Carol Night - a script for Belarusian folk carols in kindergarten. Scenario of the festive celebration “Walk, people are more cheerful, the samovar is an anniversary” Welcoming guests in the Belarusian style

Among the many Belarusian folk instruments are the most. Rituals were also accompanied by songs, round dances, and dances.

March 12, 2012. Scenarios of Belarusian folk holidays and People's file hosting. Downloading occurs at maximum.

Folklore (annual plan, holidays) |

July 27, 2012 In the section: Leisure and entertainment, Folklore holidays

and entertainment Topics: Help for music players, Holidays, Scripts, Folklore.

History of the Kutein Lavra in Orsha film, complete production of videos, clips, script writing, filming, editing, Eduard Navogonsky, Kuteinskaya Lavra, Spiridon Sobol, the first Belarusian primer, Iol Trutsevich, Orsha, railway junction

May 21, 2012. Colored by folk ideas and signs, the holiday gave birth to... Orthodox holidays, Belorusskaya Publishing House.

Scenario for a tour of the ethnographic room (museum) of a kindergarten.

on the left, there is a table, chairs around, on the table there is a tablecloth with folk

embroidery, not only introduce you to Belarusian clothing, but also give


24 Sep 2012. Scenarios of folklore and ritual holidays V kindergarten... There are many Belarusian carols, and there are some for the owner.

4 Oct 2011. Project activities · Fairy tales · Scenarios. Belarusian folk. On this day it is convenient to use folk games. In the game.. Photo presentation of the Orthodox holiday “Comes to us.

Kolyada – winter holiday in calendar rituals,

signifying .. an algorithm for calculating the dates of all folk

holidays.. Belarusian (Slavic) folk holiday of spring


Belarusian wedding: from matchmakers to loaf: PRAZDNIK.BY

The head of the circle is the teacher of the Belarusian language and literature Beskrovnaya. Belarusian folk clothing, compiled a dictionary of Belarusian dishes. Work will continue to be carried out to develop holiday scenarios:.

Scenarios of Belarusian folk holidays:. Organization of holidays in Sochi.

Belarusian folk scripts

Scenarios of Belarusian folk holidays:. Scenarios autumn holidays At school -.

Village Day - holiday script

Village day...


Time takes us all away from the threshold, but even in the most gentle land

Wherever the road takes me, I remember my homeland.

My native land, streams and copses, returning again, I will not hide my tears

Like a mother in a distant and carefree childhood, I embrace my Motherland.

And if I was missing something, then I never get tired of repeating one thing:

I have also done little in my life to glorify my Motherland.

I drink my father's water from the rivers, and I stand on my father's land

I swear allegiance to my people, I glorify my homeland.

The ensemble... - about Russia.

Block 1 – managers and guests.


Today, on this clear, sunny day, the village of Kitovo celebrates its birthday, and we congratulate all the villagers on this event and welcome our dear guests. This is a holiday for all residents of the village, from children to adults, and of course, everyone contributed to making Kitovo bloom with festive, bright, colorful colors on this day. But the most nice words gratitude from all residents of the village administration ... it is thanks to their leadership, creative and fruitful work ... that today has turned into a small fairy-tale city. And it is with great pleasure that I invite... to the microphone.

Concert number.

Block 2 – story about the holiday.


From time immemorial, the people have been the most peace-loving on our entire planet, and this is probably why today representatives of all national cultures live in the Russian Federation.

And the village... is no exception, more than 15 nationalities have found their home here, many have formed their families here, many are raising their children, and everyone, without exception, loves and reveres the village... their second homeland.

That’s why it was decided to call today’s holiday the Day of National Cultures. And of course, our children were the first to discuss this topic, and we invite them to this stage.

Performance by the village children... with literary script.

Block 3 – a person is born.


“A man was born” - how much is contained in these words, a man was born - this means that there are more happy people on the planet, these are those who sincerely waited for the appearance of this little man to the light. A person was born, which means on our huge planet, among billions of voices, another one will sound. A person was born, which means that another successor of labor dynasties and national traditions is growing in his native land. A person was born, which means the village... became richer this year, 26 little residents appeared in the village this year.

Among them are representatives of Mordovia, Ukraine, Chechnya, Germany, Mongolia, but they are all citizens Russian Federation. Today they are here next to their moms and dads, you are welcome!

We believe that very little time will pass, and your children will delight you with their successes in studies, sports, and art, perhaps some of them will follow in the footsteps of our famous artists, brothers...

And so welcome our fellow countrymen, artists of the state ensemble named after Igor Moiseev......

Unit 4 – First time in first grade.


This year in the village... 19 young residents are entering first grade. Ahead of these children is the first bell, the first lesson, the meeting with the first teacher, the first joys and failures, and in general a new school life and a long and long journey to the land of knowledge. And today these guys came to our holiday, and we invite them to our festive site.

(the phonogram “On the Road of Good” sounds, the dolls lead the children out)

Dear first-graders, young dancers from the fitness club... - oriental dance congratulate you.

Block 5 – graduates.


“When we leave the schoolyard, to the sounds of an ageless waltz” - every time any of us who once graduated from school, these lines involuntarily bring tears to our eyes.

And this is no coincidence, because when we leave the schoolyard, we say goodbye to childhood, to classmates and teachers. Leaving the schoolyard, we enter Big world, a world of new discoveries, perfections and victories.

This year, 17 graduates ... of the school are entering the big world. They are here today at our holiday, and we invite them to the festive square.

Dear guys, we wish you all not to get lost in this crazy world and everyone has their own right path in life, and accept a gift from the studio ballroom dance

Block 6 – paint fairs.

No matter how far a person is from the place where he was born, he will always remember and miss and think about his native and dear places.

And how lucky are the poets, composers and dancers who can express their love for their Motherland in poetry, songs, and dances.

Today, we and our artists will try to ensure that every resident... I visited my homeland and visited many republics and countries.

We invite you to Azerbaijan:

Azerbaijan, land of sunny lights,

The land of oil fountains, music and songs.

The edge of rising dawns in the midnight darkness,

And green gardens on fertile mother earth.

How can I sing you Azerbaijan,

How can I fall to the ground with your lips.

I miss you, my homeland,

And I send you greetings from afar.

Children of the creative house... with the song “Chickens”.


Listen to what the poets of Tatarstan write about their region:

Father's house, it is overshadowed in the spring, above the lowlands surrounded by darkness,

Do you know where it rises? In Tatarstan, distant Kazan.

Father's house, a sweet haven of childhood, where you can see the slopes from the windows,

And to the village, aged linden and maple trees are still waiting for me.

And we invite you to Ukraine:

Love for you, dear Ukraine, is like a song in me, like a holy command,

She merged all the feelings together, in my dreams I see you hundreds of times.

The love for you, dear Ukraine, is tender, unique, high,

Our grandfathers bequeathed to us to live together as a family for centuries.

Ensemble... - “Marusya”


Welcome to Uzbekistan:

When they play the dutar, picking the strings quickly,

My soul flies to Uzbekistan, to my homeland, where I was born.

I smell the cotton and I see the fields again

A stream rings like a stream from a mountain cliff, like my song.

Uzbekistan, I sing a song to you and glorify my homeland,

And I bow to Russia selflessly, I live here, I dream and I love.

….__ - Uzbek dance.

Listen to how much soul the Chechen poet put into his poem:

Scarlet poppies sway on the slopes of the Caucasus Mountains,

Melt avalanches slide, the fire burns at sunrise.

Chechnya is my small homeland, transparent clouds,

The shepherd's melody rings like a spring stream,

While the breeze flirted with the waves of his flock,

He sang, but I remembered my homeland, Chechnya.

And we invite you to Belarus:

My Belarusian land, let me lean against you,

To the ship pines, to the majestic firs,

That there was noise above my cradle.

My Belarusian land, give me a drink,

From the eternal spring give me healing water,

The one who heals wounds with magical power.

My Belarusian land, bow to Russia,

That it has become my home and family from now on.

Ensemble ... - “Mowed Yas”


How much poets can tell in just a few lines, for example about Moldova:

Moldova - trees above the roads, hills above the silent river,

And grape leaves over the thresholds, over the tiled roof and eaves,

Your eyes are as bright as distant stars,

Your sky is a cloudless expanse,

Happy, melodious Moldova,

There are twelve sisters in the community.

Welcome to Armenia:

Armenia, you are all in tunes, you are both a poet and a muse,

In your soul, like in the leaves of a tree, words-fruits blush.

By the color of blue lakes, by the golden color of crops,

By the color of the rocks, by the color of the mountains, my Armenia is an artist,

According to the music that is fused with the wind, that is fused with the voice of the fields,

Which is fused with the cry of cranes, Armenia, you are a composer.

…. – Armenian song.

I have never been to Mordovia, but after reading these lines, I saw all the beauty of this region:

My Mordovia is a free country of forests, fields and rivers, flowers and birds,

Sura stormy blue lightning, wide roads, construction sites.

My Mordovia is a sea of ​​wheat, a golden catch of magical grains.

My Mordovia is a joy to the soul and a distant call to home.

All guests and residents of the village... We invite you to visit Georgia:

Georgia, Georgia, how beautiful you are, the mountains are open like the wings of an eagle,

In the foothills of the mountains there was an unharvested field that could only be compared with brocade,

Georgia, you are like a bowl of lights, your sky is like nothing else,

And no words in the world can put your greatness into your heart.

Ensemble... - Georgian dance.


Listen to how a poet from Kazakhstan yearns for his homeland:

Above the expanses of the earth in the sky there are thin threads -

Cranes, oh cranes, take me with you.

Take me to Kazakhstan, to the house where my relatives are waiting for me,

Where both mountains and plains are familiar and loved to me.

Where the native song sounds from the firmament, the firmament,

If I hear her, I will breathe a sigh of relief.

Friends, we invite you to Russia:

The Russian song is the open spaces through which I will walk all my life,

This is Father Don near Rostov, this is Mother Volga on the way,

She embraces everything in her heart, she is twenty and a thousand years old,

I love the Russian song, the Russian land, so much that there are no more words.

Ensemble... - “Rose”


There are many countries - both near and far, many peoples - small and large,

But my native land! “Here are the roots and sources of all my achievements and valor.”

He is the only region - the only one that is dear to me, as the beginning of being,

In that corner of the universal expanse. Where is my father's house, where is my homeland?

And to me, when the whole wide world has been explored, the truth is clearer than before:

There are many places, but the Motherland is more expensive, there are many places - but the Motherland is one!!!

Extras - song “My Motherland”

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"Kaladnaya night"

Lyavon, Lyavonikha, Chort, Mikita, Kaza, Gypsy, Gypsy, Myadzvedz, Vedzma - gifted.

The hut of Lyavonikha and Lyavon, sacredly. Lyavon Lyazhyts. Uvakhodzitsy Lyavonikha.

Lyavonikha: Lavon! Lavon! Dze are you? Where do you go? (shukae). And what is geta robіtstsa? Spit on the stove like wheat. Get tired, why did you lie down? I’ve already fed the boar, the chickens, the geese, the water, the water in the oven, the pancake, the pan, the pan, and the pit doesn’t need anything. I tell you when you get tired, the little carols will come.

Lavon: I’m tired, I’m tired (look at the hut). Oh, my little lady, she was still snoring! Everything is crazy! You are so beautiful, little girl (singing the song “I don’t care”).

Lyavonikha: Kind people, look at the yago. He has a lot of work to do, but he’s just sleeping. A sprinkle of hay, a meal at the table, a lot of food.

