Deep burn treatment at home. How to treat a burn. remedies to help cure burns at home

Burns are the most common injury received in everyday life, and not only that. Therefore, every person is obliged to know and follow safety rules with objects and substances that can cause burns. But if a person has already received a burn injury and requires first aid, it must be provided as soon as possible. Those resources that are at hand come to the rescue. It is important to know what folk remedies can relieve the symptoms of burn injury.

Damage to a person's skin through exposure to hot objects, electric shock, or exposure to chemicals on the skin is called a burn. Women and children receive them especially often. Women are injured in everyday conditions, for example, when preparing food, and children - due to their restlessness and inattention from the parents.

You can get burned at home or at work, especially if the work involves chemicals or electricity. This type of injury also includes those that often occur while relaxing and sunbathing. Each burn has its own treatment method, so burn symptoms cannot be ignored, as they cause discomfort even at the mildest stage.

Classification of burn injuries

There are many classifications of burns. First of all, they are divided according to the nature of the damage. Burns stand out:

  • thermal;
  • chemical;
  • radial;
  • electric

Electrical burns most often occur when people come into contact with electrical wiring or during a lightning strike. Thermal burns are the most common since we encounter boiling water, steam or hot objects, including open fire, every day.

There is a high chance of getting a radiation burn if you are exposed to it for a long time. sun rays, as well as under ionizing rays.

Each of these types of injury is quite dangerous for a person, but the danger depends on how severe the skin damage has become. The severity of skin damage is classified by degrees and the percentage between the injured area and the uninjured area.

4 degree burns

There are 4 main degrees of burns, and each of them has its own characteristics, depending on which it is possible to select treatment methods for the injured person.

  • A mild burn is characterized by discomfort, redness and even swelling. injured area of ​​skin. With such a degree of burn, you can cope with the symptoms on your own at home.
  • The second degree is defined by redness and blisters, which may not appear immediately. The skin at the burn site may darken over time, but for this degree of damage you can also choose a method of therapy at home, but only after consultation with a specialist.

Since such a burn is dangerous because of the watery capsules, it is strictly forbidden to open them: this can cause them to enter the body and develop an infection.

  • Third- and fourth-degree burns are not recommended to be treated at home: at home you can only provide first aid, but it is important to know how to do it correctly so as not to harm the victim. Characteristic damage is the appearance of a scab and charring of the skin; the latter degree is most often characterized by damage to bones and tendons. Therefore, if there are symptoms of the last two degrees of burn injuries, you must contact an ambulance.

How can you tell how extensive a burn is? The easiest way is to imagine your palm as 1% of your total body area. If the burn is smaller than the palm of your hand, then its percentage is less than 1% of the body.

There is another way to determine the area of ​​the burn - by applying a film to the damaged area and outlining the boundaries with a marker. After this, the area of ​​damage is calculated using graph paper.

If the burn is extensive, then doctors use the “method of nines,” when all parts of the body are considered 9%: that is, one arm is 9%, one leg is 9%, and so on. The groin area occupies 1%.

First aid at home

When the victim receives a burn, painful sensations bring many unpleasant minutes, so it is necessary to know exactly what to do in situations of various burn injuries. First aid will depend on the type of burn received.

The first action will be to identify the source of injury and protect the victim from further contact with it. If an electrical injury occurs, you need to remove the live wire and turn off the electrical sources. If the burn is caused by a fire on a person's clothing, it must be extinguished. Immediately rinse the injured area with cool clean water. If there are special anti-burn cooling drugs, you can use them.

The next step is to apply a sterile bandage, after which you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible. Under no circumstances should you tear off clothing that has stuck to the damaged skin, you should not use peroxide or oil, and you should not use patches or iodine solutions to treat the wound.

Help for a burn should be provided as soon as possible, since the severity of the injuries received will depend on this.

First aid supplies

As emergency help at home, you can use products and substances that are found in every home.

Potato. Cut the raw tuber into slices or grate and apply to the burn site. After 7-8 minutes change the slice.

Starch, mixed with water to form a paste, should be applied to the damaged surface and changed every 15-20 minutes. This method helps not only to reduce the discomfort from the resulting burn, but also to avoid the appearance of blisters.

Soda is the most popular and well-known remedy for burns. After washing the damaged area under cold water, you need to sprinkle it with a thick layer of dry baking soda. Do not shake off, do not wash off. You can apply a sterile bandage on top.

Table salt also helps relieve pain symptoms. Like soda, salt can be used in dry form, sprinkling it on the burned area, or it can be dissolved in water, preparing a 10% solution and applied as a compress to the wounded area. Helps quickly heal burns.

can be used for any burns. It can kill all bacteria and has healing properties. If there are no blisters at the burn site, simply rub the redness with a piece of soap moistened with water. If the burn is deep and blisters appear, do not rub the skin so as not to cause unnecessary pain. It is better to prepare a soap solution (to do this, rub it with a brush or sponge in a container with clean water) and pour it over the burn area.

