Will bangs suit a round face? Selecting the perfect bangs for your face type (56 photos). Side volume bangs

For some reason, a rounded face shape is considered “unsuccessful.” Many women are very complex because of this feature, which greatly limits them in their choice of everyday wear and hairstyles. Knowing some tricks, you can make this nuance an advantage. What to do if nature has given you a round face?

If the mentioned problems have not passed you by, the first thing we can advise you is to look at any fashion magazine. On its pages you will see more than a dozen successful actresses and women who have made a rounded face their “highlight”. So why not follow in their footsteps?

If this option is not for you, we must not forget that “unsuccessful” appearance features can easily be corrected with the help of a suitable one. In the case of a round face, stylists recommend opting for hairstyles with bangs. What haircut should you prefer to “disguise” the natural fullness of your cheeks?

Celebrities are also experimenting with bangs

As practice shows, almost any bangs suit chubby girls. The main thing is that when choosing a specific haircut, she does not forget to be guided by some mandatory principles in this matter. The main one is an objective assessment of the thickness of your own hair.

So, multi-level bangs are suitable for women with luxurious, voluminous hair. We are talking about haircuts that imply different lengths of strands on each “tier”. It is customary to leave the edges of the bangs in such hairstyles not too thick. This approach pursues several goals.

Firstly, “extra” strands can be used to visually increase the volume of the haircut in the area of ​​the crown and back of the head. Secondly, thick hair is usually very heavy. Therefore, if you allocate too much hair for bangs, make beautiful styling then it will be problematic.

Girls with thin hair Ladder haircuts are usually very good. The bangs in such hairstyles are usually torn and asymmetrical, which gives their owners a somewhat extravagant and even shocking look. A smooth transition between short and long strands allows the hairdresser to carefully hide any imperfections in the visitor’s face shape (for example, protruding cheekbones or full cheeks).

This approach also has another significant advantage. It is ladder haircuts that best help to visually “stretch out” an overly round face. As for choosing a specific hairstyle, here you can use several proven methods:

  • Selecting bangs on the computer. Today there are programs that allow you to “substitute” any hairstyle you like to a pre-loaded photo. Similar services are provided today in some expensive hairdressing salons. However, it is quite possible to install the described program on your own home computer so that you can choose it yourself.
  • Trying on wigs. This is perhaps the most obvious way to find out for sure whether this or that type of bangs suits you. The only difficulty here is that large wig stores, where customers are allowed to try on goods that have not yet been paid for, are not in every city.
  • Studying other people's photographs. Looking into any fashion publication, you will probably find more than a dozen models with shapes and facial features similar to yours. Take a closer look at what kind of bangs these ladies usually wear. There is a huge chance that similar haircuts will suit you too.

What types of bangs are there for a round face?

Bangs can be styled in different ways

If you have a full, round face, you'll probably be suited to one of the following types of bangs:

  1. Straight (classic). In the case of a round face, such bangs are left slightly elongated. The cut strands should reach at least to the middle of the forehead, and even better - to.
  2. Oblique. There are many variations of such bangs (both with and without thinning), each of which is equally suitable for a round face. The main thing is to monitor the condition of the haircut and correct it in time. That is, we must not allow the most long strands the bangs reached chin level.
  3. Asymmetrical. These bangs are very similar to oblique bangs, but have one distinctive feature. The cut strands from below lose a lot of volume. Thanks to this, the bangs can be left long enough to disguise any facial imperfections.
  4. Falling down. Another option for side bangs. In this case, the strands themselves are left long, and the desired effect is achieved through styling. In this case, the hairline turns out to be very smooth, which allows you to correct the oval of the face in a soft, natural way.
  5. With a parting. An ideal option for those who do not accept short haircuts. In this hairstyle, the strands of bangs are only slightly inferior in length to the bulk of the hair. However, thanks to a clear parting, they visually “lengthen” the face.
  6. "Curl". This type of bangs was very fashionable in the 90s. Strands arranged in flirtatious curls on the forehead allow girls wearing this hairstyle to visually correct the oval of their face. The impression from the image remains the most romantic.

Straight bangs look good with both long hair and short hair

Which bangs should you prefer? To answer this question, try to objectively take into account the characteristics of your own figure. After all, the overall image depends on the shape of the figure, so you can’t choose a haircut exclusively for a round face shape.