(Lyavon idze for senam)

Lyavonikha: Oh, I'm getting tired of it (sitting). We live in Lyavonam not richly, we have five animals, a cow, a bull, four pigs, a parsyuchok, chickens, geese, pumped and adzinpeven, chubats. Well, my dear Lyavon? Iznou Iago not dachakatsa.

Lavon: I'm coming, I'm coming, my little galuba! He brought eight pieces of hay to the table, my goodness.

(they sleep and set the table.)

Lavon: How rich the table is for Christmas! Why is there just nothing here?

(Sit down at the table, hrystsyatstsa. The first ski is skittered and acna and shouted: “Maroz,

Maroz, hadzi kutstyu estsi. If you don’t marozў let rasada”). The skis are falling.

Lyavonikha: Oh, the skis are falling, baby, the carols are coming.

Lavon: Come on in, we have a lot of wealth. I am very glad for the Gasks.

Lyavonikha: Paglyadzice you are on the way. Siadzits, mouth and ears, even though you are very plump. Ask for gas.

(Knock at the dzera, the devil runs out).

Lavon: Why are you knocking and grunting? What kind of news did he bring us? What's new and what's the news?

Damn: Novaga nichaga nyama. Just go with all sorts of Kalyada carols and zhubruyuchy. And I’m singing the carols in advance, and I’ll come to your house. Gifts, gaspadar, barrel of wheat, barrel of knight, resheta aўsa - to the top of the kaubas.

Lavon: Oh, you Damn Kalmaty, the tail of the Palasata. Caladavat tabe treb. You need to sit in the forest and keep a sharp look. Lyavonikha, what about our fur? (nyase fur). Well, that's grain and fur, maybe there's a lot of legs there.

(Damn the fur, Lyavon and Lyavonikhay are getting tied up. Knock at the door, respect the dzetsi.)

Use: Good evening, there you go, lady!

Lavon: We kindly ask you and us as gentlemen.

Lyavonikha: How the hell are you?

1 jitsia: We walked, walked, slept, caroled. We came to your house.

2 jitsia: Gaspadar, often gassey. From the glets - raglatam, from the oven - pіragom.

3 jitsia: Give me, tsetka, kaubas, because I’ll destroy the hut!

4 jitsia: Give me some pie, honey, I’ll cross the line!

5 jitsia: Vzmі nazha straga, adrezh sala toustaga!

Lyavonikha: Why do we keep seeing you so often? Spread the sachet. Persh chym kalyadavac, Pryidzezza patrabavac.

6 jitsia: And the music is good?

We will now sleep.

Song “The fishing line asked for the trigger”

Lyavonikha: Oh, what a good sleeper!

Music, hell of a talented man.

(Lyavonya is a frequent father, asking their sisters).

(Knock at the door, uvakhodzyats dzetsi).

Use: Good day to you at the house.

Lavon: Good zen.

1jitsia: We are hell huts and huts іdzem

I'll take Kalyadu with me.

2 jitsia: Kab u kozhnay hatse

It was great.

3 jitsia: The story goes on.

The wheat has settled down.

4 jitsia: We're finishing the year

We're starting to get new.

5 jitsia: Hi budze yon zdarou.

We have received a gift.

Lyavonikha: Thank you for your sacrifices. Why did you come, Kalyadoushchyki? Why are you bothering us?

6 jitsia: Why don't you play music? The rabbit of music, the rabbit, everything is a happy shepherd.

Song “Forest Music”

Lavon: Oh, how good they slept, thank you, all you need is cheese for talerts, and lard, and drops. The walker of the state darazhenkiya and syadice.

(Cheers are calling)

Lyavonikha: Chuetse, dzetsi, zwanochki. Geta kalyada, riding on a silver horse. Kalyada is still holy, in the same way as Vadzim Kazu, if the good Uraj, Vadzil Myadzvedzia, if the family were all healthy and rich. The shchadrouks were sleeping.

(Respect of Mikita and Kaza)

Mikita: Shchodra vechar tamu, hto ў getym lady. Holy evening!

Lavon: Good evening.

Mikita: Why are you happy to see us?

Lyavonikha: We're glad, we're glad!

Mikita: Bring us out, gaspadar, kaubas, pakhadzi kalya stoves, pashukay pepechki.

Lyavonikha: What are you up to?

Mikita: I’m shuffling and hanging with the kazoo.

Lavon: Oh, wow, Ian Paskach.

Mikita: Give kaza, to the shepherds, to the legs of the shepherds. Hey, music, greytse, and gaspadar with gaspadynya usikh from the Karagod requester.

Karagod “Tupu-tup kaza”

Every time you catch a trick, you jump, and when you fall.

Lyavonikha: Ai, ai, pamerla, Kaza! Oh my God!

Mikita: I have a Caucasian girl, a lover of a bastard, and a bastard.

Lyavonikha: At once, at once, so well, Yana galloped so well, she earned some peasants.

(Lyavonya is a bastard, aka Kaza matae galova, whispering in Mikita’s ear that she wants pennies. Lyavonya asks them to come to the table. You hear a knock at the door.

Lavon: And the state police are sleeping with us, and they are coming. Bachytse, how many of them are like snow in winter.

(Z`yaўlyajutstsa Gypsy, Gypsy, Myadzvedz.)

Gypsy: Good evening to you! Shchodra Vechar to you!

Lavon: Good evening to you too!

Gypsy: Give us, good chalavek, a mouthful, some eggs to spread with white cheeses and cabbage.

Lyavonikha: Why are you showing us off?

Gypsy: Myadzvedzem is flabby. We have mydzveldz Kalmaty, zlavіў yago dzed baradaty, en honey khatseў vesle zlіzat, well, Iago can’t be spayed here. Our patseshyts are infected, our paslukhmyans are infected. Pakazhy, Mihai, how is it a good month? And how the birds jump in front of the lusters. What about a man on kirmash idze? And the tsyaper, Mikhai paskachy. (Myadzvedz dancing)

Lavon: Let's give the cabas at once, so that the house can be nursed.

(Lyavon from Lchvonikhai went and ate, and the gypsy woman stole from the enchantress. They often came out.)

Gypsy: When the meeting is yours, the wine is green - for gaspadar! Sweet salad - for gaspadyna. Happily share – for their zetachak.


Lyavonikha: Oh, my little charms were stolen, and all of them are standing here. Geta you, lyavon vinavaty.

Lavon: Don't cry, my dear! Oh, I’ll stump naked, and I’ll stab another! Kolki, I don’t tap, I want to dance. Dzetsi, and that's why you're pissing me off.

Use: Yes

Dance “Lyavonikha”

(Lyavon daryts Lyavonikhe charachchki)

Lavon: The virus fell on the streets. The stink and light died down, and Lyavonya carried a candle.

(Lyavonіha іdze for the shield and the commandment of Lyavon. Z'yaulyaetstsa Devil and Vedzima. Pyat)

Damn: Looking where I'm going, I'd already be here in the fall, but I'm not a gaspadar padmania and pasadziu at the ball. Hello, I'm here and come here. And look at all the little things she did here. Dzetsi, why the hell did you show up here?

Jiqia: We went to Kalyady.

Damn: Yeah! To the carols! And I know on Kalyady we go for walks at the gulna. Do you want to take a walk with me at the gullin.

Gulnya “Khvostsik”

Vedzma: And what kind of carols are these, kali nyama no pancake, no aladak.

Damn: Yak yama? Hadzi follow me (go to the table, often. Lyavon and Lyavonikha)

Lyavonikha: Oh holy, holy (cross)

Lavon: Why do you often go without permission?

Damn: We went to bake the pancakes and cook the pancakes.

Lyavonikha: Thank you, Lyavon, praise, we are suffering from them at once. (praganayuts. Light included)

Lyavonikha: And you are music, greytse, greytse.

And you, gossyks, are a walker, a walker

I ask for everything from Karagod.


Lyavonikha: Shanovnye guests - happiness and health!

You have a lot of money to earn.

Once upon a time the bastards lived,

If you were healthy.

Lavon: Say hello to you, good state officers,

For the sustrecha, hello!

May you drink and eat

I'm asleep!

Lyavonikha: Well, now we have a lot of pancakes.

About others types of creativity in kindergarten see other topics:

Unconventional drawing methods and techniques - drawing with semolina

Classes - blotography - drawing with a straw in kindergarten

Applications from corn, peas and seeds - sunflower

Origami - creating a swan using triangular modules

Christmas tree - DIY crafts from pine cones

Lesson in kindergarten - non-traditional drawing technique - candle + watercolor + applique

Composition of cereals and dried spikelets - Vase with flowers

Lesson - unconventional method drawing - tearing paper

Belarusian holidays - page 6

And these are my Kalyady. Almost the entire script is mine (for now I took the poems from the forum, but then I will replace them with my own. The song, riddles and game are mine). I'm still finalizing the material.
VED. Hello my relatives, small and large.
Again, this large hall has now gathered all the children.
Let's celebrate, guys, there are funny carols here.
Games and fun await us and, of course, food.
I hear heels clicking, guests are rushing here to visit us.
Open the gates! Come visit us, Kolyada!
To the music of “Oh, Kalyadochki”, the children of Art. gr. in suits.
1 REB. Open the gate! Kolyada has arrived!
With crumpets, with flatbreads,
With pork feet.
2 REB. Kolyada, Kolyada, give me some pie!
Don't break it into pieces,
But in general, come on.
VED. You didn’t dance or sing, but you wanted a treat?
Wait a minute, wait, sing a song first!
1. Koleda came to you and brought guests.

2. Koleda came to you and brought a bear.
The children celebrate carols.
3. Koleda came to you and brought guests.
The children celebrate carols.
VED: Our guests were good, they sang the song from the heart.
I really want to know if Mishenka can dance?
GOAT: Our Mishutka, well done. He is both a dancer and a singer.
See for yourself. Everyone join the round dance.
Mishenka wants to dance and show off her prowess.
music L. Zakhlevny s. L. Pranchak’s collection “Songs of Dzed Baradzed”
VED: Mishenka is completely tired. He dozed off in our hall.
We will all come up to Mishka and sing him a song.
Mishka Kalyadu is asleep, and I'm asleep.
We vakol yago hadzili, and once again mishanka budzili:
“Mishka, little one, get up and give Kalyada”
VED: Do you want, children, to see how dexterous and strong our Bear is?
Together with him we will play to see who is stronger.
VED: Your Mishutka is very strong. This is the truth, not a joke.
But there was also a Goat. Where is this fidget?
GOAT: I'm here.
Kolyada has come to your house, which means there will be happiness in it,
There will be joy and prosperity, you will all be rich.
I brought you riddles, guess them guys:
1. Falls from the sky, flies and spins.
If it sits on your palm, it becomes a puddle. (snowflake)
2. There is a blanket on the trees, a large carpet on the ground.
The sun will come out and it will sparkle. Spring will come - it will melt. (snow)
3. It will redden our cheeks, brighten up our nose,
But we are not afraid of him if we find ourselves in the house. (freezing)
VED. We have solved the riddles and now we will play.
VED. Hold hands people. The goat invites everyone to a round dance.
Round dance “KAZEL” music. folk
collection “Dziyachy folklore festivities” Z. L. Leanovich N. A. Rylkova
The goat falls.
VED. Our goat fell, she lost strength.
What should we do, what should we do?
REB. The goat must be given:
Give her treats - candy, gingerbread, cookies.
You can give her a piece of lard so that she becomes the same as before.
(gift the goat)
VED: We'll hang crumbs on the goat's horns to dry,
Let's give some sweets so that she knows the way to us,
Let's give some lard to make the Goat jump.
(The goat gets up and thanks for the treat)
VED: We helped the Goat get up, now we can dance.
REB: We sow, we sow, we sow,
Happy New Congratulations on the year,
Happiness will be your mountain
The harvest is big.
REB: Make your oats grow two meters tall
You will produce wheat, peas and lentils.
REB: So that there would be a ton of guests in the house for a whole year!
There is always pie on the table, easy, easy roads for you.
VED: We are finishing our holiday, we wish you health and joy.
Well, next year Kolyada will come to us again.