Medicine from the refrigerator

In many cases of burn treatment, traditional medicine uses familiar products. We have already talked about the healing uses of potatoes. Let's open the refrigerator and look for medicine there.

Chicken eggs are very often used in the treatment of burns in folk medicine. There are several recipes for using them in therapy:

  • A mixture of egg yolk and butter is applied to the burned area of ​​skin.
  • Remove the yolks from hard-boiled eggs and fry them in a frying pan until you get a black, viscous ointment that can be used to lubricate the burn - this will help it heal faster.

Cabbage - mix crushed cabbage leaves with raw egg white and apply to the burned surface of the skin for speedy healing. You can simply crush a cabbage leaf slightly until the juice appears and apply it to the burn site, securing it with a bandage.

Carrots and pumpkin - pureed vegetables are fixed on the wound under a bandage. It needs to be changed periodically, every two hours.

Aloe. Among other available and effective recipes traditional medicine - the use of aloe, which is found on windowsills in almost every home. Cut off the top part of the leaf and apply it to the burned wound, securing it with a bandage on top. Second method: dilute aloe juice with water in equal parts, apply a lotion to the sore spot, repeat for an hour every 5-10 minutes.

Honey - if you are not allergic to honey or preparations made from it, you can lubricate the burned area, and then blisters on the skin will not appear.

Strong tea, black or green - it doesn’t matter. Brew, cool to 15 degrees, pour the tea over the burned area or apply a bandage soaked in it. Change it as soon as it starts to dry out. Use for 10-12 days.

Green pharmacy

The healing effects of many herbs have been known to man for a long time. Including burns, they were and are being treated with ointments, compresses, and tinctures made from fresh and dry herbs.

Sea buckthorn - apply sea buckthorn seed oil to the wound surface using a pipette - the healing process will speed up.

Red clover - pour inflorescences (2 tablespoons) with a glass of boiling water, leave until cool and make lotions.

St. John's wort - to 1 part of dry St. John's wort herb, crushed into powder, you need to add 2 parts olive oil- leave for 2 weeks, strain. Soak gauze in healing oil and apply to burns and skin irritations.

Nettle - a vodka tincture is prepared from the leaves of fresh nettle, and a bandage soaked in it is applied to the burn.

Burdock - pour 4 tablespoons of burdock into 4 cups of boiling water, continue boiling until the broth is reduced by half. In 4 parts butter add 1 part of the decoction, apply ointment for burns.

Such methods are good both as first aid to the victim and at the therapy stage, when the skin needs restoration. They can be used not only on adults, they are also safe for children.

The advantage of this therapy is that it uses substances without synthetic components.

Ointments for wound healing

What to do if the burn leaves a deep wound? Homemade ointment from natural ingredients will promote speedy healing and protect the wound from germs.

Aloe (juice squeezed from leaves), 100 grams of glycerin, stir the same amount of water, add a teaspoon of lemon. Store the mixture in the refrigerator and strain before use. Such a plant, despite its unsightly and prickly appearance, is an invaluable medicinal product and is highly valued in folk medicine.

Add a spoon for half a liter of yogurt baking soda, stir thoroughly, moisten a bandage in this solution and apply to the injured area. This method allows you to urgently provide emergency assistance to the victim.

Mix lard, natural beeswax and spruce resin, boil and let it cool until comfortable temperature. Before applying this ointment under the bandage, you need to prepare a solution with quicklime and rinse the injured area. The solution is prepared at the rate of 1 spoon of lime per 1 liter of cold water. This method has long proven effective even in cases of serious burn injuries to the skin; with its help, healing occurs much faster.

There are many recipes using ordinary chicken eggs, we have already cited two of them above. They claim that thanks to properly prepared ointments from them, you can even avoid the formation of scars caused by burns.

  • If you don’t have the time, opportunity or desire to prepare complex ointments, just whip up the whole a raw egg and apply to the burnt area. You can wash it off only after a day.
  • Sometimes only a thin film is used to cover the inside of the egg shell. It is separated and applied to the burn.

Mix melted butter with propolis in a ratio of 10 to 1. Cool. Apply the resulting ointment to the burned area.

DIY ointments

Mix butter and white lily flowers, crushed and minced, using the same amount. Melt the resulting mixture in a water bath and strain. The ointment should be stored in the refrigerator or other cool place.

Cut the peeled onion into 4 parts, add 40 grams of beets, the same amount of elderberry roots, a pinch of chamomile and 100 grams of rose petals. Add 1 liter of cold water, bring to a boil, but do not boil. Strain. The decoction is used as a lotion on the burned area.

