ones.

To do this, you will need to prepare the following ingredients in advance:

Cooking method:

  • Divide the ingredients into two bowls: in the first mix water and acacia gum, in the second - borage oil, emulsion and candelilla wax, oxide.
  • Melt the ingredients of both bowls in a water bath until liquid, then mix everything.
  • Cool the mixture, pour in all the remaining ingredients, mix well. DIY blue mascara is ready.

A brush for applying the composition to the eyelashes can be purchased at the store, or you can use a brush from under an old mascara, after washing it with warm water. This mascara not only colors the eyelashes well, but also nourishes them, saturating them with vitamins that are present in the recipe.

Blue mascara – irreplaceable thing in the cosmetic bag of many women, because with its help you can quickly create an original and unique image, highlight the beauty of brown or green eyes.

Colored mascara is one of the most popular cosmetic products among modern women. The growth of its popularity is largely due to the fact that it has been repeatedly successfully used by models of famous fashion houses. Being a trending product, it cosmetic product arouses genuine interest even among those women who do not consider themselves lovers of experiments.

Select according to eye color

You need to be able to choose the right mascara to match your eye color. Cosmetologists believe that a universal remedy in this regard is brown eyelash dye. It also has additional advantages: it does not highlight short or sparse eyelashes, gives a soft expression to the eyes of a blonde or the owner of fiery red hair, and effectively highlights blue and gray eyes. Eyelashes Brown go well with green, bronze, golden and beige-brown shades. To maintain color harmony, you should also use a dark brown eyeliner.

Trending green mascara color is represented by the variety of its shades: you can easily choose greenish and rich emerald, khaki and light green shades. Bright green and emerald shades are ideal for brown eyes, giving them a languid seductiveness. Muted shades of green and khaki successfully highlight the charm of gray and green eyes. Green color goes well with the entire palette of brown shades of eyeshadow, pencil and liquid eyeliner, as well as with warm shades peach blush and coral lipstick.

Blue mascara is famous for its rich palette, but you need to use it carefully, observing the rules for combining colors and shades used not only for makeup, but also to create a holistic image. Brown-eyed women look most original with blue mascara, especially if the expressiveness of their eyes is further emphasized with brown shades. A non-standard impression is made by turquoise mascara, which looks great together with purple lipstick.

Purple mascara Suitable for blue, grey, brown and green eyes. It effectively solves the problem of increasing the length, volume and thickness of eyelashes. Its dark purple hue will especially appeal to girls with cold color type. Plum-colored mascara is especially good for brown-eyed or green-eyed brown-haired women and brunettes, and lilac, which gives blueness a bright richness, is for blue-eyed blondes.

Yellow mascara often chosen by women with wheat-colored hair. This color scheme not only makes the look much more open, but also gives it the freshness of youth. However, yellowness cannot be overused; it must be used very moderately, otherwise, instead of the solar effect, you can get a sandy fade. At the same time, we should not forget about a small detail: orange mascara applied to the very tips of the eyelashes can add additional brightness to the image.

Burgundy mascara, as well as its reddish shades, harmonizes well with green eyes due to the maximum color contrast. The look becomes mysteriously bewitching and attractive. Burgundy color also sets off blue-gray eyes well, but is contraindicated for brown eyes, as it makes them dull. It is not recommended to over-emphasize reddish shades, as they can make the eyes look painfully tired. To avoid this, you should use black eyeliner.

Golden mascara Usually used as a means of holiday makeup: even with the thinnest layer you can achieve the maximum effect. Makeup artists usually recommend combining it with chocolate brown shadows, complementing them with black eyeliner. At the same time, this exclusive cosmetic product is often used by girls in the summer in hot sunny weather, since it reflects sunlight well.

The holiday option also includes silver mascara, presented in several options. Its classic silver variety requires the use of white or colored mascara as a base. By highlighting the silver of the top layer, this two-layer coating creates an unusual effect. Using silver mascara with a dark base, a slight shimmer effect is achieved, and a variety of silver mascara - silver metallic - ideally emphasizes the blue of the eyes.

For lovers of the color palette, it is equally important to know about the possibilities white. The fact is that, along with the well-known white primers, white mascara of saturated color is widely used. It solves two problems - it gives the eyelashes a tint and accentuates a different color. In the first function, this cosmetic product is usually used in winter, since when applied it creates the illusory effect of eyelashes covered with frost. The second function involves its use as a base on which the selected color mascara is applied. At the same time, the white base accentuates the richness and brightness of the color of the surface layer.