For example, if for thin and fit girls there are practically no restrictions in choosing a hairstyle, then, on the contrary, women with a larger body who decide to have bangs in their hair will have to comply with a number of significant restrictions.

Here are the basic rules:

  • no thick or short bangs - such haircuts will visually weigh down the face;
  • Also prohibited are bangs covering the forehead from the top of the head, which visually make the face more voluminous;
  • combed-back bangs are taboo (you don’t want to unfavorably emphasize the fullness of your cheeks?).

What hairstyles are left to “large” women? In fact, there are a lot of options. Here are just the most popular of them:

  1. Oblique bangs from temple to temple, gradually lengthened towards one side (the edges of such haircuts can be “ragged” or smooth);
  2. Asymmetrical ladder bangs;
  3. Classic long profiled bangs combed to the side.

However, no matter what haircut model you choose, keep the following in mind. Bangs mean working on your hair every day. In addition to periodic correction (about once every month or two), you will have to learn to regularly allocate time for. If you are not ready to do this, perhaps haircuts with bangs are not for you.

How to style bangs?

Straight bangs for a round face are a good idea

Any bangs need regular styling, regardless of their length and type. Below we will tell you exactly what manipulations should be performed with each type of haircut to make your hair look flawless:

  1. Straight bangs. Using special mousses and gels from individual strands form “feathers”. The bangs themselves are pulled out using an iron - this visually lengthens the face.
  2. Long bangs. The ends of the strands are laid in the form of curls using a curling iron. If the bangs are very long, the hair itself is combed back a little.
  3. Side bangs. Hair is laid to one side, slightly covering the eye. Using modeling wax, the bangs are divided into several strands. This way, the hair will not block your view, and the haircut will not lose its practicality.
  4. Asymmetrical bangs. Hair is laid to one side. At the same time, make sure that the ears are covered. With the help of this, you can achieve an amazing visual effect: all facial flaws are properly hidden, and the oval itself is lengthened.

How to do beautiful hairstyle with straight bangs, you will learn from the video:

In contact with

Hair adorns every woman. Young girls and older ladies give them a certain shape that suits their age and personal taste. But when choosing a haircut, you must also take into account the anatomical structure of the face. Hairstyle lines that do not match these features will create an imbalance of proportion. Bangs will help visually change the round shape of your face. At the same time, its unsuccessful shape or incorrect thickness can highlight shortcomings.

Distinctive features of a round face

Before choosing bangs, make sure you correctly determine your type. You can use it in two ways.

Using a mirror

Pull your hair into a bun so that your forehead is completely exposed. Position the mirror vertically. Stand straight at a distance of 15-20 cm from your reflection. Try not to move and trace the outline of your face with a marker or lipstick following the hair growth. Step aside and determine the resulting figure. If it is a circle, you have correctly assessed your type.

Using measurements

To more accurately determine the type, take three measurements. Use a ruler or measuring tape to do this. As in the previous case, you will need a large mirror:

  • forehead width - draw a line connecting the contour of the face 2 cm above the level of the eyebrows;
  • jaw width is a line along the width of the face at the level of the mouth;
  • face height - the distance from the highest point of the forehead to the end of the chin.

Measure the length of the segments. If your face height matches its width, and at the same time you have a low forehead and a not very pronounced round chin, then you have a round face type.

Suitable types of bangs for chubby beauties

The stylist’s task is not only to fulfill beautiful haircut, but also to make round facial features more graceful, create a feeling of an oval and at the same time maintain femininity and harmony. Bangs for a round face can be different types, but in each specific case it will emphasize individuality.

Straight. Classic version, suitable for every beauty, but the hair should not rise above the middle of the forehead. Strands down to the eyebrows will look ideal.

Oblique. The length of the oblique version can be made to any length; it is advisable to process the ends with thinning scissors. Oblique bangs for a round face will soften the features and smoothly bend around the contour. It is not recommended to lower the length of the oblique version below the chin with a round face.

Asymmetrical. Towards the bottom it becomes narrower. This type of haircut will hide all the imperfections of a round face shape. A slightly oblique bang line will create an attractive and original look.

Parted bangs. Option for girls with long curls. It creates an oblong oblique line, which visually lengthens a round face.

Elongated and oblique curls can fall slightly below the shoulder. The bangs are laid obliquely, which gives round face natural oval.