(Scenario for a theatrical holiday celebration).

The director's main attention in this scenario should be paid to the culture of behavior and etiquette adopted at the ancient youth entertainment of peasants. In the script itself, the almost ritual order of gatherings is developed in detail.
The performance according to this scenario is recommended to be played on the stage of the RDK, SDK, SK. Partially it can be used in the context of a folk festival at a folklore festival directly in the circle of spectators.

Sayings on the posters:

Drinking tea means living a pleasant life.
Drink some tea and you will forget the melancholy.
There's no harm in tea.
If you’re tired, drink tea; if it’s hot, drink tea; if you want to warm up, drink tea.
If you don't drink tea, where do you get your strength?

The holiday will be decorated with bright posters hanging on the walls of the hall and foyer depicting samovars, teapots, cups and saucers, embroidered towels, and nesting dolls.
On the territory of the House of Culture you can build small houses with bright signs: “Tea House”, “Sweet Shop”, “Pancake Shop”, etc.

Texts on the walls:

Don't crowd at the door
Come quickly!
Bagels and gingerbreads are waiting,
Rolls, cheesecakes, donuts.
Fly in, take it apart,
Wash it down with sweet tea!
We serve pancakes
And let's drink some fragrant tea!

On another site there was a holiday fair. The shopping arcades are decorated with intricate designs, Russian towels, and cheerful signs.
On the third site there are sports competitions.
At the exit to the central square of the festival there is a decorative gate with a rooster and a “WELCOME!” poster.
At the gate, guests are greeted by barkers, inviting them to a party.

Barkers: Listen, listen, good people!
Those living in our area
Those who come to visit.
Today in our village
There will be a celebration.
We invite you today
Have fun, play,
Sing sonorous songs,
Secrets to reveal
Show strength and prowess.
People old and young
Married and single!
You are welcome to the holiday!
We welcome guests as if we welcome new news!

Participants of amateur performances enter the gates with songs, ditties, and dances.
The disco hall is decorated in Russian style: embroidered Russian towels are hung on the walls, Russian proverbs and sayings hang. On the front portal of the stage there is an emblem - a Russian samovar with two gossips drinking tea. On the samovar, in Russian script, is written “Russian gatherings.” In the left corner of the portal there are tower tables: grandmothers Lukerya and “Russian kvass”. Wooden tables are covered with painted tablecloths. On the tables are samovars, cups, various dishes: pancakes with honey, gingerbread, bagels, sweets, pies. There are benches near the tables.
The phonogram of the Kursk Nightingale sounds in the hall.


MOST MESS: Good evening, guests are invited and welcome.

MASTER OF THE ROOM: Hello, swans, hello, young ladies!
Yes, the guys are daredevils, cheerful fellows!

HOSTESS: You are welcome to join us for a gathering.
Guests are welcome as if they were good news!
MASTER: Come, don't hesitate! Let's drink tea today,
Yes, lead round dances!

HOSTESS: Welcome! We welcome everyone, we warmly welcome you!

MASTER: Come in, make yourself at home

HOSTESS: A good guest is always on time!


HOSTESS: You are a goy, good people!
Let me greet you
With all my heart in our little place,
In our dressed up room!

MASTER: According to custom, yes, according to Russian
The samovar is boiling for good guests,
The carved table is covered with a white tablecloth!
We laid out sugar dishes,
We prepared some fun things to do.

HOSTESS: We invite you
Taste the aromatic tea,
Bagels and sugar gingerbread.

MASTER: Just try it, eat it,
Look at us, listen!
And the hostess and I will tell you for now
The history of Russian, aromatic tea.

(Musical insert).
The guests are seated at the tables and tea drinking begins.

The tea is hot and aromatic
And it tastes very good.
Heals from ailments
And fatigue drives away.
Gives new strength
And he invites his friends to the table.
With gratitude the whole world
Praise the miracle elixir!

HOSTESS: One of the old chinese legends This is how he talks about the origin of tea: “A long time ago, shepherds noticed that as soon as their sheep nibbled the leaves of an evergreen plant growing in the mountains, they began to frolic and easily climb steep slopes. The shepherds decided to try the miraculous power of the leaves on themselves. They dried them, brewed them in boiling water, as they did with other medicinal herbs, and began to drink the aromatic infusion, feeling an instant surge of fresh strength.”
Indeed, tea was first drunk in China, where it has been known since ancient times. In Chinese written sources, this drink is mentioned in 2737 BC.
In ancient times, tea was highly valued in China. Emperors gave it to their nobles for special services. In the palace, this aromatic drink was drunk during court ceremonies. Poets sang tea in poetry.
Growing and making tea in China became as secret as the production of silk, porcelain, paper and other great Chinese inventions. Tea plantations were hidden and strictly guarded from foreigners. Chinese merchants sold tea to other countries. From China, tea began its triumphal march around the world.

MASTER: In Russia, the tea drink began to be consumed in 1638, when the Mongolian Altyn Khan sent 4 pounds of tea leaves as a gift to Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich.
In the 18th century, the popularity of Russian samovars grew.

(During the course of the story, tea is poured, the hostess treats, and the owner asks the guests where tea is grown here).
(The song “And I was having tea”) is played.


(During the tea party, relatives enter - the folklore group "Maleyka" with a song. They are met by the owner and hostess).

MASTER: And here are our relatives from Dolbenkino.
Good evening, dear guests!

HOSTESS: Good evening, dears!

(Relatives and hosts bow to each other according to Russian custom. Relatives bow to guests).

RELATIVES: Good evening, good people!
Let's have a fun evening!

(Russian folk song “In the Upper Room”).

HOSTESS: Dear guests, meet my relatives. Here is my brother-in-law - Volodyushka. And here is my dear son-in-law - Vityushka, here is my sister-in-law - Lyudmilushka, and here is my dear daughter-in-law - Tamarushka, and this is my brother-in-law - Mityushka. But Kolyushka is a dear son-in-law, and Irinushka is a dear sister.
Dear guests, drink some tea, eat some gingerbread, sit and listen to us.

(The hostess, together with the folklore group, sing and dance “Komariki”).

1. Mosquitoes, my little mosquitoes,
Mosquitoes, small flies.
Chorus: Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
2. Mosquitoes didn’t let you sleep at night
The young woman fell asleep at dawn.
3. I didn’t hear how my dear came,
I didn’t hear him approach the bed.
4. Hello, my dear, my good one.
Black-browed, looks like me.
5. Did you sleep well without me?
Without you, darling, the bed is cold.
6. The blanket is frosty,
Frost crept under the feather bed.
7. The wind blew cold under the blanket,
The headboard was drowned in tears.
8. Waiting for you, dear,
I curse my share.

HOSTESS: Irinushka, Mityushka, Volodyushka, Lyudmilushka, my golden one, Nikolushka, Nikitich, dear relatives, come to the table, have some tea, and get to know our guests better.

(There is a tea party, the host and hostess treat relatives and guests).

MASTER: Nikitich, how are your boys doing?

NIKITICH: They live and chew bread!
Volodyushka and Nikola don’t part with their balalaika.
They are the first in the regiment and at the party.

(The guys sing the verses of “Three Semenov”).
Sl. Gadalova, music Polikarpova.
1. Who doesn't know three names
Senya, Sema and Semyon?
We are friends, as they say,
From time immemorial.
Eh! I am Senya, he is Syoma,
And the balalaika player – Semyon.

2. We have a balalaika,
Everyone knows - first class.
We have our own heads,
We declare without embellishment.
Eh! Even though we quarrel sometimes,
Separate us, try us!

3. They say that our Semyon
Born with a balalaika
He's in a singing-talking mood
Simply in love.
Eh! Because he's with her
Everywhere together as a law.

4. Balalaika three strings
From our Kursk side,
Sing, try, don't be shy.
Everyone needs songs.
Eh! Where they dance and sing,
Three Seeds are right there.

HOSTESS: Irinushka, do the girls sing like ours?
They sing, and how they sing!

(Irinushka sings the Russian folk song “I have a young bay husband”).

1. I have a young bay husband
I have a young bay husband
Chorus: Madam - lady, bay husband

2. And the kids sang yes
They were running through the streets.

3. Yes, you saw a curiosity
We saw a curiosity.

4. The clerk rode on a pig, yes
The clerk is on horseback.

5. A simple guy with a no brainer
And I can’t hold back my screams.

6. Let me tie the reins yes
I'll catch up with the clerk.

7. I’ll get it from the clerk
I'll take it from the clerk.

HOSTESS: Dear guests, have you sorted everything out about your family? Who gets to whom? A?
Who is brother-in-law? (Brother-in-law).
Who is a son-in-law? (Sister's husband).
Who is this sister-in-law? (Husband's sister).
And the daughter-in-law? (Brother's wife).

(After the “Kinfolk” quiz, the host and hostess present the guests who answered the quiz questions correctly with Russian souvenirs).

HOSTESS: You are a goy, dear guests! You will amuse us
a lively dance, a valiant, Russian daring!
come out to the circle, don’t be shy,
Have a merry dance!

(A competition is held for the best dance performance, a dance program, the music stops. The Peddler comes out with the song).

PEDDLER (sings):
I have a box full
I go to peddlers
Come, sweetheart soul,
I'll arrange all the goods!
And there are funny ditties,
And a cheerful dance
Russian songs, razdolnye
I prepared it for you!
I have good goods,
Come here more cheerfully.
I don't take payment in money,
And the smiles of the guests!
Here are Russian gingerbreads, plump bagels, for example, mint gingerbreads, printed ones, with jam, with poppy seeds, and so on.

HOSTESS: How much does your product cost?

PEDDLER: And we don't sell anything
And we give everything away for free!
For a joke,
Yes, every minute!


PEDDLER: Well, well done girls, beautiful girls, brave boys, cheerful fellows. Who knows Russian sayings and proverbs?

(A competition is held for knowledge of Russian proverbs and sayings. The peddler distributes gingerbread cookies, bagels, and candies to the winners).

PEDDLER (sings):
Eh, the box is full
I'll sing and tell you
Wait, sweetheart soul,
I will arrange all the goods.

(Addresses the girls in the hall)

Wait, sweetheart soul,
The most perky song for you,
I will choose the most perky dance.

HOSTESS: Oh, and you're a tenacious guy,
Yes, you invite without looking back.

MASTER: Or maybe we ourselves have songs, dances, and skills in games. Am I right, dear guests?

PEDDLER: Yes, I will do my best for such beauties: semi-precious ditties, I will choose songs of ringing silver.
(sings): Oh, my dear, come out quickly
Dance, dance
I can handle you.

MISTRESS (sings along):
The moon disappeared into the clouds
Sunshine beyond the sea
Don't brag just yet
We'll argue again.

(The Peddler and the Mistress dance a Russian dance).

HOSTESS: Well, that's enough, Peddler, you killed me with your brisk dance.