Application secrets

Unlike standard mascara, colored mascara has increased resistance to moisture: it will not run in the rain or snow. Another specific property is its special application technique.

To make the most of colored mascara to achieve a natural makeup that emphasizes your attractiveness, cosmetologists strongly advise following a number of recommendations:

  • Think through your new image before using mascara;
  • Curl your eyelashes with a curler.
  • To prevent sticking, cover them with a gel that has a lasting structuring effect.
  • Apply mascara to curled eyelashes in several layers.
  • Firmly decide on the choice of mascara color; do not try to change it during the application process, since colors differ in the methods of their application.
  • Apply mascara to your upper and lower lashes different colors: This will help highlight your eye color.
  • When coloring your lower lashes, choose something subtle color scheme, providing contrast with the eyes, and paint the upper eyelashes black.
  • To get the effect of large eyes, apply regular black mascara to the tips that have already been colored with a colored product.

As for bright non-standard makeup, makeup artists recommend doing it in two layers: the bottom layer to visually lengthen the eyelashes should be dark, on top of which colored dots are applied to the tips of the eyelashes.

The secret of applying colored mascara is revealed in the following video.

In general, when tinting your eyelashes, the choice of color depends on a number of factors, none of which should be neglected: the color and shape of your eyes, the length and thickness of your eyelashes, your skin color, the color scheme of your clothing, and the type of look you choose. When deciding on a color, take into account the social specifics of the situation for which makeup is applied.

Makeup Features

Colored mascara is a cosmetic product that cannot be used without special knowledge, relying only on your own intuition. However, with proper use, you can achieve amazing results.

First of all, every woman should master the technique of creating natural makeup. Its essence is that the impressive openness of the look is achieved through the play of different colors and shades applied to the eyelashes: the upper eyelashes should be black, and the lower ones should be brown. At the same time, layers that are contrasting in color help to shade the color of the eyes themselves.

To make it easier for women to experiment with colored mascara, manufacturers have developed a special two-color variety with two brushes, which allows a voluminous brush to process the upper lashes, and another, smaller one to paint over the lower ones.

In addition to mastering the skills of creating a natural look, every woman needs to carefully familiarize herself with the rules for applying makeup used for festive events. Usually in such cases, colored mascara or one that has a metallic effect is chosen. Non-standard makeup of this type can be easily done in the summer by young fashionistas at a club or party.

When choosing the color of mascara for makeup, you need to remember that its choice depends not only on the characteristics of your appearance, but also on the time of year. In summer, it is recommended to use golden-yellowish shades more widely, and in winter to give preference to rich green, blue and purple colors.

If you find multi-colored mascara quite difficult to use as a cosmetic product, you can try using it differently - applying it to a base black or brown one. This way you will not cause the slightest damage to your usual natural image, but you will be able to give the look a subtle mystery.

The best brands

Among the popular brands of colored mascara, domestic products Art-Visage are often mentioned. It is important that it can be successfully applied in different ways:

  • applied as the main color, covering the entire length of the eyelashes;
  • as an additional product, apply only to the tips of the eyelashes;
  • As an accent product, it is used exclusively as a means of coloring the lower eyelashes.

Affordable Art-Visage products are in steady demand due to their composition: the presence of jojoba oil provides softening and moisturizing, provitamin B5 has a stimulating effect on eyelash growth, and vitamin E protects them from the aggressive effects of a polluted environment.

Colored mascara from NYX belongs to the category of professional cosmetics, but is quite affordable in price. It's easy to create with it original image: it has a variety of shades, which, through the use of a modern formula, provide color saturation.

Well proven special remedy for special occasions - two-tone mascara “Masterpiece Beyond Length Mascara”(manufactured by Max Factor). It is distinguished by a bold, non-trivial combination of shades: silver and black, pink and bronze. There are other spectacular combinations: bronze-brown, golden-chestnut, blue-pink.

If you prefer an inexpensive but high-quality product, you should become more familiar with the products of brands such as Tony Moly or Catrice. If you are attracted to new products and bestsellers, regardless of their cost, then it makes sense to pay attention to the brand Benefit, quickly gaining popularity in the global decorative cosmetics market.

