Where to dress a 13 year old girl. How to create a basic wardrobe for a teenage girl? What you should never wear to school

Summer 2020: fashion for teenagers 9-14 years old.

Fashionistas and fashionistas are appearing on the catwalk more and more often. adolescence. This trend appeared thanks to the desire of parents to look not only stylish and fashionable themselves, but also to choose clothes for their child according to the same parameters. Couturiers meet this need halfway and offer their vision of fashionable children's clothing.

Spring-summer fashion for girls 9 – 14 years old in 2020

The main fashion trends of the summer season:

  • Sport style- various models of T-shirts with a hood and prints imitating the image of different animals

Two-syllable models for a cool summer evening. A sweatshirt with a T-shirt or a shirt with a turtleneck. Sweatpants with appliques, stripes, and bright contrasting inserts.

Fashion returns to glowing laces and flashing sneakers. Reflective applications are booming.

  • Retro style 20s- offers bouffant skirts, velvet dresses.
  • Sea style- main colors are white and blue. Dilute, which can be aqua, black, red, gold. Various embroideries and prints are welcome nautical style: anchor, yacht, Lifebuoy and so on.
  • Young lady style- offers various pleated fabrics and laces. Light chiffon fabric, organza, guipure. A bohemian hat is perfect to complete the look.

If we talk about 9-10 year old girl, then it should be taken into account that at this age her figure takes on feminine contours. This should also apply when choosing clothes. After all, the first attempts to capture the attention of the opposite sex are already appearing.

  • Fitted dresses in the style of the 60s are the best option. An emphasized waist prevents you from relaxing and forces you to behave accordingly.
  • Solid, calm colors are suitable and combine well with sophisticated and modest dresses.
  • We choose the fabric in unison with the weather conditions: cotton or guipure, denim or knitwear.

Suitable for teenage girls aged 11-14:

  • Voluminous skirts with frills, blouses with flounces. At this age, gender differences are actively manifested, which is softened by outfits.
  • Leather trousers and leggings will create biker image.
  • Military style Sewn shoulder straps, massive fasteners, and iron buttons are emphasized, creating a rough, somewhat harsh image. Young ladies really welcome this style.
  • Defiant "sporty chic" interesting in combination with high heels. This style simultaneously emphasizes femininity and crosses out the unisex image.
  • Summer fashion for little ladies offers tailored models with
    prints of various types and colors, shiny materials with sparkles and beads.
  • Romanticism, convenience, sportiness are welcomed by designers in fashion for teenagers of the summer season.

Children's fashion for girls 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for girls 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for girls 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for girls 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for girls 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for girls 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for girls 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for girls 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for girls 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for girls 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for girls 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for girls 9-14 years old

Summer fashion for boys 9 – 14 years old in 2020

  • Fashion trends for young dandies intersect with fashion for little princesses.
  • A sporty image is also popular. Sneakers, baseball caps. T-shirts and shirts with bright geometric prints and all kinds of inscriptions. Marine image. Dandy style Sandals, sneakers and classic shoes with perforations are offered by designers for the summer of 2020 in fashion for boys.
  • For cultural events, a classic shirt and suit and expensive fabrics remain unshakable.
  • Designers are also offering vintage style for teenagers this summer. Checkered trousers give you a chance to stand out from the crowd.

The trend of the season is skinny jeans. Loose and dropped pants are a thing of the past.

Children's fashion for boys 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for boys 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for boys 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for boys 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for boys 9-14 years old

How can a 9-14 year old girl dress fashionably for school in 2020?

A school is an official institution, with its own specific regulations.

  • The best option in this case is classic. Jackets, trousers and skirts are essential clothing for formal events.
  • Diversify formal suits dark colors You can use bright accessories, various thin sweaters, T-shirts, blouses, shirts. Equipped with a variety of elements, you can transform yourself in a new direction every day.
  • You can replace the jacket with a vest. This is a comfortable, warm option. A decent, strict, but not overly official alternative.
  • With the help of a sundress you can complete various clothing ensembles. Wearing it as an independent element or combining it with various tops. It looks very impressive and fashionable.
  • In the winter cold, cardigans and jumpers are suitable.
  • And if you add all kinds of sweater dresses, a plaid sundress, a sheath dress, a shirt dress or an a-line dress to your wardrobe, you can forget about the boring gray uniform.
  • Your favorite jeans will also work if you choose a style with a calm tone and shape. No shiny stones, bright stickers or holes. It's best to save these clothes for clubs or dances.
  • For a sporty image, we wear knitted sleeveless vests with jeans, sweatshirts, T-shirts, and turtlenecks. Add sneakers, sneakers, moccasins. We save sneakers and sports suits for physical education.
  • A briefcase is a must-have accessory, but can be replaced with a fashionable backpack. After all, in addition to convenience, it correctly forms posture.
  • You shouldn’t give up beautiful belts, headbands, and headbands. Correctly and in moderation, they make it possible to look more extraordinary and romantic.