PEDDLER: Well, why should you, beautiful girl, argue with me?
We, the Peddlers, are a strong, cheerful people.
And besides, I’ll just nod - all the good fellows will help me.
There are so many of them gathered in the upper room.
Am I right, guys?

HOSTESS: And according to statistics, there are even more of us! There are 9 boys for 10 girls.
So let's do it!

PEDDLER: Let's see?

HOSTESS: Let's see!

PEDDLER: Shall we try?

HOSTESS: Let's try!

PEDDLER: Then, beautiful girls, a question for you to warm up:
“Which Soviet ensembles perform folk songs
in modern treatments?
(“Ariel”, “Pesnyary”, “Peddlers”, etc.)

HOSTESS: Then a question for you, good fellows!
“Which performers include in their repertoire
Russian folk songs?"
(Zh. Bichevskaya, A. Pugacheva, S. Rotaru, etc.)

PEDDLER: Well, what can you say, well done guys, daredevils!
Whoever answers the questions, disassemble my product.

(Hands out gingerbread cookies, bagels, candies).

MASTER: Dear guests, let’s have fun with a lively dance.

PEDDLER: I want the music to ring!
Well, let's all get down to business!
Mischievous harmonies will sing,
And with them are painted spoons!

(The ensemble of folk instruments “___________________” is playing. Russian folk songs “Valenki”, a polka arranged by Shiroky, “Barynya”. The peddler goes out to dance, involves everyone in the common dance).

HOSTESS: Oh, thank you, mischievous harmonica players, funny guys,
You have amused your soul with your merry Russian dances!
It's time to drink tea!

MASTER: Dear guests, come to the oak tables,
for scolded tablecloths, for honey drinks!!!

HOSTESS: Help yourself, don't be shy! The richer you are, the happier you are!

(Tea drinking in progress).

PEDDLER: Eh, it’s good now a Russian song, and with a sparkle!

HOSTESS: And you start singing, we’ll sing along!

PEDDLER: I’ll start singing, but do you know all the Russian songs?

MASTER: We know a lot of old songs,
We eat them everywhere year after year.
After all, it lives in them without fading,
Immortal soul of the people!

HOSTESS: Come on, dear guest girls, let’s prove it to the Peddler,
that we, too, are not born with bastards and know how to do something.
Let's compete: whose table will sing a Russian song?
louder and louder.

(Competition between tables for the best song, ditty. Best table a loaf is presented).

HOSTESS: Dear guests, I invite you to a merry round dance.

HOSTESS: And now, dear guests, let’s divide into two streets:
“Wide” and “Razdolnaya”. And every street has its own
first guys. I ask the first guys of Shirokaya streets
and “Razdolnaya” enter the circle.

MASTER: Come out, don’t be shy, they’ve come to see you
Matchmakers from the ancient city of Kursk!

(The matchmakers and the folklore group of the choir studio come out and bow).


MASTER: Are there any hard-working grooms or brides on your streets?
Yes, they are dexterous, are there strong men and jokers, dancers
Yes, singers who can shoe a flea and out of a log
Cook cabbage soup? Do you have any of these? Answer, don't be shy.

We are not timid, but we will be timid, so we can leave in time.

But ours are not timid in captivity, and do not tremble on the stove!

MASTER: Come out, suitors, who are quiet and who are dashing,
Show off your strength and stretch your bones!


HOSTESS: It's time for fun, but time for business!

MASTER: A good husband, a worker at home,
A bit of a joiner, a bit of a carpenter.

(Takes out two saws, two logs, sawhorses).

MASTER: I ask the "first" guys to recruit on their streets
carpenters of 6 people. Each artel needs to cut
4 logs made of logs. Each cut is made by a new couple
carpenters Whose team will do it faster? Let's start!

(Russian folk song sounds, artels are sawing, prizes are awarded to the winners).

MASTER: The next fun is home fun!

HOSTESS: Three girls were spinning under the window late in the evening.
This is what the fairy tale says, and you, dear guests,
Will you be able to untangle the threads and wind them into balls?

MASTER: Come on, young girls, don’t you want to work hard?
Come out, don’t be shy, show off your girlish skills.

(Girls come out).

HOSTESS: Here are the threads for you. Who can do the job faster?
That's where the reward awaits.

(A competition is held and prizes are awarded).

MASTER: Well, well done guys, are there any strongmen on your streets?

(Takes out the weight, a “Strong Men” competition is held. The guys lift the weight.)

MASTER: Well, they did a great job, and probably got tired of it.
We ask everyone to come to the table and have some Russian tea.

(Tea drinking in progress).

MATCHES: Oh, you amused us with your brave prowess, your dashing strength,
Yes, girlish dexterity. Oh well, your work is going well.
And your dances are lively and dashing. Satisfied with your work,
We bow to you Russian: we will sing a Russian song for you,
cheerful and perky.

(They bow and sing the Russian folk song “Porushka-Paranya”).

1. Oh, you’re Porushka-Paranya,
Why do you love Ivan?
That's why I love Ivan
That the little head is curly.

2. That the head is curly,
Yes, the beard is curly,
Curls curl up to your face
I love Vanya, well done.

3. How Ivanushka walks around the mountain
He strokes his beard and the light,
He strokes his beard,
Oh, the boot beats on the boot.

4. Oh, boots are knocking against boots,
Oh, he talks big.
Oh, how you dried me out, lady
Without frost, without wind, my heart was chilled.

PEDDLER: Oh, the Russian soul asks for a dance.

HOSTESS: Come on, mischievous accordionists, start a round dance
Have more fun and dance more mischievously.

(VIA “Good fellows” plays, Russian dance, round dance, dancing).


(They bring out goats, a log, a saw, a cleaver. The “hunters” are found and get to work. The phonogram of the “Russian tune”. After the “hunters” saw the log and split the logs, the guys show off).

GUYS: Oh, how quickly they worked!.. It was a pleasure to watch
for such... elegant work! And now it’s your turn,
don’t sit in the warm corner... Come on, stove, cast iron, grips,
spinning wheels, rockers, buckets, go out into the free world!
It’s too cramped for you to stand in the hut, let’s solve our problem now.

(The necessary props are brought out, they are placed in turn: first, barrels of water, from which you need to scoop up a bucket and bring them to the stove on rocker arms, there are different cast irons on the bench, into which you need to pour water and put them in the stove with grips).

GIRLS (click):
Will there be found among you, dear guests,
Such a skilled needlewoman who will bring water,
And will he put cast iron in the oven, and sing a song at the spinning wheel while he works?

(They find someone willing, maybe two, if the props are double, then it will turn out like a competition among girls, and only she will want to start...)

GUYS: Eh no-no!.. Just like before... and a scarf on my head,
and a sundress to the toes... So try it!

(The guys bring out scarves and sundresses).
(“Hunters” put on scarves and sundresses, POTESHINA begins. The folk ensemble sings the Russian folk song “Kuderyshi”).

The red maiden curled her curls
Yes, she left buckets on the river.
One-two, I love you, I love you,
Yes, she left buckets on the river!
What are you, dear darling,
Why aren't you dressed up?
One-two, I love you...
I hurried for water,
That's why I didn't dress up
One-two, I love you...
Walk a mile for water
Yes, I took a handful of nuts,
One-two, I love you...
You, darling, can’t beat you back,
Yes, I decided to love the young man.
One-two, I love you...
I fell in love not for my intelligence, not for my beauty,
Yes, I fell in love with the cheerful look,
One-two, I love you...
His look is cheerful,
Yes, a card came from my dear,
One-two, I love you...
A map arrived, a portrait was drawn,
Yes, describe it, dear, do you love it or not?
One-two, I love you...
I wrote to my friend Vanyushka,
Don't marry Tanya, my friend.
One-two, I love you...
If you get married, you'll have peace of mind,
Yes, with a thin wife you will get tired,
One-two, I love you...
You'll get wet with a thin wife,
Yes, with a good one you can make up.
One-two, I love you, I love you,
Yes, with a good one you can make up.

After the fun is done, one of the guys exclaims: “What a girl! That's it, girl! A girl to all girls!”

GUYS (shouting): Well! Did you wipe your noses?!

GIRLS: We know, we know! Yes, we all know... All your characters and habits
laid out on shelves.

GUYS: Where are they laid out?!

GIRLS: In songs!

GUYS: In songs? This is good. Nowadays, few people sing songs, more and more
listen to songs. As there… ( One guy turns to another).
What word did they come up with?.. Ah, ball-de-ut!
And we got so crazy that we missed the cities
and the village went for a walk...

GIRLS: Yes, not everyone is crazy, some people can sing songs, and they will sing about you.

The folk ensemble sings:

It's late afternoon, and the sun is shining hotly,
We'll sit down by the fence, women, and talk about what.
Oh, where, where are you going, deep river,
No holiday is good for us women without a man.
We, of course, have more fun and peace of mind with him,
You won’t find one hundred percent, ladies, during the day with fire.
While he's walking around as a suitor, he's already polite and not drunk,
And as soon as he gets married, he will immediately turn out the flaw here.
And what’s true is true, with men it’s just a sin,
Until then, sometimes it’s a shame - I would have dispersed them all.
Oh, girlfriend, don't swear, oh, girlfriend, don't sin,
Sometimes they are even very... good.
Such is our lot, there is no need for us to be angry:
I sewed a new shirt for mine today.
Well, I bought a suit, oh, how okay, it fits the shoulder,
I want to buy fashionable shoes for myself.
What’s true is true, we won’t argue here,
It's more fun with men... okay, let them live!

GIRLS: Are we the only ones who know songs about your character?
Among our guests you will find such singers that
They will sing about you worse than ours.

(A song contest about male character is being held. All interested women are invited).

GUYS: And it’s not good for us to remain in debt,
And we have better songs.
Yes, men's people?
Have they forgotten sitting next to the TV?

(While the men are getting ready, the members of the folklore ensemble add “spark”).

I won’t brag, honey,
I know what I'm saying:
I'll get a star from the sky
And I’ll give it as a souvenir.
All people will say about me:
Pure in heart and unarrogant,
Or am I on your scale
Not handsome enough?

(A competition of songs about female character is being held. Interested men are invited).

GIRLS: You sing songs well, but still we are better. We'll outsing you!

GUYS: Not in life.

GIRLS: But listen... Now we are the entire women's world
We'll sing about you.

(A common song is chosen, the women of the holiday sing. For example: Senyushka, Semenushka (play), lyrics by Sokolov, music by Astrova).

GUYS: Not bad, in some places it’s even louder, and we won’t be in debt.
(A common song is proposed, all the men of the holiday sing, for example: lyrics by Poiko, music by Polikarpov “Rowan, Rowan,” Russian folk song “Ringing of the Bells”).
After performing the song.

HOST: I want the music to ring!
Well, let's all get down to business!
The harmoniums will sing,
And with them dances and mischievous ditties.

GUYS: Well, have you heard?

GIRLS: They heard, but did not hear, behind the large roofs.

GUYS: Or maybe they’ll make you shudder in ditties?

GIRLS: Try it, just how many of us there are (Points to everyone
female spectators)
. Let's ooh and you'll go deaf!

GUYS: And we dance, dance for you.

GIRLS: Yes, dancers have long since disappeared from our land.

GUYS: No matter how it is... While we are warming up with little ditties, the dancers
they will come out into the circle themselves.

(The folklore ensemble begins to sing ditties, alternately men, women or vice versa).