Every person strives for positivity, celebration, light. After all, I really want to replace the tired black and gray tones with bright colors! That is why red shoes, painted nails, colorful strands in hair, rainbow Wedding Dresses, and also - colored mascaras.

Colored mascaras

Don't lie: colored mascara is not a very common cosmetic product. After all, many women, despite all their external emancipation, remain essentially quite conservative and perceive such a bold decision as a daring novelty. But in fact, the famous cosmetic brands Max Factor and Revlon pushed women to such bright experiments with their appearance back in the mid-60s of the twentieth century. Colored mascara, which appealed to many fashionistas, was soon perceived as one of the most fashion trends that time. The House of Dior, whose 2012 collection at the show in Paris was accompanied by a real fireworks display of bright eyelashes from fashion models, has revived its former glory. Since then, many women around the world have desired colored mascara in a new way.

Remember the 90s? Blue mascara was mega popular back then :)

A bright combination - blue eyelashes and

Today, bright mascaras are mainly used by makeup artists - after all, few people dare to wear them in everyday make-up

One of the main advantages of this mascara is its resistance to water. If it is really of high quality, then it is not afraid of any precipitation, including snow and heavy rain. But in comparison with applying standard mascara in a classic black color, the use of colored brasmatics has its own subtleties:

  • Before applying such mascara, stylists recommend curling your eyelashes using a curling iron to make the makeup more effective, which will look better on open eyelashes. Also, eyelashes will not sag under several layers of mascara, which should be applied in large quantities;
  • Before covering your eyelashes with colored mascara, it is recommended to apply a special gel to them to structure the eyelashes, which prevents sticking and promotes a more uniform application of cosmetics;

Modern manufacturers delight with an assortment of colors

  • according to professionals, different colored mascara applied differently. So dark shades, including brown, dark blue, dark green or burgundy, should be applied along the entire length of the eyelashes. But for brighter shades, including yellow, pink, blue, light green, and so on, only the tips on the upper eyelashes are allocated, but only after pre-painting with regular black mascara. The lower eyelashes can be painted with any shade along their entire length;
  • the implementation of such a bold makeup should be well thought out to avoid disappointment from incorrectly selected color combinations;
  • An interesting effect can be achieved when applying mascara of different colors to the upper and lower eyelashes. So, for example, you can apply blue mascara to your upper eyelashes, and plum mascara to your lower eyelashes. This will help highlight the color of the eyes and make the look incredibly radiant;
  • but applying ordinary black mascara to the ends of the eyelashes with colored mascara allows you to noticeably enlarge your eyes;
  • To emphasize the shape of the eyes and lengthen them, apply black mascara to the outer corners of eyelashes colored with some color.

Makeup Features

At correct use colored mascara can take the place of an indispensable product in any cosmetic bag. So, to create natural makeup, fashionable makeup artists use a simple technique: apply black mascara to the upper eyelashes, and brown mascara to the lower ones. This allows you to make your look more expressive and open, but at the same time completely natural. And colored mascara in contrasting tones helps to highlight the color of women's eyes. This type of makeup will be achieved using products from the cosmetics company Estee Lauder, which has developed a special mascara - two-color Sumptuous Two Tone. The tube is equipped with two brushes: a large one for the upper eyelashes, and a small one for the lower ones. The new mascara is available in three different colors. They combine black with brown, plum or blue additions.

The makeup option when only one eyelash row is highlighted with color looks very impressive and, most importantly, wearable.

For creating bright makeup For festive occasions, use colored eye mascara in an unusual tone or with metallic effects. For spring or summer makeup, this mascara is quite appropriate for daytime youth makeup. But often colored mascara does not provide significant lengthening compared to classic black mascara. Therefore, makeup artists advise applying black mascara to the eyelashes first, and colored mascara on top of it, but with a slight indentation from the roots. Max Factor's Masterpiece Beyond Length Mascara was created using this principle. It is also two-tone, but comes in bolder color options: black and pink, black and silver, black and bronze, brown and bronze, golden chestnut with a hint of burgundy and even dark blue and pink.

Purple mascara is the most popular among ordinary people.