Modern school fashion 2020 is not too conservative and gives every teenager the opportunity to look fashionable and individual.

Children's fashion for school Children's fashion for school

Children's fashion for school

Children's fashion for school

Children's fashion for school

Children's fashion for school

How can a 9-14 year old boy dress fashionably for school in 2020?

Choice school clothes It's a little easier for a boy in 2020.

  • She is most distinguished by her business attire. Stylish suit with a plain shirt or turtleneck for everyday wear, with or without a tie.
  • Fashionable will do British style Pair a checkered shirt with a multi-colored vest and jeans for young dandies. After all, this vest is the look of the season and will help diversify school standards.
  • To look like elegantly will help classic pants or simple jeans. Which do not allow any finishing or additional elements. Complete with a natural plain shirt, a large knitted vest or a checkered sleeveless vest.
  • For lovers sportsmanship It is permissible to wear jeans with a T-shirt of a not bright, tacky color and a practical sweatshirt. Suitable for this look are a short jacket with an irreplaceable element of this style - a hood, sneakers, sports shoes, sneakers. If the school does not have a strict dress code, then milatari can be allowed.

Children's fashion for school

Children's fashion for school

Children's fashion for school

Children's fashion for school

Evening and festive dresses and clothes for girls

Designers offer little princesses for special occasions:

  • Blue and turquoise tones. Pastel shades of peach, lavender, pale pink
  • Miniature floral and neat lace collars, yokes and cuffs, voluminous flounces, ruffles, flowers, embroidery and applique
  • Prom dresses are real ballroom dresses
  • Maxi length and voluminous, multi-layered skirts
  • Airy, delicate and elegant outfits
  • Laconic cut, with a short, wrapped bodice
  • Lightweight fabrics - tulle, chiffon or organza
  • Simple but expressive decor. For example, one, but big
    gorgeous flower on the belt

Hit of the season - tutu skirts in bright orange, lime or fuchsia colors

Children's fashion for special occasions Children's fashion for special occasions Children's fashion for special occasions Children's fashion for special occasions

Children's fashion for special occasions

Evening and festive suits and clothes for boys

The range of choice of holiday clothes for boys is not as wide as for girls.

  • But to look decent, it’s enough to buy a wool jacket, white shirt, straight trousers and classic shoes. Add a tie and the young man will become more stylish and mature
  • And if you wear a white suit with a light shirt and a jacquard vest, the young gentleman will charm everyone with his charming, chic look
  • If you don’t like the suit, we put on jeans and a matching shirt. Add a sports blazer and signature sneakers.
  • For a summer holiday that is not too solemn, light-colored shorts and a shirt.
  • The main thing in choosing festive clothes for boys is to adhere to the main fashion trends described above

Children's fashion for special occasions

Children's fashion for special occasions

Children's fashion for special occasions Children's fashion for special occasions All respectable mothers care about what is presentable and beautiful appearance your child. But getting carried away fashion trends It is important to remember the basic rules when choosing clothes for children - comfort, convenience, practicality and natural fabric composition.

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If you are in high school, it is very important to look attractive and dress well. However, sometimes it can be difficult to do this, especially when you have little time to get ready in the morning. With this guide, you can look great every day. Always try something new, create your own style, but do not forget about the rules adopted in your school.


    Shower regularly. Do this using a scented shower gel and a soft sponge. Wash thoroughly with warm water to get really clean. You must Always be neat and smell nice when heading to school; don't forget to use deodorant. While showering, shave your armpits and legs (if your parents allow you), and wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner. Use a washcloth with no big amount soap or shower gel and scrub your entire body thoroughly. Comb wet hair with a comb (not a massage brush) to help it dry more accurately. Try to shower every other day or every day, but don't wash your hair every day - wear a shower cap. After your shower, you can apply a detangler or leave-in conditioner if your hair tends to be frizzy.