WOMEN: Harmonist, bring the three-row.
We'll sing ditties
How we achieved success
And with skill and labor.
I'll hang it on an accordion
I give you my scarlet ribbon,
You play, play, accordion
I'll sing ditties.

MAN: The white mists are melting,
Smells like cut grass
I'm waiting for my dear one
By the meadow path.

WOMEN: Remember, darling, darling,
How you and I stood.
White bird cherry rustled
Over our heads.
Already under the field, in the heights
A radiant star lit up,
When will you come to me
A dewy path.

MAN: I became sad, something became quiet
Daring accordion
Respond Love-Hope,
Don't put out the fire in me.

WOMAN: To meet you at this hour
I will go along the mountain stitch.
Let him give me a little voice
Your accordion is perky.

MAN: The willow is crying over the river
The chest is full of suffering.
For complete peace
Only you are needed.

WOMAN: The white color flies from the cherries,
Powder swirls in the waters.
But then I met you
Desired, good.

TOGETHER: We stop singing ditties
To the distant accordion.
Our meeting took place
On a meadow path.

(After the ditties, a competition of chastushkas and dancers is held. Gradually, the folklore ensemble goes to the entertaining field, where mass games and dances are held, preferably of the Russian type. For example, like “And we sowed millet, sowed ...”, “Weave, wattle fence”, “Quadrille” ).
After the mass part is completed, the folklore ensemble again rises to the Red Porch.

GIRLS: Oh, we had a lot of fun today.

GUYS: And we had a blast.
You still have that same... fun, you haven’t lost everything yet.

GIRLS: Yes, and you were filled with enthusiasm, oh, how you jumped up.

GUYS: Yes, we - what?.. We would be nothing if not for you?

GIRLS: And don't say too much. Now, if it weren’t for you, then we too
if it weren't us.

GUYS: What are we? If we didn't have to part...

GIRLS: Why should we break up? After such a holiday, it's time
fall in love.

GUYS: Yes, it’s somehow awkward to leave the holiday.

GIRLS: Why, is it awkward? Let us bow low to all good people,
maybe we liked something.

(The evening is coming to an end. A guy and a girl come to the center of the playing circle).

BOY: Did the holiday go well?

YOUNG WOMAN: This is up to you to decide.

TOGETHER: We are pleased with our meeting
Glad to meet you and dance.

YOUNG WOMAN: Tomorrow is a day of worries for everyone,
Farewell round dance!

(The folklore ensemble lines up, bows. A ditty is played, someone from the ensemble begins to sing.)

Goodbye, goodbye
Goodbye three times.
And goodbye again
Your sweet eyes...
Many genres on the stage,
But the ditties are a sample.
And always for fun
We sing them at the end.

(The red porch is emptying. The phonogram of a Russian tune. Roosters, stoves, spinning wheels, saws, buckets, rockers, cast iron are carried away).

Scenarios Folklore


Holiday for elementary and middle age students

Easter bun

Poetic page of the holiday of Christ's bright resurrection

Leta, leta, get out from under the cage!

Kuzminki summer wake

Prostokvashinskaya square dance

Beyond the outskirts

“Let’s sit side by side and talk well”

“Vanya is riding in a red hat”

"Tales about Ivanov"

"Nikolin's Day"


“And we with spoons and rattles”

"Maiden Craftswoman"

"We play and sing"

By the bear in the forest

"Games, songs, round dances"

The carol has arrived - open the gate...

Christmas holiday, give us gingerbread...

"Toy Nursery Rhymes"

(scenario for a club holiday of Russian national toys)

Grandma's dolls

Everyone loves clay fun

Shepherd's Festival"

(theatrical folklore festival)


(scenario game program national holiday Kuzma-Demyan)

"Cabbage Evening"

(folk gatherings with fun work and active recreation)

(scenario for a national holiday on Christmastide)

“Vyatskaya Zavalinka” (evening of relaxation with ditties)

"Thank you, sweet bee"

(scenario for a holiday dedicated to an ancient folk craft - beekeeping)

“At the summer gate - a playful round dance”

(children's folklore and game program)

Games, sentences, counting rhymes, teasers

“Trinity Day” (holiday of the Russian birch tree)

“Meeting of Summer” (children's folklore festival)

Download collection Folklore scripts

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Scenario of the folklore holiday “Yuletide Evening”


The corner of a Russian hut, folk music sounds quietly, the daughter is sewing at the table, the mother is busy at the stove.


  1. Mother;
  2. Daughter;
  3. Neighbor;
  4. Master;
  5. Girls.


It’s already evening outside, it’s time to prepare the table, don’t shake your head at running the house, everything needs to be stored.

Folklore ensemble "Zvontsy" - Prague Fair

Pra?sk? jarmark - 08/30/2012

International Folklore Festival "Prague Fair"

Fruit Square

The folk ensemble "Zvontsy" from Yekaterinburg performs

(approaches daughter)

Daughter, why are you sewing like that?


Yes, I will still flog you, mother.

The hall is divided into two parts: on the right is a model of a hut with a pile, on the left is a fence and a bench, in the middle is an improvised clearing. On the stage there is a calendar sheet with the name of the holiday, sayings:

o I saw a starling - spring is at the porch.

o As many thawed patches as there are larks.

o On Magpies day and night are measured.

o Winter ends - spring begins.

o Forty forty birds fly to Soroki.

Along the wall are sheets of the folk calendar with the name for the month of March, which the children decorated.


Very often behind events

And behind the bustle of days

We don’t remember our antiquity, we forget about it.

In the old days, every village, every hamlet had its own customs of gatherings and holidays dedicated to folk calendar. Young people gathered to show themselves and see others. According to the folk calendar, the first month of spring is rich in holidays. We celebrate the day of welcoming spring - “Magpies” or the day of the vernal equinox on March 22.

On this day, according to the peasants, they fly from warm countries forty birds, and the first of them are larks.


Spring, red spring

Come, spring with joy

With great mercy

With tall flax

With deep roots


With heavy rain.


Let's open the golden gates for the Red Spring. This will help spring double its strength and overcome winter. But even though “Winter scares the spring, but melts away on its own” - even if there are often colds in the spring, spring will still win, and we will help it with this.

Game "Golden Gate".

(Everyone walks in a line through the gate and says words.)

Mother walks - spring

Alone through the fields and forests.

Says goodbye for the first time

Other times it is prohibited

And the third time you'll go

You will end up in a cage yourself.

Mother Spring is walking

She is looking for children.

Says goodbye for the first time

Any other time is prohibited

And for the third time

We won't let you through. (Children sit on chairs)


We went out for a walk, to greet the red spring

This is something unusual: where to look for it and how?

Now I will tell you the fairy tale “How Spring overcame Winter.”

Once upon a time I lived in a village called Mashenka. She sat under the window with a birch spindle and said:

Mashenka. When spring comes and the snow rolls down from the mountains and water spills over the meadows, then I will bake the waders with the larks and my girlfriends. I will go to greet spring, call to the village - call.


A warm, kind spring awaits, but that spring is neither seen nor heard. Winter never goes away, it keeps getting colder. Everyone was tired of her being cold and icy, her arms and legs were chilled, the cold was making her feel cold. What to do here? Trouble!

Masha decided to go look for Spring. I got ready and went. She came to the field, sat down on a hillock and called to the Sun:

Mashenka. Sunshine, sunshine, red bucket,

Look out from behind the mountains, look out until the spring time!

Presenter:1 The sun peeked out from behind the mountain, Masha and asked:

Mashenka. Have you seen, Sun, Red Spring?

Sunny: I didn’t meet Spring, but I saw old Winter. I saw how she left the fierce Spring, fled from the red one, carried the cold in a bag, shook the cold to the ground. But Spring doesn’t know about it. Go, red maiden, look for Spring. Call her to your lands.

Presenter:1 Masha went to look for Spring. Where does the sun go? blue sky, that's where she goes. It took a long time. She met Mother Earth.


Mother Earth, haven’t you met Spring?

Mother Earth:

Spring woke me up

Awakened to a new life

The last snow in the field is already melting,

Warm steam rises from the earth,

And the blue jug blooms

And the cranes call each other

Young forest, dressed in green smoke,

Warm thunderstorms are impatiently waiting,

Everything is warmed by the breath of spring

Everything around loves and sings.


And here are the bird messengers of the first spring, let's ask them.


Birds, have you seen Spring?

We saw, we saw

It was she who called us home from the south.


Tell the birds, where have you been?

What did you see? Did you live well and who were your friends?

We missed the village

By birdhouse, by trees

Next door - sparrow


And who brings Red Spring on his wings?

Children: Larks


Let's ask them to help us

Larks, larks!

Come and visit us

Bring it to us

Summer is warm!

Take it away from us

Cold winter!

It's a cold winter for us

I'm bored

My hands and feet are frozen!



It's winter on you,

And it's summer for us,

You're wearing a sleigh

And we have a cart!



It's winter on you,

It's summer for us!

You're wearing a sleigh

And we have a cart!

Larks, come,

Take away the cold winter,

Bring warmth to spring:

We're tired of winter

She ate all our bread!




I'll redden the spring

Bring it!

Cold winter

Larks, come!

Bring red spring!

We're tired of winter,

I ate all our bread

There is no bread or potatoes,

The samovar stands on the window,

I drank tea. Ate sugar

I impaled the samovar.


Masha began to call Vesna here too

Oh, Spring - Spring, good mother! You go to our lands, drive away the fierce Winter.


Come on, guys, and we will help Masha click Spring Red!

Come to us, spring,

With joy!

With a great one to us

With mercy!

With grainy rye,

With golden wheat

With curly oats,

With mustachioed barley,

With millet, with buckwheat,

With viburnum-raspberry,

With black currants

With pears, with apples

With every garden,

With azure flowers,

With grass-ant

Bubble, key, spider.

A little Easter cake flew to us.


Bring spring to our region!

Spring enters with a rocker, on which one bucket is dark, the second is light - it contains figures of paper birds.

SPRING: I am Red Spring!

I wake the earth from sleep,

I fill my kidneys with juice,

I grow flowers in the meadow.

I drive ice away from the rivers,

I make the sunrise bright.

Everywhere: in the field and in the forest,

I bring joy to people!


Spring is red, what kind of rocker do you have?

SPRING: The rocker is not simple. Do you see two magic buckets on it? In one - the dark - the dark night lives. In another - a bright - clear day.


Oh, how interesting. Which one is lighter and which one is heavier?

SPRING: Now both buckets are equal in weight. After all, today is the day of the spring equinox, day is equal to night. And then the light bucket will become heavier and heavier, because the day begins to grow.


Who is helping you, Red Spring?

SPRING: The red sun helps me. It works tirelessly, warming the frozen earth.


Spring is red, we have been waiting for you for a long time: now let's sing, dance and have fun!

Songs and dances.

SPRING: I brought you riddles in my magical light bucket.

The bird has an awl in front,

Behind the bird is Wiltse!

The bird itself is small,

And it was overseas. (martin)

Of all the migratory birds,

He looks for worms in the arable land,

Jump back and forth across the arable land,

And the bird’s name is... (rook).

A bird is grieving in the forest at night,

She is afraid to identify herself.

- Ku-ku... Ku-ku...

The edge does not sleep,

And this bird’s name is... (cuckoo).

We built it together

For guests of the spring house,

Or rather, a palace.

Fly here... (starling).


