Chain mail weaving 3 in 1. Chain mail weaving: history, methods and cut. Weaving chain mail "dragon scales"

Today I will show you how to weave one of the popular chain mail weaves - Full Persian 6 in 1 (full Persian 6 in 1).

To work, you will need connecting rings (metal of your choice, I have stainless steel) and a pair of pliers.

STEP 1. Close 4 rings.

STEP 2. We string them on an open ring and close it. And then we pass another ring through the same rings:

It turns out a simple double chain:

For the convenience of further work, you can pass a paper clip through the two leftmost rings.

STEP 3. Now the most difficult moment of weaving - 2 left rings of the chain and 2 right rings of the chain are “drowned” deep into the middle rings so that the left rings are between the right ones:

Pass the new open ring between the middle rings through 4 “recessed” rings:

Pass another ring in the same way. The two rings in the middle form an inverted V:

Side view:

STEP 4. Pass the new ring through the rings to the right of the inverted V:

And pass another ring through the rings to the left of the inverted V:

STEP 5. Now thread two rings between the rings that “look” with a hole at us (we added them in STEP 3) and through the top of the first inverted V and the bottom of the second inverted V:

Everyone brainbrothers, Hey! I know how to do it yourself make chain mail and now I will share this knowledge with you.

I am from Belgium and live in Bruges. But when I was a kid, I visited Gravensteen Castle in Ghent. During my visit, I saw how one of the artisans was making chain mail. This process seemed fascinating to me, and I thought that I myself would never be able to do this. But for some time now I have begun to weave chain mail, and now I am making a cap.

Mail is a form of body armor. It was invented by the Celts and became very popular during the Middle Ages, where it was used as the "standard" armor of almost all soldiers, because it is flexible and prevents cuts from swords, knives, etc. Today chain mail is used in historical reenactments, as "alternative" clothing, or just for fun, as in my case.

Back in those distant days, chain mail was made from rings of mild steel that were riveted. But it's hard work. Today, most chain mail is woven from steel wire and the rings are not riveted, but simply joined. And the most common now weaving "4 in 1", this is not the only fast way but I use it and am quite happy with it. “Quick weaving 4 in 1” was not invented by me, I just just share it with the world ...

Step 1: Making rings

The whole process begins with the manufacture of rings, the main elements homemade. I used 1.5mm thick galvanized steel wire for this because it is cheap and readily available.

The wire is wound on a long rod of a suitable diameter, in my case 6mm. But since the wire tends to spring when wound, the diameter of the rings is 6.4mm. Then the resulting spring is cut with wire cutters, or something similar, into equal rings.

Step 2: Ring Manipulation

The first thing you should learn is how to open and close the rings. This is usually done with pliers. It's easy to see from the photos how it's done.

Step 3: Start Weaving

Let's start! We collect the first row. The first 5 rings clearly show why the method is called "4 in 1".

Step 4: Weaving the first row

We study weaving from the photo, as it is easier to see and understand.

Step 5: Second row

We continue weaving - we collect the second row.

Step 6: Get creative

Now you are familiar with the technology of fast weaving, and you can create many interesting homemade in this style. Dare!

And here is my cap, which took about 50 hours to make, including going to the wire shop and making the rings. Happy fights!

Chain mail is created by interlacing metal rings in a special sequence. Due to the fact that this product distributes the force of impact with a sharp object over a wider area of ​​​​the body, historically it was used as armor. To date, chain mail weaving is a way to create carnival costume, decoration or decoration of a thematic event.


Since ancient times, the cherished dream of warriors of all peoples and eras has been reliable protection from enemy weapons. It was she who guaranteed victory in bloody battles. Over time, the warriors received such armor, one of them was chain mail, which is the prototype of modern body armor.

Such metal products were widespread both in Asia and in Europe, and all thanks to easy way manufacturing. The work required only iron, a special device that helped to pull the wire, and most importantly - patience, because the monotonous work took too much time.

Chain mail was invented in the 1st millennium BC. e. However, who was the inventor is unknown. Findings of such items in Scythian burials date back to the 5th century BC. BC e., Celtic samples belong to the III century. BC e. The Roman Empire met with chain mail during the conquest of Gaul, since then they have been used until the advent of firearms.


If we talk about the choice of materials, it is historically correct to forge the wire yourself. The work is very painstaking, in addition, in the past, a rivet was placed on each ring for strength.

