New Year's greetings in the newspaper. The editorial board wishes you a Happy New Year. Julia Koroleva, editor-in-chief of Myslo

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In 1889, Petr Petrovich Soikin began publishing the first local history literary magazine in Russia, Nature and People.

New Year's greetings

Dear reader!

How good that this New Year we meet again together. Agree - to celebrate the holidays is always more fun in a big company. And the number of readers of the journal "Nature and People" is an impressive army.

We are all different. I know that schoolchildren and pensioners, entrepreneurs and state employees, heads of enterprises and their subordinates read our publication. But there is something that unites all our readers - this is an interest in life as such, a desire to make it a little better. And if we want to change something for the better, we need to at least be in the know.

I think that is why you, dear reader, are now on the website of our magazine. I repeat: each of us has our own views on what is happening, our own problems, our own interests. And we, the editorial staff, try to take these interests into account.

It is possible to list the topics we write about for a long time, but probably the best thing to tell about the magazine in the coming year is the magazine itself. So keep reading Nature and People magazine! The outgoing year was beautiful in its own way and complicated in its own way. For us, for the Nature and People magazine, it was a year of new challenges and new discoveries. We sincerely tried to be better, more interesting, more relevant.

To be honest, it was only in 2015 that we realized the full extent of the responsibility that we ourselves placed on ourselves. Last year we wrote articles on topics of interest to you, published news about literature, art and events that took place more than 120 years ago.

This holiday also reminds us of almost limitless possibilities and perspectives that we all have, brings new energy, new ideas and intentions. The journal "Nature and People" sets quite ambitious goals for 2016.

We plan to grow and develop, to become even more interesting, diverse and useful for you. For us, the most important thing is to keep the bar, which was set in 1889 by a wonderful person and Professional with a capital letter Petr Petrovich Soikin!

Next year we will launch new services, which have no analogues in Runet yet. We are grateful for your support and your interest. We are working for you.

In the coming year, we want to wish you well-being, joy, love and, of course, good health, we will need a lot of it, and happiness to our children. Russia will belong to them, as it belonged to their great-grandfathers and ancestors.

From the point of view of history, Russia is a young country. We are a little over a thousand years old. And for us, for the time being, even one lived year matters.

A word from the new editor-in-chief.

December trial.

During the past month, I had my “test of writing” internship on the website of the group of analysts “Point of View”, and of course, Dato Gomarteli helped me a lot, instructing, supporting, encouraging and energizing me for serious work ahead. Thank him very much! - an unusual and specific project, and in order to lead it, and even more so to develop it, one desire is not enough.

Who am I? An ordinary person striving for spiritual freedom, not burdened by religious traditions and belonging to organizations that almost always leave their imprints in the form of limits and debt obligations. A man deeply imbued with what Igor Mikhailovich Danilov said in seven programs (in seven, taking into account the first - about geliars).

I take the baton on a difficult section of the path. I accept the condition to write in a simple, accessible and lively form, without journalistic pretentiousness, sectarian refinement and scientific academicism. And I understand that among the millions of existing sites on the Internet, there simply must be those that are aimed not just at popularization, but specifically at studying the Aboriginal Knowledge and related analytics. However, my best motivation is the golden millennium for humanity, and for the sake of this lofty goal, I am easily ready to sacrifice my free time. On the project, I will be listed under the nickname A ..., which means "administrator" for short. In order not to draw undue attention to personalities, I will add that under the "administrator" in time there may well be someone else.


Each of us can!

Good and evil, courage and cowardice, mind and stupidity, God and the Devil do not recognize geographical boundaries, state charters and national affiliations, they are in every person. Over the past century, we have built billions of walls and fences that separate us from each other, we have written thousands of laws to protect us from each other, we have created great amount useless things to show each other that we are different, and this is the greatest evil of disunity that divides people all over the world.

"The system separates, people unite!" - said Anastasia Novykh in her inspiring article, and I fully support her. Often a person himself, without knowing it, is an active conductor of the System, and then, disappointed, complains about some injustice. And all because he does not have elementary spiritual knowledge or the desire to possess this knowledge. Our modest work, in fact, is aimed at ensuring that the most ordinary person has at least a meager interest in understanding the fundamental question "who is he?", and then already making a personal choice.