    Cleanse and moisturize your face. Wash your face with cleansing gel, then apply a light moisturizer. A gel, mousse, or special cleanser helps remove dirt, oil, and makeup from your face, making your skin less acne-prone. Make sure you are not allergic to any of the products you use.

    Brush your teeth. Do this every morning and evening. Choose a good one toothpaste and don't forget to use mouthwash to keep your breath fresh and your teeth snow-white. Try not to use whitening gels and strips - they damage the enamel of your teeth and are harmful to your gums. If you have previously used whitening toothpaste, start brushing your teeth with an enamel-protecting toothpaste. Apply lip balm to keep your smile flawless. If you wear braces, brush your teeth as thoroughly as possible. Your smile may not be perfect (yet!), but at least you won't have food particles stuck between your teeth.

    Try to smell good. Now that you're getting older, you sweat more, so wear deodorant. In addition, you can apply a little perfume with a delicate aroma.

    Choose suitable outfits. When choosing clothes, always try them on and look in the mirror. If an item looks good on the hanger but doesn't suit you, discard it. Choose clothes that suit your color and fit well. If an outfit looks good on you and you feel comfortable in it, don't look elsewhere. Keep in mind, you are going to school, so you need to choose something comfortable and modest, but cute. Be bold and try new styles. If you have never worn a skirt in primary school, try going to class in a skirt one day to see if you like it. You might be surprised! Shorts have always been and will be in fashion, so be sure to buy a few. Please note that many schools have uniform requirements - it must be secular in nature and comply with generally accepted standards of business style.

    • Don't wear see-through shirts. Sometimes when you wear a white or light-colored shirt, your bra may show through the fabric. Try wearing a tank top underneath to avoid this. Under white blouses or shirts, it is best to wear a nude bra rather than a white one.
    • Don't try to look sexy; You're still in high school, so wearing revealing clothes might give people the wrong idea about you. Dress modestly to avoid being seen in the principal's office. For example, if you're wearing a low-cut shirt, wear it with a matching top to avoid revealing too much skin.
  1. Add accessories. Accessories are always great, they will highlight your style and add variety even to such a boring outfit as school uniform. Accessories can match the color of the clothing or, conversely, be contrasting to add a color accent. Try wearing bracelets, pendants, rings, earrings or necklaces; see which one you like best.

    Experiment with your hair. Just blow-dry them, curl them, straighten them, crimp them, braid them. Don't forget to use a special heat-protective spray that protects your hair when exposed to high temperatures. If you have thick or dry hair, use a leave-in conditioner to style it. Finish the hairstyle with hairspray without a strong scent. Add a subtle touch like a cute clip, headband, crab or flower.

    • Do different hairstyles. For example, instead of a regular ponytail, braid french braid. If you are ready to radically change, do absolutely new haircut or even side bangs. You can start with side bangs: they will give you a completely different look, but if you don't like the result, you can always pin them up or tuck them under a headband.
  2. Try using cosmetics. Just because you're in high school doesn't mean you're must do makeup. However, if you want to wear makeup, remember that there should be very little makeup on your face. Make sure your makeup looks natural. A little mascara and balm or neutral lip gloss is enough for middle school. Paint your nails and pluck your eyebrows only if you think you can't do without it.

    Smile And be confident in yourself . A smile always decorates. No outfit will make you look charming if you are gloomy and unhappy with yourself. Try to be different, but do not forget that they will respect you only if you respect yourself. Self-esteem will help you become truly happy and attractive. Don't lose confidence in yourself and don't let others bully you. There are people who just like to say or do mean things, so ignore them.

    Apply body lotion. Apply it to your arms, legs, and if necessary, to your entire body. This will give your skin a clean, velvety and healthy look.

  3. Be yourself! You need to be self-confident! If you feel insecure without makeup, wear it, but try not to overdo it. Remember, you should always be yourself. The original is always more valuable than a copy. Be natural and you will notice that you get compliments more often.