Peekaboo. A long and slightly oblique version that covers one eye. This is a type of oblique shape. It is considered fashionable, but such an oblique variation is impractical for creating an everyday look. Peekaboo requires special care, which requires a hair dryer with different attachments, a round brush, and hairspray. Individual oblique strands are emphasized using gel.

Curl bangs. Creates a gentle and romantic look from the 90s. A girl with such a hairstyle will look perfect at a business meeting or a romantic date.

How to choose your option?

Representatives of the fair sex who have a round face type should not pursue fashionable haircuts, but stick to your individuality. In this case, it is necessary to take into account not only the shape, but also the structure of the strands.

For those with a round face with thick and heavy curls, it is better to thin out the edges of the side bangs a little. They should be of medium density, and the volume of the crown and back of the head should be increased. A pleasant impression is created by multi-level oblique bangs made with strands different lengths.

Girls with thin curls should make side-swept bangs into a “ladder” style, which will smoothly transition into a haircut. This technique with an oblique variation will visually lengthen the oval and soften the features, and also hide the cheekbones. For extravagant fashionistas, slanted and slightly “torn” edges are suitable. Using this technique you can make your look sexy and provocative.

In order not to be disappointed after visiting the salon, decide for yourself which option you like. There are several ways to do this.

There are sites on the Internet for choosing hairstyles. Gather your hair and take a photo. Using a special program, you can place different hairstyles on a photo and choose the appropriate option.

An easier way is to try on different styles of wigs. You can also try to compare your photo and pictures of girls in fashion magazines. If you have the same face type, try repeating similar bangs. Do not forget that hair grows quickly and will need to be adjusted every month.

Want to know what's hot this year? We suggest you read the material about the bob for chubby girls.

Ladies with round faces are advised to avoid certain hairstyles.

Don't make symmetrical outlines. The strands will fall apart into equal halves, which will not add attractiveness; a side parting will look better.

Slicked side bangs, even if it has the correct shape, will make a round face even wider. Short, plump beauties should not have thick bangs. It will round your face even more and make it flat.

Bang care

Neat styling is the basic rule of a beautiful hairstyle. Use a round brush to style side-swept bangs. Rotate it under your hair, directing the air flow of the hairdryer from above.

To avoid frizz that will ruin your hairstyle, apply a little serum to your strands after washing. Avoid getting the mixture on the roots.

When using a curling iron for styling, use heat protectants. The hair should be dry. This will prevent them from becoming excessively dry and brittle. Wipe your forehead with lotion so that the grease does not transfer to the strands.

Consider the choice of oblique bangs with special attention. It should emphasize all the advantages and not create discomfort.

Those with a round face always look younger than their peers. A round face with cute cheeks resembles the image of an angel or an innocent child; it’s a pity that chubby girls are often worried about their appearance. Most of them try to hide their curves with hairstyles. However, it is quite difficult to choose the right option the first time, and besides, no girl will allow herself to wear the same look all the time.

Properly chosen bangs will help refresh appearance and give your face the desired shape. Various styling options will help diversify your hairstyle, hide possible imperfections and highlight your advantages. Tips from stylists will help you navigate the variety of bangs and choose the right one. type of bangs according to face shape for myself.

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The easiest way to determine that a face is round is to take a photo, picking up hair from the forehead and ears. Then, using a ruler, measure the height and width of your face; if the numbers match or are close in value, then your face shape is round. If the width of the cheekbones matches the cheeks, and the jawline is soft and rounded, such a face can also be called round. They will look most harmonious types of bangs which will help elongate and narrow the shape of the face.

Straight bangs

It is difficult to correct a round face with straight bangs; one centimeter is enough for the proportions to go wrong and the effect will not be achieved. Too long bangs will make the face even shorter, the emphasis will shift from the eyes to the cheeks. Best fit straight bangs length to the middle of the forehead or to the eyebrows in combination with long straight hair. These bangs look great with well-groomed eyebrows correct form and attractive eye makeup.

Side bangs

Slightly flirty side bangs hides part of the cheek, which visually elongates the face. The bangs processed with thinning scissors at the ends will look more airy. The best length for such bangs does not reach the chin; in this case, the emphasis will smoothly move from the eyes to the lips.