Outside the 21st century. We have come close to a fateful milestone, times of severe trials due to the cyclical nature of global cosmic processes (), and it is very important for all of us to remember the main thing, the reasons for what is happening - striving for unity and friendship, mutual understanding and cooperation - so that humanity can survive on this small planet, correcting everything that has been corrupted over the centuries due to a lack of knowledge and disrespect for one's neighbor. Many of us today say: the system is too strong, the world is too distorted, what can I do alone? Surrendering without a fight and wasting our attention on the illusion of three-dimensionality, every second we pass by thousands of opportunities to change this world for the better, straighten out the distorted, because each of us has a huge potential, it is enough just to direct attention to knowing ourselves, God, developing our spiritual sides.

I believe if I can, anyone can. And one warrior in the field, if he is filled with the strength of the Spirit. But how the world will change when those who are strong in Spirit learn to stretch out their hands to each other!

Thanks and congratulations.

Thanks to everyone who believed in us and continues to believe in us. Thanks to those who supported us. Thanks to those who left us. Thanks also to those who, being in the support group, expected when we would make a mistake. Thanks also to everyone for whom we are like a bone in the throat. Without you and your help, in light and dark, we would not continue our development, even through mistakes, but this is the way.

Friends, I want to congratulate you on the New Year 2017 and wish you Peace, Kindness and Love, and also to remind you that all of us, people living on the planet, being in our Spiritual component, that is in a state of wave, being on feelings, we represent - " single living organism", and in order to feel Him, it is enough to learn to live by Love, deep feelings. In each of us there is a piece of the One who created this delightfully diverse world. We must feel it ourselves and try to help others in this ... understand for ourselves and explain to others that a person with the divine Soul within is part of the whole and indivisible, whose name is on different languages God ... a person with a divine Soul inside is not a sectarian, not a religious fanatic and not a fantasizing fool, but - each of us living side by side ... regardless of whether he lives in the north or in the south, in the east or in the west ; is it black or white; Orthodox, Muslim or Buddhist. We must do everything so that not new discoveries and technologies, not rockets and shells, but the hand of spiritual Knowledge, Help and Friendship overcome the barriers that separate us. For we are all one.

May there be more spiritually liberated personalities on the planet in the new year, they will lay the first floors for that very Golden Millennium, in which many of us have believed. While the foundation for these floors are you and me.

Happy New Year 2017!

Sincerely, the team of analysts group "Point of view"

I sincerely congratulate you on the upcoming New Year and Christmas - beloved, joyful holidays filled with the light of hope, directed to the future, from which only good changes are always expected, the fulfillment of the most cherished desires!

The outgoing year will be remembered for bright political events, fruitful work on the introduction of innovative technologies, and the creation of favorable conditions for attracting investments.

The development of production, science, social sphere, health care, education, culture and sports has been ensured. Thank you, dear friends, for your hard, conscientious work!

I believe that the coming year - the year of the 350th anniversary of the city of Penza - will consistently continue the creative relay race, and we will take new steps to improve the well-being of Penza residents.

We pin special hopes on the youth. It is on the knowledge, energy and determination of the young that the present and future of the native land, the pace of its socio-economic development largely depend. I am convinced that, together with representatives of the older generation, young people will be able to increase the achievements and glory of the Penza land!

Dear friends! May the coming year carefully preserve all the best and bring good luck, prosperity, success in all good deeds andundertakings, many bright and joyful days! I wish you good health, happiness and love, a festive New Year's mood!

V. Bochkarev, Governor of the Penza Region

Dear shoemakers!

I congratulate you on the good and bright holidays - New Year and Merry Christmas!

May the New Year bring you many interesting surprises, may you be surrounded only by pleasant, kind, beautiful and lucky people. May your life be filled with joyful events, positive emotions, good deeds.

I wish you to meet the holiday with a wonderful mood in the circle of your loved ones and friends. May comfort, love and joy always reign in your home, and every day be filled with happiness and confidence in the future.

A.Savankov, Head of Administration of the Bashmakovskiy District

Dear residents of the Bashmakovskiy district! My dear countrymen!

Please accept my most sincere congratulations on the New Year and Merry Christmas!

Another year is behind us. Despite the difficulties, we have achieved good results in our work.

You and I were one team, and this made it possible to implement the tasks set, to achieve success in the common cause.

May the coming year be successful and fruitful for you, a year of new opportunities and achievements. May it fill your life fresh air, pleasant excitement, good feelings. May new horizons open up to you in the coming year, the highest peaks will be conquered, new acquaintances and meetings will be pleasant. May your dreams come true and your goals come true.

Take care of each other, give loved ones love and warmth. Happy New Year!

S. Vanyushin, Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Penza Region

Dear shoemakers!