Simple but beautiful make-up with mascara

Green mascara looks great on red-haired girls. Using this color you can get a spectacular makeup look, especially if you complement it with delicate pink lipstick. For brown eyes, a mascara with a swamp tint will suit you. This mascara color is also suitable for blondes, but not with green eyes. Green mascara also needs to be maintained in the same color in clothing.

Purple mascara can visually increase the volume, length and thickness of eyelashes. It is very suitable for owners of light green eyes, adding emerald notes to them. This tone gives brown eyes more depth and expressiveness. Dark purple mascara can be applied to all cool color types.

Dark gray mascara can perfectly highlight smoky eye makeup. It is recommended to use it with graphite shades. This mascara is suitable for blondes, brown-haired and fair-haired girls, especially if they have gray-blue eyes.

Red mascara looks scary - better save it for a costume party

Turquoise mascara looks good, especially in combination with fuchsia lipstick

Yellow eyelashes - unusual, reminiscent of pollen-strewn stamens of a flower

White mascara is used mainly for fantasy makeup, or as a base for makeup.

Red-orange mascara

The best colored mascara for green eyes– purple or brown. Purple mascara can emphasize the depth and brightness of your eye color. This plum tone looks impressive with dark hair, and the makeup looks quite sophisticated and even sophisticated. For daytime makeup purple mascara can be used with warm berry shades and chocolate or brown eyeliner. In this case, the previously described technique looks impressive when the eyelashes are painted with black mascara, and purple only emphasizes the tips. In the case of a combination of green eyes with brown ink You can get great natural makeup. This mascara will soften the look and give expressiveness to the eyes. To enhance the effectiveness of makeup, it is advisable to use delicate natural shades. Evening makeup can be done with an emphasis on the eyes using brown mascara.

Almost all women use decorative cosmetics. Manufacturers offer a huge range of products, and each has its own purpose. Today we will be looking at colored mascaras. Let's find out what they are for, how to choose and use them correctly. And of course, let’s get acquainted with the most popular companies, consider the girls’ reviews about each of them.

What do we use mascara for?

Women of all ages know how important mascara is. Blonde girls usually have light eyelashes, so they just need to tint them. Dark-haired beauties use mascara to emphasize their eyes, to give them mystery and depth. Agree, your makeup will be unfinished if you miss such a small thing as tinting your eyelashes. With the help of mascara you can curl, lengthen and even increase the volume several times. The result depends, for the most part, not on the brush, as many people think, but on the composition of the coloring agent itself.

Why do you need colored mascara?

Many women keep their makeup simple and use classic black mascara. This coloring practically does not reveal the makeup; it seems that the eyelashes are thick and long by nature. Colored mascaras are mostly chosen by young girls who like to experiment with color and appearance. But still, experiment is not the only result that can be obtained. Colored mascara, correctly selected, can enlarge or reduce the size of the eyes and focus attention on their shade. Using a diverse palette, incredibly attractive images are created. You can safely wear makeup for a party, especially when it comes to themed holiday. Also, colored mascara can emphasize style and make a girl more noticeable.

Selection rules

If you decide to purchase colored mascara, then choose based on your age and appearance. Just like classic black, it is aimed at either lengthening or adding volume. To be charming, bold, and to receive a compliment about your appearance, you don’t have to use only black, or you can choose another, no less suitable shade.

Of course, when choosing, eye and hair color and the reason for which you apply makeup play an important role. Are you going to work or just going for a walk, or maybe you were invited to a party? You need to choose the right color. It is also important to apply the product correctly, use it together with eyeliner, eye shadow, and lipstick. You can learn about all this from the further contents of the article.

Focus on eye color

Every woman who chooses cosmetics should be guided by her appearance. If you are interested in colored mascara, then you can use it to make your eyes more expressive, highlighting your eyelashes, and highlight the natural beauty of your eyes and their color. So, let's start choosing.

If you have green eyes and are not afraid to experiment, then take note of red and burgundy shades. They will make the color even richer and brighter. If such makeup confuses you, then opt for purple or brown; the green of the eyes is also ideally emphasized.

Blue-eyed beauties will suit colored mascara in cooler shades. This is gray, blue, dark blue. But brown or chestnut will look just as good.

Colored mascara for brown eyes is more varied in the choice of palette. Girls with such eyes can emphasize their color and their beauty with the help of green, chestnut, purple and blue mascara.