Asymmetrical bangs

Unlike side bangs, asymmetrical bangs It is not just combed to the side, but cut along an inclined line. In this case, the upper corner of the bangs should be at the level of the middle of the forehead or just above the eyebrows, and its lower edge should not reach the chin. These bangs can be styled perfectly straight or left slightly tousled, which will add lightness to the look. These bangs look fashionable and fresh, and different styles will add variety.

Short bangs

If you want to open your forehead, you can get a haircut with short bangs. It is important to choose the right hairstyle shape and the length of the bangs themselves. It will look most advantageous short bangs in a short asymmetrical hairstyle, abruptly turning into elongated strands that will cover the temples, part of the cheekbones and cheeks. Direct combination short bangs And long hair It won't look too good.

Oval bangs

Symmetrical bangs oval shape will help soften pointed facial features. However, thick hair is not suitable for chubby girls. oval bangs in retro style, it will further emphasize the roundness of the face. It is better to opt for lightweight bangs, through which the forehead, up to the eyebrows, will be visible. Looks ideal in combination with long, slightly wavy hair, bad - with hair gathered at the back of the head.

Which bangs are contraindicated for a round face?

Any bangs that can emphasize and enhance the effect of a round face are not suitable:

  • short symmetrical;
  • oval in combination with a pageboy haircut;
  • thick straight bangs below the eyebrows.

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Bangs and forehead height

When choosing bangs, you should consider not only the shape of your face, but also the height of your forehead. Because both a too high protruding forehead and a narrow one look inharmonious and also need to be disguised.

Good for high forehead:

  • light thinned bangs to the eyebrows;
  • oblique bangs;
  • asymmetrical bangs.

Bad for a high forehead:

  • short bangs;
  • straight bangs above the eyebrows.

Good for narrow forehead:

  • thick bangs from the crown;
  • oblique bangs from the top of the parting;
  • elongated flowing bangs on both sides of the parting.

Bad for a narrow forehead:

  • short bangs;
  • asymmetrical bangs;
  • oval bangs.

Choosing bangs and hair type

For those who are thin and not too thin thick hair We can recommend thick bangs that start from the crown. This technique creates the impression of thicker hair.

Girls with curly hair or curly hair Thin, side-swept bangs will do.

If your hair is coarse and unruly, it is better to avoid thick bangs, as they will be very difficult to style. Sparse bangs are best middle length.

Stars with round faces and their bangs

Chubby girls look young and fresh at any age; examples of movie and pop stars can serve as proof of this. They can see what it looks like perfect bangs for a round face.

Young singer Selena Gomez captivates at first sight with her childishly sweet face. She has thick dark hair, uneven hairline and rather narrow forehead. Most often she can be seen with long hair and long oblique bangs. In this case, the most harmonious look is the hairstyle with root volume on the top of the head and oblique bangs from the top of the parting.

Sassy young singer Miley Cyrus I tried many different looks from long delicate curls to a short boyish haircut. However, a medium length bob with side bangs and ombre coloring looks most successful. The color transition line emphasizes the eyes and also distracts attention from the round shape of the face.

One of Hollywood's most accomplished young actresses Kirsten Dunst started her career as a little girl. Her hair has gone through many stylists, but she still prefers natural blonde hair colors and side-swept bangs. A bob hairstyle with slightly curly hair looks very good.

Cameron Diaz She has been considered the hottest thing in Hollywood for many years, landing successful roles and first-class men. However, her face is far from ideal: a wide forehead, a large nose, a large mouth and a round face. Perhaps her secret is that the best stylists work with her, who have chosen her a light, romantic look. Blonde slightly curly hair and side bangs. A classic bob with asymmetrical parted bangs looks great.

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Bangs play an important role in hairstyle. She can successfully highlight all the advantages of her appearance. But if the bangs are chosen incorrectly, then even a pretty face will look completely unattractive. There are several types of faces. Round hair is considered unlucky, but there is no need to despair; correctly chosen bangs will help correct all errors. To determine which bangs will suit a round face, you should take the advice of experts.

How to determine your face type

The simplest and in a fast way Determining the shape of the face is a method of tracing its contour with a marker or lipstick on the mirror. After this, you should compare the resulting drawing with geometric shapes.