Today, for the manufacture of chain mail is most often used finished wire various sizes or ready-made engraving rings. If we talk about the wire, then not everyone will do. Suppose copper can be processed even by hand, so chain mail will deteriorate very quickly. Aluminum is also the best option, because when the rings rub against each other, black dust appears. The best choice will be

Types of chain mail weaving

Exists a large number of various weaves. But in practice, not all are valuable. One of the most valuable are "counter orders" (shell weaving). This classification of weaves implies the arrangement of rings in such rows in which their slope alternates (for example, even - to the right, odd - to the left).

The simplest chain mail is "4 in 1". In this case, one ring is connected to four others lying around. This weaving method did not provide sufficient protection, therefore, more often complicated options were used: “6 in 1” or “8 in 1”. In this case, the protective strength and properties of chain mail increased. But at the same time, the weight, manufacturing time and cost of the product increased. The scheme of weaving chain mail "4 in 1" is presented below.

Weaving chain mail "dragon scales"

It is on this method of weaving that it is worth dwelling in more detail. Because it has no historical analogues. The manufacturing process of such a product is quite laborious, and a lot of time is spent on it, but the result looks spectacular and aesthetically pleasing, unlike other specimens.

Weaving chain mail in this case requires the use of rings of two diameters (a smaller ring must pass through a larger one). First, a regular chain is woven, where rings alternate different sizes. After that, large rings are placed on top of small ones. They must be secured with large rings that are threaded through the small ones. Further, a number of rings of smaller diameter are threaded into the large rings involved in the second stage (large rings need to be threaded further into them), etc.


Exists big choice cover options. The choice of a suitable one should be determined by the purpose and requirements for chain mail. Whole-piece options look plausible. Their essence lies in the fact that the entire product is assembled from one embedded strip of rings. This manufacturing method is great for creating short sleeveless products. In this case, an excellent fit can be achieved by adjusting the product to the figure during operation. However, in this case, sewing on the sleeves will be problematic.

If the plans are to weave full-size chain mail (with sleeves), then it is best to choose the option of assembling the product from separate parts. At the same time, on the back and chest, the direction of the rows will be perpendicular to the rows on the shoulders and sleeves.

Regardless of which weaving method and cut will be chosen, you need to boldly add at least 10-15 cm to the chest girth. The product will not sag, but the cases are different: a tight undershirt or a change in body parameters.

For beginners, chain mail weaving will become easier and more convenient if the rings hang from a rope, twig or wire.

  1. In order for the product to keep its shape and the pattern to be clearly visible, an additional lining can be made.
  2. can injure the skin or get tangled in the hair (if it is made to decorate the head). You should think about polishing the rings and lining fabric in advance.
  3. Some metals have an unpleasant odor, corrode or stain the skin.
  4. The edges of the rings can cut clothing or dye it; under them, you need to wear special underwear made of dense matter.

Today, chain mail weaving is perfect only for decoration or a masquerade, but with a strong impact, the structure of such a product will be broken, because in ancient times it was made from forged rings, due to which chain mail was more wear-resistant and tolerant of strong blows.

Option 1: By courier (only Moscow)

Delivery by courier is made within the Moscow Ring Road

Cost of delivery: 500 R

Option 2: Russian Post

The most cost effective delivery method

Option 3:EMS

Reliable shipping method. But the price is 70-100% more than that of the Russian Post.

Cost of delivery: 700 R

Option 4: Pickup from the store at 2nd Vyazovsky proezd, 10

You can drive up to our store, look, choose, touch and try on the goods you are interested in..​

Cost of delivery: 0 R

Option 5: Transport company CDEK

The transport company "SDEK" has the largest number of terminals throughout Russia.
Almost every regional, district center and even smaller cities and towns have terminals of this company.

Cost of delivery: 700 R

Option 6: Transport Company "Business Lines"

The transport company "Business Lines" has a very large number of terminals throughout Russia.
Almost every regional or district center has a terminal of this company.

The average price of delivery in Russia to the terminal closest to you is 700 rubles. Further, if you need delivery to the address + 400 rubles

Upon delivery by a transport company, cash on delivery is not possible. All shipments are made upon payment of the order.

Payment for delivery can be made upon receipt of the goods.

Cost of delivery: 700 R

Option 7: Transport Company "Energia"

Transport company "Energia" has a sufficient number of terminals throughout Russia.
Almost every regional or district center has a terminal of this company.

The average price of delivery in Russia to the terminal closest to you is 700 rubles. Further, if you need delivery to the address + 400 rubles

Upon delivery by a transport company, cash on delivery is not possible. All shipments are made upon payment of the order.

Payment for delivery can be made upon receipt of the goods.

Cost of delivery: 700 R