Boil wild blueberries, add a little water, and grind until smooth and puree. Used for compresses and lotions.

A blister that forms at the site of a burn can be treated with a compress of crushed rhubarb root with the addition of honey. They are taken in equal quantities, mixed and applied as a compress, fixed with a bandage. It is recommended to do this compress three times a day, for 20-30 minutes.

Treatment of burns with folk remedies is considered effective only if all preparation rules are followed.

Therapy for minor burns

It is enough to keep the tea brew - cool - in the mouth for a while if a person has received a burn to the mouth by eating hot food.

Aloe will provide relief from sunstroke and heatstroke.

Urine therapy, which causes a lot of controversy about its usefulness, is not the most pleasant, but quite common method. The burns are smeared with fresh urine for several days.

Traditional healers offer many different ways to treat burns of different types. However, official medicine questions many of the recipes, for example, the use of salt and oils, which can lead to wound infection, which will significantly increase the wound healing process

Our whole life is a daily encounter with dangers, all kinds of risks and problems. Pretend to be a wise minnow and hide from the worries of the outside world in cozy home- not a solution. Many unforeseen situations can happen to us within the walls of our own apartment: at any moment you can accidentally touch a hot iron, spill a cup of coffee on yourself, or burn your hand with steam over a boiling kettle. What to do if you are burned by boiling water? How to provide first aid to a victim in case of injury chemicals? In which cases you need to immediately go to the hospital, and in which burns you can get by with improvised means - we will find out in this article.

First aid for burns

A burn occurs as a result of exposure to high temperatures and immediately turns into an open wound, accessible to any microbes. Therefore, the first and most important thing to do is to free the damaged area from clothing and immediately cool the burned area. Ice from the refrigerator, snow, very cold water or any frozen product will do. Thanks to the cold, the pain subsides for a while, as unwanted inflammatory processes in the affected tissues are stopped. After providing first aid, you must carefully examine the burn and assess the location of the skin lesion - further actions depend on the degree of the burn.

Burn degrees

There are 4 degrees of burn, here they are:

  • I degree - a mild and safe degree, in which only the burn remains upper layer dermis. There is noticeable redness and slight swelling on the skin;
  • II degree - in addition to swelling and redness, blisters with cloudy contents appear on the affected area, strong painful sensations. With proper treatment and emergency care, no traces of burns or scars remain;
  • III degree - in this case, not only the surface of the skin remains damaged, but also deeper tissues; the burn can affect the muscles and damage them. Blisters with a cloudy liquid inside form on the burned area. Treating a third degree burn is difficult because there is a high risk of infection. Under no circumstances should treatment be carried out at home.
  • IV degree is the most serious and dangerous degree of burn. High temperatures At this stage bone may be damaged, skin and muscles may be absent. The most dangerous and difficult areas are the neck, face, inner arms and thighs. Patients tolerate burn injuries to their feet, back and arms (up to the elbow) more easily.

In case of a burn, it is strictly prohibited:

  • lubricate the burn area with vegetable oil, alcohol-containing preparations, iodine, brilliant green;
  • sprinkle with starch;
  • apply ointment for burns and others medical supplies on the hot surface of the skin;
  • apply to the damaged area dairy products;
  • pierce or cut through the formed blisters on the skin;
  • independently clean the wound from dirt or remnants of clothing;
  • wash the burn with water with the addition of soda or citric acid;
  • apply a plaster to the burn.

Treatment of first degree burns

In case of a first degree burn, treatment can be easily done at home. As soon as the first urgent Care was provided, the cooled surface of the skin should be lubricated with a medicine that will prevent the burn from spreading into the deep layers of the skin, relieve swelling and pain. These are drugs such as:

  • Panthenol - well restores burned mucous membranes and skin, has regenerative and metabolic effects on damaged tissues. The ointment perfectly relieves burning sensation and relieves pain.
  • Sulfargin - this ointment with silver ions quickly copes with wounds of a wide variety of nature.
  • Levomikol - first lubricate with ointment gauze bandage, then apply it to the burn site. This bandage needs to be changed every 20 hours - the swelling will gradually subside and the pus will be eliminated.
  • Olazol is a spray containing an antiseptic and anesthesin. Thanks to this composition, the drug heals burns faster.

In addition to medications, homemade compresses are also suitable for treating minor first-degree burns:

  • 100 grams of finely grated potatoes should be mixed with a teaspoon of honey. Make a compress on a bandage or gauze and leave on the burn site for 2-3 hours;
  • finely chop the cabbage and mix it with raw egg white, and then brush the resulting mixture onto the burn;
  • instead of lotions, you can leave cooled black and green tea on the damaged area;
  • cut off a juicy aloe leaf, cut it lengthwise and apply to the burned area for a few minutes;
  • freshly picked plantain leaves should be washed with boiling water, cooled and applied to the affected area of ​​the skin;
  • Place finely grated carrots on gauze or bandage and apply to the burn. The compress should be changed every 2-3 hours.

