Surgery to remove amniotic bands, rehabilitation period. Amniotic cords are a serious complication of pregnancy detected by ultrasound. Danger and possible complications

With this pathology, constrictions (amniotic fusions, Simonard's cords) appear inside the fetal bladder - fibrous formations floating in the amniotic fluid. At a very early stage, they do not create problems, but as the child grows in utero, they can wrap around his body, leading to serious consequences.

Causes of formation of amniotic cords

The exact cause of the formation of adhesions has not yet been established, but there are several theories that explain this phenomenon:

  • Damage to the fertilized egg at the beginning of pregnancy, leading to disruption of the development of the amnion (the inner lining of the fetal bladder).
  • The entry of microbes into the uterine cavity, causing inflammation of the membranes of the bladder (amniotitis) or the uterus (endometritis). This theory is supported by the more frequent development of pathology in women suffering from chronic inflammatory processes of the genital area and STDs.
  • Vascular disorders that prevent adequate blood supply to the fetal egg and lead to improper development of its inner membrane.
  • Viral infections suffered at the very beginning of pregnancy that affect the development of the amniotic sac. TORCH infections (toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus, rubella, herpes) are especially dangerous, but ordinary flu or acute respiratory infections can create problems.
  • Anomalies in the development of the uterus, making it difficult to form a full-fledged amniotic sac (childish, bicornuate saddle-shaped organ).
  • Isthmic-cervical insufficiency is a weakness of the uterine cervix, which is unable to support the enlarging amniotic sac. Dilatation of the cervical canal leads to rupture of the amniotic membrane and penetration of infection into the uterus.

How does pathology develop?

While the embryo is small, the constrictions float inside the bladder. Then, in some cases they resolve, but sometimes Simonara strands interfere with pregnancy.

Wrapped around the arm, leg, neck or head of the fetus, the constrictions compress the tissue, impeding blood circulation. This leads to scar formation and disruption of intrauterine development. Children are born with underdeveloped or missing finger phalanges, hands and feet. Compression of nerves and blood vessels causes paralysis of the limbs, atrophy of muscles and tendons.

Impaired blood supply to the joints, caused by compression of the limbs by cords, leads to the birth of children with inflexible, inextensible, unnaturally inverted limbs, clubfoot and clubbed hands.

With significant tissue compression, tissue death occurs. During this time, a severed limb is discovered floating in the amniotic fluid separately from the fetus. Sometimes an arm or leg completely loses functionality and “dries out,” so it has to be removed after the baby is born.

When the umbilical cord is compressed by the cord, the supply of oxygen and nutrients stops and the fetus dies. With incomplete compression, the child develops under conditions of hypoxia, leading to underdevelopment of the brain and cerebral palsy.

In 12% of cases, compression of the child’s face occurs. Violation of tissue nutrition of the maxillofacial area leads to serious pathologies - deformations of the nasal area, facial asymmetry, underdevelopment of the eyeballs, lacrimal glands and ears on the affected side. Facial clefts, cleft palate (cleft palate) and cleft lip (cleft lip) occur. Compression of the facial nerves causes congenital strabismus, problems with vision and hearing.

Compression of the fetal abdominal area by a cord leads to gastroschisis - a cleft on the anterior abdominal wall and omphalocele - a hernia of the umbilical cord. With these pathologies, the baby’s intestines and internal organs extend beyond the abdominal cavity. Children often die in utero, and those who survive require major surgery.

At what time are amniotic cords detected?

In most cases, the pathology is visible during. But sometimes constrictions are discovered later. The situation is best seen with 3D and 4D ultrasound. During the examination, it is determined whether the cords have touched parts of the child’s body and whether they are interfering with the free movement of the fetus.

If amniotic bands are detected, the woman is prescribed fetal echocardiography, which reveals hypoxia. If during the examination it is clear that the cords are not rough, small and located outside the baby’s body, the woman is prescribed constant monitoring. In approximately 70% of cases, pregnancy can be carried to term by constantly monitoring the condition of the fetus via ultrasound.

As a rule, if the cords have not caused complications up to 25 weeks, they will not interfere with pregnancy in the future. If entanglement occurs at a late stage and still occurs, emergency delivery is performed. The choice of labor management depends on the location of the constriction and its thickness. Often you have to resort to caesarean section.