On March 22, in Rus' they baked “larks”, “kulichki”, “chuvilek” birds from dough, and smeared them with sweet fragrant honey. Children walked around the village, baked “larks”

they impaled them on poles, branches or pitchforks, threw their birds up and sang chants. They ran out to a high place to call out to the larks, and with them, spring. Then they hung the larks on the trees to treat the arriving birds. Sometimes coins and coals were baked into the larks for good luck.

Let's listen to these calls:

Come, spring, come, red!

With tall flax,

With deep roots,

With plenty of bread!



It's winter on you,

And it’s summer for them,

You're wearing a sleigh

And we have a cart!

Larks, larks,

Roll the wheel

Your children are behind the forest

Tied with a belt.

The calls were different in different places. There were also these words:

"Spring is red,

What did you come with? »

- “On the perch,

On the groove

ON an oatmeal,

On a wheat pie."

- “And we were waiting for spring,

The scraps were spun.”

A sandpiper flew from across the sea,

The sandpiper brought nine locks.

"Kulik, sandpiper,

Close the winter

Close the winter

Unlock spring

Warm summer! »


And now I invite everyone to a general round dance with Spring-Red

Round dance song “Oh, the water is running like a stream” (general)

Oh, the water is running like a stream -

No snow, no ice.

Oh, water! Oh, water!

No snow, no ice!

The cranes have arrived

And little nightingales.

Cranes, cranes!

And little nightingales!

We are singing spring flowers,

We are calling for red spring!

Oh, let's eat! Oh, let's eat!

We are calling for red spring!


We met with Spring,

We all knew about her

I want it to be about spring, beautiful

You told your family at home!

Presenter:3 Like larks fly high in the sky, so that the bread in your house will be tall, fluffy and tasty. Please help yourself, dear guests!

(distribution of treats)

« Orthodox holiday Magpies"

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Musical garden - folklore and ritual holidays in kindergarten - forum

Kolyada in other countries

So, in Bulgaria, Christmas is called Kolyada. They go around Christmas, praising Christ - koleda?ri, under New Year(Vasiliev's evening) - vasili?ri; in Ukraine, members of church fraternities sing carols, sometimes with an elder at the head, asking for the blessing of the priest, grabbing a church bell and intending to turn the caroled carols to some pious goal, but it is mainly children, rarely young women and boys who give; in Romania, at Christmas there is one composition of singers (young men and fathers of families, people from 18 to 45 years old), at New Year - another (children and young men from 7 to 18 years old).

Household and pagan roots of Kolyada

Along with pagan and Christian motifs, everyday motifs play a prominent role in carols, which are inextricably linked with the main purpose of carols - “dim fun” - directly expressed in the songs themselves, in the afterwords or carols. Russian carols are completely alien to the love element found in Romanian Christmas songs. Having as their task the glorification of the person to whom they are sung, the expression of all sorts of blessings to him, Russian carols are distinguished by their seriousness and sincerity. The content of these wishes changes depending on the gender, age and condition of those members of the host’s family to whom the carolers turn: the host is promised family happiness and contentment, girls - happy marriage. The carol, in an epic adaptation, represents this desired thing as realized: the owner lives in contentment and is happy with his family, the fellow is well done with love, etc. Carols that glorify the ideal of war, promising the glory of military exploits, should be considered among the most ancient. Many carols preserve the features of the ancient druzhina and princely ages. P. V. Vladimirov points out many features common to carols and epics (for example, choruses and conclusions). The later era of the struggle against the Poles was also reflected in the carols. Some also have a book source (for example, “The Key of Understanding”, Ioannikiy Golyatovsky). Wed. “Kiev Antiquity” 1889, No. 1 and 1891, No. 12.

The best carols were preserved in Old Russia, in Galicia among the Carpathian Rusyns. Yuletide rituals showed greater persistence, largely marked by features of pagan antiquity, reminiscent of both the honoring of the newborn sun and the cult of ancestors.

As a holiday in honor of the sun, Kolyada is accompanied in some places by the lighting of bonfires (the Serbs and Croats burn a badnjak log; the Scandinavians have julblock; the French have caligneau, la souche de No?l; in England ylelog; Ossetians keep the lights burning all night before the New Year ), and many harvest wishes are associated with it everywhere. This includes negotiations over a loaf of bread (see Korochun), ritual sprinkling of grain, various fortune-telling, mimic imitation of plowing, which among the Galician Rusyns developed into a whole game played by boys on St. Day. Melania. The favorable attention of the gods, from a pagan point of view, was conditioned by their proper treats and sacrifices; hence the ritual consumption of bread, porridge, and especially pigs. In Novorossia, they also bake a roe deer, which looks like either a goat on four legs (Vladimir province), or other animals or birds (Olonets province); The goat is taken care of from year to year, so that the animal goes home in the summer and breeds, and also so that the yard owner loves it (see Brownie). The last belief leads us to the cult of ancestors, which clearly appears in the Christmas rituals of Ukraine and Belarus. On “holy evening” (Christmas Eve), the evening dinner, consisting in Lubensky district, mainly of kutia (barley, occasionally wheat) and uzvar (a decoction of dried fruits), has a family and, in particular, memorial character: kutya is left overnight for the dead relatives; According to popular belief, vague reflections of small, doll-like people descending towards the table can be seen on the wall.

The celebration of Christmastide among Belarusians is the most archaic, not differing at all from Ukrainian rituals. The most curious feature of Belarusian Christmastide is games that are related to fortune telling about one’s betrothed, but are also partly reminiscent of games “between villages” (chronicle); The most remarkable is the Tsareshka's Marriage - a game with a bacchanalian character, depicting several couples.

Sayings and signs

Kolyada arrived on the eve of Christmas. The sun turns to summer, and winter turns to frost. No matter how bitter the frost is, the cheerful holiday will warm you up warmer than the stove. The saint's shirt is either poor or white; for Christmas it is at least harsh, but new. Weave bast shoes (on this day) - a (child) will be born crooked; sew for Christmas - you will be born blind. There will be a snowstorm on Christmas Day - bees will swarm well. At Christmas opoka (frost) - harvest for bread; the sky is starry - pea harvest. If the path is good at Christmas - to the buckwheat harvest. The sun plays five times a year: at Christmas, Epiphany, Annunciation, Bright Resurrection, and the Birth of John. Dark Christmastide - dairy cows; bright Christmastide - sock chickens. “Kolyada came on gray horses, and the horses needed sin (hay)” (Belarusian) (this is how they explain the custom of putting hay under the tablecloth on festive table). “Kolyada Velmi Varovitaya” (Polesie). Carolers are placed on doorsteps to encourage chickens to lay eggs. On carols it crackles at night and squashes during the day. Carols have arrived - pancakes and pancakes. Carols are the master's customs.