    • Choose an outfit the night before school so you don't have to stand in front of your closet for an hour in the morning.
    • Don't let other people pressure you. You are you, and this is the best it can be!
    • If you're not a fan of accessories, you don't have to wear them. You can manage without them and still look absolutely great. Just wear attractive clothes that suit you, style your hair accordingly, and you'll be fine!
    • Experiment! Don't limit yourself to one style. And if you always shop at one specific store, try visiting several others.
    • Never worry about what others think, it's just your life. If people judge you by your clothes, don't let it bother you: the main thing is to remain confident in yourself.
    • Shower the evening before school.
    • Brand names aren't everything. Be yourself and smile.
    • If branded clothing doesn't suit your personal style, don't buy it. If other people don't like it, that's their problem; let someone else wear those clothes, don't let people around you make fun of you or anything like that for rejecting those brands.
    • If you need more time to get ready, get up earlier than usual.
    • Try on your chosen outfit and show it off to someone before wearing it to school.
    • Ask your friends for honest advice.
    • If you are required to wear a uniform, choose the most attractive option.


    • Don't pluck your eyebrows in the morning before school, they will turn red! If you need to, do it the night before.
    • If you are happy with yourself, don't turn your nose up. Keep it simple.
    • Don't be influenced by the crowd - be yourself!
    • Shave your legs the night before school or get up early to do it.
    • Don't overdo it when choosing an outfit for school. Any girl is always beautiful in herself.
    • If you do waxing legs in the morning, at school they will be red.
    • If you don't have shaving cream, use soap lather or lotion such as cocoa butter. Shave carefully!
    • If you shaved in the evening, check in the daylight to make sure you didn't miss anything.
    • Be confident all day long because there is nothing worse than self-doubt!
    • If you don't know how to apply makeup, don't do it. Don't risk your self-esteem!
    • Don't pay attention to what others say. If you like your outfit, that's enough.
    • Never Don't shave without water or shaving cream. You may cut yourself and your skin will be irritated.

Adolescence is a very important time for every girl. Right now, character is changing, and along with it, clothing preferences. If earlier it was possible to choose clothes without unnecessary problems, now it’s almost impossible to please adult girl pretty hard. At the age of 14-15 years, girls are very picky about their figure, so most types of clothing seem completely inappropriate for them.


Any children's and teenager's wardrobe is very different from an adult's. There are bright shades, extraordinary prints and applications. In adolescence, girls can afford absolutely anything color scheme. And designers, in turn, take advantage of the opportunity and show maximum imagination.

The main principle that manufacturers adhere to teenage clothes– absence of dullness and boredom. The already difficult adolescence should not make you sad because of a gloomy wardrobe. At the age of 14-15, girls are still in childhood, but they still strive to imitate older ladies. The most important thing is that the imitation is adequate and not funny.

Wardrobe elements


Denim trousers are an essential element of clothing for girls 14 years old. Variety of models for this age category It's simply amazing. In the denim collections of various brands you can find jeans that will suit any figure and height. For short girls with a height of 140 cm, the ideal option would be boyfriend jeans or simple straight models. They can be worn with wide heels to add a few centimeters to your height.

For 15-year-old tall girls, designers also offer various styles of jeans. Tall women can afford almost any jeans they like. If a girl has complexes about her tall height and long legs, then you can also offer her boyfriend jeans, complemented with sneakers.

For a long time, they have remained at the peak of popularity among teenagers. ripped jeans. They can truly be considered classics of denim fashion. For many teenage girls, this type of jeans is part of their basic wardrobe.


No girl can live without a beautiful skirt. Despite the fact that modern teenagers increasingly prefer jeans or trousers to skirts, this wardrobe element does not lose its relevance. Sooner or later, every girl wants to take off her boring jeans and show off her beautiful slender legs. A skirt slightly above the knee will help her with this. Teenagers should avoid wearing miniskirts. In this age short models look defiant and vulgar.

The ideal option for girls 14-15 years old is a circle skirt or a classic pleated skirt. Denim models have also not been canceled. Skirt from denim It is considered a relevant thing for any season of the year.


Can a teenager's wardrobe exist without cool T-shirts? Naturally not. Every girl aged 14-15 loves to wear T-shirts, especially now, when the choice of this wardrobe item cannot but delight. T-shirts are a casual style; they can be worn for a walk, a disco or a meeting with friends. The variety of styles of this type of clothing is very large. Therefore, every young lady will be able to choose her own model based on preferences and body type.