If constrictions crossing the baby's body are detected at an early stage, termination of pregnancy is proposed due to the high risk of deformities in the child. Women who risk leaving such a pregnancy need to understand that the risk of premature birth and intrauterine death will be high, and subsequently the baby will need long-term rehabilitation and prosthetics.

Some clinics offer surgery for endoscopic dissection of the amnion constriction. Unfortunately, this method has not yet been sufficiently developed, so it often does not produce results, ending in fetal death or premature birth.


The simplest and easiest way to avoid the problem is thorough preparation for pregnancy, which reduces the risk of the formation of Simonard's bands and other complications. Before the planned conception, you need to treat existing inflammatory processes in the genital area, get checked for and.

In case of isthmic-cervical insufficiency, interventions are carried out to prevent premature opening of the cervix and prevent microbes from entering the uterine cavity.

Since the only method for detecting pathology is ultrasound examination, it must be completed several times throughout pregnancy. If the presence of amniotic cords is suspected, additional and out-of-time screening will be required.

A pregnant woman should be very careful about her health, because in addition to herself, she also takes care of a little man whose life is just beginning.

If up to the 25th week the pregnancy proceeded without deviations, then most likely there should be no problems in the later stages. If the cord does not affect the fetus and is elastic, then the birth goes well.

If the cord passes through the child, then the woman’s pregnancy is terminated. In this case, AT can entangle parts of the child’s body and disrupt their blood flow.

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The result of such a pathology can be:

  • edema
  • tissue death (necrosis)
  • depressions of fingers and limbs
  • hemangiomas
  • craniofacial injuries
  • “cleft lip”, “cleft palate”, strabismus
  • premature birth

You can diagnose the presence of AP using. Usually at 12 weeks it is already possible to draw a conclusion whether such a pathology exists.

Since the exact causes of the amniotic cord are still not known, it is not possible to completely protect yourself from its appearance.

However, based on the fact that various inflammatory processes can play a negative role and lead to the appearance of a cord (by the way, not only this), women are recommended to undergo all kinds of examinations before pregnancy, and also monitor their own health extremely closely during pregnancy .

The doctor cannot influence the development of AT. Patients with this diagnosis are under constant medical supervision. In most cases, if up to 25 weeks the presence of a cord does not threaten the development of the fetus, there will be no danger from it in the future.

If it is determined that there is a threat to the child, an operation is performed to cut the cord intrauterinely, or the pregnancy is terminated.

Amniotic cord is not a very pleasant diagnosis. But we must remember that irreversible consequences are extremely rare. Most often, pregnancy proceeds normally even in the presence of this pathology. Timely examinations and compliance with all doctor’s recommendations can truly become a real guarantee of health.

When carrying a child, a woman must understand that common colds and other infectious diseases can have a completely unpredictable effect on the health of the unborn baby.

Of course, there is no need to scare yourself and think about bad things. But it is simply necessary to realize that, first of all, this is a huge responsibility.

There are quite a lot of infectious diseases. Each of them can be potentially dangerous, affecting the intrauterine development of the baby. The degree of exposure to infection depends on several factors: the immunity of the expectant mother, the duration of pregnancy, the type of disease itself and its severity.

Pregnancy for every woman is an important stage during which she worries every day about the health of her unborn baby. In most cases, everything goes well and the pregnancy is not overshadowed by any doctors’ diagnoses. But sometimes it happens that a problem is discovered during the process. Some women may hear such a thing as “amniotic bands” during an ultrasound. Not everyone knows what it is, and either they don’t attach any importance, or, on the contrary, they are scared.

Conception, and then its course, is such a mysterious process that sometimes even doctors cannot say for sure what influenced the development of a particular pathology in a woman.

Some women may hear during an ultrasound examination that amniotic bands have been detected.

Amniotic bands are threads that appear in the amniotic sac. Some may think that there is nothing wrong with this, but in fact they can lead to very dangerous pathologies.

Sometimes the threads may simply be in the amniotic sac and not come into contact with the baby in any way, but in most cases they directly touch it.

It is this fact that forces doctors to prescribe additional ones, based on the results of which the problem and possible risks will be identified.


Despite the fact that medicine does not stand still, and scientists carry out thousands of studies every day, it is still not known exactly what causes the appearance of amniotic bands.