Scenarios of various folklore holidays

Script by gulnevag kirmash
/The dance floor is designed to look like kirmashnyh glades. A flock of lava, steel, a lot of people, booming music./
Barker: All the hutches are getting together,
Let's get to the holy place!
Kirmash Gulni is asking you,
Fun songs abyatsae!
Barker: Manya! Yes! Andreyka!
Tsit! Mikola! Apanas!
Gulnevy kirmash
We ask you, gentlemen!
Sister 1: Well, all the elders, lads, daughters,
Siadzice you kalia skrynki,
And geta skrynachka - Belarusian hut -
The arc of riches is populated.
Dzyauchynka 2: Cleaned with different flowers
Stars of different breeds
Lyuba peek-jump
This fair is here!
(come out gaspadynya)
Gaspadynya: People, I fly kindly!
I'll torture you with everything
You tell me, good news to me,
It’s good for you here, isn’t it?
Well then, why don't you guess?
Why artystav not vitaci?
(Two duchess sit at the first table with fabrics, at the other table the duchess and lads do their best, the third table is with manets.
Gaspadynya: Respect me, I’m young. From the wound itself, I only care for you. Paglyadzice is like for you the address of the fabric of the fisherman. Cool colors! Texture! Blask! Buyer, others didn’t respect the package. If you don’t want to buy something, just go with me! Otherwise I’m going to hell, what a difference!
Godfather: Oh, I’m here, but I don’t understand anything, maybe you’re asking for help, sir?
Panenka: Why not? I'll try.
Gaspadynya: And I’ll unwind the pack from your panenkay adrez, jumping yashche I’ll add a jumping cab for the walk.
(swipe the cab)
Gaspadynya: I will become a pasyaredzine and will shake the address, and you will take care of the ends. You need to, as the magician hutchey, wrap the fabric and me, then hell, let me fall upward, as a sign that you have succeeded. Whoever is right is the same. Gatovyya! Pachali! Vyaliki dzyakuy!
Gaspadynya: Hey, you guys are awesome! Paglyadzice, how young you are! Isn’t it a good idea to be so kind to you?! And you, the sons of the sons, are not arrogant, you are a bastard, a bastard! Well, what, asilki Belarusians, are these ready-made demonstrations good for? All the same, you are already enchanted (withdrawal of 2 knots). Sit at the table and jump with your arms. Touch your fingers, press your other hand onto the table, and squeeze your fingers and yourself, as long as you don’t wipe out your superb, and open your finger. Gatovy? Pachali! You guys!
(Gypsy exit)
Gypsy1: Good people, we are glad to be here!
Gypsy2: To the good chalavek, the Varatas themselves are getting excited!
Gypsy1: And we’ve passed you by the way,
Gypsy2: Anybody needs a party!
Gypsy1: If she didn’t forget about her childhood.
Gypsy2: What the hell is there!
Gypsy1: What's next for you?
I'll tell you the cards without slurs,
Gypsy2: Well, it’s pennies for us for places
What a loser you are!
(draw out the card)
1) Perad you open the gates,
And people laugh at the heat
Kali with us you will be kind, you and shchodra,
You're not all looking at the hangers!
2) My dears, let’s go often,
Don't you brag about yourself,
Hutka has come to the house,
In fact, everything is all around!
3) Avoid black cats,
On the streets of Khadzi Tsishey,
If I didn’t know, this time,
Look at you all the time, cheer up!
4) Chakae tsyabe pratsa new,
Long story short,
You have fallen from my brother,
Sparvu with her hutka zladzish!
Gypsy 1: Listen, dear May! Bachysh, how many unmarried people have accumulated. What kind of skin do you want to marry? Well, so we guess and guess.
Litch: W-west stove katsitstsa
Blue plaza,
There is a green bow on the tank,
You love some dandy
Tseraz godzik, tseraz two
Budzesh you jago zhana.
Captions: Lyusterka-jumper
Butelka-z pashanay bedze adnosіtstsa da garelki
Book - vuchons
Tsukerki-tsabe sweets are called budze
Gypsy2: The three of you walked with us, we told our daughters-in-law, what is needed and developed!
Gypsy 1: Gypsy 2: Gosseyki, don’t be crazy!
Saba shchastse padarujce,
Having fun, sleeping,
On the dance floor!
Dzyauchynka1: Let's go to the market, you'll need a penny of fur. Kali
There are pennies, you need to know how to treat them. Who is your favorite person?
pennies? You? So that's it for me!
(prakhodzitsy gulnya)
-Well, what did the gypsy give you?
-What a hutka I will not accept.
-I don’t believe the getam.
-Dziva, - I don’t believe it! As soon as I came out, I immediately fell asleep, what a bastard!
-Belarusian folk boys!
-Do you think I’ll live this futra from the ropes anyway?
-Why not, anyone? It's a rope to wear!!
- Yanka, what do you think?
-About you, and who are you.
- Ugh, how shameful you are!
-What are you, crazy? Do you eat garelka or salominka?
- I'm trying to say the words. I’ll jump in Zhontsy so that in May there won’t be any pain or drink.
- Well, my dears, is it delicious?
-Nyadrenna. Whenever it comes, don’t forget to add salt to the soup.
-Dze nachavaў, are you my mountain?-Torture the little woman Yagor.
-Do I kiss you at night? Don't call, don't forget!
-Such drama because of the cost!
I would be at my godfather's, at Ignat's,
Ў Yago Tsaper empty house
(Ignata Kinula Agata),
Let's start with the big deal!
Relaxed little woman and Yagora:
-Idzi, you’re working, let’s get on with it soon.
I didn’t touch this whole thing.
And the little lady started it here.
Yagor has the same torture:
-Well, was it bad and early? I don’t sleep at night, hell of praise!
-I was at Nina’s,
Walking on the eve of my name,
I'm afraid as hell of the ladies,
I'm not a bad person, I swear!
The husband is already excited:
-Oh, halera!
Collect your coins! Out with the quarters!
- Are you, Yanka, confused?
- Rams of God.
- Why are your lips confused?
- Can I...
Mala Petya jumped at the house and the havoryts matsi:
-Mom, my sonnya Tabe Parsyuchka doesn’t need karmits.
-Doesn’t chamu need anything?
- And I’ll work a job in the garden and leave it in the city, thank you daddy.
Barker: Oh, the music, what a breeze. Why did you stop playing? Do you need any information?
The drums are playing, and the cymbals are playing!
Oh, zaygraytse, zaspyavaytse, heat for the state scumbags!
Transition and chastovanya
Katya Good day to you, our fellows!
Did Anya Yashche get lost in our kirmasha?
Katya The gypsies didn’t call you for whoredom?
Is Anya Mabyts old or tired?
Katya And I get up in the morning and sell pancakes. She sold more of her favours, and added as much as she could, and let loose! This is not just pancakes, this is a treasury of funny riddles, they are hot and early, but the one who guesses my riddles, the one who guesses my delicious, fresh dish!
So, we will have fun,
And pancakes often.
For the rolls of pancake, like the Sun,
Treba pratsavat byaskontsa,
And if everything turns out well,
Guess my riddles
I will make a wish for dzyauchynak,
Belarusian Malaychynak.
And I will be for the lads
Belarusian Malays.
On the Yarokh field, peas are scattered - it has become light, there is no more time to collect
(sky and dawn)
(Whoever adkazvae, often aladkay.)
Shake it up
The cab was, like hell, smooth.
And you guys, don’t sit down,
And the dachshund is amazing!
Hit me with sticks, kick me with stones, but you mock me,
But I don’t love you.
Shake the pancake,
If only he were a little boy!
Well, dudes, not chakaytse,
And the fortune teller knows the riddle!
The current is pathetic. Pig peraskok, flour pastel.
(Skavarada, padmazka and pancake)
For such a challenging riddle, jump, jump, jump!
Lyatseў ptah, on the wall - bang. The waters will not rock, but will sink to the bottom.
Shake the pancake,
Treasures and wars!
There is an oak tree, there are 12 nests on the oak tree, there are 4 nests in the skin nests,
Leather nets for 14 eggs: seven black and seven white.
In front there are felts, in the back there are felts, on the back there is black cloth, pad
I'll wear a white tent.
Hell, well, little girl!
Paglyadzice: wow!
You guys, why can’t you sleep without bread?
(without skarynka)
Who doesn't walk with us?
Hai na sya narakae.
The black car is all the light, the white car is all the light
It fell.
(night and day)
Atrymaitse pachastunak –
Tasty padarunak.
Have we solved the riddles?
Have you ever experienced any changes?
Anya - And now we will often see those who are not at home.
(Vykhodzitsy Sasha)
Sasha - Why do we often budzem?
Katya - And eight chym bulbay!
Anya - Pakul music playing
Bulba is walking in your arms.
Sasha - Whoever has the bulba, he will leave us.
Anya – Padychodzce to us hutchey
We will go for a walk further.
Sasha - And this is how we dance,
Yak I pass on the bulba.
Prypeuki: I'm running carefully -
Berag asypaezza.
I love bizzubug
And he doesn’t bite
And at Tolevai Harmony
The planks are pascalized.
Not my love, darling, Tolya!
Tolya are destroyed.
Back and forth to the woks
I'm not going to die for anyone.
And right on the side, the sitter raked,
Which is of no use to anyone.
Not hadzіtse, dzeuki, u laznyu,
Not a couple of things.
Hell of a fire
Makeup advalizza.
I don’t need a pound of peas,
Just two peas.
I don't need many guys
I love it.
Khorasha taba, viburnum,
There are wide leaves on the tab,
Khorasha, my friend, -
You love the harmonicist.
I don’t need a pound of flour,
I don’t need a sieve,
I love you,
I'm full for the day.
-It’s all gone and our holy end
-Be healthy, live rich
-We wish I hadn’t tricked you at some point. Let's be glad, we've lived forever. The horses were all crumpled, there was no sickness.
-Byvaytse are healthy
Dabra nazhyvaytse,
And the year has passed,
You know us Chakay!
Guchyts final song

Visaginas on Sekmines (Sekmines Trinity Sabantuy)

On May 18, in the amphitheater between the Visaginas cultural center and the “Gerosios vilties” secondary school, traditional holiday Sekmines (other peoples have similar Trinity, Sabantuy, etc.).

Event organizer, Visaginas Cultural Center.

Children's and youth groups performed at Sekmines folklore groups from Vilnius “Reketukas” (in 2011 “Reketukas” became a laureate in the “Golden Bird” nomination and was recognized as the best children's folklore ensemble of the year).

Numerous folk groups also performed for the audience: folk music choir "Linksmuol?", folk groups (adults) "Gervel?", Russian folk ensembles "Bylina" and "?avoronok", Tatar folk ensemble "Miras", Belarusian folk ensembles "Suzorje" " and "Tano?ak", dance group"Rodni?iok."

Various creative workshops were organized for children. Those who wished were able to ride horses. And after the concert, everyone was treated to folk entertainment, as well as a treat - scrambled eggs fried over a fire and tea.

Shot with Sony HDR-CX570E.

theatrical performance

Guchytsya languid music. On the dance floor I am Symon.
Symon: Hey, guys, what's the big deal here? Otherwise I’ll get here and get lost. Well, if you're here, then let's get out of here! My name is Simon. I am calm and reasonable. And I’ll get my head around all the different books that people read. All you have to do is worry about it, please, and sell your bull to your feet. (Spakhoplyvaetstsa.) Oh, my God, why am I dying? (Aziraezza.) Yes and women, I don’t care. Lost! I don’t mind: people stink at the trees like trees in the forest. And the cabbies are so jumpy! Maybe it’s okay that my little lady is ruined. No, you need to look for it, because the lid and the lantern will be worth it to all intents and purposes. And you, pakul, I’ll piss off the little woman, don’t miss the shepherd’s song.
A vocal group emerges, a few songs are sung.
Coming out of the cab with cats (Symon's wife).

Kabeta: Oh, my God, how tired I am! Geta is not a kirmash, but a barefoot pakaranna for me. It's a hell of a lot of fun.
Yes, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

Dzyadulya: Good day, Maladzia. Why the hell did you bark like that all over the place?

Kabeta: Kago? The getag bull is unreasonable. Hey husband svaygo, may the pit of goodness be saved! That's the need - we went to the kirmash to sell the bull, and he immediately sign.

Dzyadulya: Bull?

Kabeta: No, my Simon. Only if - and like a carova licked her tongue. And then, like hell, let’s kick the bull. She jumped on the raft and let Simone go and play.

Dzyadulya: Maladzichka, give me the bull.

Maladzitsa: (kabіts kosht) I have borax-borax, killed pigs and chickens. I won’t sell it for dzeshava.

Dzyadulya: Oh, come on, jumping bull.

Maladzitsa: I’m bald, bald, washed skis, washed skis. I won’t just sell it!
Dzyadulya: Well, sell the bull!

Kabeta: I don’t have slaves, I don’t have meetings with kala women. Skin zen dapamagae, vosko ў me bull – pazalochany tank! Yong and chestnut road.

Dzyadulya: (pratsyagvae torbachku). All life is galada, the bag has pennies in storage. Wow, that's all that's here.

Kabeta: (looked into the bag). Everything is good. Zgodna. Wun goby is tied (with your hand at your side).
The foreman, reaching for his side, knocks and gasps for the bull.

Kabeta: She sold a good bull, she took a penny. Ale dze w geta maygo muzhika nosіts? Aren't you talking? (Zvartaetstsa da ўdzelnіkaў vakalnіkaў gurta, і vydzіtsі i і svіtsya Belarusian folk song. Kabeta ўkhodzіtsі. At the end of the song і "яўляецсия Symon.)

Symon: I don’t care, I don’t care, the hell with my wife, the devil himself doesn’t know! And I don’t know. Come on! (waving your hand).
In the following words, the girl drops the cab and grabs Simon by the cab.

Kabeta: Yeah! Are you okay, my love? Geta ya pavіnna tavar pradavat, kosh tsigats, and you’re not using much language here? (trase for the driver)

Symon: Oh, yakuy, my dear, the boy was white. I’ll buy you some honey and some hustka. Ludzi, ratuytse!
Come out harava kalektyў, sing a song, zavodzits haravod. Symona and yago zhonku beruts ў kharavod. Pasya sings the song “And I didn’t burn the stove, my dear, dear.” Symon z zhonkai plays the song.

Kabeta: Byary kosh, laydak, dy paishli. Kirmash is in full swing.

Symon: Tsikha! Don't get upset! Don't put people in a bad mood. Paishli ўzho.
Symon z zhonkai care. The folklorns sing a song and then dance.

Vyaduchaya: Good day, my dears! What is a game without fun and games? There I immediately ask the bravest, the most cunning, the most sneaky sabe padarunak atrymats. (Vyaduchay dapamaguyutsya two dzyauchyny, which carry out the rope on which the prayers are tied).

Vyaduchaya: You don’t need to tie your jaws and tie them with jumps and cut anything with presses. Kali atrymaetsa - your cry! Kali weasel. Eight first lads at a time pasprabue pryz atrymats.
Pravodzitsy gulnya "Zresh priz". Then I know from Simon and Kabeta.
Kabeta: I learned pancakes at a charming place. Oh, pancakes, pancakes! And I poured pancakes and jumped on the kirmash. And no one will buy anything. Damn the pig fell, panted and left.

Symon: Wow, I’m getting tired of my skin.

Kabeta: Oh, you look like hell! All I can do is jump a little bit at once! (Waving your hand.)

Simon: Good, good! Well, I want some dapamagchy, and you...

Kabeta: That's it! What about the pancakes? I tried so hard, baked, smeared with oils, scorched with honey, often made people happy.

Symon: Let’s work hard, don’t boast. Good people, let's start working. A whole tray of pancakes with butter and honey. It smelled like shit all over. Kashtuya thousand rubles. Who's in pain? Dzve! (pravodzitsy auktsyyon).
Pasla auktsyyonu dance kalektyў vykonvae nekalki danceў.

Vyaduchaya: Dzyakuy, dzyakuy, you danced well. And now I ask you for some kirmasha fun. (At the time of the day, they are used to draw attention to the details - pins and small balls). Whoever wants to make a mark for you, I ask you and me. You don't need to beat all 10 pins for three papyts, so as to try to padarunak.
Pravodzitsa Gulnya "Marks of Stralks". Paslya vakalny gurt sleepy nekalki songs.