I congratulate you on the coming New Year and Merry Christmas! Let all the worst and unnecessary remain in the old year, and let all the best enter the new year - dreams, desires, aspirations. Let this year be remembered as another passed stage of life, which taught something, gave something for the future. Let everything conceived on New Year's Eve - happen, unrealizable - come true! Let the magic of New Year's Eve touch everyone. I wish you happiness, health, good luck, true friends and sincere people on the road of life.

A.Polyakov, head of the administration of the Bashmakovo settlement

Dear residents of the Bashmakovskiy district, dear pensioners!

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the coming New Year and Merry Christmas!

Meeting the New Year holidays, we always believe in the best, and let it really happen. Let all worries and troubles remain in the outgoing year.I wish you all good health for many, many years to come!

Be happy, successful in business and study, may there always be people who love you next to you.

More joy, smiles, kindness, friendship, happiness, material well-being and good luck to you!

G. Lvova, Head of the Pension Fund Department for the Bashmakovskiy District

Dear educators, veterans of pedagogical work, residents of the Bashmakovskiy district!

Please accept my most heartfelt congratulations on the New Year and wishes of all earthly blessings: family happiness, joy of life, respect for others, love of relatives and friends, success in work and study.

May the coming year bring you many new pleasant experiences, happy moments, pleasant surprises. Let's live light and joyfully, respect each other. And then our world will become better, warmer, more reliable.

I wish you good health, happiness, family comfort, mutual understanding from loved ones. Be happy!

V. Tokarev, Head of the District Education Department

I congratulate the entire staff of the Bashmakovskoye gas section, as well as former employees, on the upcoming New Year and Merry Christmas!

According to the good old tradition, on New Year's Eve it is customary to please with good wishes, signs of attention of those who are dear to us.

With all my heart I wish you happiness and good luck, health and love, creative and professional success! Family well-being, material stability and many pleasant surprises!

May all the wishes that you make while raising glasses of champagne come true! Happy New Year!

Y. Kurenkov, head of the Bashmakovskoye gas section

Dear residents of the region!

Dear war and labor veterans!

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the coming New Year and Merry Christmas! I wish that these bright and joyful holidays bring each of you good health, long life, attention and love of loved ones, fulfillment of all hopes. I wish you all happiness, love and health!

May this holiday bring a lot of positive, sincere fun, many gifts and miracles! Meet him joyfully, with a smile and hope, and he will surely fulfill all your dreams.

May all of you in the new year be warmed by hope and protected by fate!

T. Sulina, Head of the Department of Social Protection of the Population

Dear residents of the villages of the Solominsky Village Council, workers of our economy, veterans of SEC Sputnik! I sincerely congratulate you on the New Year and Merry Christmas!
I sincerely wish that in the coming year all your plans come true. May the love, care and attention of loved ones save you from all the vicissitudes of fate, help you gain confidence in the future.
May luck and prosperity live in every house this year, and illnesses, hardships and anxieties will bypass. I wish you good health, long life, good attitude from the people around you, warmth and attention of children and grandchildren. Festive mood to you!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

V.Frolov, General Director of Sputnik LLC

Brouss Nika, correspondent of the newspaper "Lada"

New Year is the smell of a Christmas tree and tangerines. As a child you want to believe in New Year's fairy tale, make a wish with the hope that it will come true, and wait for a miracle on the magical New Year's Eve. Winter is painted in white colors in order to start life from a white, clean slate. I want to wish you, dear readers, health, snake wisdom and the fulfillment of all your desires. Happy New Year!

Stanislava Kutsay, correspondent of the newspaper "Lada"

Happy New Year, friends!
I sincerely wish that every wish made on New Year's Eve will certainly come true! So that an old dream will come true! So that there are more bright and colorful moments in your life, and love will certainly settle in your heart! Happy holiday!

Svetlana Antonova, correspondent of the Lada newspaper

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate our readers and users of the site who have been with us throughout the year!
Site users are generally a separate category of people whom I would like to note and thank for the fact that they actively participate not only in the discussion of news, but also provide all kinds of assistance to both us, journalists, guiding, scolding, praising, and people who are support was needed this year. Thanks to their opinions and participation, many city problems in the outgoing year, if not resolved, then at least moved forward.
The kind cat Leopold liked to say: “Guys, let's live together!”, but I want to. To paraphrase a little, say: “People, let's be in the new year kinder friend to friend! Even if not on a universal scale, but let's start small - with our families, neighbors, friends, colleagues. I wish everyone in 2013 patience, tolerance, mutual assistance, understanding, responsiveness, simple human warmth and kind eyes on the contrary.