At the moment, there are two versions, each of which justifies itself to one degree or another, but at the same time can refute the other:

  1. It comes down to the fact that at the very beginning of pregnancy, a partial breakthrough of the amniotic bladder, its membrane, occurs, as a result of which amniotic threads are formed. At the very beginning, they do not pose any danger because they swim freely and do not interfere with the child. But due to the fact that the threads do not increase or stretch, danger arises. Every day the fruit grows and increases in size, and the threads reach it. At the moment of contact between the fruit and the thread, it can envelop part of its body. After this, the most dangerous stage begins. As the child grows, the thread will be stretched, part of the body will be compressed, which leads to irreparable consequences
  2. It comes down to the fact that the cause of constrictions is problems with blood circulation and vascular disorders. This version arose after the previous one could not explain pathologies such as cleft lip, cleft palate, etc.

These are the main and global versions of why amniotic bands may appear. But there are several other reasons that stand out as a separate group, since they can directly affect the development of the child in the womb.

These include:

  • Infections of the genitourinary system. Everyone knows that doctors recommend that every woman, before becoming pregnant, be examined for dangerous infections that can have a negative impact on development. But not everyone uses this advice, and therefore infections can cause constrictions.
  • Injuries to the genital organs, as a result of which the process of conception and further development of the baby may proceed in a slightly different way, that is, pathologies may develop
  • Endometritis
  • Oligohydramnios, which is very dangerous for both the child and the mother
  • Frequent stress, which results in disturbances in the functioning of all organs, especially during

As you can see, there are no obvious reasons for the occurrence of amniotic bands, so it is necessary to closely monitor the course of pregnancy and not miss routine ultrasound examinations, during which this problem is discovered.

Amniotic bands are not easy to diagnose, especially in the early stages, when some measures can be taken. This happens not because the experience of doctors does not allow them to notice the threads, but because the size of the fetus is small and it is very difficult to see the problem.

Many patients go for up to 12 weeks, wanting to find out about the absence or presence of constrictions. The earliest time to actually make a diagnosis is 12 weeks, since it is at this stage that it is possible to examine parts of the baby’s body, pay attention to existing disorders and notice developmental defects.

But not all specialists can do this. Usually, the presence of constrictions is discovered after childbirth, when the child has obvious abnormalities, or doctors simply discover the presence of threads.

During an ultrasound scan at a later stage, it is much easier to detect the amniotic band, because it is usually already connected to some part of the body by this time.

It is not difficult to examine it, the main thing is to understand exactly whether it is in contact with the child or not.If a specialist suspects the presence of an amniotic band, the woman will be referred to a number of others, with the help of which it will be possible to accurately talk about the problem.

Video. Benefits of ultrasound during pregnancy.

So, a pregnant woman will be sent to:

  • An echocardiogram of the child to understand how well his heart is working and whether there are any problems
  • , during which you can more clearly examine the existing constrictions and see their location
  • 3D ultrasound, during which the specialist will be able to clearly examine the baby, his limbs and other parts of the body

If the presence of amniotic bands is confirmed, it is necessary to take measures to eliminate them, as they can cause irreparable harm to the child.


Because amniotic bands are threads that can envelop a baby, they can cause great harm.

The most dangerous consequences of detecting amniotic bands at any stage of pregnancy include:

  • Lymph congestion or swelling
  • Tissue necrosis, which occurs as a result of compression of the baby’s limbs. This leads to the need to amputate the limb
  • Fusion of fingers or toes. This happens if the threads completely envelop the foot or palm and do not allow the toes to develop correctly.
  • Indentation of limbs. This manifests itself as the presence of indentations on parts of the body, especially the arms or legs
  • The development of benign formations on blood vessels, which pose a great danger
  • Defects of the skull, which can lead not only to aesthetic problems, but also to mental and physical disabilities
  • Defects

In addition, the presence of amniotic bands, even though they in no way affect the fetus itself, can cause early labor.Due to the possible serious consequences of the presence of constrictions, doctors are taking all measures for early treatment.

To date, there are no 100% ways to get rid of amniotic bands.

It is believed that in about 80 percent of cases they will disappear on their own. Therefore, doctors will simply observe.

But if this does not happen, then a decision may be made to perform an intrauterine operation, which, unfortunately, is not performed often. Despite the fact that this is sometimes the only way to save a child, not all doctors go for it. But there are known cases of a positive outcome of the operation.

Amniotic bands pose a great danger to the fetus during pregnancy.

Doctors still cannot say for sure the exact cause of their appearance, so there are no preventive measures as such. The main thing is not to miss doctor’s appointments and go to all scheduled ones.