The following face shapes exist:

  • square: the width of the face is equal to its length, the chin has a square outline;
  • rectangular: this type of face is very similar to a “square”, but its length is greater than its width, i.e. the contour has an elongated shape;
  • trapezoidal (or pear-shaped): in this case, the width of the lower jaw is greater than the width of the forehead. The contours are also angular, and visually the outline resembles a trapezoid;
  • The diamond shape is characterized by wide cheekbones and a narrower forehead and chin. Sometimes this type of face is called “diamond” because it resembles the shape of a crystal;
  • triangular is distinguished by a narrow, often pointed chin and wide forehead. This face shape is also called “heart-shaped”;
  • The oval shape is considered ideal, since in this case the proportions are preserved: if the face is divided into three zones, then all parts will be approximately equal to each other. The contours are characterized by smooth lines;
  • The round shape is characterized by the fact that the width and length of the face are the same, but at the same time, unlike the “square”, the outlines have a smoothed shape.

To more accurately determine your face type, you can use a photograph and a ruler. In the photo you should measure the width of the forehead, cheekbones and lower jaw, as well as the length of the face. Based on the dimensions obtained, you can determine its type.

One person can combine several geometric shapes. In this case, you need to choose the form that is most suitable.

Do you need bangs for a round face shape?

Many people believe that bangs are completely unnecessary for a round face, since they can supposedly visually emphasize the fullness of the cheeks and a round chin. However, this is an erroneous opinion, because with the right choice of bangs, a round face can be advantageously lengthened and make your appearance charming. Therefore, chubby women just need to choose the right bangs.

What not to do when choosing bangs

A round face is feminine and attractive. In order for a woman with such appearance to remain attractive, the following must be taken into account in her hairstyle:

  • the bangs should not fall into two halves in the middle, as this will round the face even more;
  • You should not have thick bangs, as they add volume, and if you have a round face, this should be avoided;
  • It is necessary to abandon short bangs.

Which bangs to choose

The main task when choosing bangs for a round face is to visually reduce chubby cheeks and narrow the contour.


The length of straight bangs must be no higher than the middle of the forehead. For a round face, a length up to or below the eyebrow line is suitable, since in this case the extra horizontal line will be covered. However, for deep-set eyes, straight bangs are cut above the eyebrows.

Straight bangs look good with long or medium hair. For round face types, straight bangs can also be combined with a shorter haircut, with the length of the curls below the ear line.

The cut of a straight bang can be smooth or profiled. In the latter case, the bangs look lighter.

Straight eyebrow-length bangs suit a round face


Oblique bangs are universal. With its help, you can hide the imperfections of all types of faces, including round ones, and also even out their proportions.. This bang visually draws out the contour. It can be even cut or torn.

Oblique bangs are cut diagonally from one temple to the other. For a round face, we can recommend the following types:

  • long oblique bangs, with which you can successfully disguise the fullness of a round face and lengthen a round chin. In addition, the longer length allows you to hide some imperfections in appearance (scars, post-acne, distortion, etc.);
  • choppy diagonal bangs give a pretty round face a more daring look;
  • A short oblique cut is best used in combination with haircuts, and the length of the front curls should not be higher than the line of the ears;
  • layered side bangs look good with equally layered hairstyles.

Oblique bangs suit both long hair and shorter haircuts.

Photo gallery: side bangs

Oblique bangs look good on long hair and elongate the contour of the face. Oblique bangs in combination with medium-length hair are suitable for a round face type. Oblique bangs look great with short hair


A round face is visually lengthened by long bangs (below the chin), effectively falling to one side and merging with the main hairstyle. This bangs looks good with long hair or medium length curls.

Flowing bangs go well with long hair and lengthen a round face.

Hair Length for Round Face

Just like bangs, the length of hair for a round face is selected in order to elongate its contour. A certain type of bangs is suitable for different hair lengths.

Long hair

Long curls perfectly narrow a round face, which is why its owners often let their hair grow long.

In this case, long bangs will look impressive, which can be styled straight or made into a flirty curl.

Looks great with long hair and an oblique cut. It can be either straight or torn.

Straight bangs also go well with long hair, but it is worth remembering that they cannot be made thick. Experts recommend thinning out the ends of your bangs to make them lighter.

Photo gallery: types of bangs for long hair

Long hair will be perfectly decorated with straight bangs. Oblique bangs are suitable for long hair. For long hair, flowing bangs are well suited.

Short haircuts

Chubby women should not give up short haircuts. All you have to do is right choice. In this case, the hairstyle should be focused on three components that visually stretch the contour of the face: thinning, volume, asymmetry. The leading positions are occupied by such haircuts as bob, cascade and pixie.