Igor Nesterov, correspondent for the Lada newspaper

One calendar date replaces another. It would seem that what's the difference what number is on the calendar, but the transition from December 31 to January 1 for some reason always pleases and worries. Evaluate what was, think about what will be. I hope that you, dear readers, do not have anything bitter in the past, and only the brightest ahead.
The year of the fire-breathing Dragon is leaving, with which I congratulate the firefighters. The year of the Snake is coming, in connection with which I want to say: “Gentlemen, do not be snake-like reptiles! Read the Lada newspaper and you will be happy!”
According to statistics, most children are born in September. So I guess what you, dear readers, are mainly doing in new year holidays. I'm not hinting at anything, but I will note that this is a necessary, useful and enjoyable activity. I wish you success! Happiness to your families, love to spouses, affection to children and grandchildren.
Let the children obey you and behave correctly in the new year, and if anything is in the corner, then let it be a Christmas tree or a pot of flowers. Let the confetti from the holiday cracker shower you with banknotes, and the tinsel will be long, long, like your happy life. Good health to all! Happy New Year! With new happiness!

Rashid Ismagilov, correspondent of the Lada newspaper

The outgoing year brought many new events into our lives - some were pleasant and made us happy, while others, perhaps, upset us. In any case, this year is coming to an end. The next - unpredictable and unknown 2013 is coming!
I want him to bring a new range of positive emotions into your life, interesting events, unexpected and pleasant surprises, as well as fun, incendiary meetings and many new exciting acquaintances! May the coming year bring you only joy, may every day be filled with bright and bright rays of light in your life! Leave all your anxieties in the outgoing year, let it all remain there, beyond the line, in the past ...
I want to wish you that your wishes come true on the eve of the new year, so that all the plans you have conceived come true. So that you are surrounded on this day by the closest and beloved people. And even if you are in a quarrel with them, do not be too lazy to congratulate each other, do not be too lazy to apologize or forgive them, because sometimes we get hung up on such trifles that are simply not worth it. I wish you a merry and joyful New Year's Eve, in which you so want miracles to happen! Be happy! Happy New Year!

Gulnara Musalimova, correspondent of the Lada newspaper

Dear readers of Lada!

I hasten to say the warmest words in the coming 2013! The end of the world did not take place, which means we will live! We will make Lada, rejoice at your successes.
May your life be bright and harmonious, your home cozy and hospitable, may luck and love be your faithful companions! May our problems be resolved in the new year, we will gain strength, get rid of ailments. For the fulfillment of our desires, for all that is good, inspiring and beautiful. For our happy future!
Happy New Year with a new happiness!

May the new coming year
Our native Aktau lives in harmony,
People come with news to Lada.
And we will not leave them without a reward.

Let everything be calm on the roads,
Traffic cops behave, yes, with dignity.
Criminals so that everything has sunk into oblivion,
Let their song be sung.

And the coaches, on the contrary, let them be active,
Athletes we are preparing very strong.
For gold to flow here like a river,
And we would applaud standing!

Do not be extremely strict with us,
After all, sometimes we accidentally make mistakes,
Forgive us occasional mistakes.
We are not gods, we are not knights in armor.

The year was not easy, but tragic at the end,
But you were not indifferent to trouble.
Thanks for the support, consolation,
For faith in justice without a doubt!

Let's enjoy life together
Giving smiles to everyone will not be superfluous.
With all my heart I wish you all happiness and health.
Here are all my words that are spoken with love!

Alena Loginova, editor-in-chief of the Lada newspaper

Dear ladies, dear gentlemen, Happy New Year!
What excites us so much in this holiday? I would venture to suggest that the word "New" in its name. With the chimes, for a moment it seems that everything in our life can still be changed. As in childhood, when I wrote the daily routine on a piece of notebook paper, I hung it over my desk and believed that from now on every day you will do exercises and correct all the triples.
I wish you faith that you can correct all mistakes, forgive all offenses and start life from scratch. Like Joseph Brodsky in "A Christmas Romance":

Your New Year in dark blue
wave in the midst of the urban sea
floats in an inexplicable longing,
like life starts again
as if there will be light and glory,
good day and plenty of bread,
as if life will swing to the right,
swinging to the left...

Happiness to you!

Gennady Skraglenko, Director of LadaTV Press LLP

Dear friends!