To the owners gray eyes Black is most suitable, but you can still choose from a range of colors. Blue will add depth to the look, but can slightly change the visual color of the eyes, making them bluish. Gray-eyed beauties are recommended silver, gold and ash color mascara

Hair color

You shouldn’t lose sight of the shade of your curls when choosing cosmetics. Colored mascara can highlight the beauty of your hair. If the hair has fashionable color ash, pearl and any cool shade of blonde, then choose blue, purple and blue mascara. Wheat and Brown hair will look great with brown, gold, green, burgundy and purple. Red-haired people are recommended to choose green, brown and purple colors. Dark-haired enchantresses can wear blue, purple, green, brown, silver, grey, chestnut, red, burgundy and ash dye.

Terms of use

Colored mascara must not only be chosen correctly, but also used correctly. To make your makeup look interesting, attractive and expressive, you need to follow the following tips from professional makeup artists.

If you haven't rested or gotten enough sleep, then blue and light blue mascara will help hide tired eyes. Red and burgundy are completely contraindicated in this case.

The green color of the eyelashes will be in perfect harmony with silver and black eyeliner. Shadows should be yellow, golden, turquoise, brown, pearl or sea green.

The purple color of the mascara is aimed at highlighting natural color eyes, whatever they may be.

Do not use burgundy mascara if your skin is pale. Of course, only if you do not want to get Also, such a shade will only highlight the imperfections of the skin texture, red spots and pimples.

Blue, on the contrary, is aimed at hiding pallor, grayness and imperfections of the skin.

To make your appearance more sophisticated, use purple mascara with a plum tint.

If chestnut mascara color is used, then the shadows should be delicate, creamy, light brown tones are allowed.

Applying two layers of mascara will help make your look defiant. Eyelashes will be thicker with richer color.

When using purple mascara, choose black, dark chocolate or coffee eyeliner.

If your eyelashes are perfectly curved and you want to emphasize the ends, then use two shades of mascara: apply the first layer brown, and the second one is purple.

By the way, it is not necessary to use only colored mascara. To emphasize the color of your eyes and the expressiveness of your look, you can paint your eyelashes with completely black mascara and the ends with colored mascara. How to combine correctly? Read on.

Black + red

This is an ideal combination that will suit women of any age and with any color of eyes, skin, hair. If you paint your eyelashes completely black and give the tips a red tint, you will get a simply amazing result. In daylight, colored mascara will not be so noticeable, but from the red tips the sun will shine in the eyes, and they will become radiant, with attractive sparkles “jumping” in them.

For evening makeup This is also an ideal option, especially if you are gathering around a fire or just decide to spend time in a cozy room with a fireplace. Red eyelashes and flames reflected in your eyes will attract all eyes on you; such a woman will definitely not go unnoticed.

Other combination options

Makeup with colored mascara can make you look younger if you use the right combinations. Women mature age Pink shades are contraindicated; they will make the look tired, and wrinkles around the eyes will become more noticeable. Use a combination of black with green and yellow.

For pale or too light skin Green mascara applied to the tips of black eyelashes or completely to the lower ones will become “rejuvenating”. If it is a peach shade or a beautiful cream color, then both green and yellow mascara will do. Use the same principle: color either just the tips or the lower lashes.

If you want to be the queen of a party, then use a combination of black or purple mascara with shiny gold or silver. All the lights, light, sparkles will be reflected only in your eyes, they will sparkle unrealistically.

If you use green mascara with bright shades of turquoise, soft pink or brown, the image will turn out to be eccentric. A brave and bright girl will choose this makeup!

Colored mascara: reviews of the most popular manufacturers

What is meant by the word popular? This is the manufacturer that has proven itself with the best side, he is trusted, his products are used by the majority. So, let's look at the very best.

The Avon company has become, according to most, the most popular. The manufacturer offers a huge variety of colored mascaras. They are of unrivaled quality and reasonable price, because the “Color Trend” line and “Color Music” mascara are designed specifically for young people.

Following Avon is Oriflame. Mascaras from this manufacturer are also very popular among women. Third place was rightfully taken by the L'Oreal brand. Women write that the quality of cosmetics is excellent, and colored mascara is no exception. Reviews say that eyelashes “grow” by more than 50% and the mascara does not clump or fall off. Celebrate a good choice colors.

In conclusion, I would like to say: don’t be afraid to experiment with color! And our advice will help you.