If your hair is naturally thin and sparse, then it is better to opt for a cascade haircut. Bob is suitable for thick hair. The pixie is characterized by layers with matching bangs that are swept to the side. The voluminous back of the head in this haircut will shift the emphasis upward, and the bangs will advantageously narrow the face.

Photo gallery: short haircuts for round faces

The bob cut is ideal for a round face. For those with a round face, a pixie haircut is suitable. The cascade haircut is suitable for a round face type.

All haircuts for round faces must have the length of the front strands no lower than ear level. This makes it possible to lengthen the contours as much as possible.

In haircuts, you can use straight bangs, the ends of which are also better to thin out.

Side-swept bangs will make any look suitable short hairstyle more stylish and effective. At the same time, you can experiment with non-standard oblique cuts, but it is better to do this after consulting with specialists. Diagonal bangs can be either long or short, but their length should not be lower than the middle of the forehead.

Medium length curls

Medium hair goes well with straight, oblique and long bangs, while the cuts can be effectively “broken”.

Photo gallery: types of bangs for medium-length hair

Straight bangs go well with medium-length hair. Oblique bangs are suitable for medium-length hair.

Hair decorates any girl. Bangs very often play a decisive role in a haircut, helping to create a harmonious image. It can advantageously highlight the advantages of your face and, with the same ease, hide its shortcomings. In order to choose a suitable haircut with bangs, you need to combine it with your face type, and not just with your desire.

  • A round face can be made elongated by diagonally sloping bangs; its length can be different, up to the eyebrows, cheekbones or chin.
  • Any shape of bangs suits an oval face.
  • An elongated face will be transformed by thick, evenly cut bangs, long to the eyebrows.
  • A pear-shaped face needs to be narrowed at the bottom and widened at the top, or more simply put, balanced. You can make your face more impressive in the upper part with straight bangs that cover your eyebrows. A haircut with long oblique bangs can balance your face shape.
  • Square or rectangular facial features can be softened by choppy bangs.
  • If you have a triangular-type face, the wide upper part will be corrected by short bangs on the side, or casually elongated with a parting.

Haircuts with straight bangs

This is a universal bangs that goes with almost all face types, depending on the hair type. Curls and curly hair she doesn't fit. Looks great on straight hair and long haircuts. The ideal option with straight bangs is a classic bob.

Double-parted bangs

It is ideal for women with straight hair. For girls with a round face, it will help give the face asymmetry, visually lengthening it.

The location of the parting is chosen in accordance with the features of the face; the distance can be any.

This kind of bangs looks better on medium hair and is ideally combined with a cascade.

Side bangs

Such bangs will help chubby young ladies, giving their face asymmetry. With side bangs, any haircut will benefit from a layered bob or a sleek bob. Sloped bangs suit even curly girls. Oblique bangs go well with different long cascading haircuts.

Bangs with a semicircle

Thick semicircular bangs suit any hair type, except rare hair. Will give a more rounded shape to the elongated one, and oval face. Suitable for medium hair cuts. Semicircular bangs are a great option for a classic or short bob.

Fileted bangs

It is also called uneven, it gives the image a playful rebellion. Good on all hair types.

Thin bangs go great with short haircuts and looks impressive on a long bob.

Short bangs

Gives girls with short hair a piquant playfulness.


Creative bangs

Torn, asymmetrical, ultra-short, with brightly colored curls, a unique length of bangs, make the hairstyle creative. An image with bold and daring notes, suitable for creative people who do not like monotony.

Long bangs

Women with high forehead Haircuts with long bangs are suitable. It can be worn straight or on the side, the only condition is that it should be thick. Long bangs beauties wear with different shapes face, especially if you need to create the effect of an elongated oval face.

Long, sparse bangs will help add elegance to your look while softening your cheekbones and chin. With bangs you can change your look by styling it in different ways.

If you decide to grow bangs so that your hair grows faster and does not split, you need to cut it regularly. We're not talking about getting a new haircut every month. The bangs need to be trimmed literally by millimeters. The hair will be better moisturized, the ends will not split, and do not forget that hair needs vitamins. You need to use special masks for the scalp, conditioners, and oils so that your hair absorbs moisture better. Your hair, including bangs, will look great and be easy to style.