Treatment of second degree burns

This stage is already considered a fairly serious injury, so assistance is provided first at a trauma center, and then at home. The doctor carefully treats the wound, performing the following algorithm:

  • anesthesia of the affected area;
  • antiseptic treatment healthy skin next to the burn;
  • removing dead skin, dirt and clothing;
  • carefully removing the contents of burn blisters with a sterilized instrument. The membrane of the bladder remains intact to protect the wound from bacteria and infections;
  • applying a bandage with a special bactericidal ointment to the wound.

Burns of III and IV degrees

The first rule for third and fourth degree burns is no self-medication! Severe burns must be treated in a hospital. There, the doctor first carries out anti-shock therapy, surgical treatment (if it is necessary to remove dead tissue and perform skin grafting), and then hospital treatment.

What to do for burns from boiling water

  • Get rid of clothing that is at the burn site as soon as possible.
  • Inspect the affected area and determine the extent of damage.
  • For a first or second degree burn, apply ice or make a cold compress, change the compress after a few minutes.
  • If the burn is severe, go to the hospital immediately.

What to do for steam burns

  • Remove clothing blocking access to the affected area of ​​skin.
  • Cool the burned surface.
  • If the burn is on your hand, it should be kept elevated.
  • If damage is more than 5%, go to the emergency room.

What to do for oil burns

  • Cool the damaged area under running cold water.
  • Apply a sterile, damp bandage to the burn site.
  • If the burn is more than 1% (the palm makes up 1% of the whole body), call a doctor.

What to do for chemical burns

  • Call an ambulance.
  • Remove clothing from the affected area.
  • Cool the burn area under running ice water.
  • If the burn is caused by sulfuric acid, it must first be removed from the surface of the skin with a dry cloth.
  • And if the burn is caused by quicklime, cold water will have the opposite effect! In this case, you need to remove the reagent from the affected area with a dry cloth, and then lubricate the burn with oil or greasy ointment.

In everyday life, none of us are immune from injury. Burns are one of the most common types of skin injuries. To protect yourself from them negative consequences, you need to clearly know how and with what burns should be treated.

At home, you can treat first- and second-degree burns, the external manifestation of which is expressed in the redness of the burned area of ​​​​the skin or the formation of blisters on it. If you receive a third degree burn accompanied by damage to internal tissues, you should immediately contact a medical facility to receive all necessary assistance. There are several ways to minimize the consequences of a burn and reduce discomfort after receiving it:
  • immediately after receiving a burn, place the affected area under running cold water for 15-20 minutes, then gently wipe it with a napkin and lubricate it with a solution of potassium permanganate or alcohol;
  • to avoid contamination of the wound, cover the burned area with a gauze bandage;
  • do not lubricate the burned area with oil, the only exception being oil from sea buckthorn or St. John's wort.

After these preparatory work begin direct treatment of burns. This can be done using medications or folk remedies.

The most popular and effective medications include Levomekol, Panthenol and Olazol. “Levomekol” is a protective ointment that should be applied not to the wound, but to the bandage with which you will cover the burned area. This dressing should be changed every 20 hours. It is better to buy the other two drugs in the form of a spray, which must be applied directly on the wound. When using them, do not cover the burned area with a bandage. You can treat the wound with sprays no more than four times a day. All these drugs help to attenuate inflammatory processes and heal damaged tissues. If you don’t have any medications at hand, and it’s not possible to quickly purchase them, you can resort to folk remedies:
  • Mint toothpaste, applied to the wound, will allow you to prevent the formation of blisters and relieve the burning sensation.
  • Potatoes are great for treating large areas - grate them, wrap them in gauze and apply to the burned area; as soon as the bandage warms up, replace it with a new one.
  • A tampon soaked in a soda solution can reduce pain and speed up the healing process. To make it you will need 1 teaspoon of soda and 250 grams of boiled water.
  • Aloe juice promotes wound healing: squeeze a small amount of juice from a plant leaf onto the wound, then apply a bandage pre-soaked in the plant juice to the burned area.
  • Brew fresh tea and wait until the tea leaves have cooled, then apply it to the wound and secure it with a bandage. You need to do this compress about ten times a day.
  • If you want the burn to go away as quickly as possible, you can use a special ointment. To make it, mix one tablespoon of wax with three tablespoons of sea buckthorn oil. To obtain a homogeneous consistency, the resulting mass should be slightly heated and mixed very thoroughly. After it has cooled, apply the ointment to the wounded area. This procedure should be repeated 3–4 times a day. The burning sensation and pain will disappear on the first day of using the ointment, and within a week the burn will heal.