The most unofficial and most desired holiday since childhood is coming - the New Year! Changing the main numbers on the calendar is an occasion not only to make wishes, but also to remember the past year. Speaking in business terms, we are all making plans for the future this evening and evaluating the past. I also want to sum up the life of our site for 2012.
The most important achievement of the outgoing year was your attention and your trust! We, the people working on the site, and you, our valued users, have realized over the past year how much we can do together. And we have already done a lot together!
Yes, we do not always agree on opinions, disputes often arise in the comments to the materials of our correspondents, and I think that this is correct. Heated discussions on the site show how different we are! But I believe that each of us wants goodness and justice, wants to make our region and country better.
To the spiteful critics, I want to separately wish, first of all, health and patience, and say the traditional "you won't wait." I want to assure skeptics that everyone who needs to read us, right down to the last comma, and there are a lot of examples of this.
I wish you that in the new year all your dreams come true, that peace and harmony always reign in your homes! May the Year of the Snake be rich in bright, joyful events! I wish you happiness, health and Have a good mood and good news!.

The newspaper in the outgoing 2014 for you, dear readers, was created by the creative team "Dawn". Our good wishes we address you!

Olga Turukina, editor-in-chief

From the bottom of our hearts we greet our loyal readers, with whom the Zarya newspaper has lived for another year. Together we rejoiced at the success of our athletes at the Winter Olympics in Sochi, we worried and continue to worry about the events in Ukraine. A year has passed under the auspices, during which on the pages of our newspaper we talked about the brightest events and creative teams, about achievements and victories, about the daily life of the district.

New Year is the next stage of our life. And what it will be depends only on us. Let the New Year's Eve be truly magical. I wish you health, good luck, kindness and peace! Take care of your family and value your friends. And may faith not leave you, hope will be a constant companion, and love always lives in your hearts!

Svetlana Dautova, Deputy Editor-in-Chief

New Year is a wonderful holiday, with the aroma of spruce, the explosion of firecrackers, the taste of tangerines. Each of us expects only the best from the coming year, because it must be more successful and more joyful than the previous one!

On this magical night, I would like to wish that this happens, and every day brings vivid impressions, pleasant meetings, sincere smiles, so that all wishes made under the chimes will come true. May 2015 open up new, still unknown horizons in your life and fill it with many amazing surprises! May life give you wonderful journeys and new achievements, and may success be the companion of all your undertakings! Let problems and hardships not touch you and your loved ones, and let the house be filled with happiness and cheerful laughter. Happy New Year!

Valentina Gutchina, executive secretary

“The heart lives in the future,” wrote the great poet A. S. Pushkin. Perhaps that is why for all of us the most favorite holiday is the New Year. After all, the New Year is a kind of door to the future; listening to the chiming clock on a festive night, everyone makes their cherished wish, sincerely hoping that in the new year everything will be amazing and wonderful and all dreams will come true in the most wonderful way.

I would like to wish dear countrymen happiness and prosperity in the new year, so that everything is wonderful in a new way, and every day gives only good emotions. May all dreams come true!

Svetlana Maricheva, correspondent

With all my heart I wish you all warmth and family well-being. May all your dreams and desires come true! May the New Year bring you only joy, good mood, wealth in the family. Smile more often, rejoice in the successes of colleagues, relatives, relatives and friends, help your neighbors and remember, do good!

Natalya Yurkova, correspondent

Among my wishes for the New Year are the wishes of optimism and inexhaustible energy. Smile, despite the crisis and fall - the rise of the currency, smile and enjoy life, never lose heart!

I would like to wish positive, joy, warmth to all our dear readers. The most important thing is that peace and harmony reign in your families, and children always delight with their success and attention. Be happy!

Lyudmila Grafova, computer typesetter and layout operator

The world celebrates the New Year in different ways, but I prefer to spend this holiday with my family.

First of all, I want to wish our readers happiness, prosperity and joy. May the coming year pass cloudlessly, remaining in memory as the year of fulfillment of cherished desires. Happy holiday!

Tatyana Aleinikova, computer typing and layout operator

I will not repeat myself, congratulations with poetic lines:

Happy New Year,

May he be happy!

And good weather to you

In the house, in life, outside the window!

Tatyana Zhurikhina, chief accountant

May the New Year give each of you all the best and wonderful: good health, work to your liking, prosperity, family happiness and prosperity! Let children, grandchildren, relatives only please you, and every day brings only good news. Be happy!

Galina Netoleeva, proofreader

The pattern on the windows sparkles with frost,

Silver snow is everywhere.

May the New Year generously give good luck,

Cherished dreams will come true!

And let the fate of pleasant gifts,

Bright and joyful days await.

With all my heart - health and prosperity,

Good luck in the coming year!

Tatyana Antropova, secretary

We are all different, not similar to each other, but the wishes under the New Year tree, perhaps, are the same for everyone - we wish each other health, prosperity and happiness.

Be happy! Let all your dreams come true, and life pleases with good miracles!

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