Vyaduchaya: Shanovny syabry! We are very glad that you have fallen in love with our kirmash. Today, you have a magical look at the amazing works of our masters, and tax and buy something for yourself and for your family and friends. On our kirmashy pratsuye tsikavaya exhibition. Kali weasel is a lover, a looker, a buyer. And you and I are developing. May God grant you good health, peace, happiness and no troubles!
Vakalny group sings the song "Byvaytse zdarovy".

Lidiya Murintseva
Scenario for the event “As it happened in the old days.” Gatherings according to the customs and traditions of the Russian people

Scenario of folklore gatherings

"How happened in the old days» .

Goals: Raising children’s interest and love for Russian national culture, folk art, customs, traditions, To folk games;

Cognitive goal customs, rituals with oral. - Introduce children to songs, ditties, and riddles.

Educational purpose

Developmental goal

Expand ideas about traditions and customs of the peoples of Russia.

Introduce children to Russians folklore through songs, ditties, jokes, and fairy tales.

Cultivate respect for other cultures peoples.

Develop children's creative imagination and fantasy by involving them in theatrical activities.

Develop interest in studying the history of Russia, Russian folk art.

Cognitive goal: - Expand children’s understanding of culture and customs, rituals with oral folk art of the Russian people. - Introduce children to songs, ditties, and riddles. Educational target: To cultivate love for one’s homeland, one’s native land, its history and culture.

Developmental goal: develop Creative skills, aesthetic culture of children.


1) A table covered with a white tablecloth. On the table is a samovar, dishes with treats

Equipment: - Computer,

Multimedia projector,

Multimedia presentation « Customs, traditions and rituals of the Russian people.

Musical arrangement: -

Melody of the song by E. Shavrina "Chamomile Rus'".

Ringtones Russian folk songs“There’s a viburnum on the mountain” and “Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden.

Location:Assembly Hall.

Time spending:---


Demyanenko O. N

Murintseva L. I.

Celebration progress:

The song “In my upper room...

Good afternoon, nice people! We are glad to welcome you to our upper room. Rustic cheerful people, loves to sing songs, play games, and lead round dances.

1 presenter

Sit down more comfortably,

Don't rush, get yourself together.

We invite you to the warmth of the hut,

We wish to see you all.

How in old fashioned, our ancestors

Collected gatherings,

So happened in Rus'

They ate kalachi with a joke.

People look and show yourself

To lead round dances, to sing clumsily,

Funny nursery rhymes - jokes to tell,

2 presenter

On the rubble, in the light,

Or on logs, whatever.

Were going to gatherings

Old and young.

Were you sitting by a torch?

Or under the bright sky -

They talked and sang songs

Yes, they did a round dance.

We treated ourselves to good tea

With honey, obviously without sweets.

Just like today, we communicated, -

There is no life without communication.

How did you play? On the burners!

Oh, the burners are good,

In a word, these gatherings

They were a celebration of the soul.

The life of people is marked by a century.

Changed old world.

Nowadays we're all screwed

Personal dachas, own apartments.

Our leisure time is sometimes shallow

And what can I say?

It's boring to live without gatherings,

They should be revived.

If you are at ease

And they didn’t come to us for an hour,

We offer gatherings

Spend here now.

(Laughter is heard, bells ringing. The hostess opens the door)

Reb. - Hello, let me into your hut on gatherings?

Household -How will you pay?

Reb. -What do you need?

Household -Yes, just a little: wood cart, kerosene cans,

Yes, half a pound of wheat, and three buckets of peas,

Yes, a little honey, a pot of butter, and a little money.

That's a little bit!

Yes, I was joking. Why did you come?

Drink some tea and amuse the hostess.

Tell, listen, eat pies.

Laugh, dance, show yourself.

Household -Peace be with you, dear guests, you have come at a good hour

Song Russian and folk I'm meeting you today.

(To the song “It’s Saturday for us today” guests sit on benches.)

Girls enter. Each person holds some kind of treat, places it on the table and sings a verse of the song. “And I was drinking tea” (minus)

(knock on the door)

Presenter, more guests have come to us, come in with what you came to us with.

(junior group)

1. Listen guys,

We will sing awkward things.

A pig grazes on an oak tree,

A bear is steaming in the sauna!

Children: Nonsense, nonsense,

Pure nonsense!

Chipa-chipa, a-ha-ha-

Really, nonsense!

2 : There's nonsense on the fence

Made jam.

I saw a spider-

I lost my sight!

Children: Nonsense, nonsense...

3 : There is a watermelon on the table,

There's a fly on the watermelon!

The fly is angry at the watermelon, which does not fit into its belly!

Children: Nonsense, nonsense...

4 : A camel grazes on the mountain

In white embroidered pants.

And a flea rushes after him

On high heels!

Children: Nonsense, nonsense...

5 : We sang ditties for you

Is it good or bad?

And now we ask you,

So that we could be applauded.

Mistress: Thank you, guys, for the funny ditties!

Presenter: We have it for you puzzles:

Not bitter, not sour, not sweet.

Who will guess everything now?

He won't know his worries all year.

Riddles were present at all parties, celebrations, gatherings in our city. People loved adding and guessing them. Try and guess some of them. If you guess the riddle correctly, you get candy.

1Riddle first!

And prickly and porous, and soft,

And brittle and dearest to everyone! (Bread).

Riddle 2 is the second, the funniest.

"Sheep in a Cow" (Sock in a boot).

3. There is a bath in the belly,

There is a sieve in the nose, a button on the head.

Just one hand, and that one on the back! (Kettle)

4. They carry it into the oven - liquid,

They bring it out of the oven - firmly! (Porridge).

5 Small, round, but you can’t lift it by the tail. (Clew).

6 Five closets - one door. (Glove)

7It’s a new vessel, but it’s all full of holes. (Sieve)

8 Everything is right in plain sight. (Box)

9 Small, hunchbacked, he dug up the entire field. (Plow)

Riddles for adults and children.

Who among us doesn’t love pancakes – fluffy, rosy, round? Who can tell why pancakes are round?

Answer: They were baked at Maslenitsa in the likeness of the sun.

Why in old times Did you embroider flowers on the pillows?

Answer: To have good dreams.

Why were roosters embroidered on towels?

Answer: This is a symbol of the morning. To get up in the morning with the roosters crowing.

Our craftsmen were known far beyond the borders of Russia. Tula craftsmen even shoed a flea. Who remembers in which work this was written?

Answer: "Lefty" Leskova.

Many of us may have Palekh boxes at home. Why are they called that?

Answer: It was made by craftsmen from Palekh.

Famous glassware makers. There is a city in Russia where glass blowing has long been practiced. What's the name of this town?

Answer: Gus-Khrustalny.

Rustic boats, spoons, and bowls delight the eye with their bright colors and delicate patterns. What city is this dish from?

Answer: This is a Khokhloma painting from the town of Semenov, Nizhny Novgorod region. D

(girls come out ---)

two girls read ditties before performing dancing:

- Oh, stomp, foot

Stomp right

I'll go dance

Even if it’s small.

- I’ll go dance

By the straw

Give yourself away people

To the side!

Four more girls come out and perform ditties:

- Wider the circle, wider the circle,

Make the circle wider.

I'm not going to dance alone,

There are four of us.

- I didn’t want to dance

I stood and was shy,

And the harmonica started playing

I couldn't resist.

- And in our yard

The frogs croaked

And I'm barefoot from the stove,

I thought girlfriends.

- I was walking through the village

And I saw Vanyushka,

I sat and cried under a bush,

The chicken offended me.

Now we’ll tell you a riddle.

Scarlet silk handkerchief,

Bright sundress with flowers.

The hand rests on the wooden sides.

And there are secrets inside:

Maybe three, maybe six.

Got a little flushed...

This Russian …. (Matryoshka)

In the 19th century there lived - there was one Russian artist. While traveling around Japan, he saw many funny toys. And when he returned to Russia, he went to craftsmen: “Is it possible to carve such a funny doll?”. Carved, painted and named Russian name Matryoshka. And from then on in Rus' they began to make these amazing toys, but in each locality in its own way. People in the Nizhny Novgorod region became especially interested in the toy.


And we turn again to Russian matryoshka. 5 people per team take part in the competition.

Get a matryoshka silhouette cut out of cardboard. Your task is to dress up the nesting doll. The 1st person holds the matryoshka doll, sticking his face into the neckline, the 2nd person attaches a scarf, the 3rd-4th person attaches the sleeves, the 5th person attaches an apron.

Attention! Get ready! Let's start!

(Music sounds. The competition begins)

Russian proverbs, as well as Russian products, are famous throughout the world.

Proverb - soul and mind people.

She has love for the Motherland.

It contains the wise experience of many generations.

There is praise for work and contempt for laziness.

A proverb is a saying by the way.

A good proverb hits the spot, not the eye.

Next task: I name two words from the proverb. And you name the whole proverb. They called it correctly - they got the candy.

1. Labor is a pond (You can’t pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.)

2. The word is a sparrow. (The word is not a sparrow - it will fly out and you won’t catch it.)

3. Crane - tit (A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.)

4. Wolf - forest. (If you are afraid of wolves, do not go into the forest.)

5. Beauty is smart. (The house is run not by a beauty, but by a clever woman.)

6. If we don’t store, we cry. (We don’t keep what we have, and when we lose it, we cry.)

7. Again - from a young age. (Take care of your dress again, and take care of your honor from a young age.)

8. Rotok - scarf. (You can’t put a scarf over someone else’s mouth.)

Many foreign proverbs are very similar to ours in meaning.

I will tell you a foreign proverb, and you will answer me - Russian.

Vietnamese: “Before you speak, turn your tongue seven times.”

"Seven times measure cut once"

Afghan: “Bitten by a snake, afraid of the colorful ribbon”

“Whoever gets burned on milk blows water”.

Finnish: “There’s a lot of noise, but not enough wool,” said the devil, cutting the cat’s hair.”.

"Much ado about nothing"

African: "The son of a leopard is also a leopard".

- "The apple never falls far from the tree".

Alive tradition.

From generation senior

Rituals and words are important

From our past.

Three girls come out. They sit down at the table.

Mini- staging. Three maidens by the window

We spun late in the evening.

1-If I were a queen, I would prepare a feast for the whole honest world.

2--- If I were a queen, I would entire the world with just one prick of the canvas.

3-If I were a queen, I would give birth to a hero for the king’s father.

1-But for this you need to get married.

(The door creaked quietly and the king of that side, the sovereign, entered the room.)

Tsar. Be my bride.

And now we will show you Russian folk ritual"Bride price"

Middle group.

Now we'll see tradition of the Russian people"Housewarming".

Senior group.

What traditions and customs of the Russian people without oral folk art.

"The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights."(junior group).

The sky feels like whitewash

The Milky Way lit up

Stopped making noise gatherings

In our festive light,

Where we had to rest.

Days of communication are milestones of happiness,

Everyone is happy to have a get-together.

Business before pleasure

We shared news

We tried to entertain you.

We say goodbye to our guests,

Speaking: see you again!

It won't go out, it won't go out,

If you are not dumb, not deaf,

The brightest, the clearest

Russian spirit of gatherings

Gatherings, parties,

Stars in the festive heights -

This Russian pictures

Our life in Rus'.

Life is like this - not different,

Not overseas, foreign,

This is our side.

Everything that happened, remembering,

Let the native country live.

Very Russian, earthly,

The best country in the world!