Many teenagers want to look attractive to the opposite sex, so they choose feminine, tight-fitting T-shirts.


Spring has already arrived, so every teenage girl should have a beautiful and fashionable jacket. Choose outerwear can be based on the concepts of practicality or style. Some jacket models easily combine both of these concepts.

The most practical option is a long jacket that can be worn with both trousers and a skirt. For warmer weather, cropped jackets made from leather substitute are well suited. They can be of different colors and have a loose or fitted silhouette.


In spring it is impossible to do without a fashionable headdress. Teenagers are offered several options for hats to choose from. It could be classic knitted models, completely covering the head. Many teenagers prefer looser, triangular-shaped hats. These hats go well with a semi-sports style.

At the age of 13-14, girls look and feel much older than boys of the same age and want to have appropriate clothes. It's just starting at this time transitional age, children's first loves and therefore it is very important for a girl at this difficult age to look fashionable and stylish. And most importantly: by any means possible, emphasize your bright individuality and stand out from the crowd.

However, there should not be a lot of clothes for 13-14 year old teenage girls, because just at this time there is a strong growth spurt, and so that your child does not get upset that a good half of the wardrobe is no longer suitable for his height, you need to choose clothes wisely . The most important thing is to have a couple at your disposal fashionable jeans, beautiful dresses for going to various events, several blouses and sweaters with cool prints and a formal suit for school.

The colors in clothes for a teenage girl should be bright, because it is at this age that the need to stand out is felt very acutely. But do not forget that the styles of teenage clothing should not be too revealing. It’s better to give up necklines and short skirts for now. Clothing should be comfortable, mainly made from natural materials.

How to choose

So, the easiest way to choose best clothes For your grown-up princess, this means buying things from famous youth brands. Such clothes are replete with a large number of T-shirts, sweatshirts, sneakers and a variety of backpacks. Interesting feature adolescence is the desire to imitate a certain idol. And if your child wants to buy a blouse or T-shirt with the name of a famous group or with a movie character, you shouldn’t interfere with this.


One of the most famous manufacturers of jeans for teenagers is Pepe Jeans. Every day they release many new models to suit every taste. Shirts, denim skirts, overalls are the calling card of this British brand, and if your child prefers a casual style, he will like this brand.

No less popular among teenage girls to this day remains such a brand as Sela. This stylish clothes It is specifically designed for residents of the metropolis and will not leave your princess indifferent, as it is replete with a variety of comfortable dresses and skirts.

If your girl prefers bold outfits that will clearly not leave her unnoticed in the gray mass, then the youth brand befree exactly what you were looking for. Bold styles, prints and color combinations will attract the child, and will not leave the most sophisticated young fashionistas indifferent, and will not affect the thickness of the parents’ wallets.

The Spanish brand remains competitive in the youth clothing market Zara. The price category is, of course, higher than the above brands, but it's worth it. This clothing is presented more in a business style and is perfect for going to the theater, cinema, or to a restaurant with the family. In the clothing line Zara kids Calm colors predominate, such as brown, white, black.

Shoes and accessories

As for shoes for girls 13 and 14 years old, they should be comfortable and not deform the foot. Despite the fact that girls at this age strive to emphasize their femininity and all as one want to start buying shoes at high heels, it’s worth holding off on this in order to avoid problems in the future.

An excellent solution for teenage girls would be ballet flats, sneakers and all kinds of sneakers. Slip-on shoes or Oxfords would look good. If your child passionately wants to have shoes with heels, then you should choose a low square heel.

Girls at this age also begin to acquire a love for such feminine attribute as handbags. Due to the age of your child, small cross-body bags of various shapes, as well as colored clutches and backpacks, are suitable. Nowadays, leather backpacks with a large number of different details, ranging from spikes to wings and flowers, are especially popular.

So, fashion for girls 13-14 years old is quite diverse. At this age, girls want to emphasize their femininity and turn from “ugly ducklings” into “fairy-tale princesses.” Parents, in turn, are simply obliged to instill in their child a sense of style and a love for various clothes: from casual style to formal suits. The main thing is to treat the selection of a wardrobe for your princess with love, then there will be no problems or disagreements regarding this issue, the most important thing is to give free rein to your child’s imagination.